The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 15, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    t 1
MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1927.
. i i
e pa rime
L U I.
iareenwoocl Ji
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
Clydo Xewkirk painted the roof
of the I. O. (). F. building and or.
Wednesday he painted the filling sta
tion. L. V. Sohefer and wife were en
joying a visit on Sunday at Ft. Crook
where they went to visit their son
Robert Mathews who with the fam
ily were visiting for some ten days
in Kansas returned heme last week
and Rob is again at the work.
O. F. Peters and the wife were
enjrying a visit at the home of their
son. Norman Peters of Yutan. where
they drove in their auto on last Sun
day. P. S. Peterson was enjoying the at
tending of a ball game which was
played between the Waverly team
and r team from Lincoln last Sun
da v rt Wavely.
I'.ule Dan Kelley was shelling and,
delivering corn to the fo-ers Elevator!
on last Wednesday and on Tuesday j
C. K. Ruckmaster also delivered corn i
at the same elevator. j
John Graham and the family were;
enjoying the Sells FNtr cirer.r. at (
Lincoln on lat Wednesday, theyj
driving cvt-r in tluir car fir the day,
w hi Hi they surely enjoyed.
W. I. and v.ii". of Lincoln
vert- visit i:g in Ortcnworil at the
lK,m- rf Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Caifei
for the afternoon last Sunday, where
all enjoyed the day very pleasantly.
?.fr. srd JTr. P. A. S:innn were
cnioying a visit f. r two ray? witV
friends in Omaha ir.t week, they l;e
irrg there to visit with relatives ar.d
friends as well as to look after seme
business matters.
LM r.ell and wife and Bige At-kir.-.
an! wife were spending som
tvo wfckr at the rid hr-nie win r
they had rot bt-en for som- twent;
. . .1 . . . .. ,1 K -
war-, iiavs'i .n. uini. iuui.u m-.
place greatly changed.
Sir.--. Aarrr. !-:. Pairing departed f.r
Deadwood. South Dakota mo day
last week where she went to y in Mr
Palling, who is mn!"; i :! there r.r.
where they are expveting to mat
their home for the future.
Mrs. Fannie Ni- ho's has l:.-en fuel
ing quite i' orly at her br ine Tor sonic
days past, but was reported as heinr
some better late iart vn k. The nnry
friends of this estimable lu'.y r
pleased with her better health.
Mrs. Dr. Lawrcr.c" D. Lt e of O.v.. -I13
accompanied by lu r son. L. D. L
. . . i r
were visiting :or a nurr.;x r 01
Good Health Depends Upon Good
with an
IlifllL llll lilt AAlLal.
! abundance of good things to vui, and
shady place in which to play.
ETENTION of bodily waste in
the blood is called a "toxic con
dition." This often g.ives rise to a
dull, languid feeling and, sometimes,
toxic backaches and headaches. That
the kidneys are not function ingprop
erly is often shown by burning cr
scanty passage cf secretions. Thou
sands have learned to essist their
kidneys by drinking plenty of pure
water and the occasional use of a
stimulant diuretic. 50,000 users give
Down's signed endorsement. Ask
your neighbor
days, durin
the past
week at th
home of the parfnt- ft Mrs. Lee
Jiirlire sn:l Mrs. V.'. H. Newkirk.
!Mr.and Mrs. Herman P. R'. ufkov '
w-M' i j t v J n -ti ai b n tlic post If
vir-lts from Mrs. Joe Ktlley, a sister
of Mr. Brunkow from Minneapolis
and Mrs. Albert Rruukov. wife of a :
brother who resides at Ipwish. So
Dak. '
Mrs. Hat tie J. Dunning, mother of
Mrs. O. V. Peters vho has been visit-'
ir.g for sem time at the Peters home
departed arly last week for Ciituri1
("enter. Iowa, wliere she will visit
with another daughter for some
time. !
Mr. ar.d Mrs. I. Apphum have ben
enjoying a. visit from on? rf their
daughters, fr.r t'ne p?st week. Mrs
Apphum. however, on the latter por
tion f t la t week departed for Lin
coln where she is visiting for a short
Wm. IL-.rtsook and wife have been
visiting with friend- in Ashland
Kansa for the past ten days and en
joyed the vacation visit with the:r
friends and relatives very much. They
returned home the latter portion of
the past week.
A TV irw1 '.Ire A Tr-ilil were en
joying last week a visit from the
brother of Mr. Todd. Kddie Todd and
family frrm near Plattsmouth. andt
they all departed for Jordan, Mon-
tana, where they are spending some j
three weeks ramping out.
