THIfeSDAT, JAJf. 12, 1028. PLATTSMOUTH SEXI WZEZIY JOUENAL PAGE THREE 1E;bg plattsmouth lournal rMwUwumi SEJO-WEEEXY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA at FpatcXlc. PltUmouUk R. A. BATES , Publisher 9XEBSCEIPTI0B PRICE 2.00 School again today. -:o:- Be sure you are. right before you go too far. . :o: Farm relief bill again considered, but doubtful of passing. : (" : :o: . Some marriages mean war and ome mean'an armed truce. :o: Maiy a man's first mistake was the selection of his parents. :o: . Tot -every gold brick on the mar ket there is a purchaser born. :o: . A' Tolume of smoke will bring tears to the eyes of the reader. : :o: Hope often buds when it is cloudy, but it blooms only in sunshine. :o: A small town is where people tell time by the court house clock. -:o: IX you think it is all fixed, sit down and think it all oyer again. 1 :o: Crime does not seem to abate in the lease. ' Rather on the Increase. :o: 1 The severe cold weather is relent ing some, but plenty cool, thank you. :o: The upper Missouri river delegates want more money. But will they get It? - :o; If thought waves run through you, relieve the pressure, but sign your name. :o: Too often, t seems, the American verdict is "Net guilty, but don't do It again." :o: ' Some women Join bridge clubs and Others 'go In for straight newspaper reporting. :o: Many people could be happier by Uking a different course in the pres-. ent affairs of life :o: The hard thing about conquering . ,. An it 1 the air Is that you must do it again Tsry time you go up :o: A woman mistook robbers for real estate men. Some people mistake real estate men for robbers, too. . :o: John D. Rockefeller lost a nickel in a "golf game.. So Mr. Rockefeller finally has taken up gambling! . . :, :o: 'A -hold-up 'man called his victims by their flret names in Battle Creek There la a neighborly town for you . . :o: - A woman told us the other day ghe would get ' a divorce oaly she hasn't much ' use for dogs, cats, or dolls. ' . , :o: The games being all over we can now settle down for the annual dis cusslon of the "over-emphasis" on football. :o: Now that the Monroe Doctrine has been declared obsolete, future Quarrels will have to do only with the tariff. ' Then again, these 1700,000,000 naval programs for peaceful purposes alwavs seem to give other nations Buch wrong Ideas. . . :o: iJi Texas girl has awakened from a. two months' Bleep and probably now has discovered that her clothes are entirely out of style. ' The United States has 29.897 mil lionaires. When the writer was a boy he remembers Stephen Gerard was reported to be the only million aire In America. . :o: In a school case from Mississippi, the United States supreme court held that a state had the right to serrate "the races. Separate schools is now' the word. ' :o: - The - rail-Sinclair contempt case had dwindled down to an effort to determine which of the things Juror KldwBll didn't eay of the things he gays Tie. didn't . say. . v' r-:7 The claim that Hodver is ineligible Cbder.the 14-years residence clause oT the, Constitution cannot be so very Serious. So far, James M. Beck has Jtot written a book on the matter, j :o: i t Pretty soon there will be talk of I butinr another group of islands. It . Is about time to agitate takes a little while lo start things. Eng land has a choice lot and might sell en -reasonable terms for cash. Nh. aa oos-claM mall iuCMt PUB YEAR IN ADVANCE Don't get excited over Rumania. Prince Carol isn't worth it. :o: Happiness is but a state of mind. The mind is the real thing. :o: Dieting is very good sometime5, but consult the posted ones. :o: If a man is incompetent he usual ly charges it up to bad luck. :o: It doesn't do a particle of good to yawn when some people talk. :o: A good man is known by Ue ac quaintances he cuts loose from. :o: Candidate Lowden is ambling along gathering in what he may. :o: When you have something on your mind, work it off and save worry. :o: Mayor Thompson's message to Britain is hands off across the sea. :o: Is Borah wanting the army called in to enforce prohibition, or what? :o: The unemployed in Detroit hope Mr. Ford will have them at work Boon. -:o:- And so far, no one has thought to christen an amphibious boat, "Can didate." :o: The tax rate may have that nice look, but how about the assessed valuation. :o: The man who succeeds is the one who sets his heart on achieving, not on merely accumulating. :o: The National Tribune has been greatly improved and should be in the hand3 of all old veterans :o: Several old friends called last week I and we feel thankful we are always napPy and glad to meet our frienis. :o:- The man who is tempted to covet h.B nejehbor'fl hnURP Rhnld first dis-ler or the Petltloner should not be neignoors house should hrst Qisfranted, and that notice