The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1927.
Alvo Department
had for their guests at their home in
'Alvo on Thursday of last week, when
they had for the afternoon and a six
o'clock supper Mrs. C. F. Hicks, of
Colorado, and Mrs. Jesse Carter, of
Lincoln. Both the ladies were old!
(time school mates of Mrs. Kirkpat
rick, they coming down from Lincoln
for the afternoon on the morning
en rs jl 1
i&fiona motor un2
The highest in quality. We have a special oil for the
Ford car, and this requires an oil of highest quality. We
have this oil and guarantee it for the Ford automobile.
Mona Motor Oil is Best for All Cars
We do the best repairing and use
only the best repair parts.
The AEvo
Art Dinges, Proprietcr
Alvo, Nebraska
Ashland Gazette
train, and after having enjoyed a Wednesday
Mr. Harry Long drove to Omaha
most pleasant visit, in which they
recounted the happy times of the
former years, returned to Lincoln on
the evening train.
.losonh nannini and the family. Mrs. "W. V. Browne entertained at
lonsistin? of wife and son Lemuel ! her home the Alvo Woman's club,
ar.,1 daughter. Miss Xol3. were visit- j where they enjoyed the afternoon on
ing for the day in Alvo on last Sun-i last Tuesday most pleasantly and
,jay also did the work which brings these
A. P.. Stromer was constructing a ladies together. Mrs. Browne enter
trailer for use in transporting thejtained the ladies in such a delightful
boat v-hirh he and his friends .will ! manner that all were desirious of
use for hunting and fishing along the ! having the time hasten when they
piatte river. ! could meet with her again.
F. E. nirkerson and wife were vis- Fred H. Oorder was a visitor in
itine in Ashlancl and also at Lincoln' Alvo one day last week, looking af
on Wednesday of last week, called to ! ter the grading of the roads and
the two places to look after some bus-! streets and the laying of the gravel
iness matters. on the county's portion of the gravel-
Mrs. Elbert Taylor has been in ' ing project which the village now has
very ror health for some time past : in hand. A. A. Wallinger, with his
and was at Lincoln for a clinic to as-grading outfit wa3 in town and look
crtain what was the best for treat-,ed after putting the streets in proper
ment to restore her health. condition for the reception of the
Many of the young people of Alvo 'coating of gravel,
were over to Elmwood on last Wed-' On last Tuesday evening at the
nesd?y evening to attend the dance ! home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mickel
given" by the American Legion, andjthere were entertained a number of
all enjoyed the time very much. their friends, with Miss Pauline
Mrs. Thomas Stout, who was injur-; Snaveley one of the hostesses, in
rd by tailing against a stool, striking . honor of Miss Ruby Woods, at which
hr side, is getting along nicely at time there were a large number of
this time, though her side is still ; her friends present and a most en
very s-re where the ribs were frac-j joyable time was had, and many
tured. i useful and beautiful gifts presented.
James Hermetz received the sad with the wish for a long, happy and
intelligence of the very severe illness successful life.
of his father, who resides in Lincoln.! The business men of Alvo showing
and all of the family were over to ; their good feeling for the public gen
see and comfort the grandfather in erally are providing entertainment
his hour of illness. j for the public on Saturday nights,
W. A. Cook was a visitor in Omaha, ; and hereafter there will be the title
accompanied by Mrs. Cook, where of the play announced, but for this
they were visiting Charles E. Cook, of time those in authority do not know
PlTttsmouth. who is at this time in j the name of the play, but were assur
the hospital at Omaha, where he is j ed it would be a good one and well
receiving treatment. worth seeing. Come and see the
The Woman's Country club, of near i show. It does not cost anything and
Alvo were meeting last week at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Nickell. where the ladies enjoyed the
meeting very much as well as look
ing after the work which called thera
George Thompson, who travels on
then you can name it.
