THTJR9DAY, MARCH 3, 1927. FACETHEO DIAZ'S TERMS OF SURRENDER I A THIEF CATCHING SUGGESTION j J i 5 -1 be plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA atar4 at PoatoClc. Flmttsmouth. Nalx. m comd-dMs mail mttMr R. A. BATES, Publisher SU2SCEIPTI0B PRICE $2.00 PES YEAE EN ADVAKCX Don't lose your illusions. They keep you young, bo it is said. :o: It seems rather surprising that no legislature has prohibited parsnips. :o: The Elks Carnival proved a great success, and a happy time for all who attended. -:o:- Coolidge signs the branch bank bill. A third term is entirely out of the question. :o: There would be some excuse for dancing the Charleston in the days when we wore red flannels. :o: The Nebraska solons flay Coolidge's action in vetoing the farm bill. It's a case of "The people bedamed!" :o: Seed testing time. -:o:- Mellon said it and it was done ac cording to orders. :a: Farm leaders claim it is an onward fight, until justice is done. :o: A tip to drug store cowboys: Con sider the clock, it's hands are never idle. :o: An energetic youth declares he will clean up a million by 1930. lie is aj dishwasher. :o: t President Diaz of Nicaragua has! They are having the same kind of proposed a new treaty with the United trouble in London with robbers who States. Here is the substance of the j escape in automobiles that complicates convention as given out by him at life in American cities. Commenting Mangua: We are to retain our canal rights on a recent robbery of a jeweler's store, the London Daily Mail suggests as stipulated in the Bryan-Chamorro that a special police signal system treats; we may intervene wheneveris needed, by which all traffic in a we think it necessary to maintain a given number of block can be auto stable government down there; we: matically held up, to enable the police may develop the country's resources j to catVh the thieves. The British as our judgment dictates; we mayj newspapers call attention to a similar recommend for financial adviser an. robbery in Pall Mall, two months ago, American citizen (to be appointed by j in which the thieves actually were the President of Nicaragua), who, "held up in an ordinary traffic block, shall be empowered to veto expendi-, but because there were no means of ture; finally, the collector-general of . warning the policeman on point revenue is to be an American. j duty." meaning, it st ems, the traffic Diplomacy may call such a pro-j officer, the thieves escaped when on posal a treaty. Truth would use a(the verge of capture. And the editor harsher expression something like believes "the authorities are quite compliance with the demands of a capable of arranging for such a sig superior power's ultimatum. J nal." We believe all good citizens It is impossible to imagine the would be willing to endure the dis head of a sovereign nation voluntar- comfort of being delayed temporily, in ily offering such terms of surrender order to "get robbers trying to escape to a friendly nation. The humiliat- in motor cars if traffic officers with ing character of those conditions re- in a few blocks of a robbery could be An apple a day keeps the doctor ' moves every vestige of sovereignty immediately warned, and traffic stop-j away. Orange juice with gin brings ur equanty. iu;s is me language ui iui nni a ic uuuuics, me uuiu ti,e Timo-hhnrK in la subject fawning on his conqueror, mobile bandits' easy get away would :o: If Diaz were in command of an be ended. Don't let it out, but the society American army of occupation in Nic-' i editor of the Pratt (Kan..) Tribune aragua, with instructions to submit a With all the publicity he is getting is Eloise A. Leak. plan for governing a vanquished prov-j :o:- WHEN A PRESIDENT RELAXES these days, Charlie Chaplin ought to become quite prominent in the movies. :o: According to the latest reports, a filibuster may be described as an effort to add to the night life of Washing ton. :o: . A loud speaker has been invented that can be heard ten miles. Here's hoping nobody will introduce it in Nebraska political campaigns. :o: Prance sends an emphatic negative ' hell?' to the armament proposal from Cool idge. Still peeved over our refusal to cancel the French debt, no doubt. :o: I A tired bank clerk says that all :o: ince he might properly have prepared The west united can do a whole lot just such a set of recommendations, j to bring about justice to the farmery ye fee tuat this alleged protocol if they so make up their minds. :o: will be revolting to American public i opinions. e feel sure, also, that tnis Our notion of a genius is someone overture vi confirm the impression wno Knows tne umnese line-up ana can tell you the names of the gen erals. :o: Will "March come in like a lion, and go out like a lamb," or will it "come in like a lion, and go out like :o:- , already entertained in the United States that Diaz is, first of all, the faithful