A c MONDAY, DEC. 19, PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTRNAI PAGE FIVE 1 ) i I MURDOCK DEPMRT. Furniture - Undertaking Co Tears eyrprierre Wncf xorsfni service e-iven. Vn-nr Mfr it w,m. iff. S"V"V ,TT Herman Kupke had the misfortune lted. rnone Iwo. 65, Eunwood, Nebr.to fracture one of his small fingers, B, and which for a time put this gentle- 1. VIementS man out of commission, but the fin ger is getting along fine and Herman - hopes soon to do his full amount of Xfl. t,. ry . , . work again on the farm, in n, nn Bornemeiep was a visitor Little Janet Gutnmann, who has ?i . Thuda? ' last week.!been confined to her home and bed making the trip via the Rock Island ,on acCount of an attack of scarlet tc't'ILJ'v1? , Jess Landholm was rallprt to rim. woodoneday last week to make some i . . of P L pTcL anting Plant G V Piekwln Khni ur,a c. . Pick ell shelled and deliv-, j . ...... , t-reu torn to tne Aiuraock elevator' anrl will havo t nnt nt "i "J'uuie irouuie aoout it. zeU who has been troubled for some The scarlet fever has found a lodg- time with appendicitis, underwent ing place at the home of William an operation at their home northwest Stock, who was reported as getting Df Murdock for relief from the mal along nicely at this time. ; adVm and since the operation has been -l r "taJ f,11 Parted last fc ' iiu-.the , . ..v. ,.w. kiiu v v. covery ana oe wen again in a. &nui t OHlVh5 f'r f0lS- . time" I vi-?; Pwf0f M,chlf?n- has been; An f t Sme PaS,t Want a Good Cow- ' ing called here on account of the j 1)ave a yerv fine fim class bull n Tl' V R . for sale, and also some 20 excellent urn Westfall and the family, of , Jersev heifers all coming fresh soon, near Alvo. were visiting and looking ; for sale Fred Stcck sr-i Murdock. i after some business matters in Mur-!v.i.. t dock on Wednesday afternoon of last j Uncle George Mills, who has been quite poorly at the home of E. M. i,,r,r, r.. ! . - ui i v v iui rv;uic Lime askt o a c ported as being much improved at this time. Herman F. Schweppe was called to Plattsmouth one day last week to serve on the jury, remaining over night, and returning home on last Wednesday. W. A. Schultz and the family were visiting in Plattsmouth for a short . time during the latter portion of last week, they driving over in their car for the occasion. Mrs. George Vanderberg will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. L.. ptructed for the past several months.! Survivors told of the heroism oL B. Gorthey. for the winter, and will completed the home last week and jiiiis Gaureault. who saved the lives be near town and not have the care jate in the week moved from, their tor a ePOre of littel girls whem she of the farm on her hands. home on the farm to the house thatjjCli through smoke rrd flame from Business seems a trifle better and bas so recently been completed ad-' j.pTr floors. Ignoring her own dan evinces a more thrifty tone, which joining town and on the farm which j irer sbe made a last trip up the shak is pleasing to the merchants. A. H. be bas here. This is one of the very j jns stairs. Hours later her body was Ward tells also of an increased num- best 0f modern homes and one which arried from a corridor near a room ber of customers at his place of jjr. and Mrs. Ruge are entitled to in which several tots were suffocated business. have, for they have done many a,ia their sl-p. Fred Wilkin, of Elmwood, repre- day of hard work to bring the civi senting the Standard Oil company, iization of this country up to its pres was a visitor in Murdock with a load ent hi"h state. They are entitled to of oil and gas for its customers, leav- ing the greater part of his load at the A. H. Ward garage Henry C. Backemeyer, who has bfn servin?p-a -portion of the time on the jury in the district court, and also trying to get his corn out. was a viitor in Omaha last week with a load of cattle for the market. In expression of their honor and friends were in Lincoln attending the Tift c lH thPrP thP hurinl sln hpin-! made at the Wyuka cemetery of that; city I - . , ti . 