THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1927. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SETTS! -J Ter 1 r Murray Department 5 J'reparerl io the Interest of tbe People of Murry aod Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reari 22 Dream Time Is Over! Sy planting we begin to make dreams come true. As we plant so shall we reap. Takes monej- more money than is readily available, sometimes, and that is where we can prove useful. We stand solidly behind those who are constantly trying with both our resources and cur personal efforts. Ask for Them There is No Substitute for Safety Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska CNcar Xailor was looking after some business matters in Nebraska City on Wednesday cf this weok. Ardith Read the, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Read, bag been isi: poorly for a number of days I3r-t. J. C. Wheeler was '.looking after i Mime Lti-inevs matters in Murray on I Tuesday o: this week and meeting his ii. any friends. County C T. Spang er was a visitor ip IMatt.-rr.iu! ii on j pJst Tuesday and was " lookl&g'a'ter tome matters for the county. E. W. LEWIS Up-to-Date Painter and Decorator Paperhanging. H xtjueay NEBRASKA The Verv Best Service TLr Home Town Store has the goods in plain sight, marked in plain figures. Come and see our display cf Groceries, Dry Goods, Work Clothes, Shoes, Queens ware, etc. Everything at mcney-saving prices here! Tutf: k Brubacher The Dependable Store MURRAY F3 - rvrx 1 R y c mi Always dependable. Made fair and square. First cost reasonable. Upkeep and operating cost most economi cal. Watch this space the coming week. See prices end ask for demonstration. klarrsy Hudson MURRAY, hfekens They have been paying the bilh with the price of grains low, these hustlers have kept the bills paid and netted a little profit. We have accepted the distribution of the specialties of the Des Koines Silo and Manufacturing Co. We have Eroodex Houses, Hog and Pig Houses. Feeders for both Cjcks and Hogs which will save your feed and supply the stock just what you want and are needing. Cur feeders run from very small ones for Chicks to as high as 60 bushel capacity for hegs. Come in and see vrhat we have and see what you are needing. -J Harry Murray -:- John T. Porter, JoUn Stone and Fred Ahrens were assisting in the moving of Earl Lancaster to Murray on Tuesday of of this week. Wayne Lewis moved to his own new house on last Monday and Tues day. Earl Lancaster moved to the place where Wayne lived. That's that. Clair Farris departed early last wetk for the south and will make his home in Oklahoma during the sum mer where he expects to work on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles X. Terry of Lincoln arrived in Murray on last Tuesday evening for a visit with re latives and friends in Murray and vi cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fell and their daughter were In Murray on Tues day afternoon of this week, and were consulting their family physician Dr. G. H. Oilmore. "A. D. Bakfce and th wife Mere visiting as well as looking alter some hncini.t muf tprc in OmjThn on thp :t f- ! ternoon cf last Tuesday, they mak h'r.g the trip viaTheir auto, j Uncle Wm. Puis purchased last week one of those sunburn Chrysler "5f" getting the tame from the Mur- ; ray Hudson rsex company ana is j liklnT the rw car splendidly. I Mr. Earl Lancaster gave an order to the Niikles Lumber yard for the ! materials to re''uilT :i barn in the, place of the one which va. destroy ed by lire a few weeks tanee. Mrs. Fred Campbell who has been so severely ill for some time past is rfr-orted at this time to be showing some improvement, which is counted good news to her many friends. E. (.;. Runner was in Murray on I Tuesday of this week, getting lum I br-r for the building of a brooder 1 bouse for the chicks whic h are at this ! time ariring raridly at his home. ! Nick Frederick was in town on last (Tuesday and took home with him a load of lumber for. the construction r.f a chicken hou tr care for his V. e that he may bet irk of young chick- ens. Ronald Ingwerson, the little sen o Here is the "Place . ESS located in iilarray JUSt Op posiie the Garage, I pay cash for POULTRY ana EGGS Also sell all kinds of Poultry and Feed. Call and see me R. C. Wrisi Murray, Nebr NEBRASKA Essss Ocnipany NEBRASKA and Piss! son Nebraska J. A. Scotten- Contractor Builder Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Phone 45 MURRAY - - NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. Elba Ingwerson whe has been quite sick with pneumonia 13 reported at this time -as being much belter and is continuing to im prove. F. J. Ilild was a visitor in Oma ha oi Wednesday of this week where he went to se the cattle which Ik shipped on last Tuesday sell, and war pleased with very good prices for tiv - 'riTnpnt Frank Read was a visitor in Oma ha during this week where he went to secure goods fcr the store. They are enjoying a very satisfactory trade in their new location, in the W. A Scott 4place. Louid Ilallas and the family were rpending last Sunday at the home of the parents of both, and enjoyed the day most pleasantly as well as the delightful ride to the county seat ir the car of Mr. Ilalla?. Harry Nelson is selFTug many farm implements and other farm necessi ties these days as the people are get ting prepared . for the spring work which in a short time will be crowd ing the quite strongly. Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Bruhachci were visiting and looking after some business matters in Omaha on Tues day of this wetk, where Mr. Fru- bacher was making some purchases for the store in Murray. The sale which was held by Col. W. R. Young. W. G. Roedeker, Ray Henry and Perry Niekles was well attended and the prices which were realized were very satisfactory to the ones conducting the sale. Fred Warner is getting things in readiness for the beginning of farm ing when the spring comes and it lock3 like it is coming quite rapidly now. Perhaps In a short time we will he harping a different tune. Wm. Kitzel of near Alvo was r visitor at the hcme3 of W. D. Wheel er. W, A. Wheeler and James P. Wheeler, cn lart Monday evening. Mr. Kitzel came over to act as a juror Ir Get Your Discs Sharpened Now iEring in your Discs and have them sharpened and out of the way when the busy season of Spring work ar rives. We guarantee all cur work. VAC MICKULESKY & SON Murray, Nebraska Good Used Cars Are your batteries up? Do you need alcohol in your radiator? Fada Radios and Radio Parts EVERYTHING FOE YCUE AUTO Murray Garage "We do good work in automobile repair." Postponed Sale! As it rained last Saturday, we will hold the sale advertised for then on Saturday after noon of this week, March 12th, when the following goods will be offered and as many ' more as shall be brought. . Bring along what you have to sell. There will be Dressers, Chiffoniers, Commodes, Tables, Chairs, Washing Machines, Stoves, Beds, Buffets and various other articles. Budtiicfdes fk Vayne Lovis Murray -:- -:- :- Nebraska 1 If mus ot tb readers of Ujb Journal kuor of -ny uctl wntflrltMi Of interest in tfefe rtcltfrtx. and rtll mill aa to tfateoOoe. it will p pr under thl tMdtog. W tut all sews Mw-einoi the present term of the district court. . The home of Walter Furlong was made happy by the arrival about a week since of a young lady who will make her home with this happy cou ple for a number of years. The young lady and mother are getting along nicely. Warren Munn was sawing wood for W. O. Troop and some which Mr. Troop had purchased from Irl War lick, which he has chopped'along the farm where Aubrey Hopkins lives. Mr. Hopkins was also chopping wood for the summer. See the ad of Robert Wright who is prepared to purchase poultry and eggs at the old stand of Frank Fore man. Mr. Wright will also carry a full line of of hog and chicken feeds as well as chick started. See him foi your needs. Little Robert Handley, three year: old, while playing arounfl a wash ing machine got a finger into the cogs which operate the wringer anr" so severely mashed one of his fing ers that a portino of it had to b taken off before it would heal. lUesdames Catherine 1'erry. S. A. Darker and Glen Perry arrived hom from their trip to California, where ihey were crjled several weeks age by the very severe Illness of Mr. S' O. Pitman, but who is at this timr reported as being much better. Rudy Alieklu&eKy wniie worKing in the blacksmith shop with the father had the misfortune to cut one of" hi: Lf ngcrs so severely that a portion wa: severed, ur. u. n. u-umore arerscc the wound and it is getting alone nicely but will be some time before it is well asrain. Mrs. Phillip Lambert was sudden ly taken with an attack of gall stonef late last week and was immediately taken to the Methodist hospita? where she immediately underwent ar operation and is reported as getting along nicely since. Mr. Lambert if there with his wife. . Mr. W. J. Philpot shipped a couple of car loads of cattle, which he brought in from the farm cn last Monday and aa the weather was quite warm and the cattle quite frisky, it was diflitult to keep them "frcrr traveling too fast. Two were lost or Recount r.f getting to warm. Thi others were shipped to the South Omaha market. J. II. Burton has been suffering from n very severe'atfa'k of rheuma tism fur the past week or so and ha? n hard time getting' around. Mrs. J. 11 Graves, a daughter was down from Plattsmouth last week from Wednesday until,, Sunday.. 