The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1927, BARGAIN Wednesday EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE P0U2
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. ,
Genuine glass cloth sold at the
Frans Bros. Lumber Co.
Lon Meade shelled and delivered his
corn to the Union elevators on Sat
urday of last week.
Richard Dix in "The Quarter
Back at Nehawka Auditorium, Feb
ruary 15th. and 16th.
Fred Clarke was a visitor at the
W. A. Fight sale which was held
near Mynard on last Saturday.
E. E. Smith was visiting with his
many mends ana acquaintances in
Union on Monday of last week.
Mrs. Mary Wilson and party of Ne
braska City were visiting with friends
and aquaintances in Union last Sun
day afternoon.
Charles Greene was a visitor in
Murray, Cedar Creek and Omaha last
Sunday making the trip in his auto.
Of course, he ws not alone. ni uussie iioqd ana niece.
Eili.Tabth Iiobb. were visiting for the
week-end at Nebraska City, they be
ing the guests of Mrs. Stanford.
were A. W. Propst, E. E. Leach and
Fleming Robb.
We are prepared to recharge your
radio and auto batteries. Just as well
keep them up to the best service as
not. It does not require a very great
length of time to put the pep in
them. Joe Banning.
Glass cloth for chicken and brood
er houses and hot beds 35c per yd.
at Frans Bros. Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Knorr of Platts
mouth, were visiting in Union on last
Sunday, coming to see their friends,
iMra T. T. Fry, who is at this time J
making her home witn ner granu
daughter, Mrs. P. F. Rihn.
The family of F. H. McCarthy, who
have been in quarantine for some
weeks with the scarlet fever, have all
gotten over the malady and have been
released from the confinement, ana
are feeling better on that account.
John L. Stine of Plattsmouth, was
a visitor in Union on Dednesday of
last week and was the guest while
Joe n.-iro. the mavor of LaPlatte. here of his brothers. It. 1). btine anu
where he is also the pumper for the W. L. Stine, as well as his mother,
'Missouri Pacific water works, was and all enjoyed the visit very much.,
visiting with his friends in Union on i Herman L. Swanson, formerly agent
last Wednesday. jof the Missouri Pacific at Union and
A. W. Propst was a visitor in Oma- 'who has been for a number of years
ha on Monday of this week where he the dispatcher for this road with
h?d some business matters to look offices at Falls City, was a visitor
after and to which place he made the for a short time at Union, meeting
trip in his auto. 1 his many friends and former acquaint-
Fred Tignf r and wife, and Clarence ances.
Clarke and wife were over to Thur- Fred Wessel was a visitor for over
man. Iowa, where they were spending the weeK-ena at me cuy oi luiuiu-
NQTICE i to George Heisel aa administrator--
: n I Ordered, That February 28th A. D.
Notice is hereby given that Cather- 1927, at ten o'clock, a. ra., is assigned
ine M. Coleman, Hettie G. Wright, for hearing said petition, when all
Ella May Marshall, Ada F. Gullion, persons interested in said matter may
Isa O. McLeese, Mattie J. Bailey, Luia appear at a County Court to be held
A. Landon, Myron E. Coleman and in and for said county, and show
'Elmer C. Coleman, have filed a peti- cause why the prayer of petitioner
ter of Stephen and Elizabeth Wiles tion in the District Court of Cass should not be granted; and that no
and was born Feb. 1, 1951 in the county, Nebraska, on the. second day tice of the pendency of said petition
state of Missouri. She was brought Gf April,' 1926, against Robert R. end the hearing thereof be given to
to Nebraska when a child by her par- Livingston and - Livingston, all persons interested in said matter
ents and has spent most of her life his wife, first true name unknown; .by publishing a copy of this order in
here in Cass county. - ' I Stephen B. Clark and Clark,; The Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-
She and her husband were among 'his wife, first true name unknown; weekly newspaper printed in said
the early settlers here and knew what c. A. Woosley and Violet S. Woosley, j county, ror tnree successive
it meant to brave the hardships of his wife; H. H. Alden and Adelia I. j prior to said day of hearing,
pioneer days. lAlden, his wife; Horace Metcalf; the Dated February 5th, 1927. -
She was married September 2, 1869 unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and . A. H. DUXBURY,
to L. C. W. Murray and began house-. nersonal renresentatfves of each and, (Seal)f7-3w County Judge.
