The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 26, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927.
. Concludes Her School Year. I
Miss Doris Magney, who has, dur
ing the past year, been instructor at
the schools of Nebraska City, with
this week completed her fifth year
as an instructor there. Miss Magney
has been elected as one of the faculty
of the school for the coming year,
which will make eix years which she
will have served with credit and sat
isfaction to the patrons of the school.
Ncfaawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Attention, Farmers!
Here is the Solution to Your
Feeding Problems
Why pay $60.00 to $80.00 per ton for what you raise on your farm?
You can get balanced feed in any ratio with any percent of Tank
age. Bring in your own grain, and we will balance it for you, grind
ing all together. Come, see us for what you want in the feed line.
The Klehawka EVJills
C. D. Saint John Nehawka, Nebr.
R. Kettlehut was shelling and de
livering corn to the farmers elevator
on last Monday.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore was a visitor in
Nehawka and was looking after some
official business early last Sunday
Little Dorothy Shumaker, who has
"been very ill with an attack of pneu
monia, is reported as getting along
nicely at thi3 time.
James M. Palmer was assisting
with the stress of work at the Farm
er's Elevator, assisting Stewart
Rough with the work.
Sheriff Bert Reed and deputy, Col.
Rex Young, were called to Xebawka
on last Sunday morning to look after
some official business in their line.
Miss Gladys Wolfe, who has been
taking instruction in beauty culture
Enjoy Picnic Dinner.
At the home of Hall Pollard was
were visiting in Nehawka on Monday
afternoon of this week and were
guesst at the home of A. F. Sturm and held one of the most delightful gath-
other friends, benator Warner oi erings of the spring time season. The
Lancaster county served in the state dinner and picnic was given in honor ,
senate with Senator A. F. Sturm. of the families of C. F. Harris and J
Last Saturday John Chrisweisser Lee Farris, and was attended by a;
and F. H. Cunningham departed ror large number of relatives and friends,
the site of the saw mill which they who came from many miles to enjoy
are establishing near Elmwood and the occasion.
for the power plant which is three (
miles from the place where they arej yisit f plattsmouth.
to operate. They returned and on M Elizabeth Whiteman. Ray
Monday morning they again departed Whiteman and Glen Whiteman and
for their work. They will be kept.fnmilv ol, n. ,Vo OTW, Pho,iM
llif ic iui auuic Liixi niiu iiicrii ui r ,
of converting logs into lumber. j
Wiliam Johnson of Snyderville was
a visitor in Nehawka on last Monday
L, ' - (XT'
Barnum and wife of Fremont, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Johnson of Plattsmouth fori
tlio lav lact CnTilrttr nlian Vi oir oil '
and was looking after some shopping tnjoyed a famil reunIon and a 'm08t j
during his stay in town. It is told , a t. J ,
AV-L 111. UlllT.
the country to see friends and rela
tives, and also to see the condition
of that country at this time of the
Miss Virginia Harris, who has been
teaching in the schools of DeWitt,
has completed her year's work and
has returned to her home in Union,
was a visitor at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. Hall Pollard last Sunday
and enjoyed thep icnic dinner.
1 homas E. Fulton was nursing one i had to begin with, a Ford Sedan, and ;
cf his eyes from which a piece of was , made an exchange for a Hudson1
, a ! . 1 . . a. ,i l - i
lorn wnen a piece oi emery new irum iuuim, auu uu me same uay uisiuseu
the rapidly revolving wheel which he
uses in his polishing department. The
of Mr. Johnson that he has the, most
beautiful place for the employes on
the Missouri Pacific with flowers and
a well cared for lawn, and as well
a home composed of a box car which
is well finished inside and makes a
Fmall but very unique home. He is
well pleased with the pretty little
Stewart Rougly has established a
pace Jor rapid trading of -cars. He
ill Enjoy Trip
Across the Water
August Schmidt and Wife, of Louis
ville Now Enroute to Land of
Birth To Stay 3 Months
eye is getting along nicely and he
Mr. and Mrs. Ausrust Schmidt left
of the Coach and secured a Hudson Omaha the first of the week, expect
Sedan which he retained and was well in to sail from Xew York on Wed-
satisfied with. This was done on last
nesday. May IS, for Germany, to
This age of high standards
welcomes the Camel quality
MODERN smokers are the most exacting ever known, and
they place Camel first among cigarettes.
