THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1927. PIATTSHOJJTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL WHAT DOES MR. FESS MEAN? NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS EGGS FOR HATCHING f , Cbe plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA tar4 at PoatoCic. rUa.tLsmout.tu Nb m acoad-cl&M mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 Of course you went to church yes terday. :o: Floods still rage in the south and other sections. :o: Omaha bridge bill bitterly assault ed by its friends. :o: Modern youth is safe as long as there are yes-men and no-girls. -:o:- Our daily walk convinces us that what people suffer from in spring is that tired feeling. -:o:- Speaking of relief for the farmer, the digest of who paid the income tax shows that they already have it. :o: The Liberal army in Nicaragua, we learn from a conservative statement, Is in retreat and our fondest hope is that they do not retreat into any of the neutral zone. :a: Only women in long skirts may en ter the presence of the Queen of Sweden, who has seen all the knock- kneed and bow-legged women she' care about for a while. -:o: Contract bridge was unknown ten years ago. In fact, the social pastime at that period was knitting sweaters and socks, the game being for thelhave marked down goods to the low boys to guess which was which. :o:- If the next war is to be fought in the air, as Arthur Brisbane so fever- made in the seventeenth century, ishly assures us. it will be dangerous plicas of the original are exhibit tny t,0 nHr.tnT0 that is in glass cases at all railway sta- where they are most of the time. The workmen who are repairing' the TVhlte House roof are selling the old nails at four for a dollar. We'll bet the price of four nails that they are republican workmen from Ohio. :o: Kansas editors are extolling the. vlrtues of dandelion greens. The vir-Ja 6mlle for everybody. That is the Can goods last year amounted to six tues of dandelion greens are true and reason so many like to go to the'tysjx per cent of Canada's total im existent only when the dandelions are mingled with an overwhelming ratio, of other kinds of greens :o: TV. a Aa-mnnratir nortT la tho rurtvl " " of the people, but it needs sifting to, get the spies out of its ranks. All along. It has not been careful enough In getting traitors out of it's caucuses. You must watch your P's and Q's in the campaign in 192S. :o: The democratic party is on the alert, and getting more so every day. ! They can become a solid party by a little use of common sense. Let the people rule awhile, not the factions that have always brought on defeat. ; United we can bring forth victory; ' divided, defeat. STANDARD PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The seven Sunday proposition is a fake. :o: Senator Reed sees probe in politics. We would say so. :o: Judicial murder is no less effective than any other form. :o: Patsey Ruth Miller is a dandy, and always draws a big audience. -:o: There are a whole lot of Americans in China that have no business there oi- An optimist is one who had an en gagement to play golf any day last week. :o: Snobbishness is an estimate of one's abilities concurred in only by the estimator. :o: A good movie picture will hurt no one. Ana otten tney are purely eau- national to women and children as well as men. :o:- The ladies are becoming "Adam- d," according to the New Parisian. : Now - 88 to the men' would ou say they are rowin madamized? :a: Come in Wednesday, and see what our merchants can do for you. They est price. A chance of a lifetime. The first sandwich was said to have tions. -:o: Senator Reed's statement that Hen- ry Ford never reads his magazine tends to convince us that Henry has made a correct appraisement of its lit- erary merit. -:o: Andy Moore is fat and jolly, with j Parmele. A cordial welcome is al ways in store. -:o:- A professor of Trinity College says ; tViot OAft nftA AAA rnra o cm -arc n-orp " all fish. This may explain why sc many people are prone to revert toifitrurpg how tint this tradition rttsi1'0 pot away witnout snowing tne type and become suckers. :o: There has been no perceptible in- crease in man's intelligence in thei last 20,000 years, savs a magazine writer. And some of the iokes have! lasted all those years, too. I -:o:- An association has started a move! to halt profanity in the Spanish army, i There are said to be a few other j armies, too, where the soldiers are I none too careful with their words. gride A correct every motor. Consult the Polarine Chart. OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA "A ?tebrasa Institution" Senator Fess of Ohio has