The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1927, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, DEC. 12, 1927.
Only children play
make a business of it.
ball. Men
The trouble with most uplifters
is that they're so depressing. !
The only ticuble with the political
f-how down is its tendency to bo
come a political show-up.
, What thi3 country needs is not
more companionate marriages, but a
few less uncompanionate ones.
The pouer of prayer is flatly de
nied by many able men of science,
none of whom have ever tried it.
The center of the negro popula
tion of the United States is in the
northwestern corner of Georgia.
: y :
There i3 some anti-British feeling
in America but not nearly enough
to nominate a one for presidency.
It occurs to us that one way
preserving the peace in Europe would
be to declare Lithuania out 01 bounds,
A motion picture producer Eay3
that voudeville with the pictures
ruins the pictures. Then it can be
: o :
Man is crrnal, and it may be the
old fashioned home was loved more
because more nice odors came from
the kitchen. ' !
:.: !
A movie director say3 a wide
mouth is most kissable, but the sig
nificant part of a kiss isn't tie width
but the length.
New York's "ladder burglar" is be
ing over emphasized, we fear. Prob-
ably just some young man trying to
get to the top.
--( V J
tor imm
Bulck for 192S combines exquisite
beauty with unmatched get-away, power
and handling ease.
And Buicks have been famous for years,
throughout the world, for stamina, long
life and sterling dependability.
SEDANS 1195 to J1995 COUPES 1195 to 1850 SPORT MODELS 1195 to 1525
3 tittsf.:b. Flint, Hick., government tax to he added. The GJII-A.C financing plan, the most desirable is mvaiLtblm.
"' "
Do yc.-ur Chrirtmas shcping early, i
Only fifteen r.r
L-hopping day?
until Christmas
What this country
cnmtianicr.ale cooks.
r.eecs is more
-: 0 :
A girl thinks that she is a first
class ccck if she can make fudge.
to afflict
that so rrinv floods have I
tl.e only dry nation there
"Why." exclaimed the young mat
ron. "I have known her since I used
to wear long skirts."
While a velljw fringe 0:1 official is customary, there is no law
' forbidding or requiring it.
: o:
The Fuunans relieve that a man
l guilty of murder is doomed to live
in a swamp in the next world,
It takes ouite a bit of spirit
move some people
V ii-?l"-!r sr from the-
way bootleggers seem to prosper.
-: o :
When you are young, it !s hard to
distinguish between a pas?ion for
service and a passion for applause.
Ar.cther good ttunt consists in try
ing to find a drink in a town where
they say prohibition can't be""enforc
ed. :o:
Don't worry over the Christmas
card list. The chances are that you
won't overlook the same ones you
did last year.
Ameiicanism: Feeling abused be-
cause you must work feel ins abused
when there's nothing evicting to do
after work hours.
I p'i!-T&-TjM -All ri
0 Christmas Imt
Step into ourshowroomtodayandseloci
the Buick n- odel which is best suited to
your family'j needs. Pay on the liberal
G. M. A. C. time payment plan. We'll
make delivery on Christmas Day or
whenever ycu prefer.
.nT m i r M re
The burglar who stole a typewrit
er must have been reading some of
the reporters stories about the "win-
r crime waves.""
Miii m;; Speaker: What's so clever
about these icr.iarks on the Mexican
tlwtfous? WVll. they're being made
outside cf Mexico.
' :o:
C I. Lindbeigh, however, said on
: Lis return Paris that "Europe
! lo'-fcs with reverence on the Amer-
a:i rir nail service."
Either women are no longer shoct-
ing their 1 i;?bands, or the practice
ljas become so common that it is no
ger regarded as news.
It rni'i.t Le well if, after they have
rignaled which way they are going
to turn, the motorists would remem
ber to take their hands in.
:o: - -,tand that
a cigarette
i company is trying to get Ganna Wal
I ska to endorse a rival cigarette as
an a
i to the tinging voice.
ycu can't
Senator Jim Reed say
make men good by law. Mebee net.