servant of special American 1 interests and that his presidency of Nicaragua is a pretense of peculiarly sinister perfidy, i The Diaz proffer strikes us as pret ! ty close to treasonable. It is to be legal holidays should be fixed by law to (all on Saturday or Monday, so that he could have two days vacation each time. Mr. Diaz, of Nicaragua, wants the United States to control that coun try for 100 years by which time the natives will be planting something beeide fruit. Harvard cutups came off second best hr-ped it will so be regarded by the in a brush with Boston police. They People of Nicaragua . Surely that ought to sever relations with the blue- would be the popular judgment in coats, too. jmany countries. Can anyone question j :o: the wrath that would sweep Mexico,: What does a president talk about at the breakfast table? Offhand, you might think his con versation would be weighty in the ex treme and, no doubt, sometimes it is. r.ut President Coolidge had a Texas political leader in for breakfast the other day and they talked chiefly about Rebecca Bradley, the Texas co ed who robbed a bank recently. Presidents, like the rest of us, need to relax in small talk occasionally. But poor Rebecca! Little did she ever think she'd get herself talked about at the White Ho.use. HE. CHILD'S FORTE In a vein of elephantine satire Rich- See where the Shelton boys were for example, at such a proposal! Why ' ard Washburn Child in the Saturday dressed in at Leavenworth. And that Calles would have to flee for his life. Evening Post, undertaking to defend isn t the half of it. dearie. There is Perliaps of ltarauga would nave the policy of Messrs. Coolidge and no "Ma" Ferguson at that institution, to do the same thing if he were not Kellocre: in Nicaragua. Mr. Child is You cut out guesswork and gam bling when you regularly use Red Crown, the balanced Gasoline STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA "A Nebraska Institution" -:o:- : guarded by American marines. -:o:- AN0THER DREAM EXPLODES -:o: One of the crying needs of this world is a fountain pen that will;, emit a loud shriek or whistle about! five minutes before it needs refilling. ! Xew York's "prison without walls" -o- '.came to an end after a dozen years Some folks say that Aimee Semple experimentation with recalcitrant McPherson is a sort of small feminine humankind. It is being walled with ! the man who was Mr. Harding's Am- bassador to Rome and who is now l ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Senator Willis of Ohio says that Some folks say that Aimee Semple experimentation with recalcitrant Pe Uul -ourt 01 -ass coun no iw evBuer may nuye 10 oecome jict'nerson is a sort 01 small ieminine numanKinu. it is oeing waneu witn state of Nebraska Countv of Cass president. This seems to remove all edition of Billy Sunday. And she re-. a twenty-four-foot rampart. Prison- Ss. possibility of the next president being minds other folks of a bie Saturday ers had to be cuarded anvwav even To all persons interested in the a republican from Ohio. :a: night. -:o:- Oustav Stressman, German foreign The democratic party, according to minister, held a two-hour secret con- Cordell Hull, is bigger than any one ference with Mussolini the other day.1 issue. What is needed for success, No doubt discussed the relative merits J however, is a party bigger than any ol sauerkraut and spaghetti. -:o:- A bill is pending in congress ap- two candidates. :o:- A fine way to stop all near-pugilis- 1 1 f T i A A . 1 t . 1 . ah non tea a ncon mnm K , c- tT pruyriauug jiou.vuu lo gie me sen-. uwuun , 0 innu j-jje honor of a ate chamber more fresh air. If Hef- congress would be to enforce a rule iin continues to emit poisonous gases, that when a fight starts no one be the amount should be doubled. ! permitted to interfere. :o: I :a: i Tyrioo Tfcmmrv Beema tn ho ,ir,TP-i Two old-time theories have A J T- A ; 1 J those on honor not to escape so the t-siaie 01 i eiroiuia unaioura, ae .1 ceased: tt: uruutu ,t en mx.. qu rea(ling the petition Of Sophia the wall and drop the fiction. Chaloupka praying that the instru- It will be a disappointment to sen- ment filed in this court on the 25th timentalists. Thoe who ween at the day of February, 1927, and purport ... 