THUBSDAY, OCT. 27, 1W7. Cbe plattsrnoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEUJ-WEEKLY AT PLATTSM 0 UTH, KEEBASXA mtr at PoatoSlc. Flattamoath. Nab. coadclau mail mtur R. A. BATES, Publisher 8USSCEIPTI0H PEICS $2.00 PER YEAS IN ADVANCE Vienna boom. has an office building -:o: Steel wire, so fine it can be woven into cloth as soft as silk, is now being made. -:o: Twenty times as many women inied in the aerial pass in football England are betting on races as did a few years ago. :o: Tou can't mistake thecareful man these days. He keeps his overcoat on in the restaurant. -:o:- Nearly 3,000,000 pairs of foreign made footwear will be purchased in this country this year. -:o: Apparently the prohibition party is the only one that isn't divided on the wet and dry question. :o: There has been no change in spec bread upon the waters regardless of whether the tide is coming in or not. :o: And the final test of the blind ness of love is for her to refrain from criticising the color scheme of his neckties. :o: The cloud in the silver lining is that if Mussolini continues with his regulations, soon he will be reduced to regulating himself. :o: A baby weighing one and one-half pounds that was born recently at West Ham, England, is believed to be the world's tiniest child. :oi One of the channel swimmers is to try it again, in order to vindicate the swimmers. "What they really I need is Justification, not vindication. :o: Then again in the old days, when the men's styles were announced, it was not thought necessary to desig nate the pockets as "pint" or "quart" size. - : n - Speaking of looking into the fu ture, the Str Joseph News-Press warns that time is pressing and up to the present no turkey shortage has been organized. :o: Dog racing offered too much com petition to the horse racing interests in Illinois, which caused a law to be passed outlawing betting upon racing after 7 p. m. :o: Hhere has been no change in spec tacle frames in the last 500 years, we learn, so it must be the face that makes some people look that way in tortoise shell frames. :o: Columbia university announced recently that it can take no more students. But perhaps the faculty has changed Its mind since last Sat urday's football game. :o: How Lindbergh did not influence Mayor Miller is illustrated by the lat ter's remark that he cannot see where the city would get any revenue from, the purchase of an airport. :o: Geologists have finally figured out that it has taken 300,00,000 years for the ocean to attain its present salti ness. And now, if they haven't any thing else to do, they might get to work on ham. :o: "With the span of life extended to 125 years, as a scientist predicts, any man of purpose, tenacity, character and the faith that moves mountains ought to be able to master the mashie-niblick. :o: Much attention has been given in the last few years to the wisdom of diversified agriculture. It has been shown that the chances of profits or prosperity are increasing with the number of crops or farm resources that are relied upon. to: While confessing our utter inabil- ity to see anything more than fool- hn& a mustache just to please his fin hardiness in Ruth Elder's attempt to . ances,she broke the engagement. SI.e fly across the Atlantic, we must give ! must nave Been a picture of Paul unstinted admiration of her thought- ( Wniteman. fulness In taking a lipstick and rouge box along, both of which she prompt ly proceeded to use after being rescued. :o: The winning of the recent world's series in four straight games was department. hailed everywhere as new evidence! to: of the honesty of baseball. But it also j The style experts say the muff is gave evidence that the Yankees were coming back, but whether it will be possessed of the hideous "lust to a little ornamental affair, or a useful win," which, according to one mod- accessory big enough for parcel car em school of sport thought, is a re- rying and shoplifting purposes, the grettable attribute. First deed of trust; an engagement ring. :o: Japan is extending its lines and adding others. air mail -:c:- Interest in aviation now is center -:o: Corn husking is on and already reports of large yields have come in. :o: A presidential candidate who chooses to run in Mexico may live to run another day :o: Note on the Chinese war: All the generals married, and the people liv ed happily ever after. :o: It as a notable fact that most speed records are made by Jeople who are not going anywhere. tor Our private opinion is that no one is really as competent as Herbert Koover is supposed to be. : :o: Every man should rememer that ii is mucn easier to live within an in come than to live without one. -:o:- "Beauty in Twenty Minutes" is the slogan of a beauty parlor recently opened in London by a theatrical star. -:o:- A really clever woman is one who makes him promise that he likes spinach before she accepts