THURSDAY, APEH 14, 1927. PLATTSMOUTH SESEX - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE.TTLREJ1 GOLD IN THE AIR NOTICE TO CREDITORS SEED POTATOES SHERIFF'S SALE i t a This modern age discrim inatesand smokes Camels THIS age is the hardest to satisfy it's the most discrimi nating age ever known. That's why it goes to Camel for cigarette enjoyment. It takes real tobacco to satisfy modern smokers and pm! are made of the choicest tobaccos grown, marvelously blended. Smokers of today are right in demanding Camels; no better cigarettes are made, regardless of price. To seek a real smoke is to find Camel the choice of the modern world. Camels are a revelation of goodness, always mellow, smooth and mild. This age shows the way to smoke contentment H are a Camell" 1 1 I 1927. K. J. Remold Tobacco! Company, WmstoB-Slm. N. C SI Obe plattsmouth lournal fUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSilOUTH, NEBRASKA mwtmr4 at PaatoSlc. Plattsmouth. Nb a coid-elua mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCBIPTIOH PRICE 2.00 FES TEAS. C? ADVANCE Couldn't the Chinese get a long way without China? -:o: "Stick to your knitting" is the best way to reach success. :o: The songs the reformers sing seem to be made up largely of refrains. -:o:- More Marines for China. IIow;sitie, not sjare parts. about Nicaragua? Simpson is on the'; 1 call. -:o: The height of swank: Calling the price of an umbrella a "couvert charge." :o: Dr. Butler and Senator Borah's de bate has proved a the favorite. tie, with Butler ( -:o: The manwho laughs last may,Look ut for more bank failures over laugh best btft he gets the reputation of being a slow thinker. :o:- If all the serial stories were placed end to end in this world, they would have to be continued in the next. :o One result of the war, strangely overlooked, is the ex-soldier's wonder ! that they beans." call the thing "fancy -:o: Dry department in trouble. Either Haynes or General Lincoln C. An drews must go, and we are positive it won't be Andrews. :o: An optimist is a man who remin-. ices glowingly over the last war. A pessimist is a man who looks fearfully ahead to the next one. :o: To show the progress of the Domin ican people, a national exposition of. industry, agriculture and the arts was held recently at Santiago. -j :o: Drafting of labor for military pur- ( poses in Nicaragua has reduced this season's coffee production of thatj country more than 2,500,000 pounds. :o: Campaign speeches to the contrary notwithstanding, Thompson's elec tion as mayor of Chicago will have(sion. no effect on the status of the King of j England. :o: canaaian miiK nas Deen iouna safe to drink, and a ban has been placed on it by the government. What in the world is a man to drink in Canada, anyhow? School fights should not occur. :o: Bad storms and floods in Kansasibe leather an(1 the sirapie and ob- and on farther south Ford craft may aid in Air Field Dedication in Omaha. nMiB rm,.Cr;a o ctnnio iw.ons- Too many rich men are handicap-; ped by blonded indebtedness. :o:- muic f;t-iv u:iu men - xiJ,niT a Snoe mat Olieieu IU1S tUIIl if U- hope for more settled weather. :o: Death of robbers in Missouri now. mat win stop them, ir anything :o:- Iowa guarantee plan voted down. there. :o: Who pays Borah for trouble? The people would know. all like his to' :o: Wahoo is just recovering from one or those delightful turmoils called a school fight. j -:o:- They may be working for so le kind of school trouble in this city, f r all we know. to: Accumulated gas in a Boston sev. - ?r exploded, throwing a manhole covjr against a fire alarm box and turning in an alarm. :o:- An Eglishman drove his car 2 )7 miles an hour down in Florida t le other day, but he didn't manage to hit a single pedestrian. :o: His attorney has appealed from the' Hpath cton,0 0 t I. death sentence passed on Socrates is ,400 years ago. Those Greek courts are almost as speedy as ours. :o: Rising stocks mystify Wall street. Perhaps the financiers are merely bet-1 lung inai tne supreme Court theory 1 - 1 of valuations will prevail over that of the intersate commerce commis- :o:- Sawdust ear" is said to be the tuu,muurai wmpiaiiii among movie un--ioiKs wno ao not appear on the a screen. The complaint actually con- sists in having sawdust in the ears, 'and is confined to stage carpenters. jNot, as you had supposed, to directors. j if MYSTERY OF THE SHOE As a bit of home work for the gent- lemen who interpidly tackle the more j recondite cosmic problems, we here- with suggest "the great shoe mys ' . .. . , A, a tery, ana venture compiaceniiy iu anticipate their ultimate discomfit ure. If, as is maintained of all mys teries, it has a solution progressive scientific forces would do well to con centrate upon its attainment before engaging theories and hypotheses much less momentous to the public at large. Just why a shoe, the composition of which is