THUfiSDAT, JULY 7, 1937. MATTSMOUTH SEMI - WiilKK.LT TJOTOItAL PAGE rOUR Union pa-rtmnt Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Fordson and Flows! I have a Fordson and complement of two Oliver plows ready for service, same as new at a big discount. See them at the Atte berry Garage in Union, or see Roy Burdick, Salesman Charles G. McCarthey am! the fam ily were guests on last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Atwell sotithof Union in Otoe county. Littie Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. McCarthey was spending last Sunday at the home of her grand mother. Mrs. Emma McCarthey of Nebraska City. W. H. Pitzer of Nebraska City was a visitor in Union on last Wed nesday and was lokoinu after some legal business as well as visiting with his many frit-nils. To properly observe the national holiday J. S." Pitman began making hay la.-t Monday and says the yield while not so much as some yArs if of an extra fine finality. settlers on the second day of the picnic August 13th, all should hear this speaker. A wreck occurred on the bridge over the Weeping Water on the morn ing of the Fourth wherein two autos were badly battered up and their oc cupants one from Fort Crook and the other from Council Bluffs were quite a bit shaken up. Frank Bauer and sister Anna were visiting last Sunday and the Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols near Greenwood as well as spending some time at Lincoma B. a h. a very popular watering place na. the city of Ashland. Word from the western portion of act orapame 1 the state is to the effect that the t r TiHue who has been in the -former citizen of Union, Mr. W. A. wt-tern portion of the state for some 'Harding is conducting an elevator time where he has l oon selling salt, Cambridge, and with tho prospects was the week end and the 'of handling ;;n emmense whate yield Fourth at his home in Union. which that region now is enjoying Hallas Banning and Pat Roddy i the harvest of. were enjoying the Fourth of July at! s. J. Franklin of Beaver City and Lincoln" last Monday, they driving j better known as Alfalfa John, in the v, r to th.- bis: town for the day and!s;;te legislature was a visitor in spending tho time with friends. j I'r.ion one day last week and in con- "d Dowler was a visitor and was : c-vrsat ion with some of the citizens of Union signified he would mr.Ke an address at the meeting of the old set tUr if he was so desired. Mrs. Norma Robb. and daughter Mi. s Mary Donnelly Robb. who have been makig their home at Long last Monday evening evening getting : Beach. California for some time re down in time to enjoy the fire works ', turned home last week, and were display of the Fourth and meet their ! met in Lincoln by Herbert Stanford friends as well. ia brother of Mrs. Robb. who brought Jam.- Tiger and familv and crar.J- the folks home. Miss Story Donnelly father John Tinner, who all ma"!wa imuh overjoyed to get bac.c tc thir heme near Louisville were visi - Union and see the belove 1 grandpar-inr- -.t ibp homp of Fred Tigner on.: ents whom she had been separated by hi- partr-r and fritnd. George Stite. in Omaha one day last week where- they were look ing after some sheep to purchase. ". G. McCarthey an r'.tho family were visiting i:i Nebraska City on family on last Sunday, they driving over in their car. W. B. Banning was asked to at tend the meeting which Governor McMuPen hr.s called to meet in Lin coln to consider by representative? Viq hntil-ora tho brink guarantee ' , .L--t. . ,i r,.