MONDAY. MAY 23, 1927. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOEBNA1 PAGE FIVE x Fred Stock was called to Elmwood last Tuesday to look after some busi-j ness matters tor a short time. O. J. Hitchcock and family motor ed down from Havelock to spend the day Sunday at the L. Neitzel home. Judge H. R. Schmidt was called to Omaha one day during the past week, where he had some business matters to look after. Miss Jessie Melvin was a visitor in Lincoln on last Thursday, going via Greenwood and taking the bus there for the big city. Mrs. Joe Ranney, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, has been visiting at the home of Henry Amgwert and mother for the past few days. Mary Katherine McIIugh drove In to Lincoln Friday night with Chet Stein and daughter, to spend several days at their home. Harry Gillespie and wife, of Oma ha, were visiting with friends and relatives in Murdock last Sunday, driving over in their auto. Fred W. Backmeyer. of Elmwood, was a visitor in Murdock last Wed nesday, coming to visit with friends and look after some business matters. John W. Kruger, Floyd Hite and Jess Landholm were all three very busy with the work of improvements at the Landholm home last week, j they all working like beavers. Miss Jessie Melvin and Mrs. Frank Melvin were visiting near Alvo on Wednesday of last week, being guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, parents of Mrs. Frank Mel vin. Lacey McDonald. John Gakemeier and E. W. Thimgan were over to Cedar Creek on last Tuesday, where they bagged a large catch of fish and it is reported that the fishing there is very good. Miss Marie Deickmann, who is em ployed in Lincoln at this time, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Fred Deickman and wife for the week end last week, and all enjoyed the visit very much. Wm. Lau was in town on last Wed nesday and was quite well pleased that he had his corn all in the ground and that it was coming very nicely. He is now getting some of the other work done. The students of Murdock High school picnicked at Louisville on last Friday, making the trip in cars and needless to say enjoyed the day most pleasantly, and returned in the even ing well satisfied with their day of enjoyment. A. J. Tool has been making some changes at the store, which have added much to the convenience of his place of business and which will always keep the stock in the best possible condition, as well as save much labor in its care. The Extension club, members of the Four Square, will hold its regu lar monthly meeting Wednesday. May 25th. at 1:30 in the school building. Mrs. Thomas Murtey of Weeping Water visited with the McHugh fam ily the first of the week. A. C. Depner, the contractor and builder, last week started the erec tion of a barn for August Ruge en the farm adjacent to Murdock owned by Mr. Murdock. A little later he expects to erect a modern home on the place, that will add greatly to the elegant residence properties in this beautiful little city. J. Johanson was a visitor in Oma ha on last Thursday morning, poing to n r 'Tehawka first, where he se cured a load of hogs from Frank Schlichtemeier, which he took to the South Omaha market via Platts mouth and we will say Joe is a hust ler, for he passed through the county seat before seven oclock. after having driven thirty-five miles, besides load ing the hogs. On last Sunday J. H. Buck and the family were over to the brother of Mr. Buck. E. E. Buck and family, of near Ashland, where they visited f'-r a time and also visited at the home of Mrs. Buck's parents, Henry Brnck mueller and family for the afternoon and in the evening they v ere also guests at the home of Wm. Buck and wife of Greenwood, parents of Mr. 771 171 Anyone wanting Electric Wiring of any kind, or Radio Work, call for FLOYD HITE at the Landholm Garage Phone 41 Murdock Everything Here Standard 13 v7e have Standard Oil and Gasoline! Nothing1 hut real Ford parts used in the repair of Ford cars. With Red Crown and Ethyl Gas, United States, Goodyear and risk Tires, you rmst admit we are prepared to look after wants ith standard . AT Y0UE SERVICE A . XJ JKl't W!li InrCTA VA A I- "M V IVllirGOCK, INebr. RDOCK PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. J. H. Buck, thus Laving a most en- joyable day. Henry A. Guthmann and the fam ily were visiting in Omaha on last Tuesday, where they also had