The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared ia the Interest of the People of Murray nnd ffcurrwmdicg Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader
It aor of the readers ex the
Journal itDtrr of any social
wr nl rrr ttem of tntereat to
tht vicinity, and will mall
uue to ttiib office. It will ap
pear under this heading, f t
w ant all news items Edttob
Santa doesn 't pass up the home
where dad has a Bank
Our mission is to render
real service to everyone
in this community.
We consider it a duty as
well a3 a pleasure to dis
charge our responsibili
ties efficiently in this re
spect. We believe that it will
he decidedly to your ad
vantage to do business
with. us. therefore, we
ing, driving over in his anto and re
turning in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephram Oakes of
Fair bury, and Joseph Carpenter of
Ilarhine. were visiting at the home
of Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz.
Harvey Gregg ha9 been making
some repairs at the place when Rob
ert Wright moved in the Mrs. A. D.
Rhodrn house on Main street.
Henry Heebner was excavating a
place for the tank whica is to con
tain the Ethyl gas, which is to Le
handled by Mr. A. D. Eakke.
See the ad of Mr. J. A. Seotten ii
this issue for contracting and build
ing. He is an excellent workman
and will give the best service.
James Tigner of near Louisville
was a visitor in Murray, meeting j Earl Nottingham have been having a
many of his friends and was coming j siege with the measles, and are all
to consult his family physician. getting along finely at this time, and
Mr. D. C. Rhoden who has been ! it is hope that they will soon be all
Quite poorly for some time is re-! well again.
ported as being some better at this j The children of Pat Campbell and
time, but still confined to his bed. , wife who have been under quarantine
ter has been working for Roy Gerk
ing during the past season.
Dale Topliff brought a very fine
hog to the hotel, which Mr. and Mr3.
Rerger will fatten for the meat for
the hotel, and will add a number of
others that they may have enough.
Thomas E. Jennings and wife were
called to Hamburg, la., by the very
serious illness of a brother of Mr.
Jennings who resides there, they
driving over on last Sunday evening.
Louis J. Hallas and the family
were spending last Sunday at the
home of their parents in Plattsmouth
where they also visited with Mr. A.
J. Hallas who was also visiting from
The children at the home of J.
for scarlet fever are all getting along
nicely and the quarantine wns rais
ed on la.-;t Monday with everybody
doing nicely.
Jack McNatt who has been so ser
iously ill at his home east of Mur-
rnuch im-
Vac Mickluschky, was looking af
ter some business matter in Omaha
on last Monday in connection with
the blacksmith shop, where the busi
ness is getting better every day.
Robert Troop is erjoyincr the use
of two very excellent hay rack? ray. is repotred as being
j which was manufacture d especiaLy , oved at this time and
i for his use at the Nichles Lumber ! along nicely, being able to
(yard. i about at present.
Flossie McCartney of Union was a! Win. Lindner shelled and delivered
visitor in Murray at the office of his! his corn to the Murrav elevators on
'family physician. Dr. G. H. Gilmore. j Friday of last week, getting it away
jFlnsi being troubled much with ! before the passage of the McNary-
boils. i Haugen bill, and is cettinc ready for
Kcst Eun Out of Names.
VvLS means Will L. Seybolt, not
the Sears Roebuck station for broad
casting station, and Will is a farmer,
and grows sheep. He has at this time
many lambs coming. They are com
ing in couples, for twins seem to be
the rule. Richard Crendel names one
pair of twins Dan and Dude, while
another pair was christened Kate
and Duplicate, and another pair was
named Max and Climax, while to an- j
other couple fell to the names of
Pete and ILepete.
. ,t.,.''..,.Vn,irV.i,.,MTVM
"-" '""
i Sunday, February 20th
JU By M. a Brlgg
... ,.-i, ? Tm
, . , . A A ""
Golden Text: "We are God's
low workers." I Cor., 3:9.
is getting
be up and
hold out a standing invi
tation to all to test our
Bank Closed Febr. 22d!Ml
Washin jtcn's Birthday
Murray, Nebraska
There is No Substitute
for Safety
Murray State Bank
Mrs. Fred Campbell has been quite
ill for a number of days past, but
is at this time.
S::;al Davis was a visitor with
friends in Omaha last Tuesday, mak
ing the trip on the train.
See'the new ad of E. W. Lewis, the
painted and decorator he aiso doing
papering. Wayne will do wou the
best service.
Quo Wchlfarth of Plattsmouth
was a visitors and was looking after
s-onie bu.-incss matters in Murray on
last Tuesday.
