PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, SEPT. 26, 1927. r Alvo Department I LOCAL NEWS 3 lsepfsii TrX n The Radio Receiving Sets should be past the experi mental stage. The Erla Radio has been tested and found to meet the most exacting requirements. We will han dle these excellent machines this season. Will install and guarantee the very best service. See us for speci fications, prices and what they will do. At the Garage County Ccmmiioner Fred H. Gor der was looking after some county business matters in Alvo on Tuesday of hist week. Edsar E-'.wards shipped a truck lost! of hots to the South Omaha maiket on Wednesday of last week, they being deliver d to the market by the hustler John B. Skinner. The missionary society met with Mrs. John Muitey on last "Wednesday where they were elegantly t ntei by this sterling woman, am! where much good work for the society was done. Jolm W. Panning and wife were visiting in Lincoln on Wednesday of last week, where th-.-y drove in their car and where they were, besides vis iting with friends, looking after some business matters. TTirmpi: L. Hornenieier is having some walks construct eil nt the home r- i h-rt di-t.inre from Alvo and get-i ti"g thinrs in condition so that he; v. ;i! be ahl. to keen omt-f the mud in the rainy times of the year. ; Will H. Warner, better known as ; r.illie. is irctiing his thrashing ma-' c;.i:;e in th- best of condition in or-1 c ". r it may be ready when the wheat cr&p which is now being sown ' sin 11 b r- idv to be thrashed. The Rock Island road meeting the citizens of Alvo fairly half way have had shipped into town for use around the station a car load of gra vel to make the roads the best about the station and its approaches. MN-es Alice Cook and Deloros IIi!l. hav some verj- good canned 1 ver-v tables and fruits cn exhibition, at the crunty fair, a report of the, vinnings of the exhibits will be given; in the paper the coming week. Martin iMCKei anu Airs, w . c i and delivered corn j to the Kebmeyer elevator in Alvo; during th-- past week, and now have;. room tor th? crop winch is rapidly g'-ttinrr incondition for harvesting. Simon Rehmeyer was over to Weepiiiir V.'ater on last Tuesday eve nine taking with him to the county fair the Alvo school exhibit which coij'i. t'd of th work which had been done at the school during the j-ear. On -onnt of the tractor at Cre-ri wood being out of commission the called on Philip Coat man and his outfit to assist in the 'ranging of the rords radiating out of Greenwood on Wednesday of last week. Kev. R. II. Ch-noweth and wife Wf re visitinr list week at the con vention of the Methodist church, and on account of the Woman's club pic nic which vji3 to have been held, was deferred until Wednesday of this week. ' , Roy Ptew:ut htt purchased for tho use of hi:M. if and wife a new star f'Wfli. and v-hich should serve this ex-elUnt couple rifely fcr their tra- Mnir. ."!-.d which should make no ! riii'-: during the colder weather a : cor i The meeting of the ers' association which gathered on j (List Wednesday evening was well at-' ! tended and enjoyed by ail who were ; pres. nt. These meetings are pro ductive of much good for the teach : ers and parents and the scholars. Herbert H. Moore, the agent of i the Rock Island and his wife who were away for their vacation dur , ing the past few weeks returned home last week and came in a new Willys Knight coupe, which they ex gaintd in changed for the one which i carried them away, and they are j liking their new wagon very well. Herman Rosenow and good wife, who make their home at Howard, : K;nuas, were spending some time ! vkiting in Alvo. and weie guests at the home of C. F. Roscnow and fam ily while here. They visted also at tlie homes of W. F. Rosenow, eaft of town and with Grandmother Ros enow and other relatives in Elmwood as well as with Frank Rosenow and family at Murdcck. V r: FVnrfield was n visitor at -n..r.tT.T 1'-tr- lie Wcrintcftrir wliere j Dr. Eeineman, llentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. i b"rom Thursday s Pally i Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray was here today for a few hours attend ing to some matters of business in the city. Elmer