THTHVSDAY, OCT. . 1827. PAGE TULUS i EEW E0?E FOU WOULD PZACL A SHOTTES BATH xOS, CAL There is no measuring of faith. It is limitless. -:o:- Times soften all things except boarding-house biscuits. Better a word in season than an hour's lecture out of season. :o: Think easily, relax freely, i gested as a helper to sleep. u" I The mind is an open book from which the stores. subconscious draws itc -:o:- It is about time to look after th : v luruaie. ji ceurse you proui ny ex- perience. i :o: j Scientists say the average man is 1 75 per cent water. Not in these boot- , legging days :o:- The law is strict ac- to purity of . food products, but at loose ends as to pure water. i The beginning of a college dt-esn't necessarily increase the ciicumfer ence of his headgear. :o: What the fairy said: "Let 'em go till morning mother; I'll get up and wash 'em before breakfast." :o: Thre-e years ago the announcement was made that jar::: was dying. That is all there is to the story. : o : It's a case of truel eve if he keens on fe-eling unworthy of her afte r d:--' covering she is an awful liar. ' :o: The old-fashioned woman who went shopping only once a year bought something when she did go. ' :o: If you are a poor risk the life in surance salesman will not weep over the future welfare of your depend ants. -:o; Arnarentlv. when vou choose not to run for office, you Jast choose to be more affable and so how that works. : o : The principal thins- ve blarce the Capper fcr is setting such an example in dress and make-up for mother and grandmother. :o: The jewels of virtue are a clean heart, a clean conscience, probably ; tolerance, consideration of rights of others and right living. :o: Arizona now has a nrovision in its i constitution taxing all public lands , and property. But it is not stated how this is to be enforced. :o: The- corner stone of the j largest j jail in the United States has be en , general assembly of the b-ague coven laid in Chicago. The gunmen will ant is row in session at Ge neva, appreciate the subtle compliment. There are 4S nations represented. :o: Alberta Guani cf Urguay. was chosen It is said the popular Impulse is , permanent president. This is th-- fickle, it may be sometimes, but it has moving powers if one knows how to take- advantage of popular breezes. Biginchester National Sale Lock for full page ad in October 6th issue of Omaha World Herald. In addition to this sale, we have many other bargains and each day one special item! FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 Enamel Dish Pans, each 23c SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 P '1 ! sr rrc nororn fori Rotirlc anrh H . mM W W UVWU MmMJ R 2I0NDAY. I2-ga. Ranger Winchester Shells, box. .89c TUESDAY, 0CT0EER 11 Hyy. Tin Wash Boiler, Also Thermos Chicken WEDNESDAY. No. 2 size Galvanized Tubs, each ...... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 Coleman Lamp Mantles, per dozen. . FREOAY, OCTOBER 14 White Enamel Pails, each SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 Husking Gloves and Mittens, doz. White & Teleph one No. 82 BATES, Publisher Senator Lenroot am politics with a whirl. Fuccess is what count:, it is the failures where the questions a:e apt ' to come in. ! :o: Charity leaves fed to prevent e nousih smc r.r.cov- gossip from gtti : o : ; the lockjaw i i Statesmen a e suniK.sed to have breadth c-f views. Uut some of them have shrllow el-. :o:- Have any of these we. -men wh ;ual : ig!i.5 sart ye t? : o : i -. rport- jI;r, their G.-'irect tliis sentence: "My opii.ion cf sp.'e tiers, paid he. - hasn't change d cjnce I got a car of my own.' :o: 'Trafi'ic- officer to the : walkrr: ''Iley, the re? If you're hunting the hc.f-p;tai that's th-- right way.' :0: qiiets a famrus man must e-at. the ( path of glory b ads but to elyspt p:sia. I :o: Another ef the various ram; Sea- tions cf thrift is laying away a straw j hat to discard in June instead of! now. :o: "Lend us your face,' ! vert: pes a m:!jiuf jcture r of safety razor bldes. o U;ani:s, ve can nicii it up our- -:o: Now we are told that the- more c:ie , Jaughs tfc better they are. There is plenty going on all around to keep mirth busy. : c : A report says Germany wants to v extend a welcome to our American j ., boys to show their good vi'l. All right Germany. i Ilincis politics are nrt mt'.d-'W vitli opposing Progressive and Con- F?r-ative factions, but it has its ov.n!!5.., dni.,;11: the Sst half of 1927 than j muddle-s just the s?m?. :o: An e xpert in