some business matters to look after, and on returning came via Plattsmouth, where they visited for a short time at the home of Mrs. F. R. Guthmann, mother of Henry Guthmann. They were accompanied by the Rev. Father Higgins of the St. Patrick church of Manley, and tame home via Manley, where he left the party. A Sure Sign of Spring: G. Baur and L. Neitzel have start ed their Sunday pilgrimages. Last Siind.1T thev left at 8:00 a. m., and red at Salem church, in Lincoln, re Rev. A. II. Schwab is pastor. arriv The pilgrims attended the Sunday school in the Men's Bible class. Mr. Neitzel was pressed into service to! teach the class. The preaching ser-j vice by the pastor followed the Sun day school hour, the subject being. "I! Will Build My Church," and the ser mon was delivered in Bro. Schwab's j forceful manner and made a deep im-i pression on the audience. After thei service, the pilgrims wended their wav homeward. So ended the first pilgrimage for the season. In Honor of Friends The manv friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie, who are now to make their home in Omaha, having- moved there, cave a reception in honor of their friends at the M. W. A. hall on last Saturday evening, at:ine Journal onue, i-jausmouin. which there were a large number in ! attendance. A most delightful time j was had and all enjoyed themselves very much, only being saddened by a realization that these two excellent young people are to be lost from the social and business circles of Mur dock. The gathering was to express their friendship and to extend best wishes for their success and happi ness in their new home. Baccalaureate Discourse Sunday The address by the Rev. Wiggart, of Elmwood, at the church in Mur dock on last Sunday evening was re ceived with much pleasure by the graduating class and the public gen erally, and was one of the best ad dresses which has been made here for many years. Rev. Wiggart held up to the class the possibility of success in their chosen vocations and above all commended them to the best service of their fellow man in whatever line of activity their lives might lead. Order of Eastern Star The Eastern Star kensington met on last Wednesday afternoon at the home of their member. Mrs. C. E. Kupke. and this genial lady was as sisted in the entertaining and serv ing by Mesdames A. J. Tool and E. M. Jumper, who are alio members of the order. An excellent time was had by the ladies and they also did good work for the order. Delightful refreshments were served a3 a fitting close to the pleasant afternoon's en tertainment. The ladies are looking forward to the time when they may again be entertained by these capable hostesses. Murdock School Closes The year of good work by the scholars of the Murdock schools and the instructors, has been fruitful of god instruction for the students, and all who have had to do with the excellent year's work can well feel that their work has been productive of much good. There will be many changes, for some will leave the school to go out into the world to engage in its activi-ti-s, and will make for themselves a name, as well as assisting in solving some cf the many perplexing prob lems which confront this day and age. Snr.c are expected to change their avocation and enter into other per srits of life. The commencement exercises were held at the school build ;rg on last Friday, those who have finished the course receiving dir lomas as testimonials of their ex cellent work. The commencement day acidiess wis delivered by Dear. Fordyce of the state university. at:d was a mot enjoyable address, show ing the fact that to the one who strives, there is always an abundance of success. Played at IIasonic4Kome The Shriners band of' Lincoln, of which II. W. Tool is a member, went to Plattsmouth Sunday, where they i'lrnished entertainment for the old 1 folks who are living at the Nebraska Masonic home. A large crowd was in attendance and the excellence of the entertainment was complimented by everyone who heard them. The resi dents of the home can be thankful to Mr. Tool for the arrangements to give this complimentary concert, as it was he who broached the subject to the band, and the plnn was quickly taken up by that musical organiza tion which is ever anxious to work for a good cause. llurdock Improving1 The improvements which Mr. Her man R. Schmidt is making, are add-j ing much to the