The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    51 i,-.- nfl
$Ll Eli M(j$ itM
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Citizens' Military Training Gamp
For Boys Age 17 to 24
Including railroad fare, food, lodging, uniforms
and medical and dental attendance while at camp.
August 1st to August 31st
- at
Opportunity to Enroll Now
We will fill out your applications free of charge!
C PI 9?
V7. B. BANNING, Cashier
?.fr. U one of the. or or- I llovel drove ia from Lincoln last
a tors .-it t'i I pot. taking tru- place ! Thursday to bring home their father
of Mr. Witworl'i who is oil on vac;;- v. h had been visiting there several
tinn for ten day ;. j?!ay.
.Nick iriitlrich ot nvar Murray was! Harry M;at of Avoca, the msur
a t aller in Union on hs: Sat :r Jay 1 u nee man of that place and a hustler
was looking after foine business mat
:eis in Union on last Monday after-
and edits the Nehawka Enterprise.
Marie Fleming was born in Union
on June 15, 1900, and moved with
her parents to Osceola a number ot
years ago.
Mrs. Ellis LaRue was born in Mis
souri on June 14, 1900, and came tc
this state eight years later. Taught
one of the attractions on the street j school here several years, now lives
last Thursday evening, and it nasMn the city of Omaha.
been arranged to have music on thel Hazel Kinnison was born near here
street every two weeks, on Thursday j June 29, 1904, now lives in Nebras-
evenlngs. I ka City.
Elmer Fahrlander departed late I L. R. Upton. Jr.. was born in Union
last week for Brule, wnere ne win on June 28. 1919. and although not
visit as well as remain for a timeja heavyweight, he assists his cof
to assist his brother Edwin Fahr-1 DUlent father in running the hard-
lander, in the farming operations oriware store
the west.
The Children's Day program which)
has been a feature of the Baptist
I'.ililf sfhool. has been T)OstDoned un-
Jtil the nineteenth of June, and will
be announced later as to the program
and other arrangements.
At the garage of Charles Atteberry
all are kept hustling with the work
which comes to this place of business.
Mr. Atteberry was a visitor in Omaha
on last Wednesday, called there tc I Mrs. John Patterson of Nebraska City I
look atter some Business. Trimrpd WTiot, Par TVmnlicWd
salesman for the Standard Oil com-
nn n v ;i r Omnlm a rnmnn n ip1 with i
Mrs. Roddy were visiting for the week A Jery serious auto accident oc-
end at the home of Mr. Roddy's par- -"'. ouiuruay evenmg a. nine ease
. , n . . , ..Inf TiTiinn nn fha TTin at Trn 11a Vi i rV
ents, Mr. ana Airs. j. u. uouay iasii- "
Sundav j way where this road starts west into
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Upton were over line lown OI union, tne turn naving
In Velirnska Citv earlv Monday uwu lue oi many ai-i-iueuis m
thov woro :t tTio hnsnital I f past.
- , , , , j, -
.vhoro Mr (I Phonpv was stair nc -,lr- rs. raucreun were anv-
'following his operation"and were of-1 inS to their home at Nebraska City
Cars Have Bad
Smash at Union
Corner Saturday
in Accident.
and was looking after some bn-iiu&i:
mutU'i.; while here.
y. rs. C. C. St '-wart cf Waitliill. nc-j noon,
compar.iec! by her two children ha;i Operator Witworth and family de
beta visiting du:iiv? the p;-st wee k i parted Wc-dnesday for Missouri, driv
at the home of h,-r sisO-r. i itig down to spend ten days visiting
I Raymond Frans wife wrrt j rtdativLS in various parts of that
visiting in Omaha for the day as weli ! suite.
as looking after son;o business mat
ters as w.,1! (,n !ast M:mu;;.v.
lnveiio R;-ddy v.ii-l wif mctofc-d
to Hamlin. Kansrs. I;:?t V'e-'I:ic-.-dy
to attend the we.Ming v.t .7. Tii-js Mar
cell and Miss Margaret Do well.
Ani;s Crook, living just south of
Union in Otue county, h:?.-' . a very
ill with an attaek of the rira:les.
which he has been wrestling with.
Ilarry Graves and Mrs. Ilarry
The Constant Potential Bat
tery Charger v.'hich I have
just installed is a wonder
for most effective work in
battery charging.
If you get your battery here
by nine o'clock, you can
have it that evening.
Car price for one day ser
vice for a Six Vclt Eattery
is 75 Cents.
Union - Nebraska
Marjorio Iloback. daughter of Mr.
.'.no Mrs. Charles Ilobaf-I: was a visi
tor at the home of her grandparents
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor for the
lay last Sunday.
Peter Ar.eey, who farmed near
hers seeral years, now residing near
Siiney, Iowa, came over last wc-el-to
shell and market his two years
corn crop that ho had hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meriitt drove
over to Shanandoah on Saturday and
spent the day at the May and Field
radio stations and in se-e:ag all that
was worth seeing at those places.
A. Ij. Raeker loaded for shipment
to Lincoln on last Monday a car of
wood which lie has had cut recently
from hii lands over oi the river, and
lu.d hauled to Union for loading.
A concert by the Union Land war
fering what aid and comfort they U1JU ""S soum on iue uigaway.
ronhi in bis hour of suffering taking the road straight south in-
tt.ittns Ranninc anrl Starov NTidav stead of turning at the Union corner.
were visiting in Omaha last Sunda -j while at the same time the car of
nmi on thpir rpfnrn in thp pveninr I ren Aimn was coming east irom
with the dust and darkness, a freight Union, the two cars crashing at the
train got in their wav and caused an intersection and doing a great deal of
ininrv In thpir radiator as well aFluaraase to ootn oi me macnines.
causing a thrill to caution them to be The Patterson family were driving
rarpful in tho future la large Ruick sedan while Mr. Al-
YV. B. Banning who has been in bi" nad a small Ford car and in the
thP western nortion of Nebraska, ar impact tne Ainin car received mucn
well m k in Kansas and the eastern the worst of the encounter altho the
nortion of Colorado, for the past week Huirk was quite badly damaged.
returned home on last Sunday, and Mrs. Patterson suffered a small in
re ports the west looking fine, with an i"ry kpr arm. the full extent of
excellent prospect for wheat, and j-jwrncn naa not neen aeterminea wnen
fair outlook for oats. He however I h patient was hurried on into the
found the corn not in tho best cf con-1 hospital at Nebraska City. Mrs. Pat-
dition. but looking fairly well with! terson was suffering from an injured
the excfntion of it being a little late. HP na apparently simering a great
C. W. Conklin and wife of Lin-lpal when she was taken on into Ne-
coln were visiting at the home of orasna c iry ny iriencis ior treatment.
the narents of Mrs. Conklin. Mr. and Albin it is reported was not
Mrs. C. E. Vv itrow, southeast of Unior I injured severely altho he was quite
The Service Store
We are here to serve you
the best, and supply you
with the best goods at
the lowest price.
Our endeavors in 1827
will be concentrated on
giving you such efficient
service you will become a
regular walking adver
tisement, speaking only
good words for our store.
Stine's Grocery
Union, Nebraska
for the day oa last Thursday. Mrs
A. L. Marveineux and little son of
Kansas were also visiting here for
time, and were as well tiio guest.'
of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. With
rown, they departing on Monday of
this week at th
well, departed for Kansas City or
Monday of this week.
bad'y shaken up as was the other
members of the auto party.
For somo time past Gilbert V.
Withrow home c J Cheney who has made his home nar
Union for a number of years, and has
ever been a booster for the commun
ity in which he lived, being equally
Come to the Social. I anxious to see the two towns of Union
The W. V. G. girls of the Baptist and Xehawka prosper and has spend
church and Bible school will serve much work and considerable money
iee cream and hold a social at the
Baptist church Saturday, Juno 11th
avoBi Pis
Get it from the car and save handling charges,
Ilarried in Kansas
Janus D. Marcell and Miss Mar
garet Dowell were united in marriage
at 4 o'clock Wednesday evening, June
1, at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell, at Ham
lin, Kansas. Their many friends ir
this part of the county surmised that
this happy event would take place
but only a few knew the exact date
They will remain in Kansas this sum
mer for the purpose of attending sum
mer school, and will return here ir
time to take up their dutic-3 in teacl
ing in the schools here.
The bride has been a teacher in
the Murray school.- the past three
years, and in addition to being a very
popular and accomplished young lady
she is regarded as one of th best in
structors in school work. Mr. Mar
cell, whose home was at Highland
Kansas, has been an instructor in the
Union schools the pus four years
holding the position of superintend
ent last year and has been retained
for that position for the next year
Ileis well known as ?n exemplary
young man wiio by real merit hat
become one of the most energetic anr"
eflicient instructors in the schools oi
Cass county. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel1
i e 1 U v iii0iii v. o C V v. in vi. j ii'JOi v
friends, especially in Union and Mur
i rav whom thpv liavp hern pncairpi'
; in school work, and they will be cord
to make these towns the better for
him having lived near them, was
taken sick with an attack like ap
pendicitis, and which has been giv
ing this gentleman much trouble, so
much so that on last Saturday morn
ing he drove to Nebraska City where
he entered a hospital there and un
derwent an operation for the bene-
fitof his health. He did not seem to
rally following the operation, con
tinning very low after theordeal, and
sinking with the time, until it wae
thought that there was no hope of
hi3 recovery. He however survived
until about one o'clock on Monday
afternoon when he quietly passed
away. At the operation It was found
that he had a number of cancers
which had been sapping his vitality.
Mr. Cheney had lived at the home
just across the Weeping Water, for
a number of years and had been en
gaged in farming. Mr. Cheney was
a member ot the Modern woodman
and the Masonic order, and leaves tc
BED CROWN Ethyl Gasoline wfll NOT burn
y or warp properly set valves or cause scored
cylinders in any make or type of motor to any
greater extent than ordinary gasoline. It will
NOT harm a motor in any part or in any way.
It is simply quickrihg, clean-burning, Red
Crown Gasoline with Ethyl Brand of Anti
Knock Compound added.
The Ethyl 6imply regulates the combustion of
Red Crown Gasoline so that the expanded gases
maintain a steady, powerful push on the piston
the full length of the power stroke. '
This eliminates the "knock" sometimes caused
by the detonation and uneven burning of ordi
nary gasoline when there is carbon in the
cylinders or when a sudden heavy load is thrown
on the motor in climbing hills or pulling
through "heavy going" or picking up speed in
slow traffic.
Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline was developed and
is endorsed by General Motors Research Labora
tories. It stands to reason they would not j
recommend a fuel that could injure any car
they manufacture.
We recommend Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline
because it gives better performance under all
operating conditions. Be sure you get the genuine
sold only where you see the RED CROWN
Ethyl Gasoline sign on the silver pump.
For ttnocl(less,t operation avoid dilution. ;
Wait until your gasoline supply is low before
filling with Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline then
use Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline exclusively.
CA Tebraskft Insitxtim"
Mwcks otet the Enochs - ttirns carbon tnto;pm?&
From Wednesday's Dally
mourn his departure the wife with act meetinS'on Monday afternoon at
.uauge, aim one son. i nomas, as wen in 4t, , .. ;..
is an aged mother who resides in nf th. a hrtrna maa MlaT.t
Kansas. At this time it is not known with the beautiful blooms of the earlv
, , summer, the roses, peonies, iris and
"I U I. ntkn. P ..I a V. J
The family and the sorrowing fminH n nrnfatnn .,llf tJt
mother have the sympathy of their a
host of friends in which the Jour- Mrs John p Gorder wag tfae ,ead.
I n fa mat inp- ctnrv rf i Yia 1 i fa rtf TLTiea
For Sale or Trade I Jennie Cassidv. the oritrinator of the
tor good milk cows, pure orediflower mission in the W. C. T. U.
welcomed when they return cnesler vvnite gilts, urea ior sum- Miss Treva Edgerton gave two very
From Monday's Dally
Hollis Banning and Stacy Niday,
of Union, accompanied by a young
friend of Lincoln, were returning
home from Omaha last night, when
their car was driven into the hard
side of a freight car, or the freight
car hit them with the hard side of
it, we did not learn which. At any
rate, their auto was pretty badly
damaged, but the occupaDts escaped
All local news is in tne Journal.
here to resume their duties.
Strawberry Season Mw
Pint and Guar! Sasaki Jars Jui Basssved
Try GsrJo or Pcii-Js! for Risking
Special Prices!
Cups, only set of six 60c
Cups and Saucers, set of six 90c
B.owels, each 25c
Fruit Dishes, set of six 45c
Soup Coupe, six for 80c
Dinner Plates, six for 90c
Water Glasses, six for 25c
Phone No. 29
Union, Neb.
Notice cf Examinations.
The Civil Service Commission har
announced that applications will br
received until June 29th for personr
desiring to become postmaster at
Union. Campbell, Cortland and Wau
ncta, Nebraska,
Acting Postmaster.
mer and fall farrow. About eight eniovable Diano numbers while Miss
imontns oia
Weigh about 275 lbs
Union, Nebr.
Bernice Arn offered a pianologue
with Miss Marjorie Arn at the piano,
that added to the enjoyment of this
part of the program
There was a very large attendance
and as the meeting close the beauti
The Lewiston Social Circle club, If ul flowers were distributed to be
representing the ladies residing in I taken to the bedsides of the sick ones
that locality east of Murray, held! of the society who will be cheered by
their June meeting at the home of I their beauty.
Mrs. Charles Wolfe on last Friday Mrs. Baird served very dainty and
and whirh was ;i cosctnn nf the frrpiit-1 riAlisinna rpfrpshments at the con
June .Birthdays. Iest interest and Dleasure to all of I elusion of the afternoon that made
ino oid seiners register at union the ladies in attendance. the completion of an ideal event.
shows that quite a number have then There was a very arge number
birthday in this month, many of j present and the time was occupied
them, however, have moved to other in the business of the club as well
Dlaces- as the group singing, the ladles mak-J From Monday's Daily-
nan i.ynn still lives here and en mg music a part. of their club activi- Yesterday was dedication Sunday
jujs me ami waning ur uuu-neaus. 1 ties ana in which tney are deriving at the Eight Mile Grove Lutheran
as UK 11 o. iu juiu,ia great oeai of pleasure as wen as church and was a day filled with
ana Became a resident or acss county profit. serles of jmpressive services that flt-
in 18o9. At the close of the pleasant occa- tingly served to dedicate this house
Reuben D. Stine arrived at the sion the hostess served very delicious 0( worship One of the speakers of
home of his parents on June 10, 1863 refreshments that added to the en- tne ay was the Rev. Dr. Voskamp
,!, iJiaio uciiis nmiiii uimusi Moymeiu oi an or tne memuers pres
a stone's throw of his present resi- cnt and completed a most enjoyable
uence a snort distance from this vil-levent.
,aKe- I The club is planning a picnic on
.Mrs. tree! Clark's birthday was Sunday, June 26th at Arbor Lodge
Juno J'J, 18,5, and now resides only I and in which the members of the fam
a short distance from the Swan home-1 Hies of the members are urged to be
stc ;id where she was born. . I in attendance
ill C. Ramsey, formerly county I The July meeting as announced
attorney at Plattsmouth, was born will be held at the home of Mr., and
in mat. city on June 30, 1884. lie Mrs. A. Vernon
is now a prominent lawyer in Omaha
ieoia (uraves) Deneg was born in FOR SALE
tuiuii on June j.o, isao, ana now
resides m Lincoln. One Holstein bull calf, eligible to
Glen A. Rutledge, at one time edi- j registration. Real bargain price, if
, tw me umcn i,eager. was oorcitaken at once
I June 1596, in Iowa, and came EDGAR F. MEI6INGER
to .NeDrassa in laus. lie now ownslj6-2d, 2sw
and wife, who have but recently re
turned from their missionary work
in China where they have been car
rying the message of the Master to
the residents of that nation. Rev.
Weicke, superintendent of the home
missions society was also on the pro
gram of the day and gave a strong
address on the work of the society in
the church. There were three com
plete services held and the attend
ance was as large as any that has
ever assembled in the church.
When entertaining, nse Dennisoa
goods Sates Book and Gif Shoo
carries the entire Dennison line and
materials. .
Step Info One of Tboso Cool Union Suits
and Oc Comfortable!
Men's Athletic style, high grade,
Union Suits fine count dimity
cloth full taped back that pre
vents tearing. Extra full cut, sizes
36 to 50
Men's Rib Union Suits elastic
rib knit of selected fine cotton
yarns,, fiat lock seams, fashioned
shoulders. Carefully made gar
ments that fit. Sizes 36 to 46
Men's Cool Athletic Suits extra
fine dimity cloth, fully sized, web
bing back, round neck. A high
class suit at a low price. Size 36
to 46
Boys' Union Suits we have
them in knit and athletic style.
The materials are of the best ob
tainable and priced within rea
son. Sizes 26 to 34
The H. M. Soennichsen Co.
"The Store of Big Values!"