rather generally known to vious purpose of which is to protect and ornament the human foot, should have its proportions cunningly con- coaled from the interested layman bj-j a most eiaDoraie anu ingenious coue. system is in itself an enigma that' challenges thought. What type ol . disturbing magic is this we" find print ed upon the box that contains our prospective footwear? Imagine select-1 dium of its characteristics: UX 32B Yici C9221. Here is brain exercise' worthy of Mr. Holmes himself, who,! wl-,with an his alertness for odd circum stances, has overlooked the homely i opportunity. Here, if the sign be true, is intrigue, diplomacy, romance. Here, to be sure, is mystery. Should one desire a collar, why a glance in any haberdasher's window i will disclose an array of styles, the of which are plainly displayed.; Shirts, which may be assumed to rank 1 as high in the scale 01 eiress as snoes, j are similarly frank in admitting their limitations. It is simple, if monotonous, to select ones size in the presentation of claims against hats, or gloves, or belts, or, to ap- said estate is three months from the rrnarh fundamentals, underwear. NcilSth day of April. AD. 1927, and the . coats regarding the manner of man they were desiged to encompass. Even j rocks, which might with reason have absorbed some of their neighbors' se - crecy t, profess plainly to their ad- ice to the 10 ,or to the 11 V2. cult. I herence Yet, why clamor for the destruction of one of our few remaining illusions. fn a wnri,i thnt frrnwR vexinrlv real-' istic? Little there of of romance in everyday affairs, little enough that in evervdav affairs, little enouch that . : T not boresome and transparent. Let us not loose the forces of fineemrints upon this admirable mystery of the .ou. a" hereby notined that I week ior to said d of hear. . . . sit at the County Court room in iritT shoe. Let us rather view with a new PiaUsmouth, in said county, on the;lnf wltness whereof I have here awe those patient members that leave 15th day of April, 1927. and on the v ua ,i "footprints on the sands of time," and give thanks that the shoe manufactur - " ers are blessed with imagination. ij :o:- To us, the most striking thing about Hiram Johnson's having the nr;(i,i ,.nmi(H fTT, presidential germ eliminated 1 w 11. nis system is the fact that he is not democrat tt- -: i tv.o miirht h mentioned that it "fuij coupe seems 10 nave crowueu t r . i , jj the libel suit to the curb. One imDuritv sent into the air by an industrial plant, is so valuable that a way has been found to recover it before it escapes from the stack, The offending plant in this case is the United States assay discharging into the air no less than fine partic- Plattsmouth, in said county, on the les of gold, carried upward in the gas- gtn day of May, A. D. 1927, and on eou3 fumes from the smelting fur- the 10th day of August, A. D. 1927, races Not even the frequenters of at ten o'clock a. m. each day, to re Wall street where the assay office ceive and examine all claims against uau street, w aere n.e cSbay onue said estate with & v-ew tQ thejr ad. is located, care to breathe cold, how- justment and allowance. The time ever fonJ they are of it in their pock- limited for the presentation of claims cts or in their bank deposits. against said estate is three months When once it was fully realized from the 9th day of May. A. D. 1927 . . and the time limited for payment of how much gold was being lost in these debts is one year frora sajd 9th day funics, it took no prodding from the of May, 1927. health authorities to st the man- Witness my hand and the seal of agomer.t of the assay office at work sai(1. County Court, this Sth day of Marching for some moans bv which thse vargrant particles might be ar - rested in their flight and brought back to their owner Science has not ! groat difficulty with the problem. A; p'.iant fan drives the dust-laden fumes through settling chambers, where the- particles of gold are collected by an eUctrical process. Since this process 1 i cf recovery was inauguarted. COO, ounces of gold have been saved, the value of which is close to $12,500. We are not aware that any. attempt has been made to trace the effect up- on human lungs of breathing gold - polluted air, but as a general rule, lung tissue will always suffer more or ... . m , less injury from metallic particles deposited upon it by the air which we breathe. Nail cutters, under the old manner of nail making, used to de - velop what was called "nailers con sumption," from breathing in the minute particles of steel given off when they ground the edged tools; with which the cutting was done Some day, we shall insist upon free ing the air from virtually all the im purities, injurious to health and com fort. :o: GREAT BUT WHAT FOR It's a marvelous automobile that Major Seagraves is exhibiting down in Florida. It has already reeled off