The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Advise You to Save
Washington and Lincoln
whose birthday anniversaries are
celebrated this month, each said that thrift
would protect and prosper the saver, as
well as the nation.
To profit by their counsel, build an
account with us.
The Bank of Union
L. G. TODD, President W. G. JAMES, Vice President
August Ost and F. H. McCarthy, Directors
1 W. B. BANNING, Cashier
Mrs. L. R. Upton was a visitor in
Lincoln on Monday of this week where
she was the euest of her two daugh
ters and Miss Harriet Cheney, all of
whom are attending school in the
capital city.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Bollman are
wrestiitiK with a large number of bar
red plymouthrock chickens which are
now about three weeks old and are
looking fihe, and doing well not-witn-
Btandinsr the snow.
Ed Shumaker received on of the
latest 1927 Chevrolet touring care
during the later portion of last week
which he will use for the transporta
tion of himself and family, and is lik
ing: the new car very well
Afrs. Bessie Garrett had for her
guest at her home in Omaha for the
week-end last Sunday, Miss Kayse
the principal of the Union school, they
returning in time to take up their
school work Monday morning
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore were
enjoying a visit at Lushton and on
last Sunday with the parents of each.
they driving over in their car, and
enjoying a Valentine day, with the
parents and returned home in the eve
The reproduction of the Ulster
County Gazette which appeared in
the Sunday World-Herald, is also
Just like a copy of the paper which is
in the hands of Attorney C. L. Graves
S. M. Gifford of Cedar Rapids, Ne- Charles Atterbery was looking after The paper which he has is even better
braska. arrived in Union the first of some business matters in Flattsmouth looking than the reproduction in the
tHj week for a visit with friends and on last Monday afternoon and was ac-: World-Herald.
relatives for a number of days.
t V. Harris was a visitor in Lin
coln on Tuesday of last week where
companied on his trip by Mrs. Atter- At the Union schools the ninth
bery. "grade are taking instructions in news-
Miss Alta Jarn. one of the teachers ; paper work, which will give them a
hf wns called to look after some busi-jof the Union schools was the guest broader view of life and the eternal
n-s for Cass county at the state cap-itol.
Or Prices are Right and Our
Work the Very Best. Let us
charge your Batteries. Auto
Supplies of the very best kind.
We are distributors of the
Chevrolet Cars
See Us for a Demonstration!
Chas. Attebery
Union, Nebraska
of her friends and fellow teacher, fitness of things, relative positions of
Miss Margaret Ganz, at hv home at'one of society and government, as
Dunbar for over the week-end.
The Service Store
We are here to serve you
the best, and supply you
with the best goods at
the lowest price.
Our endeavors in 1927
will be concentrated on
giving you such efficient
service you will become a
regular walking adver
tisement, speaking only
good word3 for our store.
Stine's Grocery
Union, Nebraska
We are offering some prices which will save you money on Congol
erm Ergs. ?.Iaay very fine patterns of 1926 and 1927. Come, get
yours before they are all gone. Clean-up prices on all Floor Cover
ings and Iron Beds. We are making some very attractive prices on
Mattresses while the felt is down. Better take advantage of this
before the prices advance, as they are sure to do. Window Shades
see cur line. Better have your Radio or Auto Battery filled with
jTiice. We 11 it clear full. Atwater-Eent Radios best there is.
-:- -:- NEBRASKA
well as causes and effects which go to
make the common lot of man.
Charles Atterbery, the garage man,
has secured the services of two men
to assist in the garage. One a me
chanic of much repute Mr. John De-
j Ford coming from Nebraska city, and
jthe other Mr. C. S. Homan of Weeping
Water. They will help Mr. Atterbery
look after the work at this busy shop.
Mrs. George Johnson and son.
George, who make their home at Bur
well, and who have been visiting in
Union for the past month, departed
for their home on last Thursday morn
ing, arriving at home at about five
o'clock in the evening. Mrs. John
son was visiting here at the home
of her brothers, R. D. and W. L. Stine.
