) KOJD&T, SEPT. 5, 1"- THIS WEEK'S PROGRAM AT THE ARM L IT MONDAY - TUESDAY September 26-27 RICHARD BARTHELMESS in .1 TOO The D: 1 V WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY September 23-29 lQaramouni.- Clara Bow TROUGH HOUSE fog REED HOWES and ARTHUR. HOUSAtAN Whcops, my Dcah! Here comes "Rough House Rosie. Better watch cut! Hew does she handle her men' PATH? i!W3 FRIDAY - SATURDAY Sept. 30-0ctober 1 RIN -TIN-TIN -IX- flu nut 0 Slip - ' Ci RIN-TIN-TIN ;4 Si 2 3 S ? 8 s 4 iyy Wonderful Do.or in IV W11UCIJ.UI J. iLlULC. Collegian Comedy BREAKING RECORDS Felix Cat Comedy SUNDAY ONLY October 2nd F a Li 7 -V1 fTSTOWl A FlST PEPPY ONE PLUS MERMAID COMEDY Hot Lightning MONDAY - TUESDAY October 3-4 2 Shows Each Night 7:00-8:45 ADMISSION Always the Same Adults 30c Children under 12 10c 2 Shows Each Night 7:00-8:45 Gar! Weige! at the Hew Wurlitzer Organ Domestic War Resumes Its Activitie A. C. Carey Finds Warlike Eepulse This Morning When Attempting to Pack Household Goods has his the From Saturday's rally The domestic trouble that arisen between A. C. Carey and . 1 ... i I. wile wnicn was uumsui v.v, courts the last week when Mr. Carey -r, nimrcfil with an assault on his j wife and was acquitted in court, aatn broke forth this morning and brought with it a display of gu'n plav toward the husband. Mc. Carev had signed an agree ment with his wife that he would provide her with the transportation to her former home in Wyoming and also would pack up the household gocds and see that they were also sent out to the former home of the wife in the west. This morning Mr. Carey arrived at the home ready to perform his; pact of the agreement and to assist' in getting the wife ready for her j trip to the west, but found violent j opposition on the part of the wife j who had apparently changed herj mind as to going and wished to have j Mr. Carey to drop his legal action for, divorce and again resume the domes-j tie life. The husband declined to. agree with the wife and then the) artilny was brought into play and the husband retreated to the main t Dart of the city. t Deputy Sheriff Young was thenj. calk-d upon to act in the matter and JilXKTanCC he also was rebuffed in the attempt I to have the noust iiom goor.s pacweu j for shipment and the officer decided thot the case was a matter that was ; more in tne scope 01 a iraineu uip lomat rather than an officer of the law and no complaint having been filed in the case he withdrew his U ret s from the armed zone and left the field In possession of the wife and the goods remain unpacked. ilii mJ "J shouldn't think the cookbook would be very interesting reading" "Oh, there are some stirring passages in it.' Your insurance policies do not make very interesting reading, but you should know how they protect you. If you want to make SURE that your policies are all right, consult this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Investments Real Estate Death of Jacob Euochler at the Hospital Today Well Known Retired Farmer of This Community Passed Away at 9 a. m. This Horning From Friday's Psilv Aft t a period of failing health th.ft hrs covered the past seven or ight years, Jacob Buechler, aged C7, prominent retired fanner of the vi cinity of Cedar Creek, died this morning at 9 o'clock at the hospital in 'Omaha. Mr. Buechlcr was taken 111 several years rgo with diabetes and has grad ually been growing more enfeebled in health until a few weeks ago when the affection of one of his legs made it necessary to amputate the member in the hope of checking the malady hut without effect and he has been rrrndually sinking until death came Fred Zink, Prom inent Resident of Cass County Dies Drops Dead Very Suddenly While Work at His Farm Home This I.Ioming, at t; asfc his suffering and bring him rest. The deceased v.-a? torn in Germany m December 24, 1S',0. and has spent tli3 greater part of his lifetime in this country and in Cass county whT" he was one of the industrious and thrifty farmers of the community sr.d by his effort has been able to l"ave his family a splentli l example, j ters, Mrs. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. inr V.'at ! Uertha Euechler, of Cedar Creek, fur sons. Fred, John, Louis and Har old p.uechler, two daughters, Mrs. Terryherry and Mrs. Jack Gregory, cf Grant. The funeral services will be held on Sunday at 2:30 from the Glen dale church west of.this city and the interment will be at the Glendale cemetery in the community where tho departed had lived for eo many years. AGED LADY KILLED Mrs. Mathilda Berggren, aged 69, r. resident of Omaha for the past fifty years, was fatally injured Tuesday when she was sti'K-k by the auto :iivn by her daughter. Mrs. O. W. Johnson, wife of the secretary of the Riandhrd Savings and Loan associa tion of Omaha, who is well known in th'r city. Two other relatives also were k oocked down by the car. Mrs. Berggren died in Lord Lis- tt hospital. Her daughter was pros trate with grief. Picnic Planned. Mrs. Berggren and her daughter, with whom she !?ved, drove to the home of Mrs. Berggren's niece, Mrs. Parry Simpson, 22.2 Mason street. The three of th"m planned to at tend a picnic of the Golden Glow club at hummel park, near Florence. Mis. Johnson got out of her own en and into Mrs. Simpson's sedan and was backing it away from the .uib. when she discovered the brakes veie not working. Her mother and M and Mrs. Simpson were standing at the curb. Mrs. Johnson decided to park the eedan again, but lost control of it. The machine went over the curb, knocking down all j three of the waiting persons. I Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were cut and bruised, but not hurt seriously. ! Mrs. Berggren suffered internal injuries. Fred Zink. aeed 52. one of the prominent residents of the vicinity of Wabash, dropped dead this morn ing at 11 o'clock at his farm home north of Wabash. The death came as the result of heart trouble from which Mr. Zing has suffered for some years and was without warning. Mr. Zink had stemed in his usual health this morning and wa3 engag ed in looking after some of the work around the farm near the barn, when when he suddenly collapsed and sank to the ground, dying almost instant ly as the malady caused the heart to cease to function. Mr. Zink is a son cf the late Turn er Zink, one of the early residents of Cass county and former county commissioner, and Mr. Zink also has been active in the affairs of his com muntiy and was a man universally resnerted nnd esteemed by all who had the pleasure of knowing hirn. The deceased was a member of the Methodist church and was also very prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of the lodge of the A. F. & A. M. at Klmwood and also a member nf the Scottish Kite Masons at Lin coln ar.d of th" Lincoln Shriners. The decerned is survived by the vi'hw, one of the prominent lender?; in the women's activities of the coun ty, as well as one brother, Oscar Zink of near Murdnck and two sys- Herbert Ratnour of Weep nnd Mrs. Laura Finney of Lakeview, Oregon. Xo arrangements have been inad as yet for the funeral of this highly eteem?d citizen. FORD TRUCK FOR SALE Ford truck for sale or trade, has rtarter, stock rack, grain box and transmission; 1925 model; good tires. Cash or terms. Write P.' O. Box 126, Plattsmouth, Neb. s22-2sw Everybody reads The Jor.mal Want Ads and your rnesape placed thers will et results. Snow White Broadcloth HAMPSHIRE BOAR I have an excellent Hampshire boar, ten months old, and a very fine individual at that. For sale. See me nortjiest of Nehawka W. A. Lewis, Nehawka. lsw Business stationery, programs and all kinds of job printing at the Jour- cal office. ss nil!? $1.75 Tailored by Elder to fit. Col lar attached or neck band style. No material equals this broadcloth for wear, and a clean white shirt is always right. t MAKLEY HEWS !TE?S ; 1 1 Consulting in Plattsmouth. j A number of the people who are, served by the elec tric light line which ; runs west on the Red Ball highball.! week w re over to Plattsmouth on Wednesday evening of last week; where they were in consultation overi a. proposition effecting