The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 10, 1927, BARGAIN Wednesday EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TKT7P.SDAT. MARCH 10, 1927.
page Tmms
Late in 1926 when it became
Che pl&ttsrrsoistb liournai
Kb Lars'! m.t otiaflM. Pla.tMou.tEt. N)&.. u rcoa-cl&aa ms.1l matter
It appears that warfare in Nic-
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Senator Walsh has rendered an in-
valuable public service. We are all
clear that the railroads would have aragua, despite the fact that it has
the best year financially since the been practiced for a long time, is
war, it was predicted they would in a very crude stage. It is described!
have to pay for their prosperity. De-'as,a series of dusultory clashes be-,
mauds for wage increases and for tween two barefooted mobs led by
j rate reductions invariably follow a general? who know little or nothing j
good financial year for the carriers.' about military science. The men are
! Already wage increase approved by armed with machetes or rifles. Oc-j
the newly created board of arbitra- casionally a piece of artillery is used.
tion have been put into effect, and Government troops are supposed toj
the labor cost of rail operation is ex-g?t 2Z cent a day. but their pay.
; pandinc. Further wage demands are usually never gets farther than the(
j pending nd after the precedent set disturbing officer. Food is foraged
Lis debtors.
in the first case to be submitted to from the countryside. Etc., etc.
spring, the luscious spring is arbitration it is entirely likely that; It is plain to see that Nicaragua is
here, similar aavauees will be allowed eise- open to our scorn. Imagine a coun
And , flowers spring blooming in, where
ner irarKs; i
had to walk out: they could not ride; Ari.i mnct ar this time of year
without an auto I Stay home and figure income tax. "-t it probably will be between $50.- son gas. machine guns. Big Berthas
The student council at Princeton i
What the total of the ptnd- try so lacking in progressiveness that
ing advances will be is speculative, it embarks upon a war without poi-
One wav to waste your time is to! Edward L. Doheny should go over
. . - ... , T" ."I 1
the time you 'die as ne patriot uu rcunai ..!.
: knows."
000,000 and $100,000,000.
No rate reductions of any
sit down and bewail
have already wasted.
.1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 . , . -
The great study of mankind is man. ! me peopie uo aie
!n,t in stiiflvine women a little learn- ing for trouble will go to any trouble
ing is a dangerous thing.
looking for it.
A painting called "And Then it
The successful man is usually an
Rained" won a prize at the Chicago, average man who either had a chance
j high-explosive shells. In th art or
con- kiliiue men as perfec t in all cvilized !
sequence have yet been authorized by rations, Nicaragua is as backward as'
the interstate commerce commission, it is in the political notions of its
but as the time approaches for the Liberals, who still think tbey have'
scales conference between bitumin- something to say about the govern
oui operators and miners, it is clear ment of their own country.
that the rate on coal will be come a :c:
factor in the negotiations. The or-j WHICH STREET?
ganized miners, anxious to maintain
Art Institute
Probably a
water or took a chance.
e present scale, are already charg-; A survey snows mat a man wno
ing the commission with unfairness lives on Park avenue. New York, is
imri.n millionaires want to own with respect to the rate on coal, con- a poor man it ne earns only $oU.uuu
, -ii . i - tonkin rr T "i T n n rntOT r-itn oiHnct
. ;-- , ti tVi pre. carysua. i ais an meie is iu --------- k.k. .,,
X . UC UIC &U1 Hi-, IU sr-rn- .J.---.,-'
with fists, whv wouldn't a seat in' trouble down there.
congress offer Jack Dernpsey a bril-
a year. The average income in $75,-
woud enable operators in the 000 a V(ar- lany incomes exceed a
liant post-career?
In just a few more
! central competitive fields to meet million a year.
days now we con;r-etition from the non-union fields Shift the scene a little until you
j will spade up our back yard for the of Kentucky and Wst Virginia. -visit some quiet street in a typical)
When a nation is 99 per cent op-; ne-enoors
pesed to an existing government and,
is too dumb to get rid of it, a czar;
is about the only hop for it
chickens to play in.
