The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1927, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ZJOSFDAY. feeruaey 7, 192;
r i
Che plattsrnoutb lournal
stra at PoatoKlc. Plattainoutn, Nb u ood-cla m4
R. A
BATES. Publisher
of all the hos
The will you leave depends largely
on the will you have.
. . :o:
About the worst insurance risk of
all is the innocent bystander.
. :o:-
Treasury probe plan dope feature-j
The party has too much scandal al-,man who was considered wise.
Mr. McAdoo's visit to New York
has stimulated discussion about the
prospects of the Democratis party in
1928. And out of this discussion has
emerged a curicus and significant con
clusion. It is understood that the
leaders of both the McAdoo and the
Smith factions have about made up
their minds to advocate the abolition
of the two-thirds rule in the next
Democratic convention. That they
really mean to abolish it not so cer
tain, for the Smith leaders wish to
have the unit rule abolished along
with the two-thirds rule while the
McAdoo leaders wish to retain the
That's unit rule. Thus there remains a real
j point of disagreement.
I The reason why the McAdoo peo-
Love has made a fool of many a ple are in favor of lbe unit rue is
jthp.t it prevails in the IS states where
Mr. McAdoo is strongest. The unit
In the District Court of Lancas
ter County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the
-Application of Emma
L. Spence, Guardian of
Charles W. . Spence, In
sane, for License to Sell
Real Estate.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
W. Roy Strine,
What has become
Missouri is for home rule,
the proper caper.
S. F. also known
as Stephen F. Nuckolls;
Samuel H. Elbert: Mrs.
Notice is hereby given that in pur- Samuel II. Elbert, first
suance of an order of the Hon. Mason and real name unknown; E.
Wheeler, Judge of the District Court H- Eaton, otherwise known
of Lancaster county. Nebraska, made as Emerson H. Eaton; Mrs.
on Janucrv 28, 1S27, for the sale of E- H- Eaton, otherwise
the real estate hereinafter described known as Mrs. Emerson H.
there will be sold at public sale to Eaton, first and real name
the highest bidder lor cash at the unknown; Samuel G. Daily;
front door of the court house in the iIrs. Samuel G. Daily,
Citv of Plattsmouth. Cass County, Ne- first and real name un
braska. on the 23rd day of February known; Robt. R. Living
1927 at the hour of two o'clock P. M. ston. otherwise known as
the following described real estate
The baseball season will open April
A woman can do without a lot or
things if her neighbors haven't got
them. .
:a: '
These who have greatness thrust peoples' business.
.- thom finii't aiiravs know what to' :o
do with it.
rule means that the state delegation
j is voted by the majority as a unit,
The trouble in this country is. too and so anJ" Smith minority in the Me-
many people are interested in another Ado states wouItI be Prevented from
Is that too long to wait?
voting for Smith. The unit rule does
j not prevail in the strong Smith states.
The Nebraska penitentiary is too Therefore it works almost wholly to
full for utterance. Built for 450: Mr. McAdoo's advantage. j
With so many people under a sha-jnow contains 750 inmates. The unit rule, therefore, K a string
attached to the two-thirds rule and
show can Dt. xised at any time to prevent
dow, we don't see how the ground
hog picked out his.
Lots 303 and COS inclusive in
the Village of Louisville, Cass
county, Nebraska; the Southwest
Quarter (SWU t of the North
vest Quarter (NW-i) of Section
Twenty '(20) Town-ship Twelve
(12) North Range Twelve (12)
Cass County, Nebraska; Lot Two
. (2) in the Southeast Quarter
(SE1 ) of the Northwest Quarter
(NW!i) of Section Thirteen
(13) Township Twelve (12)
North Range Eleven (11) East
of the Sixth Principal Meridian
containing 2S acres in Cass
County, Nebraska.
Said sale will
R. R. Livingston; William
L. Thomas, otherwise
known as W. L. Thomas;
Margaret A. Thomas, other
wise known as M. A. Thom
as; Joel Solomon, otherwise
known as J. Solomon; Wil
liam M. Slaughter, other-
'wise known as W. M. Slau
ghter; Martha Slaughter;
Jacob Vallery; Magdalena
Vallery; Jchn W. Shirley,
otherwise known as J. W.