street car traffic says poorly designed cars i-se less business. This point is e: derstood if one thinks about nore or sily un it. :o: The Labor Fay oddr--s.s of senator and governor were r-a the ilar lines revamping dissatisfaction. discontent and appeals to prejudice?. :o: Vice President Dawes must feel complime nted at the manner in which Germany has filled proir.rtly all requirement;; piac-d upn that nation by the Dawes plan. :o:' The eighth annual meeting of the third time Latin-America has b'-t-n favored. Some weighty question are up for treatment. y j V W J w mmv w OCTOBER 10 copper bottom . $2.49 A Waterers ?2.49 OCTOBER 12 . .8Sc . .SSc 31.49 Sh R v Buckrtell Greenwood, Nebr. am ! The statements of Foreign Minis i tor Strescmann of Germany, and For ' cign Minister Briand of France, lest week in which they both spoke so un- reservedly for world pence, is about the most welcoming news that ha come frcm Europe in a long, long time. ; Siresei.iann's declaration that Gt 1 man?" would be mere than pleased to , sien the compulsory arbitration c!ur.r" of the world court of justice, j -. an unfailing sign that he speaks l! r the German nation, and that he i 3 t A . i I: t u i e c. . .... great uer-s of country lie p in the paths of peace. Briand was c,uick to extend the wel come hr.r.d to this frann statement, I'T.d v.ith these two stnt-smen speak i::u for their respective nation5, it ! i lu.'d to conceive that any warmer urts can possibly crust a i.f p ' bae 1; ward. j It is assertions like tlie foregoing winch will cause Ameiioens to have , faith in the league of nations; here- 1. e the great powers hav spent j ;::nc of the time at the gather:n;"s , .-irW'ying for coveted pe'sitious. mnk , evas ive ?u;tr merits, and leaving vlic.ii- situation just about as jco;vjT'"X as it was be-fore-, j We in this country have not had i tlie frrraiest amount ff faith in ren- l e-sentrtb-n in the b-ague. believing that til - nation - were r ;:l ' !y i,r.r tine--re in a desire to nui war; ' )nve wished to Y. lieve-. but in ! the light f t!ic prist, and what hr r '2r, our hope and faith has suffered nir-re than one shock. The I'nit.d States will be move than glad to any declarations f.r j eave at their face value, becaiv:" this :s the first time that ui:ee;ui- vocal utte'-n:ioes have been made by t :r.en v.iio have had the unues-ti'-ed ar.thrrity to place their cr'im- 1 . ..... I tri'-s on record. Now a similar staf ;t:i M isi'.!ii'i -will l,3n a frrerA e '.) iievc Great F.ritain will iv more thar. ready to fall in line. HEALTHY 1927 Lnn vr muc been done over 1. "cr"(1ntinM TrinT- ti'?ve the quaint weather varies which have ciallv tl.-- su:ri.le i.tari.e 1 li: r n: earths. e-s- ik-w told that so f.r thi yar has i.e n an -xct ptiona.iy ueait ny o Maiistic-s n eoareu v ui c iiiiueu t m-i rurance companies pf an:c.nJr th- policy hol lers have m anv nrevious year. liie w n ceath rate for this P'-nod was i compared with S.7. Mortality f. influenza and pn ir.nor.ia has a"; j i be-n lower. Typhoid and diptherin death rates have rise;:,, though no i I marle d incre-ase in ei;.her i.7 shown result cf conditi mis growing out I t'l sea: let fever, and whneping c.u.-m have caused fewer fatalities, though the cancer record is unaltered. This i all ir.t rre;;tiT!i'. encouraging new icates excellent ge nen-1 since it ind conditions throughout the- lT.itcl"o w among tnose wno States Constant education in mat-J ta"-!lt tlle world brilliantly how r.ot ... . .- to insure neace. If we used our heads, ter ef hveune and sanitation, auuig , wih the "ir crcasincr advance of med- culd save ouselves by means of id scie r-ce has almost compb tely j that h'- takin" no further dances wiT,.-d out of our civilization the "R ,he 1;aipo" , , , . i , r,-i As to puttine the Ilohenzoilern pinsves whuh devastateel cures ar..' i 1 - villstes in olden times. Likely, by ear.ful living and preventive mea-- tires we are building up gre : dividual resistance to disease. :o: iter m- r.rSTIESS ROOSEYELTS Not satisfied because the Roose- j veit name is linked with the search! fer rare ovis poli. Colonel Kermit Roosevelt is now planning to accom- ' p:.T y Frank Ivingrb.n Ward, explor- ' er and naturalist, into Assam on the hunt for rare fora. A syndicate f garden levers desiring new hardy plants is backing the expedition, i which will also collect specimens for Kew Gardens and the Edinburgh natural history museum. A blue Tnppy is one of the flowers for which the explorers will look. The