The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, DECEHBZE 16, 1926.
Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Catr4 t PostoClc. PlAttamoatb. Nab., m coad-dftM mail mum
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Perhaps it is money of the silent
partner that talks.
Only ten more shopping days, un
til Christmas, get a move on you!
Those oil leases seem to need more
buck passing than any other patriotic
act of which we know.
: o:
Santa Claus was very much in evi
dence Saturday, and the kids were
Laving the time of their lif.
It has been discovered that the sax
ophone was first used in Germany.
The war's over, so let's forget it.
In recent tests, a woman dressed
in better time than a man, but thenj
a man
puts on clothes wnen ne
The Victor Phonograph Co. has
been sold for $40,000,000, thus em-!
nhasizintr the "douch" note in his
master's voice.
As a consistent theater goer we de-
mand a return date of "Uncle Tom's in operation m the world, according that 47 per cent of the people, how
Cabin" to see little Eva, Uncle Tom 'to the latest estimate. lever, live beyond sixty. Thirty per
and the bad, bad man
Simon Legree.
Ased to pray for warm weather so
that her grandma's rheumatism might
Tnss nwav. a 5-vear-old cirl nelt and!
said, "Oh, Lord, please make It hot
for granma."
tx-kot, oKr.nt uin o uronithv rpi.'
dent of Cincinnati installed in his
home the first stationary bathtub in;
the United States, his neighbors
thought him "queer."
In one respect, at least, Mr. Low-
den's presidential boom looks promis-
ing. He has less distance to go to-
ward looking like a dirt farmer than
his opponents, particularly Mr. Long-'
worth. j
Santa Claus has always been good j
to the kids. We remember back 80
years ago and Santy was just as good -
to us. So the man or woman who
says their is no Santa Claus, should
stop and think.
Danger of another crop surplus has
developed. An overproduction of dia
monds that may result in
price reductions is said
to be I
threatenede. As conference of dia-
mond magnates has assembled att
Capetown, South Africa, to go into'
th mattPr and. if r.nssihlp mvp thp
world from disaster.
tlmr0lmlmlmimlmlm'l'-'f V I"IMI"i"I,JrI"I
T Dr. John A. Griffin
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Bun days and eveningi
by appolstzaent only.
Soennichsen Building
A. .!T..T-T-T..I-M..I..t..I..I..I..!I. 4 j
Matched -
Hoods Your Home
with GloriousMusic
SIT in your home toniehr and
listen to music sung and played
hy man oi the counrry't most
ftiited artists. Enjoy the kind oi en
tertainment you bet catchy
dance tunes, lilting allies, the
ongs oi yesterday. Take your
A Stewart-Warner Matched-Unit
Radio will bring you the finest
radio entertainment, with a clarity
ol tone that will delight you.
Stewart-Warner has designed and
built every rart and every unit
Instrument. Reproducer and Tube
to perform in perfect harmony.
The result is marvelous reception.
A quarter-century ol experience
and leadership is behind the Stewart-Warner
Matched-Unit Radio
as your assurance oi complete sat
isfaction. As authorized Stewart
Warner dealers, we urge you to let
us demonstrate one oi these splen
did sets in your home, without
obligation, oJ course.
Table Cabinet -
Model 41 S $3C
Raymond Hild, Phone 2805
cackling geese
saved ancient
Or so the histories state,
And the balance of power
Senate depends
On the breakfast Shipstead ate.
Al most time for skating parties.
Winter has made its bow, and also
its bow-wow.
Oh, well, a loving cup is merely
another thing to dust.
"Easy payments" are in the same
class with "painless extractions."
rt-n miwc unu i lud ma.ii
that goes every night with his wife
and children.
All men are born equal, but it is;
what they are born equal to that'
makes the difference.
More than 12 million radio sets are
- ,00r. rr, 1 1 6 Deyona seveniy. uniy one in he nas continuously practiced his pro
The want of great leaders may be 5000 beyond 100. and two- fVsirm until h was forced through
due to the fact that people have learn-
ed to do a little thinking for them-j
A town in Wyoming has civic ex-
, , . .
penses of only $4. a year. That is
not a town : it s an exception, or a
Nothing pleases a man with a well
developed sense of humor so much as
setting two chronic bores to boring
each other.
