The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 28, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    XOHDAY, MARCH 28, 1927.
fags xttx
Miss Jessie Melvin was called to Louisville, will in a short time begin ; Telephone and Telegraph station at
Lincoln on business Tuesday. jthe erection of a barn for Aug Stohl-jthat place, was a business visitor in
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Gakemeier were 'man near Louisville. Murdock on Last Wednesday after-
Lincoln visitors Tuesday afternoon. The last quarterly meeting preced
Alrin Bornemeier fixed and repair- ing the annual conference of the
ed the well and water works for j Evangelical church of Murdock, was
Emil Lau Monday. 'held on last Saturday and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heineman vis-'and was well attended.
ited with Herbert Firestine at the! Jpss Landholm and family and
St. Elizabeth hospital in Lincoln on Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kruger were!
Tuesday afternoon. -visitine: at Shenandoah on Wednes-j
Wm. Nielson. who has been so ill
for some time following the stroke of
paralysis is reported as getting much
better and under the care of Dr. A.
II. Smith, will expect soon to be out
again. ,
On Thursday of last week, E. W
Edward M. Jumper, of northwest day of last week, they driving over Thimgan took the household goods
of town, was shelling and delivering to the radio city in their car. jof Rev. and Mrs. J. "V. Peters to
his corn to the Murdock elevator on! Frank Zoz was a visitor in Lincoln their new home at Wisner, where
Wednesday of last week. 'during the fore part of last week and rv. Peters has accepted a call to
Martha and Rebekka Lau visited was a visitor with his friend, Herbert preach,
with their friend, Herbert Firestine, Firestine, who was so badly injured' The Schlueter Brothers, living
who is r.t the St. Elizabeth hospital by a team a short time since. i west of Murdock purchased last week
at Lincoln, on Tuesday afternoon. Alvin Bornemeier and Rebekka a very fine matched team of block
Mrs. Harry McDonald was a visi- Lau were .Ashland visitors Thursday, horses well broken lor the farm
tor in Omaha for a few davs during Martha and Rebekka Lau were work, they getting the team from
the past week and was a guest of her supper guests Tuesday at the home of Wayne Swarts.
sister while there, the ladies enjoying their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hy Heine-, Mr. and Mrs. George Work, who
a verv pleasant visit. man. been making their home in Cin-
Henrv Brandt, who has just com-! John Skulling of Greenwood, man- cinnatti where Mr. Worl has been
Pleted a house for Henry Saas near ager cf the exchange of the Lincoln employed, moved last week to Kansas
i C;t3, where tbey will make their
jheme in the future.
I Henry C. Bakemeyer has been put
ting a new lody on his truck. As is
ithe rase with other things, truck
. bodies will wear out when subjected
to good hard use and now the truck
is aeain as good as new.
i Mrs. Wayne Swarts has purchased
Hough Message
Eases Anxiety
of Washington
some time and it was thought to find
out what was the matter and so se- Believe m tj. S Refugees Will Be
curing W. O. Gillespie to look after. , , . .
the work of delivering the oil, Chas. Evacuated During Night ; Cool-
and wife departed for Omaha one day idge Discusses Situation.
last week, where Mr. Schaeffer un-
derwent a clinic to ascertain the Washington, March 25. The
cause of his not feeling well. We are grim menace of ready allied guns
hoping that the indisposition will be seemed tonight to have rescued Amer-
found but slight and that he will leans and otner foreigners in canning
soon be In his wanted health again.
after days and nights of horror at the
mercy of looting Cantonese soldiers.
As night fell over the ravaged river
city, Rear Admiral Hough, American
Famous 8x10 Brooder Houses
Made in sections and can be set up and taken down at
pleasure. Sell for $50 each. We also have the individual
Type "A" Hcg Houses complete, selling for $16.50 and
$1&50. Let us show you the value of these buildings.
