The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1927, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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MONDAY, DEC. 12, 1927.
Furniture - Undertaking
35 years experience. Most careful
service given. Your patronage solic
ited. Phone No. 65, Elmwood, Nebr.
B. I. Clements
kindly helped make clothing or don
ated in any way for the two orphan
children left in my care I wish to
thank you one and all. Their grand
mother, Mrs. J. A Bauer.
Gcerald Kuehn who was kept from
school for a few days is again all
ngni ana aDie 10 De out again. and who was loved and honored tnr
Billie Rush Succumbs.
V. H. Rush and who is familiar
ly known as "Billie" Rush and who
has made his home in and near Mur
dock for many years, and who in all
his associations with the people has
gained their good will and respect.
See elsewhere an ad for battery J all met with a very sad accident
cost this
work and new batteries by Jess Land
holm and note the service and prices.
Dr. Lu D. Lee, while trying to
make all the calls during the bliz
zard had the misfortune to get one
of his ears frosted.
Ralph Rager and Fred Newman
shelled and delivered their corn or a
portion of it to the elevators in Mur
dock during the pact week.
Uncle Henry Rieckmann who was
kept to the home for a short time
last week was able to be out again
during the latter portion of the
Mrs. Lna McHugh was assi
Dies from Deadly
Monoxide Gas
William H. Rush, Aged Sixty, and
Prominent Resident, is Over
come by Gas Fumes.
Prom Frldnv' PaS1
The deadly carbon monoxide gas.
rT ln.Bt Thnrsrt.iv which
gClUHIliau ills Hit. VllcrharirAri tmm mnnlnr mntnr
Mr. Rush who keeps his car in the . ..i,!i. .
t ti t, 'i, ,,.. ot an automobile, took toll jester
s'11 "l r " day afternoon of the life of William
place on Thursday corning where known promlnent
he worked at the car to get it run- . ' , nf.i-
ing and as it was very cold, he after
having tried for some time had Mr.
Buck assist in starting the wagon
resident of Murdock and brought to
the community there a great shock
and Borrow at his untimely taking
Our Repair
f. D,1t., Kinlrlncr trt nrntopt thA SWH V.
radiator he would put in some more 1 Mr Rush had gone to his garage .
alcohol, and as the car run and got on Thursday afternoon and started ls kept constantly busy because mo-
n-armorf nn it ctonmAil and threw OUt
to work on his automobile, having .,-,.- rpmcruza it as the best and
e week. much fumes from the radiator which the motor running in order to do his : liable repair shop for every
ssistinglas he covered Jt with a blanked work on the car. and kept at the task j M. :vi
in the store last Friday while Henry ' steamed and caused the air to be- until 1:30. when he became amy iu w SG
Amgwert was looking after some ( come very thick The exhaust may and sick from inhaling the fumes of sustain. And, being practical men 01
business matters for the store at Lin- in a way have also added to the con- the poison gas as he worked over the ions varied experience, all OUT
foln. ! dition of the enclosed air. car. As he gTew faint and sick, he W0Tk is exceHently and thor-
During the time that the scarlet . Mr. Buck went home at the time of was able to stagger from the garage r vrithont nnnecessarv dp-
fever was visiting the home of James eating and left Mr. Rush at the gar- out into the open and to reach the ougaJy cone, wltnoux unnecessary ae
Mills. Uncle George was making his age in the rear of the blacksmith house, where a message was-sent for lay and at reasonable Charge.
uome wnn Air. ana Airs. n. m. shop. During tne time Mr. jjuck was u. x. me wiai iioiuau,
Jumper. 'gone, Mr. Rush feeling quite badly Lut the amount of gas that had been
Roy Cole of Weeping Water was a vent out and to his home in the inhaled was too great to overcome
visitor in Murdock for a short time y.'ard property a block away, and and the aged man died within fifteen
on last Friday and was looking af- when he saw Dr. L. D. Lee pass went minutes after he came from the gar
ter some trouble on the telephone out and called the doctor in. Dr. Lee age.
lines, in and near the city. found Mr. Rush suffering from heart Mr. Rush has been a resident of
E. W. Thimeran was over to Lin- attack, and did everything to relieve Murdock for the past fifty years and
coin on last Friday with hi3 truck him that was possible, but the pa- was among the best known and
for a load of flour for the Murdock tient died after a short time highly respected residents of that
Mercantile company, which is selling The remains were taken to Lin- place and to the old time friends, the
a larpe amount of the Lincoln flour, coin where two daughters reside, news of his death came as a great
J. H. Buck and family and W. K. Mary and Leona. The funeral was shock and horrow.
Ruth were all over to Lincoln on held there and the remains laid to He is survived by a brother. Dr.
