d Society 3 vol. no. xun PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA., MONDAY, SEPT. 26, 1C27. NO. 67 Eastern Part of State Stirred in Search for Car Car Taken From Lincoln by Trio Is Sought Through This Locality; Rob Autoist in Otoe Co. From Thursday's rally t, cw.w.., , , i.tn r. c .i 1, ,. 7. joining in a general search that was being made for a Buick sedan, stolen ! " ," V'c from Lincoln late last night and the j srv?d a'nty a,ul dl'1,c,ou.s "-'fresh-three persons who were supposed to j ment3 that were very much enjoyed, be mixed up in the affair. In addition to the stealing of the Mii--'f4"ki2-l-t rar the trio was sought for having ' & iCtiL.5.o-lli"lll.Al robbed and badly beater, un an nnto :ct on the K. of T. highway in Otoe county between Nebraska City and 1 L'nion. The parties had taken the car from the streets of Lincoln and had driven east apparently toward Nebraska City but reaching the highway start ed north and when several miles south of l'nion they stopped a pass ing autoist. a resident of Otoe coun ty and stuck him un. robbing him of all of the money and valuables on his person and then cutting the wires on his car and placing it out of com mission so that he would be unable to travel. Net satisfied with the dam ace to the car and the robbery of tlie r:an the two members of the ribber gang prnc eded to beat up the autoist and almost killed him. he be ins taken to Nebraska City some time after the robbery by a party of tourists en route to Kansas and the injure.- man is in very serious con dition at the hospital. The trio wan described as a young woman apparently about nineteen years of age and two men. the lat ter being dressed in gray suits and evidently bad actors. Some fifteen minutes before the alarm was received hrp the Lincoln car crossed the K. of T. Bridge ever the Platte north of this city, the de scription of the parties fitting the oc cupants of a car that had stopped at; the bridge and paid toll to John Svo boda. one of the nigbt toll keepers. The parties in the car .had- been nervous in their actions and, one man sat in the rear seat apparently hold ing a revolver as the man and woman in the front seat settled their fare with the toll keeper. After reaching South Omaha, the party was halted by one of the police on duty thre and one of the mem bers of the trio wastaken from the car when the man and woman in the front seat stepped on the gas and made their escape. Search was made for the two miss inir members of the party and it was reported that they might be heading hark this way but a patrol at the bridge for the night failed to disclose them coming this way. PANE CONCERT PLEASES MANY F'rr.m Th'irf3Tv's Dally Tl e band concert which the Eagles band of the city had arranged for the entertainment and pleasure of the music lovers of the- city and this portion of Cass county, was given last evening at the court house lawn r.nd despite the chilly weather that prevailed there was a very large number in attendance. The program was arranged with th- standard and popular numbers and was presented in the usual pleas ing manner by the band boys under the direction of W. R. Holly, who has served as the leader for the past year. The concert was marked by the presentation to Director Holly of a very beautiful bouquet of flowers as an appreciation by the public of his !-'-r ices with the band in the past season. The public feels very grate !ul t the band and Mr. Holly for the st-i vires that they have given this season and the city for their spirit in sponsoring the concerts. Th- Kagl--s band will give a con cert on Sunday aTternoon at 2:39 at fie lawn of the Nebraska Masonic Home as a special offering for the aed residents of the Home. CASE IS REOPENED Frnro Thur.aitaVn PaPv Tlie state supreme court has taken up th motion of the contestants in '.he estate of Sarah Thimgan. deceased :i l Sarah Cakeme-irr, in which the court has granted the the contest r.ts the right to present their reasons .onl,, ?r; T i,OIM 'e Pin mT "n.b.rration by the court on its, m-rir-. The appeal in the will case fi'Oln this cnilntv u-a flicmiicnil Kir tha supreme court because of the omis 1 ion c f a part of the record of the case :s supplied the court. GUY LCNG IMPROVING Fr'-m TI -ursdav's r.itly R' ports this morning from the hos pital in Omaha state that Guy Long city who was operated on Sat- 11p.l1.. e Tia, for a severe case of appendic- "i . io now doing verv nicelv nnrl his con -lit ion is as favorable as possi-!the 1 i'- l!rpr the rirnimsi !incB3 T v r v. .