appearance and the real worth of the town. A family is !at this time esirious of making its jlKT.'" ."Sr' li It "T,e,--,.v .v. ... .... I njc Luiajjieiiuu 11 me iwo ! modern bungalows, Mr. Schmidt i3 j modern bungalows, 'having constructed. at least rariial iing problem will i5 accomplished. The building has been cut in two and one section nioF- MK 11 MllLm . ed to the location which it is to oc cupy, and the work of rebuilding will be pushed forward rapidly. In ad dition to these two buildings and the one which Mr. August Ruge will erect, there is further 'improvement being made at this time by Jess Landholm, who is raising the house in which he now lives, placing a new foundation and a basement there under, as well as the addition of two rooms, which will make a most im portant change and make another commodious residence for Murdock. These, added to the improvements that have just been completed by Julius Reinke. i;iuKe a. t"im use 01 building work for the town of Mur - dock and one that compares favor - j ably with much larger towns during J inis rather back ward season in build- 'c? oer me country generally. Let .i;r (...wu u.uMiur. ; The JoTzrnal is Your Paper The Journal serves its subscribers in Murdock and vicinity with most', complete news of interest and comes to you twice a week for the same price charged by small weekly news papers with their four pages of "pat ent" print that contain nothing of a local nature-. The Journal is also the'swer said petition on or before Mon- official county paper and in it you will find complete official reports of the county board proceedings, as well as Cass county news, doings at the , 1 - nouse. etc. win pay tor an entire year's subscription 104 is - PUes- Hand your money to our field , representative or mail check direct to J Flood Victims are Sheltered in Oad larS Box Cars Are Extensively Used Where It Is Possible for Temporary Quarters. St. Lovis, Mo-, May 19. Although 'nod waters in Arkansas and the up- Per part of Louisiana are rapidly re- ceding, the task of the Led C ro relief agencies in caring for the homel-ss in those sections is far from an week S-Wrl tfc!!V. 1 man -.ou" rnx cars in ue as leinjiui-i srv homes by refugees. When res: dents of inundated regions were flee- ing from their homes by thousands, j President L. W. Baldwin of the Mis-; souri I'acitic Linos instructed an em ployes to make relief work their first consideration and to do anything ami everything pos.-ible to lesson dis tress. Reports in the general offices here from various officials show this rail road has h?.u!ed fr-e more than 1,000 cars of relief supplies and operated s--rcs of free special trains for the purpose of r. m vin7 refugees from threatened se.-tions or to rush in sup plies needed to fight the onrush of the flood. Many of tho-e who fled from the high w.iter were sble to take with thni a few of their household neces sities and streamed into the high ai. dry towns with cots and bedding, small c-r.k stoves and cookir.g uten seN. Wherever it was impossible to immediately supply tents or other living quarters officials sent out or ders for empty box cars and in a re markably si ot time the refugees had moved them and set up house keeping, quickly adapting themselves to new conditions. Stoves were set up. beds cr "pallets on the floor" were spread steps leading from th" ground, to the car door were nailed together and the refugees settled down to the the routine of keeping comfortable wkiln keeping body and soul together. Rations were issued by the Red Gross at all these box In Y majority of cases one boxifs scho1 e tite' real E un' car was assigned to a family. At one time the superintendent pf the Mein- nhis division reported there were 1 100 box cars in use as homes on his division and that the Missouri Pacific was affording shelter to approximate ly T.500 persons. All employes are still under orders to render every possible aid to unfor tunate towns and communities and to co-cperate in the fullest possible extent with the Red Cross and other relief agencies. MRS. LINDBERGH SILENT V Detroit. Mich., May 20. As her son. Captain Charles Lindbergh, cov- ered the first part of his journey on his hop from New i ork to Paris. Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh today continued her duties as teacher in Cass Te clinical! high school appar ently unperturbed by the dangers her son is faciae. She denied herself to newspaper interviewers telling herj friends and fellow teachers that she did not want to "be bothered and en tering the school room took up the routine without apparent anxiety. Early in the day news of the flyer's departure was brought to her by a telegram from R. G. lilythe, a friend of the captnin. Meanwhile John C. Lodge, a grand uncle of Lindbcrgli, president of the Detroit citv council and acting mayor, expressed his hopes for the success of the flight- "I believe he will make it, comment. was his STRAYED 3AY MARE Star on forehead. Weight about D0 0 pounds. Halter on when left. M. A. ROBYLER, Weeping Water, Neb. Blank hooks at ths Jonmal office. NOTICE OF SUIT IN PARTITION In the District Court of the County cf Cass, Nebraska. Charlotte Archer, widow. Plaintiff vs. John Archer et al, Defendants NOTICE To the Defendants: John Archer; iMaud Archer; Luella Jewell; Mar Igaret Gillan; Robert Gillan; Polly Redman; John Redman; Leland i Bachelor and Mrs. Leland Bachelor, first real name unknown, non-resi ,it i Vou :in.l each of von are hereby ; notified that Charlotte Archer, plain" tjff riled a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of CiiHS t.c,ullty, Nebraska, on May 14th, 11927, against you and each of you and others; the object and purpose iof which is to partition Lot 9 in ! Block 43 in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass tountv, Nebraska, or in case the i same c annot be divided that said . property be sold and the proceeds divided. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an day, the 4th day of July, 1927, or the all?srations therein contained will be taken as true and a de ree entered according to the nraver of said Deti- non. ; Dated this 21st day of May, A. D. 1927. CHARLOTTE ARCHER. Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SUIT TO Ql'IET TITLE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. OIa iIinota Spacht et al vs. t T. E. Haycock, first real name unknown, et al. Defendants NOTICE J To the defendants T. E. Haycock, first real name unknown; Mrs. T. E. j Hp.ycock. first real name unknown; ! Thomas E. IlovrioL- H -i V- j Thomas K. Hanna. trustee for Piltm5n & Brothers, a co-partnership ,, anri s ... T. t-.. . Williamson B. Pittman Edward t name unknown; Williamso nan. illiamson B. Pi trrrun Mr 9 Williamson Ai. Pitt- in:i"i, rai came uuk;hiii; riituii-.u k Brothers, a co-partnersnip com posed of Edward F. Pittman. and ! V liiiamson B. Pittman; Joseph Har 'rer. Jane A. Harper, William H- Sharer, Mrs. William H. Shafer, real name unknown; Wesley Spurlock: Mary Ann Spurlock; the heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estates of T. E. Haycock, first real name unknown; Mrs. T. E. Hay cock, real name unknown; Thomas IZ. Haycock, Zarilda Haycock. Thomas K. Hanua, trustee for Pittman fi Brother, a co-partnership; Edward F. rittman, Mrs. Edward F. Pittman. real name unknown; Williamson B. Pittman; Mrs. Williamson B. Pitt man, real name unknown; Joseph Harper, Jane A. Harper, William H-Sl-afer, Mrs. William H. Shafer, real name unknown, Wesley Spurlock, and Mery Ann Spurlock. each deceased; the successors and assigns of Pitt man & Brother, a co-partnership reai names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the northwest quarter (NWVi) ot section twenty-four (24), and the southwest quarter (SW'i) of the southwest quarter (SW4) of sec tion thirteen (13), all in township twelve (12). north range twelve (12), east of the 6th P. M.. in th ; County of Casn, Nebraska, excepting 'one acre out of the southwest corner of said southwest Quarter iSW'i ) of the southwest quarter (SWVi) of said section thirteen (13), reserved lc n n v n You and each of you are hereby nctific-d that Ola Minota Spacht, John F. Kaffenbereer. Mina E. Cort right. Gladys E. Kaffenberger. and Goldy E. Kaffenberger. plaintiffs, filed a petition and commenced an ac tion in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, on May 14th, 1927, against you and each of you, the object, and purpose of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting; the title to the northwest quarter section 24, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13, all in township 12, north range east of the Cth P. M., in Cass County. Nebraska, excepting 1 acre wit of the southwest-corner of said southwest quarter of the soutUwest irf? to be the