THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1927. PLATT SMOOTH SEMI - WEEKLY J0I7BNAL PAGE FIVE i T 5 4 II Li Murray Department Prepared In ihe Interest of the People of Murray ant rroundin,r Vieiillty Especially for the Journal Readers Sure, Murray had a hard blow when the fire took so much of her business interests. But the unconquerable spirit is rebuilding the burn ed district. Murray is pulling together and soon the business that suffered will be fully represented again. Murray people (and that includes all who re side in this vicinity) should pull together. Do your business in Murray, come to church in Murray. Buy your goods here, do your bank ing here make this the town you want to live in or near. Murray State Bank Foriy-Nine Dollars Birrs this Atwater Kent Radio This is a six tube, one dial control. Yon wiH find this excellent receiver cn exhibition at Kingdon Pharmacy. Everett Spangler Murray, Nebr. A good chicken supper at the li brary Saturday evening Oct. 29. Business called George Nickle to Omaha on Tuesday of this week, he driving over to the big city in his auto. J. O. Nailor was a visitor in Union on Wednesday of this week where he conducted a dance at the M. W. A. hall of that place. Harry E. Nelson was looking after cnmc hnsinrss matters in Omaha dnr- ing the first of this week, driving over to the big town in his car. Louis F. Flybon was in Murray on Monday of this week and took home ! with hirii a load of lumber for mak-j ing some repairs at his farm home. j E. K. Sihulhof the expert piano: tuner of riattsmouth was a visitor; west of Murray where he was put-! Latest Selling Fire-proof, Rat procf Veatto-tigs! Farm Storage- Always the largest sell- in p. most popular metal grain bin since the orig inal was made by Col umbian now. the im proved Red Top Grain Bin has forced the insta!:atioa cf automatic machinery eapebie of u. bin everr few minutes, night and day. mad M e Improves Quality Of Grain From Combine; IfeaSsr Or Utresf&ed Direct From Siock Time was when sweating in the stack before storing was thought necessary. Now, thousands and thousands of bushels go into Red Top Grain Bins direct from the combine harvester the same day cut, and from the shock the same day threshed. The scientific venti lating system cures it actually improves its quality. trilled Bottom Tanks Pfve years on the market: ontaell ing everything in their held. Why? Because the (rood features of a doz en other Columbicn tacks and a third of a century of tank making experience are built into them. Warranty stamped into each tdr.k. Most popular because biggest value. KANSAS CITY COUUMBIAii Sold By Thsse.rerchania ln Your County Farmers Union Association. Murdock Searle & Chapxn Lumber Cc Greenwood Otto Fctereit Piattsmsuth i ting some pianos in the best condJr tion. Jess Chambers, the paper hanger and decorator, was beautifying the kitchen of the Mrs. Nickles cafe Tues day and making the place look much better. Fred Patterson of Plattsmouth and Rock Bluffs was a visitor in Murray on last Tuesday morning and was looking after some business matters at theelerator. a good many from different clubs I j are planning to attend the Woman'f club meeting in Plattsmouth Friday I evening. i D. R. Frans and wife with their little one were visiting in Murray for a short time on last Tuesday and were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore. T7Tfl fte-iV: IPT,"! Less Than 1 Shrlnkagm occurs in lied Top Bins. Piled on the ground shrinkage is 10. This saving and a few centa a bushel advance over harvest time markets &eax:y pays for Red Top Storage. j 500 Bu. 9 ft 7 In. xl ft. Z Id. $02. OO lGGOBu. IS It. la. S It 2 In. $130.00 FREIGHT FRIO Valuable Seeds, such as alfalfa, clover and bine grass are as thoroughly pro tected as all small (Trains, corn and kaffir. Ex cellent for smoking: meat, hanging oiled har ness, sacks ia fact, all miscellaneous storage. I SfflS&TAHK COMPANY U.S.A. You will enjoy the supper at the library Saturday evening, Oct. 29th. Prank Mrasek has been kept hump ing with the many trips which he has been making to Omaha with stock for the farmers and bringing back goods for the Murray merchants. O. A. Pearsley and son of Union were looking after some business mat ters in Murray on Tuesday of this week, they driving over in their car to look after some business maters. Thomas Nelson was a visitor at Springfield on last Sunday and was the guest of friends, he having been located there in business some years since, and knows many people there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shrader