THTHSDAT. ITBSUASY 24, 1D27 PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY' JOTTRNAL PAGE SEVEN i iTiV i i i i i i ii t I " B - - Murray De partment Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray ud lrroundinij Vicinity EepeciiJlj for the Journal Readers If .my of the readers of the Journtlttno of any T-tl rut or Item of Interest in this vicinity, and will mill ire to this office. It will ap pear tinder this beading YV'e warn all newa iteinx Editok BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON Sunday, February 27th By M. S. Briggs 'he driving over to the county seat in his auto. Messrs. Bert Reed, sheriff, and Deputy Scott, accompanied by Messrs, Jess Chambers and Henry Heebner were rounding up the work of in stalling the tank and pump for the vending of the Ethyl gas which will Santa doesn 't pass up the home where dad has a Bank Account! Car mission is to render real service to everyone in this romnmiiity. We consider it a duty as well as a pleasure to dis charge hur responsibili ties efficiently in this re spect. We believe that it will be decidedly to your ad vantage to do business with us, therefcre, we hold out a standing invi tation to ell to test our service. Carroll end Butcher, were looking af- be dispensed at thNi Murray garage in ter some business matters in Murray a short time. on Tuesday of this week. j Robert Troop, of Plattsmouth, was Grandmother Harrows, who has a visitor in Murray on last Monday been quite ill for tome time, is atrriorning and was a caller on Mr. and jtliis time reported as being some; Mrs. D. C. Rhocien, coming to see Mr. 'bettor, which news will be received Tiboden. who has been very sick for with pleasure by her many friends, some time past. James Tilson was hauling corn; C. K. Frans has purchased a new from the Wilson elevator to the feed- Tudor Ford sedan, buying the same of ing lots of G. M. Minford, where it . the energetic salesman Otto Wohl was being used for the feeding of farth, representing the Plattsmouth the wattle which Miranda has on. Motor company. Kemper says he feed. i likes the new car fine. Harry Nelson, who is one -of the! J- V. Pittman has had three of his hurtling merchants of Murray, is horses quite sick, but they are all kept busy with the oiling and repair- better now, having been treated by ing of harness at the store in Murray, Pr. Taylor. Nick Friedrich also had having -a room in the basement for ce quite sick, that is likewise get- Golden Text: "Have no fellowship with the workers of darkness, but rather reprove them." Eph. 5:11. of his friend. Will, soon restored his good nature, although he found he ! had a fight on his hands, and before j The Message to the Community it was over the doctor was out of: The Apostle Paul worked with 'the breath, and was needing a cushion to churches in Galatia end later at put, in his easy chair and a linament Ephesus, and was then a prisoner at for the bruised places. However, both Jerusalem, and following which he the doctor and the sheep escaped. 'was taken to Rome, and still with ;that deep concern which all Cnris tians have for the salvation of the w Paper! The largest and best asaortmcnt we have ever carried at unheard of LOW PRICES. Let us show you now before the Spring rush. Fran man that purpose. E. W. LEWIS Up-to-Date Painter and Decorator Paperhanging. MUEEAY - irEUXASEA ting better since being treated. f Lonnie Ingwerson, son of Mr', and jMrs. Elba Ingverson, has been suf fering quite badly with an attack of (typhoid fever. The little one is Only about two years of age and quite small for an attack of this kind, i Sidney Pell and C. A. Rosencrans SAYS WAS NOT DBIVEB Has Splendid Hatch ery One visiting at the home of Her- world, even as taught by the Master, man Wohlfarth is especially pleased was ever endeavoring to keep a close with the neat appearance of the check on the churches to which he. hatchery of this gentleman and his had previously ministered, hence his With whom we are associated audi good wife, they having the incubator letter to the churches of Galatia, as Jive with. " ".... A. Z I . i ., I- t i n .... . 