The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    T3TTESDAY, DEC. 15, 1927.
Murray Department
Vrevar in the Interest of the People of Murray nd Pnrroundinir Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If ny ot toe readers of tne
Journal laur of a-ai seem!
ev Dt or lu m of Interest ir
tbi ndaitr. and mil ciall
fame to tbl ofbet!. It will n
pear under this bfeadirp.
waDt ail newhlT-nm Kditos
r Sunday, December 18
A, By M. S. Brlggs
Tliere Is a Reason
Why Some Communities Succeed and
Why Others Fail
The attitude of the citizens towards each other and
their LOYALTY for their town, is what makes for a
live community. . . . With the best lands, the best of
citizenship and constructive improvements, Murray
should (and will) continue to be the best small town in
the state in which to live and do business. Are you do
ing your part? Let's all pull together for a bigger, bet
ter and happier town. Keep Murray' going forward!
Mur ray State
' There is No Substitute for Safety
Phillip Keil fhelied and delive red j
corn to the Murray elevators on last
Friday. '
Mr?. Lambert Las returned from
Lincoln where she has been visiting
with friends. j
At the Camp Fire Girls market:
you will fnd all kinds of goodies I
for your Sunday dinner. i
Charles Carroll shelled and de
llv. red corn to the Farmers elevator i
at Murray on last Monday. !
W. J. Philpot received a very fine '
lea i of cattle on last Friday which
he took to the farm for feeding.
"The !r.r." a beautiful Christmas
f?ratta. will be given Christmas
night by the United Presbyterian
Miss Mae Shrader of Plattsniouth ,
was a visitor in Murray Monday
evening at the heme of Frances
Mesdames E. W. Milburn and Myra
McDonald were visiting and doing:
some shopping in Plattsmouth on last
Monday afternoon.
II. G. Todd received tbre? car loads
of very fine cattle late last week
which h is putting: on feed at the
farm south of town.
Erza Albin was in Murray early .
this week for lumber to put a new
floor in their home, end otherwise '
in prove the property.
A. J. Hallas of Omaha was a visi-
tor in Murray on lat Monday and
also was visitine: pf the home of his
-"brother. Ixiuis Kallas.
The rmp Fire Giris are holding
a market and candy sale at the
post office Saturday afternoon.
Miss Gladys Lyle who is snreical
supervisor in the Methodist hospital
at Ft. Joe. Mo., was visiting Mrs.
Margaret Todd Sunday.
Otto Puis had a loan of extra fire
l".or3 on the market at Omaha Mon
day cf this week which were hauled
there by Mr. Frank Mrasek.
Alva G. Long was a visitor in
Plattsniouth on lat;t Monday where
he v as called to look after some
business matters for a short iin.
C. D. Spangler was attending the
annual state convention of the coun-
O. T. Leyda was a visitor iu Flatts
mouth last Tuesday where he had
two teeth which had been giving
this gentleman some trouble for some
time past, taken out and which he
did not get aloiig they had to sepa
rate. Ray Galloway of near Union was a
visitor in Murray for a time cn last
Tuesday and was having a heater in
stalled in his car. He then went to
PlatUmouth where he was looking
after some businebs matters at the
court house.
Mrs. Stuart was in charge of the t
Young Peoples Society of the U. I'.
church last Sabbath evening. The .
interesting lesson was about the ;
value of suitable mottos for everyone
and the importance of good mottos J
in the homes.
Ray Milburn of Plattsmouth is in
Murray this week assisting in the
construction of a garage at the home
of his brother, Mr. E. V. Milburn,
who is building one on the farm so
that he can have a place also to
work when it is necessary.
Mrs. Dale Toplift" who was in Oma
ha for a number of days where she
was having their son LeRoy, far
treatment was sb!e to return home
with the lad last Sunday evening
who is getting along nicely but still
liot entirely recovered as y-i.
Frank Trotter when returning
from a trip to Omaha stopped and
took a load of coal out to Troy
Shrader's home from the Xickles
lumber yard, and also a stove which
Mr. Shrader had purchased from the
er.ternnsmg hardware merchant, li.
Good Counsel to Enters
Central Truth: "Thou will keep
him in perfect peace, whose mind is
stayed on thee; because he trusted
in thee." Isaiah 2C:3.
Saturday Night
New Legion Building
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Wars and Eumors of Wars
Such was the condition of Israel
The Camp Fire Girls will gladly .
take your subscription to any maga- j
zine. Give your order to any of the
Murray Camp Fire girls.
ty commissioners iu Omaha on Wed- i
nVsdav and Thursday of this week. j
L. L. McCarthey of Plattsmouth..
and manager there of the Sinclair .