are moving this week to the home of Alex Rhoden where they will reside dur ing the period of corn picking as Mr. Shrader will pick corn for Mr. Rhod en. A. D. Bakke was a visitor in Oma ha on Tuesday of this week where he was called to look after some mat ters of business and also secure some needed repairs for the garage repair shop. Mr. and Mrs. George Nickle and Mrs. Henry C. Long were visiting with friends at Shenandoah, on last Sunday, they driving over in their auto, and while there were guests at the home of relatives. Alex Rhoden was hauling lumber to the -place where he resides near I Mynard for the making of some nec- . ' esnary repairs at the farm, and put-1 ting the place into condition that he J could care for the grain. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vantime spent Sunday at the Arthur Hansen home. I III Warlick has been utilizing the time these nice days while he was wating for the corn to get dry j enough, by making himself a wagon! box, thinking it could be made more ; economical than to be purchased. Mrs. Jesse Hendricks of Plainview who has been visiting for some time with relatives and friends in Kan sas City on her return stopped for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carroll, and also at the home of Will Hendricks before continuing her Journey north. ! Mrs. L. C. Horchar'who has been in very poor health for many months and who returned home from taking , treatment at Kearney some time since ; stll! remains very poorly at her home and is visited by her many friends i who are hoping shemay soon be in i better health and able to get about , herself. ! Herman F. Gansemeriwas over to Omaha on last Monday where he pur- chased a part of a load of cattle, and on Tuesday returned, purchasing ! the remainder, which he had shipped t to Murray and taken to his farm ! northwest of town where he has plac I ed them on feed, to be returned to i the market when fattened, i I'ncle Wm. Puis who has been kept : ta his home for fciany weeks on ac count of the injury is now able to be down during the nice days, and j we have been having a number of them and every one he is taking ad vantage of and meeting his many friends and he has many at that. All are hoping he may soon ba in his for i mer health. Be sure and attend the Halowe'en ' Knnr nt the uhmrv s.itnrdav even ' rw,o- Qth A arge number of the Masons of (Murray were over to Plattsmouth on last Saturday where they were in at- tendance at the Blue LAdge of that order, and enjoyed a very fine meet- . ing which was held at that time. ! There were there from Murray. W. ' G. Boedeker. E. S. Tutt, O. A. Davis, j Thomas Nelson, Anderson Lloyd, 5 George Nickle and Wm. Obernalte. While there they also met Simon Rehmeyer of Alvo who had driven over to attend the meeting. j Fred Ahrens who lives between Murray and Mynard was in town cn last Monday and took home with him a load of lumber for the enlarging of the cribs, on his place, to hold the corn which he is raising. Mr. Ahrens last year had corn which went sixty bushels to the acre, and this year it is still heavier, and will make, he thinks over seventy bushels. Sure Fred knows how to farm and with excellent soil and a disposition to work he is making the farming pay. For Sale Pure bred Duroc boars. A. A. lonng, Murray, Nebr. o20-2tw Ladies Aid Will Meet. The Ladies Aid of the Christian church will meet at the church par lors on Wednesday of the coming week, the afternoon of November 2nd and all members of the society and the church are urged to be in at tendance. There will be a delightful luncheon served, which will be in charge of the hostesses, Mesdames J. A. Davis. W. E. Milburn and Ada Parris. There will be a profram which will be in charge of Mrs. Oscar Shrader. and a very good time is as sured all. Mnrray'g New Buildings. Murray was dealt a hard blow when the fire came and destroyed five business firms or the buildings in which they were doing business, but they had a spirit Buch as disast ter could not break and they have been doing business, not at the old stand but somewhere, and doing it nicely, bnt under much convenience. Phoenii like those who could have gone ahead and have now three store rooms in processor building and which it is hoped will be completed by the first of December for occu pance. The new buildings will be occupied as formerly by Harry E. Nelson for his hardwarde store on be next to tl?a( an! ti peeffie If uur of the readen of vbe Journal -too v of ny social event or ltm of Inters ia ttJ TlclrfJty. and