Shirley; Mrs. John W.
Shirley, first and real name
known; Sabina Moore,
The man who has the best
for the democratic nomination for an agreement on the aholiion of the
kids honored their par- president nas not Deen mentioned yet. two-thirds rule. Whether it will be
:o: u?ed or not is likelv to be determined
Lita Grey Chaplin's father has been by the conciasions of Uie party lead.
ers as to whether they wish to make
1928 a decisive test or the occasion
for another compromise. If they wish
Once the
ents; now the parents honor checks
written by the kids.
otherwise known as Sabina
remain open one wrjglit: Charles A. Young;
Mrs. Charles A. Youne.
Dated this 27th day of January, first and real name un
192 i. IrnnviTT! T n tti pq T? Vnnn tr
otherwise known as Jas. R.
Young and J. Young; Mrs.
Chaplin says he intends to fight his
wife's suit to the last ditch. We'd
rather they'd ditch it now.
Guardian of the Estate of Charles
W, Spence. Insane.
married again. It's getting so parents
don't profit a bit by their children's
If the farmer "could only net for to settie tne Question of whether the Augrust G. Bach,
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Evolution, or not, cast the subject his produce the prices the consumers
be any
party can nominate a wet Catholic
- - - - . i . . . ii i a n ti 1 1 r.aMt-i l ! r I I i ui I ii uik v.1 L
aside and bring up something more pay ior ii mere woman i ue any . . , :
i ,i;f w0 , they will abolish the two-thirds rule
worthv. Quit your monkeying. i farm relief problem. - ;
I and let the majority decide. If they
: o : l . o .
Every public building in Boston The best plays on the docket at wish to avoid the head-on collision
has its cat. savs a Boston newspaper. ' the Parmele every night- Messrs. between the McAdoo and Smith forces
Nothing remarkable about that.
Claus Speck,
i James R. Young, first and
Ireal name unknown; Ben
:jamine F. Ruffner; Bank
ers Realty Investment Com
pany, a corporation; Ernest
;E. Austin; F. C. Haver,
.Trustee; Metropolitan
'Realty Company, a eorpo
xonrp ration; C. Nuckolls, other-
i wise known
,Nuckolls; T.
Whither are we drifting? The Lord
only knows, we don't. But if we
don't let up, we will surely find out,
to our sorrow.
Cloidt & Moore make it a point to they will probably retain the two-
always have the best. thirds rule, alow the two extreme fac-
:o: tions to checkmate each other and in
Well, what do you think of Mr.
Groundhog now? He saw his sha
dow at Plattsmouth don't know so
much about Neb. City.
George Young, 17-year-old conquer
or of the Catalina channel, now isi
writing "the story of his life.
There's a tip for Baby Peggy.
McAdoo is bound to create a dis- the end nominate a compromise can
turbance in the next Democratic con- didate.
vention. Wonder if it could be that To let the majority decide in the
the republicans are paying him. j next Democratic convention is to
adopt a remedy that will either kill
The United States Steel corporation or cure For u would almOPt cer.
netted $199,000,000 last year. Why tain, mean thc nomination eitntr of
didn't they make it an even two hun
dred millions and be nice about it?
Gov. Smith, or of Mr. McAdoo. Nobody
! knows what the followers of the one
would do in the event f the nomina-
Keep the knocker out of your mind.
The man, or woman, for that mat
ter, who knocks -on his r.her town is
not worthy cf the least attention, and
New-born babies come into the , thev know It.
world bawling and seemingly mad .0:
with everything, and that may be the The Peking government's protest from Wisconsin to the Atlantic, the
reason why they are alwavs red In against the British erpeditionary Great Lakes to the Ohio and the Poto-
ticn of the other. The politicians
might abide'by the result and remain
regular. But It Is certain that Mr.
McAdoo could not hope for a single
electroal vote in the whole region
the face.
force is held in official quarters as mac. The Democrats in this region
another manifestation of the prcs- are wet and they will not support a
tige competition. j candidate who is losciy affiliated with
:o: the Anti-Saloon League; they are all
as Columbus
Defendant ( Nuckolls; l. M. Aiarquett,
first and real name un-
To the defendant, Claus Speck: t known: Harriett Mar
You are hereby notified that the quett; Benjamin F. Elbert,
plaintiff, August G. Bach, filed his otherwise known as Benj.
