JUL ?: i i I.IONDAY, SLPT. 26, 1927. PIATTEKQUTH tag: iW4 j jk IjOL i 4 4 tyxl Vfiiii xi Bk AjssX Ai iik. Ais' -xxx-? j3L li 1 , r t . 'i kit" "' V '' jp t, v- i-a-s, Jt-V ev r? PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. e t 3 ? - t : i --. r I i Lcmis Hombeck and family of Lin-should have some clientele at the be- j coin were visit -with relatives and ! gining. frit-lids in Mruoek last Sunday, they driving over from the bis city for a visit for the day. While plcying ball Omar Marshall , v h;, have bPen K"torPintr in Mun hati the nuffortuce to have a hot j lur sol.ie time, quests at the hon: bai. stnke one ct the naiis of his-t-.,e mftb,r of Mr5 Adeir.ar.. Mr: In Serious Wreck ! Mr. and Mis. Herbert Ademan, ; Murdock iome rf i s. E. ! rngers ami caanng a very pamiui'T Tf l) wer vs?itirg in the north- i j'V1 as iT nt'arly cair5tJ" the nail t.;n po;tioa of tiK. nute during- the avv'p" t pi--t wi-ek and while returning from rtl?u:-t Bauers was visiting m u vi:.-t at xorfuik ai)j we-re dd v- ; We-pnig Water, accompanied by the',,.., ,.oinh frolJ piaite Center, the; rood wile and as well us being trusts , Ftruck .y a nian draviur a tt ti.e horn.- r f Mr. and Mrs. Ray .ln:cl: tfc j,.-T,a. t practically cdemol Rcloin. were also visiting: the Cass . Mli.ic the car in which Mr. and Mr?. lets end Four Gets of Twins 0 v. , Ey C i'l.r:- 1, ?: ie Ir:-.r 12. . :. in- i : : '.r -; county :air C.tinct- l:i-rg:-.'r of California, who Auen.an were riding and very 1? f.ii-lv iniii!:nir Mr. Adi 111:111. Willie i: aki.s his yearly visits in Nebraska. -.j' tieT--an'escat'iu with bin some hhs been visiting with iriend.s and ; "il brui.-es and contusions. Thc-r-l-itivts in Murdock for a number cf 'caf was turned over two t::r s ar.d days prst es well as visiting at a ' v.ht.n it stopped rested on the breast . number of other places. ! rf Vr doman. and had to be re-: Lr.uie Hite ar.d wife, of Cheney. ; ,r, vt.( The driver of the truck rec-v.-ere vifitinjr in Murdock for the last . a-tte , Mrmc u, nr. id ! v.--ei: end. end wre ruests at the ' f "r th(1 c:iri -hicli was dertroyrd ' hor:" of the mother of Mr. Hite. they ' ar.d v.-.-!l ' fc-r th services cf the i.i kept constulltly tu.-y L iCPl dviinsr over fcr the day. and all . dct-V wbic-h wrx. clid r.nd tie . 'c"'ss recc1'? it r" 1 " b enjoy.ng: the visit very much. ' trr-r snort at ion of the inlured parties : x i:,.v v. ntle A. J. Tool 13 hunting: m ,r.(. nll Mrs. Ademan can,-'. --- . - the iuinhwe?t sr.ndhill country, Mrs. . veil he thankful thaV'thVy were sble ; '- Ci tir.ir.r.e a car car. -s. Ceort.- Work, his daughter is assist- to ?f t out of the wreck without hav- j eusudri. Ar.fl, Vcir T.rf.ct.".'g'i r:c:i c: IV J tit n. t v. . : Ygu r.