Hallstrom of Avcca was here today for a few hours attend ing to some matters of business and alt;o visiting with the relatives in this city. Frank Deal of Lincoln was here over night to visit his mother, Mrs. M. M. Real and reports his father doing nicely at the Immanuel hos pital in Omaha. W. K. Xewkiik. justice of the peace of Greenwood, accompanied by his son, C. W. Newkirk, were here yes terday to look after some matters in the county court. Sheriff Rert Reed, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Murray, mother of Mrs. Reed, motored to Weeping Water this afternoon where they will spend the day visiting the fair. Mrs. W. .71. Holmes of Villisca, Iowa, was here last evening to at tend the meeting of the Eastern i Rfnr bein?r :i most worth v matron of rarent-Teach-, pi,anter No. 1S9. gathered on! i,,.mn r aii,-,,,.., rnii. fomia. who has been here visit ing with the relatives and friends for the- past few days has departed for his home in the west. Mrs. L. E. Bordelon of Birming ham, Alabama, is here to spend a short time visiting at the home ot her sister. Mrs. I). O. Dwyer and enjoying an outing in the north. C. II. Tully and wife of Grand Is land, were here yesterday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Drown and also at the Nebraska Masonic Home where they have friends resid ing. Mrs. R. R. Kimbal of San Diego, who has been here for the past four days visiting at the home ot Dr. ard Mrs. T. P. Livingston, departed this morning for Omaha for i: brief vi.-i; before returning to her home in the weft. and ..Mrs. J. A. uoimc-s r: ed home this today from New they have been visiting ,2a St:? Large Ad to the &nms iiaie Dedicatory Program at 3:C0 O'Clock i in Afternoon and Free Eance j i in Evening, Sept. SOtii. ; . .r- ' I r& "S f T catory prog;- tasH t&m tor 1 our Live Poisliry Alvo, Nebraska the tirst day cf the county fair. ing with him some of the cannin products of the club which has been working under the instruction of Mr". Bert Kitzel, and who won recog nition at the state fair, and who has placed the clubs work on ex hibition at the county fair. Mr Fairfield .was accompanied by his daughter. Miss Alice, who is a mem ber of the club. Illi'll- Yori: tluir tak-son, iiaipn Moun' 3 ana wiie am: where Airs. Holmes lias rpent the past two months on an outing at Rye Reach. New Hampshire. Seed Rye, Tor Sale. Cowl homegrown ar.d clean, $1.00 per bu. Call phone 124, Alvo. Ne braska. L. B. Appleman. 8wal Buys Land in the West. Archie Miller and Wayne Swarts who went west some time since on one of the Henry Field excursions, returned home a short time since and were both well phased with th country in California. Mr. Miller making a purchase of some lands while there and will expect to make his home there later. ?nn y ft n ."e p t of !.-. from Alvo were in attend ee county fair on Thurs- st week, this b'ing Alvo diy. Harried Last Week During the past week two of the very popular and worth while young peop,e of the vicinity of Alvo were united in the holy bonds of matri mony, by the Rev. R. II. Cheno wet!i, the bride being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Pawl, living s-outh of Alvo on the highway. Miss Julia una Pawl, a very accomplish ed and genial young lady, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. V." C. Huffman, Mr. XV. G. Huffman, and a most excellent young man. The young folks departed on a wedding tn'p. and will be at home on their I'tarn to their friends. They will farm west of Alvo. The Journal with their many friend?:, extends best wi.h's and congratulations to the nw'y married couple. much on exhibit 1: -I - i here was this sfctK-n of the county as well as other sections it res a most wo-tii while day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Obovs and th lr Are Sending Barrel of Fruit. The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church, are sending a bar rel of canned fruit to the Mother's 1 Jewell Homo of the Methodist church wnien is located at Vork wbif-b Tt-m daughter. M!-s Lucia, of Fullei ton, I be a very acceptable gift for this vis'ting in Alvo from last Fri- ; institution, and reflects much credit oi itj:i,i .