Wilbur Eaton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Eaton, who has been having
some trouble with repeated attacks of
appendicitis, was taken with a severe
attack and was taken to an Omaha
hospital, where he was treated a3 un
dergoing an operation for relief. It is
hoped that Wilbur will find relief and
also be able to return home in a short
time entirely cured of the malady.
Last Sunday evening, during the
snow storm, as a car was coming from
the south a number of animal3 ran in-
; to the road and were struck by the
passing car, the impact breaking the
legs of two mules, t-hey belonging to
John L. Xiday and Julius Ruhmann,
the latter of Xohawka. The snow was
falling so heavily that it was not easy
to see anything for a great distance.
Hatching Eggs
1715 Douglas St., Omaha
We are in position to furnish you two
popular strains of White Leghbrni
English White Leghorn Eggs
trice per 100 Eggs
American White Leghorn Eggs
trice per 100 Eggs
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To Mrs. Laura G. Marshall, whose
place and residence Is unknown and
upon whom personal service or sum
mons cannot be had in the State of
Nebraska: j
Notice is hereby given that on the
18th day of December, 1926, The
Standard Savings and Loan Associa
Also White Leghorn Baby Chicks tion .of Omaha, Nebraska, filed its
W. H. Leesley
the close of the hunt. Everybody en
joyed the hunt and killed many Jack-
rabbits as well as the wolves.
Will Hold Show.
There will be an auto and style! ,0,,Q,, aa n.nrt.rnrx tn
a 7u r ,7u . . .. 'he plaintiff herein as mortgagee and
the third of March, which will be the whi h dul reCorded on the 10th
ccasaiiuu un. 111c ccaowil. lUdliy en
trants are expected and entertain-
day of May, 1923, in Book 51, at Page
ment will be furnished for all who
3C9 of Mortgage Records of Cass
come, which will consist of light re- beingven to seCure the payment of
freshments. If you are interested in w,.-n r,-;0 nnt or nhlir,i-
"Mtion in writing dated May 9, 1923,
yourself from this event of events.
The Walper B. F. Radio!
The greatest Radio on the market for the money.
Call, see and hear it. A real surprise in quality and
price. Call and get prices on our Incubators and
Brooders, also.
Leave orders for Onion, Cabbage Plants and Field
Seeds. A complete line of Chick Feed and Supplies.
Your Batteries charged while you wait!
Everything Else in Hardware
j Spend Very Pleasant Evening,
j Last Monday at the Becker hall
I was held the banquet of the Epworth
i League of the Methodist church, held
in honor of St. Valentine. The hall
was very nicely decorated and the
young people enjoyed the occasion
very much, as well as adding some
thing to the treasury of the order.
The members of the League have been
very active in the work of the so
ciety and have added many members
to this active auxiliary of the church.
and plaintiff alleges that there is now
due plaintiff on said indebtedness the
sum of $370.40 with interest thereon
from and after the 15th day of De
cember. 1926. at the rate of 8 per
From Wednesday's Daily I annum
Yesterday afternoon at the par-l Plaintiff prays that in default of
sonage of the First Methodist church I navment by said defendant of the
occurred the marriage of two of the amount due plaintiff as aforesaid,
well known young people of the vi-said mortgaged premises may be de-
ciiiity of Union. Miss Ellen Chapman Jereed to be sold according to law to
and Mr. Clarence Willis. Isatisfv the sum found due with in-
The bride and groom were accom- I terest and costs of suit and that said
panied here by Mr. and Mrs. E. 15. 1 defendant and all persons claiming
'hapman, parents of the bride andl by, through or under her, or any of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis, parents them, be excluded from and fore-
of the groom as well as a number of I closed of any and all interest, right,
the relatives and close friends . and title and equity of redemption or lien
who witnessed the ceremony. jupon said mortgaged premises.