1 wnicn contains some -s,i'u eggs, run- fumaiueu m una -." ( There is a contest between tne The journal ha ; tec: in excellent condition. Better, Galatians. ; things which make us all better andlju.jus Ike me.-r that when you have time, go see how it in tne nun cnapier ne oegins uy t1ie things which Lave a tendency to i tPe driver T the inv i n 1 . .. c,-. . V. . ,1 r 1. . ....... i ont-in r, C. t . ,w"? .V - tlicirofnro in t tlA . i 1 . , ;... wuiKs. iue jiu ui me naiciiery ra.iu-,, luhu v mate us worse. 1'aui, in nis enuiue- cf.ilisicii ben so.;. ti.r'o m this paper. liberty wherein Christ has made you ration of the things which make. the : with lllC Fori1 ;.,, (,f Oai:.:in"i- t.ik! 1 was ret ! i! ' i lirs. Eusterholtz Poorly jfree, and be not again entangled Yitn ' community and the individual worse,! the yoke of bondage. tne oaiatians , named fornication, uncleanlicess. lasciviousness. idoiotry, sorcery, en- jeal:nsies, vratlis. - -- . . . . . . . 1 r. n -r rl v on last Thursday with an attack of uirw iriis-iunuuw B.r:M..u """mitlos. strife violent hleeriitirr of the nnse. i. still checking up. 1'sui. wno was muc n ; lf artkms. parties, envyings. drunker.- I larding of lAin ;s was r. p-.rt '.'r. Ki:gclkem-i'. r st.'iF . ci -not do any KigLi driving i. a oi:; oT his eyes. , interested in this church, as well as lviui j.i , a. au n XiiiC niic .- ... lull ututli .. , . , , .. ... .1 t ' . . ...... , . - - is still kept to her bed. Mrs. John wxth U ot!JerB' T'aS , S , l'aer -vs: "l forewarn you that they, Wichman. of Plattsmouth is nri possible to keep them to the faith. kvhich practice su h things shall not for the r,atiPi.t diirimr !,er iiir, - Many who were Jews and who od-'j h ,t tfce k;nPuc,n. of God. On tbe S02T AEEIVZS - ; 1 1 : - Get Your Discs Now served the ordinance of circumcision, other j,,, tfce fruit- of the sinrit . . . . foit tnnt rnev were not rti uireu iu .1 t. . ,. v, i , rr... rr w i.-: r. ,r ,were visiting in Murray on Tuesday Un Washingtons i?irttu?y ' do the thincswhkh were required of , 7. inv, v ..T rnornmff or tbis week, and were look- I l He passing ot tne anniversary of Christla:is. Paui continued in bis.r" ' ; kind:-s goones, n:g after the sale of the tickets to the first president of the United writings. saving: "Behold. I Faul say j fa?thfu the Elks carnival, which is to be held .States was marked by the birth of a 11Tlt f , circumcised. I , 1 , '. . u 1 Tf Ht- 1,v 4V,,, C7..r. Vi an 1 tr by the si-irit end do the things which iVitike the world better. Going to the ery things which the Christ taught when he said. "Search the scriptures. i. soon in me ity or I'lattsmoutn. 'very nne little gin at tne r.onie or rjn-jpt shall proiit you nothing. ; i ne uev. h. u. .ucuiusKy ana iam-,.vir. ana Mrs. jonn irv.n. or inion, j testify again to every man that is ' i!y were visiting in Murray for a , and al?o of a very fine sen at the cjrrumc"ii.ed, that he in indebted to : snort time on last i uesuay atternoon. nome ot Jir. ana iirs. t.nwara l lrisn, ,j0 the --o'e law. Christ is become' of no effect unto you. whoever of you j Jr. az:'! ?.rs. ing near iiiU c::y i(d t ) g.ake !.: hf t ' : turi:. The 'A l! el.'