H. W. Tool Lumber Company
Murdock, Nebraska
' A Boy This Time
K 1. Hn An Tor- H A 4- '
,uC "iUU"a 1 . commander on the Yangtze river, sent f 1
make his heme with his Parents. Mr. dio th firgt official word to re J )?; fllFed
and Mrs. A. J. Neitzel and they are the foreboding of yesterday and Vi gUii,CtS VJCUlg
not me oniy ones 10 rejoice OTer me 0jav
arrival, for Grandfather Louis Xeit-j QeT forf,iaiers were beginning to
zel was looking pretty well pleased t come out of xankingt he said, and
over the advent. All are doing very j tho-a fQi Tvn.nitv" that
120 American men, women and chil
dren could be evacuated to the ships
during the night.
Consul General Gauss reported to!
the navy department tonight that the Merchandise Thieves Clean Shelves
nicely since the coming of the young
Loots Stores o
Advance Orders
Village of burdock
Tuesday, Apri! 5, 1927
Vote for THREE For Village Trustees
end of a twenty-four hour period,
thus making four loadings and un
loadings besides making one hundred
and eighty miles. Of course he had
timet in cat Vioturopn trims hnt tlirp
a new tnirersal Coupe, which is a.was no , to sleep. Tnis ls doing
; dandy, being of the very latest pat- tty wen PUt one has to work when
;trrn and makes a good wagon for' ,e want tfae work done Ed want.
; she and A ayne and Wayne can drive !e(J t k and when it was read he
11 aione wnen DusinesB caiis. i was too
Wm. Rikli shipped two truck loads i
!of hogs to the South Omaha market) Euilding Modern Home
or. last Tuesdav night and was well ' , "
i pleased with the returns which he re-! Herman Leutchens. residing a few
jeeived there being twenty-one hogs.jmi!e ast of Murdock, is having con-
That is Going Some
When it comes to rustling at a good
job, Murdock. has the man who can ! first two shiploads of refugees fromj
do it. E. W. Thimgan on last Tues-j Nanking will arrive at Shanghai Sat
day nicht made two irips to Omaha urday. Gauss has received reportF
with Ftock and the following day two! from Kanhok and other cities in the
more trins and erot home before the 'Yangtze valley that rapid evacuation
of Better Grades in Onslaught
on Nebraska Shops.
The house is of
! p.t.A an aTprncp weight of over 2fi0
innnnrix m, '" . i be up to the minute
j Wayne Swarts. who is a breeder thp bungalow style and is modern in
land barsdler of mire JersfV rows find lr'-v i.muumi.
. . - -
I cattle, sold two excellent animals
rlcst week to Frank L. Edwards, near
jAlvo. this beinc: six in all which he
(has disposed of to this gentleman
since the first of
the year.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinemann
land Mioses Matha and Rebekka Lau
were visiting and looking after some
business matters in Lincoln on Mon
day of last week, they making the
trio in the auto cf Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Leut
chens have worked hard and are en
titled to e. good home, which they are
getting. The house is being con
structed bj- John Faulscn, of Omaha,
who is a good workman and well
knows how to build a good house.
Go Slow lary
The Junior class of the Murdock
High school will give a three act
Heinemann 'play on Thursday night of this week
'and enjoyed the visit very much.
the title of which is as above, "Go
During the past week the Weddell Slow, Mary." They have put in a lot
Elevator company had their engine j of hard work to get their parts learn
overhauled and put in excellent con-jed and are expecting a large turnout
dition. the work being done by A. H. to witness the production. The play
Ward, the mechanic, who owns and: will be given at the school house in
operates the east end garage. While Murdock and should be attended by
Art was looking after the work at the all the patrons of the school. You
elevator, W. H. Rush was caring for will be pleased with the production,
the caraee. Following is the cast:
The oldest son of Otto Reichman, J Billy Abbey, a young husband out
while riding a horse fell from the of a job, Eldon Eickhoff.
animal and broke one of his arms, j Mary Abbey, his discontented wife,
which was looked after immediately , Ruth Miller.
and the young man is getting along j Mrs. Berdon, Mary's mother, Helen
Sally Carter, Mary's bosom friend.
