rj- 7f " i i PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1927. AGE EIGHT !, New Gream Station Opened! BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON t v Sunday March 13th, . By M. S. Briggs ?. Wake Up to these Opportunities! t Tie new Cream and Produce station of Ar mour and Company has been opened in the Bates building: near the Donat block and opposite the Journal office. Highest Prices will be paid for Eggs, Cream and Poultry! UNDER MANAGEMENT OF THE eary Brothers Now Ready for Business FOR SALE Fordson tractor block resembled new. Call at the Plattsmouth Ma chine Works 337 Main St. Tele. 372. m3-4tsw Renew ycur lawn with Yegoro or Sueto. the prepared plant food for sale lv Betor SwateX. m7-2wsvv HOLD FINE MEETING Federal Lend Bsc!;, cf Omaha Farm Loan The Lou: est Rate ever offered on Farm Lands 36 YEARS TO PAY! NO RENEWAL COMMISSIONS! For Full Information. See T. H. Pollock Flattsmouth. Nebr. From Wei1ne.rtay"s Inuy The members of the Women's bene fit association held a very largely at tended and interesting meeting at the M. W. A. hall last evening and which was one of the most enjoy able that this society has held for some time. The members had a short and very interesting address given by the dis trict deputy. Dr. Abbott of Omaha along the lines of the work of the order in the state. The committee in charge of the evening entertainment eomposed of Mrs. Harry Real. Mrs. Hamilton Mark and Mrs. Con Stchkert had arranged a very clever program that kept the members in the greatest of good humor until the close of the evening. "The Saucy Six" composed of Jean Cn Id well. Erma I.Layfield. Elizabeth Ilatt, Mildred Schultz and Mae Shra der gave several numbers on their "I'kes" that received the hearty ap plause of all of the members of the party. Donald Cotrer also gave two saxo nhone solos that reflected the great- ret credit on this clever young musi cian and whi?h he rlayed with the greatest skill. After the program the members of the party spcr.t sorr.r time in ply ing "Cuttic" and in which a great denl of fun was derived by all of the members of the party. The Indies decided to hold their r.cxt meeting rt the hall cn April 1 1th and at whih Hi ere will be spec ial features oiTered. At the close of the evening the refreshment commit e-. composed or Mrs. Guy I.org. Mr. Harry Tincher and Mrs. Joe McMaken. Jr., server? a very much appreciated luncheon. Golden Text: Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations. iMatt. 28:19. Making the World Christian, These words were spoken by the Master on His assent into heaven, and after several week of very tense experiences by the little band of disciples following the crucifiction of the Christ. At the time of the cru cifiction the hopes of the disciples fell from that bouyancy which mark ed the last few days on earth of the Master, when He was proclaimed King of the Jews, and which confidence in His being the real and literal Son of God, by His rejection and crucific tion. Hope had fled from the little tband. as was evidenced when Thomas 'tnWI the others, that. "Unless I shall Jsee the wound in His side and thrust my hand therein, and place my fing er in the wounds in His hand, I will net believe.' - This same feeling was shared by others of the disciples, but the women ever faithful went on the j third day! to embalm the body of their Lord and friend and found the tomb 'empty. This had been prophesied, but ' they had not believed, even Martha, to whom the Christ Himself, had ; said "I am the resurrection and the , life, and whosoever believeth on Me, though he were dead yet shall he live, j and whosoever liveth and believeth on Me shall never die." She believ icd that He was indeed the Christ but !lid not get the fact that as He said. I am the resurrection and the life that He was really that same, and that He should break the bonds of the tomb, they were indeed surprised and thought someone had stolen the body of the Liord. Then went they and call ed Peter, and he started for the tomb to investigate, and John, the beloved disciple, aslo started to follow. John was a young man. and Peter Old and grizzled, probably filled with rheu matism, for he