2nd came down again on Tuesday of this week G. C. Burton, aeon, of Palmyra wat also down on Tuesday to visit him. Mrs. Delbert Todd was suddenly taken with an acute, cttaek of ap pendicitis which was so severe that she was hurried to the hospital at Omaha where she immediately un derwent an operation. She is get ting along as well as possibl at thr Methodist hospital. Mrs. Martin Sporrer is Mrs. Todd pital. On last was over. Xickles in teaching in the place of while she is at the hosT Suntlay after preaching Mr. -and'-Mrs. George their Essex coach depart ed for Shenandoah. Iowa, where they visited with relatives and found Mrs. Henry C. Long enjoying her visit her sister in that town nb-ely. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Nickles went to Nebraska City and from there west to Syracuse, returning via Nehawtr and then to Union and to Platts mouth before returning home, anr enjoyed the trip very pleasantly. Will Serve Lunch. The Ladies' Aid of thef hristiar church will serve lunch at the sale which is to be held by Mont Shrader on March 18th, and you know wher these ladies serve lunch there will be something good to eat. Do not forget this. Who Owns the Pig? Lester Dill had a pig. and by all means it should be a hog by this tim but it isn't, it is still a mangy pig. and on the market would not bring one hundred dollars. Dilating on the characteristics of the pig while ir the Murray barber shop excited a desired of the two barbers to be come possessors of the pft:. they eact parted from an iron dollar and the pig was theirs. They? built a pen ir the extreme corner of what woul? have been a lot but there was nt fence and so it was not a hog lot Here they domiciled the hogship. and there it Is at this time anyone being permitted to see the piggie for fifteen cents. The writer dropped into the barber shop and each began telling us about their purchase, all the time cautioning us to say it belonged to Jeff or to Kemp. As Jeff was shav ing us we would not promise until we got out of the chair. Then they howed us the pig. In the afternoon we dropped,, into the shop again, and were told by the two barbers that the pig was then the property of Mrs. Brendel. This she denied and. just who owns the hig with the curly tall we do not know. Fortv Acres for Sale. Three miles . east of Murray, six miles south of Plattsmouth, on Mur-; ray mail route. Cash or terms. Or ! will rent if not sold by April first. j John Campbell, Murray, Nebraska. I nS-swinp ! Entertained Their Friends. ! Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel enter tained at their beautiful home on Tuesday of last week, at which time a most enjoyable time was had, and the guests were served with a de-, lightful luncheon at the proper time. Cards were indulged in and these j added to the pleasantness of the eve-1 ning. There were there for the oc-j casion, besides the entertainers. I Messrs and Mesdames W. L. Seybolt I A. G. Long, John Farris, and Fred i Hild. j Many Enjoy Evening. j Mesdames Geary and Mutz at th" Murray Hall gave a reception and Fhower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. j Dan Hcrchar, which was also in the . 1 , . . ..1 . 1 snape 01 a suower. many ust-iui aiiuja beautiful present were given to tnic verv popular couple, and an abund ance of good things to eat were serv ed. All extended best wishes for long ana nappy me. United Presbyterian Kotes. W. F. Graham, Pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m and 7:30 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. Next -Sabbath morning the sacra-' ment of the Lord's Supper will be rb-j served. Dr. J. F. Ross will preach ' both morning and evening. On Saturday niirht. Mar. 12. there will be a congregational meeting to a"t upon the resignation of the pas-1 tor and to attend to other buinesr ; al?o. It is hoped that we may have e i good attendance. Eev. Graham Comes to Allerton. Rev. W. F. Graham, cf Murray, i Nebraska, his accepted a call to the United Presbyterian church at Aller ton. and will probably be here April loth. R?v. Grabam has si children, part of them in high school, and our ex cellent schools is one of the ressons for him accepting the Allerton church.. His children's schooling ir also the reason for him r.ff coming until April. Rev. Graham preached here, and vi-nted a few days nd was well pleased with Allerton and her people. The Allerton (Iowa) News J. ,. Pointer is to Go to the Bel'evue School Will Serve as Superintendent at the; Sarpy County Town New De hate and History Teacher. From Wednesday's Catlv r The board of education of this city have been busily engaged in the work of preparing their teaching force for the coming year- and will have a number of vacancies to fill the eominc: year in the teaching force as several of the teachers are leav ing to go to other localities or to ; take up other Tooaiims. One of the positions that will be vacant will be that of the principal of the local high school as, J. W. Pointer, the present principal will leave to