So important is this in the minds American small town or eity, wnere
of groups interested in rate reduc- the incomes average between $2,000
Twenty-four camels have arrived lion frpiJ, Ohio and Pennsylvania and $3, 000 a year,
for distribution to zoos in this coun- f1P;,i that ?r thp main- ino at' On Park avenue there are the
'try says a dispatch. They'll like it take in the recent unfavorable ac-'Pekinese pups and pompous butlers,
cannot' tere. jtion of the senate on the nomination the strain of "keeping up" and the
One bad thing about automobile
accidents is that they never seem to
happen where there are billboard to
be knocked dnwn. .
Pontics is for tor are we do not
carti sodid only to those who ha v.?
never fallen under the romantic spell
c! Richard Waihburn Child.
Jlr. Brisbane says men
smoke and think at the same time.
Nonsense. We know men who can
smoke, drink and eat at the same
A California joultryman has
taught his hens to lay egs direct
in the crate. For eliminating lost
motion that man is a regular Kenry
' Fcrd.
:o: i
With Gen. Smedley Butler in
China, the Secretary of the Navy will
get prompt reports should a Chinese
general do something unbecoming of
an officer.
Having failed to find an appropri
ate mountain, the people of Vermont
are naming a mountain range for the
president. We suppose a volcano will
be named for Charlie Dawes.
n " .
The rlAan nf Cornell T'rivprsitv United States is only 100 years old.
Fays that young people of today are tout estimate of the age of the day of rebuke"
! accommodation coach probably was r.iiuiiii i uruhvn .1. iuluiu.
"Ephraim is like a siliy dove wiiii-
a heart."
of Cyrus E. Woods, to the commerce din cf artificial living. On the typi
commission. The opition to him cal small town street there are kids
was led by Senator Goff of West Vir- Waving in the yards mortgages may
r.inia. hover about, but the sun shines thru.
No ore can forecast the rate deci- Tlie street of millionaires or the
sicn of the commerce commission but ?-rMl r Plain f3!ks ft ruckling along
in general that body seeks to take a and finding happiness where they can
middle ground and to compromise hkh of these r; presents the real
differences which arise among com- America? To which street do you look
peting industrial centers. On that for expression of those ideals that
The sign of the Red Crown is the
safest place to stop for gasoline and oil
'A Nebraska Institution"
Another million-dolla r snow has 'theory, and in view of the favorable
earnings of the soft coal road?, it
would net be surprising if they 'were
asked to accept a rate cut as their
shsre of th cost of unequal condi
tions of competition in the industry.
i :o;
arrived, which will give the wheat a
herd start this spring, and put reserve
water in the thick green stems.
: o .
have made
our country what it is
In the District Court of
County, Nebraska.
John P. Sattler,
I Plaintiff
j vs.
i Sam'l H. Moer, if living if
'deceased his unknown
heirs devisees, legatees per
sonal representatives anu
ing to be. the last will and testament
of the said deceased, may be proved
The average income for every man,
woman, and child in the United
States last year was $770. If you
didn't earn that much you're a big
- :o:
The pioneer railroad of the one of the minor prophets of Israel
Copenragen, March S.
ab?e tompary of New York
bis uZrpil to iabil;ze th Danish
Landsman's bank, which has been
bankrupt since but which has
been working under a state guaran-
j random from the writings of Hodea, t;?J ,nan of co million -kronr
T. r--,.,;. a'1 other persons interested
Here are a few passages picked at
t ?15.!ro,oOO ) to be guaranteed by
'Ephraim shall be desolate in the the statu.
no worse than their parents were.
Probably not, but they are more vcr- wrong,
satile in their wickedness. i
.o- I Human
life in the United States
! out
"Ephraim feodoth on wind.
irairn, what shall I do
Fifteen bred Duroc sows, from 175
to 180 pounds, to farrow about April
; 1st. Inquire cf L. B. Egenberger.
N'nw that thp movies hnvo hpe-im ' has lengthened S.3S Fince 1911.' "O Ej
to do their own talking, perhaps Investigation will show that it was thee?" !
these earnest souls who converse dur-1 .bout that time everybody began to Br. Nicholas Murray Ei tkr is the Anything youneed inshrubbery.
ing films can find haven for their, play golf. , Ephraim of the Coolidge admimstra- houh he ordered now atBes'tor &
discourse in the public libraries. . :o: t tion. And the passages above quoted Sw-tek-s m72wsw
:o: Scores of gunmen were arrested in fairly well express what Coolidgt:
' The fashionable man. we learn. 'Chicago on election day. If they can thinks of the New York educator. ' Phone us th news.
possesses seven s-uits of clothes. What get that many out for a primary, the e na.n i ssia so. or course, iur
does he do with the other six. and general election piloniises to be a Cal is p.?. close as a' clam concerning
could not the same effect be had with i liwly event. ! things political that have a bearing
three and one-half of these two pants1 :o: .OI1 hi own future. I
suits? ' Florida resorts are not getting all' Cut he must have wept, and wailed
the millionaire tourists
Phil D. Armour,
in his estate real names
".nknown, et al.