1 , 11 g to be the last will and testament thought that a man or woman should - , , ,. , til 1 ne haiu ueieaseu, mav ue pruveu be punished for his defiance of society and auOWed. and recorded as the last may find in this sad experience in will and testament of Petrolina Cha-Vpn- Ynrk a pn7i5f for "-eniin rripf lounka. deceased: that said instru- , ,.. i.e.. ment he admitted to probate, and tne auiiuiusiraiioii 01 eaiu esiaie ue always to be trusted. granted to Chas. Vitousek, as execu- Every advantage, it appears, was tor; iNew York. Onlv wardens in svmpathv It is hereby ordered that 5'ou, and w'with the experiment were employe!. aI1 Persons interested in said matter, been ' may, and do. appear at the County ouij iioiiur ii isuners were seni mere n , M.t,..' exploded. One is that cigarettes will - Court to be held in and for said coun- 1 i A a. z j la 1 inrtv T-eTMitatlnn Wa hnno ch t,r. -i" a man in a siiui 1 nuie uuu me et an increasing number of guards ty. on the 21st day of March. A. D., were to be necessary. Even honor men 1927. at ten o'clock a. m., to show ; would escape. The whole plan broke caus- f an' ?re be. why the pray ! , , er of the petitioner should not be ,aown unuer tne weignt 01 numan anted and that notice of the pen- Nowadays," says one of the boss aency 01 said petition ana mat tne society nas learned mucn in tne uearing tnereoi oe given to an per 1 sons interested in said matter bv nub- think of bobbed hair." s long as has i - ..Mntt a ronv of this 0rfler r ,he j been expected, a lot of them have must learn over a-ain. to Punish, not Pattsmouth journal, a semi-weekly Aar. vttYi a t pt r.u.H been doinsr it without thinkins:. uierei bjru,'dlu"e WLU' louse w uo newspaper printed m said county, for States navv. who flew over the North ! -o: elsta in her reform for surely virtue 'other is that Playing football will will be rewarded. We can remember. make a Eiant out of an invalid. - wTiati npnnln useH tn thisa their ctc' -O ' - 1 brows and speak behind their fans' when MiaB November entered the ha5r dressers, "no young girl would room. :o: Pole in an airplane, is planning a' i'romcition, as it is now maneg-d Bimilar expedition for the South Pole, is the basest fraud that was ever per and says it will take him two years retrated upon the American people. to complete the necessary prepara- How much longer are the people go- ; deliberately and callously and often three successive weeks prior to said cruellv violate her laws. ua 01 neanng. :o: Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 25th day of February. A. WHERE REPUBLICATION COUNTS D., 1927. A. H. DUXBUItY. A n"iin nnrt njrnin it rnmpe to oritnrc fR-w rniintr T n 1 era tions establishing a base 1.000 miles inS to stand this rystem of robbing the . . . ... " " nunc, esiauiiouius a uaoc j..wv mim - a playwrights, reviewers, critics, does from hia objective. In the meantime, tax-payers. NOTICE OF SUIT :o:- g et lost. let us hope he will change his mind about it. The South Pole is an area William Hale Thompson has be n twice the size of the United States, nominated on the Republican ticket and offers too many opportunities to for Mayor of Chicago. Chicago, ar yi.u recall, is the metropolis of the stale (which thinks Frank S. Smith is sen atorial material. :o: It is perfectly obvious that t'.e great majority of the senate did mt sympathize in the slightest with tl.e bitter personal attack made upon Sen ator Reed by Senator Arthur Ro j- In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. II. Bring on Your EGGS We do Custom Hatching, hav ing capacity for 3,6001,200 per week. Or you can buy BABY CHICKS Heavy Breeds at 15c each Light Breeds at 2zc each Purina Chick Feed Newtown Brooders -Hormam Volforth- Hatchery One Mile South of Murray, Nebr. Phone 1213 Hurray, Neb. the name or fame of the author have anything to do with it? The name has almost everything to do with There are running today several features for which publishers pay fabulous prices that would never Archie Towle and have commanded a second hearing Emma Towle, had they been submitted on their in- Defendants J trinsic merits as literary productions. To the defendants, Archie Scores of well-known authors are put- Towle and Emma Towle: P. Long, Plaintiff vs. I NOTICE ting over stuff at fabulous prices that You and each of you are hereby acting as informal apologizer for the( American steam shovels and Amer Coolidge administration. Origanally ican trucks are used in road construc he came to notice as a writer of fic-jtion in Mexico, tion and, after reading what he has toj say about Nicaragua, one must con-1 NOTICE elude that fiction still is his rite. Notice is hereby given that Cather- :o: ine M. Coleman, Hettie G. Wright, Aeain it is demonstrated that while Ella May Marshall, Ada F. Gullion, people were poking fun at Henry, Isa ? M.cLees.e Matt1 J-Bailey. Lula Ford's car, he was getting real amuse ment out of an addiug-machine. ORDER OF HEARING ion Petition for Appointment of Administrator. Elmer C. Coleman, have filed a peti tion in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the second dy of April, 1926. against Robert R. Livingston and Livingston, his wife, first true name unknown; Stephen B. Clark and Clark, his wife, first true name unknown; C. A. Woosley and Violet S. Woosley, his wife; H. H. Alden and Adelia I. Alden, his wife; Horace Metcalf; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of each and The New York Edison Co. reports that churches in increasing numbers are using electric