c PACE EE FREAKS OF HUMAN NATTJEE WELCOME ASSURANCE NOTICE OP SUIT IN PARTITION. SHERIFF'S SALE Cbc plattsmoutb lourtial FC2LISHES SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTS2I0UTH, BKBSASXA atar at Poatoalce. Plattamenth, Nhw aa Muoae-elau mall nttMr R. A. BATES, Publisher ffBJSCBIPTIOJI PEId (2.00 PER TEAS US ADVAKC1 Give a reformer enough rope and fc will hang someone else. . :a: Warmer weather, says th weather man. When? Next April? :o: JUiico oil crisis may be averted and then again it may not- :o: It's tunny how small a quarter look until you get into a church. m ;o: Borne lore affairs end at the altar tut the majority never get that tar. :o: Our conclusion is that the Jails in Texas are equipped with swinging doors. . :o: If you want to keep a friend Feed him honey; But, to him never lend Any money. If you ask him for the dough, Of a frienl you make a foe, Which is absolutely so Ain't it funny? :o: EVEN MR. EDISON As far as anyone can see, the Rus sian soviet government is an estab lished fact- It does not accord with Hagh Chalfant, In the District Court of Cast County, Nebraska. Stat of .Nebraska, County of Cass, American ideas of what a govern- Plalntlff. ment ought to be, but, for that mat-1 vs ur. neither did the imperial d- .LSS. potism of the czars with which the riet Nichols, George Nich American republic was In diplomatic ols, Dan Chalfant and Bar rel at km 9 for nearly a century and a tha Chalfant, half. Merely because we do not in dorse bolshevism is not an Defendants. I Bt virtue of &n Order of Sale is- jsued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of.w- Roy Strine, the District Court within and fori NOTICE In the District Court of Cab County, Nebraska Plaintiff. J Cass county, Nebraska, and to me' vs- directed, I will on the 5th day of S. F. Nuckolls, also known HWiiWi FWhruurv A Ti 1927. at 1 0 oVlorV as fetepnen r Folks who despite themselves ap Dear heavv-eved and stunid the morn- . , , o5 reason for declining to recognize .rr,rr."l,CLr: r Moscow government. Of course we Harriet Nichols. George Nichols, Dan Hum a ui nirrjj a.o vaot moj unaiiani ana xserxna unanani. non Nuckolls; Elbert; Mrs. Elbert, first of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell and real name unknown; E. at public auction to the highest bid- iaton, oinerwise Known . . ' T T a a Samuel H artcir or in court nnuac. in ine uirv oamuci n. TO a, .erendao,,: lio. 'fStZ 'fS snte tb. W J ,o XM Mn. SpTrtof the north hall known a8 Mr.. Emtr II. Thn Ponnonc malio clc-tr thoir fin1 cn-nfnrl in tho fart that Thomas " e "u- ali t mvcu ma-l iuw rpc(HpntR- wives, beating their wives to it. I Edison, the great inventor, is not the soviet idea tas the suPPrt of a ma-j Tcu and each of you are hereby :o: sleepless marvel the world has imag- oI the ian People; but we notified that the plaintiff Has corn- It looks as if i i . . nn o rtirw 4 v t fn Tlfafv) Rogers Hornsby ined him were n0 more coumceQ 111 al a " "V" ; " V-V-v. would better stick to playing second The secret is out in regard to Amer-' Jorit' of the Russians were delighted a&alnst you fiacn 0VyoU for the base. ilea's venerable genius, according to witn tne autocracy of the Romanoffs.; partition of the west half of the :o: -Tir- tt xnn ae atJ What is absolutely essential te southwest Quarter of Section one Law proposed to govern live stock exbausti;e Btudy cf tne 6UDject of American recognition of Moscow In Township ten ( 10), North t of . Well, let congress do .omething gleep Mr Edison SDen(Js fu eigM the realization of the bolshevists t-fl hours or more in slumbar each night. ulK v""" southwest quarter of Section one (1). men to protect fanners. :o: St. John Ervine says that night drinking is ruining the drama, bit hard on the stomach, too. :o: acknowledge in Township ten (10), North of t rri nd if hia rustoin is hrokPti he nods ul- 1 "IUi, n ha .no not Tnvn0n their debts, must respect property' Range thirteen (13), East of the It's a . . . , rie-htR and mnt admit the nrivileet Sixth Principal Meridian, all in Cass j claims that the idea prevalent that S"s. and mu.t adrmt the PrtvMfjcountyt Nebraska, alleging that the the inventor sleeps but four hours in U1 l"e Ui 11117 '-o" 1U defendants Nellie Johnston, Harriet ... ...... .its) own wav without pithpr submit- vi.v,.in i-vn . v They're putting thermometers in ine 13 a myin' ana inai nis aBS-:: .. T " ' r" - the street cars in Baltimore The tm-'ciates regard it as a good Joke. lu ulusuc"Dl uluai,U1' 11 ux1ViD ui ui uuuiyiucu uu u ine Htreei cars in caiumore. ine pa-. i aHa nnnian rrmAT. n'said real estate and that the defend- Plattsomans prone to feel the 111 & - fc . . . v lMt ah -tvoifo tho wtht- of n es- trons can read 'em and shiver. -:o: effects of less than seven hours in a festal of privilege and."