Bill of Particulars in the Justice F. Elbert; L. Nuckolls,
Court, before William Weber. Justice otherwise known as Lafay
of the Peace, at Plattsmouth, Cass ette Nuckolls; John W.
county. Nebraska, on the 3rd day of Moss; Mrs. John W. Moss.
December, 192G. the object and first and real name un
prayer of which is to obtain a judg- known; the unknown heirs
ment against you in the sum of at law, legatees and devi
$117.24, for groceries and sundry sees of the foregoing named
supplies, sold and delivered to you persons, if deceased, real
by plaintiff, and alleged to be the names unknown; all per
necessarits of life, which cause was sons having or claiming
on the 6th day of December, 192C. any interest in and to Lots
duly certified to the District Court of 1. 2 and 3, all in Block
Cass county. Nebraska, in the man- 30, in the City of Platts
ner provided by law, and is now;mouth, Cass county, Ne
pending therein. You are required to braska, real names un
answer said Bill of Particulars on oriknown; Lots 1, 2 and 3, in
before" Monday, the 2Sth day of Block 30, in the City of
February, 1927, or judgment will be , Plattsmouth, Cass county,
taken against you for said sum of Nebraska,
? 117.2-1 and costs of suit. Defendants.
jl7-4w. His Attorney.
Babe Ruth is to be starred in the
motion pictures. The dispatches do
not say what sort of role he will English parliament passed a law to religious faiths, but they are violent
play, but Babe ain't no romeo, and keep newspapers from publishing the ly opposed to any association with
not even a movie director can make dirt details of society divorces. It the principles of the Ku Klux Klan.
him one. might be accused of the limited free- Rightly o- wrongly they would re-
:o: ! dom of the mess. ! gard the nomination of Mr. McAdoo,
Members of congress who are still :0: because of his stand in 1924, as the
chewing the rag on the subject may Coolidge rapped both the pacifists reaff jrrnat jpn of the doctrine that no
not realize it. but the American people and preparedness advocates in a Sat- catnoijc can be nominated for presi
are very weary of the Muscle Shoals urday night address at Y.'ashington. dent
question and would like to see it set- That fellow insists m staying in a
tied somehow. crowd all by himself.
I :o:
Hugh Chalfant,
Alice Wolfe, W. J. Johns
ton, Nellie Johnston, Har
jriet Nichols, George Nich
'ols. Dan Chalfant and Ber
itha Chalfant. .
To the above named Defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has filed
his petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, against you
and each of you. the object and pray
er of which said petition is to quiet
I State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
i Ey virtue of an Order of Rale is
sued by Golda Noble Iieal. Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the fth day of
February, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock
a. m., of said day, at the south front
door of the court house, in the City
of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following des.rib.ed
real estate to-wit:
All that part of the north half
of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion 31 lying east of Salt Creek,
and all that part of the nouth
half of the southeast quarter of
Section 31 lying east of the Chi
cago, Burlington and Quincy
Railroad right-of-way. except
that part lying between the pres
ent right of way and the aban
doned right ef way of the said
railrt ad. being six acres, more or
less, which was deeded by Er
nest A. Wiggenhorn to Israel
P.eetison, ami that p.irt of the
northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of Section 31 lying
west of the Burlington and Mis
souri River Railroad rijrht of
' way except that portion of sume
which has heretofore been deed
ed to said Railroad company;
also Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. of Sec
tion 32. except 1.32 acres off
I the north end of Lot 2. hereto
fore deeded to Albert C. Hurd.
trustee, all in Township 13,
Range lit, east of the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian in Saunders coun
ty, Nebraska ; also the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter.
