PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, INARCH 10, 1927. Nehawka Department? Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Specially for the Journal Readers. T Baby Chicks FOR SALE Heavy breeds , .... 12c J Leghorn breeds . . .10c Karl Troop and Arnold Mast of north cf Union on last Monday, they driving over in the car of Mr. Troop. II. II. Stoll is enjoying the new list's coach, which was purchased from Omaha, he receiving the new acquisition last week. t'ctinty Sheriff Bert Reed was a visitor in Nehawka for a short time on Ian Monday afternoon and was looking after some official business. Ray Ilort't r of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Nehawka on Monday of thir week and was looking after business for the Plattsmoiith Motor company. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Lemon were visiting with friends and also looking nfter f"me business matters in Lin coln Tuesday of this week, they mak ise tn trip in ineir car guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hall Tollard for last Sunday eve ning, they driving over to the coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. Pollard. Being a lover of ffowers, A. F. Sturm constructed a hot bed, in which he planted all kinds of flower seed? and will have things looking most charming when all the varieties get into bearing. Bert Willis the hustling merchant in order to supply himself with gar den plants for spring as well as for the trade made himself a hotbed the first of the week and seeded it down I with the needed seeds, j Mrs J. O. Wunderlich who has 'been spending several days at the j county seat, with her daughter, Mrs. 1 C. A. Kosencrans, and where she en- The best care is being given to the patient and the many friends are hop ing that she may be abie to be out and around again soon, and that her, health may be entirely restored. I Justin Strum and family, son of Mr. and Mra A. P. Strum, who have been making their home in Chicago for some time has dicided to make! Also High Laying Strain of Eggs for Hatching petit jury called here this morning ii Tl fl m Mm n'n Ikt cjhIa i'i pany with his son, Raymond and Carl Kupke. Mra. Philip Sohafer and brother, Henry Urish, of west of Murray were here today for a few hours enroute to Omaha where they will spend a few hours there at the Immanuel hos pital with their mother, Mrs. John Urish, who is not so well now fol lowing her operation. cm W. H. Leesley Greenwood, Nebr. mi?? a n & April first of thbV year. They will 2 Miles East on the Louisville Road. move to the east where it appears. that oportunities in his line of work Mrs. Albertina Ost was a visitor i Union for a number of days durin the past week and was visiting at thei home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Mc-, Carthy, assisting as Mr. McCarthy was kept to his home and. hi3 bed on sLOGAL NEW Dr. Heineman, Dentist, HoterHain Bldg., Phone 527. account of an' attack of - pneumonia. ! F, om Monday's Daily but of which he is better. Mrs. Ost! William Stchlmann of tiimmi hnmo tho first nf tho. wool- I wa3 here today for a few hours at- There is joy at the home of Frank ; tending to some matters of business. W. Martin and wife where resides j Everett Wiles who has been s'pend Mr. and Mrs. WilbeT Martin, their son . ing the week end here with hio rcla- and hi3 wife, as they were blessed by fives and friends departed this morn-, the relatives in this city and vicinity. the arrival or a very fine young son, ing for Omaha. i Mr. Creamer ias suffered the am- who will make his home with them. I tit. pmmllii wn n visitor over nutation of a fiWTr'of his risrht hand I. C. West of the Nehawka banIcjoe l a very pieasam visit, return was called to Omaha on Monday of" ed home on last Saturday, this week where he had some busi- Ralph Johnson and family of matters to look after. Mr. West Plattsmouth were visiting for the made the trip in his car. day on last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kintner were Glen Whiteman and also at the home vi-tir.z with friends in Lincoln on of Mr. J. A. Whiteman. south of Ne last Sunday afternoon they making hawka and a brother of Glen-, the trip i thdr auto, and enjoying Clyde B-.ickorth, who is employed HiA vi.-it r.Tid trio verv much. i with the Nehawka Bank, has been Mr. ?r 1 Mrs. Albert Woife were suite ill for scime time past and was ing nicely, and Grandfather Martin in Oiraha on Monday of this week compelled on account of his illness to is doing as well as rould be expected, they driving over to the big city in remain at home for a short time hop- Uncle W. A. Lewis, who has been th-fr car and were looking after some , ing to be feeling better soon. quite ill at his home for the past bu ineps matters for the time. j Mr. and Mrs. William August were month and was kept to his home 'Irs Fn"k P Sheldon and visiting with friends in Lincoln for northeast of the city for the time Iii"i"hter Mrs Marion Tucker, were over the week-end and after enjoying has so far recovered that he was able ':.