Were Married Today
At McPherson, Kansas, this morn
ing there were united in marriage
Miss Ruby Woods, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Woods, of Alvo, and
the road for a metropolitan house, i Mr. Clifford McMasters of Eagle, son
and has for his territory the states ,0 Thomas McMasters and wife of that
or .Nebraska. yoming, Colorado and j place. The contracting parties are
;ew .Mexico, has been spending his; both well known in both Alvo and
vacation in Alvo. a guest at the Par-lEagle. The bride. Miss Ruby Woods
sen nome. was born but a short distance from
John Coleman and George Hard- ; Alvo and is well and favorably known
hock were assisting jonn lianningby a host of friends who all loin in
in the unloading and storing of a car j extending to this very popular young
load of lumber, which was received j woman their wishes for future hap-
on last wennesciay. ana wnicn ne was piness and success. She is a graduate
anvious 10 nave in me sneus, as mere 0f the Elmwood High school and a
is a growing demand for lumber almost popular young woman. The
""3 ime. I bride met the groom at Hutchison,
Peter Johnson had a new windmill Kansas, and from there they went to
erec ted on hi farm one day last week j McPherson. Kansas, where they were
and is hoping that this will in a man- i united in marriage by the Rev. Ed-
ner solve the problem of whater sup- t ward Stoffer .who is at this time at
ply. which has been a vexing one in tending college at McPherson. The
the past with much pumping to be young people then departed for their
done by hand in order to supply the home, which will be at Hutchison,
needs of the stock. .Kansas, where Mr. McMasters is em
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Thursday's Dally
Mrs. Charles Mapes of Meadow,
Nebraska, was here today for a short
time to visit her mother, Mrs. Isabel
Rainey, who is again in very poor
Mrs. J. II. Donnelly of Omaha war
here last evening to enjoy a visit
with the old friends and while here
was a guest at the homo of Judge
and Mrs. James T. Eegley.
Postmaster James W. Holmes ant'
Mrs. Holmes and Dr. R. P. Westover
were at Auburn yesterday to enjoy
the Southeastern Nebraska golf tour
ney now on. Dr. Westover was the
winner last year of the southeastern
title at the Auburn tournam?nt.
Willard Thimlin was a visitor in
Lincoln last Wednesday morning,
where he purchased a new Dodge
tru k chassis and on which he will
Give Good Entertainment
The Campfire girls of Alvo gave
mild a body for the purpose of using ; their play, "Cyclone Sally" on last
u tor the transportation of the j Thursday and Friday to large audi
scnoiars to and from the Alvo schools . ences at the Jordan hall. The play
the coming school year. . f'as filled with laughable incidents
W. A. Cook and wife. Orris Cook'an1 everybody was well pleased with
and family, Frank E. Cook and fam-;tne young entertainers. The cast of
ily. Wm. Kitzel and family, Bert tharacters was as follows:
Kitzel and wife and E. M. Stone and j Jaf k Webster, owner of Webster
wife were in attendance at the Cook'c?tnt" Phillip Coatman.
fnmily reunion, which was held at' Reggie Manners, a young English-
the home of W. T. Vallery on lastman: an adept at plucking peach
Sunday. June l!th. where all present
enjoyed the occasion very much.
Boothby's Cafe
Alvo, Nebr.
Get a cool refreshing drink or
an ice cream. Prices are right.
David L. Boothby
Arthur Roelfsz.
Jim Jerkins, courted for twenty
years, but not yet discouraged Ster
ling Coatman.
Willie Clump, Sue Bascom's beau
and the worlds eighth wonder Lee
Sally Graham. "Cyclone Sally"
Dorothy Peterson.
Jenny Thatcher, forty and the ob
ject of Jim's persistence Gladys
Ruth Tratcher, a peach Reggie
would like to pick Dorotha Coat
man. Effie Varden, a cute little neigh
bor Helen Hardnock.
Vivian Verdon. the belle of Cedar
Point Eleanor Hensley.
Mr. and Mrs. Xirkpatrick Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kirkpatrick
Goodc for the Spring!
Oil Stoves the housewife will appreciate, Cream Separators for
more cream, Lawn Mowers to beautify the home surroundings,
'Big Ben Alarm Clocks for early risers, Paints, Varnishes and
all seasonable spring goods. Farm Implements, Garden Tools,
Farm and Garden Seeds. Everything else in Hardware line.
See Us for Your Needs
Coatman Hardware Co.,.
ALVO :-: :-: :-: NEBRASKA
From Friday's Daily
County Commissioner Fred H. Gor
der of Weeping Water was here today
for a short time attending to some
matters at the court house.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today for a few
hours attending to some matters in
the county court in which he was in
terested. George Yeager, well known attor
ney of Ashland wao in the city today
for a few hours looking after some
business matters and visiting with
County Attorney V,. G. Kieck.
Mr. and Mrs. August Pautsch, Mrs.
Ernest Pautsch and daueher. Miss Tuesday evenin
Lydia. and Elmer Schleifert of Louis- i Wa Her McGinn
ville, were here yesterday fora few
hours attending to some business
Mrs. Fred Vallery of Sterling. Colo
rado, who has been here visiting at
the home of her father, William Ot
terstein. and also at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Vallery, departed thif
morning for her home in the west.
Sheriff and Mrs. Bert Reed, Mrs.
