MONDAY, JULY 11, 1927. 13he piattemouth leurnsi PITDLISEED SISn-WEEE'LY AT TLATTS3S0TTTIX. KCJnASLIA If this furor ever trr.ns-Atlaa'.ic j flying doesn't subside soon, it is likely TO END I-HLITASY PvULE AGAIN TEE TARIFF NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS to be a Ion g, cashless summer for the 'channel s w i 1 n mo r. I -:o:- jj A breakfast room may J tractions, but rnot of i i The first positive proposal to come ' Nothing could better illustrate the1 The State of Nebraska, Casa court- T!i Ftate of Nebraska, Cass coun from the summer White House is a chance which i coming over the tar- y ss- tJ' s"'. Tn t no rnnntv lYtlirf 111 tnr Inilntv fnnrt new plan for governing the Philip- iff thoughout the world than the In the matter of the estate of Mary In the matter of the estate r.f Jo - pines. The president, we are told, be- ject of discussion at recent interna- q Murphy, deceased. s ;h YeiosniK. d- ceased. To the creditors of said esta'e: To the en of said e-tate: have the big jobs lieves that the time hvs come to put jpet of discussion at recent inierr.a- are I eld by :r."n v.ho once ate brenk- an e nd to military control and to sub- tional conference looking toward im- fast M ft. m B A ? u b 1 1 h e i.i the kitchen. :o: SUESCSTPTIOS PHICS 52.00 PES 71113 Ul ADVCX ! The United States ied in the nu:n K r of exhibit.-; from foreign co-.:n-tnos. havinsr dlrulnys at th:.; ve; rt Vou are hereby notified. that I You ar hereby imtifie d. that I will will sit at the County Court room in fit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on July Plat tsmouth. in said county. on July ISth. 1927, and October 19th, 1927, 25th. l-27, and Oetoi ; 2Cth. I'e27. Ie almost immediately na-?t in the minds of South American at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day, to re- a t ten o lo.-fc a. m. of ca h day. to rc- f jir at L Fra nee. I F'.itute a civil administration. It i proved conditions in industry and 1 interesting that this announcement commerce. It was the subject fore- : should b- ; aft'T the p'ts. i da - s in C'l.ft r :t ha spent several congress. It was the principal issue wii'a C, n. Wood, at the G-.-ihvu economic congress. Evidently the Atlantic is not going j to submit without a struggle. j :o: j It isn't always the coat that makes ' the man, sometimes it is the padding. :o: j The smile of a woman is not al- ways what it appears to be on the surface. i rat io r : ..'.eve t-uildimts Wtre started in; a ! Can.idi; in th"- l':rt four months of '. ; : is yenr thin i.i i he" pe ric-d in the pa-t s.-vu y--j rs. j :o: j 1 That :;.(';.0 palls of wlv and 1. f.Oo barrels were cci'sumod at the , in,' ( i n ce-iinen prince in i ; i i l'f": recently disclo.-ed. j :o: i ft l ilt I . . i "t- r . 1 1 W. V " I. 1 ! .ut; .v iv .ii.o ..v.-- t j .ire A fatted calf has "no love rrcdigal sou. :o: The ban 'is that unite us to t Flilipines are rubber band.;. . :o: Only one thins that shrinks wit out hcins wet is the bankroll. :o: i'erhaf- C :i. Wo. 1 idea. If so. he I to fr a proposal which, put an tid to his ' v. the vh-.-.U- r-y.-1eT. i f ;: t fi-r v.-bb-h 1.' st".':vsted the This eek at the meeting of the I:i- ;e s-'iven credit tt rnational (iiamber of Commerce it if adopted will acain commanded the consideration rt-.-'i'iH- and to t t the business interests of the lead- IMtary ilo::iina- insr r.'Uiors. -too.2 as a sym- The signiflianco of this lies prin- 'il:'Jtino people, c'pally in tb.e fact that it has bcn i, An English merchant has introduc-' horn in England and Waies in the; (ori.-,. haVf Iml ia the eyes of : i. The it rati mer.t ior a change of removed from the- field of arndeir.ic June, 1927 command in t ".e . i;i:ipp;ns nas n:-en mscussion and for tile nrrt time in nMy stated in i n ofi'icial paper, t'r.o modern times is being considered as report of Col. Cr r:..i Thonijion m.'