On last week Henry M. Hansen
Charles Shephardson and Wm. Eriah
son departed in their ear for Canada
wheat fields where they are esnert
ing to work for the remainder rf the
fall with the harvesting and thrash
ing which will keep up late in the
Dorothy and Ma.dalene Smith
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Smith
who have been spending rruie twr
weeks at the home of their grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Owens o'"
Wahoo, returned home last week and
were very happy over their two week .
A. E. Ieesley and wife w re en
joying attending a number of the
sessions of the Epworth Assembly
which were held at Lincoln, they
driving over, and were glad t learn
that Charles, Shephard. who war. in
jured in the wreck was getting along
nicely. j
Hrrold Isicho!-.'; and wif were en
tertaining at their home the mother
of Mrs. Nichols and hej uncle, Mr.
Frank FJauer for the day and whn
they returned home were accomp sp
ied by the two young daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols who are visit
ing in Union for a time.
Attending Reserve Officers Camp
Col. and Mrs. P. L. Hall departed
late last week for Central City where
they wil lspend some two weeks at
liiverside Park of that city, where
the Reserve officers of the 353 in
fantry are meeting this year. There
will be very rigid drilling require-
' ments and one wou'd think that there
j was going to be a real war stager
soon from the rigid dieipline and
' hard drilling which is required.
I Dr. Heineman, Uentist, Hotel Main
! Bid?., Phone 527.
j vr,nn Tliursilny s Pull v
' George Fornoff was a visitor in
Omaha today where he was called to
; look after some matters of business
and visit with friends.
i Mrs. A. J. Snydt r and s-n, Keith,
were among the visitors in Omaha
today to sp ml a few hours attend
ing to some matters of business and
visiting with friends.
Mis. W. Ii. Seybert departed this
morning for Omaha where she was
called to look after some matters of
business for a short time and was
. also visiting with friends.
i Mr. and Mrs. .irl K. Smith of To
peka. Kansas, are here to enjoy a
viit at the home of Mr. Smith's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith
and the many obi time friends.
' Karl Hoessler of Chicago is here
to enjoy a visit for a short time at
the home of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. August Ress
vacation Horn hi
Mr. and Mrs. John Toms.
Slueey -Jilehi ist and Mrs. Li 1.-.1 f
Or.. aha. hi friend, and neigh" i :i
Mr a .id Mrs. Sauter. wer- v:,t
hero Tuesday with the SmVt'i -l
th. Nebraska ?..asor.ic Home,
i Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Stewart of
Farnaiii. who have been visiting wit'i
tluir daughter, Mrs. Carl Kraeger
and family mar Mynard, departed
last evening for Omaha and will re
turn here again Fiiday for a visit be
fore returning to the west.
Mrs. F. E. Woodward and children
of Davenport, Iowa, arrived here thij
morning for a visit at the home of
Jllovd -Jeffreys who was taken t o M s. liarnett cie, mother qjMrs.
tUc hospital at" Lincoln- 1r.i t wed', or. -Woodward, r.ud Mr. aud, Miii II. F.
':.r? r nn-i-riT f h pT eT--.:H:'rte!.-'or f-' r t - TG oos and family. Mrs'. . Woodward
tack e.f typhoid fever, was able ir
return home during the early part ef
the ast week feeling better, but i;
in no way able to return to hi-: work
as yet. His many friends are much
pleared with the rapid convalescence
of this gentleman.
!lth. rr.d alt envryed the day irn-member.-.
of the Christiin chur.h at
Greenwooil in attendance at the coun-
Sllmulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co..Mfg Chem..BuCu!o, N. Y.
The graveling through that portio;
of Cass county which is traversed by
the I). L. D. was progressing during
the prst v.-et k. and was about ccm
pb ted with tin- end of the week
Thir is, to rei"f ree the fr-rmer wort
am! place the highway in the best
cemdition for the eoming winter.
A. R. Dir.Isa!! r.i'.d the good wife
departed early last week for Gordon
where they are visiting for some twr
weeks, they having resided there
years sinh'1 and with many friend?
le re.
thev surelv will
enjov tii"
wiiich they are i:. tending
there. They drove i:i their
stli! tl
t WO V
t 'p-.nd
C. E. Calfee and the family were
gnesta rt Ft. Crook on Ja: t Sunday
r.f ier::'-Mi where they went to visit
with ihf'r son. EM;?n. and al-o v:ith
Donald Schef, r who are sper.di ig two
v.ttk at the training camp. They
rienb ked in the Walnut crovc. ad
jacent their for supper, being join
ed by two young soldiers.
Wm. Ni'h' l:-. formerly of Gren
wo i btit wlie has been miking hl
her. for n tim? p.i.-t in the vi
cinity of Fairm'm t. h'l" been at the
ho pital at Lincoln far seme time
where he underwent an operation fo;
appendicitis, is reported a-? get tin a
a!c::g mucli l;etter at this time, whicli
sler an.l taking a
work in the windy
i will be good news to his frien(;
was formerly
this city.