party . . ,t . , ..... : x-. ... v. . .1 that while much of the late Theo dore Roosevelt's political instinct was inherited only by his daughter, : Alice Roosevelt, his love for adven ture has descended to his sons, Ker mit and Theodore. "Without doubt it is ju-t as well for these members cf hi? family to try to make "names for themselves In such fields of endeaTor, rather than attempt to imitate their rive's ruccesa in matters of govern ment. :ot The prediction is made that out 11 a di5Ci-h n at Geneva in the present assembly wil thing definite as to Sometimes talk eventuates. :o: JZP0TTED PQT A"V CHIITA SOAIiS A . .. . i nave tnree verv mie snotteu i o- land China boars ready for service. These are excellent animals. Geo. E. Nicklcs at the Lumber Yard, Mur- ray. A modern shower bath equipment,' equal in cost to the best that can' lie found in the home of any mil-: lionaire. liar, been installed in the' j remodeled White House. I'riv t'" this installation. Presi dent Ceo.idce had to use an asti quated hose hooked up to a hydrant when he wanted to take a shower bath. Remembering that our President wis born and bred in Vermont, it is easy to assume that lie wasn't reared to need a shower bath in win- isiter time. But he v.iil have two au-! tumn month.; before cold we ather ' and certainly Sets j.-. at Washington. : he will enjry his vertic: 1 bathery. j In many modern hotels you can! get a room with tub bath for $4 aj day and up .or a shower !' r Pt-5.50 a::el j up. This clearly tlise-jos s the tavern keeper's idea of the relative value of nibs and showers. He ruts a preui in:i on the tub. Ju..t why is ihis? Will some kindly hotelier make- him- If the meaicm of this informa tion? To the ur.hott led e ye a shower bath :eems preferable to a closhing ablution. It i-; quicker, ar.d obvious ly more cleansing, if obviousness may be mentioned in connection with a bathroe.m. Then why charge more for a downpour? As for the White House an el its lu'-atry eruipmeat, that noble and dt.-irab'.e edifice wan eree led before baths were in general u.-e. George Washington used to swim the Poto mac, Thomas Jefferson prr.bc.bly con ridered bathing ui:deme'-ratic r- v. d Andrew J :.!: so:: very likely pre- fe rred the brimming 1. trv-ui !l the stab into the were to bat be rs. i. :- to any oont; i , an lugg-d mansion itself. The British a generation he fore most They becan i over a hun dred thev years a: lior.s-e ;1 ro, ef P. i u the i: r-r.tur: i U':s. 2- by ! he V, v.-hi 1 . rong-L.t'-r in piped , . , ' i - mo i m our; it r: r t r buckets to the master's room. " ingenuity began itistal'ing bathtubs about l?5e. and the bath ing industry has now come to be one of the biggesling things there is. o: V.TLIIAZ',1 TZL ?r.CP3ET v.ry between grooving," the nations ex-kaiser steadily i quoted by a Danish newspaper as say- arch looks for another war in about t- years. Sad to sraiice of thing rclaf. the 5 supports ap the There is more internal iil will now than at my tin.-e since imr.ieiliate-ly after tlie close of the last world war. ten years ago. The ex-kaiser has be-n mvkirg progress. He sees now that "jealousy between nations" is a seed of war. The pre e;tc-, are visiole now But to the kaiser's reported wish to recover his throne "to te-ach the world how to insure permanent ' the Tia wlU r'e cr'a ai ice' uacK on ine inrone in give a !ck to sliow hov- Avrong he was ance before, the risk is prohibitive. It would be worse than marrying a man to reform him. :o: A DIRECTORATE FOE CHINA An event potentially of great im portance passed with little nrtice in the Occident when in Nanking the old "southern capital" of China, the two Nationalist governments that have lately been boused in Nanking and Hankow were united in a single organization. The form of the new government is a controlling commis sion of five members, with the usual executive departments. This is not a type cf authority conducting to , energy or celerity cf action, but China is a na tion that refuses to be rushed. T,- ! o - t -win nct s c -a--!! if "n n Napoleon merges out cf this director r t. Nor does the fate of the new gov ernment rest upon China alone. It will considerably depend upon the action of the outside world. For al most at once the commission will need money. This it may seek to ob tain by using the salt tax, already pledged to dubious debts or by levy ing a super tariff, which is contrary to treaty. Nobody will emit a loud er howl against either course of ac- llon man some ax-ic. il.u Liaue.t, . , . . .1 V. "ould protest to their last breath the ; 4- t 4 Y r Tn ,.,1 C" in? to frame its own method of taxa- 7 :o: n : Complaint is made that the 20- vear-old English girl who recently . i i i i . i .