Sen Mo
but that's one v?y of mak-.
mg them more interesting
The fri'-nd who shot the man
wiio feet looked to him like a rab
bit should go hunting with a police
man and get some big game.
: :i :
Chinese authorities barred the
film "The Big Parade." Probably
they thir.'.c the people of China ought
to be satisfied with home products.
In the beginning the siEht of r.ert
ankles was enough turning the calve s : v.'he:-e there has been no proper ser-loor-e
only a bluff, to expose the!- thPre is vn cmpt of court
knees later without the fringed cuff. , and no violation cf any law. Black-
.0. j mer has been advised by his attor-
WLetker bulletin Don't forget ncys that be has a legal right to re
in? t the eld bus needs a "shot" of main where he is and decline to re
alcohol or other anti-freeze mixture turn to this country to testify for the
if the present below-freezing condi-1 government in its prose cut i-n of Pin
tiens continue. Also winter togs are clair and Fall.
eminently proper and comfortable
There is trouble now as to the
proposed additional protocol to the
c thers of the world league's busi
ness directory. There is just so much
chewing the rag and then the event
duly comes off and things go on
Two of the men whom the United
States department of justice wanted
as important witnesses in the Sinclair-Fall
Teapot Dome oil case went
to Europe after the indictments had
been voted and, despite persistent
efforts and rv.visit cf a representative
of the prosecution to the present
domiciles of these witnesses, it has
been impossible to induce them
return to this country and testify
One of the
rnisfing witnesses is
Harry M. Elackmer, chairman cf the!
Midwest Rrfin'-ns company. He has'
refused to make sny statement about
the case to correspondents or law-'
I vers. Ho knows that his government
needs his testimony, yet he deliber
ately stsys outside its jurisdiction.
Because of the escape of import
ant witnesses, in the Teapot Dome
case.. Congress passed an act which
provides, when a recalcitrant witness
seek- refuge in a foreign land, for
seizure and confiscation of Lis prop
erty up to S100.000 in v,3ue.
Under the law Justice Siddcns the
ether day ordered the confiscation of
$100,000 worth of prepc-rty "ooiong-
in to Elackmer. Thereupon Black-1
mer's attorneys came forward with I such emergencies as ncKncss or n
!an offer to deposit in a bank secur- j nancinl reverses.
! ites valued at the required amount,' Business always is better when
their purpose being to prevent the
; searching of P.lackmer's papers.
i This action does not entail sur-
render of the property. Blackmer's
attorneys assert that the law in ques
tion is invalid because, they argue,
1 no subpoena lawfully can be served
on an American citizen outside of the
United Stater- or its possessions, and
In due time, the United States
Supreme Court will pass on the issue.
Meantime impartial observers will
form their own judgments concern
ing the conduct of the missing wit
nesses, the reasons which impel them
to prefer Europe to their own coun
try, and the moral standards cf law
yers who abet willful obstruction of
Talk is cheap. Ecing cheap, it is
one of the most piectiful commodities
the market afford?. Being plentiful,
lets cf people indulge in it. And be
et, use lots of people inciulge in it,
there is trouble.
Mrs. Grundv has reared her head
1 over
! state
the back itnce in New
this time. She broke pressing
social engagements in e ther part3 of
te country, and now is accommodat-
ing the easterners with choice c:or -
sels of the
market's most proim.c
( commodity.
i It seems there was
a young man
I teacher in the public schools of Mat -
tituck, N. Y.. who wasn't, well, he
was Do you mean, Mrs. Graundy
that he wasn't nice
that exactly, well,
' Oh, no, nc, not
too nice, to be
This young man teacher, supposed '
t ) teach the noble and hign-mmaea
children of Mattituck, N. Y., was
heard, in the presence of pupils, to
address a young woman teacher as
"Marv." Plain as day. he said it
Well, of course, when the soh&ol
! beard heard about that you can just
bet there was something doing! But
I ...