a record of 207 miles an hour, and the major asserts it has hardly start eel. A great deal of ingenuity and work- manship have gone Into the making , . t,.... . -ii iJ n an uooui: When all is said and done, this new speedster is nothing but a toy. It seems a shame that all of that skill and energy could not have gone into the making of something useful. ' :o: Former Senator Lenroot has sug gested that President Coolidge spend his vacation on an island, 11 miles from the mainland, in Green Bay. Wis This t-ike?iis as the nerfect y w.uc ui oaic .u wis. mis st. ikes us as tne penecnby GoMa Noble Beal clerk of DiS. example or a memDer or tne uia Guard" suggesting more protection :o:- A girl coming home from a party at 5 a. m. in Chicago, shot herself when sue met Her motner who was on ner way to church. Mothers shouldn't get up so early to go to church. -:o:- Th movies must be emancipated. .gayg w,n Hays Am, the gubtitle writ. firt tlinu,ht un "Came the r-,' V, fitf o-,,,- HI-. oo 11 1 -3 IMC 111 si r J V V. U 11BC D-'C them emancipated of. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Petrolina Chaloupka, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the CountyCourt room in 1Rth day pf Apri, 1927 and on tfce 19th day of July. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on eacn na, 10 receive ana examine all claims against said es- annorina ThP tim limits fnr time limited for payment of debts is one year from Aprjf 1927. said ISth day of Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 21st day of (1iari - "' A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) m2S-4w County Judge . NOTICE TO CREDITORS The S'.ate of Nebraska, Cass coun- ty, ss. 1 In the County Court. t , r t,a t.l In the matter of the estate of Re I berca A. Murray, deceased. T the creditors of said estate: 16th day of July, 1927, at ten o'clock - ". uu ,'ai 1 i rewve aim examine- all claims against said es tate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim- v -j tw 1 i-nfk nil nini Til d u irn inrir onin ited for the presentation of claims a'nst estate is three months from the loth day ot April, A. D. -i. j i , aim lue nine uuineu lur pay-, tno a ai a 1 m ment of debts is one rear from said 15th day of April, 1927. Witness my hand and the seal of ' said taiu yuumy e-uuri, mis x . m uay oi uta. -inn a tt nTTVRTTT? V (Seal) m2i-4w County Judge.' The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- ty'Tss" . ' i In the County Court, j Jn the matter of tne estate of Con. rad Heisel, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will April, i2i. A. II. DUXBURY, ' (peal) all-4w . County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tfae gute of Xebraska Cass eoun. ty, ss. In the County Court. ln the matter of the estate of Paul Bajeck. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Vmi q r ViriK Tintifil f hnt T will sit 1 " j L . - ..... at the County Court room in County Court jPlajsmouth, in said county, on the lu u M- f ' '""," ,the 10th day of August, A. D. 1927, ( at ten 0ciock a. m. of each day, to , receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to (eir adjustment and allowance. The jtime limited for the presentation of claim3 a&ajnst said estate is three months from the 9th day of May, A. D. 1927, and the time limited for ' payment of debts is one year from saiu via uay ui iviay, x i uness my nana ana tne seal oi said County Court this Sth day of April, 1927. (Seal) all-4w County udge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Al fred B. Hass, deceased. To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified, That will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 12th day of May, A. D. 1927, and the 13th day of August, A, D. 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock of each day respectively, to received and examine all claims against said estate, with a ( view to their adjustment and al lowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said I estate is three months from the 12th dav of May A. D. 1927.' and the time limited for payment of debts is One Year from said 12th day of May 1927 Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this Sth day of April 1927. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal)All-4w County Judge SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska County of Cass ss. trict court within and for Cass coun ty. Nebraska, and to me directed, '. will on the 14th day of May, 1927 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court .House in the city of Plattsmouth, Ne- ( fcraska ju said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following Real Estate, to-wit: Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10). Block Ninety-Six (96) in the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska The same being levied and taken as thf nrnnprtv of Laura G. Marshall j defendant to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by The Standard Savings and Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska, plaintiffs against said defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 9th A. D., 1927. BERT REED, Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska. All-5w. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account in the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss To all persons interested in the estate of Robert L. Burr, deceased: On reading the petition of Louisa A. Burr praying a final settlement and allowance of her account filed in this Court on the 6th day of April, 1927, and for discharge of Adminis tratrix; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty on the 18th day of April, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the pray er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons Interested in said matter by publish- ing a copy of this order in the Platts- L()l in,,, Tni-wPoHv now- na- n.i,,f tn CQ,- mnr.r tnr said court this 6th day of April, A. D 1927 H. DUXBURY, County Judge. (Seal) all-lw Let us all put our shoulders to d h hard p, . . . , . lnmnn a nam ti I s; n htiii a n isn a.i r r together will do us great good. We 1 don't need any knockers to help. Loy-J ,tv tn ino n tnwn ls .nnt w . . auu maui. :a: Phone us the news. Very best Early Ohio seed potatoes. $1.75 per bushel. Elbert Wiles, phone 3521. ltsw HATCHING EGGS Pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs. ?S.50 er 100. Mrs. Frank Riester, Manley, Nebraska, Louisville phone, 1922. Read Journal Want Ads. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on April 27th, 1927 until 9 o'clock a. m., ! and at that time publicly opened andj read for Gravel surfacing and inci-1 dental work on the Vnion-Eagle Pro-! ti,b rnnnWI! unrt nit rf rnn- structing 5.1 miles of Gravel road. The approximate quantities are: 64,000 an Vri 3" firnvol siir- facing nrsi ana real name unKimwn, uus- Plans and specifications for the band of Becky Moreland; Clarence work may be seen and information Fa vers; Favers, fir.-t and real secured at the office of the County name unknown, wife of Clarence Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or Favers; Mrs. William Marsh, widow; at the office of the Department of Mrs. Marion Chancelor, widow; Wil Public works at Lincoln, Nebraska. ,liam Ilinner, Hinner, first The successful bidder will be re- and real name unknown, wife of Wil quired to furnish bond in an amount Ham Hinner: The First National equal to 100 of his contract. Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and Certified checks made payable tc Fred Buerstetta, receiver of The First the Department of Public Works for National Bank, of Plattsmouth, Ne not less than fiive per cent (5) of braska. interveners, are defendants, the amount of the bid will be re- to satisfy a judgment of said court quired. recovered by The Standard Savings This work must be started previous and Loan Association of Omaha, Ne to May 15th, 1927 and be completed braska, plaintifT against said defend by September 1st, 1927. ants. The right is reserved to waive all Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 11, technicalities and reject any or all bids. GEORGE R. SAYLES. Co. Clerk, Cass. Co. R. L. COCHRAN State Engineer.. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the Hugh Chalfant, Plaintiff State House at Lincoln. Nebraska, on' vs. April 27th, 1927 until 9:00 o'clock Alice Wolfe, W. J. Johns a. m., and at that time publicly open- ton. Nellie Johnston, Har ed and read for grading, gravel sur- rjet Nichols, George Nich facing, culverts and incidental work 0ls, Dan Chalfant and on the Nebraska City-Lincoln project Bertha Chalfant, No. 133-c, Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con- structing 2.0 miles of gravel road. The approximate quantities are: 3,600 Cu. Yds. Common Exca vation. 6.000 Cu. Yds. Sta. overhaul. S3 Sta. Station excavation. 29,000 Sq. Yds. Sand Gravel Surfacing. 3" Deep. 15 cu. yds. Common Excavation for culverts. 20 cu. yds., Wet Excevation for culverts. 44 Cu. Yds. Reinf. Concrete Class A. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska or at the Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 of his contract. Certified checks made payable tc tne uepartment or I'udiic uorKS ior hour. Twenty per cent of bid to be not less than five per cent (5 7c) of paid in cash at the tinie of 8aje and the amount of the bid will be re-the balance of the purchase price to quired. Ie pajd on confirmation of the sale This work must be started previous and delivery of deed to May 15th, 1927. and be completed, Dated this 17th day of March, A. uy oepiemuer isi, The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. GEORGE R. SAYLES. Co. Clerk. Cass Co. R. L. COCHRAN. State Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln. Nebraska, on April 27th, 1927 until 9:00 o'clock a. m., and at that time publicly open- facing. Culverts, One Bridge, Guard Rail and inrirfpntal work on the.srunieu 10 n. a. atnuejuer, us au Union-Elm wood Project No. 256-B, Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 13.5 miles of Gravel road. The approximate quantities are: 6.5 Acres Clearing R. O. W. 6.5 Acres Grubbing R. O. W. 261,000 Cu. Yds. Common Ex cavation. 