The revised alphabet, if adopted,
would make Rose Roz and George
Jorj. Any stenographer could spell
with that alphabet.
The wearing of a collar by man
probably was originated by a woman
wha thought that would be a good
way to make him keep his
nose to
the grindstone
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
y. Bs-
In tbe ounty Court.
Tn thp maftpr nf thf pstatp nf
Frances G Earis deceased,
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
Ejt at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
27th day of December, 196, and on
,the 29th day of March, 1927, at ten
o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust- j
J.;ment and allowance. The time lim-i
ttiited for the presentation of claims!
'against said estate is three months
iiu lii Luc m i ill uaj ui iri.cuiuci , a.
4.ID. 1926. and the time limited for pay
4!ment of debts is one year from said
J.i27th day of December, 1926.
J Witness my hand and the seal of
3. said County Court, this 23rd day of
J. November, 1926.
Seal n29-4w
County Judge.
Unit Radio
Radio TnC
Haiti S-W 301.AX)
Mod! 345
L W l Console Modrl 3SS
Ain't too old for Christmas time,
Same ol' joyful season;
Jus' fergit my growin' years,
That's th' simple reason
Forty years roll off my back
When th' fcleighbells tinkle.
Kick my heels an plumb fergit
I've a single wrinkle.
Christmas time's a time f'r jo
Drop yer years an be a boy!
Dance a breakdown on th floor,
'S'lute an' swing yer lady!
Laugh an sing until you feel
You are in Arcady.
Al'man left! T' feel yer years
Time like this is treason.
Right an' left, an promenade!
This is Christmas season.
Christmas lime's no time fer gloom-
All join hands aroun' th' room!
Swing yer partners! Ain't that fine?
Eoys an' girls together.
Ol age is forgotten now
This is Christmas weather.
Walk yer partner to yer seat;
Want no music slow, sir.
Kiss her 'neath th' mistletoe
'Fore she can say no, sir!
Christmas time's no time f'r tears
Time t' drop yer gathered year.
Wil Maupin, in The Omaha Bee.
If you are fifty-one and one-half
years old, you have lived1 the span of
liffk r11rkfffwl vnn Yx?
the insurance
.' . .
company statisticians.
It may be some consolation to know
thirds of the centenarians arp wnmoTi
The one big job of medical science
today is to lengthen the lifetime, pro-
! 1 rm f "thp n P rvf crnort a 1 1 rvn Qnmo
, , .... . . .
doctors work directly for this end,
working inir.civ f
It might be pertinent to ask if the
I economic and social world is keepin
Wllu lne me.ucai wona.
1 or vbat snaI1 " Profit a man to
lire his three score Jears and tpn if lre
must struggle miserably Just that
many years more?
Fortunately, the
answer is that
things are Improving, we think, in
other realms as admirably as in
sides many relatives and friends. The
For sale Late Model, practically funeral service was held on Satur
new Gulbransen upright piano. Solid dav afternoon from the Methodist
Steel Plate Brush Pin holes, lates
style spring brass flange action, gold-
en oak case. A-l condition. Price
$195. Easy terms or big discount for
cash. Christ & Ghrist, 11S-22 So
6th st. Plattsmouth. Neb. Phone 645.
Pure bred light Brahma cockerels
S3. 00. C for $2.50 each. Mrs. A. C.
(Pearsley, Union, Nebr
Holstein heifers and cows. Also a
few Jerseys. See or call Rex Young.
D,Hcm.fc -r,i ,
Plattsmouth. Tele. 314
Your ad in the Journal will be rezd
by 75 per cent of the buying public.
The undersigned will sell at Pub-;
lie Auction on the Oscar Gapen farm.1
on the K-T highway, four miles south ';
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and four
miles northeast of Murray, on
Monday, January3
commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m.,
the following described property, to
wit: Horses and Males
Twelve head of work horses, all
A-No. 1: one span Molly mules, well
matched, weight 2,700; one saddle
pony, weight 1.000 lbs.