- c.ri! g very i.ic !y and ti" cm-c ar.icr. h,.s brcui'l.t a grea' deal ' f p.cs:ure to the liber members c.f t li family circle. ir ii' ih. ' ir s and i::- they driving over from their home at living some five miles wst of My , I'lattsmoutn for a ride and a visit nard. All concerned are doing nice . for a hhort time with their friends. ly and they can celebrate their birth j Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vernon, of day with the Father of their country. j Plattsmouth, were visiting and look-j .ing after pome business matters in j Card of Thanks .Murray on i uesciay atternoon or this v.'e desire to extend pit thanks for cystz?. suppzn a::d p?.og2az-.: are not justinea ny use iav. , f ijfor in tbem von think von have cier lallen from grace. For we through .-!al lif(, cnd thoJ. are they v,-j,icll tc:s- tMe spirit wan lorine nope oi riK"-:ti eousness by faith. For in Jesus; tify c.f nr. 'i Christ, neither circumcision availeth but Bank CloPrl FVhr OA Erin' in your Discs and hare them week, and are preparing to move to 'the kindness of assisting in trving to fait wb'ich worketh in love." ifharpened and oct of tne way iiien ' "i -uuuj. -muu. pUt the out wnen c"r tarn was it.o h-n;v .pncr.n nf Srri-rirr ccn'-'k nr. first of -ar(n- burned and our home robbed; also tr- Dnsy season or bpnng wo.H ar-. M s Dari who has been Tisitin?; fnr ,he cf prnperr,. as much as r W in ' nr ; iuc Kiat d j u L . : r- nai u, VTlv I'Jl II ii J L'.l 11 II I uic iu;i;, . nome or ins son J. IJavis and his truly appreciate this frb.ndshio and hv inve .(-rvp one another." i orotner u. a. uavis, cieparten on last ne;p-hbc.rlinPRK i V.. C. Payers says regarding tne i content between the good and bad in Yashingion's Birthday .Murray, Nebraska There is No Substitute for Safety Murray State Bank Antn Mci-dnger shelled and deliv er. -1 corn to the Wilson elevator on Tuesday cf this week. Clifton E. Smith, of the Bank of I'r.icn, was a visitor in Murray for a thort time Tuesday afternoon. TJrs. John Urish, who has b-en quiie". poorly,, for .several wet kg btill rc-nxstiirs about the same, and is being cared for the very best. O. A. Davis was looking after some ; business matters in Plattsmouth on' lust Tuesday morning. he driving ; ever !n his car for the occasion. j Ferry Ni.kls was hauling lumber! for the erection cf a liog house, he! petting it out to the farm last week, J Ana -again m ine iniriesuiu vfi lie says: "For. bretLren. ye- have been j r?..7ed unto liberty: only use not Mb-I VAC PJICKULESKY & SON Murray, Nebraska (Tuesday afternoon for his home at family. I iiutcnmson. lvansas. ana was taicen ( I to I'nion by Mr. O. A. Davis to catch ! ;tbe train for the south. j j Everett Spangler, the hustling salesman for the Atwater-Kent radio. -Earl Lancaster and This seems to be the gi? of tne ies- j son service, ana tne serving :n iuic of one another. To make the rom raunitv Christian one must love the community and the members thereof. Good Used Cars Are your batteries up? Do you need alcohol in your radiator? Fada Radios and Radio Parts EVmYTHDJG PGR YOUS AUTO ind w!l soon begin erection cf the building. T. J. Prendel was looking after some business matters in Plat tmou;h on Tuesday atternoon of this week. FARMERS, S T-f r3 r1. R n ( i I am handling tankage and all hinds of feeds used on the farm, such as chops, shorts and bran. See me Murray Garage "We do good wo?-k in automobile repair." Celebrate Birthdays At the home of Mrs-. A. O. Lnn one-half mile east of Murray was i-nd not expect more of a neighbor i ion -) Mrllifla. H-nT.r.r in lmnn rf t h u n thcV firP Willing tO giVC. It IS has sold during the season twenty- ,,." t!- j v-J. r' 5 o ;c-;r-r, i ..-ir, frit-n.