last Monday where Mr Rush was rest at Wyuka cemetery. All honor c II. Rush, and three daughters,
visiting ith his daughters and at and reFpect Billie Rush. He leaves Mrs. Mabel Miller. Mrs. Nancy Way
the same time looking after some to mourn his departure three broth- ani Mrs. Leona Eurley. all of Lin-
business matters. i ers and three daughters. roln. Besides these survivors, there CT,TvrYn Pmrf TTnnnlU Pnst Office
. . . . , A n r, r
are iour oiaer uauguiers. juis. t.uu
Frady's Garage
Phone 58
'Endless Chain'
Sales Plan Held
to be Illegal
Steve Lies who has been rather
Getting Along Jftcely.
en Rome
to work is ot this time getting along hralth
busy until the coming of the recent
storm was assisting at the garage,
with Mr. A. H. Ward on last Fri
day, which was more agreeable than
being out of doors.
The quarantine which has been on
LUC 11 V ' 11 1 O Jl XVUIO til 1 11 b . W 11 11-' . , . .
,rM, -. .i, , Tsi. able to do any work
Mills. Roy Gortney and Iwck .
Schrumm. has been raised, they all
being well and all are at their for
mer condition of health.
. ' Judge and Mrs. W. E. Newkirk of
Greenwood, accompanied by their
Westlake. Alliance; Mrs. Vera Brit-
Cordes who had his leg brok- ton. Karlington. Texas; Mrs. Nellie ,
time since, and was not able Burt. Omaha, and Mrs. Jessie Gal-
Fraud Order in Case Similar
to One in Omaha,
Chicago, and two
S'1ddauf"crilJIls! n, the friends getting his corn out
L. D. Lee, for the day last Sunday;
other A Dost office fraud order, issued
to wora is ot mis time getting aiong w" - , : , . . ., ,.v ei,iT,
very nicely and is able to be out and brothers. Leslie, of Murdock. and against an endlesg chain Belling
walk around on crutches, but un- Orie, who lives in Michigan. A sis- concern, has been upheld in a re-
,1,1. n t o-n-v -a-nr-lr TKo fricnHo TPT. JV1TS. JjOUlSe r erKUSUIl. 11VC3 Ul iciil uciioiuu "i -
nnH nilrhhnri whn lrurd Klire fripnda BlOOmington, Jebr.
and neighbors, bv the kindly acts The body was taken to
which they did. were very kind in the where burial will be made,
nickine and cribbing of the corn of:
Mr. Cordis. Fred wishes to express, PLANTED FISH IN LAKE ILEJK-fci ea " cessation.
his thankfulness for the kindness in Activities of the concern In Om-
zna. rm;;rnr w J. aha did not reacn omciai attenuon
n ilrd,, orxt Rnncrinlondent AlfreO Ol Lue uisuici "nuiuc, b uh.c
S. supreme
court. The concern was operating
Lincoln,. in the east, in the same manner as
a hosiery firm which did considerable
business in Omaha before an exposure
Nebawka Legion
Holds Installation
of New Officers
State Commander Jean Cain of Falls (
City Guest of Honor Platts- I
mouth Vets Attend.
IV ICU ll4 - ill vil V' v . .
l-i j -r m rj.; l Tnnrncnn of tho Crctlia hatenenes mi " u"c" "
I desired expreYs "y feellne 6t' here Mast J5atur.tfay wjth two-.were induced to buyur coupons .for
Miss Uvon remaining for a visit for (
th week. I
Fred W. Backmeyer and wife of . thankfulness and appreciation to the.
Elmwood were visiting in Murdock many true friends who so kindly j ing of bass" crappleBr blue" dollar each. -These three, in turn,
on Friday of last week and were ; came and gathered by corn wop and ifB-A'rlSlch. was obtained three more customers for
guests at tne nome ot air. iiac-, pia.ea it in tne criD recently. rer. r--tltr ww, j,k. hnsirv and when the S10 reached
, . I ymtcu III inc uiuiuu i-iuvj ' " J
.VJi nvl. i m . . . . . i rt , . , 1 i r-ir- m n n f t h a ri n O I hllVAr C t
'WeSl OI lOWn SOU lUC UlUri II uva tuc Ulllau , vm ii .fe mi.. v..
meyer's mother while here and at the
same time Fred was looking after
seme business.