George Xickles was called io Lin
coln on business, he going this morn-
Get Your Discs
Bring in your Discs and have them
sharpened and out of the way when
the busy season of Spring work ar
rives. We guarantee all our work.
Murray, Nebraska
Little Jane, the daughter o? Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Swan has been
verv poorly for the past week but
t reported as being much better at
th;s tir'o.
eorsre W. Rhoden was a visitor in
jv on last Saturday and was a
visitor at the home of his brother
D. C. Rhf.den. who wa3 very poorly
for some time.
Harry Nelson has been kept on th
hump with the oiling of harness and
other work which coires to the store
but keens up the lick and gets the
work all out on time.
Charles Lorenz and John Living
ston of Nebraska City, have been in
stailirg a heating plant in the build
ing of Uncle S. G. Lat'a. and puttinsr
it in first class condition.
With Mrs. G. L. Taylor at the
wheel of their auto, and Dr. and
their little son on a hand sled trac
ing behind they took a very enjoy
able auto and sleigh ride.
Walter Meade shipped for Fair
play, Mo., on Tuesday of this week
and will farm there this season. Wal-
Up-to-Date Painter and Decorator
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
Phone 45
the coining crop season.
Thomas Nelson was a visitor in
Lincoln on last Wednesday, he go
ing on the early train and returning
on the late train and wa3 attending
the lumbermans convention which
was in session at the capital city.
Frank Reed and the family hnve
moved into the W. A. Scott property
where they will make their home and
where Mrs. Reed will conduct a con
fectionary and cafe. Mr. Reed will
work on a farm during the summer.
Am cm those who have cotten
radios during the very recent past.ian tne blaster
were Dale Topliff. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Der
Derger. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Bren lei
and Marion Wortham. During the
past three weeks Everett Fpangler.
the Atwater Kent man has disposed of
some nine of the celebrated Atwater
Kent radios.
Mrs. Grace Chambers of Denver
past three days and Mas a guest of
her mother as well as her two bro
thers Messers Harvey and Roy
Gregg. From there she went to St.
Louis, where she visited with a sis
ter, and then she went to Chicago, j
whore slip visited with her dauirhter .
Varr.p liffrp rpti'rnir.p- tn hnr hnmp i hold their business
in Dpnvpr ineir puoiic meetings, pui nit- yumi
Tlnl.ert Wri-ht moved from the church in a position wnere
nfrm east of town where he was!
farming the prsi year and will make j
his linmo in Murrav. and wil! ron-!
nnnlrT.,. linrr'-ip- t r maVo r e p-nrirl r Work, and give a
livirr a h was hnstlinr on the expression or tne power anu love 01
1 - .1 . 1 . 1 .3
Serving Through the Church
The home, the initial unit of ser
vice and worship of the Father, and
his son, Jesus Christ, is larger and
more broadly exemplified in the
church. As we learned in lat Sun- cause
day's lesson, the homp was the first
place in which people gathered for '
the worship of the Father, and it
was the place where the Master in
stituted the worship of the Father,
meeting with the early Christians
and disciples in their homes, which
custom continued genera! for a num
ber of hundred years after the cruci-
' fiction of the Master, until the erec
jtion of churches became general, and
people assembled in them for public
worship, '.mited as a church body. So.
jit was long after the institution of
God's church that the organization
as a body acquired the habit of meet
ing in a public place and observing;
j communion.
I The first meeting wps of the twelve J
in an upper charc-
not a
The opposition to the young church
was so great that they were compell-j
ed to flee the city of Jerusalem, and j
it was individually that the disciples)
.Dorcas society and manjT like organi-,
zations which have so nobly aided in :
successfully carrying on the all im-'
portant work of the church. Besides
the matter of providing .funds, the,
Ladies aid of all churches regard-:
less of the particular name by which '
they may be known have gotten to
gether in many ways and are thus
doing better and more effective work
, than would be possible for them to
T t . 3 U . 1 A 1
qo worKing inaiviuuaiiy in tne ca
pacity of members. The mission of
this loyal band of women is consu- i
mated in the fact that they are really
and truly what the name implies a
ladies' aid to the better workings of
the church. j
And again the Young Peoples' so-j
ciety is a mighty potent factor in the
working out of the best interests of j
the young people of the church, for
it gives them training in the work of!
the church, which they will be call- J
ed upon to assume in a few short
years. This preparation for the work
they will assume is one of the very
fine things which the Young Peoples!