195,000 Cu. Yds. Station over haul. . 222,000 Sq. Yds. Sand Gravel Surfacing, 3" Deep. 1,239 Cu. Yds. Common Exca vation for culverts. 1,051,672 Cu. Yds. Reinforced concrete Class A. 1,088 Lin. Ft. 24" Culvert Pipe. 364 Lin. Ft. 30" Culvert Pipe. 336 Lin. Ft. 36" Culvert Pipe. 4.488 Lin. Ft. Guard Rail. 82 Each Anchors for Guard Rail. 8 Each Extra Posts for Guard Rail. Bridge at Station 542-74 1 45' Span Pony Truss with con crete Floor and abutments. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information se cured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or at the nffirp nf the. nenartmpnt nf Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 of his contract. Certified checks made payable tc;ka, offer for sale at public auction the Department of Public Works for not less than five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid will be requir ed. This work must be started previous to May 15th, 1927 and be completed by December 1st, 1927. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEP'T OF PUBLIC WORKS, uy: ft. l. LuejnitJUS, State Engineer. GEO. R. SAYLES. Co. Clerk, Cass Co. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale ls- sued by Golda Noble Deal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Caas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 16th day of April, A. D., 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said da at the south front doer of the court house, in the City of riatts mouth, Nebraska, in said county, tell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real es tate, to-wit: Lots 7. 8, 9, 10, Block 33; Lots 5, 6. Block G3. in the Origi nal City of Plattsmouth; Lots 7. 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12, Block C, Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, as surveyed, plat ted and recorded, all in Cass county, Nebraska The same being .-levied upon and taken as tlie Property of William T. Craig, Ida M Craig. George O. Dovey. IleCKy .uoreiaua, .uurcianu, A. D. 1927 BERT REED, Sheriff Caf.8 County, Nebraska. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska. NOTICD Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, entered in the above entitled cause 'on the 1st day of March, 1927, and 'the Order of Sale entered by said Court on the 5th day of March, 1927, , . , m ill 1, ine unaersignea soie reieree win hcii at public auction on the 23rd day of April, 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. of said date, at the south front door of jthe court house in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, iseDraska, to tne highest bidder for cash, the follow- ing described real estate, to-wlt: The west half of the southwest quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the east half of the southwest quarter in Section 1, Township 10, north. Range 13, east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne braska, consisting of 125 acres, more or less. Said fcale will remain open for one rj 1127 D. O. DWYER, Referee. m21-4w. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mag gie Stoehr, formerly Maggie Born, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles W. Stoehr praying that ; administration of said estate may be ministrator; Ordered, that April 29th A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may aprear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the petition er should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of paid peti tion and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Jourral, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated April 2nd, 1927. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) a4-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of Angejo Antonio Nunziato, Insane. Notice is hereby given that In pur suance of an Order and License is sued by the Honorable James T. Beg ley. Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 26th day Of March, 1927, to me. W. O. ,r j,i. ri .. I , i , . Kieck, Guardian, I will on the 26th day of April, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the prem ises in Murdock, Cass county, Nebras- to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to- wit: Lots five (5) and six (6), in Block twenty (20), in the Vil lage of Murdock, Cass county, Nebraska subject to all liens and encumbrances thereon. Said offer for sale to re main open for one hour for bids. Dated this 26th day of March, A. D. 1927. W. G. KIECK, Guardian of Angelo Antonio Nunziato, Insane.