Oil company was a business visitor
in Murray on Tuesday cf this week, i
W. D. Whee ler shipped eighteen H' Njson
head of cattle to the South Omnha , and
market the first of this weeK wmcn
was trucked there by Frank Mrasek.
Sherman oie a. a umiui hi j.1, sevbolfs health. Mrs. 5tv-
Murray and besides bringing a load ,(oU xvho h(,tn quin, pr.oriVi is
of corn in his truck for Fred Ahi-enus ; p-ettjn along nicelv now and it is
also took back with him a load of t!)OUgRt wjll" not have to return for
coal. I further treatment for some time.
, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster were j Fre(J Ahrends of near jiyuard v as
visitinf in I'jaltsmoutn on lasi i ncv ;
time looking
Mrs. W. L. Reybolt were
in Omaha last Saturday, where they
were consulting the specialist regard-
Red Hot Out-of-Town
No dance Saturday, Dec. 24. Fire
men's annual ball Saturday, Dec. 31.
Coming, Pat Kroh, Dec. 28
'special prices elsewhere in this paper
which is an inducement to come and
get acquainted.
; The fire did much harm to Murray,
but the buildings have been rebuilt
and the two stoics. B. H. Kelson the
hardware and Earl Lancaster store,
which are occupying the two new
The reopening of ther-e rtor'S
marks a step forward for the little
city cf Murray and it i? expected that
there will be more buildings con
structed which will enhance the op
portunities for the prosperity of the
; city.
eousness exalteth a
a reproach to any
In c r
dav and at the same
nfter some business matters while
Martin Snorer and Uncle John AY-
Fflrrmnds were over to Omaha on last i
i Tuesday locking after come business
; matters, they driving in the car of
Mr. Sporer.
Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Reeves entr
tt aired on !at Monday uie-ht pr.d had
for their guests Frank Mrasek and
' farr.i'y. where all enjoyed the cven-
in mst pleasnntl'.
George E. Nickles and wife were
I looking after some business maters
in Onnha on last Tuesday, they driv
ing over to the big city in their auto.
"Messrs. VV. G. Roedefcer and A. M.
Kingdon w?re lookinEr after soin-?
business matters in Lincrdn on last
Tuesday afternoon, where they drove
in th car of Mr. F.redoker.
John Noddlemnn rhipped a very
fne car load cf cattle to the Sot':
Omaha market on last Tuesday tvfn
irg which he has jvst finished feed
ine on the farm east of Murray.
Clelland Gansenier is assisting the;
Murray where the business is very I Lifhiy Happy Years,
good at this time, not withstanding j On Sunday comiii, C. X. P.arrcws.
the fact that many people are com- will celebrate the S2i 'l anniversary
plaining of business b. ing very j of his birth quietly at his home in
.quiet. - Murray, with ti e good wife who has
Charles Barrows was a visitor in: with him woikcd lor tae pp-t more
Omaha rm last Mondav. where he ; than fifty years in wedded life to
shelling and delivering corn at the
Farmers elevator iu Murray on
Tuesday of this week. By the wsy.
Fred made a good choice when he!
selected a Chrysler coupe as the new
car which he recently, purchased. .
and as it is a coupe is certainly j
just the thine: for two people.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed P.rubacher cf !
Plattsniouth were visiting for the'
uay on last Sunday at the home of
their son. Gi'ssie Rn'bncher. and
were also joined by Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Las-h of Auburn, the parents
cf Mrs. Brubacher a, 11 coming to
visit the family and pay homage
to the little daughter. Miss Beverly
Anna who is now adding much hap
piness to the Brubacher
Mrs. James Fitch Eoir.c Eetter.
During tlie past week M s. James
ritch, who is still at the hospital in
Omt ha, was veiy much worst; than
she had been and Mr. Fitch was over
to assist in her care, and had with
her also their daughter Mrs. John
Becker, and during the time when
Mrs. Fitch was so ill. Mrs. Becker
was also taken sick, and Mr. Fitch
had two to look after.
Both patients are much better
at this time, and Mr. Fitch was able
to return home.
L'i.ion i
'rend of
f p.
( r ;;.-(
! f ngers
In i;n
Stock for Sale.
Seven Holstein bulls, one and
'two years old. Two Polled heifers,
lone Herfrd bull, one year old; 50
'vaccinate! stock hogs, average ICO
pounds. cru work team. Robert
j Troop, Mu.ray phone 2304.