I nicely. This was while Mr. Reich-j
jrnan was at Lincoln to see his friend.!
Herbert Firet-tine. who is recovering i Lela McCrory.
Vote fcr ONfc, r or Village Trustee tO rill Vacancy following an accident in which he! Hairy Stevens, Sally's sweetheart.
S!-!1. the Trustees of the Village of Murdock emploj a
night watchman for the year 1927-1928?
! was injured with his team. I Donald Schewe.
j Bobby Berdon. Mary's young nep-
Suv a Hew Track i npTV a holy terror, Kermit Richard-
J. Joaanson last week purchased a i ' , ,
new Reo truck, which he will use in ! !'Berdon' far? T,eCe' anoth"
his trucking business and which is a,eri -T ak? -D a r,
Tot ..n,.urr -M,h will atie. the Abbey & maid, Mary Bor-
holcl a larse load of goori3 and stock
He is liking this new purchase very
miiaI. r-rA tUnl'o i Tito Oia lliini. f rr
the business he has to do. It is known! M"r,phy' a Pnian. Danny s rival.
1- r-T- rlnlv triift an1 """ """i""J
Danny Grubb. an iceman, suitor to
iKatie, Omar Marshall.
ss a r.e
means just what it says.
School District G-7
riirdock, PSebr.
Tuesday, &pri5 5, 1827
son of the washer
woman. Everett Lindell.
Jack Murphy, Mike's brother, Wil-
Doing: Nicely zi This Time Corne d ' , an pvpnin of fnn
iieroert nrefime. w no as so Daa-jaiH hep thp Juniors raise fumig for
ly injured last week, when his teauvthe cnnual Junior-Senior banquet,
became frightened at the farm be- J
tween here and AIvo. On Wednesday
of the pat week Messrs Henry and Celebrate Big: Wedding
Harold Tool were over to Lincoln tot On the afternoon of March 23d. at
see their friend and found him rest-, 2:30. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
ing nicely and was very cheerful, Fred Luetchens. their daughter. Hul
and said he was hoping to get out da wa given in holy wedlock to Her
after a number cf wooks. j bert Oehlerking, of near Elmwood.
in the presence of about 150 Invited
The "master mind" of an organiz-
From Shanghai came press reports raska and western Iowa has cmt
xv.. .. tn,. v;witted a score of the best detectives
inc th.y Tvr.v to tho u-aterfmnt un- m this section. Pnvste investigators.
Eeports of Brutality.
Meanwhile, in Washington, the
official reports telling of the cold
blooded murder of an American mis
sionary teacher by soldiers in Canl
tonese uniform, brutal assaults on
American women, fleeing for their
lives, the looting and wanton destruc
tion of American
of the American consu
Gen. Smith is
Happy at Being
Sent to Omaha
New Commandant at Fort Omaha
Says He is "Ccminp Eone"
Succeeds General Poore.
county sheriffs and police officers ol
themselves helpless to check the acti
the various counties and citier? admi
.vities of the maurauding gang,
j Only once were the officers close on
'the trail of them and then headquar
ters were moved from Omaha to Sioux
City. The gang operates under the
, ed in the middle west, according to 1 V;,1 , 1A.
.nsulate itself were c; H. Clancy, president of the er-
cnanis iuiuai xiurgiary insurance
Washington. March 24. "I am
very, very happy. Omaha was my
choice of all posts. To tell you a lit
tle tet ret, I did some wire pulling to
help my chances to go there."
Maj. Gen. Harry A. Smith, new
commander of the Seventh Corps area,
beamed Wednesday as he talked to a
news correspondent here about his
new post.
"I am going back home," General
Smith continued. "You know I wa
b rn in"-Kansas and so was Mrs.
Smith. We are froing back with the
(leneral Smith, who is now as
sistant chief of staff, war plans di
vision. War department, expects to
take charge at Fort Omaha on June
1. lie is a great admirer of General
Poore. who gives up his post, having
and his cabinet. No decision to send company who described their activi
to China was reached. j ties ad m of operation, based on
President Cool ids feels that the 'reports he has received from detec-
forces now available to Admiral v. il-,"'"" , . i 4 i rca bed the army age of retirement.