- real Once upon a time there was a man dreamland have wondered how it was immunity. They must also refrain tate This legislature will be watched- think & for Mr Edison to continue hia from trying to make trouble in the You are further notified that ur with considerable rightfully, too. . :a: luspicion, and with the ladies "if he wanted to. :o:- We trust that Admiral Latimer, In iprnnt Tcort vnr nftpr vpnr with hilt -mu outire uj- mcaue ui yruytteuu-,"-" , " w four hour, , s.eep. PtnaHr. they 'J d cre, agenu. The Cnlted J? t J h ra rrwlltort (1,!. nmr tn n,'s mni.,. States has HO prOOf that MOSCOW W flff -,-n ho f-Vor, o. onrl 1nr1ff. A man in New York killed nis, protecting American lives and prop-! and have let it go at that. There are ' ready to com&y witn any ot these-ment in partition rendered in accord- this world, it requirements. ance xnerewitn .o: would not be strati e-p that such mas-' inereiore it is grauiying Baother-in-law, which is carrying me rt ... k , Cooiidee fo. r.i(!nno 4 Tt f requirements Joke a bit too far. :o: Famous January lines: "Thirty days after date. I, we. or either of us, promise to pay " :o: Perhaps the New Year is pictured mb a young baby because it comes on the scene making so much noise. :o: Congress is somewhat like the Ne braska legislature. They hardly know where to begin. They all want to do something to attract attention. A Safe-Deposit Box for Ytur Personal Use Where are your valuable papers? Your deeds, mort gages, Insurance policies and other valuable papers should be in a safe place. Our Safety Deposit Boxes are a protection to you. They are convenient, roomy and secure. Rental charges are only $1 per year. FARMERS STATE BANK Plattsmouth, Nebr. of the southeast quarter of Sec tion 31 lying east of Salt Creek, and all that part of the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 31 lying east of the Chi cago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad right-of-way, except that part lyin between the pres ent right of way and the aban doned right of way of the said railroad, being six acres, more or less, which was deeded by Er nest A. Wiggenhorn to Israel Beetison, and that part of the northwest quarter of the south east quarter of Section 31 lying west of the Burlington and Mis souri River Railroad right of way except that portion of same which has heretofore been deed ed to said Railroad company; also Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, of Sec tion 32, except 1.32 acres off the north end of Lot 2, hereto fore deeded to Albert C. Hurd, trustee, all in Township 13, Range 10, east of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian in Saunders coun ty, Nebraska; also the southeast Quarter of the southeast quarter, and that part of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 6, lying north and east of the B. and M. Railroad, and the west half of the south west quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 and 11, a subdivision of Govern ment Lot 6. all in Section 5. Township 12. Range 10, EaFt of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Cass county, Nebraska, contain ing in all 814 acres more or less, according to Government Survey, subject to railroad right of way the same being levied upon and taken as the property or Charles E. Churchill, Laura E. Churchill, Wil liam H. Graver, Effie M. Graver, Farmers and Merchants Bank of Ash land. Nebraska, a corporation; The National Bank of Ashland, Nebraska, a corporation; Mead Lumber Com pany, a corporation; W. H. Sleeper, Jr.. first and real name unknown; Sleeper, first and real name unknown; A. W. Sleeper, first and real name unknown; Sleeper, first and real name unknown; Ran dall K. Brown, and John Doe, real and true name unknown, and Rich ard Roe. real and true name un known, Defendants, to satisfy a judg- of said Court recovered by do the impact will be something knows that there is a breaking point Jge accurately the quality of his not be granted . and tlt tlee of Touch not, handle not, but let capacIty Bhould be accom-; Peruse President Coolidge's categori- aione. you renow wno nave gone to panied Dy pnysicai powers beyond cal denial or tne accuracy of tbe in the legislature to remodle the guar antee law -:o:- We have been reading about child psychology today, and wonder how much time Nancy Hanks put in with a book of it. ordinary endurance. But there is actual relief in know ing that even such a wizard as Mr. spired report from Moscow to the effect that the United States was last summer making secret overtures to -:o:- : Edison has eight hours of regular! the soviet government for the estab- sjeep nsnineni oi aipiomauc relations. Of course