-V ':.. ii:'. i, - x-,vi ' n most nlensant visit returned home to be in town the latter portion of -- .fcs- on last Mondav morning. They drove last week. During the time he was , Weeping Water were here today i! unriuuuu i.i lino . , . . ., . . . x. .. , .. .., ll-, , l-,q ,i their auto over in tneir car anu epjoycu me trip sick, ijcuisus icuriiiy was out uu a uumo juurwue. were very much. assisteu in ine worn at ine nome, uo-:iers oi wusiue-s m me tuuu uuiiti-. l timer iiorner ana ianmy, wnu n;e cnuits uuu tutu minga o i , jmj-. ana r.irs. iwaymonci tounoy havve been residing some five miles were needed. who were visiting at the W. P. Sitz- From "Wednesday's Dailv William Ballance, well known resi dent of this city and who is now liv ing in Sioux City came in last eve ning for a short visit here with thelrl old time friends. j Thomas W. Glenn of Hamburg j Iowa, arrived here today to spend short time looking after some busi- j ness matters and visiting with hi.-: old time friends. Ceorge Nickels, well known resi- jdont of Murray was in Omaha today I for a few hours, going to that city or the early morning Burlington train and to visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Tutt and Mra ; O. A. Davis of Murray 'motored ''here : today and departed on the earlv Bur-1 Louisville , Huston train for Omaha where they will spend the day there looking af ter some matters of business. Charles Creamer of Omaha, was here today to spend a few hours with siE'ffSi'siBE'B iv -Clears a rsrncsKKi war Specials in Aluminum Ware! The Jdtchen's handiest pan "Wear-Ever'' Aluminum 4'Quart Straight Ssnce?ztt $wiih net Improved corerj VEAS PVER 7TU0c MARK fUg VMM Of i 8- 1- The young son and parents are d- Sunday at Omaha with-his wife and that has-been troubling him for some little daughter and found them both.U'-e. doing very nicely. j Fred Schafer of Ferguson. Ne- A. O. Ault, the Cedar Creel: mcr- j brnska. who was here to attend the chant., was in the city today to at-; funeral of his mother, Mrs. Mary tend the naturalization hearing a j Schafer, was in the city today ir the court house as a witness. i company with his brother, Adair. 4 II JT Special time 1t7ctpJarpt(ccflf A folder ftiving valuable Busses, t orn on how to cook by (team will be eiven to each purchaser. I Frank and Oscar Domingo of for thf driving there in Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Taylor Always Dependable iSw Ths Crosley Radio We also sell the Eadiola. Come and hear them and let ns tell yon west of Nehawka, where they lived: Ulen liutlege ana wife were visit he old Ileebner place, moved into ing and also looking after some busi- n one day the past week ana are ness mailers in ine county seat aiso makine their home in. east Nehawka in Omaha on Monday of this week in a house belonging to Nick Klaur-. driving over in their auto. On their! ens. ire turn trip they came on a tangled , With the convening of the pres-'up scene, when they found there had' ent session of the district court at been a clash Plattsmouth tnere were two oi ine raiis city, wno witn a companion, man home over trie weeK onu return ed yesterday to their home at Omaha. W. K. Hand, former state repres entative and Co. Phil L. Hall of Greenwood were here today for a few hoars to look after some business at ish between Roxy Bates oflue . who with a companion. Glen Ruthkdge. publisher of the J Schafer and while here was a pleas ant caller at the Journal. Mr. Schaf er will on leaving here go to Pocass ett, Oklahoma, where he has land and ;t il interests and will remain there , for ii time before returning to Ne- ! braska. . . t i . : . : . v. x T.r. aoon. ieir superior recepuon qnai-, nrnrs thpv heina- n. R. Stone who was returning from Plattsmouth . Rulhleuge cane up this morning to ity. A demonstration 1x111 convince. L,r for duty on the morning of last Tues- who was following a truck north and day. - as they were about to pass, the auto Bert Willis is having the upper'of Mr. Leach, who was accompanied portion of the building in which he by J. B. Roddy, the car following the lias his store wired for electricity,' truck started to go around the truck and will occupy it as he has for some and found Mr. Leach coming up the A demonstration Trill convince. Light and Power for Work Xohler of Kchlsr Electric Plants. Ask ns for information