keeping on a farm 4 miles soutn oi,every one of the above named defend
Plattsmouth. In 1882 they moved toantSf an(j a persons having or claim
a farm 5 miles west of Mynard where Uug any interest in the East half of
they resided for over years, iney the Southwest quarter of the North
east quarter of Section thirty-one
(31), Township twelve (12), N.,
Range nine (9). E.; also Lot No.
turotitv-covon r7 In War fJreen-
t. . A. l fcj " .aa V 7 AAA I
wood, a sub-division ofthe North Jialf Anna widow, et a!.
thirty-one (31); and all that part of . uerenaanis
Lot No. twenty-six (26, in West To the Defendants Anna Ertz,
Greenwood, a subdivision of thewi(jow.. Sampson E. Ertz, and wife,
North half of the Southeast quarter of Matilda B. Ertz; John Joseph Ertz,
said Section thirty-one (31), bound-single; Joseph Francis Ertz and wife.
ed and described as follows: Begin-. Theresa L. Ertz; Thomas William'
ning at a point in the North line or Ertz. sinerle: Francis Bernard Ertz
said sub-division 1,715 feet East of anj wife, Mary J. Ertz; Anna Ertz
the center of said Section thirty-one jioenig and husband, Thomas Hoenig;
(31), said point being the Northeast William Henry Ertz and wife, Helen
corner of Lot No. 26, and running Marie Ertz; Maggie Ertz, widow;
thence South 4 45' West, 317 feet; 'Margaret Ertz Connell and husband.
moved to Weeping Water 12 years
aero where she has since made her
home and where the husband pass
ed away July 12, 1921.
Mrs. Murrav was the mother of
15 children 4 of whom have preced
ed her in death. Cordelia and Sum
ner died in infancy and Clarence and
John died nearly 9 years ago. Those
living are Charles A. of Alva, Okla.;
Mrs. J. C. Yost, Neb. City; Leonard
C, of Alva, Okla.; Mrs. F. J. Spang
ler, Mrs. Philip Spangler and C. C.
.Murray, all of Weeping Water; Ed
ard of Murray, David of Union, Al
bert of Mynard, Guy of Summerfield,
Kans. and Mrs. IdaGelvin of York, j
She also leaves 44 grandchildren, 21
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Blandina Kuepper,
Dock. 3
No. 152
great-grandchildren. 0 brothers: fete-ithence South 40 30' West, 544 feet'John Connell; S. Roy Ertz, single; S.
i,i:t-u, nu, corner of Lot No. Z4 oi saia Pr9ni- pvt. siniHp-
the week-end and were visiting with bus, where he was visiting with his MrsWill Spangler and Miss Isabelle
M. Frederick R.
. ciih-rti vision : thenrp North 152 feet rr.. ,i ,ifn iisian ir
..... - IT- - . 0 . I ' " " " ' 1.1 lil CIAA14 VTAAG, H1.1VU A-J 1 I A. , AA AA A J
wiles or weping water; a sisters, t th nf San Creek: thence
Mrs. Chas. Warner of Plattsmouth, cAn c o 4n' w 120 feet: thence
i - r . , . . . . 'j v. 1 11 w - - - - , ' H 111U w , uuu-icoiucuio.
of Plattsmouth, George and Isaac
fr:t'nd3 and relatives for the da'.