Ferdinand Hess and Paul Stock,
were over to Lincoln on last Wednes
day notwithstanding the severe
weather and while there purchased a
Chieftain radio, for Mr. Hess, which
he is thinking a very fine
ana wnicn truiy is. zr , i
Kenneth Tool and the good wife.' xrta.
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pennv and tunes to ni mem, 1.3
the children, who have charge of
load taken to the north side of the $10 worth of merchandise for her in-
From Friday's Da5;y - !
Last evening true to the accept-
ance of the ".Invitation of the Ne'
hawka Legion post extended last
Tuesday, a carload of the Platts-"
mouth Legion members last even--ing
drove down to the splendid little
southern Cass county city to enjoy '
the evening with the live wires of
the Nehawka organization. 1
The occasion was espeially set
aside for the installing of the new-;
ly-elected officers of the post and who
were inducted into office by Dearie
Baker of Shubert, district commit
teeman, who very impressively gave
the charges of the offices. i
The newly elected officers of the
Nehawka post are as follows: j
Commander A. G. Cisney.
. Adjutant Welter J. Wuuderlich. !
Finance Officer Tom Mason.
' State Commander Jean Cain was
called upon for a talk but made his
remarks brief as he felt that the oc
casion was one of special good fel
lowship that would be best enjoyed
in visiting rather than in ion
speeches and accordingly with a few
remarkB relative to the drive for
membership in the coming season the
state commander made himself just
one of the "boys," as he was in the .
days of 17-18 when with the rest of
the Iowans and Nbr?.Fkans he bat
tled the sand down at Camp Cody, j
The Nehawka post had arranged
a fine oyster stew and over which '
Tern Mason presided and gave the .
members and the gueft3 a real treat j
in the way of oysters and all of the i
tr.Lratrings that went to make a real J
treat for everyone. True to the prom
ise made. Dearie Eaker, was present '
with his famoc cidfr, sweet and1
sparkling as the sunberros playing
on the fairest mountain etream and
v.'hich Bill Krucor saw was distrib
uted to the members of the party.
The Lesrion members had the
pleasure of having v.ith them to en
joy the r yster stew, the members of
the fa-ulty of the Nehavrka schools
as well as D. C West, well known 1
banker and who assisted in making
away with copious offerings of the ,
delicious stew. !
After the oyster supper the rest of
the evening wac spent in the talks
over the eld times from Cody, Tike ,
and France and Germany by the
members of the party. !
Pikes Peak
Royal Gorge
Salt Lake
Daily From
Main Line
Ticket Agent
Get your school supplies at the
Bated Book and Stationery Store,
where j-ci will find the complete line
it -fitr' times - w ' -
Specials from Oar Christmas
Clearance Sale!
Silks Mahe LoV2ly Christmas Gifts
Yards and yards of a heavy 40-inch all Silk Flat
Crepe and Crepe Black Satin, regular $2.95 quality
$2.25 yard
Washable Cn'pe de Chine, our regular $1.95 quality
all colors, as well as Mack
$1.69 Yard
Remnants and Short Lengths Silks of all
Weaves substantially reduced.
Geogette Crepe in Handkerchief colors
$1.49 Yard
(H.M.Soemvjch&eii Go.
"The Store of Big Values"
Most for Your Money s river and nlanted in the old bass lake vestment of one dollar.
We are making a clean-up on tires : near the Rock Island tracks. The scheme began to fail when
for the remainder of the month. All Mr OTlrien had lust returned from too many women came into posses-
fresh stock Kelley-Springfields: la trip to South Dakota, where he sior. of the coupons and it obviously ,
Buckeye 29x4.40 balloon casings, secured some fine specimens of nortn- became difficult to find new usto-;
instnimt 59.75 each: tubes to fit same, f2.00,ern pickrel, which he will plant in mers.