-. was fift jaw ana wiucu eumeutfu : ,,,..,.. vt, i?,i, l tf A. J. Weaver of Falls City we.o is . V.rv nP:1Vv rain that dav so much so a most finished speaker and rear-mcr ; of the perpIe corn- has signified his acceptance to make IlfJ(1 to rprnain at Nebraska City un an address at the meeting of the old.j t,.e fflnOWinK riny. as they could not get home in the evening, as tho ! roads were far from good. from for so long. Mont Robb was telling of a certain Fourth of July in 1S76, when he and his bride of a few days, they being married on June 29th. 1S76. in which he recounted the very marked iffer ence between that day and now which fiffv vpars ngo on Julv iOUrtJ" Atteb CHEVROLET Sales and Service A One Ton 1924 Ford Track in Good Condition for Sale Big Crowd at Earcp celebrated wnterin; jKar.ip Kill Kre was a ropulir place I on last Monday. July Fourth when iUi 7 -LiCiltlili Tho celebrated watering place the people flocked to this summer Union Nebraska home of Judge and Mrs. Daniel Lynn land where they found a. welcome with amousempnts and plenty of op 'r,rinnitv for fishing as well as an opportunity for a bor.t ride, no airplanes-, bur plenty of old fashioned country sport. This is a v; n- popular place for spending a hot :a.- as there is plenty of shade and a good cool breeze always sifting thi ugh the trees. If you have not vi ited thi plac better find an opportunity in the near future. The Service Store We are here to serve you the best, and supply you with the best goods at the lowest price. Our endeavors in 1927 will be concentrated on giving you such efficient service you will become a regular walking adver tisement, speaking only good words for our store. S j tirav(s piaeeu a giant craeuer tinner W$ T Y ft C Wi tJ' -!air on which this gentleman Vil UUi J j seated with the effect that he IT M l r. was quite a bit elevated at the time Union, PiZDraSKa of its explosion, but it is thought he Give Excellent Concert. The band of Union, which is at taining much splendid comment of a favorable nature, gave a most worth while entertainment and concert on the streets of Union last Saturday night which was continued to some great length and was enjoyed by the I r';t crowds who were gathered in tho city. ThH band is producing some ex- j crllent music and should have the r-'ou ragment of all the people? who have tho interest of Union at heart. Tiiiiing progress of the entertain ment some of the friends of C. L. Graves placed a giant cracker under OFFICIAL PROCEED INGS OF THE COUNTY ; COMMISSIONERS (Continued from Page 1) CASS-SARPY BRIDGE FUND Albert Cotner, salary, May $ 95.00 Joe Wooster, salary, May 95.00 did not lose a note in the music he was playing. Expect Large Crowds Here. The advertising work which is in the hands of Attorney C. L. Graves ror tne picnic 01 me um ocintia vi- - i qc nn ganization which is to be held on the John J Svoboda, salary . May 95.00 fo dawys of August 12th and 13th. Wm McClarey. salary May 50.00 is being pushed by this gentleman Bestor & Swatek. supplies 8.53 and even at this time there is every Flattsmouth Motor Co.. for evidence that there' will be a large! supplies a-i representation of the former residents ? Thf Board adjourned to meet on ne thia viMnitv bcrp to celebrate the i ucouaji -uu w Jk. - - event and to meet as has been tneir habit old time friends with each re curring year. A number of very able sneakers have already indicated their intention of being here and making an address on the occasion as the program becomes more complete, the announcement will be made of the personnel of the list. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. Water Meeting Delayed. The meeting which was expected to have been held last week for the in quiry into the matter of instituting a water system was not held last week on account of the late arrival of the principal speaker, who was to arrive here form Omaha to explain the working of the benefit and the cost of a system which It was expect ed would care fo rthe needs of the city. As the people waited for some time for his arrival and the hour grew late the gathering which was considerably disolved and people went their different ways, and upon the arrival of the speaker at a late hour there was no people to address. What if anything is to be done farther is not at this time definitely known. Ship