society is doing, and it keeps the j
young people from other and dis-1
tracting gatherings wherein would be '
provided an atmosphere in which :
temptation would be thrown in their
way. j
The church and its work is a
school which prepares all its mem-.
bers for the work of life, as well as -J
for the work of 'the church and fits , -
one for all the avenues of life. The A
one essential feature of the chlirch is --?-!
the doing of the things whic h are j
just and right and the inculcation of l
the spirit of love and just dealing
with all. I
We say, "Go to church and work
in and through the church for the
broader vision of the Master and His
ome In and See
Our line of Harness It will
Please You
We oil and repair harness as well. Machinery arriving every
day ccme :a and see what yon want. Line up for Spring be
fore it comes. You will need some thirds. Better he ready.
Mynard, Nebraska
Why do you hide jour lamp,
friend -When
the world is looking on?
Your hand1.;, they have been busy
From the early hour of dawn.
You are weaving a beautiful
Uncover your lamp that the
world may see.
Copy fr;r this Deprtmnt
furnished by County Agent
(rnd ceilings. The ground is dark, tti
' tr(-"s and plants ligl tr, and the si...'
'lightest of all in nature. Rug ;!!
! f'emrs should - drk, v.i;l'.s Iil)tr
iand the ceiling lightest of till,
i The ladies a!o di:-cused v. arm a:.d
i cool colon- for rooms, devious ts
i rugs and wall papers. p iiiit' d 01
! papered walls, e tc. Tii-v f niiid out
I how to :;;:x a good wood c i ; ri t and
. how to refinish lloors. E.ich la'iy
'biousrl.'t material and ;i r u hook : nr(
; practice! making n-s mat
have le jj so popular.
; Soil find Crops liceting.
Th-re will be a m-eting ,n F-;.
2" at 10 o'clock at theaLli.k of Vuion.
r:nd on the s-ame dav at 1 : :: I) at t!
f'oTmunity Il;.ll at Mynard. Jind at
the Farm Hurenu office at Wiping
Water on Thursday. Feb. 24. at 1 :;:'.
Anyone intc rented in alfali'a or fw- t
Women's Home Economics Club
With their plans well made during
the past month for bushes and flov.-er or rv( clover should bring in a samp
gardens and lawns outside the house,
the Extension St rvi'-e club vo;n"!i of
the county are now turning thtlr at-
pntion to 1hir rilfrs ;i n fi flfK)rs. walls
In the matter of letting your light cojiinas
shine, William Christopher Savers: " proV,.t padfrSflf these clubs nift
has to tell of the lesson in two verses, : r5J uarv s .., v.'efpi-.ig Water, and
which are as follows: ;Fel, 9 at Elmwood with Miss Rizpali
i Don ri ass of the Agricultural Cotlfge
i v.t Liitw'.u for the February les-on.
(In cctdition to thr lesson, they talked
land planned for their local club
i achievement dr'.ys in March and the
Why do you light your lamps,
When the world is looking on?
Your distaff, it has fallen.
Arid your spinning wheel is gone.
Keep in the dark, till the wool
is grown,
And the thread is spun and the
shuttle thrown.
Southland J
;hig couuiry-wide achievement c'r.y
: which is set f.-r April "th at Weeping
iV.'af-r and April fth at El:nwoou.
1 Miss Douglass furnished sours,
j stunts, r.n.l p'ays that micht be used
I in the achievement program. These,
with local numbers wil make ..rp a (
j program that should appeal to every,
n;c:rbrr cf the family end to all the
! people of the community. The best
'number from each local program will '
be given by that ciuo on tne county
achievement dav program.
i Mr. Iloppert. who was with Miss;J
Dor glass last monih. is coming back , v
ut t lit so:: which tney upm to se i
this : y.rinc io t!i: c ireetinc.-- and we
v. 1 1 Us; it. Mr. Gro:s of the Exten
sion Fv rvicc will be at these ;ne. tines
mil talk to us on ::cid soils, and var
ieties of idfalfa that d: h-.-tt In N.
hn-.e ka.
Comet Hog Ecases.
.Anyone interested in A-shap'd i::
cMvid;:.. 1 iiotr houses shouM s e tl.'
it." that Mr. Wood and Mr. Posson oj
the r"xte!-si;ii Service built it t th"
home of M rritt Pollard near Nehaw
l:a. and B:n L ff k r war W-epi?ig
Eater. Mu:;y of these i: .livrlu:, 1
!-''U.-es built ill Cass county have inis.--d
the most important facts in regard
to ventilation.