For Camel was created to succeed in the hardest-to-please
age ever known. It was made to satisfy thosewho demand
the utmost, and modern smokers have given it such popu
larity a3 no other cigarette ever had.
If you're downright hard to please, just try Camels. To
bacco taste and fragrance will be revealed as never before,
for Camels are rolled of the choicest Turkish and Domestic
tobaccos, supremely blended. This modern cigarette exceeds
all other rtandards but its own. To light one is to find taste
fulfUnu-Tiu "Have a Camel!"
a 1 1 II I ,1 O.. J .3
uopes no serious irouuie win resuu. ruui) auu uu oumiay ir. una -r. visit their old home and relatives
Albert Anderson and the other; Rough accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Th.. Ka5if1 etMm(,P r,pni.
members of the family were the-J. H. Palmer made a trip to Omaha Washington and will land at Bremen, j
guests at a delightful chicken dinner! where they enjoyed a very pleasant ,in fm fhr. t TI.
and marceinng, win nave couipifu wuicu was scrvtu ui tne uumc ui; uh cw aa visiwu& wnu uicuus burff and Other Doints I
her course of instruction during this Louis Ross on last Sunday, and where ; while there. : M Schmidt Came toAmerica when I
weeK anu win ne reaay lor a position an wno were present were aeiignteu . . . VDara shmi,,t
with the excellent time which they See gome Knfi Country. pame in the y'ear i906'and ihey were
T mn I v uouva i ' . il. o 111 11, llic .icuanaa 111 a I I 1 1 U 111 1W. ct L iUllldlU. r UI U
which is now waiting for her
Albeit Meisinger and wife, who
are making their home a few miles
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
north of .Vhawka were vis.ting W1th , Jonn ChSmbera of PrtIon of the state on la6t Friday operated a farm east of Louis-
. , . " . i lictonmi tn tho oTPuilenf rnnfprt the. " "& aumc uuaius moucia ago lo Iae nrm mat nas oeen Duying
they enjoyed the occasion very much. I listened to the ce"ejit cncert look aftcr ,n that gection and
presumed cement fac-
- - - . .... ' JNIlf f'f'I'I IIS Fill H SMI lilh 11(11111 Ul 1111- . ... ... n . . . "r
kabuVat thlS' etr,e offering for the delecta-' theame cTndUionsVevaiHng J101'1"1 of the
in Plattsmouth was a business visi- on of the ambers of the Masonic there regarding crop pro?pyectg both t07TV e,hTni-fU
tor in Xehawka for a few hours on
lnct A T n n H 'i 1' inrl o t m rx t i-r a
J , T 1..- ,,. t,. ;.!, tho
was visiting with his many friend "t "I , i
CT-. , , , , , . 1U1 LUC LO.CI
. D. Adams and family on last ' scilool here wi
f3!11 thircar. started for Ster-rthe schQl '
ling Colo-, where they went to visit nnrM,.P-t nn u
Have the Best Light!;
We handle the Westing
house Electric Light for the
home and business house.
These are absolutely the
best lights made and sell
as low as yon can get them
anywhere, even Omaha or
larger cities.
If you want best tires at
lowest cost, come see us.
snlil nt a irnnrr" rrnflt
Miss Leona Stoll of Wayside, who:'1 nMl,dnu coarser grain, mil m- aml before investing in another place.
nc.ii aaui;, auu me lamina pn- they decided to take a trip back to
very busy planting and getting along the od COUntry to revisit the scenes
nicely with their work While near of their cuiIdnoot. They expect to be
P?eJl C lY' St-.? n Si sone about three months. They have
with the former resident. Charles . , tl, f ,,,
leaving a cousin, Carl Christianson
Olaf Lundherg
Nehawka, Nebr.
grandparants, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ful
ton for the part year and attending
with the conclusion of
departed for the
; northwest on Monday of this week to
spend the summer with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoll.
Frank A. Boedeker of Craig, with
the family drove over to Nehawka
ast Friday evening whence they visit
ed for over the week-end, when Frank
returned to his work and the family
rmaind for a longr visit. Mr. Boe
deker has about completed the work
which he has been sent to Craig to
look after and will be placed some
where else soon.