Iiams, American commander-in-chief.; Jhe old system of crooks to steal ervcd w,th Gtnera,
or on their way. wiil be adequate to fed then dispose of their loot, has e jn (Lina many g agQ
deal with the immediate situation. """""" au, w..c
The ?dmiral has made no request that taken and the merchandise id stolen
has not been complied with, and every as ordered. Motor trucks, manneJ by
action he has taken or authorized, in- a crew oi eignt men, are usea
General Smith was born at Atchi
son, Kansas, June 18. 1866. He grad
uated from the United States Military
academy in June, 1891, and has
participated in tne iiauie oi Santiago
de Cuba during the Spanish-American
war. Later he saw much active ser
vice during the Philippines insurrec-
eluding the still pending threat to band is known to be composed of - mopt of h,9 acUv
shell military points in Nanking, has former rum runners, who hare for-. caropr Ju th(? lnfantrv H
full approval of the Washington gov- saken that calling as too hazardous. ,tk.-pated ia the liattIe of Santias
ernn:e-nt. Xieject roor uraaes
"The state and navy departments; in charge of the raiding crew is
f-tand Bcjuarely back cf Admiral Wil-!an almost uncanny judge of merchan-
liams and our commanders in wnat dise. In the limited time available, ts
they have bene doing to protect when stores are robbed, he makes se-. During the world war he Ferved on
American lives and property in hections from the stock that cleans t-P penral ctaff of the American ex
China," Secretary Kellogg said m a the sheiTes of the better irrades of ,iitinnTfn.f,m.i.,i,1 1917 m
formal statement after the cabinet 'merchandise. ijiv in&. and filled the imnortant
A bolt of cheap gingham purchas-1 position of assistant commandant and
ed ty a Nebraska store for special tnen commandant of the army gen
sale purposes, although in th center erfl Btaff school in France,
of the pile on the shelf, was the only j Following the armistice he was
bolt left after the burglars visited ' placed in charge of civil affairs in the
the store. Only the best of silk hosi- zone occupied by American troops in
ery is taken and one brand that has Germany.
proven a slow seller was left intact.' General Smith has received the
while all other brands were taken. American Distinguished Service med-
Men's suits retailing at less than al. French Commander of the Legion
$25 are always ignored and similar of Honor, Companion of the British
judgment is shown in selecting worn- Order of the Bath. Order of Solidari
en's wearing apparel. dad from Panama, the Order of the
Mr. Clancy says that investigations Crown of Oaks, Luxomburg.
have shown that many merchants in i ,
Charges Filed
Over Shooting
of Young
Manslaughter Alleged in Lincoln
Officers' Killing Seward Youth;
Trial to Bs Speeded.
small towns have purchased these jjt g. PENSIONERS WILL
goods and sold them as bankrupt . nvr ptttpttc ivvii ntir
Lincoln, Neb.. March 25. Man-stocks, but evidence sufficient to con- "'MV"
slaughter charges were filed today by vict has not been obtained as yet. i Washington, March 25. The gov-
County Attorney Max Towle against While the merchant is unable to crnmotifc hif million nnsinnors
Walter Eaton and Robert Emory, ( furnish an invoice from a reputable ham foar that their mnnthlv
wholesale house, he always has a bill rhf.rL-s. fnr a time imneriled bv con-
of sale from a man signing himself failure to pass the deficienry
as a broker. fcfH wjll be. delayed. Comptroller
Auction Sales General McCarll has ruled that the
Another and probably the bigp-t Interior department may use its pen-
former Lincoln police officers, for
slaying William Gade, Seward youth,
on March IS.
