The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, DEC. 12, 1927.
j&m&s& & toll
-if .Jl
! i -
; fens
Chester White
Single comb Rhode Island Reds.! .
v,.,mr -,,,,..1 a,.,.,-.i o; Good registered
i ach. MrsV Oren M. Pollard, Nea'aw- boars. Charles Warga, Plattsmouth,
kawka, Xebr. I phone 3213. tf-sw
V f C :
Grocery Specials
My Lady Peas, 2 cans for 35c
Corn, IS-oz. can 10c
Tomatoes, 18-oz. can 10c
Prunes, 4 lbs. for 25c
Raisins, 4 lbs. for 44c
Sugar, 10 lbs. for. . . 63c
Soap, Swift's Wh. Ldy., 10 bars. . . .35c
Crackers, 24-lb. caddy 42c
Kellogrg's Corn Flakes, lg. size 12c
Pcaberry Coffee, per lb 38c
3 pounds for $1.10
Master Blend Coffee, per lb 48c
Xmas Trees - Xmas Candy
Nuts, Etc.
- -
Erban Reuse Dies
at Lincoln from
Effect of Injury
Greenwood Man Struck by Car Wed
nesday Afternoon Succumbs
Thursday Eight.
Ei-ban Rouse, 41, of Greenwood,
died at 10 o'clock Thursday night at
the Lincoln Sanitarium from injuries
sustained when he was struck Wed
nesday afternoon by a car driven by
a Mr. Dixon of McCook while cross
ing a Greenwood street.
A ruptured lung and other internal
injuries were the causes of his death,
according to Dr. Harry Everett -who
attended him. Because of the critical
nature of hi3 injuries there was lit
tle hope for his recovery after he
wfis brought to the hospital.
He was struck by the Dixon car,
dragged about CO feet, dropped and
run over before the car came to a
stop, witnesses said. Mr. Rouse was
a retired farmer and worked part
I time in a filling station at Green
! wood. He is survived by a sister,
Mrs. Joe Kyles. end by three uncles,
: all of Greenwood.
i The body was taken to Greenwood
.this morning where the funeral ser
i vices were held this afternoon at the
Christian church at that place and
, the interment made at the village
Mr. Rouse was unmarried and he
had made his home with his uncle,
George Fearson, at Greenwood for
several years.
County Attorney W. G. Kieck,
Sheriff P.ert Rr-ed and Count Re
porter L. L. Turpin departed this
noon for Greenwood where they will
i hold an inquest into the causes of
i the fatal accident and determine th1
j responsibility for the accident if any
' there be.
Ering in your order f ?r engraved
F-3 ! or prints! Christmas cards to the
fc-inaics jjogk cz unt snon ana xney
'? I VTill be given prompt attention ard
rj j ce reaciy icr tr.e mailing in ample
time for Christmas. ,
--a a
- ...
Am booking sales for this
fall and winter. Service
guaranteed. For dates and
rates phone at my expense.
Telephone No. 6 j
Ohristsias fipprosches
Have you been thinking of a suitable
gift for Mother, Sister or Best Girl? If
so, you will sure please them with one of
our high grade
Full Leather Hand Bags
Beautifully Hand Tooled
There is nothing better or more appropriate for
either cf them. See our large and complete stock!
A Gift for Him
A large line of Bill Folds, made from the same ma
terial and workmanship. You will be sure to please
R him with one cf these. Let us show them to you!
Christmas Cards
Is Now Ready for Yoa Kake Your Selections Early
See Our Wonderful Line of
Gift Goods
Dr. Eeinemtm, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527. j
From Thursday's Dally ' !
County Superiptendent, Miss Alpha
Peterson, departed this morning for
Omr.ha where she will attend a meet-j
ing of the school represer.tivrs of the.
second district, and she will go Fri
day to Lincoln to the delegate as-i
rL-nbly that is being held at that:
Here's Real Cheer!
For Bargain Wednesday, December 14th.
Be sure and visit our store this day and see
our Christmas display.