declined, the appointment tendered him by Vice, President Dawes to serve on the Reed investigating committee. His ramb ling explanation on why he cannot accept the place is a shabby alibi, but one of his objections may be looked into, namely, that he is not in accord with the views of the majority of the committee. What are the views of the commit tee's majority? They are found offi cially in the committee's report tc; the senate. That report summarized the press reports of the committee j inquiry. It showed, on the sworn tes-; timony of candidates, managers and contributors, that immense sums of! money had been expended in the sen-J atorial primaries of Pennsylvania and' Illinois. I It seems fair to ask, then, just what Senator Fess means when he says he is not in accord with the com- i mittee's majority. Does he challenge; the accuracy of the committee's state- ; ments of facts? Does he challenge the committee's deduction that such vast expenditur-J es are contrary to public policy and are, in truth, a menace to our govern-' ment and its institutions? i Does he mean that, in his opinion, I i it was right and proper for Vare to' buy his nomination in Pennsylvania J and for Smith to do the same thing in iiunois; Does Seator Fess mean that he ap- proves, or is willing to cover up, cor-car wnie peacefully parked bv the' Lots five (5) and six (6), in niption of that character? j curb take off a fender or runnlng' Clock twenty (20). .in the Vil Wearelnath tn hpl.VvP thp SPnafnr i , . , .... ..-J of Murdock, Cass county, .... from Ohir wishps tn hp unflprstnrvl ns I condoning or indorsing such prac-ja wori about it or give a moment's! thereon. Said offer for sale to re tices, but if his assertion that he islthought to the damage done and the,main 0enJorn our fbidf' not in accord.with the views of the' thi, i w nhaseL Dat-ed thls 26th day r MarCD A' majority oi tne ueeu committee aoeS(0f dishonesty 3nd highway robbery not mean that, what does it? :o: TWO FRIENDLY NATIONS Figures just released bv Canadian. fr.-.-i i , ,!bill to nay. closeness of the relations that bind! well-known citizen came to our, Canada and the United States to-,ofrice the other day ,n a bad humor' ! pethen for upon returning to his parked car ' The United States is Canada's chief , export market. In the year just ended j the United States bought Canadian, gCOds valued at over $450,000,000 In addition, Canada buys more goods from the United States than from any other country more event""'-1 l" . than from the British isles. Ameri- ports, and were valued at over $650, 000,000. The tradition of friendship between these two great countries is one of n- . . ... . '. me ungniesi spots in tne woriu s nis- tory of international relations. These' on a good solid basis. It appears that Mrs. Philip Ly!igj whoe bankruptcy petition was filed in New York the other dav, is the author of a current maerazine article ' entitled. "Have We Nothing Butivvhen such damage is caused it is Money in America." :o: The small hat will again be in style this summer, but, we hasten to in- . form husbands, not the small hat your wife had last summer. i for o Wta.ooT1 Moye Pays Cash for Poultry, Eggs, Cream i Hides and Furs Highest Market Prices SIX Days in tlie week. Bring US your produce, ll7 P n CL , We Sell Oyster bhell and Just-Rite Chick Feeds Moye Produce Co. Telephone 391 Plattsmouth, Neb. DISHONEST DRIVERS J There must be a vital relation be- ,tween poor uriving anu dishonesty,' .hn firsVpr will snah into vour DOarci, anu leave jour car wim a uig body dent and drive off and say not j "-' v - ' which we might just as well recognize to begin with. You might just as well waylay a fellow and take his money as smash his car, leaving a nice fat he found the rear and front fenders on one 6ide s board torn off smashed, the running and the rear hub cap Knockea on wun grease Desmeareu oil flTij" t tl M'liopl Q T 1 1 1 cirla rf thp Car ' It looks like a $20.00 repair bill and i what hurts is that it has just been thirty days since ne paid tor a ienaer and body dent costing $30.00 which one of our "conscienceless drivers" h.nMt0H T,pnrpfullv and , . . , . properly parked. The "poor driver with a poor con- science." protat)iy camea collision i V. ?11 rati CP. HT1U COllin have TPCOmDenS td the offP pf the imaged car, but courtesv of reporting the mix-up tc ti,t. nn-nor nf thp f'n:ia?l par This form of insurance is carried for the purpose of protecting a car; owner against damage inflicted by him on the property of others, and ! downrirht dishonest not to acknowl- edge one's liability. Wrecking tbr other fellow's car and then driving ofl without making a report (lifTers in