-cnt i?eeJ to wcrry if vci: own ine in the care of the store, and , bf,tn killed. whic-ii will be looked after m the ntst rcsslble manner during his absence. Ir. A. R. Hornbeck and wife of Lincoln, were visiting: in Murdock J. E. Hendrix Sells Home The hon.e which was owned by l0z7 cn-d Tr.:iod ercvi? cr repair v.-ork :"s esccncr.lly z?A il:cr- ortrrhl" done, withcr.t r.:iiirc-r.rT de- v- : 1 t : , L' - i ; I" V- r.nri were guests at the station, ot .',, v"' ," vu-nM.- '.-.r tfcp i 1 , - Mr. I. G. Kornbeck. tlicb rother the dector. Dr. and Mrs. IJornbeck past year and more, was sola :;.-u ine -ci,.r. u: ana.u. v-,,( k t, Mr. Charles Ku;.!;e. the con- f;re liking the home m Lmcom ver ,leration fr,.t00. and which' will make Mr. Kupke an excellent; mvch. t n rtnrV .mr! f.imilv were emov- . " -v., fr home. lnu IL W.-il ill lllf V v;uiii on .-cn;-saa) 01 een. ,....,.,..1 ,,.1,. 1 1. iu v b a v : the-1' were e:i .vir.r the rr.tetir J. E. Hendrix and vif- t d.'-rided where 1 but w ltn tht ir g-'-ing u-.-ck h losing a very d"?irah!e family s-.n.l , whertc-ver they t-hall locate thj t'wr. 'will he enriched by a. vi-y fin--j couple. ! many men-is te?iaes viev.iug e-c-e'lent exhibits which are shown there. Mis? Eva Sortick. r. s;?ttr of M rs. Ho-.;fr II. Lav.-ton '.vjs a visitor in Mu-d:-ck and a guest r.t the home of her sister for over the week end. and :i'-t t m r--'p. -r frf"-i n visit which sh-- iu.s been making in British Co- fr Benton Hirh. r. wh lumbia. M. R. Dcdd. M" d t . ih. y ... . , .. Wn Visit in Last Mrs. L. Xeitzel will soon dej-; ii! : the I'nivcrsal Car visit for some time r.t the home of j J. Arnold of that! It 'V r- r. 1 ' . ; Irs. s-bsmnn from Ashlnnd. vas a vifci- hi "e. ana aiso lor c Time : z 11.-. ,.i- -iri ,t-i ro'iincr flr home c f a brother Mr. K. U. Ii. hr.. Paul "?ch-we on Wednesday afternoon "-bo resi lr? but a short .!i-tan:--i- from . of last wek. He is looking after the B,ntor H-rW-r. Mich. Aft- having; v.m, 't.-, salv cf the Nov Ford for which all Tent the time lucre she ( U-.ac... ...I - nor-- ot :-iz. i.rcciCi -iCJ ..c:c: 1 r: . - i 1 ; z X 1 . '. i r- a . . 1 - W Scutz was assisting in the Neitz-rs folks at South Bend Iniiartt j pu'tirg up f hav duiir.i: the past following which she will ien;r:i 10 we-h. Will would like a farm for her home here. Mrs. No:?.el will ex- the coming year. He an excellent T-ci ti lie rway fcr som- ten uays ' " farmer and v. ell cares for a place two weeks. , 1 .-. of wh:ch h : has cliarge. He will ; .. ' . make the faini pay for the owner if, Goes to r&irbmy r anyone can. i Arthur Otl lom. who hW hud th; - Writer Stroy is bavins some grief r.,,, in Murdcck f(-r s-ri" t ; . will; a be.ne felicn which appeared T..t- f.rri wj-r, hrc r-a-ie a sucef ss r,f ; ., th- institution, disposed of the hu.