From Friday's Emily
J. M. IIooer, the veteran assessor
of Louisville precinct was here to
day for a short time attending to
some matters in the district court.
Frank R. Gob-lman, president of
the Nebraska Master Painters and
Decorators, who has been attending
the state convention at Hastings, re
turned heme last evening.
E. K. Douglas, district highway:
engineer, was in Lincoln today to at-!
tend to some matters in connection;
with the road work that he has had j
charge of in the last few months. j
Mrs. John Dajeck, who has been '
at the sanitarium at Savannah, Mis-j
souri, for the past few weeks taking
treatment of the specialists in that,
place, has returned home and feels ti
much improved in health. i
Joseph Thompson of Kimball, Ne-
!r:i;ka, came in last evening to look
after the packing of his household
goods and shipping them to the west,
part of the state where he will be
located in the future operating a
lunch room on the Lincoln highway .
near Kimball. I
From Saturday's P::!i v
Attorney Carl D. Ganz of Alvo was
here today where he was called to
look after some matters in the coun
ty court. i
Attorney Arthur Mullen of Omaha
was here for a few hours today look
ing after some matters of business
and visiting with friends. j
Thomas Svoboda, county truant of
ficer, was out in the vicinity of Weep
ing Water and Wabash yesterday
where he was called to look up cases
that were demanding hi attention, j
Edward Carstens an! Ernest Cars-:
tens, of Priestville, Canada, are here j
to enjoy the opportunity of a visit
here with their sister, Mrs. Mike
Lutz and family and ftm here they
will go to southern California for a
visit with relatives. They traveled
through 400 miles of sncw on their i
auto journey to this city.
12 Ladies' Coats
Sizes 16 to 40
Colors Blue, Rust, Tan, Maroon
Fur Collars
Fonr Choice, while
they last for only
Ladies' Silk Hose
Broken Sizes and Colors
Service and Semi-Service Weight
Values to $1.50
Bargain Wednesday
price, per pair -
. 75c
I pp I
1 fSis 5
Rapidly! V iMI
s&2&r r&s&i Lv h
Shirlev Gillilacd, one of the most
prominent attorneys in western Iowa -
and a leader in the political circles e
cf Mills county, died at his home j
in Glenwood on Tuesday afternoon. , S
Mr. Gilliland was serenty-two years ii
of age and has lived in and near i
Glenwoorall, his life;, The deceased,
has been very active in the repub-j
lican party in Iowa and has served as ;
state senator and county attorney!
several different times and has been
a well known figure in the state af
fairs of Iowa for a great many years.
Mr. Gilliland is well known to a
great fnany of the Prattsmouth peo
ple and who will regret very much
to learn of his passing.
Black Satin Dresses
Sizes 36 to 42
These are real Values
First here, first served.
Price for Bargain Day
Children's Hose
Sizes 6V2 to 10
Guaranteed strictly first quality.
Your choice of Colors
On Bargain Wednesday
THREE pair lor -
. 65c
"The Shop of Personal Service
Sealed proposals will be received j C
by the country cleilf orCass county,
Nebraska, same to be filed with the
county clerk on or before January 1,
192S, for furnishing books, blanks,
supplies and stationery for Cass
county for the year 192S, as follows:
Class "A" Supplies
Tax List Records with tabs,
(Printed Head)
1 Eight Quire Deed Record (Print
ed Page) j
2 -Fee Records, (Printed Head)
All Records to be extra bound.
No. A-l Ledger Paper.
Class "B" Stationery.
Rubber Bands No. 11 per gross.
Penholders, per dozen.
Ink, per quarter, red and dark blue.
Rubber Erasers per dozen.
Palmer pens per gross.
R. Easterbrook pens, per gross.
Congress Tie envelopes, No. 10 'i
and 10 H thick, per 100.
Pencils, Velvet No. 2, Eagle Pencil
Co.. per gross.
Mucilage, per dozen, small bottles.
Copying Indelible pencils, No. 77
Mephisto, Hardmuth.
Separate bids to be made on each
clas of supplies.