tf the pen cover whether or not there is a heavy mortgage. :o: These are pleasant evenings for the man who bought his wife a ra-1 dio and his son an electric train for Christmas. :o: A trusty who escaped from Sing Sing prion was caught in a taxicab. He might have got away if he had gone straight. :o: Everyone should be proud of the town in which they live and should delight in commending it to strang ers who visit the citj :o: Inaccuracies are sometimes excus able in the cause of satire, but Lon don Punch goes to unlicensed ex tremes when it pictures on one page President Coolidge with trousers which bag at the knees and on the opposite page an American flapper whose knees do not show at all. :o: COLLAPSIBLE PULLMANS Formerly the Pullman car was the safest place on a train. To be con- vinced that this is no longer true we have only to consider what hap- pened in the Pullmans last week when two nasencrer tr-i-is collided v,hen tv,o passenger trrms collided in the outskirts of Chicago. ( What has happened is that in d ing away with the wooden coach, which the Interstate Commerce Coi- Qe.. . oe , . mission has eliminated, and in i i-, irouuciiiB into passenger irains st ei coaches of such strength that they cannot be telescoped, the stronger equipment of the railwavs has re i- dered the lighter steel Pullman ' v only collapsible part of the train. Distressing as it was .the Chi- i cago wreck showed the way to tlie genuinely noncollapsible passenger train, in which all the coaches will be noncollapsible. :o: THE INCENSE BURNER Indite a merry triolet, a rondeau or an ode, to No longer does the cigarette, the vile cigar, the cob, im- part an odor to the den. with shades and drapes play hob. No longer for Jhe striking not conduct we futile search an incense burner going strong makes home smell like a church. Oh, some will sing the book f to the end, the ash tray and the art i trav nnrt th ort that clutters up the living room, that pains the artist b heart; for me, the incense burner, be it temple, be it tray, be it Buddha or pagoda, be it far away. j9 NOT ALL TRASH "He who steals my purse steals trash," remarked Hamlet in a melancholy moment and most of. his moments seemed to have been of that sort. It's not so nowadays, Hamlet not if you swipe the purse of a female of the species. Take a woman's purse and you will find therein a lipstick, a rouge com pact, a powder puff, an auto key. a shopping list, a package of cigarettes, a tiny flask of hootch, a handker chief, a roll of bills big enough to choke a dog, and heaven knows what else. -:o: Distance doesn't always lend en chantment. All some people ever see of opportunity is the tail light. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Drury M. Graves, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 10th day of February, 192S, and on the 11th day of May, 192S, at the hour of 10 o'clock of each day in the forenoon, respectively, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 10th day of February, A. D. 192S, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 10th day cf February, 192S. . Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this Cth day of January, 192S. A. H. DUXEURY, (Seal) j9-4w County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account and In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in the estate of Herman Tiekotter, deceas ed: On reading the petition of Herman Tiekotter praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in - a. t l i r this Court on the 7th day of January, 192S, and for final settlement of said estate and for his discharge as said Administrator; It is hereby ordered that you and all nersons interested in said matter ma.( anu do apPear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 20th day of January, A. D. 192S, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the pray- dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons interested in Saia matter DV puoiisn- ing a copy of this order in the Piatts-j mouth Journal, a senii-weekly paper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of said Court this 7th day of Januarv, A. D. 192S. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) j9-lw County Judge. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Searl S. Davis, "j Plaintiff NOTICE vs. Columbus Jenkins et al , I J Defendants To the defendants, Columbus Jen - kins; Mrs. Columbus Jenkins, first real name unknown; J. T. Moore, first real name unknown; Mrs. J. T. Moore first real name unknown: I JNewell Koberts: Mayme Newell; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep - resentatives and all other persons in-; terested in the estates of Columbus Jenkins; Mrs. Columbus Jenkins, first real name unknown; J. T. Moore, first real name unknown; Mrs. J. T. Moore, first real name unknown, each deceased, real names unknown; Rob- rt w- well, and all persons hav- ingr r claimin an5" interest in and tQ tQe east half (E) Qf tQe nonn west quarter (NWU) of Section twenty-nine (29), Township twelve '"J. icange twelve (12), east of tne btn M-' ln tne CounTy of Cass, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that Searl S. Davis, Plain- tiff, has filed petition and commenc- ed an action in the District Court of ttie Lounty o Cass, Nebraska, on the iu naj jl "iimaij, ij.o, Vmi ann unrh rT van I ti r ntTinvc 4 V, object, purpose and prayer of which to obtain a decree of court quiet- ing the title to the east half ( E '2 ) of the northwest quarter (W,i) of Section twenty-nine (29), Township Cass county, Nebraska, on the 4t4h twelve (12), Range twelve (12), east day of January, 192S. against you of the Cth P. M., in the County of and each of you, the object and pray Cass, Nebraska, as against you and er of which is to obtain a decree of each of you, and for a construction court quieting title in and to the of the last will and testament of Wil- south half (SU) of the northeast Lam H. Newell, deceased, with ref- erence thereto, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon- dav. thp 20th dav of TVhrtmrv 10 or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and a decree rendered in favor of plaintiff and gainst you and each of you, accord- 10 Ine Prayer i saia peuuon. uated this Jrd day of January, A. D. 1928. - 4w. SEARL S. DAVIS, Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON, Atty. for Plaintiff. LEGAL, NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. (Merle E. Murray, Bertha E. Eaton. erme M. Uaker and Hazel M. Hull. Plaintiffs. NOTICE vs. Samuel Grove et al, Defendants. To the Defendants: Samuel Grove: Mrs. Samuel Grove, first and real name unknown, wife of Samuel Grove; Frank Ransom; Mrs. Frank Ransom, first and real name un known, wife of Frank Ransom; Frank T. Ransom and wife, Mrs. Anna Ransom; Samuel Chambers; Mrs. Samuel Chambers, first and real name unknown, wife of Samuel Chambers; Seldon N. Merriam and wife, Lydia Merriam; John C. Rakes and wife, Martha Jane Rakes; L. Chambers, first and real name un known, and wife, Agnes Chambers; C. M. Chambers, first and real name unknown, and wife, Sarah E. Cham bers; "V. J. Rakes, real name William J. Rakes, and wife, Nancy A. Rakes; Win. Jones, real name William Jones: Mrs. William Jones, first and real name unknown, wife of William Jones; Zuba J. Leming; Item ing, real name unknown, husband of Zuba J. Leming; Azuba J. Leming; Leming, real name unknown, husband of Azuba J. Leming; Wil liam Clorrence; Mrs. "William Clor rence, first and real name unknown, wife of William Clorrence; John Clorrance; Mrs. John Ciorrance, first and real name unknown, wife of John Clorrance; Wm. Clarrence; Mrs. Wm. Clarrence. first and real name un known, wife of Wm. Clarrence; John Clarrence; Mrs. John Clarrence, first and real name unknown, wife of John Clarrence; Melissa. Shrader; Shrader, real name unknown. husband of Melissa Shrader; Melissa J. Shrader; Shrader, real name unknown, husband of Melissa J. Shrader; John M. Jones and wife, Margaret Jones; Ransom Farns worth; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estates of each of the following named persons, each deceased: Samuel Grove; Mrs. Samuel Grove, first and real name unknown, wife of Samuel Grove; Frank Ransom; Mrs. Frank Ransom, first and real name unknown, wife of Frank Ransom; Frank T. Ransom and wife, Mrs. Anna Ransom; Sam uel Chambers; Mrs. Samuel Cham iM.ris firc;t nnH rl Tin-nif nr. known ! . wife of Samuel Chambers; Seldon N. Merriam and wife, Lydia Merriam; John C. Rakes and wife, Martha Jane Rakes; L. Chambers, first and real name unknown, and wife, Ag nes Chambers; C. M. Chambers, first and real name unknown, and wife, Surah E. Chambers; W. J. Rakes, real name William J. Rakes, and wife, Nancy A. Rakes; Wm. Jones, real name William Jones: Mrs. Wil liam Jones, first and real name un known, wife of William Jones; Zuba J. Leming; Leming, real name unknown, husband of Zuba J. Leming; Azuba J. Lcinin T.mino- r.:.l nrmr nrl-imrn hn-i j.and Gj Azuba J. Leming; William news-jpinrrp,,. fr(! wminm riirrenee first and real name unknown, wife of William Clorrence; John Clorrance; Mrs. John Clorrance. first and real name unknown, wife of John Clor rance; Wm. Clarrence; Mrs. Wm. Clarrence, first and real name un known, wife of Wm. Clarrence; John Clarrence; Mrs. John Clarrence, first and real name unknown, wife of John Clarrence; Melissa Shrader; Shrader. real name unknown, husband of Melissa Shrader; Melissa J. Shrader; Shrader, real name unknown, husband of Melissa j. &nraaer; joiin jw. jones, ana wne, Margaret Jones, and Ransom Farns- worth; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the follow ing uescnueu real esiaie, m-wii; jiic j south half (S1-) of the northeast quarter (NEU) of the northeast 'quarter (NEi ). or Lot three (3), or 'Lots twent--three (23) and twenty- four (24). and the southeast Quarter (SEU of the northwest quarter ' (NW4 ) of the northeast quarter (NE,i ), or Lot twenty-two (22), all in Section six (C), Township ten !