and that part of the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter
of Section C. lying north and
east of the B. and M. Railroad,
and the west half of the south
west ciuarter and the MHitheust
quarter of the southwest quarter
and Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 and 8
and 11, a subdivision of Govern
ment Lot C, all in Section 5,
Township 12. Range 10. East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Cass county, Nebraska, contain
ing in all 814 acre more or
less, according to Goernment
Survey, subject to railroad right
of way
To the Defendants: Alice Wolfe,
W. J. Johnston. Nellie Johnston,
Harriet Nichols. George Nichol3, Dan
Chalfant and Bertha Chalfant, non
residents :
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you and each of you for the
partition of the west half of the
southwest quarter of Section one
(1), in'Township ten (10), North of
(Range thirteen (13), and Lots one
(1). two (2) and three (3), in the
(southwest quarter of Section one (1),
in Township ten (10), North of
! Range thirteen (13). East of the
i Sixth Principal Meridian, all in Cass
! county, Nebraska, alleging that the
defendants Nellie Johnston, Harriet
Nichols, Dan Chalfant are each the
jowners of an undivided one-sixth of
I said real estate and that the defend
ant Alice Wolfe is the owner cf an
undivided one-third of said real es
tate. You are further notified that un-
jless you answer said petition on or
! before Monday the 28th day of
February, 1927. the petition of plain
tiff will be taken as true and judg
ment in partition rendered in accord
ance therewith.
All of which you will take due no
j27-4w. Plaintiff.
Treasury Department !
No. 1914. Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency- ;
In the matter of the First National
Bank, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. j
Washington, D. C, January 26,
1927. I
To all whom it may concern: '
Whereas, Upon a proper accounting the same being levied upon and taken
by the Receiver heretofore appointed as the property of Charles E.
to collect the assets of "The First Churchill, Laura E. Churchill. Wil
National Bank of Plattsmouth, Ne- Ham H. Graver. Effie M. Graver,
braska," and upon a valuation of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Ash
uncollected assets remaining in his land. Nebraska, a corporation: The
hands, it appears to my satisfaction National Bank of Ashland. Nebraska,
that in order to pay the debts of such a corporation; Mead Lumber Corn
association it is necessary to enforce pany. a corporation; W. H. Sleeper,
the individual liability of the share- jn f,rst and real name unknown;
holders therefor to the extent herein- Sleeper, first and real name
after mentioned, as prescribed by sec- unknown; A. W. Sleeper, first and
tion 5151 and 5234 of thc Revised rtai name unknown; Sleeper,
Statutes of the United States; Sec- firPt and real name unknown; Ran
tion 1. c. 156. Act of June 30, 1S76. dan k. Brown, and John Doe, real
and Section 23 of the Act approved and true name unknown, and Rich
December 23, 1913, known as the ..,1 rr. n0i omi tr,i n,
Federal Reserve Act-
known. Defendants, to satisfy a judg-
rr i m 1 m
iow. inereiore oy virtue 01 me ment of Haid Court recovered by
authority vested in by law, I do here- P?ters Trust Company, Trustee,
by make an assessment and requisi- paintiff against said D-'fendants.
:o: !
We regret to learn that Henry R- Just about the only actors in Hol
Gering is still in a very serious con- lywood who have not been involved
dition. Mr. Gering is a fine business in scandals of some sort are Rin-Tin-man,
a splendid citizen and can illy Tin, the wonder dog, and that spotted
be spared from any community. Let horse owned by Tom Mix.
us hope for an improvement. j :o:
' A St. Louis bookkeeper is said to
It is said that residents of Park have fied with ?G 000 and disquiSed
Avenue, the fashionable thorough- hi-,f Qc Q tmor- v -m
to tell us how anyone with $6,000
could disquise himself as a farmer.
fare of New York, spend $13,000,000
per year for liquor. And the quality
is probably no better than that dis
pensed by the average moonshiner.
Senator Pat Harrison is credited
Many members of congress favor
the repeal of the nuisance tax levies.
Possibly they regard it as a measure
With a moral victnrv in trrino- t-,
, v . . ..." of self-protection, for congress is
luruusn a revision or tne corporation .. . ,
income tax. Well, a moral victory is
better than none at all. even though
it fails to lighten the tax burden.
sometimes by some people considered
a nuisance.
There will be no radical chanres
What would happen in the South.
; the border states, the Central states
' and the West in the event of Gov.
Smith's nomination is more doubtful.