-s tn rbrist. Af. uLiu j at iinu t--Mr r'l.t - vi mi- vi' ..... - oT!e radios, nine of them in three weeks. The last one to be placed was a console, which went to the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Cilmore. .They are liking irsplendidly. i At the home of Victor Murster there is quite a bit of joy occasioned by the arrival via the stork route of a son, who with the mother is doing nicely. The joy is not confined to Hill. Elmer, who was farming a portion of the lands of John Ilob- I h? corn to the Farmers elevator on Tieday of this week. He was as sisted in tbe work by his nephew, dr.v.-n ana was doing a portion of the LePra Ferr; delivering. ' holt. Plates were laid for IS guests nrxi the simple living oi tne n.e from Murray. Union snd Platts- which, be came teaching nd cleliver rocuth. The honor gxie:t got many ing of the me.-?age whi- h he said, "Co boautiful and veful presents among ye into all the world and t-ach My which were useful gifts from the hus- gospel to every creature," we cm bands. most effectively win souls for him. The 12 o'clock dinner was served We must first possess the gospel, by Mrs. A. G. Long and daughter, which we desire to deliver to our Mrs. Kennedy. The -grests -spent the friends and neighbors, else we can- afterrioon in muic a:i games and on not .give it to them m tne spirit oi on so necesr. ,rv u Mivt r. ork for his kingdom, not birtbdav. bv rosing that we are better man rin-yo present were. Mesdamcs Cr.r! others, hut .with a sfirit dedicated to Suave! v. S.rve Cpe nhnve-r. Art Tthu- r.crvice and he thrt is willing to cio man and hihe. John Wesley. Plr?: Porter, all of Union: Vesdamrs My ra McDonald, Will Sporer. G. I.. Tf.y lor r.nd .Tean Tteid. J. F. Prendcl Rnlph Kennedy. Allan Vernor an ill the fond mother and proud father , acoVh;r me( tIns? on erat!on but is Mlmrod by Grandfather and fc 0,;(.asion of the next person's We must wc Grandmother Mr. and Mrs. James R. hirt,,flav hv ro,inr t, his small ver?e: Calvary In the iijrnir.g hushed and vtill, I am ' Calvary's i ill; Where ti;e winds of heaven arc fre:,h I shall crucify the flesh Winch has been a subtle thief, Stealing from me t:.y belief. On the hill top by the side Cf the thief who mocking died. Self shall hang upon the tree As a part of calvary. While the darkness fills the skies Self must fall and soul arise. Oyf.t: r supper. Ftl.rury 20th ..t the I". 15. p-.-r.-r m-gf in .lynurd. giv. r. I..y the people's cl:,.-,-;. Frt pre gram at the church at p. in. Oys'H rf., coffee and doughnuts, at pep xih; r prices will be- C' lv d to ;j. m. rl?o cf'T program. Eve rybodj- come. f24-ltdltw j PUBLIC AUCTION All local r.z'X's is m the Jcnm-d. LEGAL NOTICE John P. NOTICE A. Sooffeo I? Iurray, EBVVfiBES, Contractor Builder Estimates CbserfuIIy Furnished Phone 45 Nebraska MURRAY Tims h SsfHng Short for Spring is soon here, for you to jret fitted out with your Implements needs. Can we help you? Come see our harness display and get prices. Hardware Jl till IVI1IU3. J Messrs. A. D. Bakke. Glen Boedek er and George E. Nickles were all in ! Omaha on Tuesday of this week. ! where they were in attendance at the Automobile show which was in operation during the first portion of jthis week. They also were guests at the wholesale offices of the Hudson : Essex Auto Sales company, j Tbe Murray Lumber company, owned and operated by George Nick les. are making a number of hay racks, so as to be prepared when the ! time conn for their use. Thomas Nelson of the yard has also been ; making some gates when he has time, and will be prepared when the time ! comes to close the gates and put up . the bars. Edwin Shumacher has been suffer ing quite a bit from an