.i- a r.:. :.?ur profoundly affectir.g the million ii'-w telephone direc-1 ra it ten t. conrre.-' ja.-i tec nincr. in : ro :; rity, ai.a possioiy trie peace oi ceive and examine all claims against reive a:. 1 examine ail elaims asrair-t said estate, with a view to their ad- s-aM state, witli a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time jiistrnent and a!!ov, aio The time limited for the presentation of claims limited for the presenta ion of elaim against said estate is three month against said estate is three months from the ISth day of July. A. J). from the 25th day r.f July. A. 1). 1927 and the time limited for pay- 1927, and the time limited f r pay ment of debts is one year from said ment of debts, is tne year from said ISfh day of July, If 27. C.'th day of July. I.t27. Witness my hand ami the seal of Win. my hand and the seal ct said County Court, this 14th day of said County Court this 2Jiii i.ay of June. 1127. A. II. nUXBURY, A. I!. DI XmitY. (Seal) j20-4w Countv Judge. firV-al) Co.intv Judge. ALLEN' J. DEESON. j2 7--lw Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE ed in his store free dances for his pa- ( trons during the shoppitg hours. j :o: ! The movie salary cuts are a terri- ! hie blow. Some of the stars may even find they can't afford divorces now. :o: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today tomorrow will wish you had dene the other thing. :o:- ;ast y :o:- Marry a man who has lived la boarding house, lie wiii app.eel;. any kind of heme cooking. : o : A Loud, n woman is said to Inn a vocabulary of lft.C-f'C word. She' make some man an awful wife! Mi't bevn delivered New York. ;' be getting ready welcome Chnml-f rlin and Levin?. : a : port Col : i I i T ; !", i t!US 1 t. i hr.-t. t in' r i :Ti:,cbrfini:''. "T: isv tl a i,rj argiteij. t;10 world. The time-honor.-d politi"-c- r.M'ol i? a sheer rl rr-tn.Knts lor protection are all i In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' , Goeuls tvi.t fro ! India in the l: st ; ' ' ;itr times th , , ' months jr-.-t before i th 'ear - r country re valued in the World War I to, ti.e e arly days of at . ty." 1 said. .. t 1 Philippines may, but forgotten in these conferences. Lillian Adair, ii'litarv problem in One hears no more the contention that i Ti vri.-an sovereign-; nab p.rotectiou protects living stand-; ' Hiv 11 Mr iaintiff 1 u; if the i.-h:n.1 i Although I?razil has a successfully-,,. good roads drive, the only large auto mobile show iu the country this year was a failure. : o : Bradford, Halifax. Bo-ton and Rochdael. important cities in North England, have lost in population in the last 16 years. In th-3 past 1T years American type writer, valued at nearly f 20!'e1'v0.- ; r:.t to o- r couutrio.- However, the Russian Soviet ha' not y i d-' dare ! war a gains; Gre: t Erlf In. The y v found with the Voe'ds on them, and t;mt vveiit hard. ! t!t-..e lt civ:' jut.,' n m-ic '"teveiopnie nt. problem.-, but pot oualit logically bs armv. b(-vvt-ver. -:o:- : o : Ttiti mo.-i i-u-p-ij-tant p-sitioa e.n any Lusebull !;.:.; is the whete th" i ma nag -r is f irce-d to u- a tiiltlTUte. :o: ; No matter how 11 a man may 1 o, ' the re is at Ie at one woman so;:m i wl:ere in the world v.ho can make ihirn feel small. ! :o: Will R,r;,.v; .-..! w: I pi-tit . t ; : c : ':as Veen couf.ned to attrcii nervous i:;f i- ri'l r-l O'lbj t,;iv la ie- t i.e ;. but that i.i re i.ei. i uese irimarily , nail, but rather that it limits mar-; and t -co- kets, compels many nations to produce D- f ii latit NOTICE Rry H. Adair will take notice the t on the ."th dav of Mireh, 1927. Lil- n.-iir Tibur.tifr be rein, nleil her .nd ace crdingly re- j.(,tir:(,n in th. Distri.t Court of Cas pre.