PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOV. . 17, 1927. Nehawka Department! Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. OFFICIAL PROCEED INGS Of THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Gold Medal Flour A car lead of this excellent Flour; now in car or at the mill. Get it in lots at a very attractive price. Eventually you will use this Flour WHY NOT NOW? C. D. ST. JOHN Nehawka, Nebr. Eusintss called D. C. West to Omaha on Monday of this week, he driving over to the big city in his :iuto for the day. Albut Wolfe who was working in Union last week was asked to re main for this week also, while the boys there did some more hunting. rau! Murray of Alva. Oklahoma, was visiting with relatives in this vicinity, being guest at the heme of his brother, David Murray while ht-re. On lat Monday, Dr. and Mrs. A. It. Kintner were guests at a dinner !uff Orpington Cockerels Prize winning Buff Orpingtons. High ec? laying trcii. Choice of flock at; $3.00, some tt lower prices. These; prices gocd only during; November!1 ivirs, && liansemer AJdrefs Nehawka, Nebraska Murray Phone 2905 CROSLEYS AND RADIOLAS TBe Tadfo season is now coming on. Be ready! Do Away with Your Battery Troubles Every one who buys a 'Radio Outfit of us. with a storage battery, will; have the battery kept fully charged by us for six months free cf charge, j LIGHT BULBS j All under 50 Watts 23c each' 0 and 60 Watt sizes 25c each All Farm Light Plant Eulbs , Range from 28c to 32c ; OLAFLUNDBERG j Nehawka, Nebr. which was given at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kintener near Weep ing Water. Harry Rainey of near Plattsmouth has been assisting at the farm ofj W. O. Troop i nth picking of their, vorn which is going forward veryj effectually. Mesdames B. O. Tucker and F. M. ' Lemon were doing some shopping in Nebraska City on Monday of this week, they driving down to that place in their auto. Robert Troop and the family were enjoying last Sunday with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leach, at Union, they driving over in their! car for the occasion. Bert Chapman, who has been as sisting in the blacksmith shop of T. E. Fulton for some time past was a visitor with his friends Mr. and rMs. Wm. Puis of Murray last Sunday. George Troop was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Thursday evening and a guest at the home of his Bis ter. Mrs. Wm. Gorder as well as visiting the movie for the evening. Mrs. A. P. Sturm and daughter, Mrs. John O. Yeiser were visiting with friends as well as looking after some shopping in Lincoln on last Monday atternoon, they driving over in their auto. C. M. Chrisweisser who has sinci his trip to Rochester, Minn., been having Fonie trouble with his eyes was a visitor in Omaha on Tuesday of this week where he is consulting an eye specialist. Ben Allen who opened the hotel at Nehawka about two weeks since is very much encouraged with the business which is already coming to that institution and is conducting a very fine establishement. Miss Josephine Swingle, of Lin coln where she is a etudent of the Wesleyan University, was a visitor in Nehawka for over the week end. being a guest at the home of her brother Marcus Swingle of this place. Warren Munn, believing in being ready for any emergency which may cfri'.e knocking at his door, is get tin'; his corn sheller in the best con ditions as some one has told him that there is a big crop of corn around Nehawka. Julius A. Pitz and the family of Plattsmouth were visiting for last Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and also drove down through the city and visited the Nehawka oil well on their way home. The Busy Workers of the Nehawka Methodist church, on last Saturday served an oyster supper which was most gratefully enjoyed by the large number of people who were there to enjoy the excellent supper which was served by this corterie of excellent cooks. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop were visiting in Plattsmouth on last Mon day afternoon, where Mr. Troop was looking after some business matters and Mrs. Troop was in attendance at a meeting of the Art and Drama club of that city of which she is a member. David C. LaRue who was the vil lage blacksmith and a good one at that in Union for many year3 and where he makes his home at this time, was a business visitor in Ne howka on last Monday and a guest of T. E. Fulton as well as looking after, some business matters. Mont Shrader and the good wife have been having some improvements made in their home northwest of VI .fi as e 33 54-inch All Wool Flannel, good dress weight, in the new spcrt shades, at $2.50 yard 3G-inch Fancy Suiting, fine close twill, in tan, trown and blue. Only ei rr i Beautiful Fercale Small and medium sized printed pat terns, in light and medium color combinations. Will il i : a r r'U-r.i. r i iuar.rz ctmcu-nvc nprons iui vurisiiiias. ouy li nerei j i ESTABLISHED 1888 Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr. Where Customers Feel at Home ..gggzr 332EI3B3Z5 NOTICE! Having taken the agency for the Aermotor Windmill and Re pairs for Murray and Nehawka, would appreciate your call for anything in windmills or re pairs. Also oil for windmills. H. M. Smith Nehawka -:- Nebraska Rout 1 Box 65 C. W. Stoehr, dragging, RD 1 C. C. Koke, same, RD 1 Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul I verts, RD No. 1 132.62 Geo. E. Nickles, material for , RD No. 10 15.55 Peter Mann, grading, RDs 11 and 12 40.00 ! ROAD FUND W. J. Partridge, 150 lbs. of . dynamite, RD No. 4 $ 18.00 J. C. Niday, road work, RD 11 116.50 John L. Weyers, same, RD 16 25.80 Elmer Boyles, same, RD 15 -22.95 L. Linder, same, RD 15 22.50 87.00 Office of rOl'XTV COMMISSIONERS of ('ana County Plattsmouth, Nebr., November 1, 1927. Board met pursuant to adjourn- T ' .4- oP,nilfu snm nn i ment. Present. C. F. Harris, C. D. R , h Murpny, same, RD 9 25.25 11.70 r"' r"" " " -. U U , U -! ! Spangler and Fred II. Gorder, County Win Viriv Ram, nn 15 Commissioners; Geo.R. Sayles, Coun- Arthur skinner, same, RD ft- ty Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved, when the following busi ness was transacted in regular form: Mothers' Pension Orders Mothers' Pension orders by 133.81 311.75 62.30 116.05 5.50 .County Judge renewing the Mother's . . 1 ": " of Mrs. Martha iiaaaon t. i !&nd M- Catherine Ash, approved by Arimnivdt in uic na ui til BOIlrd Duiiuing meir nome, ana at nit; eciinc 1 14 1. wl l lime nave iuiuisiicu u tumyicic T.? PA,.L-ino. ta Mnihor'x Pensions of Mrs. Lela Rung, Mrs. Golda Odell and Mrs. Deta F. Burke, Mothers' Pension orders by the new furnishings, which makes a very cozy home for this excellent couple. 1 11irJ - rr 'n tv no c?o -l iiu 111 O Tl . putting forth the good qualities of , approved by the Board the Whippet, was making better time ,' than the ordinances of Nehawka pre Claims Allowed Claims as listed on the C. C. Barnard, same, RD1 Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7 J. II. Buck, labor, RD 7 Dick Fischer, road work, RD No. 16 24.00 th,e John Wooders, same, RD 1 9.00 C. W. Stoehr, same, 111) l sy.40 Green Piggott, same, RD 10 101.00 Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7 38.00 Green Piggott, same. RD 10 42.50 H. W. Tool Lumber Co., matl., RD 7 30.25 F. M. Cole, road work. RD 14 189.50' Henrv Hike, same, RD 1 10.50 BRIDGE FUND Louis Schmidt, bridge work$ 27.50 scribed and for such infaction of the 'funds were allowed by the Board it disrnitv was aDneased bv fine! MOTHERS' PENSION FUND and trimmings of $5.35. This was Mrs. Edith Hitt. Mothers' paid and charged up to the adver-, Pension for November $ Using or demonstration accou it 1 iMrs. Martha Haddon, same Daniel Anderson and the family1 Mrs. Will Hindman, same-l and the family and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ross and the children and Al bert Anderson and family were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bedella Stander of Louis- Mrs. Josephine Janda, same ville, who is a sister of Mrs. Ross Mrs. Nellie Garcia, same and the Anderson brothers. A most:. Mis. Anna I?ezdef, same delightful time was had during the; Mrs. Catherine Ash. same day. ' I Mrs. Esther Converse, same Mis. I. M. Davis of Lincoln, was; -,;rs Mnrcia His?, same a visitor in the neighborhood of Ne-lMrs. Dollie Duffield, same hawka and was accompanied