7T AC TOTBSDAT, 'fAMJ&Y 13, 1927.: Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People Upkeep is the Cause of Many a Downfall A shop-keeper placed an ac count in the hands of an at torney for cellection. The supposed debtor produced his cancelled check, and the shop-keeper is still apologis ing for his mistake. A checking account may save you from having to pay the same bill twice. Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska There i No Substitute for Safety There will be n box supper carni val at the Murray hall. Jan. 15th. Everybody come. Fred and Donald McCleery. sons of the late Robert MCleery, were brief visitors in Murray on last Tuesday morning. Ivan Balfour ot near Union was a Atwater Kent SIX TUBES ONE DIAL See display of set at Lancaster's: Store. If you need batteries, tubes or Radio accessories, but them there. Everett Spangler s ? ti I! II j II .... Life Hi) !.IWf t Now is Your Time! Take advantage of the slack time this win ter and have your harness repaired and oil ed ready for Spring. And, say, step in and see our Maytag Washing Machines. The wife would sure like one. Do you need a Feed Grinder. We have what you want in General Hardware. See us for your needs! 5. H. NELSON Murray, Nebraska verybody -TO Caraival, Program, Plate Supper, Box Supper, -AT Peterson Haii Murray, Nebraska AT 3 O'CLOCK- fthirday, Presented by MISS MABEL 1 of Murray and xirroundtne Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers visitor in Murray on Tuesday after noon of this week, and was the guest of friends. Oscar Nailor was a visitor in Ne braska City on last Monday, where he was looking after some business matters for the day. Philip Keil and son were over to Earl Lancaster's on last Tuesday and j dressed the winter's as well as the summer's supply of meat. A. D. Rhoden was shelling and de livering corn to the Murray elevator on Tuesday of this week, having tht work done by C. M. Read. Mrs. Robert Burr is having some important repairs made on her home in Murray which is adding much to the convenience of the property. C. M. Reed shelled about a thou sand bushels of corn for Roy Gerk ing, which was delivered to the ele vators of Murray, on last Wednesday. Jobn Gruber has been assisting Paul Richter in the shelling of corn lor the past week, they shelling at the home of C. D day. Geary on last Tues- .! Vac Mickulesky and son Ludwic, were over to Omaha looking after some business matters for a short 10 time during last Baturday and Sun-, day. I Lee Nickles was cutting hedg; along the Nickles estate and getting some worK acne wnicn ne aesire? 1 completed before the coming of the! CJ1 111( Edward Murray was in town a. few . - : m . l l ' aays since anu wim uiil r.iui ijiuj j some lumber for the purpose of r uild-1 . i i . v. J . . ing a snea to one oi ice duuuiuss on the farm. Fred Nutzman of south of Nehaw ka was a visitor in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon, and was look ing after some business matters for a short time. The family of Fred Beverage who have been quite ill with the grippe, are reported as getting along much better and will be able to be out again in a short time. Mr. and Mrs. William Minford were visiting with the parents of Mrs. Miaford at Omaha on Satur- Good Used Cars Two 1826 Ford Coupes both in good condition. Fada Radios and Radio Parts EVERYTHING FOB, Y0UB. AUTO Murray Garage "We do good work in automobile repair." Welcome! THE - ALL F EXCEPT EATS! Jqil District 26 HOWARD, Teacher 3 I " i REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Nebr. Charter No. 578 in the State of Ne braska at the clown of busiaeSB December 31. r.EsorncEs Loans and discounts Ovtrdraf ts . $260,776.49 177. Bonds. (exclusive of cash reserve Barikintr house, furniture and fixtures Bun'ners conservation fund .. I'uo from National and State tunka..S 44,772.9:; Cheeks and items of exchange . r,?R9.62 Cash in bank a, 121. 05 13,551. HO 5.31:9.0!: 75S.9C .686.60 TOTAL J34.17.7e LIABILITIES Capital stock Surplus fund 15.000.00 6.000.00 I'ndivided profit (Nt) Individual deposits 4415.00 Time certificates or of deposit 209.213. 