-uMvvo, ...I, i,,!-6 ,u- a 't-M rp ca?e 01 tne apendi- Cil. 3 Mill Ilia . - ... . ...o , fef. tuine worry ior iri Tu x.ys ut he seems to be ehow-.davs J"-? tne npst of nnn..nn HAVE SOCIAL MEETING From Thursday's Dally The Catholic Daughters of Amer- i ica held a very pleasant social meet jing on Tuesday evening at the hand : some home of Mrs. E. J. Richey on North 6th street and which proved one of the most delightful meetings of the season. The hostesses of the event. Mrs. A. G Bach, Mrs. Lena Droege, Miss May Murphy. Mrs. Joseph Libershal pud Mis. Richey had arranged a very de lightful evening of bridge and in the playing Mrs. J. A. Griffin was award ed ti e firtt prize. Mrs. J. F. Iladraba ! receiving the second prize of thei ! event for their skill in the faseina- ; tions (;f bridge. Girl is Married at Long Beach Miss Martha Vallery and Mr. Harold Carrithers Wedded in the West Last Tuesday Evening Frorn Timrsrtav's P.i"v The marriage of Miss Martha Val- lery. former well knowen Plattsmouth " ''"" a 1 1 1 me 1 s , uv- curre.l on Tuesday evening at Long Leach, California, where Miss Val-M)e lery i;as made her home tor tne past year. The wedding of these two estim able young people, occurred at the Firrt Presbyterian church of Long He? eh and th marriage lines were read by the pastor of the church at C o'clock on Tuesday evening, a small group of the intimate friends of the young people being in attend ance at the ceremony. The bride was for many years one cf the popular members of the young er social set of this city and is the voungest daughter of Mrs. J. It. Val lery of this city and grew to woman hood in this community and where she was graduated from the Platts mouth schools. While a resident here the bride was very active in the fo?:r.l circles cf the city and a year ago removed to California where she has made her home at Los An geles and Long Beach. The groom is one of the young business men of Long Beach where he has been located for a period of several years and he i. now the sales manager in that city for the Cadillac Auto Co., and in his line of work has been very successful. He has been making his home there with his mother up to the present time and Mr. and Mrs. Carrithers will continue to make their home in the coast city. The many friend3 in this city of the bride will join in their well wishes to the newlyweds for many years of happiness and success ln the years that lie before them. NICE CASH DONATION "r.iin T1inr.e'l,iv'. rni: A check for $25 was handed to the byVjeorce M. Hild. to be added to the , volunteer fund being raised to meet the expense of erecting the American Legion community building, which is to be dedicated a week from tomor row. The committee has expended all available funds and contracted a good sized debt in the finishing up of the construction work and every dollar contributed by the public to help meet this expense is greatly ap preciated. Outstanding unpaid pledges still total around $1,400 and while the greater part of this sum is good, col lections are progressing very slowly. Final payment to the contractors must be made soon and everyone who has pledged money for the erection of the building is urged to pay their pledge at once. BIG CROWD AT SUPPER From Thursday's Dally The chicken pie supper given last evening at the St. Paul's Evangeli cal church by the ladies of that church proved one of the greatest successes that the church society has held and for several hours the base ment of the church was filled with a large number to enjoy the repast that was prepared and served as only the ladies of this church have the secret of arranging and everything good that might tempt the appetite was offered on the menu ot the evening. . t. r...cu T tht,ir ortivltiea the As the result of their activities the ladies will realize a very neat sum for their efforts which will be used in the church work. ANDY THOMSEN VERY ILL Frevm Thursday's Dally The reports from Omaha state that Andy Thomsen, who is at the hospital in that city, is in very serious con dition, and his change has been for the worse in the last few days iui lilt- nuiac in and caused a great ..., w -cHj deal of apprehen- attending physicians and members of the Thomsen family. i-j 1 nf ritiTitiiL was t ifiaieu oil lur a it- pendiitis and had been showing some Improve nmmi..mor Vi,t in tlio loot his condition has grown more ! -seriou. 