THHR9DAY, MARCH 24, 1927. PIATTOMOUTH. SEH - WEEKLY JOUIttAL DEMOCRACY OF THE FUTURE WHO'S OUT OF STEP? Hbcplattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA 4tr4 ac Poa tuff ice. Pl<tmouth Nt an ooaa-cl&va mail m&tter R. A. BATES, Publiiber 0BSCBIPT30N PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR EN ADVAKCE PAYMENT OF PENSIONS Washington, D. C, March, 1927 To Pensioners: Because of the failure of the Senate of the United States to pass the necessary appropriation bill the Bureau of Pensions will be unable to send to you the May and June, 1927,. pension checks before July 4, On July 4, 1927, when you receive your regular July check you ,will at that time receive the May and June "amounts. Correspondence will avail nothing, because the condition of appropriations is such that no payments can, under the law, be made after April until July 4, when the May, June, and July, 1927, payments will be included in one check. WINDFIELD SCOTT, Commissioner of Pensions. j "The statesmen see a new war loom ; ing, far worse than the late war, be 1 cause more scientific; yet they can not turn their backs on the old meth ods. . . . There is no issue from this situation but in a new philos ophy of life. Our power to injure each other has increased so much that malevolent passions liiave be come infinitely moro harmful than they were before the spread of indus trialism. In order to survive, wc must learn to tolerate each other, to give ; freedom to the oppressed and peace to j the strong. If men were guided by j reason, mere self-preservation might lead them to the new philosophy of life that is required. But In tact they are governed by their passions, and A rich Nev York woman, not so long ago, made a will leaving her siz-j able fortune to the Society for Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals. In the will was the stipulation that a bust of herself be placed over the' urn which shall contain her ashes,' and that the bust bear the word: "The' more I saw of human beings, the more I thought of dogs." Now, to be sure, the S. P. C. A. is a worthy organization, and we are all glad to see it get all the money it can. And, by the same token, there probably are a. good many of us who ' can understand the feeling that lay back of that little quip about human! beings, too. It'sth3 kind of remark you hear quite often; and the person' the problem is to substitute passions ; wno makes it is usually given credit; mai inaKe ior me in me piace oi me for a clear-eyed, 'shrewd insight to nis present passions that, make for uni versal death. This cannot be done by Have you had the mumps yet? :a: Are the Easter bonnets going fast? :o: Tax cut goes to next session of con gress. :o: Let the wife beat 'em the rugs, we mean. :a: It is easier to recover lost money than lost time. :o: Some rain Friday night. :o: an appeal to self-interest, but only by widening and deepening those impul ses and emotions which make co-operation possible. . . . Science and machines have transformed the world, 'and the outlook which can make them i How many are keeping lent? Who said what lies beyond what? fellow men. Yet, on the whole, making nasty j cracks about mankind is rather a( cheap way of getting credit for real insight; and more often than not lt( reveals more about the person whC; makes the remark than it does about mankind as a whole. It has often been said that one sees in the human race only what one sees in one's heart. Which is just another way of say- -:o: If you are enjoying good health, be tall and thin you should be happy. :o: beneficent must absorb and dominate j them, but must not ignore them. Viewed in a sufficiently long perspec tive, they are forces for good rather than evil, since they are capable of jng that your fellow man is what you the liberating men from material cares.' choose to consider him. You will find Democracy is a product of the West, ' jn JOur neighbors the qualities you ' very imperfect as yet, very limited in i00k for. If you are eternally on the Once there was an artist who had scope both within and without the aiert to see evidences of cheapness a model wife. , nominally democratic nations. But and untruthfulness and selfishness- . n ' no mnn with n calico of 1nstio nan .i thorn . j . ...... - . . ... clliu niea.ll uran, jwu n 111 iiu i" l . j A woman's idea of refinement is to doubt that it represents an advance never fear. But if you keep looking, Senator duce. King must feel like -:o:- -:o: jupon previous modes of government, for kindness and honesty and bravery and that it ought not to be allowed nml lnvnltv vou will find those aual-. "Taxas upon Taxes" is a slogan that to perisll because of the vices Gf those ities in nhnndance too. The justice In the Sinclair case is no one cares to adopte. , who inadequately practive it. There is why is it that one man can live one of the popular Hitzs with us. :os good and evil in the-Western outlook J for years in one neighborhood and j O I jiuw juu wtre uiuuyiit up iius lit- . , , . it . : . ... I Modern smokers enjoy the mellow fragrance of Camel THE smokers of this modern age appreciate the smooth, mellow fragrance of Camels that taste and goodness that come from the choicest tobaccos grown. Camel's steadily growing popularity with modern smokers has given it the greatest preference any cigarette ever had. In quality and in fame Camel is supreme. Meet the cigarette that has won the modern world. There is not another like