I Crosley Radios
j arranged t take p. course in avia-
tion. and will in a short time de
Ipart for there to commence his work
: in that line.
The engine at the Farmer's ele-
-ntnr line tieen rnimir.Er cnnsifler:ible
Tney do not COSt S much as many trouble ard was out of commission
, , i for a time during the middle of the
$eiS U &re better. jv-eek. and had to be worked over to
: keep it going.
We handle aud install them with a The xaWadose Camp Fire Gii'n
guarantee. We are carrying a full have been busy the last few w,rks
lire of P.fldto SrTvn1ie; nnfl Ennir- making dcdls and toys to send to the
raent. We are ready to furnish ex
pert services in this line. Call on us.
Xebrasfca Children's Home Society,
an orphanage in Omaha. Theirs is
the real Christmas spirit.
Ben and llarrv Noeil departed on
hist Tutsdav evening for Burlington
t, TTL. Rf .. n Kansas, and after a short visit there
i I He ftlUfrSy Harare went to Eldoro. where Mr. Ben Xoell
J bas ti position. Harry took the fath-
A. D. Bakke, R?inager , r-r to ti e p'.ace and then returned.
sturdsv OpeniBE Day!
Specials for Cash
1 lb. Butternut Coffee and package Butternut Jell . $ .55
Large size can Yellowstone Pineapple 30
Yellowstone Apricots, in heavy syrup, 3 cans . .
Larpe size canned Pears, per can
Italian Prunes, large size, 3 cans for 70
Kamo Household Peas, fine quality, 3 cans 69
Yellowstone Red Kidney Beans, 3 cans for 4U
Post Toasties, 2 pkgs. for
Hill Bros. Coffee, per lb
Black Bros. Best Flour, 48-lb. sack
Omar Wonder Flour, per sack
Figaro Smoked Salt, per can
We are celebrating by making some very special prices
to the trade. Come in and see the new store and get ac
quainted as well as benefit by the low prices we offer.
Earl Lancaster Store
Corner Room NEW. BUILDING Mun-ay, Net.
make Xebraka one of the very best
' places in which to live,
i Mr. C. X. Barlows was brrn on
j IVcember l?h, 1945, st Hillsboro.
"Ohio, where he spent his youth and
,whcn at the age of sixteen he was
stirred with a desire to protect the
best nation on earth, the United
Stales and enlisted in Co. F, of the
. Ohio regiment, and served
duiing the entire war and was mus
tered out cf the service at Denison,
Ohio, at the close of the war. -About
three years afterward he came as
' far west as Aurora, 111., where he
! remained for some four years and
.coming on west settled in Cass coun
ty. tst of Union, in 1872 and there
. was united in marriage with the
good wife, then Miss Lala Rose
They continued to farm for a num
ber of years and so.uo eleven years
since came to reside in Murray, where
he has since lived and where he has
a host of very close friend".
Two daughters and one son
blessed this union, the son, T. S.
Barrows passing away in Murray a
few years since. The daughters are
nip.king their home in the north and
theie is another son living in the
north also. Mr. Barrows has ever
been a hard working man ar.d one
of the best of citizens and with the
good wife have many very close
friend? over the country, besides
those residing in Murray, who are
extending to this excellent couple
the test wishes, for many more happy
Murray Church of Christ
.'t. (withstanding the inclemency of
the wfather in tiu morning last
LorcKe day. the nu.le guartet of the
Avoca Chistiau hureh kept their
pron.'se and d several spec
ial number at the 11 o'clock service
v.bKh were very much enjoyed by
all C me again biethren.
The Murray Presbyterian and
Christian Bible schools unite in a
Ch. itjnas program Christmas eve at
the Christian church. Everybody
Xext Lord s day there will be a
busin-ss meetinc" of ail members of
the church to consider next year's
v,rrk sr.d other matt' rs. Every n.ern
ht r should be i". aifendarce if pos-sib;--.
and mirrv matters should de
tain no one. Thin iti business for the
The pastor plans to visit his
daughter over Christmas, hence it
".i;l bo tour weeks between appoint
ments. When he cemf. again it will b"
the new year. 192S nud he wishes
that every member m'ght rally to
the church, rnd all its organizations,
especially in the way of faithful at
tendance rf all servicer.