-i-( ,1 sccxii:"" St:.:: trie) d- . r;j :n on h.is h.-.nd some time since, end vas compeiiei to n ijghwkj miiu h3ve the Catherine: lr.ncc-d on last workirr Avjt:i the son. and d- parted : . . Wednesday. He is hoping the infec- ,a,t wc,k fr.r Fair! n-y. wh-re he will tier will seen he better, but he was ; exroC to rnpke his home in th-' fu suTering much with it following the j turr. The father will conduct the incision. ' br.siness here. , C ist Brockhsge and four plaster-j i '-. ers arrived m iuro:cK on last ea- 1 father w'10 hi? beeni.i... ; ' y -.t : . . 1... I .'i.tEraejdi 'O rr - TT.l J r a. ' O-A i!. nec-dav a-d b-r:n the nlasterinsr of! AO vonver-iiur. u.t ux the nV home of Gust Rt:r which is; The Royal Neighbor cf Ac-n rjr.v.- readv f-r them and the other HI hedd their ciistrut r-'-nventirn work V-tit ab-.r.s; nicly with in Murdoch rt the a-sembiy room cf -...r?':.- - -vvill hav,-- th-. olace tl." Murdock school buihiin-- on (-1, - !- sil'v f-'-r ocei-pancv if posible before b? r fourth, at which time til th coming of winter. Oxx" r!iller w:- liavipsr 1 1 -e pies-:ntativ-s froi.. .1 nu ces. and it is expected t .;. ill b-1 delesrates fron r'r.tt-Li ntii, r. c Li? r CI2i ha.ibd to his home for the making of ' V.;;' V""1-' ,lv- char-H for the betterment of "r-:- - -;J--v ,.A. V' : ... - ., . TI - 'A e, piag Water, Papil.ir n. E'-:i- v , to. eruditions of the home. He is K1,,V(;,, ;r,,iT1r, .l hc vir.g a errrrt- f.ocr placed in -i-nl .. tlmwoo. -t-- !J ' . ' . , . , r.n'l Gretna. There v 1 be eater--tlo ; : ; - -i.t c f the hom o a other ; fun,ish,e !iV the L.-di. s A-i ' . woriv o vaiks etc.. which mr.:.'- . . , . . ., ! the d-.:mr cf the work on the farm " V1' ' . -V.. V.:. . 1 e 1 1 ji iiie --v i.t--' j..- TT. .- 1 i i" easier. E. W. Tliimcan was assist- ; r ; -r. 4 1-,.-. ,1 r 1 Zt-j-.-r-r- r $ Ti vi"tr.rinl T"rank Mav-s and wife. a-crm- cfit'-offiWrs will bep" roj.-nt' and c! v-i 1 inc.:. '; by iL'ir child-en. Randell an address on the god of the order, p ? 'serai ar.d itm-e-l. w ho make their, y 1--.- mil. , e - loct ; 1 - tl. .11.1. 1. V , . u.j '. 11 ... vi k f -r a rjf it with tl-e mother e-f Mi . Miv. Mr. C. F. Hire and son. Tov c-e verv Ve-ll pleased .'e-c-n dc-irg ti t (-1 t:- :r man 'cJ.;,:- in Speciiilly Priced c..i-di; it's time to buy! - --a j .ixt.i-i . u . c"v-. II: r-".:-L-:' ". vL-i:i t,:c.y wiiL colored $1.89 pair It EXT CI.rjv il'T'. tk . -i of rv Pi friends here Ip.ndlic?ni"5 Nev. PTor.e t; S-i.rcc I J-'-'h;n of Om-;h;. who has j. arp-.-nter work f'U t- c- . new i;c;.r.(- r.t Jess Latiai! i c o re ; .t;-:-.i . .