The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1927, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I : s
Stylish New
If you want to see the most
unusual values at $20 and $25,
just come and look at these
coats. They are new midwin
ter purchase they are stylish
they fit.
They're far better than the
price would indicate.
We have some at $15, not so
good, but equal to any adver
tised at that price.
Men's Jersey Sport
Made with V neck. Can
be worn under dress coat,
providing added protec
tion. Assorted colors.
Youth's and Misses'
Tho?e are pure all wool,
made coat style. Scarlet,
reiral. tan or purple. Sizes
35-3 0. Shawl collar.
Men's Fur Hats
for dress wear. Latest
style, new olors. -Plain
or fancv bands. Reg. sizes.
Knitted Blazer Coats
for boys or girls. Sizes 2S
32. Bright, novelty pat
terns, good weight, blouse
stvle. 2 pockets.
Men's Dress Caps
Not trash, but new sty
lish up-to-date, novelty
plaids, checks and Rayon
patterns. Special at
Boys' Jersey Sport
A very elastic garment.
Warmth without weight.
Mostly browns. Sizes to
3 1 priced at
Combine comfort, ease
and service. If you have
outdoor work you need
one of those. Drown split
suedes at $7.75, 30-inch
length, leather collar and
leatlier cuffs. Cordovan
glove leathers at $9.75,
same style. Army leather
j'-rkins. remodeled, at $6.
Other styles leather coats
it correspondingly low
Balh Robes
For hospital or home
wear, aim ;st indispens
able. New, nobby Beacon
cloths with cord. Special,
Bovs" $3.95, Men's
Child's Jcckey Cap
The very latest dress cap
for child. Tan or pearl
with contrast trim.
Knitted Caps
For men or boys. Assort
ed colors. Made to button
under chin. Nothing bet
ter made for cold weath
er. Two prices
79c - 31.39
College Slickers
The popular yellow. Full
length. Leather strap col
lar. Every student needs
one. 10 day price
Men's Neck Scarfs
Protect the shirt and the
coat collar. Very popular
and stylish. Rayon silk or
wool. Special
Men's Gaberdine Coats
A soft tan shade, smooth,
hard-twisted fabric. Re
sists rain and weather and
is very dressy. Special 10
day price
Men's Sweaters
An almost indispen
sable winter garm't.
Plenty of weather
ahead yet. Army
pullovers in derby
rib, pure all wool,
very elastic, very
warm, $2.33. Men's
gray sweater coats,
$1.22. Men's heavy
rope stitch coats in
heather mix, $2.95.
Boys coat sweaters,
asstd. colors, $1.
Our annual 10 Day Trading Event at Our
Store Beginning Bargain Wednesday,
January 19th Ending Saturday Night,
January 29th.
Beginning Wednesday special prices will prevail throughout those 10 days
top floor values sub-basement prices. This is your opportunity men to pur
chase men's wear from an exclusive men's store fresh, snappy, up-to-date
clothes at. bargain prices.
Child's Overcoats
(Ages 2 to 8)
Good warm winter coats of
gray, brown and blue mix
Meltons. Well lined. Nobby
Victor Jackets
An all wool worsted knit
coat jacket, checker patterns
red, blue and green. Adult
sizes at
College Sweaters
Heavy, all-wool shaker knit
full fashioned, no seams,
big collar. Scarlet or Royal.
Men's Fancy Sox
This can really be called a
"rage." Every good dresser
wants fanny sox. An exten
sive line of latest novelties
specially priced at
Men's Underwear
A good ecru rib,
medium weight
Wool process Union.
Good weight
Worsted wool mix,
gray mottle
Shirts and Drawers
Fleece or rib
Flannel Gowns
Men's Brighton make, extra
full cut, of best outing flan
nel. Sizes to 20, at
' " . . . "
Boys' Fancy Sox
This has been a hard item
to get, but we have them.
They are the thing to wear
with Longies. Two prices
25c - 45c
Boys' Underwear
Lots of cold weather ahead
of us yet. If the old is get
ting thin better have new.
" Good warm fleeced or rib
bed ages 4 to 16 years.
Flannel Shirts
Men's good winter -weight
wool flannel in brown or
gray. Double sewed, full cut.
Two pockets. Regolar sizes.