-bloms which ; orahlf cor.dition.s. e'vilian control v. lepated to the the army, on argued that onlv more cp- ne r VCG . .e -:o: las ! ixty wants to set a record for number of Among polk-emen e.n d- replies. just let him run the follow-1 the exclu-lve We -t End of Le-ndo.i ing: "Wanted a wife. "Write Charle? are i-xp-rts in Ce-rmai:, rronch. Pp-.'n-A. Lindbergh, New York City." i.-h and Italian. This country las tixty e .- 100. 000 pern!?, with S'-ven in ! European countries falling be I"W Ti..; .v. 1. ., .v only j tv-ii il'.lte rates To that nu:nber. !.-r.-uld 1) better than we have. vrv ! I : prh.'.e hut bei:r eeuipped to pro duce good ,t eve! :.n,'---u. As thing; si ird now. he peiat-d out, the re ral i : n obtain advisers only from the AY IV part ment. these ;'iviseis are rvo ifity army cifficers and of th. !r f:,'Tvri ace in the complex problem ef c:il government i- Tucessarily ii'i.iied. Civiimn con tra1, he believed. would promptly Ht the inland and "i:r:;it,cI.!on- duces the r incomes. iceiuntv. Nebraska, again? t vou. the t Ame rican tariff opinion in general j oli.b e t and prayer of which is to .--,i,-.r,.-e i 5ti, fhnt e.r the 'cure an absolute' divorce from vu. pt of the wester?! world, but it ehows Ithe said Ray H. Adair, on the ground e)f willful desertion. 'a Ue ior me never; heless of tb.e transition from debtor to creditor position through ' -.-.-!' !i this country is pas: in ban without just two rears last tMc: r , -in i- i nnr Tt is 1 9 2.1. I . ... . . . , I ci rr?i i ripo v t tiiar tire v: ?'-a r tiu-n m 'ee avKruoi uii' ea since February 19th, It is further prayed that she may I The S'ate rf N.-Iirjska, C..cs coun ty, ss. j In the County Court. I In the' matter o!" t ho estate of Mithael A. Shine, deceased. j To the crrdit-ir r f s-iirl e-tate: ! You are hereby netl'ied, that I will sit at the County Court room in I'lattsmemt Ii in said county, eui the 21th day of July. 1927. and on the 2tith flay of O.t-.ber. 1 927, at the hour ef ten o'clock a. rr... eif e :k h day respectively, to receive- and examine all elaims against said estate, with a view to (heir adjustment and allo v The time limited fer th pre sentatbm eif claims ag.:in.-t sail s ta,rt ;-. three- months from the 2."th day ef July, A. I). 1927 and the time lb'-. ro ;, o' .'ir !.;a?ia Again. Ci e l i'i ' : T'.-.e1;' 1. Tl e-ase-d efficiency in ik'U u; r th II ioifig ! lllf i ill If you are in the market and want a new-up-to-tlie-mmute car, just check over the following speciScaEicas and see if your selection has the advantages listed belovv"! "fM:..i! m L:ii .. uj r::d that of other K I 'A 3 Silent timing chain drive. Full pressure feed lubrication to all main connecting; rod and cam. shaft bearings. Long strok3. small bore, high compression motor. Silchrome valves, extra larje crank shaft. CLadwick type connecting; rods, no shims. Timken adjustable roller bearing's in all wheels, differential and drive shaft. Hotchkiss drive through springs. Low center cf gTavity that provides the masimum of ea;e. comfort and safety. Holl.ov.' proreiler shaft with self oiling uni versal joint, front and rear. Oversize tires. Tor wheel hrrkes. Ability to maintain 40 to ."0 miles per hour road speed v.i:hotit vibration or damage to car mechanism, cr a that will go 40 miles per hour in second speed, and hell to road at any speed without ."train cn driver. Cc-mpciiticn wood and steel body (not all :'-pson pointed out r Department. th nds hnfe always been treat.'-.! as isolated probh ra and that there i :'s been "no co-ordination between the government of the Philippines oversea5? posse s- ' -j s:o-iS." lie argued ;hat s-iri co-ord-t-".J ' fnation would be t.f value, and urged th ref':re "th." transfer of the r.d- f- '' t.ii-iisTratieti of a1! tl;es overseas r-.- p-? s. -slon- to a s.e -"al insular bureau t'-Jin one of our i il d- cartmcnts or to '.Jan ind-'.