After the evening service, last
Lord's day the pastor found a well
filled box in the vestibule of the
church, the contents cf which were
gifts to the pastor and family from
many friend3 together with Christ
mas greetings. Tins reminded the
pastor of former days and filled his
heart with gladness. Many thanks
good frifnesand God's blessings be
on you and may have a happy Christ
mas and a glad new year and pros
j? , years
Christmas Cards.
We have cards of all varieties and
all of them very nice, either singly
or in boxes. Come examine, and send
to your friends. We have the Christ
mas teals for the packages, and all
fCare urged to do their shopping early
ly 11 rl frt ihn f'lir'ctnae yyi -iilftirr
.W . - ' A.- I I J II.- Illl' 111 lib, H " I I V
H before the congestion which always
P corner at the time of Christmas,
fli V.. S. SMITH.
Celebrate the Opening.
' On Saturday of this week
opening of the two stores which
now occupying the new. building will
b had. There will be a free lunch
all day during Saturday at the Earl all
Lancaster store, when the very best '
I of Butternut coffee will be served,
the coffee being furnished by the
; Paxton Galligher of Omaha, and the
i sandw iches and cookies being fur
inished by the Jay Burns Bakinfi Co.
Everybody ie invited to ccrce and
I ! PirtieioatP in the general rood will
The members of the Lev. i ton Aid
r.ociety gathered at the home cf Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Moore to celebrate
the birthdays of a number of tluir
A lovely dinner was served i" buf
fet style," after which a pr;.irram
was given including the following
number?: Seyv! ic-lin seWctinn by
Miles Alt man. two voice solos by Min
Mary Parks and ;. Little Mi.v; La
Vaughn Ilild, and a whistlinr,- solo
by Mrs. Geo. Toman. The program.
v.:;:s concluded with n number of ap
prenriate hymn by the air society.
Thoe present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Xickles and son, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and
! Gwendolyn and Dale. Mr. and Mrs.
' H. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hend
ricks, Mi', and Mrs. Georg-? Toman,
Mr. Ralph Timm. Mr. and Mrs. Al-
; bert Young. Mrs. W. Wehrbein. Mr.
' and Mrs. A. L. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Park ar.d Miry and Carl, Mr.
and Ms. II. C. Kidwell. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Humble. Mr. and Mrs. P.
: G. Humble. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
j Moore and daughter, Margaret. Mrs.
I'M V'ilov Mr 5i7iil 1Urs .T Toman
and sons, John, Miltcn, Davis and
1 Arthur and daughter, Dorothy. Mr.
the ;.iiles Altman. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
are.Hi!d end daughter La Vaughn. MaB-
. T T!. fl-,ii-
J A very pie
isant time was had by
oi the occasion. There will be found
The Mynard ladies aid society will
hold a food sale all day Saturday at
the F. R. Gobelruau store. The pat
ronage of the public appreciated.
. W-D ber the scripture which saith,
and Judah, when the story of the
present lesson begins. Hezekiah was
king of Judah and Hosea was king
of Israel, he being made king in the
year 730 B. C. After serving for a
short time he, with the Israelites was
carried away to Assyria, never to re
trn, and became what is generally
known as the lost tribes of Israel,
for what were not carried away, were
killed by the armies of Sennacherib.
iThis was in fulfillment of the proph-,
ecy that for the sins of Israel, which'
were the most gross, including idol
etry and many other like crimes, the
I nation would be utterly destroyed.
The few individuals who escaped be-
Mng carried away became in later
years assimilated with the kingdom
of Judah.
i The times were very troubulous
and the city of Jerusalem was be
sieged by the armies of the king of
Assyria, Sennacherib, who had sent
word to Hezekiah to surrender and
to be placed under tribute. Then sent
Hezekiah a messenger to Isaiah, ask
'ing him what to do. When the story
of the messenger had been told, and
the dire extremity of Judah and the
fear of the king were made manifest,
Isaiah sent word to the king in this
language, saying: "Go tell the king,
thus saith Jehovah. 'Be not afraid of
;th v..rd- which th'u hast heard,
' wherewith the servants of the king
of Assyria have l.lasnhcmed me. Be
hold. I will put a spirit in him. and
he shall herr tidings and shall re
turn to his own land: and I will
-e.n'me him to full bv the sword in his
ovn land.' "
So Rabshakah returned and found
t a --.nrr n Aisnrrii warrinsr asrainst
u 1,11,.. iMrH that hp
had departed for Lachish. !