- . won mt cuess iiiuiuiJiuiibiiiii ,a nvi CliamplOnsni p iS IlOl .'iv;tr rin iior- w-cr tnicity cue ner. Her in not playing the getting the pub mistake was matches in a bathing suit. Jiimbin i e 1527. It. J. ErynnHj Tot-arco Coinpaay, v"ic.-.ton-Sa!em, N. Cm SOUTH BEND Ashland Gazette 3 ti . 1,1 r. mouth visitor Monday. Mrs. W. A. Jones spent Tuesday at the Alfred Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Welch spen Sunday at the James "Welch he n Mr. and Mrs. Vyrle Livers spent Sunday at the F. T. Graham home. Mrs. Chas. Sehaffer. of Murdoch spent Tuesday at the Ed Rau home Miss Ruth Carnicle spent from Fri day to Wednesday with relatives a' La" Platte. Mr. Aifrc-d Johnson and daughter Mildred, spent Sunday at the W. A Jones home. Mise. Hazel Jones spent the week end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V.. A. Jones. A number from this vicinity at tended the Cass county fair last week held at Weeping Water. Mr. Adam Miller of Selma, Kar.s. is visiting at the borne of his niece Mrs. Hiram Hunter, and Mr. Hunter Oliver and Gladys Campbell ar? staying at the Ed Rau home assist ing with the work while Mr. Rau is in the hospital. Mildred Johnson and Blanche Jones attended the shower last Fri day afternoon at the James Welch heme given for Mr. and Mrs. Vernoi Wallinger. Mrs. Robert Carnicle and daugh ter, Maxine. Mrs. Clyde aHswell and -on, Richard, of La Platte, and Mrs. Homer Carnicle and son. Wayne spent Wednesday at the Jacob Car nicle home. Mr. and Mrs. Vyrle Livers drove to Cmaha Saturday and then to Ne braska Citv. Dr. Boyle, of Nebraska City, accompanied them home and visited at the Frank Graham home until Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Campbell drove to Omaha Sunday to see Mr. Ed Rau. Mr. Dave Campbell and Mrs. Ed Rau. who had gone up to Omaha Saturday evening accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Campbell home. Mrs. Vyrle Livers and Mrs. Frank Graham drove to Nebraska City on Thursday and spent the dav. Miss Rosa Schaske accompanied home and remained over at the Gra- estate ot Aiaggie Mocnr, formerly ham home until Monday morning. Maggie Ccrn, dot eased: Mr. Ed Rau was taken sick last' On reading the petition of II. A. i 'Schneider, praying a final settlement - -and allowance of his account filed in NOTICE TO CREDITORS jthis Court on the SOth day of Sep-' jtember, 1127. and for assignment of; The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- estate and discharge of Administra-' ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of all persons interested in raia mat Henry Oelkers. deceased. ,ter may. and do, appear at the: To the creditors of said estate: County Court to be held in and for, You are hereby notified, that I said county, on the; 14th day of Oc-; will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on No- vember 4, 1927, and February 6, L r , Ul XV ' v l ' v v. j , iu v ive ard examjne all claims against gai(J estate v,-Jh a view to their ad- - . a .1 1 T'V.- limited for tlie presentation oi claims ; from the 4th day of November, A. D. 1927, and the time limited for pay- ment 0f debts is one year from said 4th dav of November. 1927. Ti Trtc?c i t homl aril tho cnnl rf mena "aim v " said County Court this 29th day of ge temb 1927- A- H- DUXBURY, tv (Seal) o3-4w County Judge. to "2 popularity Qcvemtnent figures show that more Camels are being smoked todav than ever before One after another Camels pase-I them alL IV-. i.--m. Saturday with acute at ji-i'dic itis and was taken to the Itetliodi.-U hos pital at Omaha, v,here he underwent an operation atinday iight. IJis many fiieiids hepe fcr a speedy le covery. When Mr. James :,'-s went home from work Tuesday evening he i found his wife unconscious. Dr. iiacr of Ashland was called and everything' Vr e was done for her that was possible i ss. but she passed away Wednesday) y virtue of an cxeeuticn issued morning about 0 o'clock. Her two by Golda Noble Real, Clerk of the sons. Roy Clifton, of Rokeby. and Distri . t Court within and for Cass Waiter Clifto-n. of Columbus, and her j county. Nebraska, and to me direct sister. Mrs. Myra Hendricks, of Afh-jd. I will on the "2nd day of O.tober, land, arrived before she passed away ' A. D. 1127, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said