the service which is rendered by the compary , there were for the meeting. J. C. ' Rauth. J. II. Rauth. Gust Wendt, 11. V. Schweppc. A. II. Oehlerking. Carl. Schlaphoff, Leo Rikli and Hernial! Kupke. Pool Hall Changes Hands. John C. ruber last week purchased i the Pool Hall which has been operat-j ed by Teddy Baker, and immediately i took charge of the business and is j ennri net i n the nlace andmaking a.! success of the business. John wiih his amiable disposition and his busi ness tact should make very popular place of the hall. Mr. Baker has not decided as yet just what he will do. Sees the Golden West Xenrlv two months since Edward Murphy", with the family, in their! trusty auto, departed for the land or, the setting sun, and where the sun; gees down in the sea. They went the j southern route, and stopped at a, number of places en route, touch-! ing Cheyenne and Denver and from there went southwest, and passed! thru Raton and the pass by that' name, as well as shopping at Albu- querque and traverseu me in aim Canyon, after having visited Santa Fe. and also saw l'hoenix Ariz, i ney j visited with friends at San Diego; where they stopped for a few days. ; They spent some time in the hustling! city of Los Angeles, and while there 1 were guests of a brother. Dr. H. S. Murphy, and wife and a sister, Mr. , and Mrs. Charles J. Wonder as well as Mr. Murphy s brother, Josepu, wno is also making his home there. They were greatly taken with the beautiful Yoseniite Valley of Califor nia and visited with Claude Barrett, relative of Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. Murphy alo has some uncles at Sacramento, where they visited ana they also enjoyed a number of days there. They spent some time in San Francisco. Then they journeyed northward and visited Portland, Ore. On their return they visited at TTna tillo, and Pocatello and returned the northern route and visited all the places of interest on the way. They were especially well pleased with the entire trip which required eome six weeks to complete. Edward Kelly and Rollin Coon were attending the county fair Wednesday of last week. G rover Lawrensen has been assist ing hi brother Fred Lawrensen with the work on the highway. They will expect to remain as long as there is any work to do. They spent Sunday with Win. Kennedy formlyof Manley. David Brann was visiting the coun ty fair at Weeping Water on Wednes day of last week driving over in his J auto for the occasion. j The game of ball staged at thej Manley park on last Sunday was de-1 cided when the home team won over' the visitors by a score of 5 to 2. drover C. Rhoden and the family were enjoying a visit at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burks at Green-) wood on last Sunday they driving over in their car. Charles White who has been mak-i ing his home in Omaha for some timei was a visitor at the horn- of Mr. and Mrs. John Mockc-iihaupt where he formerly was employed. j W. J. Ran and wife and Mrs. Her-' man liauin were visiiing aim ;u.,d looking after some business matter? : at Plattsmouth on last Wednesday' afternoon and evening. j Teddy Harms and wife were viit-j ing at Avoca one evening last week; called there on account of the injury) of Mrs. Nutzman who has been a long time friends of Mr. IK.rmes. Clyde Jenkins and family who have, bet n visiting here for some time with! relatives departed during the latter portion of the week for Central City.; where he will manage a store. ' August Paursch of Louisville was' a visitor in Manley on Wednesday j of last week, and was looking rfteri some business he having some mat-1 ters to lock after at the Manley State! -; Bank. i Waiter Pteinkamp and family of Z?. Plattsmouth were spending last Sun- day r.t Benson where they visited fori the day at the home of the ason of, y Mr. Sshaffer. Mr. Geo. Schaner Jr. where the day was very pleasntlyj spent. ! Robert Sehlictemeier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Sehlictemeier, won a; very satisfactory premium in his first exhibition with his Hampshirts and which