UIXhImIS... VOL. NO. XIHI PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1927. NO. 83 Santa Claus Has Promised to Pay This City a Visits Will Make Pre-Christmas Visit to This City to Eenew Acquain tance with the Kiddies. From Mondays Daily The fact that Christmas is only twenty-eight days away has attract- cd the attention of the children to tne iaci inai banta t laus. ine gen- i:il oid gentleman that frequents the world alone the last of December, is again getting busy in preparation for his annual visitation. The genial Santa has promised to pay Nebraska a visit in the next two weeks and accordingly the in terest is getting a great deal more heated among the youngsters in this and other localities of the state. The fact that Santa is to be at Omaha soon has led a number of his friends here to try and pet in touch with' him and has led to the prom ise that Santa would reach this city also and make the acquaintance of the bovs and girls of Plattsmouth and Cass county by a personal call in this city, where he can come in actual contact with the boys and 1 irl t.rw! et a line un on the kid- dies that he will have on h'.s list on Christmas eve. Lrst vear Santa made his pre- terday afternoon when tne uuiciooi Christmas call in person and had a Advertisers of Omaha came down to great opportunity of seeing the var- clash with the lc'Vs a.nd '?n " ious vounesters "at the court house the score cf 6 t(l,? ln R. iard. fofush! lawn." where the kids were there bv PamP that was filled with plenty ot the hundreds to enjov the occasion, incitement for the fans. The warm weather may make it! The fco"" ff 1 impossible for the trip by the accu ls tomed time-honored sleigh if there is no slow to add its touch, and in which case Santa will have to arrive by train from Omaha and meet with the children of this community. This year there will be an added advantage to Santa that he will be able to hold his reception at the Legion community building, which , . -. , . , 4 i'awuus "c "U1 l" av commodate the crowds that will visit th-, t?-10the OCCrT?, hile the z.Un Tt the Santa Claus reception are still in the mak- ing. the arrangements will be com- rWd. rapidly as possible and an- nounced through the Journal so the little folks can be ready to join in the big event. CELEBRATES EIHTHDAY On Saturday afternoon Nathan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ch'ise. was given a most pleasant brithdav d e at the home of his Kr - surpri parents. Mr. and M M. E. F.:v.-.t- ner at the Hotel Perkins, in honor cf his tenth birthday anniversary. The event had been arranged 1 y the mother of the little guest of V.n .. ,1 n nrm r.1 i.t A ClimriiP :v ,C ZZ lM W :i ant time that awaited him until the members cf his closs at sch-wl tt: arrived to ioin in the henpv event. The time wa" in i gams that delight the youngsters nnd at which some real fun was (! rived. j At an nppropnate uny.r the mem- hers of the party were mvued to be- dining room where the birthday luncheon was served, a large and hindsr r.M cake makmsr the center of the event and with its glowing les add' d to the enjoyment of the ffi.nil rs of tb" party. Mr--. (. ha.se - and Mrs. Rrantner looked after thi rerving of the Jolly party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY From M.-r.day's rai-- ; pied by Mrs. Thomas Dabb was re- ers of the roadway the sum of $1. SCO Jimmie and Bobbie Webb had as ported to be afire. The fire was first was awarded Mr. Stull for the land, guests at their home Saturday after- noticed by Miss Betty Sitzman who but which he thought was not just noon an assemblage of twenty-two was on her way home to dinner, the and equitable for the land that was little boy and girl fri' ..ds in honor Sitzman family living just south of used as a roadway, of their respective birthdays, which the Dabb residence and Miss Sitzman A jury was impanneled and the fall on December 2S and November, noticed. smoke coming from the doors work of the examination of the wit 27, Jimmie being seven and Bobbie 'and windows of the residence and nesses for Mr. Stull was taken up at four years of age. I at once called the fire department. 