One of the prettiest pupils one oay
got a cinder in her eye. And who do
yr.u suppose took it out? Why. the
oor, 1., Tn ji ti trncher that called
j , ,.,
the teacher .
I And, as if that weren't enough to
! p"ove right there that this teacher
! was ret'-Iy a menace,, he gav2 some
i of th girls automobile rides! We all
: e
llrnow. too. Mrs. Grundy, that auto-
: mobiles never lead to the higher
; thiugs cf life. They'll be the death
' of vs all yet!
: . " . , .
, The teacher hs been suspended.
. Rut, Mrs. Grundy, that isn't naif
.enough. Couldn't some way be ar-
! ranged to shoot him at sunrise? And
i keep the town decent!
t 1 . , - . i .1 a i ti r
: it just ouiuul woi.
; Grundy. If you didn't have anything
to talk about, you wouldn't be Mrs.
, Grundy,
nnd the talk market would
shut up shop.
And what an awful
world tnis wouia oe witnout a lais-
Holding the next republican na-
!it ,
tional convention under a circus tent
in Soldier Field, at Chicago, would
make many political leaders feel at
home can-ying water on both
shoulders, for the elephant.
i --
! Eastern woman Democrats call
: Colonel Theodore Roosevelt high-
class moron." We suppose young
Teddy is too chivalrous to open a
ladies auxiliary to his father's Justly
famous Ananias club.
minded people. Millions of us have
little financial sense. Apparently
millions of us are economic illiter
ates. We do not seriously strive to
gain financial independence. Many
people, especially young people, do
not save any money. Many do not
try to save.
j ue are criticize:! aa a nation 01 (
j money grabbers, but considering the;
enormous wealth cf this country and ,
its wide distribution, standards of
wages and incomes, and the general
level of intelligence, we seem to have ,
a great many people who cannot;
make both ends meet. Some do not ,
try very hard. If such people lived j
in a country of small resources and
few opportunities, they actually,
might get along better than they do;
in this country. They would feel the
necessity of being more thrifty. j
There c'ouhtioss is a close relation'
between the waning of religion and
the improvident way mi.ny people
live. The tendency cf many people to .
keep up with their neighbors, or a j
st-p ahead of them, robs millions of j
people of their chance to save
j people keep up their credit and ac-
cumulate financial reserve.
thriftier neome are. the more se:f
reliant they become, and fewer people
count cn their communities to carry
them through emergencies.
Many communities have too many
people chronically in need of assist
ance. Either there is something radi
cally wrong with them and their at
titude toward lifs. or else the fault
lies in our economic system.
: o :
Some critics say the world war
accomplished nothing; but we notice.
that Germany, which resisted every j
organized effort for peace before the 1
war, now wants compulsory arbitra
tion. :o:
If a companionate remarriage will
give Mr. and Mrs. Haldeman-Julius
greater peace of mind, far be it from
us to pish-tush the ideal! That is,
so far as that particular couple Is
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty ss.
Tn tlio Cniintr fToiirt
Tn the mntter of the estate of Wil -
liara H. Wvnn. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate: J
Ycu are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
T.Oth day of December, A. D. 1927.
and cn the 31st dav of March, A. D.
1928 at the hour of ten o'clock in
1 li i f '-ivi.t rv'T-i nf ft rlnv TO receive
ork'p.nd examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust -
j ment and allowance.
The time limit -
against snid estate is three months
;fr th 3pth day of December A. D.
I , .i e a n ms
1927 and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
30th day of December 1927.
Wirnncc m-i- Vnri'1 nr;d the of
: aid fr-tv court this 25th dav of
. November, 1927.
n2S-4w (iSean county juuge.
To: Theo. A. Walton; Elizabeth Wal
ton; James E. Walton; Nita Wal
ton; James M. Bower; Grace Bow
er; Dorothy Legg and Theo. A.
