PLATTSMOUTH , SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1927. PJ?83 Alvo Denartment Genuine Glass Cloth at Banning's Lumber Yard. 35c per yard. chn Coleman has been busy put ting: a roof on the barn at the home of James Gamble, south of Alvo, for the past few ilay3. A. H. Wevchal is SDending the week in Plattsmouth, where he is i not been enjoying tne best oi neauu serving as a member of Hie jury injsineo he was away. He is expecting the district court. 'to improve with the climate here. Wayne Kinney moved last week to the Oris Cook place, where he will make his home the coming summer and will work with Mr. Cook. Frank Adams, who has been living in Alvo with the family, last week moved to the J. M. Ranney place, where he will work for the coming summer. Robert Woods was shelling and de livering corn to the Rehmeyer ele vator on last "Wednesday, getting the corn oil wnne tne roaas ana w earner 1 1 A.1 were good. R. M. Coatman ana the lamny were enjoying a visit on last Sunday at, the home of W. YV. Coatman at Elm wood, they driving over in their auto for the occasion. ' I urviiie ivo:crison Mas sneiung anu,Mlirc by the passaffe of an ordinance delivering corn at the Rehmeyer ele- f rejection, whereby the plant A ..... 1.-.,. X 9 n ,1 rr.t - ntifl ll O CI T '1 I" ! . . aiui u.m .-iu-j ""- ing advantage oi tne go wcuicer mi get the corn off. Harry HcKemm. of Eagle, was a visitor in Alvo and at tlvj Lome oijclJefl QU the 23nl when there will wraer jwnneu ou ishi "L74J'd w.!l as getting some work done at the smithey of Art Bird, of Alvo. John Cook, of Beaver City, was a visitor with relatives here and a guest at the home of his brother, W. A. Cook, who has just returned from a stay of all winter on the Facific coist. Mrs. George llarunoeK was a visi- tr in Ahinmi nn finv lact wppV. where she was interviewing the den-J tist and having some of her teeth re- moved which had been giving her sonie trouble. John B. Skinner was a visitor in Omaha on last Tuc-day, taking a load of stock and on his return brought a load in his truck of the celebrated Tarkio molasses feed for S, C. Boyles who is feeding quite a number of cattle. John Manners and the family of near Grand Island were visiting at the home of J. M. Manners, south of town, and were accompanied also by Grandmother Manners, who has been visiting at the home of her son ic the west for the past few weeks. Mrs. Iva Campbell, of Woodbine, Iowa, who has been spending the winter in Alvo. a guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. Charles Godbey, where they al! enjoyed the visit very much, departed for her homo in Iowa on Wednesday of last week. Wm. Coatman aod wife accompan ied by their daughter, Mrs. M. L. Gol-Pil-r, of Grand Island, wly was here visiting at the home of her parents at Weeping Water, were over to Alvo on last Tuesday and' were guests at the home of R. M. Coatman and fam ily for the day. Charles Jordan and wife were vis iting in Iowa for a number of days extending over last Sunday, where they enjoyed a very pleasant visit at the home of Mrs. Jordoij. they spend ing the time at Harlan, Iowa. While they were away the farm was looked after by W. H. Warner, who well knows how to look after the stock and home. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dirkerson were railed to Fremont by the death of the grandmother of Mr. Dickerson, who passed away on last Friday, the funeral being held on Monday. Mr. Dickerson reports the cause of death was just worn out strength and that the end came most naturally -with no struggle or pain. The grandmother was in the sixties, but her" mother, who is the great-grandmother of Mr. Ikerson, is still living end is 91 years of age. Home from the West Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cook, who have been in the southwest for some time, Brooder House Hoq Feeders and indi vidual Hogr Houses Carried in Stock and Made to Your Order. We have plans and will tell you the cost of any size. Come in and look them over. Always glad to show you. Remember, Proper Housing is essential for Poultry and Hog Profits. Banning Lumber Yd Alvo, Nebraska ipriri'g'On'the Jump! How are your Farming Implements? Need any repairs or new machines? Is the harness all oiled and 'ready for the Spring worlf,? Hardware of All Kinds Call Our Truck for All Hauling Costsnan Hardware Co. ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA spending the winter in Los Angeles, j arrived home about a week since.; They found a very agreeable climate 1 in the southwest, with the exception ; of it being slightly damper than they j had expected, as all warm climates I were the past winter. Mr. Cook has , Goods for Sale Two individual hog houses, one 60 gallon hog waterer, one saddle mare, six years old, a fine animal; one 10 months old horse colt. Harold Nick els, Alvo phone 1203. 2t Adp. Vote on Selling Ligut Plant Officials of the Nebraska Power company were in Alvo lcokirg over Ithe lighting plant here and also taK- 1 III i. a cr,.c,. nf th rnnntrv hptween 'hlp riml v'.mle. with a view of ex-! tciul;ng a line to that town as well attempting to purchase the Alvo as attempt and Eagle lighting systems. There is 1 a provision for the sale of the plant J v.liirh will be decided in the near will he taken over or will not. Tne question arises whether it will he better to purchase the service or to own trip nlnrit. and this will bf de- jalso hn a caucus for the placing in nomination of the officers for the city for the coming year. Woma-i's Reading Club Active The Woman's Reading club held their fifth annual banquet in the basement of the M. E. church Wed nesday, March 9th, with the hus- hnnds of the flub members as g is. St. Patrick's day ideas were carried out in both the program and color scheme for the tables, Mrs. Oris Foreman, president of the club, acted as tostmistress and the jtoasts, which were woven around the i fun-loving Irish 'Tat" were as fol- lows: "Pat," Mrs. Dreamer. "Pat-rician." Mr. Dickerson. 'Pat-ient," Mrs. Bornemeier. "Pat-ent," Mr. McKinnon. The guests were also entertained by a one-act play, "The Bungalow Alarm," the cast of which was as follows: The two maiden aunts, Mary (Mrs. Frank Edwards) and Martha (Mrs. Oris Foreman.) Their niece, Pene lope (Mrs. Dreamer) and the maid, Bridget (Mrs. Snedgen.) The tables were beautifully decor ated in green and white and the fol lowing menu was served by sons and daughters of the club members: Escallopcd Chicken ' v Olives Pcr.s in Pattie3 Mashed Potatoes Butter Rolls Tineapple and Cheese Salad Ice Cream Angel Cake Coffee Mints MAKE PLANS FOR LEGION After considerable discussion the after- which occupied most of nocn. it was decided by N?braska cupartment ofacers and committee men of the American Legion to hold the annual state convention in Lin coin on August 1, 2 and 3. vVbout twenty-five state officers of the le gion attended the morning session luncheon and afternoon business session Thursday at the Cornhusker hotel. It had been proposed at first tc hold the convention in June but af ter a careful consideration of the dates, it was decided to hold the an nual meeting in August. C. C. Fraz ier of Aurora, state commander, said that the reason for the selection of tbe later date vas that the depart mental work and the department year closes in that month. The second annual radio night of tbe Nebraska 'department will be held Tuesday, March 15, over sta tion KFKX at Hastings between 9 p. in. and 11 p. m. The program will consist of a musical and other entertainment. Short talks will be given by C. C. Frazier, of Aurora, commander of the Nebraska depart ment; C. W. Conklin, of Lincoln, de partment adjuient, and other officials. The governor's greeting will be read. Miscellaneous matters cf state of fice business and minor matters re garding the state organiation were also considered briefly at the annual meeting. WANTED WORK Young man wishes work on farm, experienced. Inquire at Journal office. ml4-ltw China is awakening, all right, but is that any reason why she should prevent other nations from getting a little sleep now and then? gift I -lillUtW v fm-- i BEAUTIFUL ROOMS and the Cost is Most Reasonable If you have tired of your present decoration, or if you wish to have mere up-to-date wall paper and color ing, ask me to show you the Orrell Quality line of wall paper. Real quality goods at moderate prices.' Graves & Biirton Telephone No, 605 riattsraouch, Uebr. w- i HRM EUHEAU f.0TS Coiy lor this Department furnished by County Agent Kake Chick Feeders. Any boy or girl or grown person!