I It was now on the eve of a l'g bat
tle as mer, looked at it. and in case
this should occur, it would cost many
lives of the Hebrew people as well
as the A-syrians, and it was a great
mercy that the battle was averted,
and i'" cV.-nc.' ot -ne cksr v
enemy to their own home, where the
wars were consumated and which in
the end saw the fall of the king of
Assyria, octuring in his own land,
as was spoken by Isaiah.
When the word was brought to the of Assyria saying that the Israel
ites and the peopie of Judah were to
be delivered, the king of Assyria sent
word to King Hezekiah saying. "Let
not thy God in whom thou trusteth
deceive thee, saying Jerusalem shall
not' be given into the hand of the
king of Assyria." Sennacherib was
willing to encode that Hezckiah's
God had communicated with the king
of Jiu'ah. as reported, but felt that
not witbstnnding this, as he had a
man made god. the God of Israel and
Judah was like this and a puny one
at that. Sennachrib had been very
uccesfu! with his armies and felt
that he could easily overcome Judah
as well as the Israelites, and so he
end word of the conquests he had
jm-t maile and said. "Behold thou
hast heard what the king of Assyria
has done to all lands by destroying
them utterly. Shalt thou be deliv
ered?" This was the question, and when
Hezekiah received this letter, he read
it and going to the house of the Lord
pleaded the cause of Judah, and the
protet tio?i e was expecting because
he was the servant of God. And
Hezekiah prayed unto Jehovah say
ing. "Oh, Jehovah of Hosts. God of
Israel, that sittest above the cheru
bim, thou art God and thou alone,
of all the kingdoms of the earth. In
cline thine ear. oh, Jehovah, and
hear; open thine eyes, oh, Jehovah,
and see; and hear thou all the words
of Sennacherib, who was sent to de
fy the living God.. Of a truth, oh,
Jehovah, the kings of Assyria have
lain waste all their countries ar.d
their lands. And have cast their
gof's itito the fire, for they were no
gods, but the work of man's hands
wood and stone. Therefore, they have
destroyed them. - Xow, therefore, oh,
Jehovah, our Go3. save us from his
hand, that all the kingdoms of the
earth may know that thou art Je
hovah, even thou only.
The story is told of General torge
Washington when in the cold winter
with his army suffering so greatly at
Valley Forge, from hunger, cold and
inadequate clothing, the Father of
His Country went to the woods and
there in the solitude, kneeling in the
snow, while the wintry blasts were
howling about him, with the simplicit
faith of a child, asked the help of the
God of all the universe, and was re
warded by ultimate victory in the
Hezekiah, who wa3 a true follow
er of Jehovah and who had put down
the practice of idol worshiping in
the kingdom of Judah. had a right
to go to God in earnest prayer for
help in this his time of dire trouble.
Hezekiah had prepared all his ar
mies ready for the onset of the bat
tle and was ready to do all that he
could, and then at his extremity he
went to God for the help which he
so badly needed. Then was the king
of Assyria called home and was kill
ed there by his sons as hv been
prophecied, and thus was Judah de
livered. ' Jehovah has a portion in all our
lives, whether we will it or not, and
He directs the destiny of nations and
uiaketh one cation to fair and an
other to rise. Still we must remem-
Ghrisfraas fer the Baby
Santa Claus will bring baby the toys and
playthings, so it falls upon us to see that he
gets all the little wearables that increase his
cunningness. Selections are most complete
here now.
White Wool Sweaters $1 each
Eandcuilted Bibs 50c each
Dresses 50c to $1 each
Eobes from 50c to $1
Eonnets 65c to $1.05
Shoes and Moccassins 50c to $1.25
Sachets 10c each
Hangers 25c each
Carriage Straps , , $1 each
c5H.M'.Soeiuicfvseii Co.
nation, but sin is
Last Sunday we visited the Chris
tian Bible school at Plattsniouth and
found them in good working condi
tion, and with a good attendance and
much interest taken in the lessons,
notwithstanding the fact that they
have no minister, and they are go
ing forward and keeping up the ses
sions of the church, in the way of
Bible school and Young Peoples' ser
vices, with a discourse by a minister
from Omaha in the evenings.
t.ppolnt nr nt. For some time it
be n s.pp.ticnt that President
idge did not intend ty retain
n the bo;ud, but until today it
a red that (lie :;isrii he was iu
t favor was that he had differ J
v. iih th" ad:niiiisti atiou on ship
sales policies.
v Ke
ddrc ::s. .
teifu- System, i
railroad pas. i i:
iiitd out ih-'.t
ei. iv r tr;.i". ' ''
IT per t:v.'i
deei fli.-'
r .
i-i ed
Christmas Carols
at the Community
Building Sunday
C.-miur.rJty Sin 3 cf the OH Time
Carols Will Ee Held on Sun
day 3 p. m.
ili j
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from pafsngera in co-t
2G per cent. Mr. Ilchrn:
this to onTy 01
-u: mobile, public ; nd
The r'ciilror.ds are r.o
fc-1 -hnt t.:- Icur a- " i
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by bot'i :!.": e
et-rrrjitsic:.:' tv,cy c-ugiit
t.- h"vo protection lr. th
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direct competition.