10 o'clock and the case will prob- Several of the juveniles appeared On the arrival of the department it ably take up the remainder of the on a program that included instru- was found that a bucket of cobs day as there are a number called to mental numbers, singing, dancing standing near the kitchen stove had testify regarding the value of land and elocution. Pinning the tail on the donkey and other like sports also served to entertain the youngsters. Jimmie and Bobbie received from their little friends many tokens of good will and these were opened, in spected and played with. Before the hour of departure, ice cream and cake were served, and the youngsters left wishing Jimmie and Bobbie many happy returns of their natal days. FAMILY GATHERING HELD From Monday's Dailv . rri. 1 , . ,1 it.- t r The home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. -...... .1 ..00 cC 0,.v. nneiimonia is now slishtlv of a very pleasant family gathering.01 ISSone message from held Sunday. Those to enjoy the occasion were Frank Miller, of Jetmor.', Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanni and daugh ter, Maxine. of Union; Mr. and Mrs. . . r . T. E. Jennings, of Murray; Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jennings and: daughter, Leatriee, of Ilavelock; Melvin and Delbert Jennings, of Lin coln; Heston Green, of Sedaha, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hyde. Ralph Hyde' n-avc Juu nujui Mrs. Harold Hyde and Mrs. Wi 1 bur the world about it through the J OUT - Frazier and daughter, Claudine. inal's Want Ad department. SUFFERS SERIOUS ACCIDENT 1 From Monday's Dally Mrs. Claude C. Smith, of this city, received word last evening of the fact that her sister. Mrs. W. C. Put- Bluffs. Nebraska, had of a rather serious I auto accident that occurred on the j ICornhusker highway south of Cer- . , i i tire on the car blew out and threw ithe car from the roadway, as Mr. ! Putne v, who is superintendent of schools, at Cedar Bluffs, was unable to keep control of the car Mrs. Putney fortunately suffered , onjv minor injuries, although at flrst it was thought that she might uave suffered internal injuries. Mrs. j j M. Macl'rans. a guest of the T.utney family on a trip to Lincoln. from whence they were returning, a-0 sustained some severe bruises in the accident. Football Season Closes with Hot Game Sunday Outdoor Advertisers Win Contest from Athletics by Score of 6 to 0 on Local Lot. From Monday's Daily The football season of 1927 was j orougni 10 a ciose in cms uiv r.-- liroiietit to a close in tins CUV yes- gan.e wneu me .nuiuv. .lum 10 uieir loe omj cu udc i-nr .n speeciy nacKs ci me visnuis s-.uu mt ball and race down the field for six-tv-five yards and a touchdown, the Athletic players being unable to check the fleet footed runner and who came over with the scoring for nis team dui wa-s unaine 10 umiea. the extra point. The Athletics showed some excel- . lent work on tneir line ana ta .mui- len proved the beSt croUnd gainer for the 1.oca,s wit,h nk Koubek fisrunng on advancing the Ath- letics into the enemv territory but the t(.am was unable to drive over the line for the score. The ball was in the Omaha terri- tory for a great deal of the time but in several periods the visitors threat- ened the local s goal only to break on thp stone wall of the Athletics. The locals have had one of the best teams that has represented this city in a number of years and their ag- -l . i. Z hten recognized by the teams that ; "i'H";-". , "Y"f me 1. esc tea in ... mt- Biaiir. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSY i From Wednesdays Dailv The members of the fire depart- ment had a very ;bu?y time this ?lorr'in? ?nd wh'-h was occasioned bv two alarms that were turned in - ... for fires at different sections of the Clt.' t t -z- where sf.v,.ral boxos cau?ht anre from tfae heaUd fui.nace and threatened fQr a few moments to make a very pastv fre fcut the pronipt repponPe o te fire departmTlt was able to "nd-;ch(;fk before anv serious damage was , .v,., ti, tr. , the fire wag conf,ned to the cellar enabled the use of the chemical and ! which soon had the flames subdued. ! The department was called out at 1 1 1 o'clock to 13th and Main street I where the residence formerly occu- caught afire and had gained consid- erable headway when discovered and the efforts of the neighbors aided in checking the flames until the arrival of the fire department. There was no one at home at the time of the fire and it was extinguished before the members of the family were aware of the fire. IN SERIOUS CONDITION From