it regardless of the price. Always mel low, always mild the emoothest smoke ever made. "Htfre a Camel!" Is Old Winter coming back to ling- tie to do with how far up you will go er a while in the lap of Miss Spring? :o: :o: j The Arkansas tornado sums up 25 Patient perhaps the East has hi Skilled and nearly one hundred in- erto been to' Pent. If the Westc good and evil in theWestern outlook,' for years in mcie in au cvii iu me uui- nnu it aejigiiiiui, wmie anoiner win i look cf the East. If the West is too move to the same place and in three th- weeks' time will go abcut bewailing The more you study drivers the Jk more you appreciate the mercy of jured heaven. I :o: More busses of better type than be- Eastern philosophy, -:o:- estern the shoddishness of the people among energy at times makes the world whora he lives? Why does one man see ( worse (as is happening in our day), fjne qualities and fine people in a unalloyed, will certain city while another man can Nebraska people will be more than fore are being put in operation in hardly bring about great improve- see only base qualities and base peo- pleased when the present legislature Mexico City. adjourns. I :o: :o: 11 iiiiJiuiieii uia ma me ua- me new lueais, not ine solitary sen- selves fill the world for us and color get it in the glorification of either. What is need-'an we see. ' ed is the Western energy devoted to ments. It is the marriage of the East pie? and the West that must bring forth: it is because the shadows of our- Hill n ' . . : - j m ra LWU M( " 1 ' C 1927. R. J. RernoW Tobacco Vi THWngbwMuSx j Company, Winston-Salem, N. C -t.'Jg T'?J'M SHERIFF'S SALE Did you go to church yesterday? payers are sure to Of course you did, if there was no neck" more seriously. place else to go. I :o: :o: about State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. If vou feel that evervone eastern purposes, t-astern spiritual-. von W low anrf nnwnrthv. don't an-i t. r n n. nf caia isenoii With the advent of talking movies, ity applied to life by means of West-1 nm.nPA th fnct" Yon mav remind hv r.olda Noble Beal. Clerk of the Lighthouse keepers along the coast the expression, "speaking likeness." prn sHpntifi mthn,i Totii.n old District Court, within and for Cass 0 ( i ik: ul tuu luuiiiri v ai kj aiiuuuuv-u rid as it is today. The, that the whole aras out of step. XlwHl onthe 9th day Aprtli and the philosophy ; "but'her Jim." a. D. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m. of XX.' Vi f f 1i ia t rv o vorf Hiam mncf 1 c- - Ko ... I i .t a. il. n..tU No one should crow, until they find closing hours of the legislature. Then ' " " ' 17 ... - i e.M,... "'il Zl".?Z" w.1.! lie. 1 11 IUC tltclllUU Ul H11S IieW pilll- i i jcuiuaiij, lion J oiuvmii, "uw Lllc LUUl L iiwuae lit itj jm. a 1 osophy a poten factor is likely to be refused to answer questions put to mouth, Nebraska, in said county, sell of Greac Britain are to be presented begins to mean something. ..... i wireless receiving sets. :o: :o: I The big taxpayer is watching the , will save the world as it is today. The 'dangers are new, watch him froth it the mouth. I :o: out what they are crowing about not the weather, we hope. -o- A round monument of the bronze A Topeka druggist displays this age believed to be 4.000 years old. and West." Taken from an article the same boart with Messrs. Instill, to.wit: sign: "We are taking orders for cigar- has been discovered in Scotland. that fruitful intercourse between East him by the Walsh committee, is in - -in-" --i l.t-tP by Certrand Russell in the Oriental Schuyler and Cunningham, who re- ettes to be delivered in July." :o: One :o:- Magazine for March. .1 A sled driven by an aeroplane pro whe peller recently took part in a 400- -:o: Old-fashioned moralist: still considers Ty Cobb and Tris mile dash from Moscow to Leningrad. Speaker as being under a cloud. 1 :o: :o: It is doubtful if even the most vir- Dancing all night, says a doctor tUest among the local banditti could caused the death recently of Miss Lil- improve on that $100,000 Pittsburgh lian F. Goose, of Fulham, England. jOD. :o: ;p; .1 A prowler entered seven homes in Ve hear a lot about newly reno Kansas City, but stole nothing. Must rated theaters, and we are soon going have forgotten what his wife sent him to hear a lot about newlv renovated A NEW ERA IN KAILROADING for. plays Because the French poilu won't ilceep his hands out of his pockets, the pockets will be taken out of the uni form, according to a recent order. Thus leaving him virtually nothing to do with his hands except talk. -:o:- When the New York Central rail road placed in operation the other day a new type of locomotive, it took what seems to many the first steps in a new era, of railroading. Intended for passenger service, this new loco motive is swifter and more powerful than any other built for such work. The preliminary debut-of No. 5200, as the new monster is designated, was signalized by a christening. No. 5200 fused to answer questions put to them by the Reed committee. His status differs from theirs only in that he hasj i " 11 iuu i x Jul J ui utriu3 in contempt of the senate. :o: ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Western grown alfalfa seed for sale, priced according to test. Samp les at W. II. Puis store, Plattsmouth and Murray State Rank. Murraq. Jack Philpot, Weeping Water. . ml7-4tsw Lots 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. in Block I. North and Eight West; and all of Block 7 West; and all of Block 8 West; and all of Block I North, 7 West, which lies west of the North branch of Rock Creek; and all of Block I South and 8 West of the public square of the Village of Rock Bluff, in Cass county, Nebraska, as sur veyed and platted and recorded; also Lots 1, 2, 9 and 10 in Block I North and 8 West of the public square, in Rock Bluffs, Cass county, Nebraska- the same being levied upon and taken as the property of John L. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. - In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Lohnes, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 4th day of April, A. D., 1927, and on the 6th day of July, A. D., 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 4th day of April, A. D. 1927, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 4th day df April, 1927. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 4th day of March, 1927. i A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) m7-4w' County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 8th day of April, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grant ed, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all p rsons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 12th day of March, A. D. 1927. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) ml4-3w County Judg. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Jn the County Court of Cass coun ty, Is'ebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in the estate of Stella Austin, deceased: On reading the petition of Sherman Austin, administrator, praying a final settlement and allowance of his ac count filed in this Court on the 12th day of February, 1937 and for final In the County Court of Cass coun "fcmith ot ni ripfpndants tn satisfv a ty, Nebraska. judgment of said Court, recovered1 State of Nebraska, County of Cass, settlement of said estate and for hia will hp tomnnrnriiv in frcio-Vit onnnVo Dy Louis i.eii, uuaruian oi rtajn w., . . .. .. tUisrnarge as saiu Aamin:siraior; Love laughs at Locksmiths, but he In the District Court of Cass county, Lambert, a minor, plaintiff against i To-all persons interested in tne e3-i It jg nereby ordered that you and Nebraska. for thorough testing. The new locomotive and others of its type are expected to effect a mark- H"Kh Chalfant, Plaintiff seems to smile genially on all the other Smiths, judging from the size of the family. ro: Mr. Coolidge announces that he for instance. Powerful enough to ton, Neiiie Johnston, Har- ed economey in railroading. No. 5200 Ace Volfef w j Johns. f Dr. John A. Griffin will spend his summer vacation where the best fishing is offered. And we haul heavj' passenger trains of 20 riet Nichols. George Nich- cars instpad of the customarv ten or ols, John Chalfant and t Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6. Sundays and evening! by appointment Only. can remember back when Mr. Cool- tv;elve' thereby reducinS the number idv ifiPalnf o ,..oo of sections now necessary on crack ing hay. :o: i .rtnuiiier iinng mat would nave puzzled Solomon is that whereas trains. If it were let out, No. 5200, it is said, could average 90 an hour with a fairly heavy tra NOTICE Bertha Chalfant, Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the decree of the Dis- said defendants. Plattsmouth,, Nebraska, March 3rd, A. D. 1927. BERT REED, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE tate or Aitred a. Mass, aeceasea: aH persons interested in said matter On reading the petition of Daisy mayf and dQf appear at the County Agnes Hass praying that the instru-; Court to be held in and for said ment filed in this court on the Sth day of March, 1927, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of Alfred B. Hass, de ceased; that said instrument bead county, on the 28th day of March, A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per- State of Nebraska, County of Cass, mitted to probate, and the adminis-;snns interested in said matter by ss. 2 I I -i UJ VII IUC J L lilt V 1 KJ I 111C M-AKT . . - rf-kj M t 1 1 m,leF trict Court of Cass county. Nebraska. B tue of an Order of Sale is fain entered in the above entitled cause , sGlda ob?BealvI;ler and could attain 120 miles on a on the 1st day of March, 1927, and PHONE 229 Soennichsen Building .f. .i..j..i,,m-I Rockefeller, Ford, Schwab and Ediscn . are held up as the examples of human industry and the will to succeed, not i one of them ever heard of applied j psychology. Mil OF3LY! We carry a very complete line of high grade bulk Garden Seeds and you are not paying for any high priced colored containers when you buy bulk seeds. Orders are coming in for nursery stock and would like to receive your order now if you can decide what you need. , New Low Prices! straightaway. Locomotives like No the Order of Sale entered by said r-xin ct sinn nn h tv,0, Court on the Sth day of March, 1927. described as the railroads the problems Involved wages and greater operati I Railroading in America than 100 years old, but in rail travel in that short of amazing. The first Keen in this country was imported from England. Peter Cooper, the manufacturer, invento r and philan-1 thropist, is credited with building the' first locomotive constructed in the United States. This was the "Tom' the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 16ih day of April, A. the undersigned sole referee will sell!15- 1927 at 10 o'clock -a. m. of said Itration of said estate be granted to E. C. Boehmer, as Executor; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested- in said .matter, may, and do, appeaf at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the8th day of April, A. publishing a copy of this order in The Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of ' solution to "it ,,o nt day, at the south front door of the P- i.'