Head Journal Want Ads.
Dr. John A. Griffin J
Dentist T
i to the eoiniT'- achievement dav. Some-?
when thej- were scattered abroad, did 5aturdcy tveiUH?, rebniary H?taone dsc from the Extension service j
their best and truest work. ! will be with him at that time and ap-! v
Paul taught in a school of Tyran-I at Peterson Hall j pepi- on th program. I J
nus. bj- invitation of the teacher. These are the same great entertain-! Tr tlu February less'ou which the;-.-When
the church had grown to such;e-s to whom you have been listening ! l;;ders are now taking back to their V
proportion that there was no private from the May Radio Station at Sheu-I home clubs. Mk-s Douglass suggested.,
place where all could assemble, a andoah. Given under auspices of that the women follow the coloring -
public place was provided. Thus ef-;tiie Presbyterian church. 2" - 50c. of nature in planning for rugs, walls- r
fecting of an organization where they
could counsel and where they could
Office Iloura: 8-12; 1-5.
Sundays and e?enin
by appoictment otly.
Soennichsen Bnildir?
meetings and
! church in a position where it
able to do more effective work.
This is likewise true today. The
church organization is peculiarly fit-
broader and wider
which wa;
OI'CUp the " UiCIl 1 Ji.i . m u&a.T,
fcrmerlv occu- enu f,r pioriiymg tne rxitner, even as
:the Master himself so potently ex-
ni A hv Frar.l: Forrmrin
;tk. (..von , pressed uidffii in Liiany nimuv r--..
1. 1
ciii'-'aiilr ill w-itli :innpnili(itK and : wiieu ue
was taken to Omaha where he under
went an operation, is reported
retting along nicely. Dr. J. u. hireii-
del and the parents of the young
companied him to the hospital. The,tm. and should be able to aoeomp-
..... 1 liali mnyi irpontor rtiltB than with
vcut n spnnns two nurses t o-
are employed in caring for Wilbur, so
said that he had glorified
ithe Father and would glorify him
' n Y t hia riaxr n n n n era
I U. V IX LI 1 V. 1.1 S A. 1. 1 J
jwith its many auxiliaries, is greatly
"; perfected over the church of olden
serious was his condition.
Mrs. Otio Yickoof,
been in the hospital at Kansas
has 1
Good Used
Are your batteries up?
Do you need ahohol in your
Fada Rad:cs md
Radio Parts
Murray Garage
"We do good work in
automobile repair."
The Rock Creek
Oil Station
One Mile East of Murray
Best of Gasoline
Ethyl and Red Crown
lubricating Oils - Kotor Oils
Courteous Service
Confectionary Aho Served
and where she was presented by a
babe, by the stork, was attended by
her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ruby
of Denver City, and with tne im
provement of thtir daughter. Mr.
Ruby came to Murray where he visit
ed with his daughter Mrs. J. E. Gru-
her and family for a fev
roing to Mynard where
with his brother, Thomas Ruby and
family, thence to Plattsmouth, where
he visited with another daughter
Mrs. Dewey Read and family, before
returning to his home in the west.
Afwater-tCent Radio
- T .i . -4 -a . .
Recalls Eariy Days.
Uncle J. W. Ecrgcr. who when a
boy worked on the Mdisoniar, a
paper published in Madison county
Iowa, and who came to Nebraska
landing at Rock Bluffs over a half
century since often went into the of
fice of the Cass county Seninal which
was first printed at Rock Bluffs, and
later in Plattsmouth and set a few
type. Eater he was over at Lincoln
when the first" paper was gotten out
the Conservative, and which later be
came the Nebraska State Journal, and
set a stick of type for the first issue.
Mr. Berger recalls those early days
with a good deal or pleasure. He is
now over seventy-five years of ago
and a pretty lasty lad at that. The
time he was in Lincoln and set the
stick of type was in the early sixties.
Will Preach on Sunday.
The Rev. F. E. Blanchard of
Bethany, pastor the Christian church
of Murray and who has been conduct
ing a revival meeting , at Nemaha
church, will be at Murray again on
the coming Lord's day and conduct
services at the Christian church and
a cordial invitation is extended to
all to come and enjoy the services.
its members working separately
Christ himself expressed accord
with the idea of team work when
he sent out the seventy, two by two.
and commanded them to go tell the
story of the gospel, to heal the sick
and to restore sight to the bland
and above all to crrry the message of
redemption to all the world, with
whom they came in contact. The
public service has its strong points
daj's then nuiiier oi piuming juhuj-
1, viaiipf' tion in the ways of Christian fellow-
snip, ry some one no nas given me
subject most intensive study.