Monday's Daily Ti f mnnv friends of Flwood Tint tpfv nf Pender. Nebraska, will be interested in learning that the young 1 1 ..: mail who xiun uetru auunitiK iui iuc , severe at- Pender to the relatives here Sunday stated. The young man is however, in very serious condition and the change in his condition has been verv .1,-1.4 1... v, I i 14 II I uui lias fc, 1 , rii Luc launiv iiuiju b 6 w t withstand the ! ravages of the attack and may soon be able to show more definite sign3 of improvement. .n rit piatbmo JJJan Has Sad Experi- ence Last Night - Vni7ii Wnmh ArroH ilr-Qh5 TT r - Tnftc From Injuries When Struck by Car of Frank Mullen. From Tuesday's Dailv and Mrs. Frank Mullt-n of this city w T'4. .-in thir -w- ' . Iir.mo trt tV.iQ titv from Omaha, they had a most unnerving experience on South 13tii Street in Omaha when their car ; struck Venzil Ilulub. aged 76 years, 1 of 5429 South 1.0th' street, Omaha! theaged man dying a few moments j later as the result of the accident. ! The unfortunate accident was due i to the fact that the aged man who j was crossing 13th strtet at the Mid City avenue, had apparently become confused and uncertain of his way j and stepped in front of the Mullen i erf r that was then but a very short ' distance away and before the car i could be checked the wheels had 1 passed over the man. ' The aged man was rushed to the St. Catherine's hospital as soon as the body was released from beneath the car but died while on the way to the hospital, the fracture of the skull being the injury that caused his ; death, the attending surgeons stated The accident was w itnessed by a 1 j ..:..-... i.-.i boy Vlvins 1n the vicinity of Mid City avenu? and who stated that the man ha1 Parted across the street just before the arrival of the Mul- len car and had narrowly escaped beJng hU ,)y a car and he j,ad th.n hesitated and was standing still when th oar driven b' Mr' Mullen aP' proaehed and made no sign that it was. his intf.ntion to try and cross over the street until the car of Mr Mullen was almost on him when the man suddenly stepped out and in the dircct patn of the car beinfr lacked H.v n1 th fnt, ir,iri,,c received The bodv of Mr. Tlolub was remov- to the Korisko funeral home where it js beili? fred pending the inquest . ,, .w l.ll MH ur utiu uuuvi ill. i.n ' i.-v'ti f rr,rrnpr pi ctpinwender Dou- VafpCty "JS-WSe held fQ hc?r the facts ,n the case . df,tPrmine the ;tatui of the ac- cident The fact that Mr. Mullen is a very careful driver at all times has made h a(.cident mo?t tnstrc,-sin to him ag be fcag bppn mORt carpful to avoid --,.fE ,-iT, nT,,, tha r edv n which "he was po Pudden,y ma-de R t has caused a Kreat deal of sorrow to h5rn and thP mPmbers of the fanlilv Mrs Mullf-.n suffered a t dea-from the f ff,.cts of the shocks of the accident and when reathnIJ this oitv was plnced under the care of a physician as she was suffering very much from the shock ' of the accident. DISTRICT COURT RESUMES From ..;,v This morning the district court re- Fumed ils activities with the first case coming before the court being that 0f the matter of the relocation of the hi eh way rthof 1 this city wherein Laurence Stull objected to the a arc! made to him in payment of the land that was used by the state and coun ty in the new road. This highway is the King of Trails road that was built on the higher land of the Stull farm and re- moved from the low bottom land. where it had been previously located and where the work of maintaining ine nignway was a matter 01 a great d-al oi expense to the state and coun- tv- Under the findings of the apprais- and the relative Question of whether the new road damaged or improved the value of the Stull land, ! SUFFERS AUTO ACCIDENT ; From Monday's Daily Late yesterday afternoon while Sheriff and Mrs. Bert Reed and their family were enroute home from Lin coln where they had been visiting with friends, they were involved in a small auto accident that caused some minor injuries to members of the family. The car ran into a bump in ,he road and which jarred the car a erreat deal and threw Mrs. Rjed and her mother, Mrs. Martha Mur- ray wun consiaerame iorce against the top of the sedan. Mrs. Murray sustained a very painful cut on the forehead that made necessary six stitches being taken in the head of the a&ed lady while Mrs. Reed was bruised ud to more or les3 extent - - Jt suffered no lacerations altho both 'aujfs more or less irom me ""- Wi "l I the car ,Sheri Rd and Miss Eula escaped from the accident with a se- ere shaking up. The car was not .injured and the party were able to 1 drive on into Elmwood where the ladies injuries were looked after. YOUTH RETURNED TO IOWA From Tuesday's Dally- Last evening Chief of Police Good all of Marshalltown, Iowa, arrived in this city to take iuto custody Don ald Trowbridge. 