One registered black Percheron
stallion, six years old, weight 1,900
Cattle and Hogs
Five good milk cows, one just
fresh; others to be fresh by day of
Eight head of shoats; one good
Duroc boar.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Two lumber wagons; one good hay
rack; one low iron wheel truck; one
new Sandwich corn elevator; one
new disk; one old disk; one gang
plow; one 14-inch stirring plow; one drill; one John Deere gang plow; one
new two-row lister; two riding cul- 2-row machine; one 1-row machine;
tivators; two walking cultivators; jone New Century riding cultivator;
one new three-section harrow;, one one Champion corn planter; two har
mowing machine: one iseeder; four rows; one walking cultivator; one
new sets of heavy work harness; one wagon; two sets of l-inch harness;
rubber-tired pony buggy and pony one set 1-inch harness; some
harness; one Hupp roadster automo-; household and kitchen furniture and
bile; one Ford truck and numerous 'many other small articles not men-
other articles.
Terms of Sale
All sums of 510.00 and under,
cash. On sums over $10.00 a credit
of six months will be given, pur-1 months will be given, purchaser to
chaser to give bankable note bearing give bankable note bearing Interest
interest at the rate of eight per cent at the rate of eight per cent per an
per annum from date of sale. No ' num from date of sale. No property
property to be removed from the '. to be removed from the premises un-
premises until settled for.
Sage & Hass,
Rex Young, Auctioneer
R. F. Patterson, Clerk
Death of Former
Resident of This
Co.- Dr. Morrow
Born at Murray and Son " of Well
Known Family At One Time
Practiced in Louisville
This community was deeply grieved
when the news of the passing of Dr.
Wren Morrow became known to our
citizens for he had made a wonder
ful fight after several months of
acute illness. Born of pious, indus
trious parents, and reared under
Christian influences, he early dedi
cated himself to God. and his whole
life was only onward and upward,
and in the practice of his chosen
profession he won the esteem of this
community by his daily living and de
votion to principle. .
Wren Morrow was born at Murray,
Nebraska, January 26, 1882. and de
parted this life, November 18, 1926,
at the age of 4 4 years, 9 months and
22 days.
In IS 95 he came with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Rozzell Morrow to Burt
county and his early boyhood was
spent in Riverside precinct where in
the companionship of his father, a
man of rare musical talents, he with
his brothers, and near neighbors,
formed what was known at the Mor
row Drum Corps. Beloved and rev
erred by the boys of the Grand Army
of the Republic, and the W. R. C. and
the pioneers of this county, they ap
peared at almost all public affairs,
and like his faith in God, dominated
his whole life. After, attending the
county school he went to the Fremont
college receiving the Degrees of Bach-
i elor of Science and Pharmaceutical
! Graduate. Going to Cincinnati, Ohio.
he entered the medical college where
on May 30. 1916, he received his de
grees of Doctor of Medicine, after
illness to retire. He. with his
J? Tnff,""? X
tn Tol om-ih in tlis niltnmTl nf 1 1
takillff over the Fraternity hospital tlior 1- n vt rn tinnod tr nn-
Early in life he united with the
Kiversuie iiaptist cnurcn ana con
t jnut,d to be a member until his death
He was also a member of Seward
Masonic Lodge A. F. & A. M. and of
Omaha Consistory, being a Scottish
Rite M:ison. He was united in mar-
riage March 27, 1917. to Marselleine
A. Reeves of Bethany, Nebraska, who
passed away March, 1919, leaving
him one son, Thomas Reeves Morrow,
a lad or only 9 years to wnom tne
sympathy of the whole community is
extended and also to the aged mother,
i Mrs. Adella Morrow, and four sisters,
!Mrs. G. L. Grothe. Alice. Lillian and
j Hazel Morrow, and two brothers, Ed
' round and Dr. Lawrence Morrow, be-
church whore a most representative
gathering of citizens assembled to pay
their l3st tribute of respect. Rev. G.