Among those who were in attend
ance at th sale which was held at
friend Miss Margaret Reeves, form
erly of Union, but who is making her
home at that place at this time. The
the home of Will Fight and who were young people enjoyed the visit ry
interested in the sale, from Union,
Mrs. M. E. Allison, who has been
visiting in Union and viinity for some
time past and was the guest of her
brother. A. L. Becker and family, and
other relatives and friends, departed
on last Friday for Plattsmouth where
'she visited for some time before re
turning to her home at Auburn.
tto Ehler, the hustler, who is
workine: at the Becker store was a
XT-rtl. ; d 3(1' W nt TEi.S TPPT " t fieri Ce IT 1 v, 1 1
c . . . ..... . .i ,. . a.vaa.a " - - . . iuu auu com ui j uu aic ucicut
of Weeping Water and a host of x-nrlh !fli West. ?50 feet: thence .ifii .),,. n, nf Tor,.
other relatives and friend to mournjNorth 3940 vest, 265 feet; thence
Baby hicks
From the Oldest and Largest Chick
Hatchery in Cass County!
We produce hatching eggs for our mammoth incu
bator, from our large flocks of Buff Orpingtons, Tan
cred White Leghorns and Rhode Island Whites, right
here on this farm.
Our products are backed up by many years of ex
perience in all phases of poultry raising, which as at
your service.
Custom Hatching
Special Low Prices up to February 20th.
W. F. NOLTE, Mynard, Nebraska
From Wednesday's DaiW
Last evening the members of the
Campfire girls organization held r.
her loss.
She as taken to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. F. J. Spangler, 5 miles
northeast of Weeping Water on Dec.
6, 1926, where she was tenderly cared
for during her last illness and where
she passed away Feb. 5, 1927, aged
76 years and 4 days.
She was a member of the Eight
Mile Grove M. E. church for many
years, near were her body was laid
fcr its last long sleep.
She often spoke of being ready to
Our Pnces are Eight and Oar i
Work the Very Best. Let us
charge your Batteiie3. Auto
Supplies of the very best kind.
We are distributors of the
Chevrolet Cars
See Us for a Demonstration !
Chas. Attebery
Union, Nebraska
'visitor in Omaha, where he went to! meet her Savior when ever the sum-
take a load of stock for Joe Brandt, mons might come.
and also brought home with him a
consignment of motor oil for Henry
H. Becker, also some parts for a truck
on which he has ben making repairs
for Mr. A. L. Becker.
Will Sell Ethyl Gas
Harry McCarroll the popular truck
! man who makes the trips to Nebraska
City, Lincoln and Omaha whenever;
Her long useful
is closed. She is
The Service Store
We are here to serve you
tfce lest, and supply you
with the best goods at
the lowest price.
Our endeavors in 1927
will be concentrated on
giving you such efficient
service you will become a
leg-alar walking adver
tisement, speaking only
good words for our store.
Union, Nebraska
life here on earth
at rest.
The funeral services were held at
the home of Mrs. F. J. Spangler, Feb.
7, at 1 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W.
A. Taylor of Union. A number of
hymns were sung by a quartet com
posed by Cyrus Livingston, Jessie
Livingston, Mrs. Shagood and Mrs.
i F.ose Livingston. The pall bearers
roniiir.... w.i n visitor in Omaha last ire Cnas. A.. I. U., UaVlO ami UUy
Ma rM,.m in-. P-h Murray and F. J. and Fhilip Spang
. f4.. in Block ninetv-four (94). in
Range tv.ft atv of Plattsmouth. Cass county.
North 76 West, 150 feet; thence Kuepper filed her petition in the Dis
North to North boundary line of said trict court of Cass county, Nebraska,
Lot No. 26; thence East along said against you and each of you for the
North boundary line of Lot No. 26, partition of Lots three (3) and four
to the niace or Demnninfr. an m
Township twelve (12), N.