To Sam'l II. Jtoer if living, if de-
and allowed, and recorded as the last ! State of Nebraska, County of Cas.
will and "testament of Petrolina Cha- ss.
loupka. deceased; that said iniru- I By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
ment be admitted to probate, and the ! by Colda Noble Deal, Clerk of the
administration of said estate be District Court, within and for Cass
granted to Chas. Vitousek, as execu-j county, Nebraska, and to me direct
tor; ied, I will on the 9th day of April.
Tt i5 hprphr nrrlprpd thnt vnii. anil A n 19?7. nf 10 n'tl .'-k a. m. of
NOTICE Lji pprpons interested in said matter. ! said dav. at the south front door of
may, and do, appear at the County; the court house in the city of Platts
Court to be held in and for said coun-' mouth. .Nebraska, in Fa id c ounty, sell
ty. on the 21st day of March, A. D-, I at public auction to the highest bid
1927. at. ten o'clock a. m., tc showider for cash the following real estate,
cause, if any there be, why the pray- i to-wit:
ceased his unknown heirs devisees
ier of the petitioner should not be
p-rantprl- and that nntirp nf thf npn-
legatees personal representatives and de of said petition and that the
an other persons interested m nis hearin thereof be given to all
estate, real names unknown. Mrs. on interestea in said matter by pub
Sam'l H. Moer, first real name un-
jlishing a copy of this Order in the
known, wife of Sam'l H. Moer; Rosen- 'piattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
baum Brothers, a firm composed of lDewspaper printed in said county, for
M. Rosenbaum first real name un- three succe5Sive weeks prior to said
kn own, and J. Rosenbauni. first real qj hearin0-
name unknown, m. i.os uuaum um Witness my hand, and seal of said
real name unknown, if living if de-(court th-g -th day Qf Februaryf A
ceased his unknown heirs devisees j
The undersigned will offer for sale
this winter, and gnashed his teeth the other day, at Public Auction at his home located
-f t?,. o--f;t when Dr. Eutler in an interview de- 2V miles west and 2 miles south of
i,o rlnrprl thp.t Pnnliripp will not hf a Aiurray. ana i-1 1 - - -
4 miles north
Nebraska, on
of Ne-
Charles W. Hilles, vice chairman
of the Republican National Commit- Chicago packing plant.
... ..... . ... .. . . 41.; ,1 . n. nnnr1iof
tee, is on an extensive tour ot the Mississippi coast the other cay, ana 'iiiu lJUU,,1Jir' p i j i i q
wst, inquiring into third-term sen- was so pleased with its beauty that The New Yorker spoke without f TlQay, lVarcn lO
He will go he wired for a large group of friends authority of course. Up to this time u
to join him. irieui iu& .ti,t no vu tUu- followinj- described property, to-wit:
tirhent for Coolidge.
around Iowa.
legatees personal representatives and j
all other persons interested in his es
tate, real names unknown; Mrs. M.
Rosenbaum, first real name unknown,
wife of M. Rosenbaum; J. Rosenbaum
first real name unknown, if living if
deceased, his unknown heirs devisees
legatees personal representatives and
all other persons interested in his
estate, real names unknown;
ID., 1927.
Mrs. J. Rosenbaum, first real name
unknown. Wife of J. Rosenbaum; tprpsted in the estate Mnhala Hon
(Seal) f2S-3w
County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
Lots 3, 4. 5, C, 7, in Block I.
North and Eight West; and all
of Block 7 West; and all of Block
8 West; and all of Block I North,
7 West; which lies west of the
North branch of Rock Creek;
and all of Block I South and S
West of the public square of
the Village of Rock Bluff, in
Cass county, Nebraska, as sur
veyed and platted and recorded;
also Lots 1. 2. 9 and 10 in Bloc k
I North and S West of the p lhlie
square, in Rock Bluffs, Cass
county, Nebraska
the same being levied upon and
taken as the property of John L.