a nerson can so train! Neither last summer nor this winter himself as to get along with much has there been any indications ot The conference report on the 71 less sleep, and for a long time ap- millions dollars rivers and harbors Pently reveal no ill effects. Excite- authorization bill by the house. Sen ate action still Is necessary. :o:- The power of wind, we are inform- ment, for instance, is a strong stimu lant, and many a person can appar ently go for weeks with a minimum of Bleep, and show no signs of the strain ed. may be used to light farms. It either in his physical appearance or seems congress should be able to in his mental ability. But, as a rule, afford some form of farm relief. j&o slowly as to be almost Impercep- :o: Itable, the wheels begin to run down. i Clarence Darrow sees nothing Dr. Johnson, the same who reveals wrong in taking the life of a defective ' the secret of Mr. Edison's eight hours child. Unless, of course, it is a de--of 6leep, has conducted many tests. fective child charged with murder. Russian willingness to make the es sential concessions, and until such indications are unmistakable there seems to be no cognent reason for a change of American policy. 1 :o: LET THE SELLER BEWARE Time has been when the old Latin phrase, "Caveat Emptor," (Let the buyer beware) was quite generally accepted. If a man got cheated In a purchase with the goods before his last spring' 18 University of Pitts-' yes, it was his own lookout, he burgh students as subjects. He is should have been a better Judge. In HUGH CHAFANT, J27-4w. Plaintiff. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice of Probate WilL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested In the es tate of August Bach, deceased: On reading the petition of Wilhel mlne Bach praying that the instru ment filed in this court on the 8th day of January, 1927, and purport ing to be the last will and testa ment of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of Aug ust Bach, deceased; that said instru ment be admitted probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to August G. Bach as exe cutor It Is hereby ordered that you, and all persons Interested In said mat ter, may, and do, appear at the Coun ty Court to be held in and for said county, on the 4th day of February, Notice Some people think Mr. Coolidge convinced that toxins generated by, modern times, however, people are U. 5 1927 at ten o'clock a in '..to and Senator James A. Reed will meet muscular fatlirue act as stimulants to'cominS to think that the buyer can- Kinw raiine. If anv there be. wht i in t Vio next nresirlcintlal race Tf thor ,,, a-j not alwavs be reaSOn&blv ernected to tha nrnrpr nf the Tft1tinnpr hrmlrt i ment - - w - ' v - - - V luc; UVMUUO CJSICUI. . " j - M , T nurchase. and that some share of re-ithe Pendency of said petition and dreadful, for they will be going in for overstrained nerves. opposite directions. :o: sleep, surely the rest of us can scarce- - PIaced definitely upon the seller. All Information i3 given out from the y manage with much less. White House that only four pieces of i :o: pretty tame, after all. :o: They are now making plans to cele- leberry. ' brate the two hundredth birthday of George Washington in 1932. And A carping that the hftarlnff thereof he dren to If Mr. Edison needs eight hours of sponsibility in the matter should be aU personB interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed In aald county, for three successive week prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of aaI4 court, this 8th day of January A. D., 1927. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) Jl 0-3 w County Judge. White House china have been broken. William H. Adams, the new Demo during the last eight years. The do- cratic governor of Colorado, confined meetic life of our presidents must be his Inaugural address to 10 minutes. tnat tnis responsibility may be a pret- our pure food laws, blue sky laws. etc., are attempts to impose such a resopnsibility. A man in Buffalo has Just found If the Democrats want a man who can f serious thing. He sold illicit out silence Coolidge, he i3 their huck- whiskey which resulted in the death ;of a considerable number of those who drank it. Of course he did not know critic complains that tnat was going to produce that ef- eome city is Just as likely as not to American girls' ankles are too big. fect- The court, however, held that forget about Philadelphia and want Pouf! Who's going to look at their he 'as criminally responsible and ORDER OF HEARING and Notics on Petition for Set tlement of Account. to hold an exposition. ankles when he can see their knees? gave him a sentence of from 15 to 40!ty, Nebraska. In the County Court of