1 Soldier is Given Thirty Days in Jail I formerly Miss Bernese Horn, daugh M. Hudson Draws Sentence for Iter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Horn, and T,.r.irinQt,VTi Tv-mn-:A riranf I the news of the arrival of the little W. Also Gets a 30-Day Hitch , J " ' From Thursday I .-. Yesterday afternoon Judge A. II. Duxbury was busil; occup.ed in hear- ins two 01 me cases inui nave "eejii pending for several days the one be-; ing the case of the soldier who was, caught in the car of Fred Smith near; LaPlatte on Tuesday night and also Ravmond Grauf, who was one charged in the taking and selling of articles from the March home in this city. 1 In the case of the soldier, W. M. j Hudson, he maintained that he had j no part in the taking of the car of j Mr. Smith, but had been invited by! 1 two otner men to ride in the car, andwho had leaped from the car when it was being overhauled by Officer Lihershal near LaPlatte and ! lad left Hudson in the car and who had driven it over to the side of the road. lie a No stoutly denied thatjFrom FrHav-s Daiiv he had any knowledge of the keys, Ijaft evening was fight night in found on him and which proved to plattsmouth and t he returns from the be those taken from the Andy Kroeh-J fl,nt arena at Chicago overshadowed ler traraire. Hudson stated that he Ln ...1 . ,iad ,,,en druilk and very drunk at in and nad no verv Clear recoi- Action of the circumstances or how - canie to be in the county bastile iside from his having not taken the car of Smith Mr. Smith had no ue sire to push the case against the young soldier who will probably have to suffer dicipline from the mil itary authorities when he is releas ed and accordingly the complaint was filed charging the young man ii'itlt lj-i?irr 1 111 t Ir ntnl ik im-lill Vl i ' entered a plea of guilty. The sen tence of the court was thirty days in the countj jail. In the matter of Raymond Grauf who was charged with having had a part in taking the household goods belonging to Dick March from the Mirch home on Third street and sell ing them to a second hand dealer, the young man made a pl?a of guilty to the charge and was given a sen tence of thirty days in tho coauty jail in the custody of Sheriff Reed. Owing to his youth the authorities had been desirious of having the young mn enlist in the navy in or der that he r ight receivo dicipline and training that would be of more lasting benefit, but this he was un able to do as the guardians of the young man refused their consent nec essary to allow him to join the navy and he will serve the next month in the county jail. WTNTERSTEEN P-T ASSOCIATION Frorr Thursday's Taily Last evening the members of the Parent-Teachers association of the Wintersteen hill held a very pleasant social meeting at the school building and which was quite largely attend ed. The school building has been fixed up and arranged in very fine shape by the co-operation of the Parent- Teachers association and the board of education and as the result the struc ture presents a neat and attractive appearance. The members of the association and school patrons had the oppor tunity last evening of enjoying a fine address from R. E. Bailey, superin tendent of the city schools, who gave a word as to the work of the Parent-Teachers asociation and the ways that the association and the school cou M co-operate in the interests of the betterment of the educational system. A very pleasing vocal duet by Mrs. Ray Melbern and Miss Marie Bald win was given, the ladies having as their accompanist, Mrs. Rachael Stones. Miss Marie Kaufmann, who has just recently returned from a sum mer spent in Europe, to resume her activities as supervisor in art and penmanship in the local schools, was present and gave a showing of a num ber cf reels of local scenes and spe cial events and as well views taken in Holland, all being very interest ing to the audience. At the close of the evening dainty and delicious refreshments were serv ed that aided in the completion of a most er,1oyable occasion for all in attendance. ATTEND SYNOD MEETING From Thursday's Dally This morning Mrs. J. S. Livingston departed for Minneapolis where she goes to attend the meeting of the sixth provincial synod of the Episco pal church and which includes the central west states. Mrs. Livingston is representing the St. Luke's church and its organizations at the meeting and will also enjoy a visit at St. Paul with Mrs. Anna Britt. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia tion of the many kind acts and sym pathy shown us at the loss of our beloved brother and uncle. Mr. and 'rs. David Allen and family, Mr. and Mm T.cm Ttn too and flTyiUw , - mi local news is in the Journal. EIRTH OF LITTLE DAUGHTER From Friday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Horn of this city have received the announcement of the birth of a fine little eight and J a half pound daughter. Marie Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Hay Killey of Jack- tonville, Illinois. Mrs. Killey was ! one has brought a great deal of plcas luie to the grand parents and the other relatives and friends cf the lit- , ,c This. aft.rnoon Mr. orn L company with :Ir. and MrB H. c. Goodchj!;1 of 0mahat the latter a r.r A7r nml Mr TT..rn lo-i pa f jacksonville to visit at the ;..,, ,nnlo " ' - - - Hundreds Hear Fight Returns ! B3 from Ringside ' ,. . . . , . , ; Kadio Brings the Fight Arena at Soldiers Field to the Platts mouth Fight Fans. j n' out in ti.e main Zc- n. . v,.. t,. -jiiiii ti iiir lilv Lij i.i ii 1 11 k: ir u un from the radio sets in the various linslrpfw houses while manv hundreds ,V(irp ,-n home anrl neihborbood groups at the residences to receive the returns of the big battle. The fight fans were largely Demp sey followers and thrilled as the Man assa mauler attempted his comeback r ftcr the forced retirement from the title crown aa year ago at Philadel phia. The seventh, with its gruelling ordeal for Tunney cheered the sup porters of Jack to heights of real joy but to be dashed in the eighth, ninth and tenth as Tunney came back and finished the battle in whirlwind style with the challenger in a bad way at the close of the tenth when the de cision of the judges and referee gave the battle to the Fighting Marine, the world's champion heavyweight. The Peterson poojhall, Bestor & Swatek store. Panne ie Theatre, Ket telsen battery station. Royal cafe, Warga hardware store, the drug stores of Weyrich & Iladraba and the Mauzy Drug Co., as well as the Sportsman cigar store had large groups of the fight fans who enjoy ed the opportunity of roasting each other as the great fight swayed from one to the other of the big boys back in the twenty foot ring in Chi cago. The wise cr.es who had laid their "jack" on the Fighting Marine; were able to continue the jollification after the close of the battle while the dis appointed but not downcast follow ers of the challenger had the fact that Tunney had received his first knockdown to cheer them on iu the midst of defeat. MRS. W. S. LEETE HERE From Friday's Dally Mrs. V. S. Leete, wife of the form er rector of the St. Luke's church of this city, came in yesterday from her home at Golden, Colorado, for an overnight visit here with the old friends and associates in the church work. While in the city Mrs. Leete was a guest at the home of Mrs. J. M. Roberts and during the after noon and evening a large number of the members of the parish were call ers at the Roberts home to pay their respects to this genial lady who dur ing her residence here had a great part in the church work. This afternoon Mrs. Leete depart ed for Omaha where she spent a few hours with friends and then left for Minneapolis where she will attend the sixth provincial synod and will then go on to New York to visit with relatives before returning to Colo rado. DEPARTS FOR WEST From Friday's Daiiv Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Hild and little daughter. LeVaughn, have de parted from this city with the inten tion of making their home in the western part of the state at Kearney. They will stop at Havelock for a short visit with relatives and then go on to the west to live. Mr. Hild will be engaged in work at Kearney and the family hopes to soon be set tled in the new home. The many friends here will regret to see this excellent family leave the city and ; o.,.d inMr and KiiPM will! itu..i. .....v f - - - follow them in the new home in the western part of the state. MARRIED IN WISCONSIN The announcement has been re- ceived here by friends of the mar- rage at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Saturday. September 10th, of Miss Myrtle Stout of that city and Mr. j George Brinklow, Jr., former resi-! dent of this city. The wedding was! a verv ouiet one and Mr. and