Bert Willis, who was visiting in
Iowa for a few days during the past
week, returned hom the latter por
tion of last week, and spending the
week-end at home, again departing
during the early portion of the week
for another stay in Iowa, and left
in charge of the store this time Master
Ivan Reynolds, who was able to cred
itably care for the business.
State Senator Charles J. Warner of
Waveriy, and the family, and Super
intendent of the Waveriy schools.
' jFll 1
Company. Winston-Salem, N.
Schwab and wife, as well as their son.
Mr. Schwab was sick for the most
of last winter, and during the sring
he was not able to work much. He,
was formerly quite heavy, but is now
very thin. He, however, is feeling
greatly improved and is getting along
nicely now.
to conduct it for them during their
The Courier will visit them as regu
larly as it is possible, considering
that they will be on the move a good
share of the time, but they are desir
ous of keeping in touch with the
.events that are taking place here.
A. Sure Enough Ball Game. .Thev have practiced industry and
Last Sunday at the Nehawka ball economy and have well earned this
park was held a ball game which waa splendid trip and they are taking
meea niny oeiween me local leam witll them the best wishes of their
ana tne isk lied lops of Lincoln. raany friends and neighbors for a
no ua"ufe " irim.aiu safe anu nappy 0urney and many
iui piajruiB odii. ie cuuesi was oue pleasant experiences in visiting the
which n, i; 'd us iu i .e oW home. Louisville Courier,
hawka team notwithstanding the fact ,
they were the losers in the contest.; TTJTnVQ "RTUTTTTlA V "PATJTV
The resulting finals were Nehawka iWJUia iJLK.liXAI iAitxx
nntliinff. T-inpnln. nnf
' I . . . . : i. .1
. very pieaaai surprise uiauuuj
party was given Sunday in honor of
Mrs. Georgia Creamer at her pleas
ant country home south of this city
when a group of the relatives and
friends gathered to spend the day
A Splendid Assortment of
-English Broadcloth Shirts!-
These Shirts are made of excellent quality
material. The prices are the lowest we have
rioted in months all fresh and new. Col
lar attached and neckband styles.
Sizes 14 to 17
Nehawka Gets Improvements.
The village of Nehawka is well sat
isfied with the progressive spirit that
has been shown bv it?s citizens, in
Professor J. B .Worley and family (the matter of road and street improve-; and tne event was one that all of the
I ment. witn a determination wnicn members of the party will remember
wins, an opportunity was given ior, pleasantly. The time was spent in
: t h acq url'ir miKKn f n ' -. : .1 .... .1 1, n .1 .
.... jiuu.i iiuuiicu ..- vjsiinig anu clt iiie UUU11 lilllll ct u-
I make an offering for the caring for licious dinner was served, the mem-
. the expense of giving the road leading bers of the party having come with
I from "O" street from Mrs. Uhite- well laden baskets of good things
man s place to Nehawka and also the and the feast was all that the most
rtreets of the village a coat of gravel, i discriminating could ask. The after
and the response which came was noon was devoted to 'the renewal of
surely pleasing and bespoke the patri- the old times and as the day wore on
ctic feeling of the people for the town . refreshments of ice cream and cake
of their choice, for the amount was , were served that added to the pleas-
fully subscribed and the work of put- nres of th members of the party. As
ting the City of Nehawka on the good the home-going hour arrived the ex
J roads map was begun on Monday oppression was made that they hoped
this week. Immediately after the mat- for many more such pleasant occa
j ter was assured the grades were com- ' sions.
pietecl on tne road from "O street Those who attended the occasion
to Nehawka and placed in good condi- Uyere: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cream
tion for the reception of the gravel,1 er. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shrader of
and the spreading of the gravel on J Sacramento, California, Mr. and Mrs.
.Monday noon in the town was mark- I Homer Shrader and family, Mr. and
ed by the moving of the car of the Mrs. Charles Wolf. Mr. and Mrs. Alex
writer, who had left it parked at the Rhoden and family, Mrs. Ben Ger
exact point where the work was later lach of North Bend. Nebraska. Mont
I begun. Nehawka is to be congratulat
ed for the fortutious outcome of the
Huge Selling of
Men's Athletic Underwear!