Figns. There are electric crosses, church announce ments, illustrated texts, bulbed post ters. Time was when many people thought it rather irreligious for a church to use electric signs. That ida has passed. Churches have proven that they can adopt modern methods without losing in dignity of service. LEGAL NOTICE The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Re becca A. Murray, deceased. On rpa ill n p- nnrl fi 1 i n f the netition e v. . jrj 0 C M I t I I J UllC Ul LilC dUUtC lifcLllJT li UritUU-l, . , . . of Albert Murray praying that ad- and all nprKnrs havir, t- or elaim- Leirs isees- legatees per In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. John P. Sattler. Plaintiff vs. Sam'l H. Moer, if living if deceased his unknown ministration of said estate mav be ir, Q t,t- irtnrmi n the tract y,t nf;souaI representatives granted to w. u. iviecs, as Aaminis-, the Southwest quarter of the North- j- NOTICE trator; Ordered, that March 10th, A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated February 11th, 1927. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) fl4-3w. County Judge. and all other persons interested in his estate real names inknown. et al. Defendants. To Sam'l H. MIoer If living. ceased his unknown heirs devisees legatees personal representative's and all other persons interested In his if de- NOTICE TO CREDITORS nntifinfl that TT V l.nntr aa r.l?ntifF would not get even a first editorial file( a petition and commenced an hearing did it come from an unknown action in the District Court of Cass inson of Indiana whn r t , In both instances the name of the county, Nebraska, on the 1st day of inson or inoiana, -nom Reed had i l- af nma vn February. 1927. against you and each vestigated last summer. They felt the ior a name gained at some vo- of y(m objwU purpcfse aQd pray. nl. A , auatu woo uoi caueu ior, was nastj in tone, and did not come in very good grace from the Indiana senator. :o: cation other than literary pursuits er of wnicn js to obtain a judgment carries the stuff over. against you and each of you for the 0: sum of $817.26 and interest at seven per cent from the 1st day of FebrU' The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of August Bach, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room In Plattsmouth in said county, on the 7th day of March, A. D. 1927, and on the Sth day of June, A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 7th day of March, A. D. 1927, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 7th day of March, 1927. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 4th day of February, 1927. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) f7-4w County Judge. east quarter of Section thirty-one (31), Township twelve (12), N., Range nine (9), E.; also Lot No. twenty-seven (27) in West Green wood, a sub-division of the North half of the Southeast quarter of Section thirtv-one f31: and all that nart ofi Lot No. twentv-six (26, in West estate, real names unknown. Mrs. Greenwood, a subdivision of the'Sam'1 IL Moer. first real name ur. North half of the Southeast quarter of known, wife of Sam'l H. Moer; Rosen said Section thirty-one (31), bound-jum Brothers, a firm composed of ed and described as follows: Begin- J M- Rosenbaum first real name un ning at a point in the North line of known, and J. Rosenbaum. first real said sub-division 1,715 feet East of name unknown; M. Rosenbaum first the center of said Section thirty-one real name unknown, if livirg if de (31), said point being the Northeast i ceased his unknown heirs devisees corner of Lot No. 26. and running 'legatees personal representatives and jail other persons Interested in hi es tate, real names unknown; Mrs. M. Rosenbaum. first real name unknown, wife of M. Rosenbaum; J. Rosenbaum. thence South 4 45' West, 317 feet; thence South 40 30' West, 544 feet to a corner of Lot No. 24 of said sub-division; thence North 152 feet to the center of Salt Creek; thence first real name unknown, if living if South 55 40' West, 120 feet; thence deceased, his unknown heirs devis'-es North 64 30' West, 155 feet; thence ! legatees personal representatives and North 204 West, 350 feet; thence! all other persons interested in his North 39 West. 2G5 feet; thence j estate, real names unknown; North 76 West, 150 feet; thence j Mrs. J. Rosenbaum. first real name North to North boundary line of said unknown, wife of J. Rosenbaum: Lot No. 26; thence East along said Charles Lazenby, if living, if deeeas North boundary line of Lot No. 26, ed his unknown heirs devisees leca to the place of beginning, all in tees personal representatives and all Township twelve (12), N.. Range other persons interested in his ca nine (9), E., Cass county, Nebraska, tate, real names unknown: Helen M. subject to road rights of Lazenby wife of Charles Lazenby; Cass County, Nebraska, in and Th.e unknown heirs devisees