-ndc-nt estab-iishment report )'ir.g directly to the president." I'i rally. Co1. Thompson's eye s were ie er.c::';!! open for him to see not only tho material benefits of civilian control but b.s psychological advan- F. tea.v. Ti-oue-ii he had lately 1 fi : Oi r j Wl, a closed car). to avoid ece:sive lame: Troiie-h he aad lately been i. Vods g'Test in tl:1 Philippines r.'i as: C.en. V.'ood ha latrlv be en the president'? au-'st in South Eakofa. he- rot permit cratituue towarei a f. p. ('il Any car that coes not measure up to tli2 above speciiications is r:ot a 1S27 mods! Th c!av of the excessive weicht. sluerrish ccr is Hicicry. With the wendsrfu! im provement in roads and ti e ever incrcas;r:g cen-jestion of trail ic, ize the ease and pleasure thsre is in driving a modern motor car, aiiic, no one can reai- without a trirl. h'f: genial host to blind him to the fact in the Tl ilippim .s Gen. Vvoo:l h33 h-'jjlecn a trouble-mahe r. Ta. tiully b ! th.e I-ss c' finitely he point ". i ' o ' i t that "th e m i 1 ; t a r y atm o? p h er e K present fullv but ed of idministration has been un- r LI Li It cost the Willys-Overland factory ever Sl.500.000.00 extra expense in 1S25-26, and years of experimental work to bring cat their present models. The instant success of these new cars is forcing ether manufacturers to do the same things The automobile comnanies that are still trying to unload coiled up 1923-24 design cars, are losing every day and ultimately will be forced to change cr go out of business. Resale Value Greatest The resale value cf Overland cars, accord ing to Blue Eock specification's, averages high er and has averaged higher in proportion to first cost than any competitive line in the same price class. The tremendous depreciation in used cars should be a warning to anyone in the mar ket for a car to thoroughly investigate before purchasing. The numerous ads in metropolitan papers listing brand new cars of various makes at big discounts, show that the people handling these cars are no longer able to sell that at regular prices. Nobody can give yoa something for noth ing. Ii costs money to sell cars, and a great deal more to maintain an up-to-date service station with modern machinery, necessary ser vice and parts stock to keep cars in nrst class shape with a minimum cost of upkeep and loss cf time while car is being serviced. VTe Irmly believe that the day is net far away when the car business will follow the plan of the imple ment dealers, i. e. no trade ins and no servicing cf cars of other makes. See if your dealer has the necessary equipment and mechanics to ser vice your car as it should be serviced. Semem Icr, you only purchase a car occasionally. Service is Important The new car sales are going mere and more to a few large companies that have ser-vi-e stations everywhere. The main thing you shimld be in .-rested in, is. how is the dealer equipped to '.ervice your car after you have Purchased it. Any one having owned a car that is net 1 ing manufactured any more, or has no local :ervice stations, knows what an incenvenio: :o and extra expense this means. E Y fortunate in its reactions upon the 1 Filipino leader- And h.e argue f'ri'whit is manifestly true, that the in ls i reduction of civilian control woub L-;i;d o awav with the- complaint "that thi Id 5 : awav with the- compiamt tnat tne rt i ! islands are under mi'itari-tic rule" and nd ward redaction of the The fact that we gave our customers the service tneT were entitled to, assisting them to operate their caj-s with economy, in the fnt ?n years that we have sold cars, has made satisfied owners and boocicrs cf them. In fact, a larger percentsrj" of those in this vicinity who pi'rehased Willys-Knight t id Overland cars for their first automobile, have replaced them with later moda.s of the same make than have done so with any other kind cf car, proving Overland popularity. They also drove their cars more years on the average and hcil less depreciation on them. f -j ! fricth n tvjj Colonel Thompson's points are fo p.