attack of ap- VrPl? AlfA Pcndicitis and was taken to the hos pita, last Monday, where he under went an operation for relief. The condition when the operation was performed was very serious, it being revealed that the appendix had burst ed and gangrene was setting in. How ever, he has been getting along as well or even better than was expected. the humblest of things to further the Master's interests is near Indeed unto the kingdom of God. The experience of mankind has been that the human being needs re- Seybolt-and s'raint and that they are like our- selves in need of instructlot in the -wavK of best living. Since the begin- IdYNAED XI. TJ. CKTJECK nine people have learned to live only . all other persons - , : : m'ron .Iiti. I fefsip rrj.1 rTit Church school at 10 a. m. Sermon his word, and the personal message whi?h his Son came to teacn us an. and which he delivered to the apos ties to in turn which should cor at 11 a. ra. Ladies' -Aid will meet in the home of Mrs. Ed Spangler March 2nd. in the afternoon at 2:30. G. B. WEAVER. Pastor. In the D.-.irki Court of Ca..s Cov.nty. Ne::rask?.. Sijttler, Plaint iff vs. Snm II. Mr, if livi;;g if deceased his unknown heirs devisees, legatees pjr so.'.aL represe nuitiv-es and r. 11 other persons inlive.-tcd ir. his estate real namr-s urfcnciva, et al. Defendants. To S.-ra II. Moer if living, if de ceased his unknown hirs devisees legatros personal representatives an interested in l.:s estate, real names ur.Enown, Mrs. Pam II. Moer. lirs real name un known, wife of S. H. Moer; R-.ser.- Thtre will be a sale of farm pn p ertv and stock held at the- George W. 'Snyder farm, five miles soutbwe-t of Plattsmouth and one and a quarter milos west of Myr.ard. on j Tuesday, March 1st commencing at 1 0:0 ft o'clock sh:;rp, i with lurch s rvei at noon by ti e liijnard Gok-en Kod Study club, j The following property will be f ; ft-red for sale: 19 Horse? and Males One team black geldings. C and 7 years eld. wt. TI.100; one tam gray (and Idack gelding. smooth mouth, jwt. 3.:.('0: one team gray cchiing-t it and C years old. wt. I, ?"-;. one ;toam bkicks, gelding and mare, s 'years old. wt. 2.7!i oi.e gray horse-, .4 years old, wt. 1. ";; o.e black :mare, smooth month, wt. J.4T.0; one j sorrel horse, smo-.tb mouth, wt. 1,"ij0; one fiay borf-e, S years old. 'wt. 1.200- or.e.bav 5 addle horse. S yerrs ok T.-t 1 . 1 0 f give to all 'the people ' M. Rosen ba come upon the earth, j known, and ha urn Brothers, a firm cori'To.s"d cf j Rosenbaum Crst real name un- Sixteen Spotted Poland Rosenlaum. flr-t rcul brood sows; nine Spotted one Spotted one sorrt 1 nan , sniooth mouth, wt. .'00: on1 brown mare, S years old, wt. 1.000; one bay' mare. 7 year? old. wt. 1.100; one bay mare. Fmocth mouth, t. 1,100; one yearling jack mule; one yearling mare colt. 2C Spotted Poland Chinas China Poland Poland Paints and srrfishss! x HARRY P3ELSQ Murray, Nebraska .Ladies to.ileet Soon ; Th Ladies Aid of the Chritian church will hold a meeting on Wed-! 'nesday of the coming week. March 2nd. at which there will be provided a very excellent program, which, will be looked after by Mrs. J. F. Brendel, who is "tbe leader for the occasion. The entertainment will be in the .hands of the efficient hostesses. Mes- i dames Win. Sporrer, Martin Sporrer and Oscar Shrader. Come and enjoy this meeting and do your mite for the Igood of the church. The Rock' Creek Oil Station One Mile East of Murray Oil K-T HIGHWAY Best of Gasoline Ethyl and Red Crown Lubricating Oils - Kotor Oils Courteous Service Confectionary Also Served G. M. MINFORD Proprietor . .ic f hflftrr li-irc between name unknown: ..I. Hose ntiaum l.rst man and man were formulated. jrea! r.ame unknown, if living :f de- Vh" man would take the life of ' ceased his unknown heirs oeviseer his fr-Tow man or unrp the rights of legatees personal representatives ana l-'?s fellow being, rules were forrau-, all ether persons interesteJ in his es lated to restrain him, and these were'tate, real name? unknown; Mr-. M. declared laws. ConseQuently as man j Rosenbaum. tfrt real r.rme unknown ,-. , .