1 I ,1 .1 ,1 . I i - . . . . II U 1 L i Minima clliu ucinci- ed corn to the elevator at South Bend ( John Eppings. who ' is making her! We will sell you five gallons or its claims oi ' , con- Purchased by the state board: home with the daughter, still remains anyone quart of oil during De- int tirt" - ,?Ti nuitP noorlv althoueh ch is show- cember for only $1. sui-gener.i m .-n. iuin. ' u f. Cr.nuvay, v.-st.-r u..o.. ; CmuPch fightlnrauaHtles andmak- GEORGE UTT, :? U.K. on. refund ing a good struggle to overcome her ( MurdOCk' ; vest !gale ch a rc" ubli.hed in Cl malady. i . ' Hearst papers thct a fund of fl,21o,- , vv,- -'....o on luesaay oi last weeK, aim au ern oodmen of America, ionowing Tne Mexican rmnassy here n;aae shipped a number of head of cattle their regular work, they took up the tuis announcement tonight on the to the South Omaha market, which matter of electing officers for the eve of opening of the hearings, and were taken to market via truck in coming year and selected the follow- acain described as "gross forgeries" the van of E. W. Thimgan. 'jnT meri for the places to be filled: the documents published in the During the intervals when the james Mills, venerable counsel; L. B. Hearst papers purporting to show corn sheller had to be looked after, Gorthey, auditor; A. D. Zaar, bank- that the Mexican government order a couple of the workmen got to box- er; A H Ward, escort; Ludwig Bor- the money to be sent to Elias for ing and a blow which struck below neir,eier, watchman; J. II. Buck, sen-.the senators. the belt nearly knocked one of the try. Henry A. Tool, clerk. I William Randolph Hearst will be f?eniieiiieii uut aim lx .. much of the boxing game now. i W. R. Lee and wife, of west of , Greenwood, were guests at the home1 of Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Lee. where all enjoyed the visit very much. They were accompanied by David Moses and wife of near Ithiea. Dr. Lee and W. R. Lee being brothers of Mrs. Moses. The Womans Missionary society made three shipments of goods to be used in making some one's Christ mas the brighter. Smile, smile, smile! That is just what A. II. Ward is doing, ana an on nt of th : young man who clme accou to their home last Saturday to make his home. The mother and young BATTERIES FOR WINTER You need best batteries for good service. We have Eadio and Anto Batteries for $7.75 and up. Batteries charged and repaired. Also Batteries to rent while yours is being: charged or repaired. Do not let your bet tery stand around in an almost discharged condition. If exposed to the weather it will freeze and be completely ruined; and in any event the plates will be come sulphated, greatly reduc ing their life and activity. It pays to take care of batteries! Jess Landholm At the Garage Murdock PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL man are doing very nicely, and the father well, he is doing as well as could be expected. Whlle at hls work about the farm, fever, is reported as getting along1 - . . r;;:.;;:":":";:6':; mceiy. unu wnue sne nas dui a siism &et up and out of doors, but is being kept in Until she sha11 get over the, malady. ; .. v xk. muiuuj i-UC tn iq Rh0(a Neitzel. nine year old . . . ... ' -. ........ uaugnter ot Mr. ana .Mrs. a. j. .eu- resting very nicely, and it is hoped little -one will make a rapid re- " " . . 