by her Mrs. Zelia Conlev, same various cliff Shafer, same 6.75 250.89 Mrs. Mary Piper, Fame Mrs. Birdie Chancellor, same. : Mrs. Minnie Mason, same Mrs. Anna Zitka. same father. Mr. George W. Young, former Cass county commissioner, but now msking his home near Alva, Okla- Mrs. Cora Hirz, same G EN E R A L VFUN D Clara M. Wickman. salary $ H. W. Tool Lumber Co., matl. M. L. Evans, building seven bridges 6S3.08 12.00 h. W. Tool Lumber Co., matl. 118.50 10.00 f. M. Cole, bridge work 10.85 15.00 Restor & Swatek, material 6.35 10.00 Henry Hike, bridge work IS. 00 10.00 Geo. E. Nickles. material 206.94 10.00 Jean Mason, bridge work 4.50 20.00 COMMISSIONER S FUND 10.00 First District 15.00 Bud Nickels, grading work $129.50 15.00 j. d. Adams Co., repairs 1.55 20.00 jctfe oil Co.. mdse 158.38 10.00 Omaha Road Equip. Co., for tractor repairs 8.70 COMMISSIONER'S FUND Second District Joe Banning, merchandise $ 9.45 Anton Auerswald, material 10.00 7.50 7.50 23.00 hema. and who is visiting with his j IIans yjt?vcr3 salary, laundry 105.50 Vance H. Harris, for grading old time friends, and. accompanied ( -vV G Kic k . saiarv .expense. 131.91 1 roads by another daughter and her h"s-)S p oiimore. wood to court jr. E Fulton, labor, matl oanu, -Mr. aim -ura. aiuhi xjuj.ui. i10s 56.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 5.20 50.60 40.00 they all spending friends here. week with .A. B. Smith, plans for county barn 5.50 Will Make Home in North. While the people of Nehawka and vicinity will be the loser, the insti tution where lie is trailed to aPsist in. the Mayo Bros, hospitals at Rochester Minn., will be the gainer and hi i j p prendel, M. P.. salary ability as a practictioner will assist-j will T. Adams, salary Third DiFtrict T7i i t-. r , trn j uoi n i.ktm r red itueier, eug'"eui.aii, xm C i- f-pangier, eaiary aim i ro. 4 b.uu CU. Hi II WAY ri-INlJ in the relieving of many who go to that institutions for treatment. Dr. A. R. Kintner during his practice in Nehawka has affected some won derful cures and it is with much re gret the people of this vicinity see him depart. The office - which he leaves will be filled by Dr. Ltnniel Barrett; whose father and a" very erainentphysician practiced medicine in Union for many years. We are hoping for Dr. Barrett the same good success as has had Dr. Kintn-r and we are also wishing Dr. Kintner. in his new field an abundance of success as well. mileage 159.90 Alpha C. Peterson, salary, mileaee . 236.60 Anna E. Leach, salary 1 . 55.00 Wm. Maltby, repair old books 421.00 17.50 104.16 48.29 29.15 WiU Feed Cattle. On last Friday Earl Troop receiv ed two car loads of cattle from the South Omaha market, whiche he put on feed at the feed yards where he resides end when they are finished for the market will return them to Omaha. lowa-Nebr., Light Co., service J. L. Tidball. Jr.. mdse C. E. Hartford, coal to poor 5.75 J. L. Tidball. Jr., coal to poor 17.50 Chris Rasmussen,' provisions to poor 5.00 Meier Dm-; Co.. fumigators 11.00 .1. N. Elliott, salary A. II. Duxbury, salary L. R. Snipes. County Farm' Bureau expense i ' Bert Reed, meals to prisoners 112.00 Henry Bartek, cutting corn at county farm Plattsmouth Motor Co., for supplies , $ 94.59 T. E. Fulton, labor, matl 19.30 Peter Mann, grading roads 50.00 Elmer Rummel. salary : 80.00 J. D. Adams Co.. blades 15.95 D. Switzer. road work T- 87.50 Kroehler Bros., mdse 7.00 Chris Elgaard, mdse 13.82 Ail?! in-Weston Co., for motor j grader repairs 7.35 CASS-SARPY BRIDGE FUND i 95.00 : 183.33 271.69 95.00 95.00 50.00 6.00 John busy The Proper Service. Early this week C, D. St. the Nehawka miller who is most of the time grinding feed for the farmers received a car load of tankage, which he is selling at $72.50 per ton, if taken from are car, and in case you cannot get there the day the car arrives, telephone in your order and you may get the tankage anytime during the week at the mill. John Kelleberg Dies. John Kellberg who for many years has made his home in Nehawka and vicinity and raised a large fam ily here and who sustained the loss of the good wife thirteen years ago, has been in very poor health for the past few years, and was taken to a hospital at