a. Bolas of Omaha, former M. E. pas-
tor here and close friend, officiated
and pronounced a most beautiful and
fitting eulogy. He was assisted by
Rev. H. H. Gunderson of the Baptist
ehi'.rch and Rev. McKenzie of the
Methodist church. Mrs. James Clark
and Mr. V.'ill Langley of-Decr.tur
Phone 1203. s:inP raost enectiveiy two nymns. ine
dl6-4tw Coral tributes were profuse and beau-
tiful. The Masonic fraternity con
ducted their ritualistic service at the
cemetery, H. N. Marsh, officiating.
as Worshipful Master. The pall bear
ers were: J . A. smgnaus. A. a. triCK
Fon, Henry Valder and C. G. Norseen.
These from a distance who were in
attendance at the obsequies were:
jlisses Viola Hipp and Amy Davies
ioi i-jyoiis, .eu., air. aiiu itirs. jainca
Swope, Oakland, Iowa, Dr. J. Morrow,
Dr. B. E. Morrow and Mrs. Effie Ban
' ning, Seward. Neb., Mr. and Mrs.
! Troy Davis of Weeping Water, Neb.,
I Mrs. Ed Drake, Modale, Iowa, Mrs.
We will sell at Public Auction at
farm located four miles northwest of
Murray, Nebraska, and four miles
southwest of Mynard. Nebraska, on
Tuesday, Dec. 21
commencing at 10:30 o'clock, with
J lunch served at noon by the Ladies
Aid society of Murray, the following
described property, to-wit:
4 Head Horses and Mules
One black mare, 3 years old, wt.
1,100 pounds; one black mare, 10
years old. wt. 1,200 pounds; one
Jack. i years old, wt. 1,300 pounds;
'one Jinny Mule, 3 shears old. weight
1.10O pounds. A
7 Head of Cattle
Ore Guernsey cow, 8 years old, to
be fresh soon; three 18-months-old j
steers: two 18-months-old heifers;
one 18-months-old bull.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
One John Deere corn elevator,
new; one binder; one King press
tioned in this ad.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash.
On sums over $10, a credit of six
til settled for.
James L. and Ira Cook,
iCoI. W. R. Young, Auctioneer
Murray State Bank, Clerk.
Repair bills i
Friction and wear can't get in their deadly
work, can't build up big repair bills, when
you use the right grade of jPolarine. It
means protection to your motor and to your
pocket book.
"A 7ebrasa Institution
Fannie Kurdsen and Mr. and Mrs.
William Shaw of Council Bluffs, la.
"Heaven is richer and from His Heart
There is a silver cord which reaches
From earth to heaven and back to
earth again.
Upon this silver cord Angeles chant
Their eternal anthems,
Calling one and all."
Burt County Herald.
From a Boston newspaper: "Prom
inent among the guests was a bright
western woman." Our guess is that
everything considered, "prominent"
is the right word.
Probably the nicest thing about
freckles is they are real. And in an
age of drugstores that is a great deal.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sermon at 11 a. m. Subject: "The
Heralds of Joy." All are most heart
ily invited to attend all our services.
G. B. Weaver, pastor.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Ola Minota Spacht, Charles A.
Spacht. John B. Kaffenberger, Anna
Kaffenberger, Mina E. Cortright,
Carl J. Cortright, Gladys E. Kaffen
berger and Goldy E. Kaffenberger,
Plaintiffs, vs. Norma B. Baumgart.
Thyra May Baumgart, Veda Baum
gart, minors under the age of four
teen years; Ed Baumgart, widower,
and George A. Kaffenberger, widow
er. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of the decree of the
District Court of the County of Cass,
Nebraska, entered in the above en
titled cause on the 14th day of
August, 1926, and an order of sale
entered by said Court, on the 10th
day of November. 1926. the under
signed, sole referee, on the 17th day
of December, 1926, at 10:00 o'clock
a. m., at the south front door of the
court house in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, will
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
The north half of the north
west quarter (N NW) of
Section twenty-four (24), and
the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter (SW SWi )
of Section thirteen (13), all in
Township twelve (12), Range
twelve (12), east of the 6th P.