- Arms n.g ot i-aurei, aioniana, who can use a hammer and saw and.-" J.. hdra I--, and ClfU'lo S oi a jack knife can make little chick 1 SprinsflcK. and Mrs William oar feeders and watering stands from lls-l t". or C:relnn. Thirty-five errand carded orange crates and other store children "ftnd tnrce great-grandchild-boxes. All the boys and girls who; rev. are left to mourn a loving grand- roll in poultry clubs are urged to, mother, do it to provide clean feed and water Mrs. Park also loaves two sisters for their chicks. Any older person -and one brother. They are Mrs, Eller can get the suggestions and dircc- lie ;dd-n, of Valley; Mrs. Fannie Cher tions from Extension Circular 1441,) ry, of Porter field. Wisconsin, and Practical Poultrv Equipment, and, Lute Sinnard. of rear Springfield, make all the dry mash feeder and Mrs. Sack was CS years. 10 months watering stands needed for the little h.d 29 cl'ivs old at the time or her chicks this sDrins:. Thi3 eouipment death. During the last fow weeks will cost very little but be a very im-jat the hospital, her family were with portant factor in keeping down the her constantly, taking turns to visit losses of chicks from filthy feed and j her and Mr. Sack himself wns never water. The use of dry mash for little j absent from her bedside and she chicks as well as for laying hens has; found great pleasure and comfort in become an established practice with j the presence of Iier loved ones. She ood poultrymen. The feeders feu; tbis mash should be so protected that the chicks"cannot run thru the mash, roost upon the sides of the feeder, or scratch: litter into the feeder. Revolv ing reels over the feed to keep the chicks out seem to be the most eatia factory, and are the devices recom - menderl to the club boys aud gins and older poultrymen. Watch Meat Erine With every meat curing season comes the old caution to watch the brine in which meat is being home! cured. Sometimes without .warning it becomes sour, slimy, or ropey due to bacterial action. At the appearance of this throuble, the meat should be removed from the brine and eaclijDori3 Xoyes, with Mrs. Llmer bund piece thoroly scrubbed. The brine. strom accompanying them, sang sev should be boiled, skimmed, and cool-era! beautiful numbers and a nephew ed, or better still, a new brine should j Glen Sack, cf Gresham, sang "Face be made. The container should also to Face," with great expression and be sterilized. Brine should be tested rfeeiing, accompanied by Mrs. Harold from time to time to see that it strong j a. Koop. enough to float a fresh egg. Interment was in the Ball come- A good rule to follow in curing, tery in Sarp county in the family meat in brine i3 to leave it in the, lot beside the chi dren who died in or meat in the piece. The small pieces should be taken out when this period is over for them and not left in the brine until the larger pieces are cur ed. If the outside of large pieces seem over-ured by the time the brine j nas reached the center, the pieces . , may be soaked for about four hours it several ci anges or tepm water. i utj snuuiu ue flung up 10 arain,i ineii emoKeu. - EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure Bred Barred Plymouth Rocks 50c per 15, $3.00 per 100. Phone 2122. R. T. CUTIIRELL. f2S-ltw2tdtf Plattsmouth. For Sale Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs for batching $5.00 per hundred. Mrs. John Lddgett, Union, Neb. tfw Garden seeds of the highest qual ity at Bestor & Swatek's. m7-2wsw Faulty Elimination Should Be Corrected Good Elimination Is Essential to Good Health. ' rr 3'ou would be well, see to your elimination. Faulty kidney ac tion permits toxic material to re main in the blood and upset the whole system. Then, one' 13 apt to have a tired, languid feeling and, sometimes, a toxic backache or head ache, and often some irregularity of secretions, such as scanty or burn ing