nine (9), E.. Cass county, Nebraska.' Nebraska, setting forth the interest
subject to road rights of o herself and of each of you in said
Caps County, " Nebraska, in and property, and praying for a partition
to a strip of land 40 feet in thereof, or if the same cannot be
width, the North line of which is de- equitably divided, that said property
scribed as follows: Commencing at a ;be soij atui the proceeds thereof
point 80.6 feet North of theNorth- 'divided, and for equitable relief,
west corner of said Lot No. 26; you and each of you are further
thence South 79VaS East, 212 feet; notified that you are required to an
thence South 604 East. 195 feet; !Bwer said petition on or before the
thence South 78 35' East, 292 feet; lijth day of March, 1927, or the al
thence North 70 East, 104 feet; ,'iegations of plaintiffs petition will
thence 22 50' East, 190 feet to:be taken as true and judgment in
East and West line on bridge cross-(Uartition entered in accordance with
uary 1927, the plaintiff Blandina j most delightful dinner at
ing Salt Creek, real names unknown,
and Cass county, Nebraska, defend
ants, the object, purpose and prayer
the prayer of said petition.
of which is to quiet and confirm the.y. ROBERTSON,'
MogHay and on his return brought
three tanks and three pumps to sup-1
ply the people who are vending gasj
for the Standard Oil company, and)
when installed they will serve Ethyl
Gas, the new product of the Standard
Oil company.
From Wednesday's Daiiy
At the Parmele theatre yesterday
afternoon there - was a verv laree
Has Built a Corduroy. ' number of persons present to enjoy
A. L. pecker has grappled with na- the special free show given by the
ture just as she is, and as he had on representatives of the International
his land the materials for the con- Harvester Co., for the benefit of the
truction of a bridge which would farmers of the community,
subserve his purpose he used it, and The International people had pro
did not go to the markets and pur- vided a fine array of movies of their
chase concrete and steel girders, but great manufacturing plant that were
chopped the trees for the stringers, placed at the disposal of the Platts
and the poles for the floor and made a mouth Implement Co., for showing
corduroy bridge over the creek which and which were both entertaining
meanders through his farm. He has and instructive to all of the large
e s
one stout and serviceable, and a bit
of historj' as well, as he has the same
bridge which was used for the lands
of Indiana, not alone for the streams
but also for the swampy land border
ing the waterways. However he has
solved the bridge problem.
Am still charging Radio and Car Batteries at the original
price 75 cent. Can give you 24 hour service on
batteries and they will be charged full. A trial will con
vince you. Bring them in.
How About Your Garden Seeds and
Onion and Cabbage Plants?
Dont forget you can get them at your home store be
low the Radio and Catalogue prices. Yours for our
share of the business. Call and see the biggest bargain
in Radio.
Everything Else in Hardware
Views were shown of how the var
ious pieces of' farm machinery were
made, the types of the products of
the International company and es
pecially in the lines of gas engines,
cream separators and tractors.
In addition to the pictures there
Rebecca Anna MunaY. were practical demonstrations given
Rebecca Ann Wiles was ti e daugh- an(1 ai excellent array of lectures
offered by the traveling experts of
the company that Messers W. H
Puis and oje Marasek had secured
for the benefit of the residents of the
One of the features of the after
noon was the guessing contest on
the speed of a cream separator in
opsration and in which prizes of $5
?3 and an attactive toy tractor were
awarded as the prizes.
u urn
if1- m
4 e& ft
Advise You to Save
Washington and Lincoln
whose birthday anniversaries are
celebrated this month, each said that thrift
would protect and prosper the saver, as
well as the nation.
To profit by their counsel, build an
account with us.
The Bank of Union
L. G. TODD, President W. G. JAMES, Vice President
August Ost and F. H. McCarthy, Directors
W. B, BANNING, Cashier.
Figures don't lie, which may ex
plain the whole-hearted contempt
some people have for statistics.