Is Launched. The boat which Louis Rurbee hali been having constructed by Mr. Joe Raucr and which was completed alst week, was on last Sunday taken to the Weeping Water near Kamp Kill Kare . where it was launched and found to be seaworthy and just the o yt ;.t1. t--inVi-i tho vmnir jrpntleman ' and his many menus nave oeeu oe siirng for the better persecution of their sports of hunting and fishing. Enjoying Visit in East. Mrs. D. C. LaRue and son Lucean accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne for May Office of COl'XTV COMMISSIONERS of C'nmt County Plattsmouth, Neb. . June 7th, 1927. The Board met as per adjourn ment. Present, C. F. Harris, C. D. SDanerler and Fred IT. Gorder, County Commissioners, Geo. R. Sayles, Coun ty Clerk. The Board instructed tne County Clerk to publish a Notice of the meeting of the County Board of Equalization on June 14, 15, 16, 1927, in all the County Newspapers. County Sheriff Bert Reed filed his appointment of Wr. Rex Young as Deputy Sheriff. Official Bond of W. Rex Young, Deputy Sheriff was filed with the County Clerk and approved by the Board. Claims Approved E. A. Wurl, provisions to poor? 41.25 Cass County Treasurer, stamps and supplies 13.58 Chris Rasmussen, provisions to poor 5.00 A. II. Duxbury, County Court fees 16.50 Bert Reed, same 24.55 Mogens Johnson, same 3.20 Coo. R. Savles. f?ame 1.10 J. L. Wiles, same John Domingo, same Lincoln Tel. & Teleg. Co. June rent. May tolls, Gokla Noble Beal, Insane case Jess Vallery Dr. G. II. Gilmore, same Phya. Bert Reed, same, sheriff A. J. Beeson. same, com. Frye Mfg. Co. Carbon paper to Co. Judge Plattsmouth Water Co., Water 3.20 3-20 67.55 6.25 8.00 28.00 3.00 Garrett the- latter, who has a two E vroks vacation from his work in Omaha, drove over to Chicago last week and there they have been visit ing with friends and as well enjoying the sights of the windy city. They are expecting to return home during the present week. 18.00 8.20 12.00 Threshing Outfit 15 h. p. J. I. Case Steam Engine end Threshing Machine. Will sell at a bargain. Call on or address W. B. BANNING Union, Nebraska STILL QUITE POORLY Vrom Tuesday's Dally Mike Vitersnik, who has been showing some improvement from his attack of stomach trouble and gall stones, is again confined to his home west of the city and his condition after his second attack has caused a great deal of apprehension to the fam ily and friends and the patient suf fering a great deal from the effects of his illness. Mr. Vitersnik is under are care of a nurse and it is hoped that he may soon show improvement, but reoccurance of his trouble will lead to his having to go to the hospital. 5.25 8.00 20.90 3.00 66.00 261.60 269.11 1.60 1.60 1.60 196.86 ATHLETICS TAKE ONE Look AheacS! Work along well defined lines, do not scat ter, concentrate. Considering business growth, selecting best lines of operation, concentrating your ener gy means business success. This is not ac complished without good financiering. Use the check account system of this bank, it will operate to your advantage. Open your check account here now! ires p t's ifi 4jUk rw.i war UNION, NEBRASKA W. B. BANNING, Cahier moon From Tuesday's Daily The Athletic baseball club of this city, which has this season been the victim of several encounters with various teams over the county, not ably at Manley, AJvo and Nehawka, Sunday had a change of their for tunes and wero able to lay away the team at Murray captained by Fred Warner. The score of the game as reported was IS to 4 for the local team and with tho victory the boys feel that their luck has turned and they will now be on the winning end of the games that they may engage in for the rest of the season. HELEN BEESON HOME From Wednesday's Daily Miss Helen Beeson, of this city, who has been at tho hospital at Lin coln for the past few days, in very serious condition, has improved so much that her parents. Judge and ! Mrs. Allen J. Beeson, have been able j to bring the patient back home. It . is hoped with the care and treatment I at home that it may bo possible to 'avoid an operation for at least the present time. Mis3 Beeson is feeling a great deal better following her re turn and her condition is very pleas ing to the members of the family cir ! cle. MYNARD U. B. CHUBCH m poor Plattsmouth Journal, supplies and printing 146. 