had fished many years on the Sea of Gallilee, in fair weath er, instcrmy weather, when it was warm and when it was cold, and the years which he carried made him no match; for the young athlete, John, who soon outsripped his elder friend in the race for the spelchur of the Master. John arrived at the tomb first and stooping down looked in and saw that the place was empty. On the coming of Peter, out of breath from his running, he imme diately entered, and was followed by John. Then when there was nothing more to see they returned to the city. The message which was sent by Jesus later was tell the disciples and Peter to come to a mountain in Gallilee. However that very evening when the disciples were gathered together in the upper room, the doors all be ing shut, Jesus came unto them thru , xit.'.r-.-'i .jV.!i HOURLY SALES Bargain Wednesday, March 16th Hourly sale goods will positively not be sold before the hour desig nated, but should there be any left after the hour, you can buy them at the hour price. All goods not in the hour boxes are on sale at any hour of the day. Don't pass up these wonderful opportunities. 8 a. m. to 9 a. m. During this hoar we will sell Boys' Broncho Buster Blue Overalls, made of best 220 wt. pre-shrunk denim. QQ Ages 6 to 11 OOC These are hip cut for belt. x 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. ; During this hour we will sell Boys' Rain Coats, cloth sur faced rubber can be used for dress or rain$ weather. Ages 9 and 10, at gO Q .only . : 1 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. During this hour, we will sell Ken's Wool. Union Suits, close rib knit, pearl buttons, closed crotch, with button. Reg. sizes. Buy these for. next winter at this price &Lt ftp mm A' ' A Special Selling of Spring's Newest Dresses 9 When you see these Dresses you'll agree with us that we've never offered such values before at this price. The materials are silks, satins, crepes and novelty mixtures in a beautiful range of the newest colors. We suggest that you come early for best selection! 11 a. m. to 12 M. During this hour we will sell Boys' Wool Cloth Dress Suits jacket and pants belted ooat, straight pants. A very fine dress suit tor the little fellow. Ages 2 to 5 $2.22 12 M. to l.p. m. During this hour we will sell Men's fancy pattern Dress Shirts Jith soft collar attached. Made coat style, with pocket. Fenrl buttons. Sizes 7Q 14 to 171. Each 6 uC 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. During this hour we will sell Boys' Wool Cloth Knicker Suits v.ith b.ltcd coat, full cut. As rorted patterns. Fine for school wear. Ages 7 to dQ QQ 16. Price only t)S33 WASH SUITS Here mothers are Wash Suits cheaper than you can make them. Tub proof Peter Pan fabrics in all (j-! -Q the newest styles. Ages 2 to 7, at, each vXX Three of these fine suits for $3.35. CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Pure all-wool, A-i - q pull-over styles, plain colors. Ages 3 to 5 pXX7 BOYS" COAT SWEATERS Wool top, with d1 1A big collar. Two pockets, sizes to 34 vllJ BOYS' LUMBER JACKS Plain toe or fancy QO checks". Knit botton.' Pockets. Each tOC BOYS' OVERALLS Fast color blue, bib style, with 2 BOYS' LUMBER JACKS Plain tan or fancy QQ the bib. Sizes to 13. (Extra sizes, 5c rise) tOC MEN'S BLUE BIB OVERALLS Fast color, continuous high back, 7 pockets, all sizes J) X Suspender back same price. MEN'S ODD DRESS COATS Regular 3- 77 button sack style, lined. BW price J)5 COAT JACKETS For boys ami girls' wear. t" QQ Fancy patterns, wool. Ages S to 12 . v-tJO MEN'S JERSEY SPORT COATS Color djl QQ brown. 2 and 4 pockets, regular sizes !)i'U BOYS' CRICKET SWEATERS Brand new, QT very fancy for Spring. Wool and rayon JCUJ SINGLE LOT ITEMS Priced Extra Special ARMY WRAP LEGGINS Made of kiki serge with web tie straps. Just' the thing to wear with army AK. breeches for man or boy. BW price, per pair frOC BOY SCOUT BREECHES Kiki, lace or Cl button knee. Re-enforced. Sizes 10, 11. 