Blue Ribbon
Cold Weather Special
The coldest weather holds no terrors
for motorists using our "Cold Weath
er Special Gasoline." One step on the
starter on the coldest morning, and
your motor will start off with a
"punch." N
Saves Your Battery
and Your Disposition
rijght and title of the above described
real estate in the plaintiffs above
named, as against any interest In,
right or title to or lien upon the
above described real estate or any
part thereof, which the defendants or
any of them may have or claim to
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that under
any oi mem inaj, vi v.a, . v and by virtue of a chattel mortgage
nayemur ,.uU:n()te dated tfae 31gt d Qf March
other and further relief as may be g &nd fi,ed tfae Qffice of the
3USJLan 5QU1, . i o.h f County Clerk of Cass county. Nebras-
The defendants and each : ka. on the 24th day of May, 1926.
are i a"r ..."T from Miles Allen and Connie L. Allen
on or neiore ine zisi uay ui aiattu,
1927, or the allegations of said peti
tion will be taken as true.
Att'y for Plaintiffs.
the home of Mis.j Carolyne Thomas,
one of their members and who was
one of the group of girls entering for
the degree of fire makers in the camp
fire and which required them to pre
pare and serve the mea! that was sc
much enjoyed by the entire group of
The dining room was arranged in
the valentine decorations of lie::rts
with the glowing candles and attrac
tive place cards were used on the
tables that added a pleasing touch
to the scene. The dinner, daintily
prepared and served was in three
courses, as follows:
Fruit Cocktail
Chicken Souffle
Creamed Peas Mashed Potatoes
Perfection Salad
Up-Side-Down Cake, Whipped Cream
Candy Hearts Coffee
Atter the dinner the time was
spent in dancing and visiting
period of several hours.
The girls who prepared and serv
ed the dinner were Bernese anc- 3V' - -jorie
Arn, Jean Hayes, Ma-? -.r :
Engelkemeier, Carolyne Tl...Aaz'
Evengeline Craig. Mary Swatek,
Mildred Schutz, Marie Snerry, Flor
ence Wiles, Louvisa Albert, Cath
erine McClusky.
The guests of the evening were
Jean Caldwell, Maxine Cloidt, Mar
garet Skallengerber, Laura Crass
man, Vivian Livingston, Leone Hud
son, Elizabeth Ilatt, Esther
Delzell, guardian of the campfire,
Mrs. Herman Thomas and little
daughter, Betty Jean.
The girls are planning an outdoor
dinner for the coming spring, prob
ably in March which is being anti
cipated with much interest by all of
the members of the campfire.
Homer, Neb., Feb. 5. A granite
boulder, selected as his tombstone by
tr- late Samuel A. Combs in 13SD,
or 57 years before his death, will be
placed on his grave in Valley ceme
tery next spring.
The stone, which is 15 inches wide
and 18 inches long and abou 20
inches in depth, was found by Mr.
! Combs at his old mill site, south of
i Homer, when he first came to Ne
Ibraska. In 1S90 the stone was plac-
for ae(' on tlie family burial lot at the
Valley cemetery, to be held in readi
ness for its purpose.
Mr. Combs, who was 81, died in
July, 1926.
Need help? "You can get it quickly
by placing your ad in the Journal.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Hugh Chalfant,
Alice Wolfe, W J. Johns
ton, Nellie Johnston, Har
riet Nichols, George Nich
ols, Dan Chalfant and Ber
tha Chalfant.
To the Defendants: Alice Wolfe.
W. J. Johnston, Nellie Johnston.
Harriet Nichols, George Nichols, Dan
Chalfant and Bertha Chalfant, non
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cas3 county, Nebraska,
against you and each of you for the
partition of the west half of the
southwest quarter of Section
tin Vnllarv - Wntonlrnmn n cn-nart- I
nership composed of Glen Wetenkampj
anu iranK a. vaiiery, oi i-iaus-j
mouth, Nebraska, in the amount ofj
$200.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from date until paid, due Sept. 30th, I
1926, that we, Glen Wetenkamp and
Frank E. Vallery, will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for !
cash, the following described chattel.
property described in said chattel
mortgage-note, to-wit:
One Ford Coupe, Engine
Number 9620107.
Said sale will be held on Tuesday,
the 15th day of February, 1927. at
the hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day,
at the Vallery Sales Pavilion, located
upon Lot 12, of Block 35, Original
Town, of the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one
and Notice on Petition for Settle
ment of Account.