about them. THE LUNDBERG GARAGE Nehawka - - - Nebraska time but will find it much more convenient with the lights. Verner Lundberg was doina the work the fore part of this welk. Mrs. Henry Knabe is quite ill at her home west of Nehawka, she hav ing been poorly for some time past. Attention, Farmers! Here is the Solution to Your Feeding Problems Why ray $60.00 to $80.00 per ton for what you raise on your farm? You can get balanced feed in any ratio with any percent of Tank Ege. Bring in yeur own grain, and we will balance it for you, grind ing all tcgether. Come, see ns for what you want in the feed line. The Nehawka EVIills C. D. Saint Jolm Nehawka, Nebr. road thus filling the road, he then tried to follow the truck until they should pass the-car of Messrs. Leach and Roddy, but as he was moving at a too rapid pace, Mr. Bates would have struck the truck, and he then made a dash for the opposite side of the road and the ditch, but collided with Mr. Leach withthe result that both cars werq very badly jimmed up. fllr. Bates promised to adjust the damages, he caTjing an insurance on his car protecting both cars. BAILED HAY Will bail hay at bail 2 ten an hour, frst. $1.63 a ton. Cac See Louis Kon-in3-3tv: For Under garments i r Have Very Good Sale. ' Ernest M. Pollard, when he held his sale last week had a good at tendance, and many people were well pleased to get to bid on the excel lent hogs and cattle which this gentleman had to offer. spend a few hours here attending to some matters of business. Mrs. Arthur Troop and daughter. Miss Kathleen, departed this morn ing' for Omaha where they will look after a lew 'matters of business in that city and visiting with friends. Mrs. Lawrence Sprecher and Mis? Margaret Sitzman of Lincoln, who were here over Sunday visiting with relatives and friends, returned lat evening to their duties in the capito!t city. Mrs. Marie Jean and son, Covert, of Omaha were here over Sunday visiting with the relatives and friends for a few hours, aguest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapen. Adam Meisinger. William Schnei der, Mrs. J. J. Schneider and W. J. Schneider of Cedar Creel: werc hen; today to look after some matters at the court bouse, being witnesses in the naturalization hearings. New low prices on nursery stock. Get your order in now at Bestor & Swatek's. ni7-2wsw Advertise your wants in the Want Ad column for quick results. Hay - Hay - Hay V Alfalfa and Prairie ! Spring Is Indeed Here. Last week we saw some of the school boys playing marbjes, but as they are advance agents of spring we were not quite certain It was near at hand, but on Monday afternoon of this week, the experts In the line of playing horseshoe, and we have some excellent pitchers of the shoes, they got out and cleaned off the pitching park, and were at their fav orite game. Among those who were breaking in the winter for use of spring were H. II. Stoll, Frank M. Lemon, Edward Wood.and a number of others. They did not have their annual election but were operating under the last years rules. Some Ead Holes. The strip of road along by the Pol lard orchard north of Nehawka, and aonther place near the home of George Opp, have been difficult tc get over, and have been puzzles tc the mail man, and also many of the farmers. We can testify that the strip of road north of the orchard is bad enough for we negotiated it on last Monday. Get year prices before buying. Ship ped direct from our large Alfalfa Fields. Buy direct and save money! A. C. PHILPOT Overton, Nebraska HTHE "WEAR Ji. EVER" trad mark shown above is stamped on every " Vvsar-iiver ' uten e!!. Look for it on the aluminum utensils you btiy. More than . one hundred million utensils bearing this raark are in use to day. Many a "Wear-Ever" utcnil bearinc this trade mark has been in daily use tor twenty-five -ycrs. The An;MiN'Uii Cook !mg Utensii-Co. Is'eui Kensington, Pcnaa Come in and Set yours loduyl Steam y cur food 2-Qt. Pudding Pan Thia is more than a pudding pan. line for separate use in cook in ? such dithes as maca roni, bca a 9, scalloped ovs tcrs.ttc, or for fteiminu food in combination rith the inU Sauce Pan. 49 Steamer This steamer section fits the Ait. sauce pa n. It not cookc too but prevents serious ices of valuable fooj elements wbii.il are wasted by the toiling process C4 3 10 5 dwc!I y-J-J?jj I $LQP Other uses 3ContpC7tmrnt Srtirr VyQnr-'iT of 4-qt. Fance rari. J-t.piKl.'lirfi Fnn.and Ft?TTrTiVctir,r. Thtreuro five uiffrentrfrtktntjrfrtTi binati:nsrioBFtJ;!e v.ith mil Pt. Above illustration Fhows ose st nror anil doubleetf BmeTboil r. F fcr otherasee&reeauwtitwJow. Ettwa Coolie DoqMo coikr Ccvtre 1 Covnrry? HARDWARE Plattsmouth, Nebraska GE0SOE WOOD ILL CJcorgre Wood, former Louisville banker and well known over the state as the originator of a system of rapid calculation, is very ritieally ill at his home, 101 So. 3 4th street. Omaha. The condition of Mr. Wood has been critical since Saturday but the relatives state he was Fcmowliat better Tuesday evening and satined brighter altho he has been uncon scious for a part of the time. The many friends over Cass county are trusting that Mr. Wood will continue to improve and be able lo regain his former health and take up his ac tivities as of old. fn.l...