Here is the Underwear that makes warm
days more comfortable and more welcome.
Specially priced 79c each.
Two Suits for $1.49.
move for the improvements.
Enjoy Shooting Match.
Some of the good shots, and Ne
hawka has many with creditable rec
ords, went to the shooting tourney
which was held in Fremont this week,
ar,d entered the contest. Others would
Shrader, Al Bartlett, Frank R. Gobel
men, Alex Campbell and several
We wish to express to our friends
and neighbors tho deep sense of ap
preciation that we feel for the many
words of comfort and the friendly
liked to have gone also, but they were acts that have been a help to us in
prevented by circumstances over the hour of bereavement and sorrow
j which they had no control. Among. To tJie members of the M. W. A. and
those who were pnvideged to go. all those who sent the beautiful floral
were: Messrs Walter J. Wunderllch,
Telephone No. 14 ' Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
Arthur Hild. Clyde Sfitzer and John
Hanson, and all of them are good at
Will Receive Treatment in Lincoln
C. W. Enyder, wiio has made his
home in Nehawkaf or many a long
day and who is well known by a host
of friends, has been in very poor and
failing health for some time, and on
last Sunday morning while in a dazed
condition wandered from his home
and was only found by his attendants
after a prolonged search. The condi
tion of Mr. Snyder warranted his be
ing taken to Lincoln for treatment,
which it is hoped will result in the
restoration of this gentleman
remembrances and especially to those
who assisted in the services and bur
ial of our loved one. Mrs. Edward
Maurer, Mrs. John Maurer, Sr., and
Famify, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Allen
and Family.
The many friends over this part
of Cass county will regret to learn of
the serious illness of Peter Madsen,
one of the old time residents of this
locality, who has for the past few
weeks been confined to his home and
whose condition has grown more ser
ious each day. Mrs. Robert Neil of
lielray, Florida, a daughter, arrived
her health which has been quite poor
ly of late.
H. C. Lindsay of Lincoln, former
clerk of the state supreme court and
father of Miss Ruth Lindsay, music
supervisor of the city schoo!s, came
down frcm fcia home yesterday for a
visit here with the daughter.
Sr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Monday's Dally '
Lloyd Ranney of Weeping Water
was here today for a few hours look
ing after some matters' of business
and visiting with friends.
' Mrs. P. A. Welch cf Omaha who
was here for an over Sunday visit
with her mother, Mrs. August Bach
and Mrs. A. G. Bach, returned to her
home this morning.
Miss Maytow Sabille, of Grant
City. Mo., a teacher in the St. Jo
seph, Mo., schools, who was iiere'rall ITealy 20 Miles Wide Is Rush-
...... 4. I "
Flood Waiers.
Higher than the
Gulf Level
visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. R. H. Patton, has returned home.
Mrs. J. A. Enberg and daughter
Miss Olga, of Sheridan, Wyoming
were here over Sunday visiting at
the homo of Misses Gerda and Alpha
Peterson, returning this morning to
their home.
Earl Teeples, storekeeper of the
B. R. E. X., who was at Galesburg,
Illinois, for an over Sunday visit, re
turned home this morning and was
accompanied by his mother, who will
visit here for a time.
From Tuesday's Daily .
Mrs. B. M. Gerlach, who has been j
here visiting with the relatives and
friends, departed this morning fori
her home at North Belid.
Adam Ileil of near Cedar Creek i
was a visitor in the city today lor
a few hours looking after some mat
ters of business and visiting with
friends. ;
Mrs. Albert Claggett and little
daughter, Alma, of Denver, motored,
in Sunday from their home and will
Visit with relatives in the vicinity of;
Plattsmouth and Murray. Mrs. Clag-:
gett was formerly Miss Vera Yard-,
Mrs. B. M. Gerlach of North Bend,
Nebraska, is visiting for the week;
with relatives in and near Platts-i
mouth. She came to met her father,
J. D. Shrader, who recently came
from California where he has been
making his home at Sacramento and
is visiting here with the relatives.
iMr. and Mrs. Shrader will accom
pany the daughter back to North
Bend for a brief visit and will then
start west where they expect to lo
ing Way Toward Coast .