-ji well tahen that if the president ham-j.'-T liners away at them a few moie time fcsdjthe propos-. -el no v plan is not likely tei fc'" ' ' ei-.-ountcr much real opposition at the I'i hands, of coi-gross. The plan is a sen P;sil)le plan, supported by excellent ar ij ' go ments. and merely srnejurts to put-r- j ting an end to a military oce upatioijj fc 1 which has long since ceased to have t ;J i eit her rhyme or reason. fc.'v . ; . . l ...a v. : r- 1, 11 1 lJ e i.uii'ii 11. i.i?i :3 iuv rst time the p:si.Urt has co?ne cut definitely for the pinn. In submitting the Their,ipso:i report to congress last December he merely recommended it ns good reading, saying "I do nnt aeree entirely with all his (Col. F.) i Thompson's views and recommenda tions." Now the president is wholly onvineed and altogether for ' the Iminitratlnn. thouch maintaining; control of the three mi eustcdv -'id 'in,!',e 5""r layment oi debts is one linor l-hihlltu ':""ri :UUl 2ZVA day f JuJ'' la 2 7. Witness my hand ar.'l tt:e eal of hi-h. Xo iolcnt June. 11' 2 7. (Seal) j2ft-4v a. ii. nrxr.uitv. County Judge. their a dr. ere nee to tiie ore au il)0ril of Faid mar,i-,?t. and for gen- " Te o j if vrri -i t?i rrTi HiM t tV;t einl .eiii-!iililn vlinT ""' ' ' ' " " -l-a,. . c.,i(i (.01ntv C()rl( t.U o0th of -..fJTiv nf nnr it:?''es r re v . " eresn r i v lOU are required to answer Sad ipet'tiein en e.r beteire the lata day of ... i August, IK 2 7, er the allegations readjustment m Amen-! . . Tna1e w,n llo ,,v-,.n fl3 true can t Jriff legislation is in sight, but ian,i confessed. the beginning of th end e,f the ex- Dated July the 2nd. 1927. treme protectionist policv which h i LILLIAN ADAIR. . . . . . ., Tlaintiff prevailed since the Civil V. ar can- PRY NT .-ct b- long postponed. The next act;j4.4w ' r lain t'ifrV Attorney no matter which major party is ini I NOTICE OF KKFMRHE'S s-'ALK In the Di-triet Court of Cass coun- V.'a r- pow rr when tlie tariff is revised. :o: SKIING WISD02S NOTICE OF APPLICA TION FOR TAX DEED To Newton Mettler: You are hereby nedified that on the 2nd day of November, 1 f 2 r, . the undersigned purvhase-d at public sale for taxes in the office of the County We refer to Treasurer of Cass eounty. Nebraska, Leb? five (fi. six CI), seven f.l. ty, Nebraska. I Arthur I. I.ird. Plaintif, v; 'ren Y.. Pird t al. Del'-ndants. Neitice- is hereby riveTi that under and by virtue of a decree ef the Dis tri t Court of Cas oe-unty. Nebraska. jentered in the above- entitled cause on the ISth day ef Jn.o. 1!'27, a-id 1 by said :n order ef it.-r. The story, though old. is perennial ly appealing; and. now that it is cor. fria.ed by a scrupulous biographer, it becomes freshly potent I : ,, n.l,-. .- rnr,lv . Vrm- Vnrl- rvn 1 I Jf 1 i :? liVe ( I. SIX ... " .. , . 'eiaiit ($) and nine (0). m Dlock cern which wrote to him, when he (4)f in raler-s Addition to the was a lawve-r in Snrinefield. for in-ir-;- ntm.-mnne), e-otc- .-.untv formation, touching the financial sta-! Nebraska, assessed 'in the name ut !ke hi&lK'st hldler for ca' .hat J! a certain citizen of that ihen ! N'owton Mettler for delinquent taxe s i , . i , r, n r. n o .1 f'arl Sand- assessed ior ine years i ain: in4. tor wnien mo e ourey 1 reas tus f a r- w t ? t e r n community. Court rn the iFtb day e.f June. l'.27, the mi 1 rigii' d fed' re f i e e will, on the :'.'th day of July. 1!'27. at 2 o'clo'k ji. m., at th east front door of the Farmers & Merchants Hank, in the Village of Alvo. Cass eounty, Nebraska, sell at public auction to to say. ten per cent on the day of sal and balance when said sale shall be confirmed by th.e Court, the fed- turg. in his recently published 'Abra-!u;;r;fCa?;5 com,tv; Nchra , issued losing elese ribod real estate, to-vv it : ham Lincoln: the Prarie Years." gives , Countv Treasurer's certificate of tax V'' La,r ' 7,,.,, . f the following version of the rare re- sale No. OOo-. That on May 22. 