13 Lillian G. White, bal. due on Guardianship matter 25.00 D. Saxton. provisions to poor 9.00 J. C. Brittain, labor and re pair at Co- House 15.00 I. J. Fuller, provisions to poor 5.00 Jess Warga, seed to farm '2.25 Kroebler Bros. Mdse. to Jail 3.55 Louisville Courier, claim blanks 26.60 Golda Noble Beal, Insane Case Cath. Perry 5.25 Dr. J. II. Hall, same, phys. 8.00 Bert Reed, same, sheriff 23.00 A- J. Beeson. same. Com. 3.00 W. F. Diers, provisions to poor 10.00 Theo. Harms, same 5.00 Golda Noble Beal, Insane Case C. W. Snyder Dr. J. H. Hall, same phys Bert Reed, same, sheriff A. J. Beeson. same Com- Bert Reed, board prisoners L. R. Snipes, Co. Farm Bureau expense Bert" Reed, salary, mileage, jailer fees Vaughn Myers, mileage Pearl Myers, mileage George Reichart, Jr., mile age E. P. Betts, assessing Tipton precinct Chas, Appleman. assessing Greenwood precinct 203.38 John Mefford, assessing Salt Creek precinct 258-44 Lisle L. Horton, assessing Stove Creek precinct 254.04 Wm. Bourke, assessing Elm wood precinct 206.84 B. P. Dill, assessing South Bend precinct 183.02 It. B. Jameson, assessing Weeping Water precinct 142.50 Wm. Sheehan, assessing Cen ter precinct 150.84 J. M. Hoover, assessing Louis ville precinct 240.78 R. E- Norris, assessing Avoca precinct 216.20 P. A. Hild, assessing Mt. Pleasant precinct 137.62 H. A. Meisinger, assessing Eight Mile Grove precinct 222.62 G. C. Hoback, assessing Ne hawka precinct 223.61 E. B. Chapman, assessing Lib erty precinct 142.40 J. L. Stamp, assessing Rock Bluff precinct 287 10 Geo. W. Snyder, assessing Plattsmouth precinct 1 241.00 Henry Snell, assessing Weep ing Water City 190.56 Julius A. Pitz, assessing Patts- ' mouth City, Wds. 3, 4. 5 270.00 Joe Hadraba, assessing Platts- City. Wrs. 1, 2 285.00 Lee Parris, land for road 100.00 DRAG FUND C. W. Geyer, dragging road. RD 5 S W. II. McBride, same RD 5 Curtis Quinn, same RD 15 Herbert Umland, same RD 16 A. J. Neitzel, same RD 7 P. R. Elliott, same RD 16 P. R. Elliott, same RD 16 Subject Milo Buskirk, same, RD 7 Liouis fccnmiat, same it u Church school at 10 a Sermon at 11 a. m. "Provinc God's Word." The church board 4n connection ' Albert Thiele, same RD 7 with the club committee will meet at Wm- Luetchens, same RD 7 the church July 15. at- 8 p. m. to falter Stroy, same RD 7 transact Important business. This is T- s Todd, same .RDVjo likely the last meeting of the kind ; m. Jorgenson. same RD12 - this conference year. We kindly 5oyJRhdfn' same RiU -ii v 1 v i iCurtis Quinn. same RD 16 G. B." WEAVER. Pastor. Advertise your wants in the Jour nal Want Ad Dept., for results. Curtis Quinn, same RD Henry V. Bricker.'eame RD 5 Henry Thiele. same RD 9 Chris Zimmerman, same RD 9 Henry J. Thiele, same'RD r Otto Schafer. same RD9 Elmer Spangler, same RD 3 - 7.50 16.50 4.00 6.83 7.50 22.40 24.00 23.20 24.00 5.04 1200 i 6.30 .11.70 3.25 12.00 3.00 20.12 3.25 4.55 260 19.87 5.63 14.95 9.00 31.68 6.40 16.00 10.40 10.50 9.75 33.80 6.85 5.20 28.25 13.60 9.00 16.00 13.20 11.60 14.25 36-00 106.51 99.98 3.90 155.58 45.89 Lee A.-Cole, ame- RD 3 -3.75 Wm. C. Neuman, same RD 3 7.50 John. HeiL. same RD 3 ,13'55 Charles' Volgtman, same RD 8 18.40 John' Mocktenhauph,' tame RD 8 21;60 Walter . Alochenhaupt, .same RD 8 42.65 A J. Ross, same RD 12 3.90 Wm. Richards, same RD 4 85-20 Orill Allen, same RD 16 Roy Siekman, same RD 16 Pirl Albin, same RD 11 S. "W. True, same RD 11 H. J. Thiele, same RD 12 R. Ketelhut, same RD 12 Edw. F. Marler, same RD 10 Kenneth Ferris, same RD 10 W. H. McBride, same RD 8 Fritz Kaffenberger, same RD 9 Fritz Kaffenberger, same RD 2 J. E. Lancaster, same RD 27 Ralph Meisinger, same RD 2 Philip Albert, same RD 2 J. E. Lancaster, same RD 10 Leroy Meisinger, same RD 2 Howard Lohnes, same RD 2 H. F. Hennings, same, RD 2 Guy P. Heil, same, RD 2 Wheeling Corrug, Co.. Cul verts, RD 6 Wheeling Corrug. Co., Cul verts. RD 4 J. H. Fulton, dragging roada RD 1 Miller & Gruber, culvert work RD 11, 12, 13 Standard Oil Co., supplies, RD 11. 