-i. i m.rv f:ii v.-if. of At Ro:.p r A tm ni : .T. Pasc!ifu!r had to be enact eTtVgove. the ajflrrt re,l name unknown. !? living .f tractor plow. flow of man'tngardo his associa- deceased, his nnkn.n he irs devise,' One rpsenplno h. p.; ..... Ti-T.A nTin'.' nrni-(.s renr-ppnt h i ives nni UI!t JL1' u J c nj.ine, - 2-11. p. actions er.croarh upon another, then! all otner persons icteres-ei in his their libertv stops and along the line! estate, real names unknown.: of contest when ones rights stop and j Mr-. J. Roen!.aum. first real came ivc. nf ..mother begin, man has unknown, wife of J. Rosenbaum: China shonts China n:j:3e. Farm Machicery Tv-'o J. I. Case rigs com plete, including two 2n-4 0 engines and two "2-1. 4 separators. One Ileider tractor, 10-2 with a One clover rcTeaner; three Sf hut- tier wagnns, complete: two iron wheel wagons, with re.ks; one low v.-cod wheel wagon; one hob sled: two Peering binders. 7-fowt; sought to form a regulation, and li-jCusrics l.azeuir.y, ,t living, it eie-ea- - - ' '"1 " ' a, r .' . cense have been granted for the do- ed his unknown heirs devis. es la- j J Vr'. iug of certain things which have 'tee reprcsert.liv-s and all Print d?l l'! -M 1 ? - o 7 1 beer Bupnosed to have -been guarded ; other persons intere sted in h- e,- s V, gk row ' e- -ra .'lev bv cert "n- laws which guard thejta'e. renl names unknown: jllcn M. r'- . ' ' .-rj"i- n teri...u iu j..v.h . ; h.-ttr, single row; o:.e Cl.ampion ri-hfc rf h.11 but the clear-cut line is Laze nhv vsfe of Ch:t Ic- jyis- nr- . 1 rzguLb i'L ctii. -iii 1 v it , mower" one l)''erir,r utiVIit- ne difficult to fellow when tbe right and j The unknown heirs clevis utee, f ) nr - r;.,,;, wrong of the-matter is violated. .Phonal repress at, ,c and all otb- (vllYery ,;av ral;c; f;ro je,Tin-. The matter of granting a li'-ense cr persons in! erected in the e;-.ace c . o. .a. t w ,..,. fk . 1 unt . . tiu tivnu 1 r ir . 1 in i .1 un- Block seven; e chine.-; two New I)ep.-rtU'e cultiva tors; c ne Jenny Line! cultivator; e ne New Century eultivator; cne 4-s( -tion harrow; ore ,"-e. ti:.n harrow; Atwsfer-ECent Radio V SIX TUE CKE DiALl Everett Spangter Murray, - - - - Nebraska Must be a Woodman Goat i We have heard much of the goat .which the Modern Woodmen have for i their initiation, but we are led to believe that the buck sheep which is (boarding at the home of W. L. Sey ;bolt is akin to the Woodmen animal, ,for he has surely attained a reputa tion for the using of his horns. lie jtook a tilt at his master, W. S., and jWhen he got righted that gentleman found one of his shoes in a manger .'some fifteen feet away. When it comes to saying "Howdy-do" with his horns ,he has no choice between a man or ja woman. , j A few dayjssince Dr. G. L. Taylor 1 was called to see Will Seybolt. and stepping out of the barn backwards, .the Sheepship gave the genial doctor 'a tilt and he went eprawling into the tarn oc hig all fours, and madder .than a hornet, but the hearty laugh Bring on Your GGS. x V .. A- c t,i 1, o,,, n!;,:' a"d ri ller; one tar.dem disc, 2t -.1 lii'J I'l Il.iltoi.lJ.' II .. 