( 10 ) North, Range fourteen (14), ; East of the 6th P. M., containing thirtv f20 acres, more or less: and Lots four (4 ), five ( 5 ). six (6 ), seven (7). eight (8) and nine (9). Sub- divisions of the west half (V) of the northeast quarter (NE 4 ) of Township ten (10) North. Range fourteen (14), East of the Cth P. M., Cass county, Nebras- ka, containing about forty and sev- enty-five hundredths (40.75) acres; land Lots one (1). two (2) and three (3) Jq onhwes't quarter (NW'i) of the northeast quarter (NE'i.) of Section six (6), Town ship ten (10) North. Range fourteen (14). East of the Cth P. M., Cass county, ieDrasKa. an in i;ass couniy, X" , 1. i. i - , . You and each of vou are hereby notified that the above named plain tiffs filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of quarter (NEVi) of the northeast quarter (NEVi ), or Lot three (3), or Lots twenty-three (23) and twenty- tour (24); and the southeast quar ter (SE'4) of the northwest quarter ( NW 4 ) of the northeast quarter (NEU ). or Lot twenty-two (22), all in Section six (6), Township ten (10) North, Range fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M., containing thirty (30) acres, more or less; and Lots four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8) and -nine (9), Subdivisions of the West half (W) of the northeast quarter (NEi) of Section six (6), Township ten (10) North, Range fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, .containing about forty and seventy- five hundredths (40.75) acres; and Lots one (1), two (2) and three (3), in the northwest quarter (NWU) of the northeast quarter (NE4 ) of Sec tion six (6). Township ten (10) North, Range fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Nebras ka, all in Cass county, Nebraska, as against you and each of you, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable, including costs of suit. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 20th day of February. 192S. or the allegations of plaintiffs' petition will be taken as true and a decree will be entered in favor of plaintiffs and against you and each of you, according to the prayer of said petition. Dated this 7th day of January, A. D. 192S. MERLE E. MURRAY, BERTHA E. EATON, YERNIE M. BAKER and HAZEL M. HUL, Plaintiffs. J. A. CAPWELL, j9-? Plaintiffs' Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Farmers State Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Plaintiff vs. NOTICE Robert B. Will, Thomas J. Will and Asgil S. Will, Defendants To Thomas J. Will. Non-Resident : You are hereby notified that on Oc tober 27th, 1927, plaintiff filed its suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and pur pose of which is to recover a judg ment for $6,500.00 with interest at 8 from April 17, 1917, and costs of suit, on a promissory note in writing, on which you signed as guarantor. And that thereafter, on the 23rd day of December, 1927, plaintiff caused an Order of Attachment to be issued and levied upon the following de scribed real estate belonging to you, to-wit: Southeast quarter of the north east quarter of Section one and all of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section one, lying south and west of Chi cago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad tracks across said legal subdivision of land, all in Town ship twelve. North Range thir teen, east of the Cth P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska, AND the east six rods in width off of the south west quarter of northeast quarter except: Commencing at center of NE'i of Sec. 1, Twp. 12 N., Rge. 13, in Cass county, Nebras ka, thence south 3.86 chains; thence south C2 50' west. 1.70 chains; thence north 4.C2 chains, thence east 1.50 chains to place of beginning, containing sixty three one hundredths (.63) acres more or less, all in Secjtion 1, Twp. 12 N., Rge. 13, E. of the Cth P. M., in Cass county, Ne braska. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Court. You are hereby I required to answer said petition on cr netore .uonaay, i-eDruary t, ivb and failing so to do, your default will be entered and judgment will be taken against you upon plaintiff's petition. FARMERS STATE BANK of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Plaintff. By A. L. TIDD, Its Attorney. d26-4w LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Glenn Yallery and Jessie Smith, Plaintiffs vs. Lillie M. Anderson et al. Defendants. NOTICE To the Defendants: Lillie M. Ander son; Lydia Wright and Wright, her husband, real name un known; John Wright and wife, Mary Wright; William F. Hatch and wife, Mary Hatch; the heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the re spective estates of Lillie M. Andrson, deceased: Lydia Wright, deceased; Wright, deceased, real name unknown; John Wright, deceased; Marv Wrijrht. deceased: William F. Hatch, deceased, and Mary Hatch, de ceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming any inter est in Lots one and two in Ida A. Long's Addition to the Village of My- nard; also fractional Lots 24, 25, 26 and 27 in Long's First Addition to:said estate to appear and show cause the Village of Mynard, and also Lots ; why a license should not be granted 22 and 23 in Long's First Addition to said Administrator with will an to the Village of Mynard, all in Cass nexed of said estate, to sell said real county, Nebraska, real names un- estate. known: It is therefore Ordered that all per- You and each of you are hereby sons interested in the estate of Mary notified that on the 24th day of De- c. Murphy, deceased, appear before cember, 1927, the plaintiffs filed their James T. Begley. Judge of the Dis suit in the District Court of Cass trict Court, within and for Cass coun county, Nebraska, the object and pur- ty, Nebraska, on the 20th day of pose of which is to establish and quiet February, 1928, at 10:00 a. m., at and confirm the plaintiffs' title in chambers in the court house in the and to the above described lands, and City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to to enjoin each and all of you from show cause, if any there be, why a having or claiming to have any right, license should not be granted to H. title, estate, lien or interest, either A. Schneider, Administrator with will lecnl or pauitable in or to said real annexed, of the estate of Marv C. estate, or any part thereof. And to enjoin you and each of you from in any manner interfering with plain- tiffs' possession or enjoyment of said premises and for equitable relief. This notice is given pursuant to an Order of the Court. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday, February 6, 1928. And failintr so to do your default will be entered and judgment taken upon the plaintiffs' petition. GLEN VALLERY and JESSIE SMITH, Plaintiffs. By A. L. HDD, Their Attorney. d26-4w Read Journal Wont Ads. CLARENCE P. BUSCHE Auctioneer Am booking sales for this fall and winter. Service guaranteed. For dates and rates phone at my expense. Telephone No. 6 LOUISVILLE - NEBRASKA Administrator. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of George R. Reynolds, deceased: On reading and filing the petition of Allie Millbern praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to Frank A. Cloidt, as Ad ministrator; t Ordered, that January 27th, A. D. 192S, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing theerof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated December 29th. 1927. A. H. DUXEURY. (Seal) j2-3w County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Frank Roucka. deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles Roucka praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to Ed Donat, as Administra tor: Ordered, that January 20th, A. D. 192S, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign ed for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated December 24th. 1927. A. H. DUXEURY, (Seal) d26-3w County Judge. CRDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. In the matter of the Es tate of Mary C. Murphy, Deceased; Application of H. A. Schneider, Adminis trator c. t. a., for License to Sell Real Estate to Pay Legacies. Now, on this 3rd day of January, 192S, there was presented to the Court, the petition of H. A. Schneid er. Administrator c. t. a., of the es tate of Mary C. Murphy, deceased, for license to sell Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4). in Block three (3), in White's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, for the purpose of paying legacies as provided by the last will and testament of said deceased, and it appearing that there is not suffi cient personal estate in the hands of the Administrator with the will an nexed, to pay the debts against said deceased, the expense of administra tion, and to pay such legacies and it further appearing that the personal property collected by said Adminis trator amounts to $6,449.48; that the claims against said estate amount to $2,175.40; that the special bequests under the last will and testament of said deceased amount to 55,876.00 and that the costs of administration will amount to approximately $500.00 and that an order should be entered directing all persons interested in Murphy, deceased, to