-i-iidT'y morning and were : on the ladies organization guests at the home of their d'iugh- and which is due them trr. Mrs. John Skinner ar.d husband. I -vii rrijDvi d tlie visit very much. S;e tin- a! of Arthur Dinees ro of Alvo, aramg the excellent whirl; he is handlin ci 1 u v.-.iMLHIli l( Set in this line so se the on ben line of : this reason. the very new Erla the de- r-r chines he is handling this sta they ere the b:st word in radios. George Hobbitt, who for some time, r-vne twenty years ago, carried the rural mail out cf Alvo. but has been making his home at Geneva, where he has ben firing in the Industrial r-hool for Girls at that place, has been on the sick list for some time tir.d has been visiting here for the past week. Gave Excellent Dinner. The I.ndies" Airt r.f radios NiTethodlFt church eave a mosi Mgiitful dinner nt the church build ing on last Wednesday noon, which was enjoyed by most of the people of the city and many from the coun try. The writer chanced to be there jand also enjoyed the dinner, as there is no piace m Alvo to eat since the last restaurant man went fishing. Get Eates where yon will find the complete line at au tunes. your school supplies at the Book and Stationerv Store. 7 Wednesday, Sept. 28th Plattsmoulh, Nebr. Car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at our car near Pur lin irton freight house in Plattsmouth, Neb., WEDNESDAY, Sept 2Sth, for which we will pay the following CASH PRICES Kens, per lb Springs, per lb. Cox, per lb. Lucks, per lb Cee:e, per lb. Leghorns, 5o Lb. Less Beef Hides, per lb Horse Hides, each Notice to Public My checks will be cashed at Platts rr.outh State Rank. You all know Kceney'.s reputation for fair dealing jincftiigbe-st prices. Car lot shipments direct to extern market enables us to pay u;ore for your Live Poultry. Vv. E. KEENEY The Old Eeiiable Buyer office, coa 1 5Sx88 dance HOUSEHOLD GOODS BE SOLD Fr"rn FrHay's r.?'y Mr. and Mrs. William Rice were at Weeping Water yesterday whre they visited with their daughter. Mrs. John Fitzpatrick and family and also attended tlie fair. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jenkins, form er residents of Manicy, are here for a short visit at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. Rert Reed, while they are en route to their new home at Ogal lala, Nebraska. to pay balance' due cn Ghrist & Christ Finance Reclaimed goods. See No. Git St., first telephone office FOPULAE LOUISVILLE GIRL JIARRIES YOUNG FARMER The Louisville friends of Mis? Hazel Edeeiton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Edgcrton, of this place, were much pleased and interested to learn of her marriage last Wednes day, in Omaha, to Walter For:'! off. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fornoff, of near Cedar Creek. The wedding is the culmination of a ro mance extending over a period rf a number of months and while no formal announcement was made of the coming mairiage, it was no sur prise to the friend of the family. The bride is one of the popular young ladies of this community. She is a graduate of the Louisville High. school cf the class of 1924 and is loved and esteemed highly by all who know her and will make an excel lent helpmate. She was attired in a very becom ing gown of dark sand color satin crepe- The wedding took place at the Douglas county court house in Oma ha, and th? young couple were at tended by the brother and sister-in- law of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Edgerton. After the ceremony, the bride's parents served a fine wedding dinner at six that e vening, the iruests including the members of both families. The groom is engaced in. farm ng and he and his bride will farm the home place next year. For the present they will make their home with his parents on the farm. He s a young man of excellent charac ter and is highly respected. He is industrious and has good business judgment and he and hi.s bride are starting out on their wedded life to gether under theb rishtest auspices. ittended with the best wishes and congratulations of their large circle of friends. Louisville Courier. these goods at 24 tuildiri? south cf (phone G45). Three kitchen cabinets. $10. $15 :rd $20 each; 1 china cabinet, S3; kitchen tables and chair; 1 54-inch da'; dining room table $15; 4 leather n-at chr.irs; 0 plain dining room chairs; one eigUt piece walnut din , ing room suite, , sold for $170, will t,e!! for bul. due, $95; one cedar bod room .suit, 4 pieces for $23; f. large T-ckers from $3.50 to $19.50; occa ."iojial tables-, chair swing tables, nil Mi at lal. due on them; four Sim :a ns beds $3.f.O to ?6.50; bed springs :C to S.