The fairness of such
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-s the srathe; ins- t)i;:ce of
y "; o ;!. Lire to join in this
s-: I'vice. -
The memV rs of the music depart
ment cf the Weimcn's club ate spon
rr"iiir the observance r.nd the Le-
n Lis placed the buildinir at tne
ciispcs?! ot tne ladies wnere an ci
the residents of the city that wi.'-.h
may gather etid enjoy the time in
the r-or:p tbat liercld the season rif
j" ar.d hoi'ie for the world in th"
: n:i:ve: s;ary of the birth of the
S:; vir.r.
Several spf-cial numbers will be ar-T.-iii
end which will add to the
i;:r r-st e f the program.
The cing is entirely free and all
thrt is required is that those who
uit'-nd. cone' prepared to join in th
singing of the glad hymns of re
joicing and fiith an.1 which is a fit
ting opening of the holy week that
preced' s (he glad Christmas day.
The community musical program
h' undf nc mirat: nrl and in which
ell of the citizens a.e inviied to join
rnd the r p'-erei.tht Ives, cf the city
schools will be pr-'sent Id take part
: in the service cr the day.
I The community singing v ill b"
under the leael i e!1 i p of Mrs. E. I!.
Wt-scott. who has so often aided in
thesv -ph ndi l pptbrrirgs and as.-i.-t-ed
in carrying on th" mr"-icpl work
in the city.
i The r.rr -pre :n
in the Journal.
ill be given later
(,'.s t 'at
ifin for re f
il is hound
n 1
Wsi.-ir.gtou, Dec. 12. W. E.
of South D-ikoto resigned today
member of the shipping bonrd a
hours after President Coolidge
;.s a
the r
of !'
omiiiaticn of
ansa" as his
svent to the senate
Albeit H. Denton
su( e ss:,r.
In ar.pouncing that be was
through, effective today, Mr. Hill
said that a loan m-ide to him by "a
n;;'.n indirectly connected with ship
ping" l.r.d lv.".,n "brt i:cht
up r.s biot on my r ' ord." He dis
closed also that the department, of
Jrstice had beer, investigating the
transact ion.
Hill was nominated February 1.
1124. to fill the rntxpl-ed f !;:- of
A. D.
i:er. Ihr. term expired in
7, but lie war given a re-
In lionor of the approaehing mar
riage of Miss Florence Kenyon. who
is to wed Ralph Petring. of Platts
mouth, Mr. and Mrs. John Petring
and Miss Esther Petring entertained
at an evening bridge party at th
John Petring home near Arbor Lode-"
state park Wednesday evening. Miss
Kenyon and MY. Petring will wed
Mondny morrinsr. December 12, at
10 o'clock at the First Presbyterian
Sixteen guests attended the party.
Three prizes were awarded at bridge,
Mrs. Robert Walling of Plattsmonth
winning the first prize and Miss K n
yon the consolation. Miss Kenyon
also received a handsome guest prire.
Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Walling. Mr. and Mrs. I.yie
Hervey. Mr. and Mrs. Georce Pet
ring and Ralph Petring, of Piatts
mouth. Mrs. Alfred Petring entertained
at an afternoon bridge part- at home
Thursday afternoon for Miss Ken
yon. ami Miss Helen Davis will en
tertain in her honor Friday even
ing. Xebraska City Xews-Press.
The Opening of the New Store in the
We Have endeavored to serve you in the best manner
possible under adverse conditions since the destructive
fire, and now that we heve gotten located in the new
building, we can look after business better than ever
before, and are able to s;ive you the best of service in al!
lines. We believe in Murray and that s?ie is on the up
grade. Come in end see us in our fine new location!
Wc will htwe the cotrAr.g vieeh some very excel
lent Christmas goods, which we can show yoa
ct very attractive prices. Shop at home.
We are here at your service. Use us to your
best advantage. Best goods at right prices.
The Hardware Man - - Ir. the New BIdgr.