5 Tta3lksi e .wish in h,s, ?'a t0 express ' to the our sincere uiaiifciiii3 funeral and for the many expressions tViof pomp frnm OUT I friends both here and elsewhere. ine LnunreB Occupying: New Home Mr. and Mrs. August Ruge. who j have been having a new home con - tne fits of their labor. The new bome is modern in every respect, and represents the outlay of many hard earned dollars. Most for Your Money We are making a clean-up on tires for the remainder of the month. All fresh stock Kelley-Springfields: Buckeye 29x4.40 balloon casing !?9 - "5 each; tubes to fit same. 52.00 Buckeye S0x3V2 Cord Tires. $4.7o. tubes to fit them, $1.75. Take advantage of these low prices on high grade tires Woodmen dect Unicers At a recent meeting oi tne 310a- friends and neighbors who so kindly . rasserny wno saw smone renin? irra ministered to our beloved father at 'he windows gave the alarm, but the the time of his death, and following.! oid buildirg war. l.n d-.g frr th and for the many kind acts, for the Barnes. Its waiTs crarlud trward be flowers. to those who sang at the fore the work of rescue omd be com- v4 ,x..., . j- In Memoriam Another of our fellow citizens has gone to his reward. I pen these lines T v n It) tail ilLI eilLJUII IU lilt: inift itio of w. H. Rush, with whom I had business dealings for 35 years, and found him in the "four square" class. No one ever questioned nis lass. No one ever questioned his. ntegrity, veracity and honesty; his n-ord was his bond. His lovable and j i 'Vltu ' r.niJ lived it; he was dependable and could i be found at his post of duty. As a friend, he was true and loyal, up right and honest. The circle of our Wends is getting smaller here, but the number is growing larger on the other side, with the passing of those who are passing over. And we are " living in that blessed hope that we 1 shall find them all safely sheltered in the "Father's house with many mansions." I We greatly miss our friend and brother, whom we had learned to love and respect. The great number in attendance at the funeral held In Lin coln, and the large representation of Murdock people testified to the es teem in which the deceased was held by everyone. , L. XEITZEL. THINK M'KELYIE DJ LINE Washington, Dec. 14. Rumors from a good source here are that Sec-; retary . Jardine may resign soon, in which event the most likely succes sor, it is said, would be S. R. Mc-' Kelvie. of Lincoln. j McKelvie's accord with the presi dent's views on farm legislation and because he is from the agricultural part of the country, coupled with his contact with the president during the summer vacation of both in the Black Hills, it is believed, add to the like- j lihood ol such an event. j Orphanage Ruins a Scene of Horror; 21 are Still Missing T.J- on n- i m i fpv j ! take the air at dawn tomorrow, pro iiocHes Of 3o Girls Taken Out; Third vided the wind shifted from its pres Disaster of Kind This Year jent westerly direction. hi Canada j 'rbe aviators, who recently flew east from New York to Japan in cupher Ti.w nueuec, iitc.Lt,. -The ice-sheathed .ruins ! "oFpK-e tr cnanes crp- rlT I) '1 r"li TOT" P1TIC I H lTTfl H V P. T. C I r-ivpn tne bodr, of 33 t.hildren who Perished when a fire destroyed the :,.,.. ,,c, n.t TV.tv-nr.r. "ere -t U missirc omers wire . iwi niisbii'-b- Throughout the day firemen and volunteer? combed the tangled wreck? tro while grif-st rScken par ents besieged the morgue and hosp itals in search of their children. Some of the missing, it was believed. ha1 bwn laken l!omt! by friemls re!:ives who had not reported their safetv Only a waste of charred wrkasre marked the site cf the 95-ycar-old orphanage. A modern win?, however, WBS antouched br the flames. Sorrow- ir.g crowds which Socked to t!ie blaze Wednesday niht night returned Thursdav to aid in the search cf the Explosion cf a furnace in the base ment was believed at tirst to have caused the fire, but firemen said the cause of the Mae was a mystery A TCui?S si.d lay t?.'." rirU'-d their "ves to lead nt of th- orphan, to tne street. i;osc Anna iiau:v:.uii, j. t hi her charge in 'the babiW war J. Others. cut off from stairwa: le'-ip- ed frcm the windows into life nets' snowdrifts. The disaster was the most seriom of its kind ever visited in Canada this ' year to take neavy ton oi youi.g ! lives. When the Laurier theatre in Montreal was destroyed. 7S your.gs sters were killed. Twenty children lost their lives last September when the orphanage at Lac la Flonge, Sask., was burned. The Rev. Mother St. Hidefonse es- timated the total loss frcm blaze at $250,000. A coroner's Friday. iiK'iiest will be In: Id IfEXICO INSTRUCTS ELIAS TO AFP EAR AT SENATE PROBE Washington. 