The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FAOT TT70
MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1927.
Alvo Department
Ira Loder from near Waverly wse
:i visitor in Alvo one day last week
:nd purchased a truck running gears
from Art Bird, the blacksmith.
Miss Margaret Miner has aceptei"
i position at the Farmer's and Mer
chants Lank of Alvo and will make r
very valuable employe for this in
stitution. On Memorial day the ball team of
Weeping Water were at Alvo ancT
with the Alvo team had a very enter
taining game which resulted in the
Alvo team winning the contest by r
score of 7 to 2.
Robert Crawford and Uncle Geo.
kyles of Murdock were visiting ir.
Alvo on bst Wednesday afternoon
:md Mr. SkyUs was a guest as the
home of S. C. Poyles and wife.
It.)v Lcavr and Mis.-? G oldie Dire?
were "visiting for the day at Omahn
on last Faturdny and on returning
came via Weeping Water to bring i
friend home from the big city.
Westley and Gayle Bird, the firs'
from Lincoln and the latter from
Murdock, were visiting at the home
of their parents, A. I. Hird of Alvr
n last Tuesday evening for a shor'
.Miss Mureal Vickcrs. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vickers has ac
cepted a position with Mrs. Clo O.
Schaffer of the Alvo Drug store and
postofice. Miss Vickers will make r
very able assistant for Mrs. Schaffer
("harks Godbey and wife and C. II j
Kiikpatrick and wife were vis. tin?
with friends and al-o looking after
rome business matters in Lincoln on
last Wednesday afternoon, they mak
ing the trip in the car of MV. God
Lev. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Coatman and
the baby were spending last Sundaj
at Grand Island where they were
guests at the home of a sister, Mrs.
M. L. Gollilier. where also Mr. and
Mn, W. W. Coafinan of Kim wood
were alo enjoying a visit at well.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward:
were at P'attsmouth list Sunday
where thev were in attendance at thr
funeral of the late W. II. Rainey
Mrs. I-M wards ar.d Mrs. Rainey be
ing sisters. Mrs. Edwards was at the
bedside of her brother-in-law assist
ing her sister in his care for many
days before the death came.
Hcginnir.f on last Tuesday there
was a vacation Rible school institut
ed at the Methodist church at Alvo
which will continue for some twe
weeks, and will be under the super
vision of Mis? Laurene Graver whe
comes from the Wesleyan University
of University Place. She is well quali
fied for the position ana all who at
tend will be greatly benefitted by
the course of study.
'Miss Margaret McCartney has ac
cepted a position at the Diekersor
store, supplying the place made va
cant by the resignation of Miss Lelio
Shelton. Miss Shelton has made dur
ing her stay at the store a most cap
able saleslady and lias in every way
sought to accommodate all customer
and added much to the excellent ser
vice of this institution. The new
saleslady, we are certain will make
good in the same position.
Will Ee Well Served.
The public will be served when
it comes to motor fuel, in Alvo. R.
M. Coatman at the stery has four gas
pumps, two of the Standard and two
of the State Oil company, and with
tbe facilities can care for what you
desire. At the same time Art Dinge
at th garage has al'o two pumps, one
lor tbe Standard Oil company and
cne of the Trunkenbolz Oil company
and is ever in attendance te serve
the pnb'.ie to the be-;t. The two placer
v.-ill surely take rare of all the fuel
Celebrate I-Iemcrial Day.
On I;'-t P'MKhy Memorial day was
f'Mrepr! m 1 y ce-le-hrafed. whe-n the
firing s'lu-id from Lincoln were pres
ent with a Luirler snd the graves of
th" s'ddier 'V':d were dee-ora ted with
t re try Pow-rs and an American f!n".
by tbe Legion folh.-v ing with a com
mittee of John B. Skinner and C. I).
Ganz. -i!.o ue-e-orate-d the graves of
two of t),e Civil war veterans who
He.ep fit the Brethren cemetery.
s-;outb of town.
During the- ;i ft'-rnoon Col. I'ru-e ef
I in'fdn a 'ir'"---e 1 the peeple at the
Mfthodht church, on the subject of
"Prepare dne---."
Entertain At Shower.
Mesdames A. 15. Stromer, Eirner
Klyver and J. If. Stromer entertain
ed at tbe A. 15. Stromer home at a
sbower whi'b wa.-; gvien in bore.r of
t""e June firides to be, MisH (UAilir
Rird and Leila Sherton, the former
having marrie d em last Wedne s-Ia'-:.t
Tecumseh to Mr. Roy Leaver, and
tbe- latte-r to lie united in marriage
n June 17h to Mr. Lloyd Fife-r. TIi"1
e.casiou was one of nrieh ple-asiii-.--piid
tbe hostesses made everything
most pleasant for the guests. A large
number of very beautiful and useful
Goods for the Spring!
Oil Stoves the housewife will appreciate, Cream Separators for
more cream, Lawn Mowers to beautify the home surroundings,
'Eig Bsn Alarm Clocks for early risers, Paints, Varnishes and
all seasonable spring goods. Farm Implements, Garden Tools,
Fane and Garden Seeds. Everything else in Hardware line.
See Us for Your Needs
Coatman Hardware Co.,
ALVO :-: :-: :-: NEBRASKA
presents were presented to the brides-to-be.
Married at Tecumseh.
On last Wednesday Mr. Roy Leaver
and Miss Goldie Bird drove to Tecum
seh where they secured the neces
sary papers anel were united in the
holy bonds of matrimony. These two
young people need no introduction
to the people of Alvo and vicinity,
for they are well and very favorably"
known to the people here. The Jour
nal and their many friends are ex
tending to them the wish for a happy
and useful life.
Give Farewell Supper.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Banning gave
a farewell supper on last Saturday
evening in honor of Mrs. Simon Rhe
meyer who on the following day de
parteel for New York for sailing on
Thursday for Helligolow, Denmark,
to be absent for the summer. Mr.
and Mrs. Banning served a most ap
petizing fried chicken supper which
was greatly enjoyed oy an present
Mrs. W. E. Fairfield furnished a nice
ly fried chicken and Mrs. Frank E
C'ok an angel food cake for her to
take along, while the Pythian sisters
gave their departing friend and sis
ter a book in which to write her let
ters home with, and all wished her
a pleasant journey.
Notice School Meeting.
The annual school meeting of Dis
trict No. 102 Cass county, Nebras
ka, will be held at the high school
auditorium on Monday, June 13th,
1927 at eight o'clock in the evening
for the purpose of transacting any
legal business and to appropriate
$17,000 for general school purposes
which is in exces3 of the levy.
Sunshine 4-H Club Activities.
Mrs. Lloyd Eidenmiller is the new
local leader of the Sunshine 4-H can
ning club of Alvo. The girls are sor
ry to los2 Miss Bird but wish her
oodles of happiness and success in
her new home.
Clara Rueter and Frances Edwards
our demonstrating team gave a de
monstration on "Equipment for Cole
Packing." at our list meeting Satur
day afternoon at the M. E. church
basement in Alvo.
Frances showed us the three kinds
of fruit jars and how to seal them.
Clara told us about the other equip
ment we would need in cold packing
and the uses of each.
The next meeting will be held at
tht same place Thursday afternoon.
June 9.
We want everey member to
Did Good Work.
The Morning Glory Canning club
which is composed of the older girls
mot May 24 at the campfire rooms.
A demonstration team was elected
Helen Ilardnock and Iva Bird are on
this team and will represent the club
at the various places. Eleanor Ilen-
sley anel Gladys Keller gave demon
strations on "Care cf Cleaning Equip
The girls then studied their new
lesson. Decided to meet with Mis
Eleanor Hensley for their next meet
The telephone can be credited with
revolutionizing life on the farm.
It has brought the city anel coun
try together; it has obliterated dis
tance; it has developed neighborli-
ness among farmers, and it has been
of inestimable value to the farmer in
facilitating his business ane! saving
his time.
It is difficult to comprehend how
the farmer can very well do without
the telephone, but then, for that
matter, it would be pretty hard for
any of u.s to dispense with it. The
whole structure of modern business
is built around the telephone and its
quick method of communication.
FroTD Thursday s Daily
This morning complaint was made
by John A. Koukal before County
Attorney W. G. Kieck, asking that
E. A. Koukal be placed under a peace
bond, the result of a disagreement
that arose between the two parties
yesterday at the Koukal farm north
west of the city. The bond as re
quested was supplied. The defendant
in the action was fined $10 and costs
yesterday on an assault charge that
was preferred by John A. Koukal.
The trouble seems to have arisen
over the conduct of the farm here,
which was owned by the father of
the young men anel the estate that
is now being settled up.
tJoi, Years
Baking Powder
Guaranteed Pure
Use KC for finer texture
and larger volume
in your bakings
Millions of pounds used
by our Government
Dr. Heineaian, lJentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Thursday's Dally
Mrs. W. Y. Nolte and daughters
Wilma and Kathleen came in thi
morning from their farm home nea
Mynard and departed on the early
Burlington train for Omaha where
they will spend a &hort time there
Mrs. R. 11. Tompkins and da ugh-
Robbie, are at Portland Oregon.
where they will spend a short time
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kopischka and family ir. that
city, Mrs. Kopischka being another
daughter of Mrs. Tompkins.
From Fridays Daliy
Marriage license was issued today
in the office of County Judge A. II
Duxbury to Berniee Colbert ani'
Charles Joyce, both of Weeping Wa
Mrj. Fred L. Adams, who has Leer
spending a short timo in Galesbnrg
anel other points in Illinois with rc
latives and friends, returned h'jine
this morning.
Loy Clarence, former resident of
near Union and now iocateel in east
ern Colorado, was in the ci'y for a
few hours today to attend to some
matters In the county court.
E. H. Douglass and little son. Jun
ior, who have been spending a few
days at Warsaw, Indiana, with thr
parents of Mr. Douglass, have re
turned home after a most pleasant
Bert Clarence, who resides in the
northern portion of the state was
here today in company with hi3 bro
ther. Sheriff Peter Cla-ence of Hart
ington to attend to some matters ir
the county seat.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilee, Mrs. L.
L. Wiles and Linville Wiles and Mrs
E. II. Wescott were visitors in Lin
coln today where they will atten;!
the commencement exercises at the
Wesleyan university.
John Young, wife and daughter
Helen, Mrs. Flora Rivctt and daugh
ter, Mrs. Lawrence Fredericks, anJ
granddaughter, Mildred Claire, were
here yesterdas- for a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith.
Mrs. Fred Spangler was a visitor
in Omaha today where she was call
ed to have a specialist there loo!,
after the care of one of her eye-,
that has been giving her a great
deal of trouble of late due to an in
Mrs. Lucille Clabaugh of St. Lt-uis
arriveel here this morning to spen'?
a short time with her parents. Ol
and Mrs. XI. A. Bates, being called
here by the illness of her father, whe j
has been iuite poorly for the past j
two weeks.
From Saturday's rally
W. E. Hand of Greenwood was r
visitor at the court house today to at
tend to some matters of business.
Mrs. Frank Janda was a passenger
on the; early Burlington train today
for Ord, Nebraska, where she will
visit for a short time.
M. N. Drake of Louisville and son
Charles, of Omaha were here today
for a few hours attending to some
matters at the court house.
George Trunkenboltz and Johr
Lomeyer of Green wooel were here
today for a few hours, attending tc
some matters at the court house in
which they were interested.
Lester Burrows, express driver, i?
taking a short vacation from his
duties as his mother, Mr3. Mary Bur
rows, is quite ill and requires the
constant attendance of the members
of the family.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sattler, Mr.
and Mrs. Harley Burdick and Mrs.
J. F. Warga were in Omaha today
where they were called by the death
of a sister of C. C. Lohmann, son-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. Sattler.
Mrs. Fred Osborn and son, Deloss
of Perry, Iowa, who have been here
visiting for a few days, departed for
their home today and were accom
panied as far as Omaha by Mrs. Ilai--
ry Lcosia and littlo daughters
n Group
II. B. Koop of the Horn
DanK or uouisvine and John ( rour
of that place, were here today for !
a few hours attending the sale of the,
l.oT"3"6, ic.h'
r u.o uciu cuciu ueu m'tu luuay .
Carl R. Keil, who has
oeen ai- i
tending the Kemper Military school
ai uoonevuie, .Missouri, returned I
home yesterday. Mr. Keil has com-j
jpleted a very successful year at
j Kemper and was one of the highest
(ranking members" 8f his class. j
Yeggs at Work
in EastenTParfc
of the State
Six Towns Report Theft Appearance
and Performance in Two Nights
of Present Week.
A crime wave rolled over eastern
Nebraska during the first two days
:oi the present week.
' Monday night c. theater at Fre
j raont was robbed and the night mar
shal at Nehawka engaged in a gun
(fight with'three strangers who open
j ed fire when he put a flash light on
them. He drove them out cf town.
Tuesday night the bank of Colon
was entered and robbed of a small
amount, a store at Ashland was rob
bed of a considerable amount, four
garages at Nebraska City were cn-
I tered and tools stolen and a Studo
j baker four door sedan taken. The
i postofnee at Julian was robbed and
I some cf the tools stolen at Nebraska
j City were found in the pestofftee. t
Officers, after reviewing closely the j
work of the robbers at the Colon
jbank, are inclined to doubt their ex j
nertness. They cut thru the vault t
door with little trouble but got little.
farther. They ai. not attempt tc
open tne money sate
lievo they ran out of
tanks and torches used at the Colon
bank are believed to have been stolen
from a Fremont junk yard.
Seme of the Monday night re
ports filtered thru to Lincoln after
news of the Colon bank robbery be
came known Tuesday. That was true
j )erv Xews of tho robbery at
,, fh tin, tnfnrmntinn enmr
II ill--Mi. iv I I I rnt null 1.111. uii
. - - ------ -
from Colon.
State Sheriff Condit was expect
ing some other job to tie pulled in
the near future that might give a
more elefinite clue to some of the
members of the gangs. While the
robberies were probably pulled by
two or three gangs it is believed they
ray have been working with the
"rr.ov. lee'ge of eac h other.
The battle with the night marshal
at Nehawkf! is sa:d to have been ejuite
a rheioting affair. The marshal put v
ibi.-h light on three suspicious char
acters. He was hot rt nnd returned
tbe His gun jammed. He jump
ed behind a corner to get his gun
working again and they continued tc;
shoot. When he emerged with artil
lery working t?iey lied in a car.
'rom Friday's Dally
This morning the time of the coun
ty court was occupied in hearing the
application of Dati Lynn, administra
tor of tho estate of John Clarence,
deceased for his' discharge and the
acceptance of his final report. Mr.
Lynn has had charge of the affairs cf
the estate and providing for the care
of tho widow of the deceased, anel
protest of the acceptance of the ap
plication for the discharge of the
administrator and acceptance of his
report, is made by several of the
heirs of tho estate in that the
amounts that were allowed the widow
it is alleged was excess of the amount
provided by the deceased John Clar
ence. Mr. Lynn has had charge of the
estate for several years and desires to
bo relieved of further responsibility
in the matter.
Last week the little son of Mr. acu
Mrs. Fred Lake whilo at play crawl
ed up or. the roof of the barn and
fell off with the result that he broke
tho left arm verv badly. When the
little fellow saw what had happened
he :;tii(k the arm in a water tank
which was close by. He was immed
iately brought to the doctor where
the arm was taken care of. How
ever, blood-poisoning ret in and hi
condition was considered so rerious
that it was thought necessary to am
putate the arm in order to save hi:
His condition for several days was
considered very grave, but af the
present time he is gettirg along a
well as could bo expected and i
thought to be entirely out of clanger.
Elmwood leader-Echo.
Our Repair
is kept constantly busy because mo
torists recotmize it as the best and
Inost reliable repair shop for every
kind of damap-e a ear ran nossiblv
:Kma 01 aamage a car can possiDiy
And, being practical men of
long and varied experience, all our
repair work is excellently and thor-
, .,, - ,
'nTTP - nlv nr.rf ttithnnt nn7iiccprv n.
j n. i
,iaj a a" iCaDic uuoigc
Frady's Garage
Phone 58
Boys Wash Hats
50 & 75c
lifunsingwear for Boys
75c to $1.25
From SatureJay'a IBlly
From the reports reaching this
rnd some be- j city t!;e vicinity of Greenwood was
gas. The ga:a r,iace cf turault and rioting Friday
evening and which involved some ten
or twelve persons cf that city and
It seems from the reports that the
affair occurred at a dance in Green
wood and the affair seems mixed up
with the old foe. John Barleveorn
r''''";cnd the matter v. ill probably be giv-
Ash- 1 f,n n nlrinf- thft msttpr has lierT
inin..ri , ,i. hni-tif.r nsj,iYYr.rii,
I I Mill I 1 1 ' M
Planning a picnic or party? Call
at the Bates Book and Gift Shop and
see the many things the Dennison
line offers.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
National Stone Co., a
Corporation, Plaintiff
Gardner Powers et al.
To the defendants: Gardner Pow
ers; Powers, real name un
known, wife of Gardner Powers;
Richard Claiborne, Sr.; Clai
borne, real name unknown, wife of
Richard Claiborne, Sr.; Richard
Claiborne, Jr.; Elizabeth Claiborne,
wife of Richard Claiborne, Jr.; Rich
ard B. Claiborne; Elizabeth Clai
borne, wife of Richard B. Claiborne;
J. T. A.. Hoover, real name unknown;
Hoover, real name unknown,
wife of J. T. A. Hoover; Effy Hoover;
Hoover, real name unknown,
husband of Effy Hoover; J. F. Hoov
er, real name unknown; Hoover,
real name unknown, wife of J. F.
Hoover; Jacob F. Huber; Mary Hu
ber, wife of Jacob F. Huber; John
G. Huber; Miua Huber, wife of John
G. Huber; L. Billings, real name un
known; Billing3, real name
unknown, spouse of L. Billings;
Anna M. Huber Stulken; Henry J.
Stulkea, husband of Anna M. Huber
Stulken; Minnie (Mina) Huber
Handka; John Handka, husband of
Minnie (Mina) Huber Handka;
George F. Huber; Huber, real
name unknown, wife of George F.
Huber: Carl (Charles) Huber:
Huber, real name unknown, wife of;CIerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or
Carl (Charles) Huber; Minnie. at the office of the Department of
(Mina) Huber, wife of John George ', Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Huber, deceased, if living, if deceas- Tne successful bidder will be re
ed, the heirs, devisees,, legatees, per-. Quired to furnish bond in an amount
sonal representatives, and of all equal to 100 of his contract,
other persons interested in the es- Certified checks made payable to
tates of each of the above named the Department of Public Works for
persons, each deceased, whose names ' not less than flve Per cent (5) of
and whereabouts are to plaintiff un- ' the amount of the bid will be re-
known: The South Platte Land Com
pany, a corporation, its successors
and assigns, and all persons having
or claiming any interest in the fol
lowing described real estate situated
in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit:
Lots three hundred eighty-one
(3S1), three hundred eighty
two (3S2), three hundred eighty
three (383), four hundred
eighty-one (4S1), four hundred
eighty-two (4S2) and four hun
dred eighty-three (483), Orig-
inal Plat of the Village of
Louisville, Cass county, Nebras
ka, real names unknown
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the above named plain
tiff filed a petition and commenced
an action in tne District uoun 01
Cass county, Nebraska, on the
day of May, 1927, against you and
each of you, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree of court
quieting title in and to Lots three
hundred eighty-one (3S1), three
hundred eighty-two (3S2), three
hundred eighty-three (383), four
hundred eighty-one (481), four hun
dred eighty-two (4S2) and four.
hundred eighty-three (4S3), Original;
Plat of the Village of Louisville, CasS(
i i
county. Nebraska, as against you ana.
each of you, and for such other and j
further relief as may be just and
equitable, including costs of suit.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 18th day of July. 1927. ,
or the allegations of plaintiff's peti-j
tatn trn and a de-
cree wiU be entered in favor of plain-
tiff and against you and ea
according to the prayer of
each of you,
said peti
Dated this 31st day of May, A.
' Plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Boy's Tub Suits!
This has been the biggest season on boy's
wash suits we have ever known. It must
be we have just what the mothers want.
Another new si .'pnisnt has just been re
received. All the latest ideas and colors.
Every one sun and tub proof. The price
is very attractive less than you can make
1.45 or 3 for $3.50
And Wo Monkey Business
From Friday's Dally
The Boy Scouts returned home
thi-5 morning after having spent n
very enjoyable time at Cedar Creek
where they were in camp since last
Saturday afternoon. The boys had in
tended to come home yesterday but
owing to the fact that they made a
fine catch of fish they decided to stay
a while longer and enjoy the
There ha3 been many exciting in
cidents of the camp and which will
in time be given full publicity. The
boys had several hikes to Louisville
and vicinity and visited the old Stout
house and other places of interest in
that part of the county. Swimming
matches were held when the weathe
was warm enough and several of the
boys also were at Camp Quivera te
join the Lincoln scouts in their trrc
meet. One boxing match, or rathoi
almost a Loxing match occurred over
the question of the prowess of tw
of the party as fishermen, but no ser
ious damage occurred.
Taken as a whole the camp war
very pleasing and had a fitting end
ing this morning as the boys tore
down their tents in time to get caugh
in the rain.
A Milwaukee binder, 7-foot cut,
with traveling trucks and tongue
trucks. In good running order in
every way. G. V. Pickwell, 1
miles west of Murdock, Nebr.
Sealed bids will be received at the
Department of Public Works in the
State House at Lincoln, Nebraska,
on June 30th, 1927, until 9 o'clock
a. m., and at that time publicly
opened and read for GRAVEL SUR
FACING and incidental work on the
107-A, State Aid Road.
The proposed work consists of con
structing S.3 miles of GRAVEL road.
The approximate quantities are:
11,200 square yards Sand
Gravel Surfacing, 3" deep.
94,000 square yards Sand
Gravel Surfacing, " deep.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
This work must be started prev
ious to July 15th and be completed
by October 1st, 1927.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
State Engineer.
County Clerk, Cass County.
Farmers Mutual Insurance
or Cass County, Nebraska
was organized by Cass County Farmers in 1894.
During the Company's existence our members have
saved money on insurance premiums, and we have
paid our losses promptly.
If you are looking for good insurance at a reasonable
rate we invite you to become a member of our Cass
county Institution.
For full particulars write
1 P. FflLT
One of the attractive spots in tho
eastern part of the state is "Kamp
Kill Kare" located southeast of Union
and where Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynn
of Union have their summer borne
and where there gathers almost every
dvy large parties of the residents of
hi:? part of the state to enjoy an out
ing. The Lynn family moved out to
the camp the 3rd of May :n l have
had a great deal of pleasure in fish
ing and enjoying the pleasures of
the outdoor life, despite the fact that
the Weeping Water creek was up
for seme little time. The fishing at
this time is not so good, Mr. Lyn i
s'ates but they are expecting to have
the usual fishing grounds in good
shape by the late summer.
The Latter Day Saints of Nebras
ka City, Lincoln and Omaha arc plan
ning to hold a large picinie party
at the camp grounds in th next
few days and which will bring sev
eral hundred to that scenic anel pleas
ant part of the county to enjoy the
delights of fishing and boating and
camp life in the pleasant surround
ings. James M. Robertson, president of
the Nebraska Masonic Home associa
tion, William F. Evens, superintend
ent and V. A. Robertson were in
Omaha today to look after some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. Marvin Allen was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to Fpend the day in that city looking
after some matters of business.
Moye Pays Cash
Poultry, Eggs, Cream
Hides and Furs
Special Price for One Week on
Grey - - - 35c block
White - - 40c block
Moye Produce Co.
Telephone 391
Plattsmouth, Neb.
:- t
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; i