06 c?!!!"fl'p,',,n,ks -ioc outstanding' 1.103.S6 Inu lo National and State banks 5.000.00 Hw'avabr Dei'oaiTor'Kuar'anty'iind. IOT,941.Sf, -"It TOTAL $.T34.l.6 State of Nebraska 1 Oounty of Cass I T T-' G Il0fl(1oer I'rosirlent of tf ; bove nametl bank, do solrmnly swear (that fit- almvc statement is n. tru- anil I correct copy or ine reyiort marie to tne lieiiartmfnt ot Trade ;iiil ( ommfrre. w. g. hoi;ii-:kki:. Attest: President. LEON A r:or:rETCT-:T:. rirector. G. M. MIXFOKIJ. Director. Subscribed end sworn tr before me this lltli dav of .Tanuarv. 19:27. ESTELLA L. GEIP. (Seal) Notary I'ubiic. (lly commission expires Auk. 10, ) doy as well as looking after some business as well. Mr. L. 1). Hiatt of Plattsmcuth has desposed of his home in Murray as he will not make his home longer, be being interested in I'lattsmouth and in business there. G. W. Nelson of Nehawka. a bro ther of Mr. Harry Nelson of Mur ray, has ben the guest of his bro ther and family for a number of days during the paat week. On Thursday of last week Miss Etta Nickles departed for the winter in California, and v.ill spend the Jtime in a number of places, the ob jective being Los Anrreles. Adolph J. Ross of near Nehawka was a visitor in Murray on last Tues day and was meeting; his many friends here as well as looking after some business matters as well. Herman Kuntz of near Rock Bluffs was a visitor in tov. n on last Wednes day and took one of the new wagon boxes out with him which Harry Nelson is selling so reasonable . Robert Shrader wa3 over to the county seat where he was putting in the day with the dentist which he had a date witb and had his teeth repaired and put in good condition. 11. A. Troop of south of Platts mouth was a visitor in Murray on list Tuesday and took a load oi lum ber heme with him for the purpose of making general repairs on the farm. Miss Blanche Scotten departed tor Falls City on last Tuesday morning where she went to begin taking iii etructions in ladies hair dressing, which vocation she is just now tak ing up. Wm. Wehrbein was in town on last Tuesday and took home with him a load of lumber for making general repairs about the farm, thirf in order to keep the farm in the best of condition. On last Saturday Henry Kirscher from southwest of Murray was in town and took two loads of lumber home with him to be used in placing e roof on a double crib and completing the structure. The house which Wayne Lewis is building is assuming goodly propor tions and will make a very t sightly building when done as well as a most desirable home in the hustling vil lage of Murray. 1 George Nicltlep and wife were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Tlattsmouth on last j Tuesday and were visiting with friends as well as looking after some . business matters Mr. W. D. Wheeler who has been quite ill for several days, and was troubled with hiccoughing for seven days before he was able to get the trouble stopped. Mr. Wheeler is. how ever, feeling much better. Roy Gerking and the family were visiting at Sioux City and Sloan, la., for over the New Years where they were guests at the home of Mr. Gerk ing's brothers and his mother. They enjoyed the visit there very much. Uncle A. J. McNatt who has been quite ill for the past two weeks and has been kept to his home and bed during the time is at this time re ported as being quite a bit better which is good news for his many friends. Joseph Sfaska. agent for the Mis souri Pacific in Murray was with the family, quite ill for a number of days but is reported as being some better at this time though still quite ill, the family are reported as being seme better. Edward Slocum was in town on 1 & . . a . . i ; j T. - msi iuonaay ami iouh nume wun nim a loftd of lumo'er for the building and brooders which is to serve as a P1ATTSM0TJTH SEMI. "WEEKLY If anx of the zw&er of the Journal Knoy at ay aoeil vnt or item of Interest 1b this vicinity, and will mall itme to tin oCice, It will ap pear under tbim faeadtor. We wuttaUnewsltemir Editob home for the large flock which theu will raise on the farm. Mrs. J. W. Berger was spending the greater portion cf last week at Omaha where she was the guest of ner tiaugmer, .airs. j. u. urowne ana evening, January loth, husband, remaining until Wednes- TMS will be in the nature of a car day, that she might help celebrate ( nival, program, plate and box supper Mr. Browne's 49th birthday. ;ana which will be featured by some Everett Spangler who is carrying j 0f the most attractive features that an ad for the sale of the celebrated ! has ever been offered in any of the Atwater Kent radio, in another