14. Waiving : ftnn aa crentf d to influence Tjnit-d Stntps senators. ments carrying the names ot tne sen- J ators. .. , .ncA Bnc? m vour order ior enCTavea o or printed Christinas cards to the j Bate3 Bock & Gift shop and they j e c-iven T,romT)t attention and . , - - V"f" A," ''-1;' jn PTnT)le De ready tor the muimg in ampie time for Christinas. Dec. iseii s money SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK 10-lb. can Figaro Smoked Salt $ .90 3 lbs. Farina for 25 5-lb. sack Corn Meal - .23 3 lbs. fancy Santos Peaberry Coffee . . 1.00 Rumf drd Baking Powder, can . . . 19 Reg. 25c can K-C Baking Powder 23 Not-a-Seed Raisins, per pkg 13 3 pkgs. Kreme Kut Macaroni 22 12 bars P and G Soap 45 25-lb. sack Golden Bell Rye Flour 1.10 Main Street Grocer Phone 236 Free Delivery BROCK, SCHIEE ABE BEADY Davtonia Beach, Fla., Dec. 14. Prevented today by adverse weather from hopping off in their Pride of Detroit monoplane in an attempt to break the world's endurance flight record, William S. Brock and Edward F. Schlee tonight were prepared to nineteen days, declared that gentle "k,""", V LA lC vunoiutvu t ujv, j v , that as long as it continued to blow out of the west, they would not eon- sider a takeoff. The present record is 52 hours and 23 minutes. Brock and Schlee antici pate staying up 60 hours. State Purchases Municipal Bonds Takes Total ol $125,500, Mostly from Dealers Yillage cf Ealston Re funds Pai-t of las Debt. The state board of educational Janus and funds, comprising Gover nor McMulien, Land Commissioner Dan Swanscn. Treasurer Stebbins, Secretary of State Marsh and Attor ney GentiuJ Spillman. bought bonds amounting to $12C.r.OO Tuesday af ternoon, using state trust funds to make this investment. Ten different bond issues were bought ?H of wlrch will" yield the state 4 1-2 per cent inte rest with the exception of 0C0 :-efuud::ig bend" of the villa? of Ralston which will net the state 4 :;-4. One issue cf $40,000 Tecuir.seh dis- trict jrravt 1 bends, was bought direct l- eIil me v h nu. mr i..ni bonds were bouunt irom tne Luitetu Ft:;tes Trust company, the O.naha Trust company and Wachob & Co., all of Omaha. Th1 Ralrton raving refunding bonds, sold by the Omaha Tnut com pany, were issued at Ii 1-4 per cent. As on other purchases from dealers in bonds, ocupons wt-re dipiod from the Ralston bonds to equalize the rate interest to net the stnte 4 3-4 per cent interest. In such cases the state wiil receive no interest for a Vr Qr two The p,ate alrt.adv owns '$30 coo of bonds issued by the vil- lage of Ralstcn, a suburb of 0:nah?. It was represented that the village is paying interest promptly on all the bonds. It is ljv-gely a fartorv town, but the Burlington railroad has ai double track't'thru it and the Missouri Pacific has a lir.ge within the corporate .limits. With a revival nf factory work the village will fiour- ish, it is stated, and it may even tually Income a part of the city cf Omaha. The villrge rv.-os a consider able ddt. having bonds rnioiiati:ig to $150. K24 outstanding and in ad dition C50.000 cf seho.-.l bends. The ae.ossfti valuation of the town is ?1.CSC,705. The following iist of bonds was r-uj-lmell, fiinitina: Grei'lt-v Center, fur.ithitf ... City ff Curtis, seln.nl IuhmIk Teenmseh, Dist. K ravel Imsnlf ld.r.no l'.."'1: :;.nfi() 4.IMO ?if.,:.oo A ood bonk will answer for a fine gift for Christmas, and it v?ill stop ycur worries fcr sorr-ctlin? that Trill please. Get them at the Bates Book Ca'noT-tr Cfnro ui,ih.ij It is said by some that perhaps President Cocdidge had borrowed his . ... oxps.