Murray, mother of Mrs. Reed and
Miss Eula Reed departed this morn
ing by auto for Cameron, Missouri
where they were called by a message
announcing the illness of a relative
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. E?geiton, of
Hugo, Oklahoma, who have been here
visiting at the home r.f Mr. and Mrs
J. A. Edgerton and family, depart
ed this morning for their Home. Mr
Edgerton resided here in the ' early
Henry Madsen of Red Lodge, Mont
who was called here by the death of
his father. Peter Madsen, and who
has since been here visiting with hi
sister, Mrs. Celia Lancaster, departed
this afternoon for his home in the
Clifford Cecil, wife and daughter
of Des Moines came over last evening
by auto for a short visit here with
the relatives and old time friends
Mr. Cecil and wife are both taking
Rummer school work at the Drake
university and Mr. Cecil i3 as well
having charge of the Christian church
at Weldon, Iowa.
George W. Squires and wife, of
Dixon, Nebraska, who have been here
visiting for a few days at the homt
of Mrs. Squires parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rauen, departed thh
morning for Ashland to visit with
the relatives of Mr. Squires. They at
tended the wedding on Wednesday
at Omaha of Miss Eva Rauen, sister
of Mrs. Squires, to Robert McGrath
the wedding occurring at St. Peter'f
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown spent
Saturday at Alvo.
Mrs. Henry Stander spent Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Ti. O. Mooney.
Mr. Jess Kleiser and sister, Miss
f : .1 A , , i rr.. .... jv, ,
i'iuic, uiuvt! Ill WHlUIIil l ut:sua . i -a
Mr. Wilby Cox was a dinner guest N5!
Sunday at the B. O. Mooney home.
Miss Janette McN'amara spent the
week end at the Vyrle Livers home.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carnicle
spent Sunday with relatives at Lin-,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell spent
Tuesday evening as the Oscar Dill t
home. !
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien called j
Saturday evening at the F. T. Gra-i
ham home. j
Mrs. Eleanor Dixon, of Ashland.'
spent Tuesday night at tne nr. ;m
Scluitz home. , "jt
Mrs. H. Hardin and children, of feJ
Omaha, spent Sunday at the Paul
Hnzen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ilaswell spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Ilaswell.
Mrs. Charles Sandy and daughter,
Irene, spent Wednesday at the Jacob
Carnicle home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and sons
spent Sunday evening with Mr. aiuli
Mrs. George' Vogel. if,:
.vr. ana i.en v insn kij'mu :
Saturday night and Sunday .with Mr.;
rnd Mrs. Lynn Clav. iEr
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reinke spent fc;
Sunday with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ervin
Hriers near Greenwood.
Mr. Ben Knecht and Mr. and Mrs.
Orvan Stine. of Lincoln, .-pent Sun-!
day at the Os-ar Dill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell
. -. I . . r . 1 1 f . . . . 1 i
JJ'VItl r-tlll'i.l) HI It'MK'Oll T . till" VH.'W.
Campbell home reir Ashland. i
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Winget spent i I
v. ith Mr. and Mrs.!
s at Murdock.
"f- -i n il "T .-: ll.mrv RtaTltfi nnl i
Mary LeCour.t called Monday after-
-.r n nt the T. T TTnehor linm" I li'A
Mrs. Harry Lon-T and Mrs. Viola
T.o-g spert Tnuosday evening with
Irs. Robert Long and sons.
From Paturoay's Dally
William Deles Dernier of Elmwood
was here today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of busines?
at the court house.
Judge John B. Raper, who has
been holding district court here for
the past several days, departed this
morning for his home at Pawnee
George W. Snyder was a visitor in
Omaha today, going to that city on
the early morning Burlington train
where- he will look after some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. Glen Perry. Mrs. S. A. Bark
er, Airs. c. l. spangier 01 .Murray
and Miss Elizabeth Spangler were
in Omaha today for a few hours, go
ing to that city on the early morning
Burlington train.
Cass-Sarpy League
Fort Crook C 1 .857
Plattsmouth 4 2 .6 67
Bellevue 4 3 .571
Palpillion 4 3 .571
Louisville 1 5 .167
Springfield 1 6 -143
Games Sunday
Fort Srook, 9; Louisville, 0.
Plattsmouth, 7; Bellevue, 5.
Papillion, 7; Springfield, 0. .
From Saturday's Dally
W. G. Davis, just received word
;that his old home city, Rogers, Ark.,
(Was visited by a tornado, trees up
rooted, one building demolished and
many unroofed, but no lives lost
Mr. and
Mrs. Mae Oal. of Houston. Texas,
is spending a few days at the home
of her sifter. Mrs. Glenn Armstrong.
Miss Marian McCrew, of Louisville
spent from .Wednesday Until Satur
day evening at the Frank Ross home.
Mr. and M;rs. Glen Armstrong are
enjoying the comn.iny of Mrs. Arm
strong's sinter. Mrs. Mae Ogie, of
Ho-iston. Texas.
Mrs. Emma PaMer went to Ash
:ri7'd Saturday evening to spend sev
eral days at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Link Henry.
Mr. K. Srurzenc guer. Gfenn Weav
er and Miss Adelaid Matthews, of
Colorado Springs, drove to Omaha
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Walter McGlnness. of Mur
dock. spent Wednesday at the home
of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Winget.
Mrs. Wm. Winget, daughters Flor
ence and Perrl. and sor.s. James and
Cheste'. rirnt Monday afternoon at
the Bert Winget home.
Mr. Joe Knecht, Harry Long
Vvrle Livers and Frank Graham were
attending Masonic lodge meeting at
University Place Wednesday night
Mrs. Viola Long, Mrs. Harry Long
and their guest, Mrs. Alice Bcnz
drove to Ashland Sunday evening and
spent the evening with Mrs. Mollie
Mrs. Viola Long and son. Harry.
and Mrs. Long's guest. Mrs. Alice
Bentz. of Ashland, drove to Omaha
Thursday of last week- and visited
until Saturday at the A. J. Jacksor
Mrs. Olive Bentz returned to her
homo in Ashland Tuesday after
spending reveral days nt the home
of her friend. Mrs. Viola Long. Mrs
Long and son, Harry, took her home
in the car.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stander and
guests. Dr. J. P. Johnston and wife
and Mrs. Effie ICount and daugh
ter. Mary, and Miss Helen Hozelle
of Omaha, called Sunday afternoon
at the B. O. Mooney home.
President Coolidge is some fisher
man, Lut he hasn't a thing on Rops
Davis, when it comes down to bras?
tacks. Ross caught three five pound
catfish, one seven pound catfish and
several small ones last wc-ek.
Those enjoying a picnic in the W.
A. Jones pasture Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Ziegler and family
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Granger and fam
ily, of Ashland; Mr. Alfred Johnsor
If ycu are in the market and want a new up-to-the-minute car, just
check over the following specifications and see if your
selection has the advantages I'ctcd below!
Silent timing chain drive.
Full pressure feed lubrication to all main
connecting rod and cam shaft bearings.
Long stroke, small bore, high compression
Silchrcme valves, extra large crank shaft.
Chadwick type connecting rods, no shims.
Tiniken adjustable roller bearings in all
wheels, differential and drive shaft. k
Hotchkiss drive through springs.
Low center of gravity that provides the
maximum of ease, comfort and safety.
Hollow propeller shaft with self oiling uni
vers?l joint, front 'and rear.
Gersize tires.
Four wheel brakes.
Ability to maintain 40 to 0 miles per hcur
road speed without vibration or damage to csr
mtchanism, or a car that will go 40 miles p'-r
hour in second speed, and hold to road at any
speed wivhout strain on driver.
Composition wood and steel bedy (not all
steel if you want to avoid excessive rumble in
a closed car).
Any car that does not measure up to the above specifications is not a 1927 model.
The day of the excessive weight, sluggish car is History. With the wonderful im
provement in roads and the ever increasing congestion of traffic, no one can real
ize the ease and pleasure there is in driving a modern molor car, without a trial.
It cost the Willys-Overland factory over
$1,500,000.00 extra expense in 1925-23, and
years of experimental work to bring cut their
present models. The instant success of these
new cars is forcing other manufacturers to do
the same things. The automobile companies
that are still trying to unload dolled up 1923-24
design cars, are losing every day and ultimately
vill be forced to change or go out of business.
Resale Value Greatest
The resale value of Overland cars, accord
ing to Blue Book specifications, averages high
er and has averaged higher in proportion to first
cost than any competitive line in the same price
class. The tremendous depreciation in used
cars should be a warning to anyone in the mar
ket for a car to thoroughly investigate before
purchasing. The numerous ads in metropolitan
papers listing brand new cars of various makes
at big discounts, show that the people handling
these cars are no longer able to sell that at
regular prices.
Nobody can give you something for noth-
lr si
lt costs money to sell cars, and a creat
aeal mere to maintain an up-to-date service
station with modern marhiiiery, Lccessary ser
vice and parts stock to keep cars in first class
chape with a minimum cost of upkeep and loss
of time while car is being serviced. VTe Urmly
believe That the day is not far away when the
car business will followthe plan of the imple
ment dealers, i. e. no trade ins Rnd no servicing
of cars of other makes. See if your dealer has
the necessary equipment &id mechanics to ser
vice your car as it should be serviced. Remem
ber, you only purchase a car occasionally.