last will and testament' Notice is hereby given that under quarter of said section 13, reserved of the said deceased, may be proved and by virtue or a der ree of the Dis ss school house site, as against you and allowed and recorded as the last trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and each of you and for 6uch other;!! an(j testament of Michael A. relief as may be just and equitable, You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an- swer said petition on or before Mon- day, the 4th day of July, 1927, or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree rendered in favor of plaintiffs and against you and each of you according to the'rourt to be held in and for said Dated this 21st day of May, A. D. 1927. OLA MINOTA SPACHT, JOHN B. KAFFENBERGER. MINA E. CORTRIGHT, GLADYS E. KAFFENBERGER, GOLYD E. KAFFENBERGER Plaintiffs W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiffs. m23-4w n"LA -Lit-. 4 ' Those too have oraerel copies of the Delineator and Designer at the Bates Book and Gift Shop re nrgtd to call for same promptly. PITTSBURGH! YOU could soak the piano in water and the finish would not turn white, if the piano were finished with See the varnished wood pan el submerged in the aquarium in our store window. Never turns white! Comes ready to use in colors, or clear for floors, woodwork, furniture. Stop in the store for color card. Kruger Paint Store Plattsmouth, Neb. EEST0EE CROSS IN EOIrlE Rome, May IS. After an absence ot sixty-five years, the cross was re stored this afternoon to the coliseum as the symbol of Christian faith, ior which thousands of martyrs hallowed with their blood the soil of the great amphitheater during Roman times.) Queen Helena and Princess Giovanni presided at the ceremony of the un veiling of a large wooden cross above a stone base, which Premier Musso lini har ordered restored to the cen ter of the arena, from which it was taken in 182 because of a wave of anti-clcricalism. A somewhat startling feature? of the ceremony from an American viewpoint was the fact that the band, immediately after greeting the queen with the "Royal" march, broke into the lively strains of "Over There," which was grreeted solemnly by the throngs as if it were a hymn of re ligious exultation. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Mary C. Murphy, deceased: On reading the petition of Mae E. Murphy and Josephine M. Wild pray ing that the instrument filed in this court on the 20th day of May. 1927. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may he proved and allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of Mary C. Murphy, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Thomas L. Murphy, as Administrator c. t. a.; It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter, may. and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 14th day cf June. A. D. 1927, at 10:T;0 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be. why the pray er of the petitioners should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be triven to all per sons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said clay of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said 1 J' this 23rd day of May, A. D., A. H. DUX P. CRY. County Judge. (Seal) m2.1-3w ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the Countv Court of Cass conn - Nebraska. , State of Nebraska, County of Cass, Conell; S. Hoy Ertz, sin- jgle; S. Frank Eriz, sin To all persons interested in the rs-lgie; M. Frederick R. Ertz ! tate of Mkhael A. Shine, deceased: On reading the petition of Mar - - aret Hallahan praying that the in - strument filed in this court on the 1 17th rt.iv nf'Mav. 1f27. and ournort shine, deceased; that said instru- ment be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Margaret Hallahan, as Executrix; j it is hereby ordered that you, and !all persons interested in said matter, "may and do, appear at the County county, on the 17th day of June. A. D., 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. to show cause, if; any there be, why the pray- er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen- dency cf said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all per- sons interested in said matter by referee and w.ii be furntsned to pur- petition on or before Monday, the publishing a copy of this Order in chaser. Possession to be given upon Ith day