A good shirt. Price only
Men's Work Pants
Black and white cot- $1 55
ton worsted stripe A "
Army Kiki, double
sewed, good pockets
Gray stripe mole
skin, heavy
Men's Sheep Coats
Nothing beats a good sheep
lined coat for warmth. We
offer you during these ten
days an unmatchable value.
Moleskin, 4 pockets, belt, 36
inches long, genuine sheep
collar for only
Boys' Duck Coats
A good brown duck with
warm, blenket lining. Cordu
roy collar. Good buttons.
Sizes 28 to 34. Special
Boys' Flannel Shirts
(Sizes 13 to" 14J)
Snug and warm for winter
days at school or work.
98c - 31.69 '
Golden brown cor- $488
duroy, guaranteed fr
Men's Dutchess Pants
Handsome gray stripe wor
sted. 10c a button. $1 a rip.
Sixty day guarantee. Extra
Men's Corduroy Pants
Medium and dark brown
"Dutchess" and standard
"Dutchess" and "Standard"
makes. Wear and warmth a
plenty. Price only-,
Boys' Jersey Jacks
Made of tan jersey cloth,
knit bottom. 2 pockets. Made
just like a lumber jack. Good
for looks, good for wear.
Please do not ask us to charge
these goods. These prices are
eloquent bidders for cash!
1 9th to 29th
And Mo Monkey Business
Timely Values in
Men's Suits
We have Men's Pencil Blue
Casimere Suits, three pieces,
good style, for $15. We have
added some new arrivals to
our $20 "Bill" line and we
say again it's the highest
grade low price suit in
Plenty of satisfied owners
of $20 "Bill" suits will tell
you its the best value since
the war and if you will
stop and think, that's a pre
war price.
We have other marvelous
values at $25 and $30.
Hold Their An
nual Meeting
Fix Estimate for Year 1927, Set
Prices for Road Work and oth
er Routine Matters.
Men's Odd Coats
These are dress coats, 3
button, S B style. Full
lined, blue or brown. All
regular sizes
Men's Corduroy Coats
A splendid coat for out
door wear. Strong and
durable. Either plain, D
B or Norfolk style.
Chaffeur Suits
Made of gray whipcord.
Neat fitting Norfolk coat,
with double re-inforced
breeches. Button knee.
Child's Novelty Suits
for boys 2 to 8 years age.
Made of Corduroy, Jersey
or Wool Mix in Oliver
Twist style.
Boys' Odd Coats
These are dress coats
made Norfolk style, serge
lined in dark gray mix
cloths. Ages 7 and S.
Childs' Toppers
A nice light weight dress
overcoat. Made of tweeds
and shepherd checks. Ages
4, 6 and 8. Price
'Lumber Jacks
No garment in re
cent years has been
so popular. Made of
woven fabrics in
bright lumberman's
plaids, fit snug at
waist, excluding the
cold. One line Ger
man cloth velours,
$3.55; one line pure
northern all wools,
$4.83 and one line
loud college plaids.
an wool, $6.95. Also Boys' fine Blazers at SI. 33.
See them, they're dandies.
$2.33 and $3.33.
From Wednesday's Daily
The annual meeting of the board
of county commissioners at the court
house yesterday was filled with a
great deal of business in connection
with the opening of the year's busi
ness that will be handled by the
county in 1927.
The Cass County Farm bureau
made their report of the expenditures
for the year 1926 as $3,500 and also
the sum of $3,500 for the use of the
bureau for 1927.
The county board in selecting a
member of the soldier's relief com
mission, took recognition of the
world war veterans by naming for
the position on the commission
Joseph A. Capwell of this city. Mr
Capwell has had a great deal of
claims of the veterans of the civil
war to handle and has been more
than usually successful in this line
of work and is familiar with the
needs of the veterans and the war
widows, who are looked after through
the commission. The advanced age
of the civil war veterans has made
it difficult for them to carry on the
activities of the commission to a
great extent, especially in this part
of the county.
The petition of the residents of
; Eight Mile Grove precinct was re
ceiveu asking for the granting or a
license to S. J. Reams to operate a
pool hall at Cedar Creek and was
granted by the board.
I The commissioners also set the
; price for county road work and drag
ging as follows: Road overseer, 35
per hour; man, single hand. 30c
team, 20c; man and team, 45c; 11
foot drag, or over, 80c per mile; 10
foot drag, 75c per mile; S foot drag,
per mile, 65c! under 8 feet, 50c per
, mile.
j There was no change made in the
'estimate for the clerk hire for the
j county officers for the year 1927.