-i th viit v----v mueh. e-d his worn Jar, v m r.nc; mn tr.e M;.v. s'li ports exceib-ntc rops in ' de-tion of the work of the prirt- :r,-, invest l!1 the Vav from here er and decorator, winch ir b' tag don-- " iiomer 11. L?wn:i an ; i!i'::;.-.i;- rp t" Aiiiar.C". i e crops are good and i v :;1 f.s f-,r as th-v have heard. s.ion o the (d.-.ctric d vices, with ! their connection the h- Will be I th- i es ."f y c- 1 tr"':o (tf d p - liJ'lT' r.e ! e - .1 r. - r, i- COT.C ik : v. T' r .1 V' Cv.ii:r-.icca la:.t coicr. 7 yards fcr 1 1. C-i-l.it si:.. -- 'rr.C2;'. cc. .:c"i ' c-uto:; ir.ari.ct Vsc er.cli Ne-r Cream Ststirr.. J.hn Gr?y who soni" time since ( !i rr. rl . r-,er..i t t'.'i 'i H e-i er- m r.b 1 'it 10:1 in ready fo" their r-rcupaa'-y. During I (. ,, the time tn won: nas tie t. m pmg- 1 ss ti10 faadly I cv- been living in ' i'. - '' th" basement, and withal, not a b;:d . hi -. r-. 1: 1 1 s., il ies: 1 j u : s. "i 11100 t f 11V- O '1' tlK h;:5!'!Vi' Ot OC- r some time was M-JTdi.'d: n i.;tt Wediiesday and 'o' hli-r ;.;'! r a location to oz a a' ti'-n and s c.ired a build en th' v.. t side rf Main street f " r"ij.-'--e. Mr. Gti.v is not p- enpies the entire under portin of i '.; e structure. The- hr.rv a ii will h.e ' ' vi r .- w r o -dr.y. . .. 1 i -. c rid - - i r " t- mlb 'nr. i, .. i. ' v. i r ;k :c-: l.at ar-V-vera the call of ihes? 33 to -1-2. Z I ZO c l h . hen e-oaitdet-'d c.'Tipri six T-g- ( ' e . - r I c 1 t:. 1 r.ere arol in his itariing he tj:f. ,r tic rooms besides the h-nh and th- r'"im in the h?-ment -nd is crt ircly ni -d-' rn v Mh the water nri -:; o rei v r Island. T i:i 3 T"l'-c:tV;kAk I -:I v.-cijiir jvI",. I I:..!:, k .;r :;kcvi: a:ikk- icrutli. Sir 3G to -Ik at- 1 cich s ar.u suopo w 1 1 a a Turniturc - Undertaking e ;,(- tticr l pump. I-ctric lighting syy?- p"r t -m befng the lat-st s-nd the int"-i ' VI t 1 tio n c r. - j "-'car: ( , ers-Ve! i. W. R. Ye-1 inr eteroT-r.t inns m ;p'-r,i with he r t":T.-o r. or t ;t o ti-' Jutes rtyles. This is iaal-::ng e u- of l.C-:" : :;- tr'p rr.t in t! t!e V17 finest of the rannv fine ne v. r - ho hoicr nft- r erperierce. Host careful ..-nrs hi th" citv of Mu-dock" I in c m- ctir n -- ith ' "".o" 5 ; rpa Yrmr Ttrrniais ,-l:r. ' vo-rk and ah en tea?;; J - " . Piir.ip TTn Ct Tlmirl.- r C 1 V. r onr 4--. O T..',..- D T ni . ' "Y" (rr;Pp"(i fi-f-''J t,1,.-cmp-:nr d hyv;:;o;m Trr c.f ih ar;;;;i..,. i. 1. CiementS , vr.:Km-.n we.,- -u .m. making N. i.-.-vl.a and hi- s n. Robert, of : -rr- " of tlse best modern homes, the ho jv-, Tj ... -.-.-,.,... ".-K-p ' , . r, 'which Gm-t Rure is bavin- bnilt :'..', r. rk'rn-r-. - ,f :cV fnV eV-; !:;,V'' :' '. , ' 4 1 Hlin'fl'.i-d- ' ' I .... ., be I. -1. Ijcr -r. ui ctiv v.ai.: c-o:;---:ir v,kki, ky fksve. rr.kl. . : k :v bi-k. Tikts - - . . '. M t 1 '. - ! fnri.; in tl t n! to ; V... . 