the en gagement ring. :o: Those who put theirnioney into a nice shiny sedan instead of going to the Dempsey-Tunnev fight are the wise ones these chilly days. :o: Of course we do not know, but we have a faint suspicion that those who advocate a 13-month year did not fig ure it makes the bills come due often- er. :o: The meanest man in Plattsmouta is the fellow who always shaves the back of his wife's neck with the same razor she uses for sharpening lead pencils. :o: The United States sent a new am bassador to Mexico. That country didn't lose any time in showing him just what kind of a job he had on his hands. :o: After trying every thing else to frighten away the birds, a fruit grow er in South Germany installed a loud speaker in his orchard, and every bird shuns the spot. :o: By attaching a parachute to the baby buggy, an inventor at Brighton, Lngiand, nas lightened the nurse maid's task and provided entertain ment for the little one. :o: The per capita consumption of ma chinery is $25 in the United States. $9 in Germany; $3.50 in Hungary, between $5.40 and $4 in Czechoslo vakia and $1 in Poland. -tot- It is said that keeping the eye oil the ball wins football games, but after watching any number of fum bles, we are certain that keeping the hands on the ball is fully as import ant. :o: Don't you suppose the New Yo: k judge who made that ruling abo-.t scantily clad chorus girls had 1ft of fun explaining to his wife why i didn't handle some different kind case? f :o:- Blackmer says he is staying n . ,,0 . . oot5r- , (Europe because his testimony cou . I i not help the government. The que -j tion of what effect his testimory ; might have on his friends at on"? arises. tot- After a Isew York man had gore to the trouble of getting fat and raij- :o:. All nations prate about peace, but they all mintain war secretaries and departments of preparation. No na tion, not even the United States, has yet suggested a secretary of the peace j experts don't say. BELIEF FOE. LINDBERGH Something must he done tor Char ley' Lindbergh. Five months ago Lindbergh was the world's greatest hero. Today he is just a tired, long- suffering young man who sits by with ing'that Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wid- an anguished look on his face while ow of the late President Wilson, he is mauled by reception committees, would make a good running mate for gassed by non-stop orators, and stuf- Gov. Smith. He thing the influence fed with a variety of food that would of Mrs. Wilson i9 very great through ruin the digestion cf an ostrich. lout the country, that such a ticket Five months age Lindbergh wasn't would sweep the states ofthe South at home unless he had a pilot stick and carry such western states as in his hand. Today he isn't at home Washington, Oregon. California, unless he has a bunch of celery in one Montana, Idaho, Nevada and Wyom- hand and a glass of ice water in the ing. The rest of the statest neces- other. , . sarily would be carried by the gover- - In the spring he wasexploring "un- nor. This ticket would be invincible, charted lanes of the air." Now he is says Mr. Wallace, and the more the exploring uncertified chicken patties , Republicans attacked it, the more of the earth, Lindbergh must think at his mom- ent that to Uncle Sam a hero is- a infected this former diplomacy that boy who eats a barrel of olives a is, if be is really in earnest, and it week, may be thought that he is. It is no One more month of this and he disrespect to the widow of the late will be certain that a Gallant Knight president to say that nothing of the is a fellow who knows every soup in sort would happen, except to admit the world by its French name, and that the southern states would be that when the country hails a youth solid. This nomination would re as an Intrepid Crusader it means a ! move none of theobj. etions to Gov. lad who has eaten radishes in every Smith, nor would sentiment play any state in the union, who never cutsjpart towards allaying opposition to his salad with his knift, and who is the Democratic party gaining control a bear at drinking coffee after thejcf the country. The country has guest at his left has dropped his cigarette ashes into it. He will soon be satisfied that when the president referred to him last spring as "a glorious inspiration to the youth of our land." he had in mind somebody who would eat any thing a waited served him. Lindbergh's slogan today might be, "I only regret that I have one diges tive apparatus to give for my country!" He performed the most heroic feat with such ideas or aspirations. The of our time, and gave the world one j xe ambassador must assume all re of the most inspiring performances in ; cp0nsihil;ty. Of course if the New history. And what is his reward? All . York governor was consulted first, the celery he can eat. j naturally he would have much hesi- He did something no other