Both men eppeared voluntarily in
court f-oon after they learned that
V, e i a Jwtt t method of disposal, he says, is fly-by- sion fund provided for the next fiscal
They were released under five thous-. . . . -,, ,. t t tu TT.,J
snd dollar bonds each. Eaton plead-! " a wv, . , ctll v W1C
ed innocence, and his preliminary trials'"1 i" c
was set for April 9. at 9 a. m. Emory' . . j ."c6
probably will be arraigned Saturday, !tlon thf hf PIed detectives is
officials said, and the trial will bei'ire orders to apparently respectable
set for the same day. MwU3 ? .V1 'T
LawTence Eikli Very 111
Lawrence Rikli. who has been con
fined to his bed for the past two years
is reported at this time as being in a
.-.-.r-i- tiorinnc r-nnlitinn n-ith lint little
i,.,, groom, and Harold, brother
that medical skill can possibly do is
relatives and friends. The bride was
beautifully costumed in orchid can
ton crepe while the groom was at
tired in conventional blue. They were
attended by Martha, sister of the
of the
bride. The ceremony was performed
Vole for TWO For Members of School Board
bring done for Mr. Rikli and in the uU u.g0iUayi,en.
wav of careful nursing. His many ter ncle of the groom.
friends are all wishing that he may ' pf these :vo"n PPj ?re
soon be feeling better.
March 25. An interna-
Speedy and vigorous prosecution of be paid for merchandise far below the tional medi-al code whereby remedies
the case was promised in a statement ia,a1 ,a.'ul- "JUC1 u-.iu.i- for dLeases would be transmuted by
isrued bv the county attornev todaj-.,' "ikes its way to the head of the standardized code signals in the case
Plans for a conference Saturday be-ittieTes has never been determined. of wireiess medical consultations at
tween a citizens' committee from Se- At the time tho an& had head- Bca between doctoriesF tbipt and the
wqrd and Mr. Towle will not be quarters on Omaha. Mr. Clancy says ones carrving doctors, is being urged
chansed, the attornev said. jthpy disposed of some of their loot to hy firitith physicians. By thia means
Gade was shot by Eaton after he stores on the South Side. Omaha de- the difficulties of language difTer
emerged from the rear of the dark-;tectives were booh on their trail and ences are to be removed,
rued home of a girl friend at 2 o'clock ley were forced to move to Pioux,
last Friday morning. City, several men were arrested ar.a
A coroner's jury inve6tigating the are now in the penitentiary for their
caso said that Walter Eaton fired activities here, he says. j
th? shot while in the performance of, The "chief" of the gang has a rep-,
his duty and without malicious in- utation of a "killer." Tha mere men-i
ter.t. Both Eaton and Emorv were tion ot netrayai or mm strurK terror :
Painting and
i pr.nrt tfcr, olmro ivn aim fuucaiea III
written word has been received that "cinity and have the best wishes of
Mr. Riwli has passed away, a full ac- a h1fT,t.of fiends as they embark up-
count of his life will appear . - I I rj cai i,
this ' suspended from the police department ; into those who have been arrested.
Kakes Purchase of Farm
Herman F. Fchweppe during
make their future home on a farm
near Elmwood. where the groom has
lived the past few years. Mav peace
following the shooting.
Ore member of the gang arrested in ;
Sioux City while drunk was sentenced RpaH V TOY SDririET Work
tto 15 years in the penitentiary. After.
'being told the sentence, he was
the i
past week purchased the farm which
is known as the "Old Bauer place."
from some Weeping Water parties
through the John Gakemeier land
agency, and which is but a short
distance from Mr. Schweppe's home
east of Murdock. This is a very rich
l?.nd and will afford more farming
room for Herman, who is a great
worker, and make it near enough
to be farmer from the home place.
Vote on Light Plant
During the past week an exprcs-
St. Louis. Ma., March 25. Her promised a parole in return for the
husband's habit of using her as a sub- 'names of the other members of the ,
and joy fill their lives throutrh the i 1ect for nsvcho analvtieal studv bv frang. He explained that sure death;
coming years.