col- j school entertainments, umn was over to Plattsmouth where j This will be all free and will be he installed a cabinet console radio held at the Peterson hall in Murray at the home of his aunt. Miss Eliza- starting at S o'clock. Miss Mabie beth Spangler who is liking the ma-1 Howard, teacher and the pupils of chine very much. , district No. 26 invite the public to be Wm. Sporrer and wife and Martin; Sporrer and wife were over to Oma - ha on last Tuesday, where they went to visit at tne rmanuei nospuai wu:i; Mrs. John Ulrich, who is in a very serious condition at that institution. Mrs. Ulrich is making a very heroic fight to regain her health and it is 1 she mav soon be restored to health. lilt? wish ui iiei uusl ui irieiiUB iiini ' At 1 H 11..... T" 1 1 A i avxi . ciuu ,uio. iicui uurutAti w - Lander, Wyoming, a brother of i Messrs. C. M. and Addison Boedeker. i Golden Text: "Search the Scrip and also of Mrs. Mary Kahler cf tures for in them ye think ye have Louisville, accompanied by Mr. C. II. ' eternal life and the'v are they which Boedeker were visiting at the homf of the sister in Louisville on Tue- day o this week. Oscar Shrader wasj looking after some business matters jn tjje county seat on last Saturday being accompanied by the family. I While shutting the barn door on j last Monday evening. Doctor Long n:ia tne misiortune to eaten trie in dex finger of his right hand in the door, which squeezed the member very severely, and which has since given this genial gentleman a very hard jolt. It took a piece of flesh cut of the finger near the end. He had the injured finger dressed by Dr. J. F. Brendel and it is getting along as well as could be looked for, but this, Mr. Long thinks, is not very rapidly. " ing of many books there is no end. Sweet Clover Seed. 1 for every day some one writes a Home grown Swen Clover sed. ', book, many of which it is a detriment perfectlv clean, for sale. Geo. Vogel.lto read. South liend. Nebr. I v,"e would not that you did not " read books for there are many that t4-A tu-.! e are good ones but that the best Is Attend Funeral of Aunt , the book of Lookg the Bible the .Muring last weei. Aurea. Mwnruj and Herman Gansemer were over to; Hallam. where they were called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Feter Johnson, who on lat Sunday died at Paola. Colo., and whose remain? were brought to Hallam for burial. Mrs. Johnson waft about eighty-one and a half years of age. and was the foster mother of the Gansemer boys, and a sister to"M3. Mary Schaeffer. The funeral was held in the Congre gational church of Hallam. Mr. Al fred Gansemer says there was never a hotter woman than this exrellen lady, and memory. he desires to honor her For Sale. For sale, Hampshire gilts, the lone stretchy fellows. Bred for March and April farrow. Ernest Pollard, Ne hawka. Neb. Farmers' Elevator Holds Meeting. The Farmers' Elevator held a meet ing of their stockholders as well aa ! the board of directors, at which timj at their election they cut down the number of directors, from seven five and the following were chosnn C. D. Spangler, W. H. Puis, Edward Lutz. Parr Young and Albert Wheel er. The selection for the officers be ing Albert Wheeler president; C. D. Soar.gler vice president: W. H. Puis secretary, Fred Lutz. treasurer and Alfred Gansemer. manager of the ele vator. They declare the usual annual seven per cent dividend. Gilts for Sale. A few gilts for sale, bred or open. A. A. Young. Murray, Nebr. AtwEter. Kent Eisplay. Everett Spangler the local dealer for the famous Atwater Kent radio has this week installed a set in the window of the Lancaster store. The set is a model "3 and is identical to the 1.000,0000th et which was com pleted about a month ago at the At water Kent plant which covers 15 acres. On that day an average of one set every eleven minutes was averaged. A complete line of tubes, batteries anrl rflrtio aer-essories has been olacod at the Lancaster store for the con- venience of the radio public. Whilr electrical disturbances bother recep tion to a degree, Everett invites wot: to come in and tune in and get the feel of an absolutely one dial radio. So far this year Atwater Kent have outsold any other make 5 times to 1 for the whole United States. BREEDING GEESE Breeding geese for sale Mrs. Young, Murray, Neb. A. Will Be 81 Sunday Next. Uncle J. W. Berger who is a