The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, DEC. 12, 1927.
Alvo Department
While Elmer Rosenow was on his
way to Lincoln he found a lame duck,
which had been lost by some one tak
ing the fowls to the Lincoln mar
ket. On last Thursday Ori9 Cook, with
the family departed for Lcs Angeles,
where they will spend the winter in
the warmer climate, they driving
through with their car, and will take
the trip leisurely, and will see the
intervening country on the way.
Attorney C. D. Ganz was a visitor
in the western portion of the state
for a number of days during the
rl tf nnrtlnn tf lost tl'OfiL' TL'lirr llO i
. i, r s r-.i-4- i uonr
at I
dent for the coming year, Mrs. W. L.
Actively at
Work for Kansas
City Convention
Coppie. and a the vice president Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes Suggested as
i.. aiuier as me secrecy . Temporary Chairman and
Mrs. Arthur Dinges was selected as V ..1 e-i -
the treasurer. A most able set of of-, Keynote Speaker.
fleers and who will make the organ-
o p,, Wafhinston. Dec. 8. As leaders of
the republican party moved today to-
I waul laying the groundwork, for its jgjj
there was talk that Charles uvans
Hughes might be chosen as tempor
ary chairman of the meeting.
Those members or tne repuDiican
Pest Office Moved.
With the appointing of Mrs. Paul
ine Rosenow as the acting postmas
ter and permission being given for
the removal of the office, this was
done some few days since, when the nat-om,i committee who are charged
number of cases .nj the ? coUrt et ;I .he AI"
Lexington On returning he stop- condition for living r
l at Lincoln where he had somePr flnd E,mer RQgc
with making arrangements for the
convention were called into confer
ence by Chairman Butler to map out
matters also to look after.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miller were
host and hostess at their home on
last Sunday when they held a family
reunion, and at the same time a fare
well reception for the family of Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Miller, who departed
n last Saturday for California where
thev will make their home
The Young Married woman's class Friday. December
of the Bible school entertained at ht-aiins was had
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J
office was installed In the room next
east of the Alvo bank. The
is be-
001119 , i. ,-, nn1,qi nrntrram rtlir ninniit-
enow, hpcan to start for their homes
who will make their home there. Clinvinccd that the party must look
Mr. Joe Armstrong is doing the work 0-sewnere than to President Coolidge
of decorating and painting the for .(g cantnlate. They felt also that
house. j y r. Hushes had eliminated himself
' definitely fro mthe field.
Many Attend Hearing. ! A good share of the committee.
Many of the people of Alvo and which yesterday decided to hold sho
Lincoln on last convention in the heart of the grain
I J tlH 13 fi!
Lesion Community
9th, when the belt, expressed satisfaction wiien tne
in the case of word was passed that the former sec-
D. Charles Meyers, who has taken vol- rotary of state was being mentioned
Foreman. In a farewell reception for --ntary bankruptcy, and were there for the convention s keynote ppeak:r.
their member. Mrs Archie Miller, to present their claims and as wit- He was practically the only name fig-
who is departing for the west to nesses ar.d spectators. Among those uriag in discussions,
make her home, and at which time thpre from here were: Mr. and Mis. ; Regarded Out of Running.
;ill the ladies as well as the guest of Charles Meyer, Simon Rehmeyer, ; The temporary chairman will be
enjoyed the occasion very Paul Sutton, diaries Ayres. K. m.; selected by the arrangements com-
Coatman. C. D. Ganz. Elmer. Roy and , niittce, headed by Chairman Butler,
Earl Bennett and F. E. Dickerson. i some time after the'first of the year.
j He will be replaced by a permanent
The move which Mr. R. M. Coat-
man made in installing his Christ-'
mas department in the upstairs of; Moves to the West.
the store having in charge M:ss Mita Arche Mn,er ,oaded hJg goodg in
-W until, lias yiuvt-u a vtriv cuhichi , , , .t
. - ! I il till l'-M SU1J1UCUI I J "tot VJ'.