passages. More and more people are acclaiming the value of Dosn'a Pills, a stimulant diuretic, in this It in condition. For more than forty years IT Doan's have been winning favor the country over. Ask your neighbor! , -I- DOAN'S s i Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys Foster Uilbura Co.. Mag. Chem., Buffalo, li. V. Mrs. Charles Sack Answers - the Summons ' After Months of Suffering, Passes Away at M. E. Hospital in Omaha Saturday Evening ! J The many Cas3 and Sarpy county, t f Fiends of Mrs. Charles Sack, of ; Sarpy county, were much adduced ! last Saturday evening when won! was sent of the passing of this well loved wqman at the M. K. hospital in Omaha, where she had been under treatment for a number of months. She suffered greatly and death came as a welcome release, following a re cent operation for the amputation of her leg above the knee, the result of blood poison. Mrs. Sack bore her sufferings with a most remarkable patience and 'fortitude and through her long illr.c.s she was sustained and comforted by her unfaltering trust in God ar.d her devotion t her fath. Not many i hours before the end khn prayed for her children and Iier husband and commended them to the care of hert heavenly Father. Mrs. Sack's maiden r.iir.c? '.va SnrMi Sinnard. Sre was the second dr lighter of the if.te Mr. and Mrs W. J. Sinnard, early piomers of Sarpy county and also well known; on thW' side of the river in re j days. Cf seven children, buc f!-.reri remain in the Sinr.ard family. j Mrs. Sink was born April (, 1ST8 I-jin Christian county, Illinois. She i j moved to Sarpy county with her par- V Ion's in the year 1S75. She was nrir- V riod to Charles W. Sack February i J 1 SSI. To this union ten children wcrc born. The two youngest child ren died in infancy. Those, who av.r vive are Mrs. 12. A. Pankonin and Leroy P. Sack, of Louisville: Mrs. George KoWer, of .Meadow; .Mrs. A. had. a great deal of company and en joyed seeing her freinds and never would admit that it wearied her tc visit! with them. The funeral occurred at the Chris tian church in Louisville, th3 pastor Pv. W. K. Comes pmciating. The lpaii bearers were old time neighbors ?.n'l friends and were Peter Andcr ocn, Frand Snodgrass, William Lef 'f r, Byron Sage. Peter Nicholson and P'.?rry Glover. The church was filled with relatives and friends and p number of beautiful fioral offerings spoke of the love and e?teem in which the departed was held Mrs. William Myers. Mrs. W. S. Me- Grew, Mrs. Harold A. Koop and Miss FINE BOY AEEF7ES From Thursday's pp.ily The home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Richardson was gladdened last night ,... ., f uttio cn onri UV lilt? aillVOl 1 cl lllic iiii.. uuii cuv. , no has COT,,e to make h5s home .,th them in t,,e futlrre. The little one weighs eight and u half pounds and is a real young American and will make a fine addition to the family cir cle. BUY THE BEST Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, from certified flock. $5.00 per 100T 75c for set of 15. MRS. JOHN RICE, ml4-3w Murray.'Nebr. FOR SALE Successful incubator, capacity 175 eggs. Plattsmouth phone 2 85-J. ml4-2tw-2td AH local news is m tne Journal. SELECT - White Wyandotte Eggs FOE HATCHING From standard bred- laying strains, Flshel Egg-a-Day, Zwick's Snow - White, also some excellent birds that were hatched from eggs I ordered from Martin's Dorcas line, direct from Canada last season. Please come and see my birds before you buy eggs for hatching. Price of eggs, J?l per setting, or seven set tings for 86. I am a mem ber of The National White Wyandotte club. Lola Oldham R. F. D. No. 1 Mynurd - - Nebraska J I i I 3. JL 3. , Jt- 4. ' JL . t. . ' t liJe adding a cylinder ortwo TURNS CARBON INTO. POWER LOCAL NEWS V Dr. Heinemar, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. FromTiiursdny's Dally Dr. A. D. Caldwell, who was here to visit with his family over night departed this morning for Omaha to resume his duties there. v Mrs. II. B. Sschroeder of Harvard Nebraska, wbo has been here visiting with relatives and friends departed this morning for her home. Jacob Kiser of Louisville was here today looking