031 1 We do Custom Hatching:, hav ing: capacity for 3,600 1,200 per week. Or you can buy BABY CHICKS Heavy Breeds at 15c each Light Breeds at 12V2C each Purina Chide Feed Newtown Brooders -Herniam Wolforili- Hatchery One Mile Strath of Murray, Nebr. Phone 1213 Murray, Keb. .1 names liii- dies: o:ie disc, 1G-1; one- Avery st::Ik cutter: one John I), e re gat:g one Case lC-inch sul!:y; on-' Pccre c:rn planter with f0 rods of new wire: two 1-horse corn drill': .one corn shredder; one Smallev fe e i for the doing cf certain things, rsi?-' John. Pons, deccrsed. real ed the Question of it being right, for. known: when a thing is right, there should j All persons having or claiming ar.3 " no Question. -Formerly the grant- interest in or title to Lots seven ( . ) .nsr nf a license to operate a saloon, 'and eight (S) in i hv its own act. carried the impres-, 1 2 f 1 f 1 .15 . - sion of us wrongiuiness. ior n c-ounty .e i.rubK.i been rignt ana resuiieu iu u mju., uvov n. plow to anyone, no license iee hnuuiu ii. lou ;,n.i ej-u .... a.. - , walking plow, 14-in!;: ore John been needed, .no license id regun.u uoime'i on uir x. m --i t-n- to do the right thing. . 'ru.sry lf"27 tbe plainiifT in the fore- Some might sav auto license, but oi;;g action filed his petition in the we fear no cue gets an auto license District 01 .::.-- Js 'chopper; one Sheldon barrel eoncrf- and hues strictly to the line, no mat- brasku. wherein you and each or you p,;,.. ove Eev. t.ttj0 v,-aterer with ter how well their intentions are.' are defenaant. for th- j oator. onc extension ladder, 44-ft and how they may intend to liter- purpose of obtaining a derver frr-m in ieKfTln extended allv observe the rights of others. '.-,:: id Court. c; :ieiir.L the title in the i 0 ' u To make the community Christian plaintiff to the following described, n-rcess requires that we ehall do the right real citfte to-wit: I.oto ,-even and j Three sets 14 -inch double liar thing with all we come in contact, to eigi t in Plock seventeen in the City ness; three sets l!,4-iuch double hai extend the invitation, to become one of Platt.-.niout a, Cass County Nthra- ness; horse; two saddles, of the community boosters, end after ka. as against you and each of jti ; - Ttlotors Etc having selected this community to and by such decre e to wholly exclude ! v ' make 'it the verv best one out cf the you and each vt you fromVil r. te.l One 10-h. p. electric motor. 59.000 towns in the United States, right, title cU.:m or interest therei'i ' v-' V- electric motors For w are spending our lives in the and to haTe the title to sud renl e.-l r;Ian-v other articles too numerous city of our choice, we are compelling tate forever freed from tbe rpp-reut to lli!t 111 t11 ad cur families to reside there, the wife claims of you and each of you. ard; Terras CI Sale whom we pledged our sacred honor to quieted in plaintiff end for uUai.!? An of $10 and uneVr. cah love and provide for and the children relief. . , On sums over J10, a credit of sis whom God has blessed us with, there- You and eacn cu you rre rcn-.nred montlls ., lt(. rivpn.nn Bnnrnvri iore-:jt ioiiowi that community sible to live in. U3 with something ent ot our tamiiies. ior ourselves, ana saiu i-euuuii. A C J for our neighbors, and that day i JOHN P. SATTLER. Anna Onyder, counted worse than lost when the' . Plaintiff. Owner. Ebadet of nigit shall nd us vith C. A. RA'TL-S:. Rex Ycun, Auctioneer nothing: done for the benefit of those f24-4w-sw Attorney. Platts State Bank, Clerk. s cuiii v.e mucL uia cur-v. r-. a j . u notes hearine interest at the rate of the very best pos- the 18th clay of Apr.! 19 2 . . or your Cent annilTn frnm ,lf Each morning finds default wnl he entered in said cause , K oronertv to be removed to do for the ben- and Decree granted as prayed for in frary, rrpn-.isK lfort. rtti,i for