There are signs, which are by no
means conclusive, however, that pow
erful groups in the South might agree
I to his nomination partly because they
' wish to demonstrate their freedom
from bigotry and partly because they
think the Democratic party can never
be reunited until it has demonstrated
to the Northern Democrats that their
best man has had a fair chance.
The striking fact about the whole
discussion is that if an cgreement is
reached to abolish the two-thirds rule
it will mean that the Democratic
partj', being unable to agree on vital
principles, is ready to let the strong
er of two irreconcilable factions have
its own way for 1928. If the winning
Notice is hereby given that under 1
and by virtue of a chattel mortgage- in the plaintiff, W. Roy Strine. title
note dated the 31st day of March, 'to Lots 1, 2 and 3. in Block 30, in
1926, and filed in the office of the the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
County Clerk of Cass county, Nebras-'ty, for a finding and decree in said
ka, on the 24th day of May, 1926, court that you, the said defendants,
from Milts Allen and Connie L. Allen and each of you have no right, title
to Vallery & Vvetenkaop. a co-part- and each of you have no right, title,
ner?hipccmpoed of Glen Wetenkamp interest in or lien upon or demand
and Frank E. Vallery, of Platts- whatsoever of, in or to said premises
. a H 1 1 . x 1 . f A. A T M I. A. A 1 A. y
inouin, .eorasKa, in uie amount 01 or any pari inereoi, uut me line 01 , sajd individual
-'ok.uu, witn interest tnereon at tne piaintin tnerein is gooa, vana .holders
tne rate of per cent per annum and paramount as to tne wnoie or
from date until paid, due Sept. 30th. said premises and all rights of the
tion upon the share holders of the
said "The First National Bank of
Plattsmouth," for fifty thousand dol
lars, to be .paid by them, on or be
fore the fifth day of March, 1927,
and I hereby make demand upon e?ch
and every one of them for the par
value of each and every share of the
capital stock of said association held
or owned by them respectively, at:
the time of its failure; and I hereby
direct Fred Buerstetta, the Receiver
heretofore appointed, to take all nec-j
essary proceedings, by suit or other-(
wise, to enforce to that extent the
liability of share-!
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January 4,
A. D. 1926.
Sheriff Cass County,
Ey Nebraska
Deputy Sheriff.
1715 Douglas St., Omaha
I Ttt the T")itrwt Prmrt of P:isi (nun.
In witness whereof, I hereunto set ty, Nebraska,
mv hand and caused tnv upal nf riffiro , ' . , .. ,, ,
1026. that tvp P.len UVtpntamn nnri Ramp- that vmi anil pach of vnn hp 1 ' 10 ft'ri- ura u. .uarfcl.ail, w nose
i t- t' n .:n 11 in. 1 a a a. ; 1
rrauK xu. awery, win sexi ax puunc iorever oarrea ana restrained irom city of Washiiifrton irf the District
at the place and residence and upon vhom
personal service or summons cannot
ni7("finn tn thf hirhpst mliir fnr coffin- nn nr ncRprtinp1 Jinir rlaim nf o ,
cash, the following described chattel title, right, lie uporor interesT . January,!: D 1927. 7 , be iD- "i Se ?f -N't,,'rka:
property described in said chattel said premises or any part thereof ad- ' j vy McINTOSH lie i i6 .er. 5 P'tn that on the
mortgage-note to-wit: iverse to said plaintiff; for the fur- (Seal) Comptroller of the Currency, cinq's -nrd Loan AssJi
One Ford Coune. Encine thPr finflinf and dprrpp nf said court J hanaard 5aings tuu Xoan Assm ia-
Number 9620107. j
Said sale will be held on Tuesday,
that any title, right, interest or lien
in and to said premises which you j
the loth day of February. 1927, at and each of you may have in said
the hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day, premises or any part thereof has
at the Vallery Sale3 Pavilion, located long since been barred bv the stat
in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
tion of Omaha, Nebraska, fild its
petition and commenced an action in
the District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, against the above named de
fendant, the object and prayer of
upon Lot 12. of Block 33, Original ute of limitations of the state of Ne- ; niandinn T:Tnpr
jiuwu, ui Luc vnj ui jriaiiouiuutu, orasKa; mat an instruments Dy
Will remain open one hp cancelled and annulled, and all a r-- i
, xt. una. ,i wiuuw, ei ai.