after some matters of business and white here was a caller at the Journal for a few minutes to visit with the members of the force. Misses Thyra Johnson, Margaret Bauer, Dora Soennichsen, Marjorie Shopp former a parts' of the Platts mouth high school girls going to Lin coln today to attend the basketball tournament and to visit there with friends. From Friday's Daily Lera Austin of Union was here to day called as a witness in the district court. Earl Troop of near Nehawka was a visitor in the city today to attend to some matters of business and visit-; ing w.ith friends. ' J Henry Becker of Union was among; 'ine visitors in tne city touay to spena r!a few hours here attending the ses- Mrs. M. J. Hughes and daughters departed this morning for Rosalie, Nebraska, where they will visit at the home of Mrs. Hughes' sister, Mrs. W. F. Blank, and family. Earl Jardine, wel known Green- wood business man and baseball play- er was in the city yesterday for a few hours attending to some matters of importance ancTvisiting with his many friends. From Raturny'9 Dafry 1 r 1 . 11. . f TT! . 1 warier aidiq vl near union was here today for a ehort time look-! ing after some matters of business. J. ' Rev. ,W. A. Taylor of Union was in J. tbe city today for a few hours at Jt, tendipg to some matters of business ..j,' and 'Vi.iting with his many friends in the city. Virgil Perry departed thin morcing STEADY, unfaltering power for hills, for pushing through snow, slush, mud and sand without knocking, without shifting to second that's what you get from this remarkable combination of old reliable Red Crown Gasoline and Ethyl Brand of Anti-Knock Compound . Carbon won't make your engine knock, because the higher the compression, the more power you get. Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline actually maizes carbon in the motor a source tof added power like adding a cylinder or two. Big-mileage, quick-starting Red Crown Gasoline with Ethyl added is sold at all Red Crown Service Stations. Costs more and worth it. To avoid dilution, drain your tank before you fill it with Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline for the first time, and use Red Crown Ethyl exclusively thereafter. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA A Nebraska Institution RED ; for Omaha where he will spend a few hours there with Mrs. Perry at the hospital where she is taking treat ment for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Goodman departed this morning for Omaha where they will spend the clay in that city visiting with friends and look ing after some matters of business. Jesse Pell, one of the well known residents of near Union, was in the city today for a few hours and while here was a. caller at the Journal offi cer to have his subscription extended for another year. Max Adams, representative from Howard county, who with -Mrs. Adams has been here for a visit at the home of Mr. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Adams, departed thic morning for Council Bluffs for Sun day and will then return to Lincoln. FOR SALE Fordson tractor block assembled new. Call at the Plattsmouth Ma chine Works 337 Main St. Tele. 372. m3-4tsw NSURANC! I WRITE FOR THE Farmers' Mutual of Lincoln. Equitable Life of New York. Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Ass'n. Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Association of Iowa. . In the Farmers' lllutual of Lincoln, you have no renewal premiums to meet. In the Mutual Benefit H. & A. in case of total disability either from sickness or accident, you draw from $40.00 to $80.00 per month. Your business is s elicited. W. TVRIOHARDSO Mynard, Nebraska. LOST Trailing hound, with black ears large black spots, black specks all through white portion. Any infor mation as to his whereabouts will be appreciated. Call W. L. Crunk, Union. Neb. Phone No. 1513 and reverse call charges. New low prices on nursery stock. Get your order in now at Bestor & Swatek's. m7-2wsw Hay -Hay -Hay! ' Alfalfa and Prairie Get yonr prices before buying. Ship ped direct from our large Alfalfa Fields. Bay direct and save money! A. C. PHILPOT Overton, Nebraska