. - a car tor snipmem io me wesi
way of serving the pub ic MissMita. Saturday wi
is a very popular saleslady, and will - departed f
.pare no pains or trouble to properly westthey expecting to drive
! chairman after the convention has
been organized for business. The
; name of Mr. Hughes, mentioned by
! various committee members, seemed
.to incur favor particularly because
I of his reiteration yesterday that he
is not a candidate for president.
The Nite Owls
WOW Broadcasting
1 leading: colored dance band of
?jj the middle west. Chosen to play
in competition witn rracy
Browns at the recent Dance
"War" at Roseland Gardens,
Omaha. Hear these boys play
and sing. They broadcast from
WOW the same evening of our
dance, from 7:30 to 8:00 com
ing here right from the studio.
Dancirg from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.
Gent?, $1.00 Ladies, Free
Spectators, 35c
as zt&z was z&zl": are sets D s,
to meet the ladies and children who """ ; " iormer secreiary oi siaie generally
are desiring to see Santa's goods. ... considered out of the running, the
Drop in and let her show you the! Undergoes Operation. committee members let their spec-
fine display of real Christmas goods. Mrs Hattie Lovitt daughter 0r 'Nation turn freely toward Secretary
The Ladies Aid sccietv of the ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Miller who ' "v,er- ice President Dawes and
, ,t, , v, r. i,.Ki, b i'- txiwaen, un some aiscus-
' sion here and there about Senators
.Curtis of Kansas and Willis of Ohio,
the only avowed candidates for the
Methodist church which met last : h3S been in not the best of health j
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j for some time past, underwent an
Joe Armstrong, had a most pleasant operation at a hospital at Lincoln
seFfion and all enjoyed the occasion . for relief, and is reported as getting
very much, and all count Mrs. Am
Firong a most finished entertainer.
along very nicely since. Mr John
Wood was over to Lincoln to be
Following the other business an elec-1 present at the time of the operation,
tion was held in which Mrs. Audrey Mesdames Wood and Lovitt being
Stromer was selected as the presi- sisters.
Over a hundred million people celebrate Christmas in
America. Alvo, with the rest, are to celebrate. We
have prepared for this great event with a line of Christ
mas goods, which we have upstairs, in charge of Miss
Nita Mullen. Come and see this wonderful line of
Christmas and Holiday goods
re. m. QQ&rmjkm
Alvo, Nebraska
Said to Lean to Hoover.
Hoover supporters appeared espec
ially interested in whether the ad
ministration would take any stand
Ashland Gazette
.I I i i i A i r Vr
Mr. B. F. Dill and son. Oscar drove
to Lincoln Monday.
' Mi. ar.d Mrs. Paul Reinke " spent
Sunday at the Hrman Thieman home.
Mr. and Mra. L. J. Roeber and son
spent Sunday afternoon at tho Bert
Monney home.
Mrs. Minnie Trenury and son,
Irvin, spent Sunday a: the JacoL
Cmi.icle heme.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carnicle and
daughter, Mary, were shopping in
Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Eida Thieman spent Satuv
day night at the heme of her sister
Mrs. Paul Reinke.
Mr. Win. Schut: and Conrad
Reinke were delivering wlier.t to the
voavcr elevator thla week.
Miss Ruth Carnicle returned Tues
day from Yutan, where she hnd recn
for seme time at the Herbert Heldt
K. Eturzenegger imparted for Lo
Angeles Sunday, when he will spend
the winter at the home of his son,
A I to us ).
Fkreme Wingct. Mary McGinnes"
i.r.d Urc. Kprar. Calder were Sundiy
afternoon visitors at the Pert Win
gct heme.
Mrs. Boige returned Monday from
leVitf. where rhe has spent the
past two week! v.i(h hor daughter,
Mrs. K. Richardson.
Th!r, carried upproxi'nately
1000 p-'unds cf mail, and also had
c compartment to carry four pas
sengers, but had none "on board"
that trip.
Mr. Judd Weaver left for Mitchell.
