r MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1927. FAGE EIGHT PIATT3X0UTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Home Made Choir! " Musical Entertainment with Geneva Urish as Rosalinda. Esther Albert as Mrs. Jonathan Jupiter Verna Meisinger as Mrs. Lily Roseleaf Arthur Hild as John B. Frizzer Ruben Meisinger as." Abijah Ethel Shaferas Juliet Verna and Violet Engelkemeier, Hilda Friedrich and Selma Kraeger as the Pink Ladies Quartet Kathermc Hild as - Venus Glen Kraeger as Quiller And other numbers ofFered by the Lutheran League of Eight Mile Grove Lutheran Church, on Wednes day Evening, Marth 16th, at 8 o'clock. Admission 10 and 15c. Lunch will be served at close. y John E Curtiss ! Brings a Ringing Message of State Lincoln Civic Leader and National Vice-Commander of American Legion a Whirlwind. IS I Wake Up to these Opportunities! Traffic Regula tion for Safety and Sanenei From Wednesdays Dally "tic uaic ici-ii uidliy f I y 11UL" tM .able s-peakers and splendid addresses t riven hero Iir-fnro tht ll.nnnv lliindriwl k tlin . . . . K.. . . 1 .1 n in nit: (M3i uul iiuiit; mure it'ui uiiu .gripping and with a real message of Nebraska and its greatness than was offered last evening at the March supper at the parlors of the First, Methodist church by John E. Curtis?;,1 leader in civic work at Lincoln, the' rapitol city, and also the national' vice-commander of the American Le gion representing the great middle western states. : The ladies of the church had pre pnred the supper with the settings of the St. Patrick's season, green be ing used in the decorations of the .ables with green streamers, green candles and the bright hued flowers while back of the speaker was hung HOURLY SALES Bargain Wednesday, March 16th Hourly sale goods will positively not be sold before the hour desig nated, but should there be any left after the hour, you can buy them at the hour price. AH goods not in the hour boxes are on sale at any hour of the day. Don't pass up these wonderful opportunities. lend what aid was possible. Yester day Mrs. Ti. B. Wart hen who resides near the Hraskv home noticed that . th? glorious Hag of our nation there was no smoke coming from the! Searl S. Davis, who is himself no chimney of the house and no sign-?1-3" snarer or the local community ! ; : Mrs. Ilrasky so she started to in- 0,V1C "iies, was tne toastmaster of ivestigate the matter and found that I e occasion and very cleverly car iQlthe aged lady was in bed and uii-.1' the meeting. I able to aid herself and Mr. and Mrs. ' The occasion was marked by a very 1 Wart hen nnallv got her arranged large attendance of the former serv- i properly ?nd prepared her breakfast ice '1Pn of community and who Cities Over Country Find That Llb-:anu looked after her care as long as I were featured by the toastmaster in eral Law Enforcement HeetS "possible. This morning they again ' 1'eing called upon to stand and made With Annrn-al : failed to see the neighbor and going a real showing for the service men iT fever Mrs. Warthen found that Mrs. of the cemmuniiy. Ilrasky had gotten out of bed audi A number of songs were enjoyed Does it pay police in cities and j wa.s unable to get back into the bed an1 tn;! quartet rendering "Sweet towns to be unusually stru t in eu- : and had laid on tfic f!cor for a preat- Adeline" with all the ardor and forcing trr. flic l:v.s. especially ag-i::r-t : er part of the night as the lamp wa-, melody of the days when the song strangers cr ;oe:. it pr-.y to be more still burning in the rocm. The i was new and singing stimulus more liberal? Many communities thn-.'gh- Warthen family succeeded in getting than mere cocoa cola. In this how out the country have proved quite j her back into bed and are cow do- ever, we except the accompanist, who satisfactorily that liberal anplica-! ing all they car to care for the aged was -n lts usual musical mood, tion of traffic laws with reference1 1 lady but who is in need of constant! 'ot the least of the surprises of to strangers is the mrsi pn".a!)!? in; rare. the evening was the rendition of the long run. The d-;'- of "pinch- i this popular old time tune melodv ir.g" the public for "vfvy slight in- enirr httv baottjc 8 a. m. to 9 a. m. During this hour we will sell Boys' Broncho Buster Blue Overalls, made of best 220 wt. pre-shrunk denim. OQ Ages 6 to 11 OOC These are hip cut for belt. WASH SUITS ..