-"o; dressers .3 to $15; One 5 ruction bookcase $19.50; one Voss 'l et':'; washer $:10; 5 round oak her.ting stoves from $7.50 to $25; on1 585 Douglas circulator heater for a, due, $35; l S5G Perfection oil ::ove SL'O; ore round oak chief Mhoien range ?2-i; one white enamel range, looks like new, $4o. There ar" dish-'S, panF, rooking utensils wall pictures tc. Pee goods at 224 X'.'tb st Pt.. first door south of the Telephone Building. ANDY TH0:JSEN ILL The formal dedication and open ing of the new Legion Community building will be held a week from to day Friday, Kept. 30th. The dedi- .aru will bo given at 3:00 le afternoon and will in clude addresses bv State Legion Com mander Jean Cain, of Falls City, and Attorney William Robertson of this city, who is a member of the citizen's advisory committee, co-operation and advising with the Legion building committee on details of construction of this initial unit of the ultimate three story structure that will in clude stage, auditorium and lodge and club quarters. Tho present unit, now practically completed, provides kitchen, toilet facilities, check ror.m, ticket storage room, furnace room room and an assembly room in size, with a finely polished floor. 1 Announcement of the opening, 19c , dedication and first month's dance bookings will be carried in a page ad and bill now being prepared in the llc Journal office, which carries on it i con rrra uhitory ads from Plattsmouth and Omaha business linns that have provided material or labor in the construction of the building and the posters will be prominently display- . eci in windows about town during the $4.00 month of October, as well as tacked jon billi-oards and ehsewheie. The ad will appear in Monday's Semi-Weekly Journal and Tuesday's daily. ; The grand opening ball in the new building will be he-d cn Wednesday evening. October 5th, with the cele brated Tracy-Rrown's Oklahomans, a l-!-piece musical aggregation direct from Ad-Sell restaurants, Omaha, fur nishing the music. The dance will begin at f o'clock and continue till 1 a. m.. thus giving tlie dance-loving public four hours of superb dance' music. The regular entertainer with the Oklahomans will be present and j it win l.-o worth the price of admis-; sion just to hear and see this famous: organization that has played its way j to nation-wide fame over the radio. : To guard against over-crowding, no spectator prices will be in effect on the opening night, the uniform price pSjf .est M y "' AV- frit r i " 'Jirf.- ' Old Gly Pooler Over to County Fair Representation of Business n of the Community Ave Fresent at Gathering .ISc 8c 6c' I 10c Vrum Friday's TJai'iy This morning at 11:30 a caravan r f the Plattsmouth business and pro fessional men motored over to Weep ing Water where they weie in at tendance ct the county fair being held at that place and al -o participat ing in the parade that mirl:d the, cl -i.-e of the great county exposition. The Plattsmouth deb gation was provided with the tasseled straw Spanish hats and red, white and b'i;e canes t hr: t ::de a colorful part of the demonstration of the local, people in the county parade. ' ; The fair has been having a decid-! ed success and the final day lias been set aside as eash Cr.fs county ; fi'iy and in whicii the towns and the j surrounding er.mmunities in this part ; oT the county were joining in the big observance. i There were fifty to seventy-five! in the party that made the Journey j over to the fair. i ; ibly he ri. - i.e d, fine bay team that weights f-.jir.e 3.000 pounds and made a real picture of hois llesh. Mr. Re ed -ke r received the fine set of dcuble hnrte3 that "Harness Rill" of Omaha had efiered and which will make a very fitting awaid for the S-p":-Jl'7iJ tej'il. In the pri-o for the best apple-s riio-vn at th - fair, the award was :iu"k' to Hermr.n Ganseine-i , well ;.:i -..v :i iui nu r f Mt. Pleasant pre--"iart. who n:ad.