Omaha some months since where he passed away on last Fri day. The remains were brought to Nehawka where the funeral was held on last Sunday afternoon from the United Brethren church and was conducted sby the pastor of that church, the Rev. KnocklocH- Mr. Kellberg was past 72 years of age and is known and honored by a large circle of friends in and about Ne hawka. The pall bearers afflication in the paying of the last respects to this excellent citizen were John Opp, Ernest Kropp, Fred ITeebner, Gustav Nelson, G. C. Iloback and John Griffin. American Legion Elect. At the regular meeting of the Ne hawka American Legion which was held at the Auditorium on last Fri day evening, and following the regu lar order of business an election of the ricers for the coming term was had, with the result that the follow ing will look after the business of the order for the coming term: Com mander, A.. G. Cisney, Adjutant, W. J. Wunderlich; Chaplain. William H. Kruger, and Finance Officer, Thomas Mason. Keystone Env. Co., 500 env. to County Attorney W. Rex Young, salary and ri'leage R. J. Embery, liniment to the county farm L. C. Smith Typewriter Co., one box carbon-i'I - C. H. Martin, mdse. to the county farm Dr. O. C. Hudson, salary for third quarter II. M. Soennichsen, provis ions to poor G. G. Douglas, M. D.. salary, Dist. No. 6 C. F. Harris, salary, mileage- C. IX Spangler, for telephone calls A. O. Ault. provisions to poor Cockle Printing Co., attend ance certificates Golda Noble Beal. salary Clarence E. Ledgway, salary- Nehawka Enterprise, printing R. A. Bates, printing and AHiprt PntnT Kfilnrv S Jo? Wooster. salary -1 John J. Svoboda, "sa la ry Wm. McCrarey, salary : Lincoln Telephone and Teleg. Co., rent and tolls Bestor & Swatek, labor and repairs Platts. Motor Co., gasoline Ofe Oil Co., gasoline King of Trails Bridge Co., payment with interest 37SS.53 The Board adjuorned to meet on Wednesday, November 2nd. 1927. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. 18.57 86.19 1.10 .00 10.60 i 22.S3 j 4.50 i 5.69 ' i FlmK 111 ' iSfl J&sJ w ' Mis I ' WMMl mm Slippery streets require careful , driving and dependable tires. While no tire offers posi tive anti-skid protection Goody ears, with the big, diamond blocked All-Weather Tread, are the safest equipment you can buy. They wear long, too, and that's why winter and summer " - More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. Bring your tire and tube problems to us for a money-saving solution. . Our Goodyear ser vice of Application, Inflation and Inspection accompanies every sale, : . ; rlattsmoirth Alcohol for Your Radiator BOX SOCIAL 43. 9S 45.00 66.00 25.00 140.80 2.65 17.41 on!?'? of " fOl'XTV COMMISSIONERS ( of Cana Comity Plattsmouth. Nebr., j November 2, 1927. Board met as per adjournment. Present, C. F. Harris, C. D. Spangler i and Fred H. Gorder, County Commis sioners; Geo. R. Sayles, CountyC lerk. The following business was trans acted in regular form There will be a box social and pro gram held on Friday evening, No vember ISth, at 8 p. in., at the Rock ! Bluff school. District No. 5. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend and . have a good time. ! MISS BEATRICE SPOHN, nl5-3d., lsw Teacher. FAIR VIEW COMMUNITY MEETING 17.64 Resolution 183.331 Plattsmouth, Nebr., 91.67, November 2. 1927. 8.00 Whereas, there has been the fol lowing funds deposited with The meeting of the Fairview Com munity club will be held at the school house on Friday evening, November 18th at 7:30. Everyone is cordially invited to be in attendance and en joy a good time. FOSSIL BISON FOUND Lincoln. Neb., Nov. 12. A fosil bison head probably 15. thousand years old has been received at the University of Nebraska museum from the gravel pits near Meadow, Neb. Charles Knutsou found it and . pre sented it to the museum. Another similar specimen was received from Nebraska City, where it was found in a gravl pit 18 feet below the sur face. S. A. Kammerlohr donated the specimen. PB0GBAM AND SUPPEE There will be a program and plate A Spokane man, whose wife got a-rrupper at the Pawnee school house. divorce, was awarded a bathing suit the'from the household effects. Just in supplies . 