15 year old youth. who was held here by Sheriff Bert Reed on the charge os having stolen a Buick sedan from' the streets of Marshalltown on Sunday evening. The youth was apprehended here yes terday afternoon by Sh- uff Heed and Chief of Police Johnson and the au thorities at Marshalltown notified of the arrest and the fact that the car had been abandoned by Trowbridge north of this city near Fort Crook. The Iowa chief of police and the owner of the car arrived and took possession of the car and ;:l3o came on to this city and took the young man into custody, departing this morninsr for Marshalltown where the bry will have to stand trial for his stealing of the car. Death Conies to Lafe Gihnore at Omaha Sunday Former Resident of This City Passes On After an Illness of Some Duration. 'r'-m Tuf'hVs Dat!' Death of La Fayette William Gil- more. 6C, occurred November Tit his home in Omaha. He has 27 th been and suffering from heart trouble Jropsy for a period of six years, parsed very quietly in his sleep apparently with no lart pain. He wa.5 a son of Joseph C. He and Gi!- more, an old resident of Plattsmouth. He is survived by his wife, four sons. LaFayette, Lysle. Joseph and James end two daughters, Mrs. O. W. Grant and Mrs. J. C. Hendricksen, 11 of Omaha. He l'.ss also two sis ters, Mrs. J. J. Gustin of Murdock. md Mrs. Frank Carroll of Kaigler. Mr. Gilmore was a resident of this city up to a few years ago. being engaged as book keeper he-re fcr the Sharp machine work?. While a resi dent here Mr. Gilmore made a large circle of warm friends who leain of his death with the j.teatesa of regret and share with the bereaved family the sorrow that his passing has oc casioned. The funeral services were held this afternoon at the Stack funeral home and the interment was at the West Lawn cemetery. James Furlong Has Real Success in Business V orld Former C ,ss County I.Ian Zissx Herd cf Large Industrial Company at Denver, Cclorcido. Some twenty-five years ago there left this community a young man, James Furlong, son of S. L. Fuilong. one of the pioneers of old Rock Bluffs, to find his way westward and uliere he hoped to find success and make his home. The ambition of this voting man and his hard and persist ent efforts seems to l ave resulted in his climbing the ladder of success and attaining a great way on his path of leadership in the business lines that he has adopted. Mr. Furlong is the president of the Piudential Industrial company and which organization is one of the most growing organizations of its kind in the west and is rapidly grow ing each year and has a capital of ?250.000 at Denver. That the years have given Mr. Furlong the opportunity for some play periods, is shown by a letter received here by Mark Furlong, a brother, in which he is informed that Mr. and Mrs. James Furlong were to leave in a very short time for a tour around the world and which will be a real treat and take some time as the Furlong family will visit all of the best known coun tries before they return to their home in the west. The success and the pleasure that has come to this former Cass county man will be learned of with a great deal of pleasure by the old friends iu this locality. WIL FACE CHARGES From Mondav's Dailv Last evening Officer Joseph Liber shal took into custody Chester Tay-j lor, who returned home yesterday from several months spent in the west part of the state, the young; man being wanted on a charge of! having1 taken a small Ford truck, the property of Lawrence Sprecher, the truck being recovered some time later in the vicinity of Seward. The young man was turned over to the county authorities by Officer Libershal and will face a charge of having taken the auto without the permission of the owner of the truck. Mr. Taylor has been engaged in working out in the state and this was his first visit here since the car incident and resulted in his being, taken into