iumi unit 1 1 1. , I , . , i , Vo t,9 a. j i h:mMa.I ata
eacn. 'tne streams anu laKt-s ti weeicm a proposition a grout ueai aiuiimi
I Tho
m for
a s t p
braska. to this on silk underwear was going
"Louisville has some of the finest the rounds in Plattsmouth last spring r t
Take advantage of these low prices lakes in the state," said Mr. O'Brien, an(j BOme found themselves with cou-iI
the bank at Ulysses, were all over to on high grade tires. "nd it is the intention or tne state pons on their hands they could not
Murdock. and guests at the home of; We will sell you five gallons of to keep them well stocked so that dispose cf. The wording was so ar-, J
Mr. and Mrs lienrv A Tool the oar- a3 ana one Quart ot oil auring ue-.''us "'a . z. rangea mat tne proposition a su j
ents cf :i:nneth for the day on last.cem&er ror only i. V , . .T 7, h to paS
Can Surely Be Satisfied In Plattsmouth Store:
New Quarantines were placed on
the homes of Carl Schlaphoff and!
Henry C. Backemeyer. on account of j
the scarlet fever. Mr. Backemeyer; JonrnrA appreciates your m
was at the time over to Plattsmouth terest in phoning u the news. Ca3
where he was serving on a Jury and I St fl nriv tir"
only knew of the condition when he
returned home !
Miss Janet Guthmann has been hav
ing a time with the scarlet fever and
with the remainder of the family ex
cept Mr. Guthmann is in quarantine
at the Guthmann home. Mr. Guth
mann is kept away and is sleeping at
the bank, and eating elsewhere dur
ing the period of the quarantine.
John J. Gustln has a very valuable
Holstcin bull, which he prizes very
highly, but which seemingly has no
great love for horses frr a few days
fince gored one of Mr. Gustin's
horses so severely that it was fear
ed that the animal would not re
cover. This will entain a severe loss
to Mr. Gustin. However he has one
cf the very finest hwls of Holstein
milkers in this portion of the state.
naco mnBtpr. although it anionnt-.f
work uurins the winter montns ana . . reality to the same chain prin-lA
ciple as embodied in the hosiery, ex- J
cept that the party holding the cow-.
pons could purchase same themselves
Want a Good Ccw.
I have a very Hne first cls bull
for sale, and a!so some 20 excellent
Jersey heifers all coming fresh noon,
for sale. Fred Stockman, sr., Mur
dock, Nebr.
Card of Thanks.
To the ladies of Murdock who so
You need best batteries for
good service. We have Eadio
and Auto Batteries for $7.75
and up. Batteries charged and
repaired. Also Batteries to rent
while yours is being charged or
repaired. " Do not let your bet
tery stand around in an almost
discharged condition. If exposed
to the weather it will freeze
and be completely ruined; and
in any event the plates will be
come sulphated, greatly reduc
ing their life and activity. It
ays to take care of batteries!
Jess Landholm
At the Garage Murdock
cut brush and sink in the lakes they
would be surprised at the result
when the spawning season arrives.
Where there i3 a scarcity of brush or
mess, as is
pits, the spa
other fish
crounds could be provided there
i would ce a wonaeriui increase in a
few years."
is the case in these sand VRlue.. and thus he relieved of har-1;-
pawn is often devoured by peddle them among their
. but if proper spawning f receive the silk ' X
- -
underware assortment. J
All such schemes are presumably
,. . .. , . . at UK lain i luianuii v 1 i ijii.iiui , f
Fishing, boating and bathing at- " Jit . . a.ODta nfl t
tract hundreds of people to Louis- ; before' they are caUeS ,
Si6 ArVrheer "ha?8 Mr' to account and force, out of busi- A
Every Household Needs
a Good
Electric Iron
Hot Point, $6.00 iron $5.25'
Hot Point, $5.00 iron 4.35
Lomanco, $4.75 iron 3.85
Every Iron Fully
For this one day, we will
give special prices on a
great many items in our
stock (of which the fol
lowing are only a few)
and if you have a Saving
Instinct you surely can
not afford to pass 'em by.
Nickel-Silver Knives
and Forks
12 pieces. Regular price, $4.25
Bargain Wednesday
6 Tablespoons, $1.50 for$1.10
6 desserts, $1.25 value .95
6 teaspoons, $1.25 for .95
r r'wVwnr 10; . Experiences proves that one can
planted here by the state hatcheries buy as good or oetter nose unaer-jy
should receive favorable considera- ware and what-not in their home : A
tion by local people. town stores as cheaply as they can X
Louisville has so many natural ad- hope to get t from these fly-by-night
vantages that we fail to appreciate concerns that seek only to capitalize
our blessings aa we should. Louis
ville Courier.