$1.19 $1.19 $1.19 98c 9 a. m.'to 10 a. m. During this hour we will sell Boys' Rain Coats, cloth sur faced rubber can be used for dress or rainy weather. Ages 9 and 10, at J0 Q only fraction, is pat. The crniciis'N of opinion expressed by pM!ee ofhcirOs at the recent National Motorcycle Show. held at New York was to the effect From FrMay's Pnily James K. Pollock cf this city has las a solo by W. It. Holly, one of the I past commanders o the local Ainer i ieun Legion post and who took no 'bluff from the songsters. The supper was alsothe occasion f 1 r ,11 . , 4 v. a. that it is no longer eosMered gr,v! . . copies oi inu i:ev. i.t.,wL of th- trying out of the new Xe- form to maintain rH -o f-.-c" mer, l. ;aro uniflU0 ,n tU.;Vf "a!i"p c;nd stLe brnsk:i Sf,n- prepared by the western to see how m:mv arrests can be made, i Rs comPared 'Vth, "JlrZ- & IrviR& BorUr- Us N- Crans. and On the contrary, the maioritv of po ! newspapers and abo investing as whioh is ROt A11 Alone but is all lice and municipal head. Judge the! lZl? s al peppy song, of th, efficiency of police effort by th- b, v i " I';' J l" LaJ 1 'lL i ffreat state that has given so many of arre;s. in otI:er worth- mod -it police practice is following the plan j xovember 1 ! of the Xew York Daily Tribune of ne men and women to the nation. thnv of preventative action rathe puntitive afti.;n. Or.r p'die oTi in his ordt-rs recent ly ctrerscd th::. point to his suborditialcs by ikm:: ing out tlut an officer showing ai unusual number of arrests would be considered not fulf.lluig the poTicies 1SC0, the last named "" -nm !.,.! 1 .r r h"u uaugni.TS. nere u i.: pajjtri fluffs tin fti.uiiai uig(ii jl Hcrate (Ireeley, then one of the fore most editors of the country. f The Tribune was blazing with the election notes of the notable campaign that made Abraham Lincoln. pre3-1 ident and was the forerunner of the lne "epartrm:. ne pni:u.-.. !grt.rt civj, war that was to follow in! that a reduction of ac-irter.t? walui it:,e rext few montl-.s ) an ofti'-OT'r. Frhcro cf activity nea-r! The n"rWs of the dav in the Tribune! more to the community than a !r:r-ejRn,j thf size of tne paper seems. number of arrests for Viror inf rar- j stran-e in tI)is day an age E1,d tne- tions. :IUIUCipal authorities V.b.C .r;tv nf Vf.w Vnrk smil tlic ctato upm lissouri River on the Kast. Colorado on the West, Other states just stick around, the best old state that I have found. "Xoo Brass Ky" that's its name. Corn and Cows have won it fame, "Xoo Brass Ky 'is where we dwell, Its the best old State this side of 10 a. m. to 1 1 a. m. During this hour we will sell Men's Wcol Union Suits, close rib knit, pearl buttons, closed crotch, with button. Reg. sizes. Buy these for next CO Ranter at this price Here mothers are Wash Suits cheaper than you can make them. Tub pro6f Peter Pan fabrics in all the newest styles. Age3 2 to 7, at, each Three of these fine suits for $3. Si. CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Pure all-wool, pull-over styles, plain- colors. Ages 3 to 5 BOYS' COAT SWEATERS Wool top, with big collar. Two pockets, sizes to 34 BOYS' LUMBER JACKS Plain toe or fancy checks. Knit bottom. Pockets. Each BOYS' OVERALLS Fast color blue, bib style, with 2 BOYS' LUMBER JACKS Plain tan or fancy QQn the bib. Shfes to 13. (Extra sizes, 5c rise) uOC MKX'S BLUE BIB OVERALLS Fast color, - continuous high back, 7 pockets, all sizes 5 JL Suspender back same price. MEN'S ODD DRESS COATS Regular 3 button sack style, lined. BW price COAT JACKETS For boys and girls' wear. qq Fancy patterns, wool. Ages S to 12 v-.' MEN'S JERSEY SPORT COATS Color brown. 2 p. in. to 3 p. m. During this hour we will sell Boys' Ccat Sweaters in heavy rib with big collar and 2 pock ets. Sizes from 30 to 34. Just what's needed for the P C chilly Spring days DDC $5.77 3 p. m. to 4 p. m. During this hour we will sell 25 pair Boys' assorted Knicker Fants in ages 8 to 1G. Some of these full lined. flf Go for only DUC Good School Pants AO 2 and 4 pockets, regular sizes ylnO BOYS' CRICKET SWEATERS Brand new, very fancy for Spring. Wool and rayon ..$2.95 SINGLE LOT ITEMS Priced Extra Special 11a. m. to 12 M. During this hour we will sell Beys' Wool Cloth Dress Suits jacket and pants belted coat, straight pants. A very fine dress suit lor the little (? OO fellow. Ages 2 to 5c? ARMY WRAP LEGGINS Made of kiki serge with web tie straps. J.ust the thing to wear with army bre'Ct lies for man or boy. BW price, per pair BOY SCOUT BREECHES Kiki, lace or button knee. Re-enforcee 45c S Kiki, lace or nr vl. Sizes 10, 11. 