The young people are among the! You are hereby required to answer
most popular of the residents of the this petition on or before the 7th day
southern part of the county and have of March. 1927.
hraska. ae-ainst the flhnvfi named de- i S3
fendant, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain mort-j
gage for rour Hundred t$4UU.uuj j
Dollars on Lots nine (9) and ten
(10), Block ninety-six (96), in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, which mortgage was execut
ed on the 9th day of May, 1923, by
Laura G. Marshall and C. A. Mar-:
I j
Save iVioeiey IP
grown to manhood and womanhood
in that locality where their families
are prominent and active in the life
of the community there.
The bride has been very active in
church and school work at her home
community and is a lady universal
ly respected and esteemed by those
who have the privilege of knowing'
The groom is one of the fine younp
men of his community and is engaged
in the vocation of farming and num
bered among the most industrious li
the southern part of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis will reside or
Its Attorney.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
Of course you want to, whenever you can.
Our ads point the way to real savings, and
you stand a chance to lose every time you
fail to read them. Note the following values.
Comb Honey, 2 combs for . 35c
Cass County Product Fresh and Pure.
Flour, Page's No. 1, sack . $1.95
Strictly Guaranteed Try this New Brand
Omar Wonder Flour, sack . $2.19
Manufactured by the Omaha Flour Mills
Picnic Hams, oer lb. . . . 23c
Average Weight 8 to 9 Pounds per Ham.
Smoked Salt, 10-ib. can . . $1
Genuine Old Hickory Best There Is.
Laundry Soap, 10 bars for 33c
Choice of Electric Epni
or Pearl White
By virtue of an Order of Sale Issued
by Golda Noble Real, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 26th day of February
A. D., 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
the farm southwest of Union in the I day at the South Front Door of the
future and in the new home they 1 Court House in the City of Platts- M
will carry the well wishes of the I mouth, in said county, sell at public
many friends.
Prom Monday's ralr
Wednesday of this week one of the
largest land deals was made that har
taken place in ths community for
some time. Frank Martin who owned
the quarter section he lives on north
and west of town, sold the place to
Wellman Nixon who has been living
on the N. Opp farm the past year.
auction to the highest bidder for cash H
the following described real estate,
to-wit: I
Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), !
Block Twenty-eight (2S) in
Young and Hays addition to the
City of riattsmouth, as surveyed,
platted, and recorded, Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska
the same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Colmore R. Frans,
Mary Frans, Robert II. Fitch and
Elizabeth Fitch, defendants to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered
The farm was sold for 5.J2.O0O or by Tne standard Savings and Loan
?2Q0 per acre. The farm is well im- Association, of Omaha, Nebraska,
proved and nicely located and an rdairitiff acainst said defendants
Win Both Games.
The members of the basketball
teams of the Union school are feeling
pretty well, thank you, over the vie
tory which perched on their banners
on last Friday evening when they
journeyed over to Dunbar to play
with the teams of that town. The re
sult of the games were very pleasing
to not only the members of the teams
and the school but also to the citizens
of Union.
The girls in their game won easily
over their contestants, when they re
ceived the larger end of a 62 to 7
I score. The boys team came thru with
Ja score of Union 12. Dunbar 10.
I They will play Weeping Water on
this Friday, better get in on the game
and enjoy another victory.
Not Stretching It a Bit!
When we say we have just received a new
supply of elastic from y to 1-inch, in both
black and white. We can supply your needs.
Blue and gray Cheviots for shirts (extra quality) ; Stevens'
Linen Cra;h Toweling (unbleached); White and pink Krinkle
Crepe; Print (Piza cloth), 3 new patterns for Spring sewing,
We also have an Extra Quality Feather'
Proof Ticking at a Right Price
Ask Us to Show You the Famous Roberts-Johnson-Rand
Work Shoes Just Received.
Phone No. 29 .
Union, Neb.
Made an Unique Picture.
On Monday morning of this week,
when the fantastic appearance of all
out of doors was made so beautiful by
the snow storm. Frank L. Anderson
had his picture taken while standing
in the snow dressed in his bathing
suit. The contrast was very pro
nounced and kind of gives on the
shivers as the scene looked cold
enough for anyone.