men had ( tation in replying in thenegative, so ever done, bringing glory and dis- j n 5UCR supposition, this answer tinction to his country. And what did he get? About 2,673 platesof bad fish with the usual piece cf Iemn on the sice. He turned down millions of dollars m moving picture magnates and advertising moguls. For what? About $4,000 worth of maple-nut ice cream and French pastry. Is that justice? Is that a nice way to treat a boy hero? Uncle Sam, we ask you. :f: ACHILLES HEEL OR H0KE5IC 2CD There is scarcely a good orthodox , republican in the whole country but has sagely remarked at some time or rtir in ti-iQ nnct.?i-:ir -ni-rU,A that Andrew W. Mellon is the greatest Secretary of the Treasury since Al- Mar.flpr Hamilton And now former Gov. Pinchot of Pennsylvania, ad - dressing the Winona Lake Congress. declares that Mr. Mellon is "the chief obstacle to complete enforcement of.Pfs from time to time. prohibition in the United States. And tl.P Wshir.?tnn f(,rrp;noi!fnt. nf th? New Republic, commenting genially r,n Air ?rf p-o'b ttithrtrawal r.h- serves that the banking interests of the East meaning New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut nd New Hampshire can, siid will, name the next republican! candidate for the nresidoncv. and the 1 most powerful of those interests. Still tTiic Vii.t7Cpif'(in oiinermin ?t will bp . x ,, recalled, was not able to put over his ,. .. . . , t , t , . . -r-r . . , . . i.t, d States senate in that memorable . . goiuen primary. ' how do nis cour-, tiers or his tireless critic, Tinchot, diagnose that! Achilles heel or Hom eric nod? to: PRAISE BE TO BIDDY The feat of Lady Skyline, of the hen royalty of" Canon City, Colo., in laying 231 eggs on 231 consecutive days, calls to mind a number cf Cjuietly clacking heroines about the country who go abotit their work with little fuss and display and pro duce splendid results. We are Fpeaking of the millions of American hens who are now rolling, up a totl of 24,000,000.000 eggs a year. A recent report of govern ment experts, giving that figure as an estimate of Biddy's output, is a paean , cf Fred Buechler praying that admin of praise to the mother of the poul- i?tration of said estate may be grant , ed to Bertha A. Buechler as admin- iry iamny. We dig less than $50,000,000 worth of gold out of the earth an-! nually. Sale of eggs yield3 1600,000,- 000. It seems the hen is the bird that's laying the golden egg these days. More power to her. to: WANTED TO BUY Stock cows, heifers and calves. For Sale 6 Pure Hampshire brood sows about ready to farrow. Inquire of Martin & Pollick. Mur- ray phone 3103, Plattsmouth phone o. 1. o24-2tw j All the leading countries are con-' stantlv inrrpaKintr thir ,tv.nnn f " American dried apples. EX-AMBASSADOR W AL T' APT. T.VnT.VT,.SnTlTT.T7TT?rn Hugh C. Wallace, who was ambus- sador to France during the Wilson administration, is credited with say- votes they would lose. It can not be imagined what sortof microbe has seen this sentiment feature worked in before and there was nothing to it. As a politicl play, this would fail. It may be questioned if Mrs. Wil son would accept any such a propos ition, and also questioned if she was first consulted in this matter. This was more likely evolved out of un used portion of what Mr. Wallace had left of his political course, and the goi-r! lady ia not to be charged . might have been, "Have you talked j -ixh Mrs. Wilson about this?" The j probabilities are that the governor I know about it. ( country has a high respect fori irs. Wood row Wilson. She showed nr nbilitv clurine the lone sickness 1 of tne president, but it has no wish to TTtP: lf.r jrto the whirlpools of . politics. Indeed, it may be doubted t very much if the country would re- snond in any degree to this appeal The respect of the country does not , lie in the political line. rot BUYING THE NEW-FCItD More than i,.,vuu orders nave !been received for the new model of , the Fold automobile, all of them I "sight unseen." Most of those buyers : know what the new Ford will belike Knly from rumor and the little an ; nouncements about gear-shife, etc. that have appeared in tne ! These 125,000 people who have bougnt l ords con t Know -wnai tne car is goir.g to cost. They have faith in Henry Ford, and that is their guarantee. This constitutes a re- markaole mooern story of industrial trust indeed, such a thing never be pore was nesra oi in me worm. So you're going to make a new car, Mr. Ford? Very well, wrap up one j for me and send it out! I - O . An ambitious youth came to Wash- I j ington from the country in order to join tne ponce, rie passcu me u:uui J , examination and was then inter- viewed. eii. yimiie man, sum an officer. " you look like a promising young fellow. You have a good gen prnl knowledge. I hope? Can you ! tell me how many miles it is from Washington to Baltimore! The am bitious youth became alarmed. "Look ! v.M-f cir lio hlnrtpfl out. "if jrmi are eoinz to nut me on a beat of that length I'd rather help father with the cows. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administratrix The State cf Nebraska, Cass Coun- ty, ss. In the County court. In the matter of the estate of Ja cob Buechler, deceased. On reading and filing the petition Ordered. That November 4th, A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. is as- ; signed for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be eiven to all persons interested in "said matter bv publishing a conv of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three suc- cessive weeks prior to said day of heaiing. Dated October 8th, 1927. 'v A. H. DUXBTJRY, (Seal) County Judge. rtno tr ITAD TTV J Attorney for Petitioner. oll-3w O 1927, E. J. RevooMs Tobacco Cotcpacy, Winston-Salem. N. C "One or twice a year," Dr. Mayo says "the human body should be sub- mitted to a good doctor for examin - ation and overhauling. That is the least you would do for your car. Dis- ease and premature breakdown of vital organs would be obviated to an unbelievable extent. ;o: A Nebraska woman shot and kill - ed her husband "for fear some other woman might get him." And though one shouldn't speak ill of the depart- ed, yet the lady would probably be surprised to learn how few other women really wanted him. . . ...,.,,! TT-t.or ci-ivf.Ktfr ?traiibe con- Plattsmouth. in said county, on No- I- C. nle?, 240 Omiiba !atl. Bank, Where as, fclesier feirauje, iuii ,o- a fi - ... c Omaha ,br.k victed in Cass county, on the 16th vember 4. 192.. and February C. omaha. .-brRa September, 1926. of the crime 192S. at 10 o'clock each day. to re NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SLE ot Breaking and Entering, has made ceive and examine all claims against NOTICE Or r OKhLLUaLub application to the Board of Pardons said estate, with a view to their ad Notice is herebv eiven that on the for a Parole, and the Board of Par- justment and allowance. The time 3ist day of October 197 at 10 Cons, pursuant to law have set the limited for the presentation of claims o'clock a. in., at the pfattsmouth hour of 10 a. m. on the Sth day of against said estate is three months Motor Companv, Plattsmouth. Cass November, 1927, for hearing on said from the 4th day of November. A. D. County Nebraska the undersigned application, all persons interested are 1927, and the time limited for pay will sell at public auction tothe hereby notified that they may appear ment of debts is one year from said righest bidder for cash one 192G at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, 4th day of November, 1927. Ford Roadster Motor No 1497709, Nebraska, on said day and hour and Witness my hand anl the seal of covered by chattel mortgage in favor of Plattsmouth Motor Company, signed by A. S. Ghrist and assigned to American Credit Corporation, said mortgage being dated October Sth, 1926, and having been filed in the office cf the County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 15th day of October, 1926. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage and for the purpose of satisfying the amount now due thereon, to-wit: $138.53. AMERICAN CREDIT CORP. L. C. Hawley, Attorney.' oll-3w SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass ! ss. r t a r i a by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me direct - .l T ill .1. o?X. A " X- ber, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house at Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: All that part of lots 20 and 25 in the south west quarter of the northeast quarter of section 21; lying east of the pub lic road known as road No. 19 S; lot 23 in the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 21; the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 2; lot 29 in the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21; all of Section 22 except ing five acres out of the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter cf said sec tion known as lot No. 14; all of frac tional Section No. 27; the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 2S the southeast quarter of said Section 28, all in Township 11. north, in Range 14 east of the 6th p. m. The same being levied up on and taken as the property or Cromwell Land and Cattle Co. a Cor poration: John Nottleman and How ard W. Hull defendants to satisfy a udgment of said court recovered by Eugene A. Nutzman, plaintiff, against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 22d, A. D. 1927. BERT REED. Sheriff Cass County Nebraska. The cigarette preferred experienced smokers In the remarkable growing popularity of the cigarette many brands have bid for favor, but Camel continues to lead by billions Quality put it there; quality keeps it there. At the Family life conference held j "Dad," said Freddie, "we are do in New