Wider to the North
Behind it stretched a lake two
hundred miles long from the south
central parishes along the gulf to the
upper tier along the Arkansas line.
Its width varied from 15 to 50 mile3
as it poured funnel-like from the
Texas basin in northeastern Louis
iana into the western Atchafalaya
river basin.
The New Orleans weather bureau es
timated that :the flood surface along
tho line between Begg and Melville
had attained a level of about 42 feet
above mean gulf level and that tne
water still is rising, although at a
diminished rate.
Tho flood waters are approximately
one hundred, miles west of New Or
leans on the west side of the At-
UalUlu c& U1.1U LllU uaj f Vli. o
Glaises breaks, through which they
are rushing, are about 170 miles
northwest of New Orleans.
Immediately behind the advance
ing waters -scores of residents of the
lower Atchalafaya were being res
cued from house tops in boats.
New Orleans, La., May 23. A wall
of flood water almost 20 miles wide
tonight was beginning to reach the: Scores of persons, unable to remain in
upper extremity or lirana late in us their homeSf were ijVjng on levees
movement to the Gulf of Mexico. where thev had found safety after
Grand lake is situated at the. the first TU'sh of the waters.
mouth of the Atchafalaya river,
splitting Iberia parish and with butj
a narrow neck of land separating it t
from the Gulf of Mexico. j
Journal Want Ads cost but little,
sr.d they sprfi do get results.
to: yesterday, called here by the serious
something like his normal state of illness of the father and will remain
here to assist iu his care in his severe
ftinP U'rll 5 n or ilia olin condition.
been received of the passing of Mr. j
Snyder at the hospital at Lincoln. A Graduation gifts of all kinds can
more comnlet.a account nf hta life ' l t,,-J nl v.. TJnnV Jf, ni-f I
many years of which we spent in " a wonderful line and 1 i& ij ray was he" tod forh a fe'f
Nehawka and vicinity will be given snoP- A wonderful line ana wice en route t0 Omaha where she
in next week's issue.
range of prices.
From Wednesday's Dailv
W. II. Mark of Union was in the
city today "for a few hours visiting
with friends and looking after some
matters of business.
Perl Albin of near Union was in
the city for a short time today attend
ing to some matters of business and
visiting with friends.
L. II. Kunz and A. H. Sorezen,
well known residents of Elmwood,
were here today visiting friends and
looking after some matters of busi
ness.' Arthur White of Duluth, Minne
sota, arrived here last evening for aj
visit here with his brothers and sis
ter and the many friends in the old
Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker, who has
been here visiting with relatives and
frein-ls and looking after her real es
tate business, returned this morning
to her home.
Mrs. Gertie Eeckner of near Mur-
few hours
I to consult a specialist in regard to
Have You Ever Tried Us?
If Not, Do So Today!
We are here to please and serve you in best Oils and Greases.
Station KOIL Mona Motor Oils
and Greases
light or medium oil, 5 gallon lot for $ 3.00
"F" Oil for Fords, 5 gallon lot 3.50
Heavy Oil for all cars, 5 gallon lot 3-25
Extra Heavy Oil. 5 gallon lot 3.50
Still Heavier Oils Priced Upon Request.
Barrel Lot Prices Cheaper
Utility Machine Oil for home uses, handy can, 20c; 2 for .35
Crease Cartridges for standard Alemite grease gun, 3 for .50
25-lb. pail of Gear Grease for 3.50
10-lb. pail of Gear Grease for 1-45
10 lbs. Chassis Lubricant 1-45
5 lbs. Gear Grease -75
5 lbs. Chassis Lubricant -75
2-lb. can Cup Grease for .35
1-lb. can Cup Grease, 20c ; 2 cans for .35
1-lb. cans Hard Oil for .20
1-lb. cans Axle Grease, 2 for .25
Best Mechanics' Hand Soap, 3 bars for .25
rTT A T UTT'T'T'T 1 fr ' Tlini T? DAD I T7T"VT"T7 tj A CP flTT O
If not satisfied with oil after using a pajt of it, return the balance pi
and we will refund the balance of your money gladly. This oil is y
100 pure Parafine Base Oil with one of the best oil companies
backinrr it.
a a
Eighth Street and Washington Avenue
Plattsmouth, Nebraska