of July, 1927. or your de the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- confirmation. Said sale will remain fault will be entered in said cause I weekly newspaper printed in said open for one hour. ;and decree granted as prayed for iu county, for three successive weeks ; prior to said day of hearing. VV liness my iiciuii, uu oral ui cam court tMg 17th day of May A D 1907. A. H. DUXBURY, i (Seal) m23-3w County Judge, j i MAHLEY KEWS ITEMS i til i VI IT Wm. Rauth was a visitor in Omaha on Thursday of last week, he driving to Plattsmouth in his car and taking the train to the big city. Misses Maggie and Katie Wolpert and Mrs. Rose Kelly were guests on last Wednesday at the home of their friend, Mrs. Herman Rauth. Robert Connors was looking after some business matters in Omaha on , Wednesday afternoon of last week, : driving over to the big town in his i car. Will Heebner, who has been so j seriously ill for some time, is now getting along nicely and was able to go to the farm to look after the work there. The Rev. Father Ilizgins was a visi tor in Omaha Tuesday of last week, he maliin" the trin with his friends. TT Henry A. Guthmann and family, innjuyed games and a dinner in their auto. grove. John Palicek and family of Platts-J John Crane and R. Bergman mouth were visiting Sunday at the j the family were over to Sutto;i home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stander, j Sunday, wh' ie they visit. . I at driving over in the morning from i home of a sister ' f Mr. Crane. the county seat. .Mary Sle-ssrt. They found excelb i.t Joseph Walpert and August Kreck-' roads and made the 117 miles in ju t low were over to College Hill ceme-two hours and 30 minutes, though tery, where they were plat ing a ' on their return trip they were four foundation for a monument for ui hours. They found the country look party in Omaha. ing line and ejpe'-ially the hcu Mable Ureckenridee was over to j which gives promise cf an exc ellent Lincoln last week, where she under-I crop. Aufherizsd Ford Garsgs! The Manley Service Station is now an Authorized Ford Repair Shop. Brirg in ycer work, whatever kind of a Car, Truck or Tractor, and v;a will cure its ills. All work is guaranteed! Standard Gas Standard Service Manley Service Garage MANLEY -:- - -:- NEBRASKA CATITAL, U&QTL AND BSAIisS The Jefferson Co-'nty Union, Fort Atchimcn. Wisconsin, says: ' Here .tre two interesting para- graplis form 'The Thi:i ;s Tbxt are Caesar's' by Guy Morrixcn Walker: "'Social economists claim there is, on'.y one source ui a! Lh Labor ibit that in ad Pol d;t itical economists n to !al;c:r- :d and cp.pit al muc he classified as additional sources ot wealth. Lut they both deny the eco nomic value of that whi-h is the greatest of all in ths production of wealth DRAINS.' " 'Capital would generary be idle and waste away if it were nc-t for the brains of some thinker who finds a Letter way to use it than it is being used. And 1 ibor would often be idle if it were not for this same thinker who devises, invents and creates undreamed-of opportunities for labor liy holding before capital the great er profits are rewards in a new ven ture, the. thinker secures the ruppor' of capital, whb-h labor would not be able to seenre f.r itself. " Mrs. Bert Hennessey and daugh ters, Grace, Virgin: and B;rt;t. de- parted tins morning n o cmiana where they will spend the day in tliat city looking after some matters cf business. ... r i . .. . Yccr ad in the Journal will be read by 75 per cent cf th? buying public. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of the County of Cas., Nebraska. Blandina Kuepper, Plaintiff. vs. Anna Ertz, widow; Samp son E. Ertz and wife, Ma tilda B. Ertz; John Joseph Ertz. single; Joseph Fran cis Ertz and wife, Theresa L. Ertz: Thomas William Ertz. single; Francis Ber nard Ertz and wife, Mary J. Ertz; Anna Ertz Hoenig and husband, Thomas Hoenig: William Henry Ertz and wife, Helen Ma- NOTICE jrie Ertz; Maggie Ertz. j widow ; Marearet Ertz Conell and husband. John Jand wife, Helen Ertz; i Mary Ertz, widow, and ! Amelia Fitzpatrick. v. id- ! 