Cass coua- Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January 4, A. D. 1926. E. P. STEWART. Sheriff Cass County, By Nebraska VT. C. SCHAUS. Deputy Sheriff. J6-5w. NOTICE In the District Court of Cass " County, Nebraska. August G. Bach, Plaintiff years in the penitentiary. In case ( human life may be endangered "Let j the seller beware" is coming to have the past, "Let the buyer beware! ;o: vs. Claus Speck, Defendant ) NOTICE To the defendant, Claus Speck: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff, August G. Bach, filed his Bill of Particulars in the Justice State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. To all persons Interested In the estate of Allda Blair, deceased: On reading the petition of Milan a erood standiner In law as was once t. ntnir Administrator, nrtvlnr a .... . . , . ' i a .11 vt-'.Court. before William Weber. Justice giveu me mono nanuea aown rrom;""" ocuicmoui uu auuTaui.c m iii account filed in this Court, on the VL tuc . fL 1 '"f"'"". a8 13th day of January, 1927. and fori!?"""; eDT' ine iTa OI weceinoer,, 190, ine ODjeci ana prayer of which Is to obtain a Judg- flnal settlement, of said estate, dls Appropriation of 12 million dollara'trtbution of assets and for his dls- OFAIittXOANO VITH THE tefl'egalILaimdl JBamft .off Si - -V. ..M A 4mlnl.t.iiAi for improvement work on the MiB-r" V, L"" Tr.T ment against you in the sum of $117.24, for groceries and sundry ,souri river between Kansas City andan persons Interested In said matter ;opplies, sold and delivered to you Sioux City is carried In the bill ap-fmay, and do, appear at the County jby Plaintiff, and alleged to be the proved by the house. The 2 million iCourt to be held in and for said coun- r"" Zlw io,T j 'tv on the 2Sth dav of Jannarv A T ion ne tn day of December, 1926, dollars for work on the Missouri be-lg S S Z' show UT certified to the District Court of tween Kansas City and St. Louis Is cause, if any there be, why the pray- Ca9S county, Nebraska, in the man- provided for in the army approprla- er of the petitioner should not be;ner proviaea Dy iaw, ana Permanent Financing' JnJo; dread .of matuntyfin timesfpfii Reduces gsyU99 btohffictrate Xfersfrlgoiccttca JNo ; change tion measure now under considera tion in committee. NOTICE OF ADMINSTRATOR'S SALE - "wmaj -T- X Tfmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmm 1 r-in imI B Cmfitiml I u X. TTAvn) In the matter of the Application of Wm. Hunter, Adminstrator of the ! estate of Cecilia D. Jahrig, Deceased, Ifor License to Sell Real Estate to Pay Debts. j Notice is hereby given that In pur 'suance of an Order and License is sued to me, William Hunter, Admin ;istrator, by Honorable James T. Beg- ley, Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 24th day of December, A. D. 1926, I will on the 1st day of February, A. D. 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the premises In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 and the east 4 feet of Lot 9; all of Lots 10, 11 and 12 in Block 75, Original Town- of Plattsmouth, Case granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons interested In said matter by publish ing a copy of this order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a eemi-weekty newspaper printed In said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of said Court this 13th day of January, A. D. 1927. A. H. DTJXBURY. (Seal) J17-lw. County Judge. Criminals are said to be better edu cated than formerly. Thus every day. In every way, the world gets better and better. :o: "Coolidge Loses on Nary," aayi a headline. the Navy didn't lose a game. :a: is now pending therein. You are required to answer said Bill of Particulars on or before Monday, the 28th day of February, 1927, or Judgment will be taken against you for said sum of 1117.24 and costs of suit. AUGUST G. BACH. Plaintiff. By J. A. CAPWELL, J17-4w. His Attorney. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the Estate of Mary Burlan, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Frank Mauer praying that admin istration of said estate may be grant- a a m a a a We don't see how. g!nce'a lo -anarew kbdd, is Aaminis- iru lur Ordered, that February 7th, A. D. 191, ai iv u iiuis U. in. its assigned qhho K-ellnp-t ciMit I- .L. VTt V t 1. 