Mrs. Brinklow are expecting to continue to make their home in that city. The many friends here of the groom will be pleased to learn of the rw found happiness that has come to him and extend their best wishes for the fu-. ture years of happiness. Young Bandit Sought Here Makes Escape! ..,.. , . . - vvi.iiaiu i.asiei, Xisus..u xiuiu - ii.t - formatory Is One of Trio Pass- irg Through City. William Mosier, y.ung bandit, es caping from the .state- i eformatory at Lincoln on Tuesday night, was the in ,llfc chase that was con i oucted through several counties ot i the eastern part of the state and which failed to land the much sought man in the toil-; ot t!ie Jaw anno his companion, J. V rested in Omaha morning. Aust. was ar aily Thursday The authorities of this part of the! state are still searching for Mosier and a woman companion. named : Irene, who has been with him since' tlie escape from the reformatory. The capture of the man in Omaha was made possible by the prompt work of Sheriff Reed of Cass county, who on learning that the parties had crossed the Platte river bridge here, called to the South Omaha police station and had the detectives there e,n the trail at once and with the j result that one of the trio was nab- bed bv the noliee altho Mosier and,uP e matter of the giving of prizes the girl, Irene, made their get away, As soon as the call was received from this city Detective Al Nelson of the South Side force ran out into "O" street as a car bearing the number given by John Svoboda here as that of the bandit car. was seen driving slowly north on 24th street. The de - teetive and Officer Ed. Burger of the Omaha police at once started in pursuit. The bandit car. followed first by the flivver and then by the police emergency car, drove east on H street to Twenty-third, south on Twenty- third to 6, wast on N to Twenty- The committee in charge of the fourth, south on Twenty-fourth to P, contest is composed of John P. Sat-we-st on P to Twenty-fifth, south on tier and V. H. Puis and they will Twenty-fifth to Q, east on Q to Twen- arrange for the Judges and the hold-ty-fouth and south on Twenty-fourth Ing of this contest, to Albright. I Prizes as Follows Chauffeur Lee Fleming in the , lgt Prize Cash Award of $10.00 police auto said it had been but re- 2nd PrizeCash Award of 7.00 cently overhauled and was bo stiff 3rd PrizeCash Award Gf 4.00 that ct top speed he couldn t cateh : 4th pTilsCsia-a A,.ard of 2.50 up with the bandit auto c h PrizeCash Award of lsq V. hen Mosier reached the gravel , roai south of Albright he turned) Rules of Contest out his automobile headlights. So : The rules of this contest are few In great was the cloud of dust that police number, being as follows: could not see the road. Sergeant Wil-j Corn must be grown by exhibitor. Ham Smith and Patrol Conductor1 Corn will be turned over to Boy Frank Zurek fired several shots into Scouts at conclusion of contest to be the dust, but gave up the chase as sold and they derive benefit, tco dangerous at Chandler crossing, j Corn to be left at Chamber of Com PrioOn Escape Described 'merce rooms on or before 6 o'clock "Mosier got out with assistance of Saturday evening, Oct. 1st. an accomplice in Lincoln, who drove Prizes will be awarded Saturday out to the reformatory in a rented evening, October 1st at S:30. auto," said Aust. "I met him and this; Every ear entered to be securely woman of his, named Irene, after he labeled with the exhibitor's name and got out. : address. "I didn't want him to get rough , The excellent corn crop Gf this m that holdup but he used his sap. ; year shoilld produce some real corn Rob Store, Steal Sedan iihat can be entered in the contest The captured man is J. W. Aust, and the successful farmer receive a alias Johnson, about 21. who has prize that will make their efTcrts in just completed a term for forgery taking part in the contest well worth at the reformatory. i When Mosier escaped and joined Aust and "Chicago Irene," they kick eel in the window of the Apex jewel ry store at Lincoln and took some Jew- erly, Aust said, then stole a Buick Frank n. Gobeiman. who has land sedan, and drove to Nebraska City, j interests in Chase county near Im- Eight miles north of Nebraska City. perial has just returned from that they staged the holdup. (section of the state where he was ac- Slus: and Strip Youth I companied by W. E. Rosencrans, lo- Meldin Vilmore and Paul Wolf of cal