0w, Defendants. J ' entered in the above entitled cause ou the 30th day of April, 1927, and an Order of Sale entered by sai l Court on the 17th day of May, 1927, the undersigned, sole referee, on the 27th day of June, 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the south front cloor cf the court house in the City of Platts- mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, wi'l sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rah. Lots 3 and 4, in Block 94, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska; ten per cent cash of the amount of the lid to be paid at the time of said sale and tho balance upon completion tiereoi. Abstract of title in the hands of the, Dated this lath day of May, A. D. 1927. Referee. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiff, m23-5w went an operation for the removal of her tonsils and is now hoping that her health will be improved. J. C. Rauth departed for York, where he went to be present at t!ie musiial recital of his daughter. Miss Aun Rauth, who i graduating from ; t lie St. Ursulas college of t?iat place. W. J. Rau was a visitor in Omaha on last Friday, whi re he drove in his ear and was accompanied by Mr-'. Ran, they going uo to look alt r some Lusine!s matters as well as visit v. it h friends. Andy V. Stander Is doing some re pair work at his farm a few r-il'-s from Manlc3' and placing everything in excellent condition, believing tV't it is best to have all the farm bt'ild ings in the best of condition. On last Friday there were tvn school picnics, one at the r.chool house where th- sehokrs of the city picnicked. :t.d the other at the grove of Ray Wiles, where thf scholars of the Chilson school, whi.b is tat:g'it by Mr3. A. II. Humble, picnicked and the i n 1 la-t t:.e Mr,-.. ! FIGHTING AIRFLANES ! IN EEVIEV7 TOE DAVIS j Fan Antonio, Tex., May 20. Two i hundred flcht'lng airplane.; and the . army blimp 1 CM 0-2 J 3 swe pt in i atrial review today before Hwluht I,. Davis, sicr-taiy of v.-a r : his ;..s- j sMant. F. Trubee I)ai-: :n. h'.nh ( ranking o Rivers of the United Sta'es army, and distirguishect attaches cf l several foreign powers. i Graduation gifts of all kinds can ! be found at the Eates Eook & Gift shop. A wonderful line and wide range cf prices. LEGAL NOTICE the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In James Sedlak and wife, Hermie Sedlak, Plaintiffs. vs. Plattsmouth Ferry Com pany, a Corporation et al Defendants. NOTICE I . i i. t 1 i i i u ine uumiuw u n-irs. oevisecs. 1 legatees, personal representatives and I all other persons interested in the ! respective estates of Henry Amison, Wiiliam H. Anderson, Thomas K. Hanna, Thomas E. Tootle. Charles B. Staude, Andrew W. McLaughlin, E!ma R. McLaughlin, deceased; May Quinn. Albert Quinn, Irene Milrphy; all persons havi"j.' or claim ing any interest in or title to tlie fol lowing described real esiate: Bccifi ning at a point 30 rods north of tlio center of Sec tion thirtee n ( ?, ) , in Township twelve (12) North. Range thirteen (13). East of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian in Cass county, Ne braska, running thence west along the south line of Lot thirteen (15 . five chains and fifteen links, thence south three chains and eighty-seven links, or to the north l'ne of Pearl street, themce east along the north line of said street five chains and fiftee n links to the west line of Maid cn Lane, therce north thre- chains and ninety links to the place of L ginninr, except the tight of way of the Missouri Pacific Railway Com pany across the northwest corn' r tiiereof: also known as Sub Ixt on" il) of Iit fifteen (ID), in the south east quarter (SE'4 I of the north west quarter (NW'J of Section thir teen (l.K, in Township twelve (12) North'. Range thirteen (13), East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska: Yon ami each of you are hereby notified that on the 2'Mh day of May. A. D. If 27, the plaintiffs in the fore going action filed their petition i:i t he District Court of Cass county, N- braska, wherein you and each of you are made parties defendant, the ob- jert and prayer of which is for the purpose of obtaining a decree from ;aid court, quieting the title in tko plaintiffs to the above described real estate, against you and each of you. and by such decree to wholly ex- )ude you and each of you from all estate, right, claim or interest therc- in, and to have the ti!e to said real estate forever freed from the appar- 'rnt claims of you and each of you. and quieted ,in plaintiffs, and for eq'ntaDie relief. You are required to answer said said petition. JAMES SEDLAK AND WIFE. HERMIE SEDLAK. Plaintiffs. RAWLS, C. A. Attorney. m23-4w. J s