York pessimists asserted ing nicely in manners and morals." ; family live was disappearing. Others insisted this must be delned fire. However, families with only husband j and wife can hardly come under that definition as no children are around j with their gleesome sports. ! :o: j The onward march of Alabama j COEtjnUes. She has sent a number of ' her floggers to jail. She has set in motion a wave that will drown Tom jit.fiin jn ridicule - NOTICE show cause, n any mere ne, iny saiu application should, or should not be granted. FRANK MARSH, Secretary. Board of Pardons. N. T. HARMON. Chief State Probation Officer. NOTICE Whereas, Claud Jaglinski, convict - ed in Cass county, on the 16th day of September, 1926, of the crime of Breaking and Entering, has made ap- plication to the Board of Fardons for To the defendants, Dora Murray; a Parole, and the Board of Pardons, Elmer E. Murray, a minor; Bernice pursuant to law have set the hour Murray, a minor; Gladys Murray, a of 10 a. m. on the Sth day of No- miner; Clarence Wayne Murray, a vember. 1927, for hearing on said minor; Earl Anthony Murray; Char application, all persons interested are lotte Murray; Lee Steven Murray; herebv notified that they may ap- V the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln Nebraska, on said day and . ur a"ij""w wuw.u.u, unc , . W II V 5U1U cl UUIU JUUU, CUUU1U whv said application, or should not be granted. FRANK MARSH. Secretary, Board of Pardons. N. T. HARMON, Chief State Probation Officer. ORDER OF HEARING On Petition for Appointment of Administratrix The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun- ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mat- ! C. Murray; Nannie Murray; Guy tie E. Young, deceased. (Murray; Mearl Murray; Albert Mur- On reading and filing the petition ray, and Mabel Murray, filed their of Walter W. Palmer and Ralph G. petition in the District Court of Cass Palmer praying that administration county, Nebraska, against ynu and of said estate may be granted to . each of you for the partition of the Clara Godwin as administratrix West Half of Lot 4 and all of Lot 4 Vs Ordered, That November 11th,1 in Block 68, in the Village of Weep A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. is ing Water, Cass county. Nebraska, assigned for hearing said petition, setting forth the interest of them when all persons interested in said selves and each of you ia said prep matter may appear at a county court erty, and praying for a partition to be held in and for said county, and . thereof, or if the same cannot be 6how cause why the prayer of peti- ' equitably divided, that said property tioners should not be granted; and be sold and the proceeds thereof di that notice of the pendency of said ( vided, and for equitable relief, petition and the hearing thereof be j You and each of you are further gixen to all persons interested in ( notified that you are required to an said matter by publishing a copy of j swer said petition on or before the this order in the Plattsmouth Jour-,2Sth day cf November, 1927, or the nal. a semi-weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for three succes sive weeks prior to said day of hear ing. Dated October 11th, 1927. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal)olT-3w County Judge. by If all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn't hear anything about special treat' ments to make cigarettes good for the throat, Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. j "How that" asked dad. "Why said Freddie, "v.e now say good morning to teacher and don't play for keeps ; whe n we play marbles." "You are . doing well," father told him. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-' ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the es'ate of Henry Oelkers, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in saui c ounty court this zatn day or September, 1927. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) o3-4w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Charles A. Murray et al. j Plaintiffs, -vs. Dora Murray et al. Defendants. NOTICE Lu?v Murray. Beulah Padgett; Alva Padgett; Euna Murray; Ne lie Mine Murray, a minor; John Ralph -mu.j, a uunu. nulu . - minor; George W. Murray, a minor; Mary R. Murray, a minor; Taut . Murray and Manila Murray, all non residents: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of Oc tober, 1927, the plaintiffs, Charles A. Murray; Clinnie Murray; Isabel Yost; James Yost; Laura J. Spang ler; Frank Spangler; Leonard C. Murray; Rose Murray: David Mur- ray; David Murray; Flora Murray; Florence Spangler; Philip Spangler; Edward Murray; Ada Murray; Chris allegations of the plaintiffs' petition will be taken as true and judgment in partition entered in accordance with the prayer of 6aid petition. CHARLES A. MURRAY et al. W. G. KIECK, ' Plaintiffs. Atorney for Plaintiffs. oll-4w .