- a line showing of th. Delirious arity of apples which hr.-.l bee:: grown at his: orchard and which made a ckoicd hit with the j re' ires fit; lor rize and quality of the fruit. LEGI0I? AUXILIARY 5IEETS eeceit:s PRIZES T"roin Satin .lay's I'aiiv The last day at the county fair rt Weeping Water saw the awarding of tlio prizes for th" various exhibits at the county exposition and while the P'atismouth visitors were at the fair of admission beirg $1 for every gen-j they had the opportunity of viewing tleman and 35 cents for every lady, i a number of the prize winning show This is the first out-of-Omaha anpear-! ings. anco i;i Nebraska cf the Oklahomans. The prizes for the best team of and they wore, procured at a cost ap-j horses was awarded to A. D. Roe proxir.i.iting $200. j ileker of near Xihawka, who hrd one It is 'planned to' hold dances in the;tr' the finest teams that could pos- r.ew liuilding regularly every satur-! day night, beginning October Sth, and two mid-week dances each month on the first and third Wednesday nights. Complete booking for October has! been effected and in the list are such; well known aggregations as Angelo LunoY. Carter Lake club orchestra, AI I Finch and his Symphonions, tlie 11-' pitce Ooldenrods, Omaha, Leo Rerk'c orchestra of Lincoln and Marshall's Little Rand of this city. Popular ad- . mission prices will prevail with ladies admitted free and small spectator charge after the grand opening ball. ' 1"' ( T1 '?tlir(!iv' '" 15 v Last evening the American Legion Auxiliary v.-aa entctainel very P'easantiy at the beautiful home of Mrs. George K. Petting on high school hil! and with a very large -:i'mh-r of the ladies in attendance at tlie meet ing. The time was devoted to the busi ness affairs of the Auxiliary and in cluding the- discussion of the plans :"-r th" outfitting of the kitchen of new Legion community building Vine- street. The hfstc-'.ses of t:;e occasion were Mesdrm.'-s L. W. Xiel, Jolm H. Pala ce k. Miss Ce'.ia Palaeek and Mrs. P-ninT, and who served dainty and refresin;ents during the oeu-re of the i vming and which serv ed to bring to the close the unusual ly enjoyable event. th-o:i SOCIAL W02KE3S EL0WE2 CLUB Th" Fecial Workers Flower club will meet on Weilnesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jie Marti.s with Mrs. Louis Klemma as assistant hos tess. All members are urged to be in attendance. Ml k.T.d m itd at th; o? bTisiseas stationery : Journal office. I'i r rn f'iirijrc'n v Pnlly l ne reports tre m tne iiospital in Oi:i?l:r. state ,ndy Theiii?en. well ;V!1 b'.iriiu: man of CYdar Cree are to the offer: that Mr. Thomson i ir. in very scrifius condition there tin d it v. as ne.-crs.s.iry to operate e Iiiri for the serone! time this morning. I Mr. Thomson w;.s taken to the hos- p'tnl for nil operation for appendicitis l-tnd his condition has. not been the J best since the operation and his al jicndird ph.ysiei in.s h.ave derided that j the- second operation wouhl be nec essary to give t:ie patient any degree of relief. HOLD FOOTBALL RALLY SHOWS BUICKS AT Are you supplied with a good wagon or a wagon box for the corn picking? Gloves, Mitts, Pegs ad Hooks! FURNACE WORK Stoves for winter. See us for all Fall goods in the Hard ware line. Remember, we truck your stock to market and haul any goods. Call on us for your needs in our line. Coatman Hardware Alvo, Nebraska Rert Jamison, who is the local igent for the Rniek. had on exhibi- ion four Ruieks each a distinctive model and which attracted much fav orable attention and comment. Reit ii"3 been disposing of a number of the cars of late, and among which was a r.iaster six which went to Charles Rates of Nehawka. He also sold a sedan each to Joseph Rehrnes and Edward Krueger. all are well satisfied with their purchases. From Saturday Dally Last evening the members of the high srmrwd e-njoye-d their first foot ball rally of tlie season and maele tin; main part of the city ring with their cht-crs j:nd rally cries as they pre pared th? proper pitch of enthusiasm ior tli" game tliii? afternoon with the North high school team of Omaha. There