real estate man, and the two Otoe were returning in an automobile ' gentlemen report a most pleasant from Omaha with two Nebraska City I visit and wonderful crops in the young women. A Buick sedan sud-J west. denly turned in from a side road j The wheat crop in that locality across their path. They stopped and : has been one of record breaking pro- then were confronted with demands ' to hold up their hands, they told i Sheriff Ryder of Nebraska City. One of the highwaymen struck Wolf in the mouth, knocking out sev eral teeth and dazing him for several minutes. The holdups then stripped Wolf of his new suit of clothes. Wolf proceeded into Nebraska City only in shoes, hat and underwear. Given Clothes at Nebraska City Wolf was given a suit of clothes at Nebraska City and Thursday report ed that he suffered no serious effects from the experience. The two holdup men took two watches, a woman's coat. $20 and Wolf's suit of clothes. ADDITION TO FAMILY rom Thursday's Daltv The home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton ""J was gladdened by the fact that a fine little son came to help share ,. i..m. i. ;-,. e nappmess or tne nome ana "rim,-. at the coming of tie Fit tie on 'The ' f,l01 in that ffiCe this raorninS- The h i : iior v, t3in vs- Jolm C. Brittain, which was nJ?.lJ , Si0. ZZWhJn'A b7 Attorney D. O. Dwyer rep- to the family circle. PLACING CRUSHED ROCK ROAD The Iowa-Nebraska Power & Light company have received a carload of crushed rock that is being placed around their new sub-station Just south of the city where it will be used to fill in the groundwork of the large open transformers and will'ghter, departed this morning for' eliminate the mud that has made the work around the station disagreeable in the wet weather. CHILD AT HOSPITAL From Saturday's Daily The little son of Mr. and Mrs. George Downs of this city is at the Shrine ho.-pital in St. Paul. Minne sota, where ho will receive treat ment to try and relieve him from a slight laniene&s that has been caus"d from a severe attack of spinal menin- j'itis fi-ora which he suf.'eied a year (or .f) a .- igo. iiie little leiiow it is thought can be brought cut of the affliction and be restored to his form er good physical condition as his ten der years makes it possible to give him treatment more effectively than if older. The Shrine hospital has per- formed some wondeiful work in car- ing for cases of ciippled children and have on their staff some of the most norej suigeons and physicians in the coimtrT To Offer Award S3 for the Five Best Ears of Corn! Plattsmouth Ad Club Will Offer Piizes of $25 for the Best Ears of Corn. The Ad club of this city has taken i for the bet fiye ears of corn produc ed on the Cass county farms this year and has voted the sum of $25 in prizes to be awarded to the succes sful contestants. The contest will be held this week, and all corn should be left at the ; Chamber of Commerce rooms on No. j Gth street, where the ears will be examined and judged Saturday night ft S o'clock by a committee of un- biased citizens who have practical knowledge of the size and quality of corn and the basis on which awards should be made. while. REPORTS FINE CROPS From Saturday's Daily duction and in the west has brought, millions of bushels of wheat to the i farmers, while the corn crop there is larger and better than usual and with ; home. Mrs. Bestor s death came as a the withholding cf severe frost, for a shock to the relatives here who were week or ten days will give that sec-j unaware of her serious illness. The tion a great corn crop in addition to deceased lady Is survived by the hus the big wheat, crop. The west part . band and one daughter, both resid- of the state received an exceptional-j ly large amount of moisture in the spring and several good heavy rains in the late summer that have served to make the corn there more than usually heavy. A large number of former Cass county people are living in Chase and Perkins counties and that they will have great crops this year is most pleas'ng to the friends bock here in this locality. DOINGS IN DISTRICT COURT From Friday's Dally The office of the clerk of the I -. . ..o.