Smith et al, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court, recovered
by Louis Keil, Guardian of Ray W.
In the County Court of Cass coun- Lambert, a minor, plaintiff against
ty, Nebraska. :said defendants.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. j Plattsmouth. Nebraska. March 3rd.
i u me neirs anu an persons in- a. D. 1H V.
rested in the estate oi Mahala Hen-! rrnT prrn
Lnaries iazenDy, n iiv;ng. ii ueeeas-; ,jr jcks deceased:
eu nis unsnewn neirs aevisees ies;i- Gn reading the petition of Glen!
tees personal representatives and r.ll rjoedeker praying a final settlement
otner persons interested m nis es- !and allowance of hi3 account filed in 1
Sheriff Cass County.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, rjs.
sel regarding a third term, and it
surely gave him a large, ingrowing
Eleven Head Horses-Males
g cds of the republican party came out matched; one span of
C with a bold prophecy concerning his and 7 years old. weig
E. E. Leach's Sale Barn
tate. real names unknown; Helen M. jtnig court on the 7tn dav of March,
Lazenby wife of Charles Lazenby ; 1 1927t and for order of Distribution!
ine unknown ueirs uevisees ugaireo ;and Finding of Heirship; '
personal represemau es auu an um- j It is hereby ordered that you and. In the County Court.
er persons interested in the estate of :all persons interested in said matter! In the matter of the estate of Mary
John Bons, deceased, real names un-!may and do, appear at the County Burian. deceased.
known; I Court to be held in and for said' To the creditors of said estate:
All persons having or claiming any j county on the 15th day of March,' You are hereby notified, that I
interest in or title to Lots seven (7) A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., to will sit at the County Court nom in
and eight (8) in Block seventeen iShow cause, if any there be, why the Plattsmouth in said county, en March
(17) in the City of Plattsmouth Cass prayer of tne petitioner should not 14. 1927. and on June 15. 1927. at
county Nebraska, real names un- be. granted, and that notice of the 10 o'clock a. m.. each day to receive
known; ; pendency of said petition and the and examine all claims against said
You and each of you are hereby ; hearing thereof be given to all per- estate, with a view to their adjut
notified that on the 19th day of Feb-:sons interested in said matter. by pub- ment and allowance. The time limit
ruary 1927 the plaintiff in the fore- iisning a copy of this order in the ed for the presentation of claims
going action filed his petition in the plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly against said estate is ihree months
District Court . of Cass County. Ne- ; newspaper printed in said county, for from the 14th dav of March. A. D.
who weight 1,100: one span jack mules, j braska, wherein you and each of you one week prior to said day of hear-;1927, and the time limited for pay
j t coming yearling, well matched; one' are made parties defendant, for the.jng. ment of debts is one year from Bald
Commencing: at 10:00 O'CIock
Lcnch Will he Served ai Noon
rno enn r nf litnrfe- mares 7 and S
pain when one of the foremost lead- n1f1 wplsrnt 3.000. verv well
black mares. 6
ght 2,600, very
n--. 1 1 v of -.Vi r1 n r r cnan rf TAlfian
. . t- t .4 1 mares, 5 and G years old, weight
It may be ttfat in Dr. Butlers case -ft(,0;black and bay; one black coach
the wish is father to the-thought; gilding, 3 years old. weight 1.200;
that, the sentiment of a large and one black molly mule, 3 years old.
growing group of republicans
v ii'r 1 V"i ? ftnlf dr m i n ot T-io t 1 1 n CT
ly shelved, and this cruel but rather p. H 4 f f ffl
effective method of slipping him the 1Ve tteaa 01 Uatl,fi
n.oa tl fr, rtr f, o Oil Elilk COWS J tWO CODling
astute New Yorker.-.
purpose of obtaining a decree from
said Court, quieting the title in the
plaintiff to the following described J
real estate to-wit: Lots seven and
In witness whereof, I have here-1 14th day of March. 1927.
unto set my hand and the sea! of said! Witness my hand and the seal of
court this 7th day of March, A. D. said County Court, this 7th day of
-year-oid neuers, onegood yeaning , ht jn Elock seventeen in the City
' Spotted Poland China Hogs
Thirty Head of Horses
Consisting of all-brcke horses ranging- from 5 to 8 years old, and
including several matched teams of mares weighing 2,800 pounds.