I The request of the county assessor
jfor the sum of $200 for clerk hire
jfor the year was granted and the
(county assessor also named the asses-
j sors for Weeping Water and Platts
mouth cities as follows, Henry Snell
'Weeping Water; J. A. Pitz and
Joseph Hadraba, Plattsmouth.
The estimate for the expenditures
; for the year 1927 was adopted as
General fund $64,000
Bridge fund 50,000
Road fund 56,000
Mother's Pension 5,500
Soldier's Relief 1,200
of Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Charter No. 1430 in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
December 31, 1926.
Loans and discounts $329, 700.4 i
Overdrafts none
Bonds, securities, judgments
and claims (exclusive of
cash reserve) 44,438.41
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 11,407.10
Other real estate 4S,9.'i0.97
Bankers' conservation fund.. 971.43
Due from National
and State banks.. $ S2,75.".26
Checks and items
of exchange .... 717.74
Cash in bank 15,069.97 98,542.97
TOTAL, $533,991.34
Sues to Prevent
the Transfer of a
Canadian Farm
Si Dr. T. P. Livingston Plaintiff Against
G. 0. Dovey and Others in Seek
ing Land Ownership.
Childs Pullover
Pure all wool sweaters
with warm collar. Mostly
royal blue and scarlets.
A real warm sweater.
Ages 2 to 6.
Men's Crickets
A very popular garment.
All wool and Rayon. In
bright colors, also white.
Sizes 38, 40 and 42.
Boys' Crickets
This is a medium weight,
all wool V neck pullover,
in medium and dark fan
cy patterns. Sizes to 34.
Wash Suits
Some mothers favor wash
suits all the year 'round.
Here are some extra val
ues, sturdy fabrics, fast
colors. Ages 6, 7 and 8.
Capital stock $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits (Net) .... 6,113.01
Individual deposits
subject to check. .$178,517.40
Time certificates of
deposit 228,800.27
Savings deposits . . 5ti.509.9S
Cashier's checks
outstanding 4,318.63
Due to National
and State banks .. 2,797.:;8 470,943.72
lie-discounts none
Bills payable riom-
Depositor's guaranty fund .. 934.01
TOTAL $533,991. Z4
State of Nebraska j
County of Cass J
I, R. F. Patterson, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is a true and
correct copy of the report made to the
Department of Trade and Commerce.
Attest: Cashier.
T. II. POLLOCK, Director.
J. K. POLLOCK, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10th day of January, 1927.
(Seal) Notary rublio.
(My commission expires Sept. 14, 1932.)
II 'equipped hatcher
Bigger. StrongerBetter
Mannish Suits
With long pants and
vest, just like dad's.
We have just added
some new, nobby
numbers to our line
that are most ex
cellent patterns and
values. All new and
stylish. We have
sizes from 5 to 15
years and the price
is under the market.
We ask you to com
pare them. $6.95,
$8.95 and $10.95.
Odd Longies, ages 4
to 14, $2.22 - $3.33.
Auto Liability
Bill Introduced
Limited Only to Civil Liability for In
jury to Person and Does Not
Cover Property Damages.
Representative Livingston of Otoe
was first across the bar of the house
with a compulsory liahility insurance
law. It is a copy of the Massachusetts
law and requires that a bond of $10,
.)0 shall be put up or in lieu there
cf cash or securities from which
shall be paid judgments obtained for
civil liability for injury of persons
$3,000 for death of one person and
$10,000 for the death of more than
one in the same accident.
The liability companies must file
with the department of insurance
classifications and rates, to be ap
proved by the commissioner, with
provisions for a hearing. The bill
covers trucks and motorcycles as
well as automobiles and no one can
get a license unless he can show a
certificate that he has taken out In
surance. Representatives O'Malley, Browr
and Jonstone united In two bills -intended
to prevent discriminatory
prices being paid for butterfat and
cream and make the measure of dif
ference in freight cost. The present
proviso of "with Intent to destroy
competition" being eliminated. The
bills were drawn by Attorney Gener
al Spillman. - -
Representative Drusedow has one
requiring soft drink parlors to take
out licenses and puts them under re
gulations similar to those the saloonf
once worked under. - He would close
them between 10 o'clock at night and
6 in the morning, limited to a single
room with no curtains and makes li
cense forefeited If drinking of intox
icants is allowed therein.' Tea rooms
and soda fountains are not included,;
nor places serving coffee, milk choco
late or coca. Prohibition agents may
enter at . any time without search
From Wednesday's Daily
The Woman's Business association
held a very pleasant meeting last
evening at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Walling on West Main street and
which was one of the most largely at
tended meetings of the winter season.