Union Woman's Club Uotice!
Regular meeting at the home of
Mrs. A. W. Propat, February 22, at
2 o'clock. Come!
Celebrate Valentine Party.
Last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Itue Frans, was held & very
pleasant gathering when Grand
mother Fitch, Grandmother Jennio
Frans and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Frans,
enjoyed the day on the farm, not
withstanding the enow storm which
prevailed and also enjoyed a very
fine dinner and Valentine gathering.
ideal farm. air. rwxon who owned a
farm near Wellington, West Virginia
traded it to Mr. Martin in making
the deal. Nehawka Enterprise
22 A. D., 1927.
Nebraska, January H
Sheriff Cass County,
You are invited to the program at
Fairview school, six miles west of
Mynard. February 18, at 8 o'clock.
p. m. Everybody welcome.
on Petition for Appointment of
mj in
Enjoyed a Wolf Hunt.
Leslie Everett and Howard Taylor
Journeyed to Avoca where they par
ticipated In a wolf bunt which was
stage between Aaoca and Syracuse,
and wag taken part In by a number,
of farmers. The day was superb for
th! hunt. There were able to get
thre wolve which had secreted
thetnelve -in a drove, of hoga and
which were routed out and shot at
-Stetson Hats-
Styled for
Ask to see
The Emerson
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Re
becca A. Murray, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Albert Murray praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to W. G. Kieck, as Administrator;
Ordered, that March 10th, A. D.
1927, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held U
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated February 11th, 1927.
(Seal) fl4-3w. County Judge.
In the district Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska,
Lincoln Division, Case No. 1397, in
bankruptcy. j
In the matter of Wayne Ackley, j
bankrupt. j
To the creditors of the above
bankrupt of Union, in the County of
Cass in the district aforesaid, a bank-j
Notice is hereby given that on the'
9th day of February, A. D. 1927, the
said bankrupt was duly adjudicated
bankrupt and that the first meeting
of his creditors will be held in the
Federal Court Room in Lincoln, Ne
braska, on the 2nd day of March A. 1
D. 1927, at 10 o'clock in the fore
hoon, at which time the said creditors
may attend, prove their claims, ex-j
amine the bankrupt, appoint a trus-
tee, and transact such other busi-'
ness as may properly come before
such meeting.
Dated Februar 14, 1927.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Pineapple, large No. 21 can .
Broken Slices Heavy Syrup Pack
Curfew Peaches, No. 7k can .
Sliced or Halved A Hegular 33c Value Anywhere
No. 1 sizo cr is, 2 for 35c.
Crackers, 2IL cjdy . . .
Tom Thumb Caddy Fresh and Crisp.
Riimf ord Bak. Powder, can .
25c Size of This Popular Brand
Prunes, 3 pounds for . . .
Genuine Santa Claras iledium Size
Com Syrup, per gallon . .
White Syrup, per gallon, 52c
Cranberries, 2 quarts
Last of the Season Fancy Quality
Fresh Cocoanuts, each . .
Large Size Full of Bich Milk
Cauliflower, per head . . .
Fresh from Southland Large Heads
Celery, per stock . 10c and 15c
Extra Large Jumbo Stocks, 20c each
Head Lettuce, head . 12c and 10c
Fancy Iceberg Large Solid Heads
Rutabagoes, per lb. . . .
You should Eat More of This Kind of Food
Fresh Carrots, 2 bunches . 15c
Far Superior to Carried Over Stock.
New Cabbage, 4 pounds . . 25c
Solid Heads New Shipment Just Received
Delicious Apples, 4 for . . 25c
Large Fancy Eating Variety
Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. . . 25c
Fancy Southern Grown Very Smooth
Stand, pack Vegetables, can . 9c
Peas, Corn, Tomatoes No. 2 cans
Winesap Apples - Ben Davis Apples
Fancy Green Onions
mmm w
37 "tears of Service
We deliver Phoned J
- T