custody. New Ford to Be Launched on Friday, Dec. 2d Plattsmouth Motor Co. Will be Position to Give Full Descrip tion of the New Car. Four-wheel brakes, standard selec tive gear transmission, extraordinary acceleration, a speed of sixty miles an hour and more, a practically vi brationless engine, and unusual beauty in line and color are among the outstanding features of the new Ford cars, the first of which will be shown in many perts of the country next Friday. The generator, oiling system, steering gear and rear axle ere of r.ew Ford design, it is an nounced. And its -JO-horse-power engine has been so designed that it. runs 20 to SO miles an hour on a gallon of gasoline. This car, which is to succeed the famous Model T line, will be shown on Friday by Ford dealers in many of the lerger cities of the country. In Plattsmouth photographs and de scriptive charts of the new cars will be on display at the Plattsmouth Motor Company showrooms, where the public will be given the com plete story of the new Ford car. Later various models of the new Ford line will be on display here. So far the new cars have been ex amined only by those who will have charge of the first showings and dem onstrations. Salesmen and demon strators are studying charts- and dia grams which will be used in explain ing the various details of design, ap pearanee and performance. For months factory models of the new car have been undergoing se vere performance tests in and around Detroit. One of these factory mod els recently made a road run of 120 miles in 12 4 minutes. This run, it is said, was made on an ordinary paved highway near Detroit. Local dealers, in commenting on the forthcoming show, said their first view of the new Ford car had sub stantiated Henry Ford's statement that "there is nothing quite like it in quality and price." "Mr. Ford's statement had pre pared us for a surprise," said the local dealer, "but the new Ford car is better even than we had hoped for. It is certain to make history in the automotive industry, just as its predecessor, the famous Model T, has made history for twenty years. We are proud of the new car and feel 1 certain that its appearance and per ' forir.ar.ee will attrac t unprecedented attention among automobile own ers." IOWA YOUTH AEEE5TED Kmrn Monday's Drtiiy This noon as the truck of the Mc j Maken Transfer Co. was returning 1 from Omaha, a Buick sedan was no ticed along the road near the Pappio north of this city and south of Fort Crook, the driver of the car, a youth, asking for a ride on into this city. When reaching here the boy started to walk on south from this city and which aroused the suspicions of the driver of the truck and he reported the matter to Sheriff P.ert Reed who with Chief of Police Johnson drove out Chicago avenue and met the boy. When taken into custody the boy stated that he was fifteen years of age and his name was Roy Mills of Marshalltown, Iowa, where he stated he had stolen the car abandoned near Fort Crook. Later letters were found in his roat bearing the name of Don ald Trowbridge and which is thought to be the real name of the youth. Sheriff Pert Reed has wired Mar shalltown, Iowa, in the hope of being able to get a lineup on the young man and the incidents of the alleged car stealing. IS DOING NICELY Pre. in MondnvV Dally Bernard Galloway of this city, who is at the University hospital in Omaha recovering from the opera tion that he underwent on lart Tus- , day morning, is doing very nicely and has come through the ordeal in fine shape and is now apparently well on the highway to recovery. The patient has stood the opera tion in fine shape and with his cneer ful disposition has made fine pro gress and with the excellent care given leave week week. him will prooably be able to the hospital the last of the or the first of the coming GOES TO HOSPITAL From Monday's Dally This morninc Joe Hennis. the ac commodating clerk at the Mauzy Drug Co., store, departed for Omaha where he will enter the hospital ' there to spend some time and to un dergo a small operaticn for hernia from which he has been a sufferer for some time. Mr. Hennis is in ex cellent shape and should be able to return in a short time following the operation. Mr. Mauzy who has been on the sick list for a few days has so far recovered that he is aide to be back 1 on the job while Joe is at the hos I pital. FILES LARGE MORTGAGE From Wednesday's Daily This morning Miss Jessie son, county register oi' ieied fcr recording in her of the largest mortgages M Rob r u:i r- - o-r. e '!: t . This i i r ad i:..l:u ever been filed in this county was the document given by th a;r'. Ilock Is'.ind v.. Paciiie K; c-fprip U'V it th' City, Xetioii d of ed Y-..;k City. Ti the consideration I'r.i'j'int ;,..:!. in the -norland i ri'-iud' - as W1.0 SoM, ''''. 'KM!. all of th r -operty - f .on.pary in the state The instrument is tiled ti of in : .iiii'i'iifi Nt 1. re.sk;'. all of the vhich the and the eon i' ties of Nebraska Rock Island has proj i?i it V iljiig fee of the document .,1 s counties will be very in tho var large. The re gister of deeds o!ii e had a r.:. :ri:ni;- r of very ier- mortgage:? I'd i'i the p.i.-t year, one for $12,- on i.'M ; for 5 250.i'0i and the 4,lV:-t in ."e f'. -so.ooo.ui'O. r1 J l ury L Damages in Stull Road Contest Verdict of Than Jury Gives Mr. Stull Less rr.ount Awarded by the Eoad Appraisers. From Tnsi1.iv's Daily t The litigation arising over the re location of the King of Trails high way north of this city, between Cass county and the state highway depart- s ment and C. Lawrence Stull. owner ( f the land through which the road was laid, was terminated this after noon at 1:30 when the jury a the case returned a verdict fixing the amount of the damage to the property . of Mr. Stull at less than the amount that the board of appraisers had pre viously awarded him. The' section cf the highway that; was under litigation is that new sec-j tion that was relocated at the Te eniest of the state department of pub- ; lie works along the higher ground of the Stull farm near the Missouri 1 Picific light of way on the Platte' bottom north of this city. The road was previously located along the low bottom land east of the present road and which gave the county and state considerable trouble to main tain and which led to the decision to have the new graveled road laid on higher ground. The county instituted condemna tion proceeding' in the road matter and a board cf appraisers was ap pointed by the county judge and who visited the Stull farm and ex amined the line of the proposed road nnd assessed the damages for the eight acres of land needed for the road at the sum of S1.S25. The finding of the board of ap praisers was not acceptable to Mr. Stull who has perfected his appeal to the district court and the case was on trial yesterday and this morning being given to the jury at 11 o'clock and after an hour and a half deliber ation the jury returned a verdict fix ing the amount of the damage at Sl.GOO and the amount of S133.15 as interest on the amount, the total of the amount given Mr. Stull being G LEND ALE CLUB MEETS The Glendale Woman's club held a very pleasant meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Meising er, who had as the assistant hostesses for the occasion Mrs. Staben and Mrs. Nick Hennings. There were eight members and three visitors among the members of the party present at the enjoyable event. The ladies spent the time in study and practiee of Italian hemstitching, shell edge and smock designing un der the direction of the club leaders. 1 Mrs. P. G. Hennings and Mrs. Walter , Reed. i The la lies also planned a bake 'sale for December and at which they I will offer a quilt made by the mem bers of the club. The next meeting will be on De cember 13th. at the home of Mrs. P. G. Hennings, who will be assisted by Mrs. Louis Hennings and Miss Edith Knutson. At the close of the afternoon re freshments were served by the hos tesses that added to the enjoyment of the occasion. ENTERTAINED OLD FOLKS From Wednesday's Dally The residents of the infirmary building at the Nebraska Masonic Home are feeling very appreciative of the members of the choir of the Methodist church of Union who came up to the Masonic Home on Sunday afternejon and gave a fine program of songs that were heartily enjoyed by the members of the Home. The choir gave this program from radio station KFNF at Shenandoah, Iowa, on Sunday, November 20th which was enjoyed over the air and to have the opportunity of hearing the pro gram in person was certainly very much enjoyed. Get your school supplies at the Batea Book and Stationery Store, where you will find the complete line iat all times. Glenwood Rotary Club Pays