12. 13 J. D. Adams & Co., cost grader, RD 1, 2, 10, 27 895.00 Anton Auerswald, labor, ma terial, RD 8 9 00 Jacob Witt, dragging roads RD 5 50.00 ROAD FUND Fred Ruby, road work, RD 11 28.50 J. C. Harned. same RD 5 10.50 iipnrv Pearslev. same. RD 11 27.00 Wm. Partridge, Explo. RD 4 J. C Niday, road work RD 11 E. Sturzengger, Mdse. RD 4 S. S. Peterson, Mdse., Labor RD 5 A. J. Schaefer, road work RD 9 Henry Pearsley, same RD 11 J. E. Lancaster, same RD 27 Chas Frolich. some RD 16 W. J. Partridge, labor RD 15 L. Neitzel Mdse. RD 7 Will Harley, road work RD 15 Ed Meteer, same RD 15 Louis Schmidt, same RD 7 Max Wells, same RD 5 W'heeling Corrug. Co., Cul vert, RD 14 Wm. Mead, road work, RD 11 Allison Clark, same RD 11 R. Ketelhut, same, RD 12 B- B. Everett, Posts, road work RD 11 A. A. Shoeman, road work RD 3 Crane. Curyea Murtey, Mat'l RD 8 J. H. Fulton, road work RD 1 Ralph Meisinger, same RD 2-186.90 Ilcnrv Johnson, same RD 1 5.40 Fred Lorensen. same RD 8 Wm. Richards, same RD 4 Louis Schmidt, same RD 7 Chas. C. Barnard, same RD 1 II. W. Tool, Posts RD 7 Trunkenbolz Oil Co., gas, RD 7 Jacob Witt road work RD 5 BRIDGE FUND Fred Lorensen, bridge work ? 22.00 Wm. Richards, same 27.55 Louis Schmidt, same 32.70 Miller & Gruber, culvert work 87.00 Tidball Lmbr. Co., Mat'l 482.2o Chas. C. Barnard, bridge work 11.55 Union Lumber Co. Material 105.65 C. W. Geyer, concrete work 11.95 Neb. Bdge. Supply Co, piling- 27.42 Fred McCleery. concrete work 545.36 H. A- Funke. Mat'l. 191.95 Crane. Curyea & Murtey, Material 17.95 H. W. Tool Lmbr. Co.. Mat'l 378.60 White & Bucknell Hardware 5.50 Jacob Witt, bridge work 38.50 COMMISSIONER'S FUND First District. Kroehler Bros. Merchandise!? 8.70 Omaha Road Equip. Co. trac tor repairs 2-15 Bud Nickels. Engineman HG 1 167.50 Alvin Bartlett, Graderman HG 1 167.50 J. D. Adams & Co., cost of grader 900.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND Second District Standard Oil Co., supplies 1$ 90.89 Standard Oil Co., supplies 158.86 II. A. Risk P. C. Co.. Con crete pipe 8-00 Lincoln Road Equip. Co.. 1 draw bar 11. S5 COMMISSIONER'S FUND Third District Trunkenbloz ' Oil Co., Gaso line ? 60.75 Standard Oil Co., supplies 53.25 Harry Schaefer. graderman HG 4 170 00 Harley Hayes. Engineman HG 4 147.81 Fred Rueter, Tractorman. HG 4 175.75 Anton Auerswald, labor. Ma terial 350 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Kroehler Bros. Mdse. to Pat. ! 9 30 Anton Xuerswald, labor, mat'l 5.75 Ed. Kelly, work on gravel 25.55 Standard Oil co. Supplies 66.63 Standard Oil Co, same 77,92 Oscar E. Dowler, salary, ex pense 90.bU Standard Oil Co. Supplies Standard Oil Co., same Standard Oil Co., same Inter. Harv. Co. repairs Inter. Harv. Co. same Rover Mfg. Co., same P. A. Burch, gasoline 118.77 Frank E. Coleman, salary, storage Henry Christensen, salary, storage, supplies Elmer J. Rummel, salary, V.' Rockwell, labor ' -- Gamer Electric Co. repair work 2.10 Sinclair Ref. Co., Kerosene ' 12.75 White & Bucknell, paint 2.76 Jacob Witt, highway work 12.00 CASS-SARPY BRIDGE FUND King of Trails Bridge v Co. payment & interest o.oao.n Cass County Treas, cash ad vanced to C. B. & Q. 12 03 "'The Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, June 8th, 1927. GEO. R. SAYLES County Clerk. 18.00 99.00 12.50 7.50 159.50 9.75 13.60 70.35 16.10 6.40 77.55 14.70 110.10 4.50 16.37 9.00 13.50 119.45 16.00 71.80 21.20 7.50 46.78 112.00 " 61.10 54-30 8.00 57.00 38.50 OfTIre of COl'NTV ;OMMIHIO!VKHJ of Cain Cnunlr PlattHmouth. Nebr., Juno 8, 1927. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present. C. P. Harris, C. D. Spangler and Pred II. Gorder, County Commissioners; Geo. R. Sayles, Coun ty Clerk. The following business was trans acted in regular form: Donation for Gravel on Eoads The citizens of Nehawka Village and vicinity deposited a check in the amount of $4,429.73 with the Coun ty Board as a donation to pay the greater part of the cost of placing gravel on roads one mile south to "O" street road and IV2 miles north west from the Village of Nehawka. The amount was put into the Coun ty Highway fund and warrants order ed drawn to the amount of $5,106.74, to pay the total cost of the gravel ing of this 2Vz miles of road, mak ing the total cost of the county, $677.01, or $270.80 per mile. Claim for refund of $30.80 real estate tax paid under protest on 1926 Tax Receipt No. 7158-59, filed by E. P. Lutz, Sec'y Plattsmouth Loan and Bldg. Association, audited and refund refused by Board for reason that re fund can not legally be made on claim of excessive valuation. Claim for refund of real estate tax paid under protest on 1925 Tax Re ceipt No. 7S41. filed by C. L. Stull, audited and refund refused by the Board as refund could not legally be made on claim of excessive valua tion. On petition of N. W. Elmelund and nineteen others, W. E. Newkirk was appointed Justice of Peace for Salt Creek precinct. Claims Allowed Claims as listed on the various funds were allowed by the Board: GENERAL FUND Nehawka Enterprise, print ing $ W. E. Jenkins, land for road DRAG FUND John Richardson, dragging roads. RD No. 1 $ Clyde Hutchins , for setting stakes, RD No. 12 ROAD FUND John Richardson, road work, RD No. 1 $ Goodridge & Coatman, mdse., RD No. 15 BRIDGE FUND Mead Lumber Co., for bridge lumber Z Fred McCleery, concrete head wall and wing Fred McCleery, concrete wall and wing CO. HIGHWAY FPND Yant Const. Co., gravel on road south of Nehawka 2302.00 Yant Const. Co., gravel on road northwest of Nehawka2127.74 PERMANENT ROAD FUND Yant Const. Co., bal. for grav el south and northwest of Nehawka $677.00 The Board adjourned to meet in regular session on Monday, June 20, 1927, as provided by law. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. Pi-iTssyfiGH; ssilroducts : ( "ZOU are losing A money by delay- I ing- painting giv ing decay a chance to get started where painting won't stop it. Paint now before it's too late with Paint Weather and moisturo proof. Keep3 out dacay. Prevents depreciation. Low cost protection per square foot because of great covering capacity per gallon. Drop in the store and talk cveryour pair-ting problem. Kruger Paint Store Plattsmouth, Neb. 5. 68 6.50 18.50 12.00 20.00 22.80 1.80 27.6 1S7.C 1S8.17 22.23 12.10 35.69 17.07 27.00 27.00 34.89 OfTieu cl coi.xn' OOJIMISSIOXEKS of Can County Plattsmouth, Nebr., June 14. 1927. The County Board Vf Equalization met as per provisions of the Statutes, and as per notice published in all the local county newspapers. I Present. C. F. Harris, C. D. Spang- 'ler, Fred H. Gorder, County Commis sioners; Wm. H. Puis, County Asses sor; Geo. R. Sayles, County Clerk. The- Board examined the claims on file, but deferred action on all of the complaints until the properties could be inspected and adjourned from day to day until June 17, 1927, when adjournment was taken sub ject to the call of the County Clerk as provided by law. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. in RD No. 14 Nebr. Culv. Mfg. Co., culvert, RD No. 8 J. D. Adafns & Co., blades, RD No. 1 15.95 Nebr. Culv. Mfg. Co., blades. RD No. 11 Nebr. Culv. Mfg. Co., culvert, RD No. 10 Nebr. Culvert Mfg. Co., cul verts, RD No. 1 104.63 ROAD FUND J. C. Niday, road work in RD No. 11 $ 46.25 Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul vert, RD 1G Stacey Niday, road work In RD No. 11 Henry Pearsley, same, RD 11 Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul verts, RD 7 BRIDGE FUND M. L. Evans, take out old 48- ft. span bridge .