-.on oi i do not clioce to ' frrm a remark made by a one prominent statesman of Erv-'l i:id de by who did not choose to do a certain who did not choose to d' thing. Savers- Highest Honor is Given to Lind bergh in Mexico Singled Out for Distinction by Mex ican CongTess President of De- i puties Present nim a Medal Mexico City, Dec. 15. Charles A. Lindbergh today received the great est honors the Mexican congress can pay to any person. Mexican or for eigner, when the chamber of deputies went into "solemn session" to re ceive him. Such a session is called rarely and for the most important government officials. It has never before been held for a private citi zen. The deputies, however, by a formal vote, decided that Lindbergh is not a private citizen, but is an "ambassador of good will to the Mex ican people," and was therefore en titled to receive the highest honors. The president of the chamber pre sented him with a gold medal. On one fide of the decoration is the Mexican coat of arms; on the other is from the Mexican chamber of depu ties in behalf of the congress of Mex ico and in order to express our ad miration for his noble feat and glor ious mission." Lindbergh, standing on the ros trum beside Dr. Alejandro Cerizoia, the president, bowed in appreciation, and the deputies and spectators cheered. Alter the demonstration subsided. Colonel Lindbergh faced the expectant assembly ar.d said: "I am thankful for all these distinc tions which are being given me in Mexico. I have net enough words to A banquet followed nnd toists j were prrpesd to President Cnoliclgc. Ar.:h"-s;:dr Morrow and Colonel I.ir.d' ?rph, ar.d there wre cheers for the president cf the T'nitd FtPtes. Berlin. Dee. ir. Color 1 Lind bergh's successful flight from Wash ington to Mexico City has met with udniiring com:'"'!it in the German n-'-ess. MittPg Zeitung describes ibe flight ?s "another LiDdbergh feat." with complimentary reference to tho abrence of preliminary adver tisement. State Jeurral. P!JPH,f AUCTION Owing to the death of my hus band and moving to Plattsmouth. a complete disporsion sle on Wednesday, Dec. 28th tX Cedar Creek, Nebr. fale starts at 10 a. m. sharp and will be held in the Old Sayles Hall. Lunch will be served at neon. The following property to-wit: r.V:riy an my hons'-hold goods and all goods left in my store. ij.j-swus sufii ?s uuaerwear, B"'diaTrns -cHmnevcVen- id-P. cumncjs, cJl-an-!s and r-11 articles that are generally had in such stock. lipid ware of all kinds, somp. stc: fixtures and furniture, scales, elec tric meter, cases, tools, nails, stoves, churns, etc. 120 gal. gasoline tank .... r . ....... - .v.,, in efc .'tji r-f fliviifl tn llr. 7... rr-. 1 . U.li JI4 I lilC l.II Lr il I : II S hf L I If-Tlfrai .cfr-T-p Riwcp (t.'ita nnt ncr. Hctl-,, t- ' "t i ras Ail sums cf $10 and un- dor. cash, all sums over. to months time v. i!I be given on a bank- aMe note bearing- S intorpo frri date ol" sale. MRS. ANDY THOMSEN, Owner. R. H. LARSON Clerk. CLARENCE V. IU'S'-HK. Auctioneer. rST-VZIHIAL DEMOCRACY AT TTS V.VZT w Thf "Power Trust" means onlvjj that hundmls of thousand.- ".f power ' ' fora?..in;e:-.. in ord pr. nn-e of infal agreed to eschar. whntever h.irpe;:; nit he supplied ; "r to uphold their iible supply, liave 40 power so that. :. every ustt.rn,r .r.d :;ervlce b'- u- sur.-d. O:! the Pacifl:- Cu:.-f. f'.r in fiiue. there j r. !i t i uous powf r I in frz r.i "iu;.-l:i :o :.:e.i .-,-. This i':ciul-s : nr,;;-!'. tr of li;.cs o.s independent and rii .tin-t iio Oregon r.rd Cal-fornin. -iray -;;1 h::vy. as Met boa 1st a".d C-itlioTi but cill ir.Ter-sted in -ilverirg service ;.t rny an.! :J tin.e . To do this, tb.fy i;i i er-");. reel their lires :r that any cripple, ?ystm rn-i eriw enough current from the pooled '")"-' to Jill it:; needs. i ine -mer:cin rrmv wei" iiila?"d, there would be no rpHl for "ame alien terr- n?.vy: if Oregon beoi ltory. California would suf!"r; ar.d if ele"1ric customers are accidentally cut off from unfailing power, bus iness is sure to slump. So progressive companies pool their surplus for the good ot all. even while fighting fer their own individual growth ct supremacy. They insure the user against Io.s.