Bids to be opened at the session of
the county board on Tuesday, Jan.
3rd. 1928.
j The county board reserves
Ji right to reject any or all bids.
Geo. R. Sayles,
Countv Clrk Ccsi; County,
braska, Plattmouth, Neb.
The Mynard United Brethern
church, one cf the most active con
gregations of the church in the east
ern portion of the state held a
most inspiring meeting all day Sun
day at the church and which fitting
ly dedicated the building that the
residents there have prepared to
make a fitting house of worship.
The services were honored with
the presence of Bishop A. B Stratton
of Kansas City, the presiding officer
of the church conference, who
preached at the morning and even
ing services and whose addresses were
a real inspiration to the members of
the church and brought a message
that will lonff serve to lead the
church in its work and the advance
ment of the church in this part of
the state.
Dr. Van Nice, superintendent of
the York district was also one of the
guests of the day and assisted in the j
services. . !
The members of the Mynard
church had extended an invitation ;
to the Nehawka and Otterbein ;
church and a large number of the
members of these churches and their
ministers and wives were present at
the service.
The service carried a great lesson
in the work of the church and were
atended by large number of the mem-
I bers of the congregation.
! At the morning service there was
j special music offered by the choir
I of the church pnd solo numbers by
! Miss Grace Livingston and Raymond
The State of Nebraska, Ca,;s Coun- c-ok. nrmrii
. , - - -
, as.
- In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Dury
TVT Rrr-rcs. ilecfSSPd- '
Every shade oi crepe aper and all
the new novelties and favors as weil
as a complete stock of picnic needs
can be found in the Dennison line,
sold exclusively at the Bates Book
aiid Gift Shop. .
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator
! and served a wonderful noonday
I meal to the congregation and the
visiting members that was much en-
On reading and filing the petition . gerTe
l Sh 1 y' l?VPni ' I" he afternoon and evening there
Clifford Graver, praying that sfliain- a,0 gerrices heIa and at the
isirctii of said estate may be , service tlie Masonlc male
granted to Jack Graves as admmis- . Platts,mith wa5 m-esent
and gave two number and special
solo number by Frank A. Cloidt, Ray
mond C. Cock and Mrs. Charles Bar
nard, that was truly inspiring in the
concluding services of the day.
, 'j M LW. r'.. W Ti Jim
Corner Stti anil Main St.,
Ordered, that January Cth A. D.
1928 at ten o'clock :i. m is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
eppear at a County Court to be held
in and for Faid County, and show!
cause why the prayer of petitioner:
should not be granted; and that no- "
tice of the pendency of said petition Lad3r tl child of eight years de
and the hearing thereof be given to 6ires position as housekeeper, farm
all persons interested in said mat- preferred. Can take full charge of
ter by publishing a copy of this order borne. Address Box 742, Plattsmouth.
in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- References exchanged. d5-tfw
weekly newspaper printed in said
County , for three successive weeks; Mrs. A. S. Christ and daughter.
Plattsmoutls, Neb.
wn&r qsOmtAmr di2-Sw
prior to Eaid day of hearing.
Dated December 6. 1927.
Miss Frances, were among the visi
tors in Omaha today where they were
called to look after Eorae matters of
County Judge, business for the day in that ciQe.
Needs Real Shoes. You find the best in a pair of
Just what the name means!
Cdmfy" House Shoes just the thing for the house
Remember our repairing department gets our
personal supervision
iiiies Alien
South Sixth St.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
-Li-'J1. -a
A Real Bargain!
Good Illinois
Nut Coal
Screened and Delivered . $8.00 per ton
v Screened, at the Bin .... 7.00 per ton
32-in. Woven Wire Fence, No. 12, 6-in. stays. 45c rod
26-in. Woven Wire Fence, No. 12Y2f 6-in. stays .40c rod
Galvanized Hog Barb Wire, 80-rod spools . . $4.45 spool
Plenty of Good Coal We are Sure We can Please You
We Appreciate Your Business
Telephone No. 40
PlatUmouth, Near.