The funeral service will be heid at : day, at the south i"ront door of the the home Friday afternoon at 2 court house at Plattsmc uth, in said o'clock and burial will take place in county, sell at public auction to the the cemetery at South Bend. The highest bidder for cash tlie fallowing obituary will appear neit week. described real e-tate, to-wit: ! Lots one (1), two (2), three Tr.Tir or! in the .TenrrflT Trill be read ! " Wark thirty (20), Original by 75 per cent of the bevim pnblic, SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. Bv virtue of an Execution issued by Golda Noble Real, clerk c f the Dis trict Court within and for Cass Coun ty. Ntbraska. and to me directed, I will on the 2"'th day of October, A. I. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. rf said day at the South Front Door of the Court House in Plattsmouth, Ne braska, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, tov.itt Section Two (2) Township Twelve (12), Range Twelve (12). The same being levied upon and taken Golda Noble Bcal, Clerk of the Dip as the property of J. V. Maynes, de- trict Court within and for Cass coun fendant to satisfy a judgment cf said ty. Nebraska, and to me directed, I court recovered by J. D. Cranny (by wjn OT1 the 2, day of October. A. assignment of A. L. Osier) plaintiff p. 1D27. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said against said defendant. '6v, at the south front door of the Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September ! 17th, A. I. 1927, BERT REED Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. j Mate oi eDrasna, tass counij, rs. ; j To aI1 Persons interested in the i tor i It is hereby ordered that you and tober. A. D. 1927, at 10 oclock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer cf the petitioner. . .. . . . . - - - ; tice of the pendency of said petition! and the hearing thereof be given to nil ntrx-femn a in nrnct in i- 1 m t oy pumisums u copy ui iuis oruer in weekly newspaper printed in said county for one week prior to Eaid day of hearing. i In witness whereof, I have here- nn n Kpt mv "hnnrt nnft the BPflt n f " - - . . . u eaid Court, this 30tl tember, A. D. 1927. A. II - uiu uaj ui oeji- DUX BURY, ; (Seal) oC-lw County Judge aemats of If all cigarettes were as jrosr! as CcTicl yen uonld'i't licur cir.yth.i7iz about special irccil infills to mahe czcircncs good for the threat. N:Keinz takes the of choizc tobaccos. FOR SALE Canarb s Three your.g and several f. males. Mrs." I.aird, I'lat t.-mouth, xdior.e t iir'-rs William tit". nP.-Ct w SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, j j u v. ii i laiuiuu.u, .aj t .'uu- ! ty, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of W. Roy Strine and Sara Striae, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court re-covered by Mabel M. Bloom, Plain tiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth.- Nebraska, September 17th, A. D. 1927. ; BERT REED. ! Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. slS-Dw. SHERIFF'S SALE The State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. Bv virtue of an Order issued by (.ni-rt house in Plattsmouth, Ne braska, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for ca:-h the following described prop erty situate in Cass county, Nebras ka, to-wit: f Lot numbered 21 in the north east quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 2 4 in Town ship 12, North, in Range 13, East, described as follows Commencing at a point 211 feet north of the southeast cor ner of the said northeast quar ter ef the Southeast quar ter of Section 24, Township 12, North, Rartre 13 East of the Cth P. M.. thence running north on the cast line of said tract S2 feet; thence west parallel with the south line of said tract, 511.70 feet, more or less, to the centre of the public road; tin nee south C5 4C 30" west, along the centre of said road. Si.t'2 feet to a point 211 feet dl.-tant from the -outh lire of said tract, measured at right angles thereto; thence east, parallel with said south line 549.1 feet, more or less, to the place of be ginning, containing 43.4 Tl.R square feet, more or less The same bring levied upon ar.d .. 0 tf ..r. 4 Aevvron and ;:nua Aewion. (leu-nu- Court, recovered by The Plattsmouth Loan and Building Association, a j corporation, plaintiff against said de- feneants. T1 -t 1 1 .--Trir.n t li Nebraska, September - iaa, BERT REED Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska.