7 n PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, XA7 25, 1927. 1 Union. Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Citizens' Military Training Oamp For Boy Age, 17 to 24 ALL NESESSARY EXPENSES PAID Including railroad fare, food, lodging, uniforms and medical and dental attendance while at camp. August 1st to August 31st at FORT CROOK, NEBRASKA Opportunity to Enroll Now We will fill out your applications free of charge! The B anh UNION, NEBRASKA W. B. BANNING, Cashier Mra. K, A. Howler war a visitor in Weeping Water on Wednesday of l;mt week. Attmi Plr-N'nniee wn milking point' minor rep'1 Irs, on bl-i chickt n hoM.:' liuHm; the f.irlv portion of the verl.. A. It. lower of Weeping Water Win a visitor in T'lion on -r.t Mmi- l.iy ."rid ivin iilso the guer.l f A. W. Prop1' Frank and Anna H.-ricr wi re v f f t -ing nt Gn-'-nwood fpr ovct Sii:m!;iv nt the home of Mr. and MrH. Harold Nichols. I The Service Store Wc are licre to serve you the best, and supply you with the b"st poods at 'the lowest price. Oar endeavors in 1927 vill be concentrated on givirg yon snch efficient service yon will become a regular walking adver tisement, speaking only jood words for our store. St Grocery me s ! Union, Nebraska j Doing Excellent Vork Ihe Constant Potential Bat tery Charter which I have just installed is a wonder for most effective work in battery charging. If you get yonr battery here by nine o'clock, you can have it that evening. 0;ir price for one day ser vice for a Six Volt Eattery ii 75 Cents. Attcberry Garage Union - Ntbrnsha I iJi Tririvyii wi iiifcinjirriiy'ijuiazgas ! yr m tmml Waliii j: ac Rlm. & Greened Com - Pc33 - Tomatoes - Kidney Beans Fork and Beans - Hominy, large size Choice, 10c Can RICE Fancy head, 3 lbs. for 25c LARGE PRUNES 2 lbs. for 25c RAISINS Er.tra fancy, 3 lbs. for 35c Try Our P &. G Gallon Fruits Nothing Better Special Value Try our Omar, Perfection or Schminke's Best Flour! Dry Goods Department ?lcn's and Boys' Work Straw Hats Boys' Dress Caps, each $1.10 Mens Dress Caps, etch 2.25 A full line of Powell Overalls Just Received. Phone No. 29 of I3mm Charier- Hanson find John iif'.ui' . after of near .N'ehawka were lookin hur.irie.qs matters in Union on Monday ol tills week. A. Ii. Meeker skipped two car of wood to the Lincoln market during th'-i week, having the wood hauled Into n In t ru' ks. John f'hrls-.veissiT in working a ! I'lmv.-ood wl'i-ri' Iu is the eneir.ecr of Itiie .IV.- mi 1 which Ko refit Ctinuing 'ham Ik running nenr that pln c. ' J. A. Carner, representing the Stark nnrfterier. of Ktirk. !o., h;-r i been ( ;iiiv:i sing the territory con- !ti'".ioii'; to I'nion for tlie p:i;t v:-ek. i K.irl Merri't, the paintfr and do corntor, 1;is bt en red'-corai ii'g th'1 bank bui'di'u. and making the pla'N; ! tool; 111 i' new rirain. Karl ca.i dr j t'rele J. I). Mrnmlett was calbd ; Id I'lnt ! -iininit li on last. Mond-y to j I hi!: after some business matters for a short tine, innking the trip in hi. I auto. I Hrofcfisor S-Vhrciner who has beer i kept t- liis home in Kans.ns wlt'i nr. att:i'-k ' f fee munip-: ii .' i f:ir r- co4 r-d that lie has nturr.id to hi' work. I Merry H. P.eeker v.as overhauling ti tractor for J. Ii. W:'t":!rr. durii:1: . ho i ny portion of f)is week, irf t- ting it in condition for tone u;ivy work. C. Wafkins of Walt Mill wa:i a busi ti'-HA vi'itor In Union lirf week ad 'vii s t lying to lerse lands for the sink Jrg of coal mino Kharfn. b lb.vin" there I.; co;-1 in this vi" inity. Jos.ep'i A. Kverett '.'."is ihliveritig when at the ('. C. M"fart!:ry ele vator on last Monday ;w;.I was nlso enjoying t!i very satisfactory pri-e whi Ii hi.; laft year's corn crop w;i? brin'rin;.; Iiitn. Mis KnofUn Herman of Mohcrly !o.. m t; 1 Mrs. .T'ssie Sco't of f!ro"n vil'e. tint It si'lers of Mrs. H. 1". Com": have In en vi itlng w'tb th. 'r y l i fer the past, few days departed their home in the south early for ti: li week. Mr. and Mi s. K. W. Kee.ly of Ar.h-hiA-! where they are engaged In the drug bmiiwr.s and are don" a fine ho-, ino--. were vi- itlnr ith their many frlerd.i ,'Mul relatives i: t'-ii ia 1 i-t Sunday, they driviry: over ; m their town for th d y. f'harles A't cherry the dea'er in th. celebrate" fT.avrolet motor car dis posed of one of this pxcf.'