Service i3 Important
new car sales are gomz more and
more to a few large companies that have ser
vice stations everywhere. The main thing you
should be interested in, is, how i3 the dealer
equipped to service your car after you have
purchased it? Any one having owned a C2r
that is not being manufactured any more, or
ha3 no local service stations, knows what p.n
inconvenience and extra expense this means.
The fact that we gave our customers the service they were entitled to, assisting
them to operate their cars with economy, in the fifteen years that we have sold
cars, has made satisfied owners and boosters of them, in fact, a larger percentage
of those in this vicinity who purchased Willys-Knight and Overland cars for their
first automobile, have replaced them with later models of the same make than
have done so with any other kind of car, proving Overland popularity. They
also drove their cars more years on the average and had less depreciation on them.
Cars today are built much finer than in the
past and it takes more and better shop equip
ment, also better mechanics to service the
modern car. The average owner has been
more particular to whom he takes his $25
watch fcr repairs than he is with a $500 to
$2,500 automobile.
We invite you to look over our Willys-Knight
and Whippet cars also our shop and equip
ment before purchasing your next car.
With pleasure we will make an appointment
for a demonstration of these modern day
cars at any time. Call us up phone 98
or stop when passing.
i ayer
and daughter, Mildred, and Mr. and
Mrs. V. A. Jones and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson and
Mrs. Effie LeCount and daughter,
Mary, and Miss Helen Roselle of
Omaha, were dinner and supper
guests Sunday at the Henry Stander
home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross and
children were evening visitors. Mary
LeCount remained at the Stander
home to spend part of her summer
Mrs. Minnie Tremary and son, Er
vin. of Lincoln spent sunnay ai me
Jacog Carnicle home. Afternoon visi
tors were Mrs. Mary Neuma, Mr.
and Mrs. John Timm Jr., Miss Mary
McCJinness and Miss Florence Win
get. Evening visitors were Mr. ana
Mis. Wm. Leddy and daughter.
Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. S. F.
Chambers, of Ashland.
considerable expense in getting ready
for the big opening this year and
have a real place in which the lovers
of swimming may enjoy themselves
to their hearts content. The resi
dents here are wishing the Murray
project the greatest of success in tho
season of 1927.
Business stationery, programs and
all kinds of job printing at the Jour
nal office.
risubuiiid aim rafck3 utritso
The Youngsters will be unable to properly celebrate the
Glorious Fourth of July without a goodly supply of the
proper ammunition, and we want to tell you that we have
a complete line this year, such as
Moye Pays Cash
Poultry, Eggs, Cream
and Hides
We Sell' Oyster Shell, Chick Feeds
No, we don't use the air for adver
tising. We do not give anything
away, but when it comes to filling
your order for good live nursery
stock, shrubs and roses at the lowest
dollar that money can grow it. meet
ing our customers face to face, giving
you a chance to listen to a man who
has hail years of experience in the
different lines of nursery stock
shrubs and roses, true to name, you
are holding your order for your old
time friend, Andrew Stohlman, rep
resenting the Williams Nursery of
University Place, Nebraska, who will
call on you in due time.
I thank you for past favors.
From Friflay's Uaily
Last evening was the official open
ing of the Murray bathing beach and
in honor of the occasion htete was a
large number from this city motoring
down to enjoy the event and & dip
in the cooling waters of the pool
He says "Another good reason why ayA Can Ynnr TJ-irfloP 5olieited ! which has been remodeled and and
Nebraska is a safer place to live." and Salt" Your Patronage bOUCltea. arranged lnto one of the best pools
The stars rise in their course
sweeping across the heavens, though'
often obscured by clouds. It may be
likened to the career of man. j
Moye Produce Co.
Telephone 391
Plattsmouth, Neb.
in this part of the state and giving
, this locality a long felt want in this
line that all of the residents here
twill most fully appreciate and enjoy,
j The beach was not open last year and
the owners of the pool have gone to
mmm mm
- if t(W Firecrackers, 'S'
m liv? Torpedo,, q
Il I l - Pistols and Cops, Wti
Mm sky Rock. 0m
s& Roman Candle, rvjl
?BiC Pin Wheels
iV-v Bombs, 4mi
in fact everything that you will want for a nenUiri old
fashioned celebration of noise.
look and Stationary Store
Corner 5th and Main Street.
r i
! f