will mall Itmeio this office, it will ap pear under thta head In sr. W want all newi ftmnt- Kditob J Crosley Radios They do not cost as much as many sets but are better. We handle and install them with a guarantee. We, are carrying a full line of Radio Supplies and Equip ment. We are ready to furnish ex pert services in this line. Call on us. TELEPHONE 47 The Murray Garage A. D. Bakke, Manager ana meat marKei win ue a mue iar- theer east, where they will be most conveniently housed when the build ings are done. Oscar Nailor will, with the moving of Earl Lancaster, occupy the place where Mr. Lancaster nnu- han hia fit OTP. nnd it is said that another building will be commenced obeyed the father, but when he dis as soon as the ones now under con-ibeyed, he was lost and that eter struction shall have been completed. ' nally. until the Son Christ came to Thus will Murray again be in posi- redeem him, and under the plan of tion to care for the trade which has redemption, man has an opportunity in a measure slipped away during to return to communion with the the time that a number of the firms father. The entering of sin into the were out of business. j world, while it seems to man as a .thing which he cannot understand. Bun" Orpington Corckrels. We have a number of very fine Buff Orpington cockrels. which we have placed at S150. while they last. Call phone Murray 2811, John Camp bell, jr. Eas Tough Experience. While John Campbell, jr picking corn on last Monday noon he having a mule and a was both being rather high spirited, they assayed to run away, and in hi3 en deavor to stop them he was draggeed and bumped against a wheel, injur ing his neck greatly, but all the same he succeeded in stopping the fractious team. He was at the doc tor's for a treatment, and the day following though very stiff and sore, was out again gathering corn. It takes a great deal to stop John from work. i Plain Seu-ing Wanted I will do plain sewing at our home. Mrs. Wayne Lewis, Murray, Nebr. Visited at Shenandoah. A number of the people of Cass county and other visitors from out in the state wee visiting at the Henry Field Seed house and broad casting station at Shenandoah on last Monday and enjoyed a most splendid time while there. There were in the party, Messrs. and Mesdames F. M. Lemon. Frank Cox of Nehawka. L. M. McVey of near Union. John Hob scheibt and the family of near Mur ray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlgel of Rock Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rose and Mrs. Anderson oT Coldrige, they having an excellent time while they were there. WANTED Wanted A place to work on farm, hae farmed all my life. Want a I steady plice. Also have son sixteen. Arch Poynter, Murray, Nebr. o24-2tw Married at Nebraska City. On last Saturday Alvador Xickles and Miss Blanche Scotten, drove down to Nebraska City where they secured a marriage license, and had j the kind hearted judge perform the ceremony which made them man and wife, after which they returned to Murray and took up the work which has occupied them before and since the wedding. These two young peo ple are most favorably and well known by the people of Murray and surrounding community. Their many friends and they have a host, are extending best wishes and congrat ulations and with which the Journal joins and is wishing that theirs may be a long and happy life, filled with t many friends and much prosperity. 1 We know the opportunity for service to humanitv will be ever present and they will Beek to do all the good they can Used Furniture for Sale 1 Iron Bed. 1 Matress 1 Spring 1 Oak Dresser 1 Oak Commode 1 Oak Center table 1 Oak Eocker. 0. A. DAVIS, o26-4td-2tw Murray, Neb. SEARCHING FOE GOMEZ NEAR VOLCANO EEGION Vera Cruz, Mexico. Oct. 24. The forces of General Aguirre, federal commander, are scouring the region around the Orizaba volcano, where General Gomez, reoai cnier, is sup posed to be. Several federal columns are advancing in various districts and a meeting between the opposing forces is expected soon. Have you anytirtng to sell? Tell tke world about it through the Jour nal'i Went Ad department. BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON October 30, 1827 Bj M. S. Briggs The Wages of Sin is Death Golden Text: "Seek good and not evil, that ye may live and so Jehovah the God of hosts will be-with you, as ye say." Amos 5:14. There is a Cause for Prosperity It has been said that lightening never strikes twice in the same place, still there was a cause for the strik ing of the lightening in the one place even the