.at iw o ciock a. m., to bauw saJd Court th,g 21 t day of March in higher Acrif 1927 at ten o'clock a m of court house, in the City of Platts- cause if any there ne, wny tne pray- A D 1927. iu uigutr April, uzf, at ten o ciock a. m. oi , xtki, DOn er of the netitioner should not be a it nTTYminv ng expense, said date, at the south front door of t " wanted, and that notice of the pen- ,Seal) m2, lw cTunty JuVge. is still less i" u" ""u.i";u. " Vl"-:wH,fpr fnr h the following real es- dency of said petition and that the, ' ., mouin, .ass coumy, ieorasKa, to tne " ihoirincr thereof he friven to all tier- the progress hifrht .,.,,,,. fnr the fniiow. .tate, to-wit: hearing thereof given to m per vnTiris to rREmmns t- . -"o"-"- T-tj 7 8 10 Block 33- sons interestea in saia mauer uy puu- time is little ing desenbed real estate, to-wit: pots 7. 8, 9, 10 Blok JS . . order , th . locomotive The west half of the southwest " 7..' U.J Vh t' Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly le feiaie or eorasKa. cass coun- quarter. and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the east half of the southwest quarter in Section 1, Township 10, north, Range 13, east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne braska, consisting of 125 acres, more or less. nal City of Plattsmouth; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 6. Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, as surveyed, plat ted and recorded, all in Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of William T Bestor & Swatek The WINCHESTER Store Telephone No. 151 Plattsmouth, Nebr. S.iid salo will remain nnen for one Thumb," built in 1830 and said to hour. Twenty per cent of bid to be Craig, Ida M. Craig, George O. Dovey, , have been about the size of a hand- paid in cash at the time of sale and Becky Moreland, Moreland, car. No 5200, by contrast is 88 feet the balance of the purchase price to Trst and !'v"aMnrSiSSTlWr? , . , . , . - be Daid on confirmation of the sale band of Becky Moreland, Clarence long and its great driving wheels, of P"J, n? . d . Favers; Favers. first and real which there are six, are 72 inches in Dated this 17th day of March a. name unknown, wife of Clarence uiameter. now iar we nave come, lit- jj. 1927. erally and figuratively since the days of the "Tom Thumb?" I m21-4w. D. O. DWYER, Referee. Favers: Mrs. William Marsh, widow; .Mrs. Marion Chancelor, widow; Wil iliam Hinner, Hinner, first :o:- We don't just off-hand remember what army it was in which, for every soldier killed two sprang tip to take his place, but we Judge it must have J been an army of reformers. BUY THE BEST J Pure bred Buff Orpington egg's for (hatching, from certified flock. $5.00 per 100; 75c for set of 15. MRS. JOHN RICE, ml 4-3 w Murray, Nebr. Hay - Hay - Hay! Alfalfa and Prairie and real name unknown, wife of Wil- iliam Hinner; The First National iBank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and Fred Buerstetta, receiver of The First , National Bank, of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, interveners, are defendants, to srftisfy a judgment of said court recovered by The Standard Savings Get your prices before buying. Ship- and Loan Association of Omaha, Ne ped direct from our large Alfalfa raska. plaintiff against said defend Fields. Buy direct and save money! plattsmouth, Nebraska, March ll', A. C. PHILPOT ,A' 1927, BERT AEED, uverion, ueurasKa i Nebraska. newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. . Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this -Sth day of March, A. D. 1927. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) ml4-3w County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL . v In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss To all persons interested in the estate of Paul Bajeck, deceased: On reading the petition of John Bajeck praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 12th flay of March", 1927, and purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be proved and allow ed and recorded as the last will and testament of Paul Bajeck, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to John Bajeck, as executor; It is hereby ordered that you, and 'all persons interested in said matter. ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Re becca A. Murray, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will Pit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 15th day of April, 1927, and on the 16th day of July, 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., on each day, to receive and examine all claims against said es tate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 15th day of April, A. D. 1927, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 15th day of April, 1927. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 17th day of March, 1927. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) m21-4w County Judge. Interstate complications: An Ar kansas man driving in Missouri was struck by an Oklahoma car and knock ed over the Missouri etate line into Kansas.