12 3)JL07 MEN'S Alt MY BREECHES Kiki, lace or button knee. Re-enforced. Sizes 30, 34, 36, Thing of tf-B this low price. Per pair, only J A a Two Corduroy Coats for Men Can be worn for dress or work. Extra good quality. The sizes Q" are 1-3'J, 1-12. BW price only ?DtD Three Pure "Wool Worsted Yarn Pull-Over Sweaters for Men One red, cue green and one maroon. rf 4 Q" Regular sizes. BW price only v If ordered from factory today would cost 10. One All Horsehide Sport Coat in light crome tan color. 30 Inches long, with pockets. Very soft C?lfl QC and fine. A real bargain for somebody pJLU3 Two Men's Parkmill Plaid Work Jackets Very soft and light. Easily washed, fast color. One size 38 qj and one size 42. Bargain Wednesday price 3C One pair heavy Dux-Back Long Pants. Made of best army duck, double on seat, double on front of leg from rotch to below knee. Guaranteed waterproof. Good for handling ice. Size 3S waist. Worth at least $4.50. tfo r Eargain Wednesday price only O Two Kiki Army Jackets One Boy Scouts size 12, and one Men's size 42. Price only p X . dndVo Monkey Business 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. During this hour we will sell Boys' Coat Sweaters in heavy rib with big collar and 2 pock ets. Sizes from 30 to 34. Just A'hat's needed for the r chilly Spring days DDC 3 p. m. to 4 p. m. During this hour we will sell 25 pair Boys' assorted Knicker Pants in ages 8 to 16. Some of these full lined. Cf Go for only 5UC Good School Pants - 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. DuriiTg' this hour we will sell Children's Rompers in blue, tan or gray, in ages 2 to 8 years. ihese are not cheap sale goods, but from our regular stock 45c 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. During this hour we will sell Men's or Boys' Knit Ties with silk stripes. Four-in-hands, full size and very serviceable, at a price that defies all G' mail offers. Three for OC 6 p. m. to 7 p. m. During this hour we will sell Ken's fine colored Dress Shirts, soft pleated front with collar to match. Sizes C 1 1 A to 16, for 3J..1U These are Super-Values 14 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. , Men's best quality Stiff Gaunt let Leather Faced Gloves, back seams, protected thumb, f C leather shield on cuff ft DC Men's Plain Color Rayon Silk Hose, 35c pair. . 3SCQS The Ladies To Plattsmouth, "The Shop of Personal Service!' ggery Nebraska U- - I'M' J- JIJ.M jllMIIII the walls, and there greeting them with "All Hail, peace be unto you." : Again He came a week later when all were there. Then at other times He greeted them, but the last time was one the mount, when He spoke the words contained in the golden text, and which in full were. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I, am with you always, (even to the end of the world. Amen." i For three years and more the Mas ter had been with the disciples, and had cautioned them to tell no man about some of the things until He should have -.been raised from the dead. Still they did not grasp the full : meaning of the raising from the i dead. I Now when He was departing for His home in heaven, from where He had come to save a sin cursed world, because He and the Father loved the world even as He said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever be lieveth on Him should not parish but have everlasting life." The varity of His life. Hir. divinity, His being true and really the Son of God, was indel ibly impressed on their minds. He said? "Go ye therefore and made dis-, ciples of all nations." - I j Webster say a disciple ispne who receives the teaching of another, a scholar and follower. Therefore, whn one becomes a disciple he is a followed, and a doer of the things which he is taught. . Therefore the command of the Saviour of mankind, to the disciples of thafMay as it is to us In this, our day, was to bring Christiaity to the world. We find in the subsequent scrip tures with what faith and earnestness the Apostles engaged in this work, and with what success they met when they obeyed the voice of the Master, in that faith which He expects us all to have. No one can make a suc cess in this life when he has not a faith in himself, or his fellow man, and in the Great Jehovah, the Father of all men. The fainthearted person who assay es to engage in any' under taking, must have faith in himself if he ever gets anywhere in this life in whatsoever undertaking