-A.-,4i. Inexpensive, dainty and servicable are gar ments made from our offerings of Lingerie Fab rics. These materials are sheer, but firmly woven, and all launder excellently. You will enjoy working on them. A bit of handwork makes them so pretty, and so easy to do, when you use a McCall Trans fer pattern. We sell D. M. C. Embroidery Floos and Crochet Thread. Also Nuns Boilproof Embroidery Floss. - 2 a ESTABLISHED 1888 Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr. Where Customers Feel at Home Home From the West. Charles Bates and family who have . been' spending the most of the winter , in Los Angeles, returned home last Saturday, and while it was very pleasant in the west, he was well pleaded to get home again, for he says there is no place like Nebraska to live or to malce a living. While there they were visiting at the home of the mother of Mrs. Bates. Mrs. Josie Burdette. Thinj-f in the big city of the coast mov ing, but there is no place like horn. Mr. Bates, who tried to see the many people who reside In Los Angeles formerly from here found it very difficult to find them. ' EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure Bred Barred Plymouth Rocks 50c per 15, $3.00 per 100. Phone 2122. R. T. CUTHRELL, f2S-ltw2tdtf Plattsmouth. rom Tuesday's Dally Fred T. Ramge was a visitor in Omaha today for a few hours where he was a guest of, his daughter, Mrs. Leonard Meisinger and family. Fred Zink of Murdock, was here today to start in on his work as a' member of fhep tit jury panel at the l March term of the district court. O, E. Sayles, John Lambert and! Henry Eikerman of Greenwood camo in this morning to take up their work; as members of the retit jury panel. G. A. Murdoch of near Nehawka,' was among the members of the petit I jury to arrive here today to take, up. their duties in' the district ourt. j Earl Merritt and John Hemtell or Unio1" were members of the jury panel arriving here this morning to take up their work inth.3 district court. j William Kitzel of Alvo, arrived . here thii morn in sr to SDnd a few' days here as a member of the petit j jury panel at the March term of the district court. Attorney C. E. Tefft and Fred Mc Cleery of Weeping Water were here tnilav to look after some matters of business at the county court in the j McCleery estate. The Weeping Water delegation .aSj ninmhprs of the lurv panel. J.ifc Fleischman, Ray Smith and Eugene Colbert, arrived today to take upj their duties on the panel. j William Umland of Eagle, ouo f( the members of the jury from his fec- tion of the county was hsro ioday; to Et2rt in on his work on the panel for tie March term of court. William Eikerman of near Mur doc'k was one of the members of the t Sihviifi p P 1 1 in WORK WANTED Married man work on farm, office. t with family wishes; Inquire at Journal, For Sale " f Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs for,y hatching $5.00 per hundred. Mrs.iy John Lidgett, Union, Neb. , tfw y . . Garden seeds of the highest qual-V SELECT ! White Wyandotte Eggs - " FOR HATCHING From standard bred laying $ strains, Fishel Egg-a-Day, Zwick's Snow-WThlte, aiso 4" some excellent birds that were hatched from eggs I ordered from Martin's Dorcas f line, direct from Canada last V season. Please come and see y, my birds before you buy eggs y! for hatching. Price of eggs, 4 $1 per setting, or seven set- tings for $G. I am a mem- 4( ber of The National White V Wyandotte club. Lola Oldham 4 Ait W MM WW These Coats Shown for the First Time rgain Wednesday Authentic garments a wonderous selec tion! The'se models will met your indi vidual needs exactly and will come within what you expected to pay for a new Coat. Fascinating new Fashions of beauty and brilliance, priced at $24.75, for their initial showing. r ;.i V r The materials are soft, snappy fabrics and sport materials. Un commonly individual models. All arc silk lined throughout. Sizes and style for Women and Misses at this low price. 1 Mynard R. F. D. No. 1 - Nebraska The Ladies Plattsmouth, "The Shop of Personal Service!" Toggery Nebraska uy at Kcstor & Swatek'e. m7-2wsw sfciifhr ii i ,1