very familiar and agreeable gentleman, a little past middle age, and who has lived in Cass county for about sev enty years, will celebarte his 81st birthday on the coming Sunday. Mr. Berger remembers many vedy Inter esting happenings in the early days of Cass county when he resided in and near Rock Bluffs. Later we will give some happenings of the early days. Will Meet Next Tuesday. The young peoples class of 1 the Christian church of Murray wf!l meet January 18th. when they will ht?ve a January 18th. ben they' will have a very enjoyable program and business JOTTBHAI I session, which will be followed by a I ; supper. All the members of the class a meir mentis ana an young peopie 01 Aiurray ana vicinity are cordially m Tited to be present and participate in ' the splendid evening which will be 1 ! furnished. FOE SALE Pure bred Duroc boars., A. A. Young. Murray, Neb. o28-6tw Big Time at Murray. The pupils of school district No. 26 of the Cass county schools will pre sent one of the most extensive enter tainments of its kind that has ever ,heeu offered in Murray, on Saturday present. . j ? .T;rr2"'I-h;"I";-I' 4 BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON Sunday, Janaury 9th. t i.2. M. S. Brlgg iJ. ' trst y nj jje The words of the Mas- ter. Why Tvead the Bible. Whv should one read the bible when there are so many thousands of other books which are popular and much clamored after, and everybody Is reading them. Still, do you know that the essense of all learning is dirivative from the Bible. Why the Bible, because it is the book of books, the fountain from which we all draw the truth. Solomon in Eclesiaates said in chapter twelve and verse twelve. "And further, by these, my son be admonished, of making many books there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh." Solomon was right when he said of the niak- tQ the way of ,ife Well do we remember when we were young, that verse which has come to us often since: "Holy Bible, book devine, Precious treasure thou art mine. Mine art thou to guide my youth. In the paths of love and truth." The one who is well versed in the Uible lias a fountain of truth always at his finger tips, and can always find ready use for the knowledge which he has acquired for did not even the Master himself quote scripture to the devil when he was attempting to tempt the Master. Had we the scriptures ever ready at our command we would be fortified against temptation just as He was. With the poetary, history, law, love, romance and above and beyond all this the very way of life we are armed for every and all purposes, and thus are enabled to bring convincing argument when ever we are in need of it. The Bible with its completeness is a wonderfully constructed book, which was in writing by the different auth ors of which there were fortv. for tola. neriof? of sixteen hundred vears. for all sixty-six books. With this the entirety of the book is one wonder fully harmonious whole from the first chapter of Genesis, which declares. "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and dark ne?s covered the face of the deep." to the last verse of the Revelations of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, and given to John and which reads, auot-' ing the hist three verse:"And if any I man shall take away from the works ;of tihs book, this prophecy, God shall ( take away his part out of the book of life and out of the Holy City, and f-om the things which are written in this book. He that testifieth these things, saith. Surely I come quickly . Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." This, the Alpha and Omega of the Bible, but within the book are the secrets of success, the most wonder ful poetry, the profoundest reasoning, the most truthful history and the guide to all our actions in this life and the key which unlocks the future, for the wonderful declaration, the Golden Text of the Bible reads, John three, sixteen. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on Him should not parish but have eternal life." " The Master said unto Martha: "Thy brother shall rhe again." Martha re plied, "Yst. I know he shall rise at the resurection at the last day," but Christ then answered her: "I am the resurection and the life, and whoso ever believth on me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth on me shall never die. Believeth thou this." I Martha said. Yea, Lord, I believe that thous are the Christ which should come into the world. With the begin ning of time began the recording of the relation of man and God. and con tinued until after the crucifiction of the Master. Forty of the smartest and most inspired men of all the ages had to do with the writing of this wonderful book, rwhich is to guide the world until time shall be no more and the last person shall have lived on earth. W. C. Sayres says regarding his youthful exper- ienc when the Father read the Bible: "Tonight my memory bears me back Over my life's eventful track, Once more I sit beside th hearth Enlivened by the talk and mirth. ed of Purina Fesds On Track at Murray, Nebr. About January 15- Saturday AT FOLLOWING PRICES Purina Pig: Chow (meal) . . $2.80 per 100 lb. Purina Hen Chow 2.25 per 100 lb. Purina Egg Mash 3.00 per 100 lb. Get Your Requirements of the Highest Grade Poultry and Hog Feeds Now at Lowest Possible Prices Shipment of Sweet Clover Seed Will Arrive About Jan. 20 Scarified and recleaned on a new gravity mill. Fine grade with purity above 99'; will sell at about $7.75 -per bushel. Special de luxe grade, purity S9.6',, germination 88', . will ecII at $3.25. SACKS THEE AT ABOVE PEICES Mynard, OutFide the snow drifts block the door Within we hear the good fire roar. Storicr are told nud scngs are sung, Oentleneos sits on every tongue While reverence wears a golden crown. When father takes the Bible down. And so before we knealt in prayer, David and Paul and Christ were there. Through all the.se years the shepherd song Has kept my heart from going wrong. The exhortations given by Paul Have been for me a fortress wall. And Christ himself through peace and strife. Has walked beside me all my life " The seed planted in early youth has kept the man and woman steady during the trying hours of temptation in later years. The words of life from the good Old Bible have kept many a man steady when troubles of what ever nature it may have been, for it has drawn him like pole star to the right and the one had rejoinced that these passages have come to him and like the magnetic nedle pointing to the poie star has guided the one to the goal of his desires. Reading and studying the Bible should be most valuable to all as only through this doorway are we to learn about the great beyond. True the telescope has told us about the other heavenly bodies, of the sun and its myrieds of sattalites which Con stitute the heavenly host of ..the ma terial bodies, but as the master of the universe the Lord of Creation and the one great and omnipotant Father, the Creator of all things, we come to the true source for this learning. But a very moderate practice of reading will have covered the entire Bible in one year. Read three chap ters every week day and five chap ters on Sunday and in one year they are all read. That Bible, the inspired work of God is one that is as much ours as we shall make it by study and know ing ourselves, and it's benefits as we put in practice after we shall have acquired it. COUNTY B0AED REORGANIZES From Wednesday s iaiiy Yesterday was the annual meet ing of the hoard of county cemmis sioiiers and this trio of gentlemen who handle the business ufi'airs of Cass county in such excellent shape re-organized for the ensuing year i y the election of C. F. Harri:; of Union as chairman of the board. C. I). Say's tjhev ; , f 'r f rxi MAP OUT 0. That sale o FLORSBEIM Shoes won't last orever. They'll soca he back to the standard la?e. EXIsfet now they're selling gl SS.SS. The style and quality are ex actly the as always tzit Fes here to scythe price Esnt. Today's ths day to get thczu FsfzerShoe Company The Home of Quality Shoes! PAGE SEVEJ! Nebraska Spann'er t i' Murr-y ;.s vice-r hairn.:. ;i ar.:l Fred II. Gordo r of Vttf.irg V. u tc r lh the junior in ml.ur of ilv b-ard. The remi-.iin'c r of i!e duy v. b taken up in the ; .IJjv.'aiicc of su r ether routine niL.tt:i that came ti the attention oi' the county board. General Black- mithing s Wood Work. Auto Axles Straighten ed, Farm Machinery Eepaired. Dtscs Sharpened and any other work in oor line done quickly and efficiently. Plow Work Our Specialty VAC MICKULESKY & SON Murray, Nebraska DENTIST and Dental Surgeon j Wishes to announce that he j will practice in Murray every Saturday, beginning Novem ber 13th. " & lb 9 'tie O . . . - .1