accept the position of super intendent of the schools at Bellevuc at a very flattering increase in salary for the position. Mr. Pointer has been here lor tne past two 3'ear? succeeding R. G. Campbell as the) principal of the schools. I The Echool board has also elected R. F. Patterson of Tarkio college at Tarkio, Missouri, as the teacher ofj history and debating in the high) school to succeed Esther Delzell, who' will not be here the coming year.Mr I Patterson comes here very highly re-' commended and is a young man th"t , the board feels very well pleased ! with the securing of Mr. Patterson I end who will become one of the ef-, fective members of the high school faculty. HENRY W. DETLEF Henry Detlef. former resident of Mineola but for little more than a j-ear past, resident of Council Bluffs at 202 Harrison street, died in bis home Saturday evening, March 5, fol lowing an illness of ten weeks, a part of which time he was in a hospital. He served as clerk in the Cherny & Watson store of Mineola for a numner of years and then later tock up the work of life insurance. Henry Detlef was a man that everyone liked because of his genial personality. While a resident of Mineola he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Schoening. To this union one daugh ter, Betty Caroline was born. . He is Ruryived by his wife and daughter, his mother, Mrs. Johanna Detlef of Balfour; three brothers, Frank of Plattsmouth. Charles and Chrs of Balfour, and a sister, Minnie .Roen feld of Mineola. He was a member of Glon-ood I. O. O. F. and Silver City M.: W. A. lodges. Mr. Detlef was 47 years old A Real Saving Opportunity! With - every Voss Washing Machine sold during; the- month of March, you will get One High Grade Edison Electric Iron One Rid-Jid Ironing Table One Large Size Clothes Hamper $2.50 First Payment Balance on easy 12-month payment plan! This washer needs no introduction in this community. They are in use in every neighborhood giving perfect satisfaction. We can use a few old vashers, and especially your used hand power machine. We will take your eld machine in trade on a ne Voss. See us now about trade on old washer. Liberal allowance. Remember This Free Offer is for the Month of March Only Bestor & Swatek The Telephone 151 and a native Mills county. born of Oak township FUneral services will be held Tuee - day tit 12:30 p. jn. in St. Pan Ft j Lutheran church on 7lh Avenue in I Nebraska Assembling Company Makers of the Celebrated Economy Hog Houses and Feeders These are the latest things for the best care of farrowing sows and for the young pigs. If interested, see us at the lumber y?jd, or call by phone and we will come and see you. H. W. Tool Lumber Company Murdock, stor Be PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. Spring time is almost here. You will be wanting Nur sery Stock and we will have a good supply on hand at planting time, but we would like to have your order in advance, so there will be no delay when you get ready to set your trees. New low prices. Ask for quotations! Prepared Plant Food Prepare the garden, lawn or flower bed this Spring with Eacco or Vigoro, the new pre pared plant foods. Much bet ter than ordinary fertilizer and Las no disagreeable odor. Easily applied and you need snly try it once to be con vinced. Many people who used these preparations last season, for the first time, speak very highly of their value as a plant food and found they stimulated growth and vigor of their plants. -We can supply you either Vigoro or Sacco. with Sweet Clover SeecT The time for sowing Sweet Clover is near at hand and we are making delivery now at the following prices Our best grade, per bushel $8.65 Second grade, very high test, bu. . . 7.65 Bulk Garden Seed Our Garden Seed department is bigger than ever thilf Spring. Largest assortment ever carried! Fresh stock on hand and can fill all orders promptly. All bulk seed! One-Day Range Special For a one day special we offer a high grde All Enamel Eange enameled inside and out, with 20-inch oven, in Tan-Grey or Blue enamel with Copper Contact Reservoir. This range is regularly pneed at 5135.00. For Bargain 1135.00. For Bargain cash pnee New Stock of Bird Cages in Brass or Enamel 1' 2.75 Freel WINCHESTER Store Plattsmouth, Nebr. L32 Council Bluffs, and made in Mineula. burial will be Kenwood Trib- une - Eead Journal Want Ads. Nebraska" t C i wateK For the Little Chicks Eaby chicks will need special care and proper food. Wo have the chick starter feed, also many kinds of feeders to han dle feed for these baby chicks. We are selling a new feeder of our own design and made in our own shop. Extra large size, galvanized iron. 30-hole. Price $3.25 500-chick size brooders, only $14.50 1,000-chick size brooders at $17.50 Sol Hot oil burning brooders. 1.000-chick size, at $22.50 Wednesday, Wednesday, 00 and up & S ZEIS