All-Steel Coaster Wagon
Full size and rubber tired, only. .$4.60
Kany other styles and kinds of wagons
to Select from Now.
For the Small Children
We have a dandy fine Buddy Bike with rub-
ber pedals and one-half inch
rubber tires, a big bargain at
on the desire of the American public
to get something for nothing.
Nebr. City
Nebraska City
Balloon Tire
Money Back Guarantee!
2l If ulc. Co.
Prom Thursday' Ttaliv i
The death of Charles Mayer, reel- The new Buick sedan which Har-
dent of this city in the late seventies 0i,j Myers purchased last week was
,and early eighties, occurred Tuesday badly damaged last Friday at noon
night at his home In New York City, in an accident on the west grossing
.messages to tbc relatives at Lincoln of tne railroad track. Mr. and Mrs. v
, yesterday state. Mr. Mayer had ap- Myers were taking their neice, Mary
parently been in fair health and Louise Clark, to school and two 1
death came to him during his sleep freight trains were switching on the V
at night at the home. The body will tracks, for which they were signaled
be brought to Lincoln and the fu- t0 stop when they were later Big-
neral services will be held on Sunday. naie(1 across, tha engine, which had Y
Interment will be at the Wyuka not &0tten-thoroughly warmed up.
cemetery killed after just barely getting onto
Mr. Mayer with his brothers. th track A freight car which had t
Henry and Simon came to this city been cut loose from tne woet came V
where they founded the clothing , jU6t ,n time to hit the Buick
store of Mayor Brothers which was BmJ the rl&ht fender. denting 1
lZZt.?LjJVl.0Z the hoodg. breaking the window glass V
and damaging the two doors. Luck- f
ily, none of the occupants were hurt.
in the late eifihties and ther opened "u "c" "V Y Ca ,
the ramous Mayer Brothers store in for the accident. a"ft f"r V
that city. The store operated in this to tenginfhtthrie511: V
city was sold by the firm to the late bile being cold, one of tht difficulties, Z
Frank J. Morgan who operated it for of driving which comes with cold
a number of years. weather, and from which erery dnv- 4
Besides his brothers, Henry and er M moro e"". a
aon, Mr. Mayer is survived by his inS "ttater Republican. ! ; r
leading establishments of its kind in
the etate r.nd which they operated
until the family removed to Lincoln
Hibbard Glider Sleds are known to mpst every child in this community as one of
exceptional strength and speed. We have a large stock on hand now and you will
find them listed at real money-saving prices on Bargain Wednesday. 90c and up.
Is there anybody who does not like good pop corn? We can hardly imagine that there is such a
person. We are in the Pop Corn Business. We have bought only the best quality of Japanese Hul
less pop corn and we will serve you with pop com freshly popped any time on Bargain Wednes
day. We use a popper of our own make and design and people who have bought this popper speak
very highly of the fine work that can be done with it. Take one home on trial, and if not satis
factory you may return -it and we will refund yoxr money. That's a fair enough deal, isn't it?
Price of Popper (Bargain Wednesday only) . . .85c
3 lbs. of extra select Popcorn for . . . 25c
Here Are aJiew Suggestions for Xmas
wifp. 'E&telle. and thrpp children: 1
Mrs. H. S. Arnstein of Omaha, and ! Those who wish to havetheir
Harold and, Rita Mayer, of New York names placed on the Christmas cards ,
City Two sisters, Mr. I. Bracks and hom t eir orders in at once X
Mrs T T T MfVpr a Ian renirin in Nov I 0 - .
York. William Ooid of Lincnin. i- ! at the Bates Book & Gift Shop, be- X
brother-inrlaw of Mr.. Mayer,
Pocket Knives
Safety Razors
Electric Percolators
Electric Toasters
Electric Heating Pads
Electric Curlers
Pyrex Oven Ware
Carpenter Tools
Auto Accessories
Tires and Tubes
Aluminum Ware.
Universal Elec. Cooker
Coaster Wagons '
Buddy Bikes
Child's Tricycles
Alarm Clock
Crcsley or Mohawk Radio
Corn Poppers
Copper Clad Range
Voss Electric Washer
Carving Sets
New all red Enamelware
vsv w J iy 14 tarn! u x
mm " mm . c, c
lect your cards, bring in the plate
Phone us the news.
printed. m$m$m