sell Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Elock 3, in White's Ad- dition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, for the pur- pose of paying legacies as provided by the last will and testament of the said Mary C. Murphy, deceased. It is further Ordered, that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be serv- ed upon all persons interested in said estate by publication of this Order for four successive weeks in the Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper ' printed, and of general circulation in j the County of Cass, Nebraska. BY THE COURT. liAirrsT prr.T.PV Judge of the District Court. j Journal Want Ads bring results. ORDER OF HEARING AND NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cas coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Casa, ss. To all persons interested in the estate of Eli M. Smith, deceased: On reading the petition of Caro line Smith praying that the instru ment filed in this court on the 27th day of December. 1927, and purport ing to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of Eli M. Smith, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the admin istration of said estate be granted to Caroline Smith, as executrix; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 27th day of January. A. D. 192S. at ten o'clock a. m . to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not lie granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in Kaid county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 27th day of December, A. D., 1927. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) j2-3w County Judge. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the Guardianship of Leslie Snyder, Minor. Now on this 30th day of Decem ber, 1927. this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Barbara C. Snyder as Guardian of Leslie Snyder, a minor, praying for a li cense to sell minor's sixteen-one hun dred twentieths interest in and to the following described real estate, to-wit : The southwest quarter of Sec tion 8. Township 15, Range 57, in Kimball county, Nebraska, and the north half of the north half of Section 18, Township 15. Range 57 in Kimball county, Nebrat-ka for the support, maintenance and education of said minor. It is therefore Ordered, that all persons interested in said estate Bp pear before me at the District Court room in the court house, at Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 30th day of January, 192S. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said Guardian to sell said minor's interest in the above describ ed real estate for the purpose of maintenance, support and education of said minor. It is further Ordered, that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be pub lished in the Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in Cass county, Nebraska, for a per iod of three succssi v weeks prior to the (iate of hearing. BY THE COURT. JAMES T. BEG LEV, Judg" of the District Court. j5-2w. NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE By virtue of special order of exe cution issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cass county, Ne braska, upon judgment rendered in said court in favor of Edward Fitz gerald, Jr.. against George O. Dovey, and in which judgment attachment of certain personal property herein after named was affirmed and ad judged a lien on such personal prop erty, to-wit: One 7 -2 h. p. 220 V motor and base; Two W. K. acetylene welding tanks or cylinders; One variable Fpeed counter shaft and hangers; One emery stand and guards; One 20 h. p. Dodge friction line shaft clutches: Three lS-inch ceiling hang ers: Three self oiling oilers for 1-15-16 Inch shaft; One steel split pulley; Four steel bench legs; One 2-wheel welding truck; One extra heavy warehouse truck; One one-half ton differential chain hoist; One pair 3-sheave steel table blocks; Two pipe vises; One welding and cutting equipment; One counter shaft; One air cooled air compres sor; One Bteel switch and branch block boxes; One 5-inch by 4 feet Reed lathe; One plain 18-inch floor drill; One Micro grinder and mis cellaneous tools. I will on the 14th day of January. 192 8, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the location of said property in the Morse Garage on the south E,de of Main street, between 3rd and 4th streets, in the City of Platts- mouth, Nebraska, sell at auction to tne highest bidder for cash, the a&ove described personal property to "f"" 8ttIU special oraer 01 execu- llon' ine amount, aue inereon in ine aggregate oeing i,o-'4., and 133.40 - utl! accruing costs. uaiea ai i'laiismoutn. iseDrasta, December 6, 1927. BERT REED. Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. By REX YOUNG. Deputy. d8-4w All kinds cf business stationery printed at the Journal office.