legatees to a strip of land 40 feet in personal representatives and all oth- width, the Psorth line of which is tie- er persons interested in the estate or scribed as follows: Commencing at ajjonn Bons, 'deceased, real names un point 80.6 feet North of the North-: know n; west corner of said Lot No. 26; All persons having or claiming any thence South 79 East, 212 feet ; , ,ntprpst nr titlp to t.r Rv,ri NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Italian people, we learn, are i arj, anu tuais ui mis aiiiuii, This may not be the most remark- taking up football, probably because and in order to collect the same. able age in the world's history, but a football is the' only thing in Italy plaintiff has commenced a suit in at- it i3 remarkable In many respects. The tl!ey dare to kick aDOut- other day an Iron splinter lodged in The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- ity, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary Burian, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I tachment and levied upon your real will sit at the County Court room in the eye of a seaman on a freight' !M-I-MI-II,-'I i j steamer in mid-Atlantic. There was J ; no doctor aboard. A wireless message T. Dr. John A. Griffin T ,was sent to a ship several miles away, jfr and the surgeon of the latter vessel 4 I Rliccestpd that an olprtrn-ma onct Vo used to draw cut the splinter and de- T scribed the medthod of making and &. using one. An hour later a wirelesB message was sent out saying the 4 property, to-wit: Lot two (2), in Block ten (10), in the Village of South Bend, Cass county, Nebraska. Plattsmouth in said county, on March 14, 1927, and on June 15, 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day to receive and examine all claims against said Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5. Sundays and evenings by appointment only. splinter had been removed and the sailor's ye already was better. - I I I I PHONE 229 Soennichsen Building I-M-I-I-M-I-I' You are further notified that you estate, with a view to their adjust arp remiirert to answer said netition ! ment and allowance. The time limit- J-'on or before Monday, the 21st day ed for the presentation of claims J-'of March, 1927, or the allegations against said estate is three months 4 therein contained will be taken as from the 14th day of March, A. D. 4 true and judgment will be rendered 1927, and the time limited for pay A in favor of plaintiff and against you ment of debts is one year from said f and each of you according to the 14th day of March, 1927. 'prayer of said petition. 1 Witness my hand and the seal of 4. Dated this 3rd day of February, said County Court, this 7th day of 4'A. D. 1927. February, 1927. 4.I H. P. LONG, I A. H. DUXBURY. 4'f7-4w Plaintiff... (Seal) f 14-4 w County Judge. thence South 60i East, 195 feet; thence South 7S 35' East, 292 feet; thence North 704 East, 104 feet; thence 22 50' E?st, 190 feet to East and West line on bridge cross ing Salt Creek, real names unknown, and Cass county, Nebraska, defend ants, the object, purpose and prayer and eight (8) in Block seventeen (17) in the City of Plattsmouth Cass county Nebraska, real names un known; You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 19th day of Feb ruary 1927 the plaintiff in the fore going action filed his petition in the right and title of the above described j J)lst?Ct Court of Cass County Ne real estate in the plaintiffs above 1,raa where n you and each of you named, as against any interest in.iare made parties defendant, for the right or title to or lien upon the;Pu,7e obtaining a decree from above described real estate or any CUI) q"ietl,n?, thf Utl,e , part thereof, which the defendants or Plaintiff to the following described any of them may have or claim to!rfal estate to-wit: Lots seven and have in said real estate, and for such i in Block seventeen in the City other and further relief as may be:f Plattsmouth. Cass County Nebras just and equitable. ka- as against you and each of you. The defendants and each of themauu u bUCU oecree 10 uony exciuae are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of March, 1927, or the allegations of said peti tion will be taken as true. CATHERINE M. COLEMAN, HETTIE G. WRIGHT, ELLA MAY MARSHALL, ADA F. GULLION, ISA O. McLEESE, MATTIE J. BAILEY, LULA A. LANDON. MYRON E. COLEMAN, ELMER C. COLEMAN, Plaintiffs. J. C. BRYANT, Att'y for Plaintiffs. f7-4w you and each of you from all estate. right, title claim or interest therein, and to have the title to said real es tate forever freed from the apparent claims of you and each of you, and quieted Jn plaintiff and for equitable relief. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of April 1927, or your default will be entered in said cause and decree granted as prayed for in said petition. JOHN P. SATTLER. Plaintiff. C. A. RAWLS. f24-4w-sw Attorney.