12 ?1.0J ton knee. $1.79 dress or $5.95 eaters for $4.95 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. During this hour we will sell Children's Hampers in blue, tan or gray, in ages 2 to 8 years. These are not cheap sale goods, but from ytr cur regular stock OC have given a great da! of thought far ,nff,.rent from the present day The tune is that of "The Little and study to the problem claim that j cjty and state. ; Brown Jug." the presence of a prcper'y uniform jjr. Pollock also bar? a copv of the' The toastmaster called upon "Elmer cd and properly mounted oOiccr oi (-Lincoln State Journal of 18'9 that A. Webb, adjutant of the local post the road acts as a satisfactory de- i presents a ten column form for the ofjhe American Ltgiov. who gave a terent to deliberate law infractions j paper and which is also filled with short and to the point statement as and enables an occr to thoronghl v ! red hot political shots and marks the to the Legion community building patrol a given territory, lending aid j old style newspaper of the campaign that is being planned to he erected io snariea iramc anu oy Keeping ve- (lays. this coming rear. Mr. Webb showed hides on the move, reduce the pes-j that the amount subscribed at this DEATH OF LITTLE BABE time w:is S9-S50 and with $4.soo al- : ready paid in on the pledges, the Fr..m Saturday- tmv.- Le-:on had purchased the site for v.Kt0r,;nv tw. i-oJw, p t i t h e building trom its own funds sltility of collisions. Increased traffic congestion in all localities r-r made it almost imperative for com munities to adopt motorcycle patrol to effectullv handle tiaCi" cond?-l amounting to $2,700 and that thy '' -" e,,,v, t., o .i. ., r UJi" P" me expenses oi inc may ne eiuicKiy manouvcra m an, . .. i - . nrdutort in m-ainjr tions reriuire" a tvpe of patrol which tVi Cl' ,J" J'L At,:-m,, of Rrsfcrd. ' 12 M. to 1 p. m. During this hour we will sell Hen's ; fancy pattern Dress Shirts with soft collar attached. Made coat style, with pocket. Pearl buttons. Sizes 7Q 14 to 17. Each 6 vC IN SERIOUS CONDITION 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. During this hour we will sell Eoys' Wool Cloth Knicker Suits v.ith belted coat, full cut. As cortedfpartterns. Fine for school wear. Ages 7 to 16. Price only $3,33 MEN'S ARMY BREECFIES Kiki, lace or button knee. Re-enforced. Sizes 30, 3 4, 3C, Thing of this low price. Per pair, only Two Corduroy Coats for Men Can be worn for dress or work. Extra good quality. The sizes arc 1-39, 1-42. BW price only Three Ture Wool Worsted 'Yarn Pull-Over Sweaters for Men One red. one green and one maroon. Regular sizes. BW price only If ordered from factory today would cost $10. One All Horsehide Sport Coat in light crome tan color. 30 inches long, with pockets. Very soft $lf OC and fine. A real bargain for somebody plvJO Two Men's Parkmill Plaid Work Jackets Very soft and light. Easily washed, fast color. One size 38 Q and one size 42. Bargain Wednesday price OC One pair heavy Dux-Back Long rants. Made of best army duck, double on seat, double on front of leg from rotch to below knee. Guaranteed waterproof. Good for handling ice. Size 3S waist. Worth at least $4.50. qp Bargain Wednesday price only 3 Two Kiki Army Jackets One Boy Scouts' size 12, and one Men's size 42. Price only 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. During this hour we will sell Jilen's or Boys' Knit Ties with silk stripes. Four-in-hands, full size and very serviceable, at a price that def.es all mail oncers. Three for OC 6 p. m. to 7 p. m. During this hour we will sell Ken's fine colored Dress Shirts, soft pleated front with collar to match. Sizes (1 1j A 14 to 16, for $JL.iU These are Super-Values $1 . n ffl i - One Pr'c e- dncA'oVQrtkey Business 7 p. m. to 8 pfc m. Men's best quality Stiff Gaunt let Leather Faced Gloves, back seams, protected thumb, All leather shield on cuff OC Men's Plain Color Eayon Silk Hose, 35c pair. n i o n a o n ii VM out of traffic thus enabling t he patrol ; V., ' " " , ; specifications for the building. The , othcer to reach a given point in a- r f rr .r:i, V,n reVr n ttVll"- expectation whs for the calling for 8 g short a time as possible. lot ' ill tiV Hoixinr'terv hn ; !)i,!s in thti near future and tliat the . ;r55gga3Saa!gaffiaJ,gWln .. ffWff'TIgi tTS , 'j '! ' . i7.Tyii.JJ W,- ,8U nVUi'mi'T'W VW4, 1 1 r.n.trf st.