no respect from en- tering a man's home, wrecking his furniture, smashing the piano with an The State of Nebraska. To all per 'pTf on,! tht-n ripn.irtin"- without leav- pons interested in said estate, credi- , . . , . .. ing a clue as to jour identity. A few days ago the writer saw a lady driving a "Lizzie." As she back- ed out of her parking space, she hung the bumper of her car under the rear fender of a new Cadillac car, giving it a terrible twist and side Nebraska, and the owner of the fol swipe. There was a policeman stand- lowing described real estate, to-wit: ing near by who helped to get her untangled from the unoccupied Cad illac car, but neither he nor she took any cognizance of the bunged up fen-1 der of the Cadillac. We wonder ifj cops and "conscienceless drivers" know that fenders on large automo biles cost money? Something must be done to protect the public fromi this reckless destruction of property' We would suggest that the next timej one of these "poor drivers with poorj honesty" smash into a car while un- occupied and take off a fender or two, that they leave their card on the steering wheel of the damaged car, suggesting that the person report tc their insurance agent for an adjust ment. This will help your conscience as well as the business of 5our in surance agent and will put more new money into circulation. Also, it will convince the owner of u ... Know tne elements or common that no application for administra honest. " ; tion has been made and the estate of -o- Isaid decedent has not been adminis- It was not to be expected that Sec-!) red n le Sate tof 5ebrasa' and M .that the Court determine who are retary of W ar Davis and Senator Ship- the heirs of said deceased, their de stead would return from the Carib-'gree of kinship and the right of des bean with the same views of our ac-'cent in the real property of which tivities there. They did not go down he deceased died seized, which has ... x. been set for hearing on the 20th day with the same views, and we have yet of May A D. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. to hear of a sea voyage changing any-' m. body's mind. -:o:- Omaha is going to make an effort for the Republican National Conven- tion. But don't think they will ever! .1 get it for several years yet. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Petrolina Chaloupka, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 18th day of April, 1927, and on the 19th day of July. 1927, at 10 o'clock la. m.. on each day, to receive and j examine all claims against said es- itate, with a view to their adjustment iand allowance. The time limited for 'the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the ISth day of April, A. D. 1927, and the time limited for payment of debts is 'one year from said 18th day of April 1997 Witness my hand and the seal of. Witness my hand and the seal of,"-1111 wnrK t,u l,lt "iun-r.apie rru said County Court, this 21st day of (said County Court, this Sth day of , No- 2o6-A, I-ederal Aid Road. March, 1927. H. DUXBURY, County Judge. i (Seal) m2S-4w NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of Angelo Antonio Nunziato, Insane. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an Order and License is sued by the Honorable James T. Beg ley. Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 26th day of March, 1927, to me, W. G. Kieck, Guardian. I will on the 26th day of April, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the prem ises in Murdock, Cass county, Nebras ka, offer for sale at public auction i to the hiprhest bidder for casn, tne following described real estate, to ait- VphrasVa subject to all liens and encumbrances i). TV. G. KIECK. Guardian of Angelo Antonio Nunziato, Insane. NOTICE John Livingston will take notice. uxbury. cJun t Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of 1193.4 8, in an action pending betore him, wherein Sinclair Kenning company, a corporation, is piaintm, and Jonn Livinsrston. defendant: That pr0perty of the defendant, rtici(?tirfr f nna TT CrllTa rnp L " ' . " , . r'ord louring car, moaei one Dodge car, model 19, one barrel Polarine Ford oil tWo barrels Mobile Arctic oil, six Radio gray tubes; one 31x4.95 tube, one 31x5.25 tube; two Ford armatures, one armature No. ,817221, four Hassler Snubblers, one Chevrolet shaft, one axle shaft, one heating stove, one Unitron rectifier, one oarrei aiooue ; on ou gaiion, one Weaver jack, one Moore way stove. Qne WeaTer &rease guIlt has been at- tached under said order Said cause was continued to the 28th day of May, 1927, at 10:00 ,u ' T . T X.TX. A Corporation. py LEON L. McCARTY, Its Duly Authorized Agent alS-S-'T NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship. Fstate No "0" of Marv Kelly deceased .in the County Court of Cass (0'intv. Nebraska. tors and heirs take notice, that Nellie Ke,y who ig one Qf thp heirs Qf sai(J deceased and interested in such, has filed her petition alleging that Mary Kelly died intestate in Manley, Cass conn:DIKil- ?n or aD?ut i: ary 14th, 1924, being a resident and inhabitant of Manley, Cass county, The southwest quarter (SW',4) of Section thirty-four (34), Township twelve (12), Range twelve (12), and Lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (IS), nineteen 19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (2S), inclusive, in Block eight (8), in Manley, Ne braska leaving as her sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to- 1 wit: Maggie Sheehan, age 50 years, Manley, Nebraska, a daughter; John D. Kelly, age 49 years, Alvo, Nebraska, a son; Edward P. Kelly, age 47 years. Manley, Nebraska, a son; Nellie Kelly, age 44 years, Manley, Nebraska, a daughter; William J. Kelly, age 39 years. Cedar Creek, Nebraska, a son; . d-pdent died intestate: Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 13th day of April, A. D. 1927. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) alS-3w County Judge. A gown called "kiss me" is popular ! in Paris this season. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Con rad Heisel, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in' Plattsmouth, in said county, on the . 9th day of May, A. D. 1927. and on the 10th day of August. A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. each day, to re- ceive and examine all claims against j ' said estate, with a view to their ad- justment and allowance. The timei limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 9th day of May, A. D. 1927. 'and the time limited for pavment of dpbts is one year from said 9th day I of May 197 ! April, 1927. (Seal) all-4w H. DUXBURY. County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Paul Public works at Lincoln, Nebraska. Bajeck. deceased. I The successful bidder will be re- To the creditors of said estate: 'quired to furnish bond in an amount You are hereby notified that I will equal to 100 of his contract, sit at the County Court room in' Certified checks made payable to Plattsmouth. in said county, on the the Department of Public Works for 9th day of May, A. D. 1927, and on not less than fiive per cent (5) of the 10th day of August, A. D. 1927,1 the amount of the bid will be re at ten o'clock a. m. of each day, to j quired. receive and examine all claims; This work must be started previous against said estate, with a view to ' to May 15th, 1927 and be completed their adjustment and allowance. The f by September 1st, 1927. time limited for the presentation ofi The right is reserved to waive all claims against said estate is three ' technicalities and reject any or all months from the 9th dav of Mav. A. bids. D. 1927, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 9th day of May, 1927. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this Sth day of April, 1927. A. II. DUXBURY. (Seal) all-4w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Al- fred B. Hass. deceased. To the creditors of said estate Vnn are hprphv notified. That 1 vu - - - - ' will sit at the county court room in t Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 12th day of May, A. D. 1927, and the 13th dav of August, A. D. 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock of each day respective!, to received and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and al lowance. The time limited for the; presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 12th day of May A. D. 1927, and the time limited for payment of debts is Onei Year from said 12th day of May 1927.1 Witness my hand and the seal of'secured at the office of the County said county court this Sth day of Clcrferat plattsmouth. Nebraska or at April 1927. ( Seal )A1 1-4 w A. II. DUXBURY. County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by Golda Noble Beal. clerk of Dis trict court within and for Cass coun-, ty, Nebraska, and to me directed. I, to May 15th. 1927. and be completed will on the 14th day of May, 1927 'by September 1st, 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at' The right is reserved to waive all the South Front Door of the Court technicalities and reject any or all House in the city of Plattsmouth, Ne- bids. braska in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following Real Estate, to-wit: Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Ninety-Six 9C) in the city cf Plattsmouth, Nebraska The same being levied and taken; as the property cf Laura G. Marshall.! Sealed bids will be received at the defendant to satisfy a judgment of Department of Public Works in the said court recovered by The Standard ; state House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on Savings and Loan Association ofjApril 27th, 1927 until 9:00 o'clock Omaha. Nebraska, plaintiffs against j a m am at that time publicly open said defendant. led and read for Grading, Gravel Sur- Flattsmouth, Nebraska, April 9tn. A. D., 192; BERT REED. Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska. All-5w. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mag gie Stoehr, formerly Maggie Born, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles TV. Stoehr praying that administration of said estate may be granted to H. A. Schneider, as Ad ministrator; Ordered, that April 29th A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the petition er should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said peti tion and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated April 2nd, 1927. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) a4-3w County Judge. Edward L. Doheny, arguing for a dismissal of bribery indictments, claims that Fall, having no authority to make leases, could bribed for that purpose. Edward evidently believes that there is no harm in try ing. :o: Rubber toys, balls and baloons sent -from this to other countries last year J had a total value of nearly 1350,000. Accredited Barred Rock Eggs. Average egg production 142.9. High fertility. Per setting $1.50. Four settings for J 5.00. Phone 3421. MRS. C. L. WILES al2-2w Plattsmouth, Neb. Parties harinz' Designers and D- i;r,tnr, , p.ateo Bnnlr Oif J?" " S t.!?i ShoP are requested to call for them ai once. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State Ilnufe at Lincoln. Nebraska, on April 27th, 1927 until 9 o'clock a. m., and at that time publicly opened and read for Gravel surfacing and iuci- The proposed work consists of con structing 5.1 miles of Gravel roud. The approximate quantities are: 04,000 Sq. Yds. 3" Gravel Sur facing. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of GEORGE R. SAYLES. Co. Clerk, Cass. Co. R. L. COCHRAN State Engineer.. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on April 27th, 1927 until 9:00 o'clock a. m., and at that time publicly open ed and read for grading, gravel sur facing, culverts and incidental work on the Nebraska City-Lincoln project o. 133-c. Federal Aid Road j The proposed work consists of con- structing 2.0 miles of gravel road. 1 tm. r.-.vt n..nntu; n.A. . i uc txyyi ujkiixja ic ijuauuiicD aic. 3.600 Cu. Yd3. Common Exca- vation. 6,000 Cu. Yis. Sta. overhaul. S3 Sta. Station excavation. 29,000 Sq. Yds. Sand Gravel Surfacing, 3" Deep. 15 cu. yds. Common Excavation for culverts. 20 cu. yds., Wet Excevation for culverts. 44 Cu. Yds. Reinf. Concrete Class A. Plans and specifications for the WOrk mav be seen and information the Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 of his contract. Certified checks made payable to the Department of Public Works for not less than five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid will be re quired. This work must be started previous GEORGE R. SAYLES. Co. Clerk. Cass Co. R. L. COCHRAN. State Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS facing. Culverts. One Bridge. Guard Rail and incidental work on the Union-Elmwood Project No. 256-B, Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 13.5 miles of Gravel road. The approximate quantities are: 6.5 Acres Clearing R. O. TV. 6.5 Acres Grubbing R. O. TV. 261,000 Cu. Yds. Common Ex cavation. 195,000 Cu. Yds. Station over haul. 222.000 Sq. Yds. Sand Gravel Surfacing. 3" Deep. 1,239 Cu. Yds. Common Exca vation for culverts. 1.051,672 Cu. Yds. Reinforced concrete Class A. 1.0S8 Lin. Ft. 24" Culvert Pipe. 364 Lin. Ft. 30" Culvert Pipe. 336 Lin. Ft. 36" Culvert Pipe. 4,488 Lin. Ft. Guard Rail. 82 Each Anchors for Guard Rail. 8 Each Extra Posts for Guard Rail. Bridge at Station 542-74 1 45' Span Pony Truss with con crete Floor and abutments. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information se cured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 of his contract. Certified checks made payable to the Department of Public Works for not less than five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid will be requir ed. This work must be started previous to May 15th, 1927 and be completed by December 1st, 1927. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEP'T OF PUBLIC WORKS. By: R. L. COCHRAN, State Engineer. GEO. R. SAYLES. Co. Clerk, Cass Co.