-j, by providing him a numbtr of power units to meet his every cocr.ei vabie need. Nothing but such an agreement would give the nation service It is the reverse of monopoly it is dem ocracy at its best. BRIAND TCT DISCUSSED Washington, Dec. It. The Briand proposal for a treaty for the outlaw ing of war between the United States and France was the subject of a con ference today between Paul Claudel, the French ambassador, and Chair man Borah of the senate foreign re lations committee. The ambassador, who already has discussed the subject with Secretary Kellogg in a preliminary way, was a visitor at the senator's office for an hour. Mr. Borah said afterward that the whole situation has been fully gone over and that he got the impres sion that the French government was willing to be practicable at this time. 1969 s ! 14 If 5 i 1. t J'i f It f 1 5 1 'v i H'i V Comes in bright colored Beacon Cloths. Button, also Cord and Tassel fastenings. $4.45 - $5.95 - $5.45 Eoys' Bath Robes tzeeV:::::::::$I: INDIAN SUITS for the Little Fellow. Feathers and all. Sizes 4 to 8. Specially priced at Open Evenings till Christmas Prices- Ancffof-iOfifccy Business Corn Borer Moves Into New Fields ;Ejirly Reports Indicating Pest Ead Been Checked Shown to be Without Foundation. j j Washington, Dec. 11. Despite the nght wasred against him in his first 'domain, the European corn borer ha.s rfmwn th swnrd in virs- n fields His 'flvanr Vde in aag,ged arc' i like the sweep of a monster fan. j Federal scouts have found the pest , .- . . . f. iin iia new counties, pusnmg me uai- ;tle front still farther south, west and ! north. Ohio suffers most, but Michi gan, Indiana and Pennsylvania feel the new attack. Berrien county, -T" 1 -lKIil an, is the borer's western out- - - - .. - .. . : . i - r- n n s4 i-i I i - r-. ItAhin rl 1 , hn.ll.C 1 1 1 T IUSl, LI 1 . . . 1 IU3C imilllU IL LIU1CIO 1111 I l i been found in Marshall and St. Jo- FPh county, Indiana. Northward the g borer has advanced to Cheboygan 'unty. Michigan, and southward in unio as a r as naaway eouniy Several hundred thousand dollars cf the government's $10,000,000 j "clean-up" fund is left to fight the ; borer. Much of it will be used to i compensate farmers, at not more j 1 . A a & u u B 1 v T f t ir'- I -'-"- V:' f4"V '- -Si ' V:'. 1 You Haven't A Radio See the New 4ND many of your neighbors are replacing their old-fashioned sets with these fins new instruments. There is a Raciola fox every purse and each method cf operation and re querent of reception. All sold on conve n."ir.c term?. Especially attractive is Radiola 16 wlia tic widest musical range ever achieved wi:h cne dial control a storage battery set cf freat compactness. A truly exceptional vzlue at $69.50. Liberal terms if you wish. My v.-e demonstrate it? Gamer Electrical Co. ' Authorized RCA Dealer Plattsmouth, Reb. That's It! Jnst what he wanted. Why didn't I think of it before? Men; s Lounging Robes a gift genuinely welcome $2.65 Only a Few Mere Days left !than $2 an acre, for cleaning up 15,000 acres of river bottom land in 'the old infested area. Authorities foresee a compulsory clean-up of 20 per cent of the more heavily infest ed parts or last springs campaign area, after farmers have accomplish ed whatever they can by voluntary control. Secretary of Agriculture Jardine has expressed the opinion that after July 1, 192S, infested states will take full responsibility for necessary regu latory measures, while the federal government conducts scouting and quarantining activities to prevent long distance spread of the insect. STATE K0EMAL 20AED n-poncrc LNLKJAotb . SALARIES Lincoln, Dec. 15. The state nor mal board at its s "ion Monday in creased salaries cf four heads cf de partments at the Wayne state nor mal school and increased the salary cf one of its number. Secretary II. E. Rcische of Chadren. The action of the board was not announced at th1 time and was taken when the board was in seclusion in the capitol just prior to the opening of bids on a dormitory for girls at the Wayne Normal. Journal Want Ads cost btil little, mo' they sur do eet result. 7 1 i i 1 1 1 j RCA Radicla Thone J84 .1 -J