.ent liti' of car:- to Fred Uinvilb . Mr. Dinvilb S-'eeted -ouie r.odel whie'i v ill in care for his t ra nsporrarfon neeil.s an excellent manner. I:;l and "Ougone Koh!y who have both b en ha vltifr; more or less trou ble with their tonsils, fur some time past had them removed during th'- past week and tire gi fting along nice-j 1 1 nion, Neb. e&3 QUEEPiE U i ;ly notwithstanding that their throat? iare Hornewhat sore as yet. I In lhi hull fam- which was filav- Jed in Union on Sunday of last week, i between the team of Weeping Water! JitKfl the Union team there was much ! Interest taken, and wa enjoyed by' J he fans. The reaulta of the contest was Weeping Water 6, Union 4. A. L. Becker haH a large area of watermelons and mu.sk raelor.s plant ed where hut a short time Bince there was the native timber 'i;row fng. he having had the ben get the wood off and into cultivation. Mr. Becker has enough planted in this JuhHouh fruit to supply all Cass coun ty and then some to Kpare. I H. McCartney and C. G. Mc Carthey have gone into the invent ing business, with the running gear from a discarded power washer, they arranged the different parts of tht machinery and harn'-swd an electric motor to the aggregation and called it a bolting machine, and were using it for bolting groundfee Is. the cours er portions for course grit for ehick- ems and the finer portions which i:-' used for meal. Son:'! one cnd'-rivored to enter the :-'ore of Mabel 11. Reynolds on la't Sunday night and succeed'-d in break t m.g a gla.'iB in the rear door, out - " Iv.'tro frightened awiiy before they T..nt.' .1 ...1.. C. ..... !.... ...,.r. ;;i.m ju.oie fiiii y. 01 liiir unit' r.oi.e.' oi.v j will find a welcome which will not j be to their liking for there will be Home oiio in the store which they seel: to enter and a gun will accidentally or otlurwise gr off and some work will be laid out for the coronor. Baccalaureate Sermon. Last. .Sunday at the Maptlst chunh wa:; bt Id t!ie Kcrmon i:: lion r of th' I.iss of 1 r27 of the Union hools and was delivered by Kv. W. A. Tay l'ir who Is well qualified to handk this kind of a subject in the bert maniH r, lie having a wide view of life ai.ci iis imports. 'Special mt:?ic va.-; had, and all was arranged to give the setting of the meeting the mos' a us pit ions i arrow nil i nt;. The address by the Rev. Taylor r.s on:! well calculated to give in struct ioa to tboi.e who were just en tf iing life after tlieir period of vtutly in thr' school:?. J)? well as a g.iide tr; tho.-e who have :'.!re;dy in a I.ieasurc heconi" et runs. The I'o.inwivrr Is a list of those wj;o .-.. m .ll.ii!1linIr I..?. 1 1 i ?.-'tifll. i.l.ll I 1 Hl .IDS I''IJI !. t i" n of lcarninir: Mi.-vrs Margaret '"he'iry, Uuth A pp'erate, i'-l:' Mi' Ciaeen, jithI MJhlred Smith, ?.Is vs. Honabl McQu c n. IV-itricV. Ilodely Lucean I'anning end Melvin Todd. The inst rrctor:; f ll;e s ho.-l who hr;(! g'.'idi d tiieir young people in the studies are James M.nrsell. th yvp riiitend'-nt, Miss I.elia C!. Mays principal, and Uayinor.d A. S.-'hrei lie. Death of Xiss Florence Hansen. Mirs riorence Hansen passed away at. the Lord Lister hospital nt Omalm at 1 a. m. Monday morning. Mi's Florence was born mile-:' north wc-t of .Vehawka, N'ebr.. Ot 21. 1 !):!. She died May 1, at the age years 0 months and 2T days. Sl;e attende,! e-ouniy school until i aljoitt 10 years of age and movnif to riattsmouth. attended sehool a rhort tirnt and movif.g to Omatia shf ac'eplttl a iosition wit!; a firm of which she worked for 1 ' years until dnL. She was the only liv;'r -'mighto: of Charles fiid Mollis Hansen. She was of a kindly disposition rnd will be greatly missed by 'parents anc1 friend;'. Funeral service:', wove h M from the Methodist church nt Nehawka on May 17. at n. c inducted by the KeV. W. A. Taylor or Union. Interment was made in ti c St. John'r ccmetedv northwest of N'elia v';a. I-Iereoi"ial Services Coming Sunday. "e?norial services, will be heb! at Union on Sunday morning. May 29fa the address being