Walton, Administrator of the es
tate of P. T. Walton, deceased:
I You and each of you will take no-
tice that L. Irene Snead on the 30th
day of November, 1927, filed her
petition in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, in an action in
sne Vas plaintiff and Theo. A.
Walton, Elizabeth Walton, James E.
Walton, Nita Walton, James M.
Bower, Grace Rower, Dorothy Legg
and Theo. A. Walton. Administrator
of thp estate of P T Walton, de-
ceased, were named as defendants.
Petition shows that on or about
the 2nd day of February, 1918, the
!ai?.p- on' deceased, and wife,
Lydia M. Walton, gave a note for
the sum of ji.ooO.OO, secured by
mortgage on Lot 24 in Porter Place,
an addition to the City of Platts-
mouth, being in the northeast quar-
ter (NEU) of the northeast quarter
( NE , Section 25 Township 12.
Range 13f east of the 6th P. M.. in
Cass county, Nebraska; said mortgage
being recorded on the 14th day of
February, 191S, in the Register 01
Deeds office at Plattsmouth, Nebras-
ka. in Book 46 of the Mortgage Rec-
Drds, page 29. That the object, pur-
pose and prayer of plaintiff's peti-
tion are the foreclosure or one
-n..r.n n-A 1 AAA AA -r1iia Intoroct
tr t, m' t.-.u1
Kl Vt?Il Uy X . X . V al LUIl auu
Lydia M. Walton on Lot 24 in Por-
ter Place, an addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, being in the northeast
Quarter (NEVi) of the northeast
Quarter (NE4), Section 25, Town-
Wp Rang Eagt of tfae fith
p M in Cass county, Nebraska.
You and each of you are required
to answer tne petition oi piamtin on
or before the 23rd day of January,
l'jzs, or tne allegations oi piamtin s
petition will be taken as true and
decree entered accordingly.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 1st day oi uecemner,
Her Attorney.
7irsi in the Dough 7hsn in tli
in t4Sir$q
Also Finsr Texture and Lsrger
Volume in Your Esklngs.Dse
leas thsn cf higher priced brands
Pass fir Qvsr SB
25 ounces far Z5i
lV.r. of Pounds Used
The British government during the j The picturesque city of New Or
war, the ex-kaiser is reported a3 de- j leans is to be the next convention
daring, was " a set of unmitigated j city of the American Federation of
noodles." Still, it was the kaiser and
his gang that got into the soup.
On St. Catherine's day the madam
moiselles in Paris kissed any man
they pleased. No, no, St. Catherine
isn't the patron saint of America.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Wat
son Long, deceased.
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth. in said County, on the uisina .uun., uai: auu
S0th day of December, A. D. 197 unty, Nebraska, and to me direct
it rnv of Marfh A Ti ed, I will on the 19th day of De-
! 1 ?R . at tie hour n? If) fAV1olv'fn the
forenoon of each dav respectively to
receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
.time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 30th dsv of Decern-
) er a. D. 1927 and the time limited
t- naviiiont rf rlfiVitc i - ma rppr fVnm
said 3Gth day of December. 1927.
. Witness my hand sr.d tbe real of
! paid County Court this 2Gth day cf
i 1 nn7
-uiui-i, iv,
n2S-4w (Seal)
County Judge.
Ey virtue of special order of exe
cution issued by the Clerk of the
District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, upon judgment rendered in
said court in favor of Edward Fitz
gerald. Jr., against George O. Dovey,
and in which judgment attachment
of certain personal property herein
after named was affirmed ajid ad
judged a lien on such personal prop
erty, to-wit:
One 7 h. p. 220 V motor
and base;
Two W. K. acetylene welding
tanks or cylinders;
One variable speed counter
shaft ana hangers;
One emery stand and guards;
One 20 h. p. Dodge friction line
shaft clutches;
Three 18-inch ceiling hang
ers; Three self oiling oilers for 1-15-16
inch shaft;
One steel split pulley;
Four steel bench legs;
One 2-wheel welding truck;
One extra heavy warehouse
One one-half ton differential
chain hoist;
One pair 3-sheave steel table
Two pipe vises;
One welding and cutting
One counter shaft;
One air cooled air compres-
One steel switch and branch
block boxes;
One 5-inch by 4 feet Reed
One plain 18-inch floor drill;
One Micro grinder and mis
cellaneous tools.