S. D., Tuesday to spend a few days
with Bon We?.ver and to hunt
phesstrKu. From there he will go n
Minatrii'F, Xob. to visit his ti3ter.
.Irs. L. B. Lackey.
Mr. W. P. Hutchoon. Mr. and Mr:
Will Perry and Mr. and Mrs. E. B
Hutchsen. uf Platfr.mouth. Kpent Sun
day at the William Oliver hom Mr.
W. P. Hutchson remained for a cou
ple of weeks visit. Mrs. Oliver i"
his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stander and
sons motored to Meadow Sunday and
visited the silver fcx and mink farm
There were about forty mink, om
hundred and six silver fox and sev
eral opossums, black skunks and
r XX I W is" TJ m. M Mi H
For Wednesday Selling
viator; Ririsr 11 Si'i
Ladies', Misses and Children's Hats $1
Bloomers, Vests and Best Knit Hose $1
SUk Scarfs, Collar and Cuff Sets $1
One dozen Embroidered Handkerchiefs ... $1
in Silks. Felts and Metallics
Gift Lingerie
Fancy Pajamas
Genuine Shortees Fancy Gowns
Step-Ins - Bloomers
Best Knit Hosiery
Silk Dresses
Uusually sold atrS15, our price. .... .$9,95
irrnjni A
Washington, Dec. 8. The most
colorful event of the white house so
cial season the annual dfplomatic
reception took place tonight. Prom
inent among the guests were the gov- nolfriaii hare3 at the farm
ernor general of Canada and Vis- A Kroup Cf young people turpriscc?
countess Willingdon. All.ertina Kupkc Saturday night at
in addition to tne wnoie diplomat- the hrme of her nareutH Mr. r.rd Mrs.
largest jecn Kunke, it biiK her sixteenth
rank- ji thdav. The evening was pleasantly
d navy ti-.?ned with carries and p. delk-icu;
figures iunh was served by Mrs. Kup!;
t. of the capital were invited. The re- The west bound mail train from
t t'l liuii piuviueu me usuai unman i. oniana to uneyenne, lest its course, uu v.c9BcU u iri i; (!0rpg of Washington the
tu. u mMuu, u. .ruiis u the WOr!d cabinet officers.
n".. ,.1L0tlK,"J',e": ""l""'' ing administration, army an
iavia ui nit? war ueparimeui, uuu ( . i,i
the members packed their grips spectacle with all the foreign diplo- early Sunday morning, and after
e trip back home they mae no mats fn tneIr embroidered and gaud- flying up and down the river and
that they were gratified they ily decorated uniforms and the scar- circling around tewn for.-a half hour
Receipt of applications to close
Dec. 28, 1927.
The date for assembling of com
petiters will be stated in the admis
sion cards which will be mailed to
applicants after the close of receipt
of applications.
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an exam
ination to be held at Lincoln, Ne
braska, as a result of which it is ex
pected to make certification to fill a
c ntemplated vacancy in the posi
tion of fourthfclass postmaster at
Alvo, Nebraska, and rther vacancies
vn they may occur at that office, un
lets it shall be decided in the in
terest of the service to fill any va
cancy by reinstatement. The com
pensation of the postmaster at this
ci.Tice was $1003 for the last fiscal
Applicants must have reached their
twerty-first birthday but not their
sixty-fifth on the date of the exam
ination. Applicants must reside within the
territory supplied by the post office
for which the examination Is an
nounced. The examination is open to all Citi
zens of the United States who can
ocply with the requirements.
Application blanks, Form 1753,
and full information concerning the
requirements of the examination can
be secured from the postmaster at
the placo of vacancy or from the
United States Civil Service Commis
sion, Washington, I). C.
j Secretary Work were favorable to the
candidacy of their colleague.