Tne business meeting was in charge
of Mrs. Ray McMaken and after the
close of the regular, session the ladies
spent some time in' enjoying cards,
From Wednesday's nally
This morning in the district court
an action was filed entitled Theodore
P. Livingston vs. George O. Dovey
and others, the action involving the
question of the ownership of a tract
of land in the province of Alberta,
The petition asks that the defend
ants George O. Dovey, Hallie P.
Dovey, the First National bank and
Fred Buerstetta, receiver, be enjoin
ed from deeding, transfering or oth
erwise conveying the land in ques
tion known as the northwest quar
ter, section 16, township 23, range
22, all in the province of Alberta,
The plaintiff states in the petition
that he had purchased the land years
ago and that at a later period the
defendant, G. O. Dovey had stated
that he could better look after the
payment of taxes and care of the farm
for the plaintiff if the same was
placed in the name of the defendant
by the" plaintiff. Plaintiff further
states that he had known the de
fendant Dovey for the lifetime of the
defendant and believing him to be
trustworthy, had made transfer to
the defendant without any money
consideration. Plaintiff further states
that he understands that the de
fendant Dovey now assumes to own
the said tract of land that'the plain
tiff claims, and has, or threatens to
convey the same to the First Na
tional bank. The plaintiff further
claims that the defendant has re
ceived the benefits of said land and
not the plaintiff. It is asked that the
conveyance to the defendant G. O.
Dovey be declared void and set aside
and the right of the plaintiff to the
land be restored.
The hearing of this suit for a res
training order and transfer of title
will be heard on Friday. January
- , 21st at 10 a. m., in the district court
there being three tables of the play- in thls city- The defendant has been
ers. At the close of tlm rvpninr tbf.r cashier of the First National bank
was dainty and delicious refreshments here up to ita dosing on December
served by the hostess that added to Lin
the enjoyment of all present.
Morrow's Quality
215 Chicago Ave. Plattsmouth,
We are setting our first hatch Tues
day, January 18th. . . . Hatch those
early broilers now and get them on
the market before the prices drop.
Early broilers always bring the high
est prices. ... Come in and reserve
your trays. Each tray holds 112 eggs
and the price is only $3.35 per tray.
Let us stay home with the incubator.
Telephone 93
From Tuesday's Ually
Fire Chief Dr. O. Sandin has pre
pared the following report of the
number of fires occuring in the city of
Plattsmouth in the year 1926 and
which makes a real showing for the
fire fighting department of the city
in checking the fires and preventing
the destruction of property as there
are few towns of this size in the state
that can boast of such a clean cut
Total number of fires for year, 22;
loss from fires, $2,500.
The causes of fires as enumerated
by the fire chief are: sparks from
chimneys, 11; oil stoves, 2; light
wire shortage, 3; auto wiring short
age, 2; overheated stoves, 2; over
turned lamps, 1; defective flue, 1.
The next meeting will be at the
hall and will be in charge of Mrs.
Olive Johnson, Mrs. Elsie McCHntlc
and Ida Cotner.
We are leaving for Ohio. Am going
to sell our entire line of household
"77. T' " goods and Ford car at public auction
CARD OF THANKS Saturday at 2 p. m., Jan. 15, 1927,
To the members of t ho Plattsmouth nt the Vallery Sale Pavilion. Own
Volunteer Fire department, ns well er, Lee W. Eastridge. jl2-2td-ltw
aa the frfprwla nnil unlirhliort, r .
. ' " " " ...... .. .. . . . f it ..... v i
wish to exuress our most Mlncero an- Mrs. C!nri Tiekotter and son Carl.'
preciation of their aid and atwlstance Jr., left Sunday afternoon for her r tjumt
in saving our home from dHt ruction home at Webb City, Mo., called there, rarm
by fire Sunday. Emmott Uico and by the serious illness of her father, j
Family. ,;Mr. John Athay. .iJWnrOBCC
For Sole!
Searl S. Davis
Real Estate