Sale will be held on the Otto Schafer farm,
1 5 miles east and 4 miles north of Weeping
Water, 6 miles west and mile north of
Murray, 6 miles east and 5 miles south of
Louisville, on
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Joseph Vanek, deceased:
On reading the petition of Antonia
Vanek praying a final settlement and
allowance of her account filed in this
one Court on ther 2nd day of February,
(1), in Township ten (10), North of 1927, and for the discharge at said
Range thirteen (13). and Lots one Administratrix;
(1), two (2) and three (3), in the; it is hereby ordered that you and
southwest quarter of Section one (1), all persons interested in said matter
in Township ten (10). North of may, and do, appear at the County
Range thirteen (13), East of the Court to be held in ,and for said
Sixth Principal Meridian, all in Cass county on the 14th day of February,
county, Nebraska, alleging that the A. D. 1927, at 10 oclock a. m., to
defendants Nellie Johnston. Harriet show cause, if any there be. why the
Nichols, Dan Chalfant are each the prayer of the petitioner should not
owners of an undivided one-sixth of be granted, and that notice of the
said real estate and that the defend- pendency of said petition and the
ant Alice Wolfe is the owner of an hearing thereof be given to all per
undivided one-third of said real es.- sons interested inlaid matter by pub
tate C lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weeniy
fa KM
Yon are further notified that un- Plattsmouth Journal, a
less vou answer said petition on or newspaper printed in said county, for
Thi3 is a High Test Gasoline especial-'before Monday the 28th day of one week prior to said day of near
ly prepared for cold weather, and February, 1927. the petition of plain- ing.
will be sold at all out BnlkTnd S- tiff will be taken as true and judg- In witness whereof I have here
wiu oe soia at ail our -uulK ana er- . . , , ,i unto set mv hand and the Seal of
said Court this 2nd day of February,
All of which you will take due no-A- n- l9.-
j27-4w. Plaintiff.
wivvy utauun9 iuiuuguuut me. wiuici ance therewith.
months, it win cost you no more
than ordinary gas.
Drain Your Tank
and fill up with "Cold Weather Spec
ial." You will be surprised at the
PEP and P0WEE of your M0T0B.
Trunkeijbolz Oil Co.
Seven WliVtS Stations in Cass
County to Serve You
County Judge.
on Petition for Appointmejrt of
The Gerpians iiave invented a sleep
nianhlna which nerve specialists com
mend, to insomnia victims it is a small
lb ox that emits a humming sound
like a hive of bees. It is timed to hum
In the County Court.
The, State of. Nebraska C,ass Goug
ty. ss. i 1
In the matter of the estate of Con- for 40 minutes and then tq.fade out
rad Heisel, deceased. : flguratiYcely speaking. The priniple is
On reading and fiHn the petition tb Bam, f thst of motner's rocking
rof Anne, Heisel prayins that adtnlnis- 7' 4i7 .ji.
.tratiqa of said, staU may ije framed chalr wth lt p"s S-
. Sale to Commence at 1 O'Clock
45 Head of Bred Sows and Gilts
Forty of the sows will be bred to The Col., a pig we
purchased in Iowa, a very promising pig. The balance
are bred to Federal Sensation. . The fall sows and spring
gilts are a nice lot, alf sired by Smooth Giants Col., the
great boar we owned last year. All immuned.
6 Head Holstein Cows
and Heifers. Some giving milk, others fresh by Spring.
6 Head Mules2 Heatftiorses
M oe3 lif yearS Id' two teams brcke, weight 2,500
to 2,750. Horses 6 and 7 years old, weight 2,900. An
extra good team. Farmers and stockmen invited to sale.
One 9 h. p. gas engine on truck
This is in good shape.
Free Lunch on Grounds at 12 O'Clock
TERMS Usual Terms will be Given.
u u tint h ivy e h
id t3