1020, I!,; ' ' , 4-' . ' fpone. and vouches that it is au-jthe undersigned paid upon said oer- thentic: 'Your? of the tenth received. Tirst jtificate the taxes assessed upon said lots for the year lf'25. in the sum of S.1.2S ard on May 5. 1927. paid upon 'sum of f.OS, and that one the 2nd dav of November. 101 the under- of all he has a wife and baby; to-lgaid certificate taxes asse-sed against gether they ought to be worth five said lots for the year 112(1, in the hundred thousand dollars to any man. f It 1. - 1. . - --f , r w-. - T . i y. eronuiv, i.e e as d .1. Fjffne(1 applv to the County' the-e is a table worth a dollar and a Tre asurer of Cass eounty, Nebraska, j " ol "ire irnrf )i enr ntlD fry o tlail f y cr-.ii' Tire ific I i rr ti t ,..v,-,u r ;n . i- Said sale will Tie held open for one dollar Last of all there is in on Of all of which you Vvill take due , , . . 4 , 1 , . v.oiiur. i-.a??i en. an, i.ieie is iu uu -. - hour. An abstract showing marleet- Sertion nineteen flit), iown shit) eleven (11), N. Range tea Mo), East of the Cth P. M.t and East half (Fl'i) of the north east rjnarter (NEU ) of Section t v.- nty-four (21). Township eleven ell). N. Ra n ge nine f ) . East iif tl;e Cth I. M., all of sai l lands being in Cass county, Nebraska. jl-3w corner a large rathcie, which will; ' , , , . , Dated Julv 1st. Ia2.. t-ear looking into. FRANK RCHACKNEIS, If ever there was charity in a hit-j Owner of Certificate, man heart it was in Lincoln's when W. A. ROBERTSON, 1 . , he penned those lines charity which Attorney, is next cf kin to humor and which. v.-hile hoping all tilings and enduring J all tilings, at the same time "rejoic-e-th in the truth. Ah, if there were more of that rmiling wisdom, how; To Albert D. Welton, happier our human let would be. :o:- 'able title will be furnished. I Dated this 25th dav of June. !D. Ift27. NOTICE OF APPLICA TION FOR TAX DEED Employment in Germany is stead- A. D. Welton. L. N. Mowery and Wittman Bros.: You ami each j2 7-3C'dsw A. L. TIDD, Fole Referee. CARL D. OANZ. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE To George H. Linville, J. We-ley Ih-irne:-:. Luke Palmer, the hedrs. devisee-!, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested !in the estate of Margaret Johnson, 1 4 11 hi V plan. If a week-end with Gen. Wood f?,:1 h' : produced th better. lis rr-.-ult, so much the -:o:- Cars today ore btdlt much finer than in th past end it takes mere and better shop equip ment, also better mechanics to service the modern car. The average owner has been more particular to whom he takes his $25 ivatch for repairs than he is icith a $500 to $2,500 automobile. We invite yoa to look ever our Willys-Knight end Whippet cars also car shop and equip ment lei or purchasing your next car. With pleasure ii'e zvlll make cn appointment for a demonstration of these modern day cars at any time. Call as up phem 98 cr stop when pasdng. beicause all of us grow by il fresh. In other words, the J Saner a Graduates of the normal schools are aelvlse-d ly a commencement speaker to "be experimental and adventurous and retain their capacity for growth," by remaining the alert and open mind is what's needed by every individual who would obtain the most from life through better understand-' ing thereof. of vou are ileee.