claims tnereuncier extinguisnea, ana , Defendants
Cass county, Nebraska
Said sale
which any claim may be made shall I
for such further relief
just and "equitable.
as may be
To the Defendants Anna Ertz,
irajre for Four Hundred ?4oo.i0)
Dock. 3 Dollars on Lots ninp (9) and ten
Page (10), Block ninety-six 9G. in the
No. 152 City of Plattsmouth. Cas county. Ne
braska, as aurvyed. platted and re
corded, which mortgage was execut-
State of Nebraska, County of Cass, 1927.
. , - . , i.;jm. o . t- t- 1 1 -u yjii 1 iif ua in jjjj, xj.i. i
iuu uuu eacn 01 you are required 1 . fum muu c. t.riz, una wnv, T , ,.., ,,, i .
.-j t-. htosii r t , v. .. t v. r-. Laura G. Marshall am! C. A. Mar
ie itiiavtci diu peiiuuu 011 or ueiore iuiuo uj m, dumi dusrjiu ci it,
the 28th day of February, 1927, or single; Joseph Francis Ertz and wife,
said petition will be taken as true Theresa L. Ertz; Thomas William
;and judgment rendered accordingly. I Ertz, single; Francis Bernard Ertz
I Dated this 13th dav of January, and wife, Mary J. Ertz; Anna Ertz
Senator Tom Heflin says he has re
ceived one hundred threatening let- year'
ters sinop hi nhciirrf . j ,i Merchant Tailors
- iu re
nunciation of the Knights of Colum
bus. If forced to a test he probably year' anyhow
oculdn't show a half dozen letters on
the subject. Heflin's chief forte is
story telling.
in the styles of clothes for men t' is
Well, we had 1 )t
planned to buy any new clothes t':is
Browning says he will
mobilize a dozen "boy friends" of
"Peaches" Browning next Monday to
testify that she was a regular gree
whizz girl before her marriage. Our
first best bet is that they don't do it
that is. if they are true to mascu
line tradition.
Too Much.
Dr. John A. Griffin
OfTlce Honrs: 9-12; 1-6.
BundayB and erenlngi
by appointment only.
PHON2 229
Socnuichsen Bail din
faction in the convention were able
says the National Association of v '
course, establish a more or -less solid
control of the party, and a' certain
exchange of voters between the two
' parties would follow. If the winning
faction were badly defeated, anything
might happen after 1928, for the
party would then be in ruins and the
1 opportunity would exist for new lead
ers who are not entangled in the pres
: ent cofusion of the Democratic fac
tions. St. Louis Pest-Dispatch.
' Thoe looking for a simple, easy
way to reduce might try the plan of
the Iowa woman. The Iowa woman
was arrested and Jumped bail. When
captured several weeks later she had
lost 88 pounds.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the.
District Court within and for Cass!
County, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will tin the 2Cth day of February1
A. D., 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said jl7-4w.
day at the South Front Door of the'-
Court House in the City of Platts-1 ' TREASURY DEPARTMENT
shall, her husband, as mortgagors to
the plaintiff herein .-as mortgagee and
which was duly recorded on the 10th
day of May, 1923. in Book SI, at Page
3C9 of Mortgare Records of Cass
a. Said mortgage
g given to secure tne payment or
Margaret Ertz Connell and husband. c
Thnpii. c tj,. c-u. c tion in writing dated May 9. 1923.
I HnoriT an-? Vi ii c V a n A Thnmoc llAom'r
iWilliam Henry Ertz and wife, Helen Count Nfbrask
ti t. , t. ' : j being given to se.
mane ui i, jicig;itr ijiu, nmun
John Connell; S. Roy Ertz, single; S
Frank Ertz, single; M. Frederick R.