-1 Th il l . ; active work' would be started. 1 l MliJI . i 1 X A 1 . - the first son in the family and his ml ,.en commeye" wuuiu ub qx,eo;er. 11 was expectea I passing brought a deep grief to thc"uulu u9;.v. " , a3 -'xPpciieri Saturday's D.uiy- I parents as well as the grandparents il.,r,a.y .ff tht indebtedness on the . Antonia Ilrasky, aged re.ii-'Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Adams of this j b,;ild.inS in activities of various kinds From Mrs dent of this eity. who makes her . i.v Tn titr 0.'.r..4, 'ti,. an1 it wa shown in the years that Lome alone at the family residence ,.i the family will have the deep 1 Legion ha3 been holding carnivals on Wintersteen Hill, is in quite scr ' Svmi atbv of the many fr'pnd3 in thi-' aml sfmilar activities they had rais ious cor-dition at her home as th. community in the sadness that ha ' ed ?6500- The adjutant also express result of a severe Pttack of rl.euma- rtme to darken tbe'r home ' e1 the aPPrpciationn of the Legion tism and her advanced years. Mr;... " j for tIlG spdendid co-operation and Ilrasky has not been we'll for r-cvv ' vnr.n support of the business men and citi- time ar.d her only attention is that More spee1 mre pay' ,s a goo1 ; sens cf the community in all of their which can be afforded by the neigh-. plcy for tlie coPs to tie too for one : projects and including the commun bors who have made every effort to who knows the law, and breaks it. ' Jt building. Mr. Webb also paid a j short tribute to Mr. Curtiss, the speaker or tne speaker of the evening A 1 aBiciTPffs H (Y (?t Cs 1 ir,t ,msnir among men anti li l ) fj'l h 11 lia ' the asKOt'iai5ns and &1 'it' 'J & J) g jKiv) acts that money could not The Highest Official Egg Strain thicks, S2e eaek 500 for Sg -HEAVY BREEDS- I5e eaoh; S,0OO for $i fin 3, S CHICK ml y pAv-pMMppiuft! y 4 ii: You are Always Welcome to Visit at Ever 2 ,7 n I on his work in the Legion of the state. Mr. Curtiss in his address opened with an appreciation of the spirit of I friendship among men ami commun- fricndly purchase I and which was real and lasting and ! not a thing lightly to be passed by. It was this spirit of friendly co-op-eration that struck home a real mean ing and made communities great or little as the personal effort of the individual was exerted. The thought jwas that of the old j'ungle law that the pack was as strong as the wolf and the wolf as strong as the pack land so with the communities, they were strong if the individual efforts were great and the community weak i if the individual was lacking in their 'spirit of work and co-operation. The (speaker gave a very wonderful trib- ute to the pioneers of the west and : particularly of Nebraska where th : sacrifices of the early residents here had made the state as great as It is today. Those who had come here in the pioneer day had none of the luxuries that we enjoy today but I , their great spirit of sacrifie-e war what had made the state as great as it was. The speaker recited a niim other resources that made the state one o? the greatest in the Union of states. Mr. Curtiss urged his hearers to believe Nebraska, talk Nebraska boost Nebraska and take a real pride in the state where there was oppor tunity to gain life and wealth in the products of the soil and where the people were the finest in the world. It was co-operation, everlasting boost ing and effort that made the work of selling the state to the world and which was one of the things the Ne braska people should do. The fine cities of the state were inducements for home3 and right living and among whom the speaker gave Platts mouth a notable place. In his closing Mr. Curtiss touch ed on the matter of the agitation to stop military training in the state university and defended the proposi tion on the grounds that it was not an attempt to create a military spirit but to make a more thoroughly equip ped force of men with "knowledge of defense in case of warfare rather than to foster a war spirit. The speaker pointed out the fact that thousands of American lives had been lost in the world war because of lack of real training .which was demand ed in time of stress. With