6.0 he- "v.: r d fk5 P gr5 tj structure is a three story and base- ..(!k .'. : , lr. ' ,1 'f-.i : .. . ' T ?.3 "-k .-"Pt. '-ve -ere much pi oo d cn tK-ir UrrJ; Tic trio wa3 a v - - iu- , k k r ' ?--.--5 -,.-V - with the view whKh th- i'rpr story , ,,t , -t ...; l" U W - afrorded. the entire country c,n be , ,k-. :.,k- ll viV.;'Pcty "of ; .j," c -. " ' f '.f ( : -r " ' r,' ? U. S.. ar.i Fisk i-40 r r.ni'I'' -. - I'e -3. S0i312 O-.O -'J e ver inn wiry cmr.iv ro me i m. , .,, , . . eity of Gretna, whose w'Ut tower tho ti .' i , i.,. . ' .v., - t.,,k,. i:.f.,'ti ',, : t.' ,' ' ! W-!V Of f!-,- i lavorabk. J- tiOO'AS, S;JS'J:-4U y.CO reen on a char da v. Frank Mtlvin. S.&O having charge of the carpenter work: r st ruction. ' v. d f' r.e 1 1 1 .' - ; ord 1 .1- : .. 0,:t r.t ; VISITS WITH BAUGTIIS3, ft III i. c- S TO :ri?ures the very best eon H. H. Lawton irj doing the d w- Tii -r,.ii, cr. n,.i-.e crrati"tr' i. ... m v . Vr.-u-e l-.i- An ' -" HI let. I . S e.. -. e..i.i! ,.M I.llCl.iT- -'II': lit r - -.'..- ii'j.i L it. ua l ' ... . - --- o.wu .'irccKhoge is ctng t ne p::istcring an.i . ,'. ,": V v - 1 ' ' - i- uiv -' GOvSl ' Cord G 23 ;HSan last week with a force of four k; - '-f 'a. e :. -VViV 1:5 ; Jjr, J :--rf S-k.:-e-T Stcxe, r . , 1 , men. There are four rooms on eac-Ii 1 T , - 1 : . ; 1 1 ' ; " ' T.v -,-..7 . l'-J-:-lia kot --ot and Dry Cell of the three floors and four in t lr, ' J: r '''' X'h ( i ?::.'r W o:cel-. y.a rt-I .:: i , t ---cr.es. Hitrh Grade Gasoline and basement, counting the fuel storage. , ;.' ' r in ;w - port:.. a o, i: -.uit. , n-n. p-cc. h v?ryu...iCf --:f.c yc llobile Oils The building has been wired for radio j U t'? 1 as well as for the lighting and te- . . . t"v "a'r" -l0vn ,n thu iforro ; ;v, . Vi? Lev 3 rTc-d in an !. WARD Murdock, Nebr. i r --i -i ,rtl i. phone. It will bo some two months' ..-re ettirtiy cotrplw4 and vheadcx-sj Call Ik. G vrifj yc-tr crc.r fc-j v.'.- -.t" h! -t rsrtir.i f r.c::c j-ou in will represent a value of about twelve j job frintiiij. cytliir. that vol may vvant. th- lci'y Blr.1 I r -ii'--.-- nv -. r nd the lie h n. r-d e.ui h :v...:i. dn .nrdained tlmt l:e b,o ! rrn- d to re.-i I Engli-h from his dai'y 'I o:v' t.ik-n it 21 years, ever sio"c I :-- to Om'th-o I l-.-.d n dic t '-on: ry : i d I we nt ' nirht sc ho-l ::! ! heu I pr c-i-erl Hiding Err- !- i :' - j..: p.----." Tf-' chihl: -n varst' in age from 5 in 10. Oil,- daughter J.es trm'-rid r-.e i- novo Mrs. Tb r-sie Houlr. 3712 Mavth i ft;-, t. G Id.i i; 42. his wife -:) Tons ol i. V.-.-:d-Hera'd. l'-T v . - . V ' . ' "JT-- Jk t -.. - , . nc' n' - - . J 1 4 ' I-ioncy ik.k Cjr:v :.-'! Ncbrask-a City 1 ,::ieVlC2 CAa JCMC lusivi 7 ik..:.r -Z:;.k.l i1! r I i ,1..!' ' 1 r i I 14 I