was surely doin well for the, young lad as this was his first attempt at showing his porkers. I Wm. Heebner who Is grading at Louisville is helping get the things, lined up at the town, for the coming! of the new cement plr.nt which the prcpartions are now being hastened) for. At this time a scarity of houses in that hustling town, and a most consented conditions is expected to; prevail later ha more people movej there. j Last Saturday Glen Flaisehmar Jack Earhardit and Harold Otte, de-j parted in their car for the west where they will expect to work In the beat fields near the city of Scotts Bluffs they starting about nine o'clock and arriving at six o'clock, at E!m Creek' which is over two hundred miles, and they thought as it made over an aver-; age of thirty miles they were doing very fair. ; t9 29c rtSSi f MM tVJSSft n 5 PINEAPPLE-Lihby's extra fey. Sliced, No. 2V size can Best Granulated ! 10 lbs. i W !EB Black and White fl T J OatjUUUU U , Swans Down CrJce Flour . . 34 Kri?py Crackers, 2-lb. enddy for . , P and G 10 Bars ST o PORK AND BEANS-Van Camp's med. size cans, 3 for Good 4-Tie 41 V. amass Sweet Tooth Victor Flour, $1.89 Sack 8 m CATSUP-Beechnut, Ig. bottle White Rose 1-lb. Pkg. 1 Ifl a 2te BEEAD-PIeasall, large loaf 11c Small Size Loaves, 7lzc 4, P3 '1 r: Fancy Country Selects, dozen lm L muz. OATMEAL-Quaker Quiclr, Large Size Package Dairy Maid Finest Quality Per Lb. Cream cf Nut Oleo, lb. . 23c CORN FLAKES-Kellogg's, Ig 11c JELLO-A11 flavors, pkg 10c 1 mih and Whit The New Economy Center iiSlllSHSSiSliiinilHili fd PUFFED WHEAT-Quaker, pkg.. 12V2z H RICE-Fcy. Blue Rose, 3-Ib. pkg. . . . 25c 27c m n SALT Free running or iodized. . . . 10c 20c la 24c 1 MM liiiniiiiSiiiiniiiiisainniiiiiiiaiii;!!! SOUTH BEND Ashland Gazette itis in an Omaha hos- . for aprendk l . pital. mS- Among those v. ho have been quite 4jsick with the flu are Mr. Wm. Rickli .r.i and daughter, Bernice. Marjorio JL Thieman, Norman Rau, Wm. Kleiser, ,'-???....tM44..!..:. i Glenn Stander, Lute Winget, and FOR SALE AND TRADE Modern six-room house Herman J. Hough, 716 street, Plattsmouth. on paving, North 6th 6l4-tld Mr. Conrad Reinke is erecting a double coin crib with a built-in ele vator. Miss Mildred Jones left last Thurs day to work at the George Mumm home near Murray. The Misses Amanda and Elsie IJurnnian called on friends at Platts- ' mouth Sunday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reinke spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Reinke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thie- 1 man. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henneger and fam ily and Mr. Alex Mitchell, of Weep ing Water, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, i Miss Relda Colgrove spent Sunday afternoon and was a supper guest at the Jacob Carnicle home. Mrs. Mary Neuman and Mrs. John Timm, Jr., were evening visitors. Mrs. Paul Hazen, wno has been sick for some time, has not been so well lately and was taken to an Oma ha hospital last week. Her many i friends hope for a speedy recovery. j Mr. and Mrs. Charley Campbell ' drove to Omaha Saturday, going up to be with Mrs. Campbell's brother, Mr. Guy Longi who was operated upon LOSES CONTROL OF CAR SMASHES INTO WINDOW While driving his Chevrolet coupe, which he recently purchased. Ad Loe deker suddenly lost control of the ma- 1 chine Saturday evening on Main St., I and ran into the window of the Mar j shall Ft ore, smashing the window paneand damaging the front wheel of the car quite badly. A few of the watermelons piled in front of the Gibson grocery store were also spoil ed and it is quite fortunate that no persons were injured. Mr. Boedeker made prompt settlement with the merchants for damages and no hard feelings were caused. The accident happened about five o'clock. Weep ing Water Republican. SPOTTED P0LAN CHINA BOARS I have three very fine Spotted Po land China boars ready for service These are excellent animals. Geo E. Nickles at the Lumber Yard, Murray. Your ad in the Journal will be read by 75 per cent of tha buying pullie. v