he may venture in. He that putteth his hands to the plow and looketh back, is not worthy of the kingdom of heaven and he who does the same thing in busi ness is in the same condition. To make a success in business.it requires intense thought and backed with earn est effort directed in the right man ner. See the parable of the talents, it required some effort on one's own behalf. To the one who is drowning in the river, when the rope is cast to him, he has some things to do in the securing of his" own salavation. So in the salvation of ones soul, Christ has provided a way for your salvation, and gave His life that you might have a way, but He is not go ing to force salvation upon you con trary to your will. The election is yours and if you choose you can be ring on Your EGGS We do Custom Hatching, hav ing capacity for 3,6001,200 per week. Or you can buy BABY CHICKS Heavy Breeds at 15ceach Light Breeds at 122C each Purina Chick Feed Newtown Brooders -Hsrmam Wollorth- Hatchery One Mile South of Murray, Nebr. Phone 1213 , Murray, Neb. saved and if you will not no one is , cord with the law, but they are not, going to compel you to make your! and while people do not go to church home in heaven. To you the nominal j or seemingly take much interest in Christian, j'ou have tasted the great the services of God, still they do not joy of salvation, you have felt the ( wish to make their home a commun burden of sins taken, from your ity where there is no church or the shoulders, and were you glad, when influence of the Bible school. Still the condemnation was taken away? they are willing to let "Bill" do it. j We will says you were, for your they would rather sleep another 1 face radiated the joy of your soul, hour and when they do get around !Are you demonstrating how much Sunday morning they go fishing. It you are pleased with this great boon has been said that if one can get , of salvation, by carrying the mes- along with the world peaceably until sage to the world, to those who want ten o'clock in the morning they are jto know, the great joy of salvation, safe for the remainder of the day. j Well if you are concerned in regard Wonder how this plan would work of to the welfare of your fellow man, it soing to Bible school until that hour, is up to you to do what you can to a"l then trusting the remainder of carry the message to him. He may be the day, to the beneficent influences at your elbow, or he may be across of all who have studied the Bible up the street, or elsewhere, you, if your to that hour. Try it some time and are embued with the spirit of He who see first brought salvation to the wnrM I will tell of the wonderful love of the' Master, and the Father who allowed Him to come from heaven to rescue all -from sin. In the parable of the lost sheep, which was given by Christ Himself, he said, the shepherd went to the mountain that He might save the lamb which had become lost and! had wandered from the care of the' shepherd. In the song, the Ninety, In the last twelve mnnrfic T have sold ov 1469 Acres of Farm Land for an average of SI 70 Per Acre! and Nine, which runs: "None of the ramsomed ever new, How deep was the waters crossed; Or how dark was the night the Lord i passed thru, E're he found the sheep that was; j lost." 1 If we are going to impersonate the Master in the matter of carrying the message to a lost world, it will take some sacrifice in order to do so. As! he trod out the grapes in the wine vat! alonef and wrestled with powers and p3jCrmin.,f 1 t principalities, we should count it no vss vounrv iarm land IS Sec- great hardship to show by our lives oncLtO none and thf nfpcf and example that we are appreciating" . . luc Bdlcsl the blessings which have come to us investment In. the World by the efforts of others and are will-' ing to pass the same along to the bee me for Some fiawaine other fellow. One has said that this u"l,ains . world Is no better or worse than we' want It to be. So it is, for if all want-j ed the world better, they would en-' deavor to make it better. Farm Loan F- . .The. matter of enforcement of law . Investments is an easy matter when all are in ac- insurance ' ' Real Estate Searl S. Davis