Return Visit to This City Sen c Tvtntv of the I-Iember? Cone It :-e o Take Part in Enjoy a ble Occasion. From W Jn'-says raltv The members of the Rotary club at Gkii'.vool von- here last evening to Fpend a lew hours ieot pleasantly with their Nebraska brethern of thi.s ciTy and to if turn the recent visit ef the P'.aMsirouth Rotary to the Iowa city. The party of visitors comprised some twenty of the real live wire boosters of Glenwood and the party made the journey via the auto route and the ferry to this city where they found the glad hand of hospitality awaiting them fiom their associates in the looal club. The gathering was held r.t tie parlors of the First Methodist church which fcr the occasion was arran-ied with the large Rotary wheel a: the chief feature ot the decorative p.-i of the evening. Th" m Ming v as presided ove r by Dr. J. S. Living-ton, one of the lend ers in the local Rotary work and who made a most able and dclicht ful preriding officer of the evenir.-r. Dr. Liviir:1on welcomed the visitors to the table cf the Plattsmouth club and touched on the pleasant a-su-ciHtions and good fellowship that the Rotary promoted. The re;-por.se for the Glenwood visitors vas made by Dr. M'-CIusky, the president rf the Rotary of thnt city, v.-l.u touched on the splendid feeling of good fellowship that drew th" ineinbeis of the Rotary toeether and made for a better understanding of the common problems and int r ests of th - c-c niniur.ities. Willinm R: thke. of the Mills Coun ty National bank, was one cf th party of visitors and gnve a very pleasing talk to the joint meet in tr v.i'ii in which he related many cf the points of interest that drew to gether the residents of this commun ity and made them one in common interest. Dr. T. B. Lacey, assistant superin tendent rf the state instituticm for the feeble minded, was present and unvp a very cnlighting talk on the workings cf this great institution that is one of the best in the state of Iowa and cares for many hundreds of the unfortunates at that place and had aided in the recovery of many and the care of their wards in the most efficient manner. Dr. Lacey also added a touch of delight and fun in a serious of ques tions to the members of the Platts mouth club that proved a real test of the local Rot aria 11s and in which at least one of the members drew down a prize for the skill shown. The members of the visiting party left at S:30 for their home and all felt delighted with this visit that was one in the carrying out of the inter - community acquaintanceship and good fellowship that the Rotary makes as one of its cardinal teach ings. PICK SOUTHEASTERN TEAM Finn Monda-.-'s Dally The selection of the cream of the high school football .-eason in southeastern district us niadn by Gregg Mi-Bride, well known Lir,c;l:i sport writer, gives two of the I'!.i;.s mouth players a place on the second of t h r1 district conference team-. ' he places on the fir-t te:;m are largely given to the champion Tecumsvh team that passed a stason witl. uit a defeat. The sehition of quarterbrv-k on the second team govs to I'd Ws tt IocpI signal caller whil.- Ja'k IT it i.; named as end 011 thi: te;.in of :'iiit Mr. McBride has .--elected frcm the responce" from newspaper and co t li es observations of the football n ron. TI10 Plattsmouth team in tie l-'t re-jcen defeated two of the ftronsr Omaha teams. Creighton Pr p. - North hir.h. but as the-e are :r in th" conference they i il not t in the rating given in th'.- ot 'eie ve season. The local te-m gie T- 'i sell the hardest battle of the m - v. r-mcng the teams in the southe:.' r" district. ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY Frem Tnpsdr. v' Daiiv This morning in the county ccirt Chester Taylor was arraigned on a charge of having wrongfully taken a I tru I- Ii4 t-.rrir.ri V of l.nwrellCe Sprecher and to which chare h entered a plea cf guilty. The court on hearing the plea of the defendant gave a sentence of sixty days it. jnil and a fine of $100 for the offence. The young mfn was reminded t 1 the custody of Sheriff Bert Reed until the sentence is completed. Sirs. Robert B. Haes was in 0:nn ha teday where she was in attend ance at the meeting of th fr Umi missionary society of the M.'hodi-t church that is in r'-sion at that place today, the meetings being at the Eenson church. All the news in the Journal.