first time. Effect follows cause just as surely as night follows day, and the rotation of the seasons, which has occurred since the foun dation of the earth, are but the re sult of an-inflexible law, which will jnot be violated, because it is the I product of the Great Jehovah, who has made the seasons and the equi noxes. nen God pinced man in tne garden and told him that he was to enjoy all the good things which were therein, as long as he obeyed the command of God, and he was to en i - joy the paradise, the promise was sure and everlasting. Likewise was the admonition that when he disobeyed, and ate of the tree which God had forbidden, was his life taken from him. Eternal life was man's when he when God was and is omnipotent,! end has all power to do as he wishes I in the matter of anything in heaven ' above or in the earth below, that he ; would allow man to be tempted and j j fall. Were man made to be good just , (arbitrarily he would have no part or ; portion in the great plan of God, and which includes the co-operation of man in the furtherance of his great plans which reach throughout the entire universe, which man cannot conceive, and during the duration of all eternity, but before the advent of time and after it shall have ceased. Likewise the redemption of mankind by Jesns Christ, when he came to give his life for the purchase of man that purchase extends from the earli est beginning of time until the last man Fhall inhabit the earth. The on- portunity is open, for God changeth hot. i rue me i;:Die, wnun ever tells the truth, if we says God repented tha understand it,! t he had made! I mr.n, and he punished him. and thatjperson did not live to see the disas he was destroyed by the flood, but Iters whuh he had pronounced, came, man has forfeited his very right to j they came in the years as their sins life, and only by the obedience of 'ripened, for when Amos said that those eight souls, were a remnant j their beloved Jerusalem would be saved to re-inhabit the world. God j burned by fire, the same was accomp and his plans for mankind are for thejli?hed when the Chaldeans ISO years hest always, and when we work in ' afterwards took the city and then conformity with those plans, we J burned the very temple which had prosper, for did not the Father give' been erected for the worship of God, Abraham cattle on a thousand hills. and the children of Israel were car- and other wealth in abundance be cause he was the friend of God? A Seedtime and Harvest We are commanded to go forth and sow in the morning and in the even ing to withhold not our hands, for we do not know which shall pros per. When God created the earth and has caused it to be lighted and warm ed by the sun, had given the rains and the balmy winds, had separated the day from the night, had caused the seeds to grow upon the earth, and had commanded man to look after hp nrth o-ivinfr him dominion river! a,.t, h vTriQ tho oir , l.r.cte nf'ti, fioiri a rt oil' ti,., nf h orth tha c,n a-nri tiling lillllO r L S.U- V l A V V A - SA I.UIllf,J under the sea, he gave a heritage to man far beyond what man ever con ceived. But man, through the temp-j tatfon of the serpent, fell and dis-j obeyed, and man with his compan-1 inn was nut nut of thp r.ardpn nf i Eden, and an angel with a flaming ! declaration of the famine which was sword was placed to guard the en- ! 1 " me and,a punishment for the sins trance to the garden to prevent man;"' the people and the nation, for did and th edevil from further polluting no t Jehovah say For these sins I will the sacred place. With the sin of - not pass you by." mankind, he was an outcast on the j The nation which fulfills the com face of the earth and was required : mands of the Great Jehovah will en to earn his bread by the sweat of his ,ra Qe oc e. c. Vi..,, r-rM n -. tnrttin-w 4 I- r-. . sweat of his entire body. The secrets of nature, which had hen given man at the beginning, were locked up on account of the sin which came into the world and were attainable" only when man thru .the ages of work was able to wrest tnem from an oristinate nature. The principles of the X-ray, the airplane, the auto, the radio existed when God divided the light from the darkness just the same as they exist now, and it is safe to presume that there are still millions of even more wonderful things in existence, only awaiting un til man who shall obey the command of the Lord of all creation, shall be able to discover them. For the Mas ter died that we might live and we may enjoy all these things by ovr obedience to the terms