273.17 County Judge of Cass county, Ne- case he wants to take another plunge. provisions to C. H. Gibson, poor Theo. Harms, provisions 'to poor Omaha Prtg. Co., supplies Univ. Pub. Co., examination questions Meier Drug Co., fumigators. S. S. Chase, meat to farm K. B. Prtg. Co., legal blanks .braska, as legacies, on the 30th day 48.00 of August, 1911, in the estate ofj ; Miles .Russell Smith. there being 5.00 $99.37 for Fred Bushel; $21.29 for 9.39 Irene Truklepaugh; $21.29 for Truk- $42.56 for Woolsey Nov. Dist. No. 43 Tuesday evening 22. ELSIE DEHNING. nl4-3tw Teacher, ilepaugh and 7.43 J children; 3.75 ) Whereas, there has been funds paid 13. S5 to the County Judge of Cass county. 6.11 ' Nebraska, for unknown heirs and Bert Reed, salary, mileage 210.93 ithere are now funds in the hands of the County Judge since tne 3iet aay 22.20 of August, 1912. for the following es Itates: Jeremial Creamer estate, the 2.75 sum of $5.00; Johanna Coleman es 2.00 tate, the sum of $50.00; Ann Van- 50,Ruren estate, the sum of $300.00; 1.25,I,ydia Todd estate, the sum of .75 ; $100.00; Golda Noble Beal, fee, David son 1 W G Boedeker, report births and deaths Minnie Brendel, same : Luck Ellenwood, same B. I. Clements, same J. A. Gardner, same - W. E. Hand, same Mrs. Alyce Kintner, same A. S. Mansfield, same . Jessie Melvin, same Geo. 11. Olive, same . Jessie M. Robertson, same Mrs. Cleo Shaffer, same A. R. Stander, same L. R. Upton, same Plattsmouth Water Co., for 75) Whereas, there T ft ' r . . .1 e was paid to the Cass county, Nc- .50 hrnskfl nn Hip 23rd dav of AdHI. 50 1913, in the Melton J. Smith estate, 1.75 the sum of $6.00. On November 1, 8.25: 1913, the sum of $50.00 was paid to 75ithe County Judge In the Johannah 1.75 strate estate. On the 27th day of 75 July, 1914, in the Mary A. Bouton i estate a legacy to Geo. W. Bouton of water rent 11.90 $5.00 and further on the 16th day BOX SOCIAL There will be a box social and plate supper at the Heebner school. Dist. 38, 4 miles north and we6t of Nehawka, Friday, Nov. 18. Come! And have a good time. MILDRED FLEMING. nl4-2tw-3td Teacher. DRAG FUND W. H. McBrJde, dragging In RD No. 7 $ Simon Brakhage, same, RD 7 Frank Hemke, same, RD 7. Walter Stroy, same, RD 7 Adolph BockelmanJ same, RD No. 6 Harry Stock, same, RD .7 Sinclair Refining Co., supplies of November. 1916. in the Dennest JCoIe estate' the sum of $5.00 for Ce 12.00 lestine Russell; Jamea M. Cole the 28.60 sum of $5.00; Deanah Chalfant the 7.50 sum of $5.00; Alphonzo M. Cole the 3.90 sum of $5.00;- and Josephine Scot horn the sum of $5.00; and further 7.50 on the 26th day of March, 1927, in 6.75 the Joseph B. Betts estate the sum m4 mm CQ U WW of $5.00 to William Betts; the sum tor RD No. 1 6.25 of $5.00 for Alica Betts and the sum Geo. L." Hennings, dragging in ef js.oo for Isabella Betts; therefore RD No. 2 14.17! Be it Resolved, that according to Kenneth Ferris, same, RD 1 Wm. Kitzel, Bame, RD 6 S. K. Johnson, same, RD Louis Wagner, same, RD 1 C. C. Barnard, same, RD 1 John. L. Weyers, same, RD 16 Henry Schaefer, same, RD 14 E. M. Schomaker, same, RD No. 10 Get your school supplies at the Bates Book and Stationery Store, where you will find the complete line Nebr. Cuiv.'MfV'co.T culverts at all times. in RD No. 3 39.20 been in the hands of the said County Jjg 7.12 Section 1166, Compiled Statutes of 6-75 Nebraska for 1922, that the County 7.50 judge of Cass county, Nebraska, pay 6.50 to the County Treasurer of Casa coun 5.75 ty, Nebraska, the above mentioned - 5.85 .legacies and monies due to heirs paid 16.25 fcim under the provisions of Sections !ll65 and 1166; said monies having 21.45 ., I - (Continued on Pass 6) of OA l3 Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Duck Coats, Sweaters, etc. 350 pair of Children's and Misses' Shoes and Overshoes at bed-rock prices. 50 pair Basket Ball Shoes. 50 pair Ladies' Easy Shoes and Slippers. 40 pair Men's Shoes (work and dress) also Children's Hose, Hats, Caps, Coveralls, Duck Pants, Boys' Pants, Painters' Ov Boys' Pants, Painters' Overalls, White Duck Pants, etc. Some broken lots and sizes, but ALL MUST GO AT GREAT SACRIFICE See Goods 2nd Door South of Telephone Building PHONE 645