, commerce secretary.
for th
5rt that thnr u-tro crraMflis1 thov
: could return with a definite answer let tunics of the. United States marine effected a safe landing in a sweet
to the question of President Cool- Danu ,n ine oacKgrounu. clover neiu on tne uiu mrm one
idge's part in the campaign. There More than 1.500 guests passed half mile west cf town, nbout 2 j
were still a few who persisted that dwn tne receiving line and shook m. Sunday. The pilot spent the night
the president was still open to the nands with the President and Mrs. at the Oscar Dill home and after in
draft in the event of a convention Coolidge. stalling some fresh batteries Sunday
morning, again took the a!r for Chey-f
Because of the heavy snow and
lew clouds obscuring all ground
lights, and because of the high windo,
the plane could not be held in a
P';;:tior. whereby the compass and
other instruments could be of ser
vice, to the only thing to da was
to land, which was accomplished by,
the aid of flares and the two power
ful searchlights with which the ma
chine was equipped. The flares are
deadlock, but by far the greater share
, believed he had definitely closed the MELLON FOR PRESIDENCY
occupancy of the
door to further
white' house.
i The arrangements
heard a delegation from Kansas City
today and received a general plan
for housing the thousands who will
flock to the convention. It also de
cided tentatively that David W. Mul
vane. committeeman for Kansas,
would represent Chairman Butler in
most of the negotiations on the
ground. State Journal.
. ! New York, Dec.S. In v rigned
"niml"ff article to apperr in the World to
morrow William Randolph Hearst 1
the publisher, will saw that Andrew
Mellon, secretary of the treasury, i
ideal for the presidency and is the
outstanding figure fcr the republi
cation nomination.
Judged by the standard of not-
a n e
48 lb. sack Little Hatchet Flour
48 lb. sack Omar Flour - -3
lbs. Fancy Peaberry Coffee
Special Brand Coffee per lb. -1
lb. glass jar Peanut Butter -10
oz. jar Advo Stuffed Olives
- 39c
Groceries, General Merchandise, Shoes, Work
I have a nice bunch of pullets and
yearling hens of the Lancred strain
of White Leghorns that I want to
sell now. II. A. Reeve, Elmwood,
Nebr. .
To Match Dollars
With Townships
Hall County Board Adopts New Sys
tem of Road Building, Giving
Townships the Initiative.
Grand Island. Neb.. Dec. 8. A
'new "matching dollars" plan for
building whp.t are designated "county-township"
roads was adopted by!
the Hall county board at its present
able service to his party and his ,..B to rmi'1 naraerutea -ml are
country. Mr. Mellon is the outstaid- td;-'e"t-1 srn Ear"ut.e8 "! , fre
iing figure." the article will say. released from high altitudes, giving
j J 3 the plane an opportunity to circle
All the news in the Journal.
Christinas cards at the Bates Book
Gift hop.
The undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction at
his home one mile north of O-K Garage, Plattsmouth
Wednesday, December 21st
The following described property
11 Head of MSolstein Cows
One bull and two calves six months old
Two head of horses, smooth mouth
Two sets of harness and two wagons
All farm machinery
Alfalfa and oats hay in the barn
Sale commences Promptly at 1 : 00 P. M.
All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10. a
credit of six months will be given, purchaser giving a
bankable note drawing 8 per cent interest from date. No
property to be removed from premises until settled for.
R. B. WiLL, Owner
Rex Young, Auctioneer R. F. Patterson, Clerk
under them, and get a gond view of
ihc ground below. They are a very
strong light, lighting up the country
for several miles crcund, and this
, together with the powerful scirch
: lights, the pilot is usually able tc
select u suitable landing place.
Santa Claus to
Soon Greet the
-lu" uiit-r n mite nour uiscus- ir j i i iauti wjla
sion. It is a system under which ! ou don t take VOUf Watch
the county will pay one-half of the fn n hl-irl-cmitK m ;hir not1
cost of the construction of township!1 a Dlacksmitn feo why not Plans for Coming of the Genial Old
roads provided that the township ! buy "HlS"fgifts from a men's ; Fellow to Interview the Boys
An opportunity to buy practical Christmas
gifts for all at a good reduction in price!