Attorney for Plaintiff. Ertz and wife, Helen Ertz; Mary
jErtz, widow, and Amelia Fitzpatrick,
widow, non-residents:
You and each of you are hereby
and plaintiff alleges that there is now
due plaintiff on said indebtedness the
sum of $370.40 with interest thereon
from and after the ISth day of De
cember, 192C. at the rate of 8 per
Plaintiff prays that in default of
mouth, in said county, sell at public Office of the Comptroller of the Cur- notified that on the 25th day of Jan-
auciion to ene nignesx maaer ior casn rency, asinngion, u. jauuaiy uary ivti, me piainein isianuina . - , ,f . .
the following described real estate, 31, 1926. ;Kuepper filed her petition in the Dis- "-'"'"V t -7
Excess Uric Acid Gives Rise to Many
Unpleasant Troubles
Jim i
AUTHORITIES agree that an ex
AJLcess of uric acid is primarily
due to faulty kidney action. Reten
tion of this toxic material often
makes its presence felt by sore, pain
ful joints, a tired, languid feeling
and, sometimes, toxic backache and
headache. That the kidneys are not
functioning right is often shown by
scanty or burning passage of secre
tions. Thousands assist their kidneys
at such times by the use of Doan'a
Pills a stimulant diuretic Doan'a
are recommended by many local peo
ple. Ask your neighbor t
Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8),
Block Twenty-eight (28) in
Young and Hays addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, as surveyed,
platted, and recorded, Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska
the same being levied upon and taken date, or they may be disallowed.
Notice is hereby given to all per- trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
sons who may have claims against against you and each
"The First National Bank of Platts- partition of Lots three
mouth," Nebraska, that the same (4), in Block ninety-four (94), in
must be presented to Fred Buersetta, the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Receiver, with the legal proof there- Nebraska, setting forth the interest
of, within three months from this of herself and of each of you in said
Congress upholds Coolidge's Nic
aragua policy. Lots of people in the 22 A. D., 1927.
east uphold Andrews' and Wheeler's
policy in prohibition. Why? Because
there Is big money in it.
! :o:
! Legionnaires can go to the Paris
as the property of Colmore R. Frans,
Mary Frans, Robert H- Fitch and
Elizabeth Fitch, defendants to satisfy
a Judgment of said court recovered
by The Standard Savings and Loan
Association, of Omaha, Nebraska,
plaintiff against said defendants
Acting Comptroller.
of you for the' sald morti?aPed premises may be de-
(3) and four crc'ed to De 8'd according to law to
o satisfy the sum found due with in
terest and costs of suit and that said
defendant and all persons claiming
by, through or under hpr, or any of
I. ....It..l , . .1
property, and praying for a partition , ,, , .
ithereof. or if the same cannot be " -u
equitably divided, that Faid property
be sold and the proceeds thereof
title and equity of redemption or lien
upon said mortgaged premises.
You are hereby required to answer
rt . i i - a. llirar1 an9 - AAiilta Vtln vet 1 iof
secretaries ana ierKS c Beu-tor - nd each of vou a re further thia Pltion on or before the 7th day
are engaged in a war over reserved ? ,? ad Ly." .fZlJ-J of March. 1927.
seat privileges in the senate gallery. gwer said petition on or before the
Nebraska, January Somehow or othcer we were under the 14th day of March. 1927, or the al-
imDression that the senate office legations of plaintiffs petition will
w Pbfls'fl building, loafing in the gallery is a be taken as true and judgment in
BERT REED - , , partition entered m accordance with
Sheriff Cass County. mighty poor way to earn one s salary. the prayer of said petition. I
Nebraska. j :c: ) BLANDINA KUEPPER.
i Now mavbe if we all refrain from Plaintiff.
Its Attorney.
'convention and return for $175 each,
, according to the convention commit-
See where a former battleship has bragging too loudly about the fine 'oypntiff
been converted into a hotel. Nobody weather of the last few days, we may
T . . Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney. , scorning to tne convention con
'I-i-il 'i-l-M j yj-jnfrfr Ui- j Fcwtei-Milljura Co., MI. Chem-.Bufflo. N.T. t tee- Not unless they've changed
but a high diver would
jumping his beard bill.
think of escape being shocked with a bliz-
A Louisiana wonman who commit
ted suicide left a note saying: "Girls,
take warning; don't devote all your
j31-4w love to one man." That strikes us
as superfluous advice. None of the
bard in the next two or three weeks.- Journal Want Ads bring result. iirh? are doing that thing.