of salvation, and obeying the terms of life. Shall We Succeed , : God has made it possible for us to succeed and placed within our pow er to make this world even a paradice again if we only will, and in the end, death, which is the wages of sin, shall be conquered and it will be swallow ed up in iife. For when all sins shall be abolished, then shall the King Christ reign in righteousness and there will be no more wars, nor will sickness, sorrow or death be any more. j The Prophet's Mission The reformer, the pioneer back in the beginning, back the world to its rightful position, are not liked but because they tell of the sins of the people, they are despised. The sins of any people are such that they do not Uk to ire tjyem trouft to their ksowlede, vea lor correction or 017 DARE f SATURDAY, OCT. Rew Legicn CcmmuniSy Oldg. Finest Dance Floor in Nebraska. $15 Bridge Lamp Given Away FREE NOVELTIES AND FAVORS FOR ALL Music by Marshall's Little Band Gents $1 ADMISSION Ladies Free DANCE EVERY obliteration. In our lesson of today, the prophet Amos came to Israel and Judah alike with a message of the results which were to come for their sirs, and because he told the people and especially those in command of The kingdoms, he was not liked. He ( told them that because they had 1s- rael and Judaa had wondered away from God and had given obedience lo the theory that an idol which had been the work of man's hands w:.s a god, and incidentally with this con dition, those high in the nation's af fairs had oppressed the poor and had sold the rithous for silver and even the poor for a pair of shoes, so great '?.s the avaric-p 01 trie ricn ana me destitution of the poor. When Amos ; stood and testified to the people v hat( ; meir actions wuuiu ofiuuani iihjb upon them and their nation, they did not like it, but while perhaps they in ried away into captivity, the ten tribes to remain forever, while Judah and Benjamin were allowed after the lapse of seventy years to return and inhabit the land. But in so doing. They had to fight for the things they had forfeited through disobedience of God, and it is ever thus in our own experience, for when we have given way to the wrong, it is always hard to regain and recover the position which we occupied before we fell. It has been said, "The bird with the broken pinion will never soar so high again." Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any t people. This truth is borne out in every instance of all history of all nations, so likewise in the case of in ' dividuals. Amos has pronounced the j coming of a famine, when he said. "Beheld the days cometh, snith Je hovah, that the plowman shnll over take the reaper, and the treader of erapes Dim that sowetti seed, was a grapes him that soweth seed. Four Square Brand Genuine Early Red River Ohio Seed and Table POTATOES $1.15 PER BUSHEL L. B. EGENBERGER iSS THIS BIG DANCE Spectators 35c SATURDAY NIGHT ill i i aAJ do the commands, pnd olfys the voire of the lord, but will fall whtn s-he shall not do so. So in the coming le.-son of next week, what Amos says abopt .futW e is worthy of consideration and ntu'ly. Tollow it through and you will prolit by the attention you give it. A Led Masons Guests of Covert Lodge in Omaha Residents of the Nebraska Masonic Home are Honored in Ban- j qnet in Omaha From Wednesday's I'ally This afternoon the aped gentkm n who are residents of the Ntbra.-ka Masonic Home in this city were made honor guests of Covert lodce No.ll. A F & A M of Omaha. The members of the Masonic Home party were taken to Omaha by auto and had u splendid time in viewing the sights of the metropolis and were then taken to the Masonic temple where the chief program of the occasion was enjos-ed. Th aged guests were treated to a fine banquet that the Covert lodge had arranged and which was one that all of the visitors will long very pleasantely remember and at which they were greeted by a large number of the members of the fraternity, many of whom they hnd known wLil" active in the lodge work in their home com munities. The members of the visiting party were joined by Ruperindent W. F. Evers in the pleasant meeting and the event was one that more than a delight to all of those who had the opportunity of attending. FOU SALE Eingle Comb Rhode Inland Red cockerels. Piarrohea tested flock. f2 each. Mrs. II. L. Gayer, Murray. 1604. ltsw A large assortment of the Hal lowe'en crepe paper in all designs, the best of the Dennison line can be found at ihz Bates Book & Gift shop. Call and look over this line of won d?rful decorations.