. 1 . 1 ... . - i '
,-ajs me oiner one-naif, and that af-'
ter such a townshiD road haa hppn Store.
completely built, according to county!
speculations as to grades, lines.
j drainage, and any other specifica
tions necessary to make it a first
j class highway, the county will take
I over permanently the maintenance of
I the road.
The entire plan had been formu-
lated at various conferences by lead
ers of the several townships outside
of Crand Island. It had, however,
the approval of the county highway
commissioner and met no particular
objection from the representatives of
the city. Its main opposition came
from the representative of Washing
ton township, south of Grand Island,
in which is located the greater por
tion of the Union Pacific shops and
the entire property of the American
Beet Sugar company and what was
stressed as the main point was de
clared to have only one road that
would be made a county-township
road. County Attorney Joseph was
summoned for an opinion and de
clared the plan entirely legal.
Tho Social Workers Flower club
will hold their regular meeting off
Wednesday, December 14th at the
home of Mrs. H. L Gayer, with Mrs.
Ketelhut as assistant hostess. All
members are urged to attend.
White Wyandotte cockrels, Mr-tin-Fisher
ttrains. Also a tw pullets
for pale. Lola Oldham, Route No. 1,
Mynard, Neb.
and -Girls of This City.
The great reception that greeted
, Santa Claus in Omaha on Tuesday,
. shows the great interest that the
little folks of the state are showing
I in the near approach of the Christ
( mas season and will find its duplica
t tion in the visit of the jolly Santa
TI-. U 4- here on Saturday, December 17th.
There is one girt that always Plang for, the reception, which is
hits SOmethinR useful, ohe,out ten days away, are still in the
c . , t j making, but It is hoped to have the
OI Which no man ever had 'event an even greater success than
... a i ilast year when a great crowd of the
too ms ny. And that s socks. littlfolk8 met an 6hook hand3 with
There is no hit and missanta on the court house lawn, as
i , . well as received from him a num-
abOUt lnterwovens there IS bered slip to exchange for a token of
no equal for wear and for . Sstores6 . at the dIfferent platt8"
smart new oattems for this The visit of Santa will be mark-
v rj, f j. led by greetings from the county and
Amas. ' Ine StOCK. We Otter jCity officers, representatives of the
you cannot be excelled.
Lisle, all colors 3 for $1.00
Silk and Lisle, fancy 50c-75c
Cashmeres, 50c
Silk and Wool 50c-75c
0 7ff
Starling Monday 12th we will
remain open evmry evening
P except 1 Sunday
various organizations and societies
of the city an.d the official presenta
tion of the keys of the city to the
jolly old visitor from the North
land. As soon as the exact time and
place for the arrival of Santa is
learned, it will be announced, so the
children of the community can pre
pare to get ready to join in the big
reception in honor of the genial old
Women's Strap Pumps
and Oxfords i
Short lines and discontinued
lines in Patent and colored
leathers. Shoes that are ser
viceable and good fitting
formerly sold at high as $6.00.
Bargain Wednesday price
$3.19 pair
Women's Felt Boudoir
Comfortable cushion soles and
heels in a variety of colors.
Sizes 4 to 8. Bargain Wed
nesday price
95c pair
Women's Silk Hose
Colors Mauveglow, Parchment,
Grain, Nude and Champaign.
Bargain - Wednesday
69c pair
Women's and Misses
First quality, all rubber. Bar
gain Wednesday prices
$3 and $3.50
Boys' One'Buckle
Here is a splendid bargain in
this much needed item of foot
wear. Strictly first quality.
Sizes from 1 to 5. Bargain
Wednesday price
$1.50 pair
Boys' ShoesBlack
or Brown Leather
Lace or blucher style. Sizes 1 5y2. Bargain Wednesday
$2.25 pair
Misses' and Children's
Lace Shoes
Patent, Black or Brown leath
ers. Splendid school shoes.
Sizes . from 6 to 1. Bargain
Wednesday price
$1.95 pair
Plain sewing, comforts tied, melfd
ittS. rsonftble. Mrs. pveMtt Cool
man, Lincoln avt., near George Ferry
residence. - dl03td
The Home of Quality Footwear