danger threatening it was time to keep a spirit of civic preparedness in the na tion and the small measure that the university had given in the military drill was not a step toward war but for being prepared with the proper knowledge in time of national stress. Mr. Curtiss also briefly touched on OBITUARY Ethel Mae Adams, was born near SEED POTATOES Red Triumph seed potatoes for sale. Inquire of Thos. Stava, phone ml 0-1 wdccw 1914, one child, Eunice Jeanette. Most of her married life was lived around Weeping Water. She was converted and joined the Plattsrnouth. on Thankseivinsr dav. .Methodist church when IS, and was ,a i November 25th., 1S86, and departed j transierrea 10 me :u. r,. cnurcn ai . this life March 2nd., 1927, aged 40 Wabash about three years -ago. She years, 3 months and 5 days. With! was an able worker in any task she JouniaJ Wjmt Adg cost but HtiJ her parents she moved to Eagle inaPIlied herself to. 1892. He education was received in! Her girlhood was spent in Eagle, and they sure do get result the Eagle schools. Weeping Water ! where she was a leader among ner Academy and Nebraska Wesleyan, i mentis, one was especially eneioweu after which she taught school for, with the natural ability of making three years. j menus. In 1S0S shP was unitPd in mnrriniro She leaves to mourn her departure. with Henry J. Ruhga of Weeping Water, to which union was born in SERIOUS ENGINE TROUBLE her husband ,and daughter, her par ents, Mr: and Mrs. John Adams, two brothers. Guy of Keystone, Neb., Jay Adams of Glendo, Wyoming and one l sister. Jeanette Havens of Omaha. : She wras preceded in deathrby a sister, I Ermel Edna, who departed this life when but a child. Mrs. Ruhga was sick about a year. and in the last six month seamed to hove the intuition that she might be called. But her mother love, especial- ! ly for her daughter, bouyed her up as long as there was hope. I know not what the future hath, Of marvel or surprise; Assured alone that life and death His mercy underlies. And so beside the silent sea I wait the munffled oar, No harm from Him can come to me On ocean or on short. Whittier. Eagle Beacon. the recent lack of indifference on the ' Sometimes you thing everything en- many of our leaders and the honor i der the hood has one to smah- paid to those whose lives were not of is when some major part has ccllap- SUES STOCKHOLDERS ;reen Poultry Farm Plattsrnouth Phone 3614 W. F. NOLTE. members of the party ;"oined in the her of the great things that the ; singing of "America" and were dis- state of Nebraska has in the way of ' missed by the benediction by Rev. resources, the values of minor re turns of the farm In the dairy, egg and butter market that is greater than the citrus fruit crop of Cali- Mynard, Nebraska forn,!a. he'act the largest hay market in the world was in this state, Wear a J. B. Simpson tailored-to- HPLH -H .fl f CLSSJ3 Hn,"riMBwlnirii the second largest stock market in your-measure suit. 523.50-31.50. Ci U ETkSBte lag aa" TO Tcril'Ta i jtJK3"iao'" J ' the nation. the greatest horse and Sold by E. F. Maybee. Now in City. mule market In the country and many , m7-lwd ram Saturday's Daily An nrtinn was filprl in the district service to tne country or tne people, sed and there IS nothing to do but court today by E. J. Dempster, re- me Close or tne supper me UoVp tn e-non-na o-nnr qtiJ ronair h ceiver of the Bank of Cass Countv. damage. We exoel in this type of hro"?h1.c- M; Sk,iles; hif f"or1Pey' , ttt l. . -i-i- j in which court order is asked to have work. We have the facilities and tne stockholders who have not as yet we have the parts to adjust the most paid in their stockholders' liability to serious of engine troubles. Quick the receiver be required to do so, or tnat judgment ror- me amounts aue on the stock Be given to the receiver. !The suit names as the defendants in i.t ti-ii'i I-- - - Li r- rrw. ir-i-v-.ir;'", H. G. McClusky. TAILORED SUITS service, too. Frady's Garage Insurance' that covers your home protects them.too If Fire or Windstorm m destroys your home, you will be mighty glad to have the help of an Insurance Company Draff to build again. for Safe and Sure Insurance, call Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Investments Phone 58 i the action Myrtle P. Atwood, W. G. Parmele, R. F. Patterson and W. A. j Insurance Keal C State Robertson. j r ! f ( if