$ 96.50 I.:. L. Evans, building 20-ft. span bridge 119.90 Paxton Vierling Co., - steel and reinforcing bars 612.2S COMMISSIONER'S FUND 2nd District Omaha Road Equip Co., one drum lubricant L -56.81 J. D. Adams & Co., gTader repairs 13.50 Vance Harris, grading work 42.50 PERMANENT ROAD FUND Yant Const. Co., gravel plac ed on road leading ' from Nehawka to cemetery $378.00 The Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, July 5th, 1927. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. 18.00 64.75 24.41 2.25 2.04 1.69 85 00 89.25 86.50 12.03 . Office of COUSTT CO1M1SSIO?IKKS of Cain) County Plattsmouth, Nebr., June 20, 1927. The Board met in regular session as provided by law. Present C. F. Harris, C. D. Spangler and Fred H. Gorder, County, Commissioners; Geo. R. Sayles. County Clerk. The following business was trans acted in regular form: Official bond of W. E. Newkirk, Justice of Peace for Salt Creek pre cinct, approved by the Board. Claims Allowed Claims as listed on the various funds were allowed by the Board. GENERAL FUND Dr. B. H. Baer, medicine and fumigators $ 6.40 John P. Sattler, funeral ex pense, Wm. C. Furry 98.37 Fred H. Gorder, salary and mileage 77.90 C. D. Spangler, salary and mileage 7S.10 C. F. Harris, salary and mileage 1 84.00 James Wynn, hauling rubbish ' 1.00 Omaha. Prtg. Co., supplies, Claim No. 13799 2.02 L. R. Stanley, provisions to poor 48.00 J. I. Holeomb Co., supplies to court house 16.76 Dr.' J. H.' Hall, mileage, Sny- der insane case 4.00 Royal Cafe,' meals to Bates. 8.05 Ca.6sCo. Agr. Assn., 1927 appropriation 2000.00 Searl - S.". Davis. Agt.. -balance compensation premium 703.90 DRAG FUND Nebr Culv; lltg. Co., culverts iu RD No.'. 11 $144.44 Fred Berner, dragging1 roads HAS AUTO ACCIDENT From Tuesday's Tjaiiy Mr. and Mrs. F. Claggett and their little granddaughter, motored here the last week to join Mr. and Mrs. Albert Claggett and daughter, who have been here visiting with rela tives and friends in this part of Cass county, the whole party leaving on Wednesday for Denver, where they make their home. The trip was made in the car of Mr. F. Claggett and everything progressed nicely until within a short distance of Akren, Colorado, when a very serious acci dent delayed the party and resulted in the nerious injury of Mrs. Albert Claggett. The steering gear of the car broke while they were going at a very good rate of speed and as a result the car was overturned and all of the mem bers of the party more or less shook up and injured, but the most serious ly affected of the party was Mrs. Albert Claggett, who had severe cuts on the head and was bruised over the body. The injured lady was hurried to Denver and placed in the hospital there for theatment and is in quite poor shape, messages from that city state. Mrs. Claggett is a daughter of Mrs. Alma Yardley of near Murray and the news of her condition brings great regret to the old friends. HAS CAR BOBBED From Wednesday's Dalty George Balduff, who resides at the Ilcrold apartments on North Fourth street, is shy a brand new spare, tire from his Ford coupe as well as sev eral gallons of gasoline as the -result of the depredation of some party last night. Mr. Balduff had left the car park ed in front of the apartment house when he retired last evening and this morning when he arose to start out on his work as traveling representa tive of one of the Omaha: packing pl.ints, he found the car missing. "".The coupe, was located later standing in tho road near the old Herold -apartments on Fifth street and the spare tire 'was missing as well as the gaso line that had been carefully drained off and made away with by some per son. This is the second of these de predations to be reported in the past as August Cloidt had his car taken and spare tire taken and the car abandoned in the north part of the city. All local news it In the Journal.