1 V n I r t - r f PAGE FOUB PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAItCII 10, 1527. -asftfi 4. i t-v o-TlV:.- -.&:5ss -VW? 1 aln) WOOD yj ay iia d is l ij ; 1 if J IB) fl 1 rv' k-- v-l - J. j ::Vi s n ! 8 fe .2 I J March the Money Saving Month of Look Over these Bargains! 7 ir -,V -A Bargain Day Special 10-QTJAET White Granite Dish Pan First Quality r- Each 39c veryday. Low H. M CANNED GOODS ash Prices AT ' SOERfftlDG GALLON FRUITS 1 Fruit Values E Peaches. Pineapple, Apricots. Six Ko. 1 cans. Pineapple No. 2 sire cans, four for p reaches tcnew, no. ? Ol pita rorio fri t A. j 3iJ Ivl Corn, Extra Stand., No. 2 Peas, Wisconsin, No. 2 Tomatoes, Mo. hand pack, No. 2 C 1! Uilk, all brands, tall cans V Campbell's Soups, asstd Otoe Kidney Beans, No. 2 Van Camp Pork-Beans, med. ' Ctoe Bacon and Beans, No. 2 - $1 $1 Per Can Peaches, Solid pack Apricots Shredded Pineapple ' Loganberries Blackberries i Pears, Solid pack PITTED BED CHERRIES Per gallon can only Bargain Day' Special LARGE 6-qt. Aluminum Kettle Paneled Sides Each 39c Dried Fruits Gallon ,.$1.18 C LIVE 3 Full quart ja.r for only CRACKERS 21a-Ib. caddy Krispies for LOLLED OATS OA- WATER TUXBLERS 49c 41c Large size pkg1. ..25c lx for l-.HBgLTl-i-: CUPS - SAUCERS Good qual ity chinaware. ( 1 1 A Per set of six v 1 X U PLATES Breakfast. JQ 7-in. size, 6 for fC HONEY Strained. 4-lb. pail for only COMB HONEY 2 combs for " Per 4S-lb. ba? OMAR WONDER 50c 35c FLOUR PAGE'S BEST (M AC Flour, 48-lb. bag: ?LJ LITTLE HATCHET Per 48-lb. sack L. GOLDEN BELL !9 1 C Rye Flour, 4S-lb. &LID $2.05 NUT BUTTER Cream of Nut or Nucoa. Per OC 1-lb. package uJC SUGAR Very best granulated. 10 lbs. POTATOES j1 or Russets, per bushel. P0J WALL PAPER I ( CLEANER Per can. 1UC 69c PRUNES 40-50 size. Santa Claras. 2 lbs. for 25-lb. box. 92.50 Smaller size (50-60) Prunes, per lb 25-lb. box, $2.25 PEACHES A fancy quality. Per lb 3 lbs. for 65 APRICOTS Fancv Bleinheims, per lb.i.i- 3 lbs. for 85 FIGS Whole white, fine cookers, 2 lbs : 25c " SEE 3L In all the Fresh Lovliness of Spring Extraordinary Offering of the Season's very latest Creations. New Rayon Wash Frocks, the equal of higher priced dresses, fresh, crisp and dainty. These res:es are all made decidedly fashionable thru cut, including; adoption of pleats, shirring and t.z latest of trimmings-3 decreed by fashion. We guarantee these dresses to be fast color, duality h limited; early flopping; ia urged! Sizes 36 to 52 Latest Patterns Bargain Wednesday Price $ 41 69 PI k- v. A 71 7i ,5' w i-l v 7 stss For Bargain Wednesday With each Corona Toaster, we will give you F v vl Universal Bread Knife 1 Cottonwood Bread Board Regular $10.00 Value for $6.95 Nebraska Gas 4 Eleofrio Co. Remember Yoa can Bay Only Good Appliances Here S '.. 54 t-J fJ . f5?3 rwi j u ntj ej r-: n if ti Bath Room Rugs 5 (While They Last) ' 1.50 Large Size Rug", BW price. 79c 18 Willow Clothes Baskets Eegular $1.75 Baskets Regular $2.00 Baskets Regular $2.50 Baskets 9Bc $1.19 $1.45 Brooms 60c parlor Broom for only . .29c 85c extra line quality Brooms 45c Christ & Christ 1 18-22 S. Sixth Street Plattsmouth, Nebr. PHONE 645 argain " 7 9 e-yl (Zi ciTu p 7 7 1 BOYS' WORK SHIRTS Good Blue Cheviot, Triple Sewed, Pearl Buttons Two Pockets Sizes 12y2 to 14 Each sii r MEN'S FANCY SILK SOX All brand new Fresh Goods Latest Plaids and Stripes in All the New Colorings 10 to liy2-?air c dnd No Afonksy Business 3 Wood s I For Bargdin Wednesday Cream . Taffy Vanilla, Strawberry, Ghicolats and Molasses! C 3 0 Ik N ASK r t about that Beautiful Box Stationery with their Initials imprinted to order, for only 1.50 per box at the Bates Book and Stationery Store last Bargain Wednesday, and see how pleased they were with the individual monogram. We are now offering you this price again for the coming Bargain Wednesday, JIarch 16th. . . . Any box of paper selling for $1.25 and over printed FREE, with your own initials or any you may desig- . nate. A handsome gift or a fine present for yourself. ... i Make Your Selections Early T 0 mm store Dine Bargain Wadnssday Ssaoiais! -ssaacn- SVrav 1 VI-1 WJfrrTTR.'M JB1 Piif M AUTO TIRES . 30x3 lz Ajax Special Oversize Cord. . . 9.5(5 30x3V2 Onito Auto Tires $G.65 30x3 Paragon Cord Tires 8.50 SWEAT PADS All Sizes (19, 20, 21, 22 and 23-inch) special for one day 40c each STAPLE VALUES Icy Hot Lunch Kits, including 1-Fint bottle. . . SI 45 Handy Assortment Wood Screws (1 gross) ""0 Cotton Flannel Gloves for Spring W, It. weight,' pair. '. '.10 Heavy weight Cotton Mannel Gloves, per pair 0 IAc WINCHESTER Store Plattsmouth, Kebr, Phone No. 151 ,-. - " , , r, - - jr. V r I, I i t, n