These are all Good Farm Teams
A large line of Farm Machinery, some new
and some used, will be sold at this sale!
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
of Plattsmouth, Cass County Nebras
ka, as against yoiuand each of you.
GOOD BOOKS ALWAYS SELL WXLI o.;v, bcnf, inclnrtinp- 9n hrel cnipq'-Dd by such decree to wholly exclude
and gilts; 16 head of stock hogs, and 3'ou and each of you from all estate,
We are accustomed to think that 24 winter pigs. All these hogs are "ght title claim or interest therein.
-.- I,! and to have the title to said real es-
only ths. present day has authors ure ur,u- I tate forever freed from the apparent
writing for a really large reading rarm Iriacilinery, fctC. (claims of you and each of you, and
public. We are inclined to imagine One Independent manure spreader; quieted in plaintiff and for equitable
tint hn-e sales and creat rovalties one Emerson 2-row machine; one relief.
that tiuPe sales and great royalties McCormick binder; one hav rake; You and each of you are required
are twentieth century phenomena. one John Deere riding cultivator; to answer said petition on or before
If we do, -we're wrong. Just 100 one Self Balance riding cultivator; the 11th day of April 18 27, or your
years ago this month Sir Walter one lister; one farm wagon; one 16- default will be entered in said cause
Scott sold the English rights to his lncn PU1Ky PIOVV "ae waiKing cum- una uecree
... , , , vator; two sets of,li-inch harness; said petition,
eisrht-volume Life of Napoleon for a few collars; one set of Fairbanks JOHN P. SATTLER.
$52,500. In those days thi3 sum rep- farm scales; one pitcher pump; one Plaintiff,
resented a far 'greater sum than to- Van Brunt press drill, 12-hole; also C. A. RAWLS,
day. Books .circulated as widely then various other articles too numerous f24-4w-sw Attorney,
as now. Whenever an author has mentlon- j .
anything really important to say he Terms cf Sale OP HEW SO-
will find a wide audience, no matter AH sums of $10.00 and under, cash.; TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL
un purcnases amounting to more man
;$10 no. a rredit of six month will In the County Court of Cass coun-
-! 0 1 Tt n'vpTi rr nnrirnvarl nntoa Vic arinp ty. 3S6l)rHSkl.
Uldine Utley, juvenile evangelist, interest at the rate of 8 per cent per State of Nebraska, County of Cas3.
(Seal) m7-lw
County Judge.
February, 1921
(Seal) fl4-4w
County Judge.
R in what age he lives.
B is going to launch a four months' re- annum from date of sale. No prop- ss-
viva.1 in New "iork, beginning in Bettled for estate of Petrolina Chaloupka, de-
-day, her purpose being to snatch y- . q j ceased:
Cotham as a brand from the burning. I IVlOXlt O-iraaer, I On reading the petition of Sophia
Owner. --naioupKa praying mai me instru
ment filed in this court on the 25th
That's quite a job for a little 14-year-
old girl.
Rex Young, Auctioneer
W.-G. Bqdeker, Clerk.
day of February. 1927, and purport-
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Lohnes, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
4th day of April, A. D., 1927. and on
lh fith flaw nf .Tulv A T IQ'7 at
ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to' re- and every lime we get ready to Bcnd
ceive and examine all claims against, 11 back to the composing room the
said estate, with a view to their ad- weather changes.
justment and allowance. The time
Concerning "Bil Bill" Thompson,
republican nominee for mayor of
Chicago, we have only to say that he
is the crookedest municipal politician
in America. However, we do not
care to indulge in personalities.
Speaking of rotten luck, we've had
a perfectly beautiful editorial on
spring in cold storage for two weeks.
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 4th day of April, A. D.
1927, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one vear from said
4th day of April, 1927. Uj
Witnes3 my hand and the seal of!?
said County Court, this 4th day of'?
March, 19Z7.
(Seal) m7-4w County Judge
:it Dr. John A. Griffin T
Another suggested amendment for
the marriage ceremony is to make it J
.1 . ir a i j ..
rtiiu miu ufui uu us pari.
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
Soennichsen Bull din?
4. .1.H1W1-H-M"!-M"M' v