With the buFy work-a-day life we
are pursuing, it does not allow all
to give necessary time to study and
attention to the Bible so necessary
if we are to know its full import.
But let us say right. here and now.
it is necessary for us to know the
Hcriptures, for did not the Master s?y
unto man, "Search the Scriptures,
for in them will you find eternal life
and they are those which testify of
Me." It is well for -us to give study
of the Scriptures serious and careful
consideration ourselves, but there is
one provided thru the church orga
nization upon whom we may rely for
accurate information and instruction
the minister, whom we provide
with a study, in the quiet surround
ings of which he may prepare him
self to instruct the people in ways
of righteousness and the way of sal
vation as well as working in unison
with their fellow men for carrying
the message of Salvation to the ends
of the earth. For wrhen the Gospel
message of Christ is carried to the
ends of the earth, and all people have
received it, then and only then will
sin be overcome.
The business of looking after the
affairs of the church seems to have
drifted into the hands of some few,
who are willing to shoulder the bur
den, while most of the others are
perfectly willing they shall, which
makes it no one's business.
Many ways have been devised for
the securing of funds with which to
carry on the work. Not like in the
early days when the Christians had
Come to Knabe's Fifth Annua! Hampshire
i oe
At the Pollard Pavilion, Nehawka, Nebr.
Commencing at 1:00 O'CIock P. M.
Buy Your Herd
Boar in Dam!
He will not cost yen a cent.
That is the way I bought
Snabe's Hot Shot, and he did
not cost me anything but a
good chance. His litter mates
paid the bill and shewed a
good profit on the investment.
That will be just what these
sows and pits will do for you
if you only take a chance on
securing your herd boar for
next Tall on February 22nd.
This picture shews the kind
cf Eoar yen Trill buy in Dam in
this sale!
' - -
r.f Sr.
- "' .
.' "'?:; .
. . .
V '-
Drug Store in New Hands.
Mr. Cathcart who fca9 been in
Murray for some time in charge cf iall things in common and out of this
the Murray Drug company, depart
es for his home in Lincoln on Fri
day of this week, when the store will
he taken charge of by Mr. Kingdon,
who comes from Gretna and will be-
come a citizen of Murray.
general fund cared for the needs of
the church as well as of its members.
In later days the ladies took up the
J matter of providing1 funds for carry
ing on the work of the church. Thu6
was organized the Ladies Aid, the
Ye3 sir, Kampshire3 won Grand Champion Car Load ever all breeds at the International Show,
making eight times out of the last nine years: 1918. 1D19, 1920. 1S21, 1S22, 1E23, 1925 and 1926.
They also won Grand Champion carload at American Hoyal in 1D23 and at recent National West
ern Stock Show they won Grand Champion carload aid sold for $20.00 per cwt. They're hard to beat.
40 Head of Bred Sows and Gilts
These 40 head of bred soxs and gilts are bred to one of the best battery cf boars of the breed,
which are as follows: Yankee King, the boar that has sired more herd headers than any ether bear
of his age today; Marvel Sensation 2nd, the first prize Senior Yearling boar at Nebraska this year;
Pride's Jlodei, the Junior Champion boar at Kansas Fair and the great Junior boar pig, Enabe's
Hot Shot. Come and look them over yourself. I will try to have them all on parade sale day.
A Few Head of Bred Gilts, Not Registered.
SALE CIRCUIT Henrich's Eros., Diller, Neb., Febr. 21; Harry M. Knabe, Nehawka, 27eb., Febr. 22 ;
Fred Graff & Sons, Seward. Neb., Febr. 23 ; H. L. Matthews, SrownviHe, Neb., Febr. 23 ; Ed S. Eec
nick, Pilger, Neb., Febr. 24; Carl SteHing, Orchard, Neb., Febr. 26.
THOMAS BEEN, Cameron, Mo., and REX YOUNG, Plaitimouih, Nebr., Auctioneers
FIELDME2I E. 2L Karsch, Sec'y of The Hampshire Swine Becord Association; Kerrit S. Mcradden,
The American Herdsman; Phil Moore, Omaha Journal-Stockman; L. P. Coleman, Nebraska Farmer,
End Norral Clark, Farmer-Stockman, Sale starts at 1 :&0 o'clock p. m. V7rite for TUTZ catalore.