were? a large number of the t- nts out to take- part in the dem onstration and to give promise; of whrit the team would do to the Norse men on the local gridiron. Burton Gorton Found Guilty, i Judy Declares Manager of Dunbar ; Grain Company Embezzled Company Funds. j 7 HAD GOOD FLO CSS Mrs. John Lidjrett, who entered four pens of chickens ot the county fair, two pens of White Orpingtons and two pens of Ruff Orpingtons, and which won three first premiums, and the fourth pen won third premium, which is very fine when it is consid ered the large array of fowls which were in the competition. PEACHES FOE SALE I have peaches for sale, which will ripen early In September Will those wanting them ' phone me at either ,aiurray phone 54 or 1S03 Mrs Sadie Oldham. CCHGCL SUPPLIES Lay your school supplies at the Eat'-'S Book and Stationery Store, where you will find the big line at the right price. Everything that you vill need for the school year will be found here.. We have placed in an exceptionally large line this year and we are in a position to please you in anything that you rr.?.y want. SOME FINE CORN Tr err Saturday's Inlly- Misn Louise to tne journal ofiice some fine ppec Imes of the corn that has been grown on the Vallery farm in the vicinity of thic city. The corn is fine and well filled out ears and from the showing thi-s corn speaks well for the? crop of 1 ii 2 7 cf iAe Cass county farms. Rurton Gorton, former resident here, manager of the Dunbar Grain company until the topple of the Dun bar State Rank brought both insti tutions crashing, is guilty of embez zling the funds of the grain company a jury in district court declared. Gorton was charged in" the infor-' mation with embezzling $54,000, but the jury, for purposes of distinguish ing embezzlement from petit larceny, j placed the sum at $1,900. Fenter.ce will not be imposed un til attorneys for Gorton have filed the customary motion for a new trial. probably within the next few days. The penalty which may be imposed by .luuge Regley is from one to seven vears in tlie- nen i t en t in rv. ,- . k j Although Gorton was visibly r.f- f'jj focte'd by the verdict, read to him by H Clerk of the District Court John C. H JUilh r, he maintained the composure pi which has characterized him turnout the grilling trial. His wife, formerly A i villa Murray, daughter of Thomas Hurra 3 missing president cf the Rank elf Dunbar and confidant of his son-in-law, broke down when the full significance of the verdict came to her. Gorton's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I'Yank S. Gorton were in the court wh?n the jurj- filed in after their deliberations of nearly five hours. Gorton was released on his origin al bail of $7,500 bond which was fur- ii'ished by friends at Dunbar last April when the crash of two of the village's business institutions set the town b3' the ears. Rut the fight to free Rurton Gor ton from the ugly charges which were lodged against him has onlj commenced, Dr.n Livingston and A. P. J.ioran, his attorneys, intimated Thursdav. t !.;.e . : . . -r ; r ' ' -':-;' - i-. . . .. c . v , . - : v Hardbciledy Thh Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord How vould ;ron like to have a tire that couldn't be licked? Drive it hard give it the bad newc-run it anywhere short of a nail vslant or a grlass works. Easy, now! Don't crowd, plenty fcr you. The Goodyear VeVe cot The motion for new trial, setting Vallery has brought ! "rth th anions hat he hcarins . ! was prejudicial to their client 13 overruled, the case will be carried to the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Nebraska City News-Press. EUFF 0HPINGT0N CCCKHTLS Need help I You, can get it quickly a25-tfw 'by placing your ad in the Journal. We have some very flue Buff Or pington cockrejs v.-tich wo are offer ing at 51.50 while they lait John S. Chapnell, Nebraska. s26-Stew Heaiy Duty Cord for passenger cars. Made with extra plies of Supertwist extra elastic and extra strong" armored with circumferential sidewall ribs powered with the famous Ail-Weather Tread. Costs what? Let us give you the g-ocd news confidential. Plattsmouth Motor Company Corner Sixth and Pearl Streets Telephone 44 PlatUmouth, Nebr.