-. uwoj i.vjujr in handlnEr of seVeral actions that were resenting the plaintiff and in which the plaintiff asks a decree of divorce ami also the custody of the minor children. The second case was that of A. C. Carey vs. Ada L. Carey, in which the plaintiff asks a decree of divorce on the grounds of the inabil- ity of the parties to peacefully dwell together, j Mrs. J. R. Jahrig and son and dau Omaha where they will spend the day looking after some matters of bus- iiness and visiting with friends. Plattsmouth Has Large Crowd at County Fair Local Feople Form Eig Part in the Parade Staged as Part of Cass County Fair t'rom Saturdays nail The representation that this city had at the county fair held at Wrep- rfr Wate r yesterday, was the largest fiat has been seen there for tlx- past two years and formed a large part f the parade that featured the clos ing day of the fair. Business and professional men. a large number of ladies and citi-ns in general were seen in the line of march and with their wide limmed hats and red, white and blue canes, made a striking part of the parade. In the line of march were many of the prize winning exhibits of the county fair and which gave the em lookers an insight into the many fine lines of tlie products of the county that were on exhibition at the var ious booths of the fair. The Weeping Water and Farmers L'nion band of Louisville were in the parade and furnished the music for the march of the paraders. There were a number of very attractive floats shown in the parade that had been sent to represent various lines of business and industry and the schools of the county. Mingling with the marchers and the floats were the specimens of the live stock and hogs from the county at large and which had been sent to the fair and received prizes for their excellence. The large hog from the exhibit of Harry Knabe. well known Hampshire swine breeder, was one of the features of the parade with its great size and weight. The parade was the culmination of a very successful fair and the resi dents from all parts of the county were delighted with the showing that was made. CAR CRASHES STOREFRONT Frnm Friday's Pally While the fight fans were gather ing last evening to hear the returns of the Tunney-Dempsey bout, there was an added excitement in the block between Fourth and Fifth on Main when the new Star sedan driven by Mrs. Otto Hike of near Cedar Creek, crashed into the front of the store building formerly occupied by the Hatt meat market. Mrs. Hike had driven up to the curbing in her car and as she trid to stop the car at the curb evidently grew excited and stepped on the gas with the result that the car leaped the curb and drove into the front of the building, mashing one of the. windows as well as breaking out a part of the wooden framework that held the bottom windows. The car received little damage In the crash, one fender being bent and one tire blown out as the car struck the front and the concrete curb. Mrs. Hike, Sr., who was in the back seat of the car was injured slightly when the impact came, as she was thrown forward and struck the front seat of the car with her face, the blow knocking her set of teeth out and causing one of tho teeth to penetrate the lip, the wound bleeding profusely and requiring the services cf a surgeon to dress the in jury. DEATH OF MRS. GUY BESTOR From Saturdays Daily The news was received here this morning of the death last evening at Chicago of Mrs. Guy Bestor, form- er resident of Cozad and well known in this c ity where she has been a fre- j quent visitor at the Frank Bestor ing at Chicago. The funeral services will be held, it is thought, at the oldhome of the Bestor family at Cozad, Nebraska, Monday afternoon altho no date as to the funeral has yet been set. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bestor and (Charles Bestor will leave Sunday for Cozad to be .present at the last rites. j . j PLATTSMOUTH'S PRIZE BOY . From Saturday's Dally At the baby show held in connec tion with the Cass county fair at Weeping Water, William A. Robert - dis-'son, Jr.. of this city, a prize winner ai iiic naif lair, fit-emeu me teeuui prize, the husky little Plattsonian coring 99 points while the first prize fine little fellow was deprived of hav- ing first honors by thePfact that he had two mosauito bites that had raised small bumps on the skin and kept Billy from a perfect 100 score, The score was in the class of town boys from twenty-seven to thirty six months and embraced a number of entries of the fine husky youngsters, any of which their parents could feel proud of. I Get your school supplies at tle "u j A i V- ' Where you Will find tne COmplce line at all times.