delivered by the Hon. W. M. Manning, while special music and songs will be interspersed the well arranged program. The W. A. and the Royal Neighbor? will aprt ieipnte. as well as tl:e Grand Army of the Republic, and the vet erans of the Spanish-American war and the American I,egion. who gave sc rvice in the late World war. To these services all are cordially invit id. The services will be held at the liaptist church. Will Complete Organization. The Woman's club of this vicinity who havo been doing some work in the line of extension work from the state department, will meet at the home of Ivan Tilfonr on Tuesday May 31st. when they expect to com plete their work of organization. All that have been taking the work and all interested In the movement are expected to bo present and assist in the final work of the organization. Eev. C. M. Graves Very Sick Word in the shape of a telegram from Taconia. Washington, to Mr. Julian fJ raves of Peru was to the effect that Calvin M. Graves who liar hem residing in the west for some time, and who has reached a very i advanced i?go h; in very poor health and that he was not expentctt to sur vive. Mr. Grnves has been engaged in I the ministry, and is well known in. j Union and tho remainder of the coun- ty. He has been in the west now for: a number of years. Rev. Graves is an: .3 older brother of Attorney C. ii raves or union. Enjoy May Festival. The members of the grades of the 13 T ' i 1 . . t 1 . 1 L ff ts entertainment at the Propst audltor g ium on Friday cf last week at which thero was a Urfc nnmhpr in nttf-nd- ment very graciously saw that the parents of all the scholars were pleas anly entertained, and a very enjoy able evening was spent, besides the excellent time which was provided A neat sum for the use of the grade: was realized. Miss Bessie Watkln? was the one selected as the Queen of the May, and was one very well adapted to the part which she was to enact, for she surely made a very Jury Holds Five Guilty for Killing Hollywood Actor Sentence, Penalty Being One to Ten Years' Imprisonment, Will Be Pronounced Friday. Ios Angeles, May 25. Mrs. Sarah Kerrick and four others were found guilty of manslaughter here late Tuesday for the killing of Tom Ker rick, motion picture actor, at a drink ing party in Hollywood early last April. Those convicted "besides the widow i of the slain cowboy actor were Anita Davis. Iri;i Hums and Henry isabell. motion picture extras, and Joe Hunt Arizona cowboy, all of whom were members of the "moonshine" party at the Kerrick home, which the po lice characterided as ore of the wild- I est ever to come to their attention. Shows little Emotion. Mrs. Kerrick, wiiose testimony in her own defense was mnrKed by hys terical fits of weeping and sobbing, evinced little emotion when the ver dict was announced. Sentence will bo pronounced next Uriday. Trial of the quintet, each member of which attempted to throw the blame for the shooting on another was unu-ual in that defense attor neys, through cross-examination, con duced almost wholly the prosecu tion case. Asks Conviction. When the time came for summing up, the prosecution made no attempt to f: the blame on anyone, but ask ed uat all five bo convicted. Kerrick was shot to death early en the morning of April 9 in hi Hollywood flat. Penalty for manslaughter, under California law, ii from one to 10 year: imprisonment. UTILITIES MUST COMPETE WITH OTHER BUSINESSES Distinguished from a manufactur ing establishment, a public utility iJ generally non-competitive. Because of this the utility is hedged in with many laws and regulations intended to limit its operations and to con trol its. financing. It Is frequently overlooked that two Ft reams of money must be con tinually flowing into a utility prop erty serving a growing community. One stream, from revenues derived from the sale of service, has to pay, all operating costs, interest and divi-i (Tends, he second stream is the new! capital necessary to build extensions ', end serve new customers. ! The utility must go into the open ,1 market to supply the second stream! of money. To be successful it must! pay the market price