T Ti- m rTi trio T 4 1 Vi Aaxr et TnniiarT
moo m d.m'
x & o ai ten v nwa vi oa u
day. at the location of said property
In the Morse Garage on the south
side of Main street, between 3rd and
4th streets in the City of Plaits-
mouth, Nebraska, sell at auction to
tfae highegt feidder fQr cagh the
above described personal property to
satisfy said special order of execu-
tion, tne amount one tnereon in tne
aggregate being $1,024.97 and $33.40
costs ana accruing costs.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
December 6, 1927.
, isneriii oi cass county,
I Deputy.
it tr
By Our Government
. Labor. The surroundings are peace-
j ful and the atmosphere sedative in
! effect, rienty to see there of inter
I est.
I Vice-President Dawes repeated to
day at the White House that he was
not a candidate for the renomination,
j but said he favored the nomination
1 of Frank O. Lowden of Illinois.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
' ss.
, By T'rtUtf ,an rd,er, W"
y ouiua .uuie ul J-'
eembr, A. D 127,-Ai c'lk a.
of said day, at the south front
door r f the court house in the City
cf Plattsmouth, Nebraska, tn said
county, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the following
. real estate, to-wit:
Eots four (4), live (5) and
1 six in Block twelve (12),
in Young and Hayes Addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
corniy, Nebraska
the same being levied upon and taken
as t!:e property of James McCulloch,
eefe:.dant. to satisfy a judgment of
paid ce.urt. recovered by Henry
Drown, plaintiff against said defend
iint. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, November
10, A. O. 1927.
Shcriii Cass County,
State of Nebraska, County of Cass
By virtue of an order of sale issued
by Golda Noble, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
, County, Nebraska, and to me din ct
;cd, I "will on the 17th day of De
! comber, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day at the south front
door of the court house, in the city
of Plattsmouth in said county, sell
;i-.t public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real es
tate to-wit: South 4S fet of Lots
ere (1 and two (2) Block thirty
i six (SC) original city of Platts
, mouth. Nebraska, also that part of
i Lots six (6) seven (7) and eight
j(8), in Block twenty-nine (29) in
Young and Hayes addition to the
city of Plattsmouth, described as fol
lows: Commencing at the northeast
corner of Let eight (8) in said Block
twenty-nine (29) Young and Hayes
addition, running thence west along
the south line of the alley passing
through said block east and west 170
feet and 3 inches, thence south 65
feet, thence east parallel with the
routh lire of said block to the east
! line of Block twenty-nine (29),
; thence north 65 feet to place of be
J ginning, being the north 65 feet of
j Lots seven (7) and eight (8) and
jthe north 65 feet of the east half of
Lot six (6) and the vacated alley, in
I Block 29 described as follows: Be at the northeast corner of
Lot 6, Block 29, Young and Hayes
addition running thence south 65
feet, thence east 14 feet to the west
e cf Lot 7, thence north along
the west line of Lot seven (7), 65
" ll l" tX"t
li,;,,; west lVfeet o he tlace o(
Do!nnlng all in Block twenty-nine
ln young and Hayes addition
f t1,.T,, f piattemonth KI,r-
to the Gity of Plattsmouth. as sur-
countV. Nebraska, the same' being
levied upon and taken as the prop-
ertv of Carrie E. Christ, et al.. de-
fendants, to satisfy a Judgment of
(said court recovered bv The Stand-
ard Savings & Loan Association of
Omaha. Nebr., plaintiff, against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, November
12th, A. D. 1927.
Sheriff Cass County,