M., in the County of Cass, Ne
braska, excepting one acre out
of the southwest corner of the
southwest quarter of the south
west quarter of said Section 13,
reserved as schoolhouse site.
10 cash of the amount of the ac
cepted bid payable at the time of
said sale and balance upon confirma
tion. Said sale will be held open
one hour.
Dated this 10th day of November,
A. D. 1926.
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
4 a.
fbr protective lubrication
on Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Sadie Worden, deceased:
On reading the petition of C. D.
Spangler, Administrator, praying a
i final settlement and allowance of his
'account filed in this Court on the 4th
day of December, 1926, and for de
termination of heirship and decree of
final distribution of assets of said
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county on the 21st day of December,
A. D. 1926 at ten o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sona interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this ord,er in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for one week prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this Cth day of December,
A. D. 1926.
(Seal) dl3-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, bs.
To the heirs and all persons in- the undersigned Sheriff of Cass coun
terested in the estate of James Hall, ty, Nebraska, to sell the real estate
deceased: hereinafter described in satisfaction
On reading the petition of William (0f the liens determined thereon by
Minford. trustee of said estate, pray- the decree entered in said cause Feb-
ing a final settlement and allowance
of his account filed in this court on '
the 10th day of December, 1926, and
for approval of his final account, and
for a decree of distribution of the
funds now in his possession as such
trustee, according to the last will and
testament of said James Hall, deceas
ed, determination of heirship, and
such other and further proceedings
as are necessary, and for his dis
charge as such trustee
Tt is hprphv nrr!frprl that vnn nnrl
all persons interested in said matter oor of the court house in Platts
may, and do, appear at the County mouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, of
Court to be held in and for said coun-fer for saie at public vendue the fol
ty on the 5th day of January A. D. lowing described real estate situated
1927, at ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed, and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed In said county, for
three weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my band and the seal of
said court this 10th day of Decem
ber, A. D.1926.
(Seal) dl3-3w County Judge. 1
Six grades Polarine Light, Medium, Hcary,
Special Heavy, Extra Heavy and Polarine
"F", tvinter, for Fords.
Consult the Polarine Chart.
Pursuant to an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
made and entered on this ISth day
'of November, 1926, in an action
pending therein, in which Henry
Cline, a widower; Albert Cline and
wife and Sadie Cline are plaintiffs,
andAnnah May Baird r.nd husband
and Thomas J. Baird are defendants,
iordering and directing the under
signed referee in said cause to sell,
as upon execution. Lots 272, 273 and
274, in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, also Lots
284. 2f5. 2S6 and 2S7. in the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebras
ka Notice is hereby given that on the
24th day of December, 1926, at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, at the south fiont door of
the Court House in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, the
undersigned referee will sell the
above described real estate at public
sale, to the highest bidder for cash.
Said sale to be held open for one
Dated this 22nd day of November,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Walter A. Johnson, Plaintiff vs.
Charles F. Morton et al. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
authority of an order of sale duly
issued in the above entitled cause
November 15, 1926, commanding me
ruary 6, 1926, as follows
Plaintiff's first lien, $6,32S.-
44; the second lien of defendant
Robert Willis. $2,111.87; the
third lien of defendant Bank of
Vnion for $5,222.50. and the
fourth lien of the defendant Joe
Banning in the sum of $7,087.
89, with Interest on said sums
and the costs herein
as in said decree provided, I will, on
the ISth dy of December, 1926, at
10 o'clock a. m. at the south front
in Cass county. Nebraska, to-wit:
The east half of the northeast
quarter (E NEU ) of Section
nineteen (19), in Township ten
(10). Range fourteen (14).
and will sell the same to the highest
Dated November 15. 1926.
Sheriff of Cass County,
Have yon. anything to sell! Tell
the world abont it through the Jour
nal's Want Ad department