Latest, Most Attrac
tive Patterns of Wall
i asking her asstior.s and then an-, awaited him and refused.
nouncincr the ron elusion he had' Latest OI tne roooeries attrinuxea
drawn from her replies was among to the gang was at Bancroft. Previous f.0ii nT1J Tr;i1 oVinr
the ceneral indiimities cited bv Mrs. to that they worfcee. at Aieaoe in "n x oiiw vv
Kicnarnson ana
rr riii.nTVa 'I hti ra frnm (I'll H I I ( ; .N 111 llie It'll I I rli !d! L . I I 1 1 f
crave a farewell reception in honor of , rr-hanAny. x, Kn , nhni;.r. state have all contributed loot to
4 1V1U10.1 i UVf k J Oi--'
on the staff of the state hospital for . this gang.
the insane at St. Josenh. Mo. Other!
'charges were that he used their bath) Journal Want Ads cost but little,
Farewell Party for Pastor
fll S ff'JSH h.2th,h,e Marie C. Romeiser, 41. of St. Louis, Saunders county.
Cra Cfcuf,ch ?rh .f ?rurdockJ in obtaining a divorce Thursday from counties in the c,
their former pastor snd family. Rev,
J. W. Teters. The Ladies Aid and con
gregation gave them a bountiful fare
Firm in th fnrm nfa hallot was taken ! Kupke, on behalf of that active or-
on the proposition of selling the light ionization, presented Rev. Peters and
plant, which resulted in seven votes llu lvv" ueuutnui rugs, a large
1 1 . - A . '
c Miyyer m m m n a large numDer!room a3 a chemical laboratory and d the7 snr do TCt TCSns.
were present. At the close of the tet irA tn tifr nr, arterK'"c 11367 snT co pcx TSJX-Z-
repast. Rev. Theo. Hartman gave afor experimental purposes. Dr. Rom-j1
. - Cv . ...v u uuu mc mser nn not rnn rpcr tnn ktut '
cent oi tne Lames Aid, Mrs. John
you the sample books!
H. H. Lawton
Murdock, Nebr.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
I, Frank Kelvin, Village Clerk of the VHlage of Murdock,
Cass county, Nebraska, do certify that the foregoing named persons,
vrhose names are printed on the sample ballots above have been
cjpiarly and legally nominated at the caucus and are entitled to
have their names printed on the official ballots as candidates for
the offices designated thereon.
In witness thereof, I have attached my signature as the
Clerk of the Village of Kurdock, Cass county, Nebraska.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Vew Wirt Msrrh Thp first
against disposition of the plant, anded spread and a buffet set. Rev. and Vife s the best, said Ernest Curtlss
twenty-seven in its favor. As the mat- Mrs. Peters were also wished good Moore, consulting engineer, as he re-
ter is in the hands of the town board ""- mucu aui-cess m ineir new married Thursday the wife from
I for final decision, it Is the opinion of home, to which they departed Wed- whom be was divorced 23 years ago.
"those who have the matter in hand, nesday afternoon. . 1 Mr. Moore is 58. and the bride. Mrs.
(that the plant will be sold. The cost! Rev- anl Mrs. Peters departure for Carolyn Hull Moore, is 48. Children
of the plant seven years ago was other fields of labor comes after a and grandchildren wished them
about twelve thousand dollars and . lonS Period of faithful service here "luck."
the proposal of the company who are seventeen years ana three months.
desiring to purchase ihe plant is to
give ten tnousana ror it.
Not Feeling Well
Charles Schaeffer. the manager of
the Truckenbelz Oil company at Mur
dock, has not been feeling well forj
That God may bless them in their
new field of Christian work is the
wish of every member of their con
gregation here.
All kinds of business stationery
printed at the Journal offioe.
Eggs for Hatching.
; Fine strains Bufforpington, S. C.
,'and R. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
i hatching at 40 cents per dozen. Mrs
;Wm- Knaup. Murdock, JCb. tfw
Phone vs the sews.
Nebraska Assembling Company
Makers of the Celebrated Economy
Hog Houses and Feeders
These are the latest things for the best care of farrowing
sows and for the young pigs. If interested, see us at
the lumber yard, or call by phone and we will come and
6ee you.
H. W. Tool Lumber Company
Murdock, Nebraska