-iserb re;il mimes unknown. th i!y increasing, the number or :die hereby notified that on the 2nd day heirs, devisees, legatee s, personal report- week lately being 7C0.O0O. Re-jof November, 1 f 2 7 , the undersigned resentatives and all other persons in ports 'state it is after some of our purchased at public sale for taxes in terested in the estate of Jedin John trade in the far east and that we ' t5ie OEice of the Count y Treasurer of son. deceased, re al names unknown, . . . ' ' , Cass county. Nebraska, Lots and end all persons having or claiming can not take things for granted as . ,-.,, . - ....... ..,f v i'.', ui iiir viitcii moi'u, u ii. uiin :i ill u:t: v.l nau to trade. .jGfAlePGiEf; ill ;4-Hr 11 vi2& Our Repair Garage is kept constantly busy because mo torists recognize it as the best and! jCass county, Nebraska, assessed in of the northwest Quarter (N'W'.i ) the name of A. D. Welton for delin- and the north half (N'U) of the iniicnt tn-xos assesseel for the venrs ir.n:!nv(.tt nn.'irtir C';i; 1 nf 1921, 1P22, 1023 and 102 4. in the tion thirty-cne in Township total sum of $159.14, for which the twelve (12), North of Range four County Treasurer of Cass county, Ne- teen (14), East of the Cth Principal braska, issued County Treasurer's Meridian, in Cass eounty, Nebraska, certificate of tax sale No. f02S; that real names unknown, defendants: on July 23. 1!26. the undersigned You and each of you are hereby paid upon said certificate the taxes notified that on the 2"rd day of June, asse-ssed on said lots for the year 1 f 2 7 , Henry E. Maxwell, as executor 1925 in the sum of and on of the last will and testament of Sam May 2C, 1927, paid upon said oertifi- uel Maxwell, deceased, as plaintiff, cate taxes assessed against said lots filed his petition in the District Court in the sum of S3G.90 for the year of Cass c ounty, Nebraska, against you 1926, and that on the 2nd day of No- and each of you. as defendants, the vember, 1927. the undersigned will object and prayer of aid petition be- apply to the County Treasurer of Cas ing to quiet title of the plaintiff as county. Nebraska, for a deed for said Executor, as aforesaid, in and to the premises. ' ( west half of the northwest quarter Of all of which you will take due and the north half of the southwest notice. jrjuarter of Section 31. Township 12. Dated July 1. 1927. 'North of Range 14. Ert of the Cth FARMERS STATE BANK. p. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, and of Greenwood. Nebraska. to exclude you and each of you from By V. C. Elmelund. Presid't any interest therein and to cancel of Owner of Certificate, .record the several mortgages appar "V. A. ROBERTSON, 'cntly affecting said real estate. s t Attorney. j forth in said petition, and to remove JiJw ;tr.e cloud on plalntlfl s title to said real estate, caused by the apparent s. vow- r,,i a.?n At,nhttn hrpnv, ' most "liable repair shop for every, Buffalo meat has no annp, to lien of faid several mortgages Kind 01 aamare a car can possiniy T,.;,t ,;,i t , , . ion ana eaen or you are requireu I Lir . - - ICOi JCUl VU11U,L. llius lie lUJl'a Lilt: -v cut with a desire to convince cnetai'n An tcinT -n--, ri nal ttvoti nf tO aiiSWCT Said Petltl n On OT before ry world that it is not the completely " . oie oi an ino Dunaio meat eaters the 8th day of Auguft. 1927 CI Er -J . vAvn t- trtrtrlV "t rt avia lAtif Itt 4-VtA M rnerscn would have you believe. ."LC"culV who never tasted a buffalo steak. yy ' cugmy aone, vntnonx unnecessary ae- M irt,rnnan-n ,iininm,,r t. . rh lay and at reasonable charge DEPENDABLE SERVICE European diplomacy Is on a hisrher nlane savs a writer who warn3 pi that this country must spend equally gifted broad-minded diplomats to rep- :a:- Frady's Garage Phone 58 HENRY E. MAXWELL. I as Executor of the Lat Will J and Testament of Samuel i Maxwell, Deceased. By MORSMAN & MAXWELL, His Attorneys. Conan Doyle refuses to revive Sherlock Holmes. Too bad. We've al- ; ways wanted to find out why the ' movie comedians stand still while the Advertise your wants in the Jour. , hose is being squirted on them. jQrJ "Want Ad Dept., for result.