THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1926. FLATTSMOUTH SEHI - WEEKLY JOTTS27AX PAGE SEVEN l''yMT Conveniences Few in Village Homes Today People in Smaller Towns So Not Avail Themselves of Modem Appliances Which Are af Hand. (11? ifThe Heartiest of WsV In the sincerity of our hearts l$ we wish for all who may J5 chance to read this little - 1 The Merriest of Christmas Seasons " The Most Prosperous of New Years dig . $) Plattsmouth Battery Co. JSflsr v?fsJ W. O. Kettleson, Prop. JwL M Christraas Greetings life Filled with joys and memories sweet, May this little word of greeting Speak for us until we meet May your Christmas day be happy, But we hope to have the pleasure of meeting and serving you many times during 1927, so don't hesi tate to call on us. Ghrist & Ghrist 3 Heaven's Blessings A long and happy lifetime, Firm friends, both kind and true, And all the countless blessings Heaven gives, we wish for you. Eut when all these good things come, don't forget ns. We will still ap preciate your calls and patronage. They will help us keep cheered up till Christraas comes again. H. L. Kruger '4 2 Fremont, Neb. Homes In the smaller municipaltles of Nebraska hare not availed themselves of the modern conveniences at hand. Altho all Nebraska communities of 1,000 or mare population have a pub lic water supply, more than two fifths of the houses fn these towns do not have kitchen sinks and run ning water. This wa.T revealed in a survey made public, here by Mrs. Arthur G. Chris tensen, chairman of publicity of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs. The study was made by the home equipment department of the federation, after a proposal for such a survey in all states by the gen eral federation at Atlantic City this year. "Even in Omaha there are 3,000 dwellings without this first essential to housekeeping," the report said. "Houses that do not hare running water in the kitchen seldom have sta tionary wash basins Or bath tubs with running water. Many homes that have the kitchen sinks and fau cets do not have water fixtures else where in the home. "Two-thirds of the houses in towns of less than 1,000 population are without stationary wash basins, and one-fourth in towns of 5,000 to 25.000 are without this equipment.": Public sewerage systems are found v in all towns of 5,000 and more popu-f lation and in about nine-tenths of. the towns in 1,000 to 5.000 popu lation but this does not mean that the homes in these towns are equal- ly well equipped with modern sani tary fixtures. In towns of 5,000 to 10.000 nonulatlon almost a fourth of the houses are without these fix- j turos, and in towns of 1,000 to 2-j 500 almost half do not have them. Nebraska towns of 1,000 or more, population all have central station; electricity, the survey shows, and j homes in cities of less than 5.000 population have used electricity for, lighting to a greater extent than; homes in some of vthe larger cities! of this state. For more than four-; fifths of the homes in towns of less! than 5,000 population aro lighted! by electricity as compared with less; than three-fourths of the homes in Omnha and about three-fourths inj towns cf 5.000 to 10,000 population.; The fact that gas is used for light ing to a larger extent in the larger cities than in those of less than 5. 000 population accounts for only a small part of this difference. Gas is available In all Nebraska cities of 10,000 and mors, it wan; found, but gas ari. electricity arej used less frequently" for cooking in 1 Nebraska homes than elsewhere, for: only forty-four in every 100 Nebras-. ka homes reported gas ranges as com- j pared with sixty-four per hundred j homes thruout the United States, and j only one per cent have electric ranges : as compard with two per cent in thej nation. : "A larger proportion of homes in towns of less than 5,000 population j are using electric ranges than in the : larger towns," the statement added, j "but this is undoubtedly due to the fact that gas not. eo usually avail-1 able In the smaller towns. However j in cities of 10,000 to 25,000 where gas is available only 47 per cent in every 100 women cook on gas ranges; only 68 in every 100 women in Oma ha do so. Gas water heaters also arc used less frequently in Nebraska than ; thruout the United States. Less than j one-fourth of the Nebraska home? have heaters. "The normal January temperature in Nebraska for the last ten years was 21.9 degrees, yet Only fifty-seven of one hundred dwellings have cen tral heating systems, whether coal, oil or gas fuel. The others depend on the coal and wood stoves, some times supplemented by gas or Oil orj portable electric heaters, to hrat part3 of the house." ' The survey further declared, that mechanical power, in the form of, stationary engines, is used for farm work on eight of every one hundred Nebraska farms and in form of dec- J tricity In nineteen of every one hun dred farms. CAROL DICTATES TERMS OR RETURN Paris, Dec. 21. King Ferdinand's i prodigal son. Prince Carol, may gr back soon to Rumania, to be siren ; the fatted calf in the share of hist country's throne, which he renounc ed last January. Carol is taking life easy at Ne'i il ly and has not seized eagerly at an invitation to come back. Instead, it is said that he has laid down two conditions. These are, first, that King Ferdinand must acquiesce in Carol's divorcing Princess Helen, and that if possible she must leave the coun try before his return, and, second before he ascends the throne, the present government must be ousted and a democratic ministry, headed by Professor Jorga, leader of the op position in the chamber, and com prising the leaders of the new na tional peasant party must be put in power. M0REHEAD WORKS FOR PENSIONERS Lincoln, DeO. 20. In a letter to the Nebraska department G. A. R. j Congressman John H. Morehead to . day assured that body that he is working to obtain passage of a bill l i I m i j Ai n - ,War veterans from $30 to $50 a! month. I Hi? letter said, he would person-" mittee in tiehalf of the bill.. i ' . J NG YOU OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ?M$M Sappy Christmas Day 'i May memories tender ' Jljl ffi) And happiness true WS n Blend in the cheer 1 h (I That this Christmas Day 7 brings to YOU!. 0'. Golden, Happy Days fe hrr iT Nay your Christmas hours be $ ) wM filled - i L With sunshine's "golden rays, f Of SL And bring you many blessings A- ( wSH Through other happy days. Tfev A w. h. Puis Mr? kt& Mm: Just the Same Old Greeting DEAR READERS We would like to say something at this time commensurate vrith our good feel ing toward you and our good wishes fcr you, hut know of nothing more ex pressive than the time-worn greeting Merry Christmas - Happy New Year Ladies Toggery 5 Plattsmouth, Nebr. "The Shop of Personal Service" i Vu ... V i l. it 'i r