Miss Lillian Cole of
ty eonvention of that church which
was held at Murray r-n Sunday "g
11th. and al' enjoye tithe day im
mea.sely. for it was an irsp'ratirn tr
all for better church service, and an
ef:',rt. for better work in the church
and ilible schools.
very fine new sign graces the
frort of the bu-iiiesa place of A. W
j which add:- an attraction i
ti this stirring busings." iart. Mr
Hudson since iie haa takvp the busi
T;e;s bar greatly increased the vol
ume of business and as a rule ha'
. giv;?n universal satufaeti n in al'
'his. d'is. The t-ity of Greenwood i
is bies ed with the large number of.
business houses which are of the !
highest character.
l"rrm Krelay's Patly
Sheriff P.ert Reed and Deputy Sher
iff Rex Young were at Union this
afternoon to attend the Old Settler's
Reunion and visit with the old
f ; i nds.
Mrs. Matt Sulser accompanied by
Mus Dorothy Hirz and Miss Edith
Galloway, departed this morning for
Omaha where they visited for the day
in that city with friends.
Mi 3. J. W. Dutton and son, John
Dale Dutton, of Kansas City, arrived
this morning from their home to
fpend a few weeks here at the home
cf Mis. S. E. McElwain and son, Bert.
Miss Nell Dreamer of Lincoln, who
has been visiting at New York for a
few weeks, came in yesterday anel
"n joyed a short time here with the
C. E. Cook family and departed this
morning for her home.
matters at the court
''rem Saturday's Pniiy
County Commissioner C. D. Spang
ler of M.urray was here touav to at-
j tend to some
TTi TTrJcnoV "Rrr ' house.
Os-at Hartsook and wife were over' K. Twiss of Louisville was here
to Lincoln on last Wednesday where today for a few hours to look after
they went to visit with their daugh some matters of business in the city
ter. Mis? Mariam. who ia, at the pres- and visiting with friends,
ent time taking treatment in a hos- j Mrs. Emma Raines of Yiilisca
pisal at the big city. Miss Miriam Iowa, came in this morning for a
has been in poor health f:r a num- visit here with friends and to look
b'M of week" and while she is show- aftei her real estate interests
iiik iniineu : in in u vvini'ii i. Sim 11 wn'i Franl" Faton
ne some nine time neiore sne is aoir
tc return to her home.
visiting with
of Denver is here
his sister, Mrs. J. F.
iCIugy and also at Union with rela-
r. t ii , t- I Uves and attending the Old Settler'.?
G?.v-Ex?el!f : Ent?rt3inment. 'reunion.
The band cono rt which was post
poncd on account of the circus at
Linccdn claiming so many of the
members cjf the band, ar.d which was
tr have been given on Wednesday
c-f last week was held last Saturday
nieiit and a large crowd ef very en
thusiastic admirers of the members e;f
the hand were present to enjoy the
Mrs . E. J. Taylor departed this
morning for Hebron. Nebraska,
where she will spend the day in that
city visiting with friends and enjoy
ing a snort outing.
Enjoyed Picnic Greatly.
The Christian church Rible school
held a picnic at the Hartsook grove
r. few miles west of Greenwood on
last Wednesday afternoon, at which
v. large number of the members at
tendee! and enjoyed the day most
pleasantly. There were games for all
and swings and other ,ways of enjoy-
A COMPLETE line of Farm Machinery and Repairs such as John
Deere ar.d International Harvester lines. No matter what ma
chine you have, we can get you repairs.
A COMPLETE line of United States Auto and Truck Tires and Tubes
and our prices and service are an attraction to anyone.
A COMPLETE stock of Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories, making
our garage service complete in every respect.
A COMPLETE line of Standard Products. Youxs for good service
and reasonable prices.
The village marshal star is packed
by a new man. Clarence Ackles. He
was appointed by the village authori
ties at their last meeting. The sal
ary attached $10 a month will not
warrant him in remaining on duty
at all hours, day and night, but the
village dads say that while we are
a peaceful and Jaw-abiding commun
ity it might be necessary to have
someone in authority should some
stranger so far forget himself as to
shatter the peace and dignity of the
community. Marshal Ackles wears
the star with dignity and as he
stands six feet three there is not
much chance of an argument when
he asks that you observe the laws
and otdinancea of the city. Louis
ville Courier.
I$40,C00 FOR 160-ACRE FARM
Falls City; Aug. 12. A new rec
ord sale price for a large farm this
season was established in Richard
son county, when the Charles Hark
endorf farm, seven miles northwest
of Falls City, was sold to Fred Myers
for S2o0 an acre. The 160 acres
brought- $40,000. ... ,
Ann rasy dic 2
JnlSStS Ik
"5 f
sdaVg A mom si 1 T
-rr Vi crchlcd Glass PfoS? .