1 ..IJ ..1111 1 .111 ..v..BO, A writer ill iu .nuiiuu JB iuai lur ueanug ottiu pcimuu, wueu nil Eaton, firpt and real name unknown; Samuel G. Daily; Mrs. Samuel G. Daily, first and real name un known; Robt. R. Living ston, otherwise known as R. R. Livingston; William L. Thomas, otherwise known as W. L. Thomas; Margaret A. Thomas, other wise known as M. A. Thom as; Joel Solomon, otherwise known as J. Solomon; Wil liam M. Slaughter, other wise known as W. M. Slau ghter; Martha Slaughter; Jacob Vallery; Magdalena Vallery; John W. Shirley, otherwise known as J. W. Shirley; Mrs. John W. Shirley, first and real name known; Sabina Moore, otherwise known as Sabina Wright; Charles A. Young; Mrs. Charles A. Young, first and real name un known; James R. Young, otherwise known as Jas. R. Young and J. Young; Mrs. James R. Young, first and real name unknown; Ben Jamine F. Ruffner; Bank ers Realty InveFtment Com pany, a corporation; Ernest E. Austin; F. C. Haver, Trustee; Metropolitan Realty Company, a corpo ration; C. Nuckolls, other wise known as Columbus Nuckolls; T. M. Marquett. first and real name un known; Harriett Mar quett; Benjamin F. Elbert, otherwise known as Benj. F. Elbert; L. Nuckolls, otherwise known an Lafay ette Nuckolls: John W. Moss; Mrs. John W. Moss, first and real name un known; the unknown heirs at law, legatees and devi sees of the foregoing named persons. If deceased, real names unknown; all per sons having or claiming any interest in and to Lots 1. 2 and 3, all In Block 30, in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Ne braska, real names un known; Lots 1. 2 and 3, in Block 30, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, Defendants. To the above naiwfl Defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiff has filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, acalnst you and each of you. the object and pray er of which said petition is to quiet In the plaintiff, W. Roy Strine. title to Lots 1. 2 and 3. In Blork 30, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cat.s coun ty, for a finding and decree In said court that you. the said defendants, and each of you have no right, title and each of you have no right, title, interest in or lien upon or demand whatsoever of. in or to said premises or arty part thereof, but the title of the plaintiff therein is pood, valid and paramount as to the whole of said premises and all rights of the same; that you and each of you be forever barred and restrained frim setting up or asserting any claim of title, right, lien upon or interest In said premises or any part thereof ad verse to said plaintiff; for the fur ther finding and decree of said court that any title, right, interest or lien in and to said premises which you and each of you may have In said premises or any part thereof has long since been barred by the stat ute of limitations of the state of Ne braska; that all instruments by which any claim may be made shall be cancelled and annulled, and all claims thereunder extinguished, and for such further relief as may be Just and equitable. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 2Sth day of February, 1927. or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. Dated this 13th day of January, 1927. W. ROY STRINE. Plaintiff. and J17-4W. FRANK A. PETERSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Considering the fact that a prize of $25,000 is offered for the Santa Cata lina swim, we feel sure that none of the contestants will do it far "the kiddies." :o: The Baltimore Evening Sun has disappointed us in asking our Sec retary of State to resign. We would have expected that paper to say. Europe! which formerly ruled the PrsonB interested in said matter may world, i. now sitting in the , "TL1 -:o:- Millions of people according to a !in" and for Maid countir. and iihnw'v. v i- i .i . , ... . . watehlnr the United State. In thls cllU8e whV tne 7". -;hZ &nmr ?""u! mn K r hM he on-.. n no1 Mtyw nst, we rise to m- county, Nebraska subiect to all liens and nenm. f Herculean role. If so. she ought to er should not be sranted: and that bances. Said offer for sale will re!vnv t whet r mttt it la notice of the nendencr of said neti- Quire, has become of the old fashioned main open for one hour to receive j more fnn ertUeira than It is to be-00 th tearing thereof be given symptom almanac? bids. :o:- as. I ' Dated this 3rd day of January, A. criticised. D. 1927. WILLIAM HUNTER. I Men are turning to . whlakeTB aad weekly newspaper printed in said bis mother a home out of his earnings .a. to all persons Interested in said mat-l ter by vubllshinr a conr of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-' A Philadelphia life convict built D. C West, Nehawka, Neb. Administrator of the Estate ' mustaches to foil women, says a news county, for three successive weeks, W. of Cecilia D. Jahrlf, Deceased. O. KD3CK. Attorney. Item. Well, whether they toll them or not. rhlikew uffct 19 tlaocmrm j,f jthenv prior to said day of hearing. Dated January 13th. 1927. A. IL DUXBURY. (BaJ) jl7-w. of twenty-five years in the peniten tiary. A touching sacrifice of the money he might have devoted to riot- County Jude-jous linn.