and must meet the market conditions of the moment.; If not free to do so, new money will j be diverted into other channels, and tho company cannot properly grow to' serve its public. It is one thing-for a regulatory body to fix rates which limit earn-' ings on money already obtained, but it is quite another to hold them so low that investors cannot be induced to supply the capital necessary for, expansion. For this reason, rate of' interest or dividends that a company must pay in order to secure money for additional property, must be an ever-present factor in regulation of earnings. IIYNARD U. B. CHURCH Church school at 10 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. Subject. "What Am I Doing With Christ?" We most cordially invite all to our services. G. D. WEAVER, Pastor. The Ladies Aid society will Meet with Margaret Vallery on June 2. Graduation gifts at the Bates Book & Gift Shop. Til "'1 i 3 L THEN W i and when it cc KttoiksoiiSihel&iozltf-titpns carbmt Fourth Call for f"of"A VlVl0fc lJi.C4.lC If Ctl 1 dllLO Plans to Call Registered Warrants as Rapidly as Receipts Justify, Thus Saving Interest. State rcasurer Stebbins is prepar ing to issue a fourth call for regis tered state warrants. It will be a to tal of $1,250,000 general fund war rants and will include all such war rants issued in February and March. t:. a. - ' i t ..ii x ins imra can inciuueu au warrama issued in January. j Believing that the receipts of thej treasury will be normal for the month of June Treasurer Stebbins said he would issue the fourth call dated some j ide R -I w 3 1. 1 t: A - rasoline must be absolutely dcvelon evcrv possible ounce must give the best possible performance Ethyl Brand of Anti-Knock Compound is al ways added to the selected gasoline. Quick-starting, clean-burning, Red Crown Gaso line is the last word in power and economy. Ethyl Brand of Anti-Knock Compound added to it makes it the unbeatable combination. It gives a new rr.nge of power for summer as well as for winter driving for climbing hills, for pulling through mud cr sand, for creeping along in slow traffic without shifting gears with never a "JjnocV'- Carbon in the motor helps performance and builds up power because the higher the com pression the better work Rd Crown Ethyl Gasoline does. Try a tankful in your own car. But be sure you get the geyiuine sold only where you sec the RED CROWN Ethyl Gasoline sign, on the silver pump. For "knockless" operation avoid dilution. Wait until ymir gasoline supply is low before filling uith Red Croivn Eihl Gasoline then use Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline exclusively. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA CA 7lebrasa Institution" time between June S and June 15. I re j said he feels that he should take up! registered general fund warrants as' rapidly as th receipts of his office will justify and thus reduce the in- rtehter?rpQ arid nhli rn t inns of the Red teowM A i fe) 1 state. With this policy followed hejnal office. states that he will have no idle funds on hand. A large part of the $l,"250,- 000 which will be called for payment in June are held by the Woodmen of ! the World of Omaha and the Beatrice National bank. Lancaster county made its second remittance in May to the state treas ury Monday when it paid in $75, 000 which goes for the redemption of registered general fund warrants Its first reniitance was $54,000. The ca for June now helQ? ar ranged wil make the total of four calls $3,141,1S5. The previous calls were for the following amounts; First, Of Course You Can on isooav ears Goodyears don't cost any more. In fact they cost a lot less in the end he cause of the unusually long and trouble free mileage they deliver. We sell and service the complete line. Bring your tire problems to us for a money saving solution with Goodyears. emaufi rj ,-rr, r rj Plattsmouth, Nebraska A '1 reliable oTpower, into power J5S0.611.46; second, third $705,602.28. $604,971.53; Business stationery, programs and all kinds of job printing at the Jour- BABY CHICKS Leghorn Baby Chicks 8c Eacli M. II. Leesley Greenwood r; U tvt nrj r?, V S J X t X. f I 0 t