14 W & M OHJ2I5P Sherbet, and
' ' srtfff ' " 'v;r
9 .. -. Crackled Gtaas Stetrmed VkA ! ' V
1 fruit Jciea or
Water Glaaa
2 Table Knilo
8 Table Pbrk
4 "WTuto Tea Coffc
5 DfehMop
Vegetable Bnuh
T Table Spoon
8 Parinsr Knife
t Lemon Juice
10 Tea Spoon
11 Set Meamir. Spoons
12 Cookie Cutter
13 Percolator Bimah
14 1-qt. Atnminum
Sauce Pan
Ba. DeMriptioa
15 Saear Spoon
lo 8-in. Alum. P Plata
17 Glass Percolator Top
IS Salt Shaker
19 Pepper Shaker
20 BuUer Knife
21 Percolator Handle
22 Napkin Ring
23 Bottle Brush
So DcriptfoB
21 1-qt. Aluminum
25 10-qt. White Dish Tan
26 7-pc Crackk-d Giasa
Water Sot
27 lMr-it. Oven Glass
Oval Baker
28 6-qt. Aluminum Pre
serving Kettle
So. Crrlptlo
23 5-rc. r.ruth Sot
K0 4-:c. Canister S-t
31 4 tjt. Kettle
32 Stt of ') C-acl.led
ll!M SiierbetJ and
S3 2-ut. White Coffee Pet
31 3-qt. Alum. French
S3 C'j-ln. Oven Glas9
Drep Tie Plate
Ef Stt of 9 Silver Plated
Tea Spoons
7 Fet cf 0 Crackled
Gtasj Stemmed
i i
I . 1
" ' ill
Ss' X
il oj" "IT " '.JLj
1-fTftlIon Outing 3ng
18-pieee Crackled Glass Set (6 of
each sine) ...
2- qt Aluminum Percolator (with
flame ffuard and spread plate)
llVi-in. Aluminum Boaster
17-qC White DUh Pan
White Bread Box
Family Scale
Ko. BeMriptiM
45 Electric Curling" Iron
46 8-o.t. Aluminum Preserving Kettle
47 7-piece Crackled Glass Iced Tea Set
48 3 piece Cutlery Set
49 12-qt. White Water Pail
50 114-Qt. Aluminum Teaball Pot
El Dustless Mop 12-inch Head
62 Set "Whippif and "Skimit"
B3 l'i-qt. Round Covered Oven Glass
CI 5-o.t. Aluminum Tea Kettle
55 4-qt. Aluminum Strainer Sauce Pan
56 3-piece Green Glas3 Console Set
67 lVi-lt. Aluminum Double Boiler
58 White Infant Bath Tub
59 1-pt. Vacuum Bottle
So. Detrrfptloa
60 6-cit. Kettle
61 Junior fc'cooter
62 Two 9--inch 0-en Gltss Pie Tlates
T 6-cit. Aluminum Sauce Pot
64 10-inch Heavy Aluminum Fry" Pan
63 Oval Oven Glass Baksr, 10xS'i in.
66 14 qU White Handled Dish Pan
67 Tx.-o Oven Class Bread I'ur.s, 9',i
x5s ir.c'.:cs.
Also Big Sale Chinaware and Glassware at 1 2i a pieco
In connection with the above sale, on the same day, WEDNESDAY, August 17, we Vvill feature an unusual value m High Grade
Enelish Dinnerware and Glassware odd patterns that are the accumulation of several years, seme cf them from discontinued lines.
In this lnt are manv individual pieces that cost us wholesale as much as $2. In closing them cut at the low puce quoted, we are
ma t i oS rule-FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, but positively none will be sold before WEDNESDAY MORNING, August
17 iLre are about 1.000 pieces in all, and everyone of them is worth at least two or three times the price. Many persons owning
sets of this expensive Dinnerware will find this a splendid opportunity to replace broken articles at a mere fraction of their worth.
Following is a List of Articles Ycu Can Buy at 12!2c per piece
Gravy Boats Oatmeal Dishes - Dinner and Pie Plates Creamers - Sherbets
Covered Batters (3 pieces) Cups and Saucers (2 pieces) Comports Sugar Bciwls (2 pieces)
Large size Platters Soup Coupes Tea Pols (2 pieces) Glass Bowls, etc.
-5 .
Store Open Wednesday Evening Free Band Concert at 3 O'Clock.
v trnf tvT A ?W STOTTT& IfJTT? ff5."?F7 A rTGi1J C .C.