The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 13, 1926, BARGAIN Wednesday EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    M01DA7, DECEITS EE. 13, 1926
Money Saving Sale Bargain Wednesday
,11 o., at school could not enjoy the day
with her.
Henry Meyerjergen, who believes
in spreading gladness and sunshine
wherever he can sent via parcel post
to his friends in Germany last Thurs
day, a very nice package of beautiful
and useful presents giving the old
country a taste of the good things
and good wishes which the people
here have for them.
The board of education of the Mur
dock school by resolution for the pres
ent have decided to cut the noon hour
of the school to one-half the time
and thus be able to close the school a!
half hour earlier than formerly, thus
allowing the scholars an opportunity
to get home earlier as the roads have
been quite bad and this gives themj
a little more time around the home!
on the farm. I
The store of Harry McDonald is
assuming a very decided look like
Santa Claus was going to make a sure
enough visit in Murdock in the near
future. The store is decorated very
beautifully and there are plenty of
pretty presents for the whole family
made on or before December
22nd will be ready for
Please sit early
-The Cummins Studio-
Will Celebrate Christmas.
The members of the Royal Neigh
bors of America will hold a house
party at the hall on December 20th,
for the kiddies for the wife the hus- "l , T, IV, 7 J
.., . ,ii Hall decorated in holiday colors, and
will also have their families as well
as a Christmas tree, and each family
band and the sweetheart, as well as
a good radio for the home. Better
drop in and see what he has.
Raymond "Westlake and son Ken-
iTke'is engaged in farming and stock ' They are expecting to celebrate
raising, were on the market at South , the occasion in the very best manner.
Omaha last week with four loads of! -
cattle, which they had grown on the' Single Comb Rhode Island Reds,
ranch, and following the marketing each. Mrs. W. O. Troop, Murray
of the stock they came to Murdock Pbone. d6-6W
where they visited for a short time:
with Mr. TV. H. Rush, who is father:
of Mrs. Westlake. and grandfather of!
Master Kenneth, and after a short!
visit here they went to Lincoln,)
From Saturday's Daily
The many friends over this sec
toion of Cass county will regret to
learn that Mrs. John S. Vallery is
not so well, the late reports from
the Immanuel hospital at Omaha
is expected to bring presents to the; state. Mrs. Vallery had been doing
number of the members of their fam-
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
Richard Tool was looking after
some business as well as visiting with
his friends in Omaha last Monday.
Albert Schroder and O. J. Pothast
of College View were looking after
some business matters in Plattsmoutn
on Tuesday of last week.
Miss Alma Scheel, who has been
working for some time was visiting in
Murdock for a short time during the
past week, as well as the home of her
sister, Mrs. Frank Hart in Green
wood. Mr. and Mrs. TV. F. Etmund had
with them at their home in Murdock
on last Sunday, as their guests the
families of Mr. H. E. Etmund. Elmer
Etmund. and Henry Reipka and fam
ily all from near Hickman.
V. F. Etmund ana wife, Martin
r.luni and Charles Stander were all
the guests at the home of Mr. and
,Mrs. J. E. Hendrix, at a social eve
ning on last Monday .where they all
enjoyed a six o'clock supper and
music during the later evening.
Rnv Oehlerking. who was in the
hospital at Omaha for some time and
where be underwent an operation for
the correction of hernia was so he
could come home last week, and is
getting along nicely at this time and
hopes to be entirely well soon.
J. E. Hendrix and wife entertained
at their home on last Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Garland of Lincoln. A. B. Hen
drix and family of College View, C.
A. Lenard and two nephews, Crville
and Leiand Lenard of Ashland, where
all surely enjoyed the occasion very
Miss Irene McDonald was just
twenty years of age last Thursday and
celebrated the passing of the event
in a very pleasant and quiet way, and
was some disappointed that her cousin
Miss Mary Tool, who is at Columbus,
We call your attention to the fine
display of Utility Gifts such as
Watches, Silverware, Carving Sets,
1 A. TT r.. J XT' , A T"T-n ,.r cHnnDH nvor 1 1 f Vi f fnnilc ti r in ia nncupecinn fi Kllf'h
.nn,,i.r otc T,0 rnr,0l ' county seat and securing the neces- trustee, according to the last will and ber 20th. Lunch be served and
and outdoor play also the wonderful " ....! f . 5J it xin je..t.he larc-e doll and nony will be
. , Eury Lautrs nut uuiiru ill luc Lruuuo iclauicui ui oam jaiiitr9 ucvc&o- - - - -
mnio- ed, determination 01 . neirstnn, ana '""i al 1,1
ng'a such other and further proceedings ,-vtted' to be present.
bargain and a blessing as well. These as are necessary, - and for -bis u la-
two excellent young people are well charge as such trustee
known in and about Murdock, where it j8 hereby ordered that you and
tney nave resiaea ior some iinie. mey an persons interested in saia matter, From Saturday s Daily
will for the present mane tneir imroe may. and do. appear at the County! tv; Trw.nintr n.t the oarlv nroccam
a number of miles northwest .of Mur- Court to be held in and for said coun- 0f Etation'KMA at Shet and oat, .Iowa,
dock, in the house on the farm where ty on tne 5tn day of january A. D. . lne announcement was made by Ear:
Paul Stock has been farming: '"The 1927. at ten o'clock a. m.. to show i K t.nv nf ihp fart that Santa Claus
coming season they will farm on the cause jf any there be. why th prayer ;was tVbetn Flattsxaoutn today and
n-Hoa hor T-icitcH with MfB T H T"V
In the County Court of Cass coun-
W'ay, formerly Miss Mary Rush, and tv Nebraska
with Leona Burley and Mable Miller, state of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
all daughters of Mr. Rush, where
Mr. Westlake and Kenneth visit for!
a short time before returning to their
home in Alliance..
To the heirs and all persons in
terested in the estate of James Hall.
On reading the petition- of William
Minford, trustee of said estate, pray
ing a final settlement and allowance
very nicely at the hospital up until
Thursday evening when she suffered
a slight relapse and ha6 since been
feeling quite poorly altho it is
thought that the relapse will not be
of a dangerous nature.
Last Opportunity of Seeming Rccfc OcHoni Prices rn Pdsices!
Visit our Meat Market Rock Bottom Prices for the Best Meats!
We Do Our Own Butchering and Give You the Advantage in Price
SUGAR-14 pounds for . . $1.00
FLOUR-White Seal, sack 2.15
CORN-Cty . Gent, 7 cans . 1 .00
NAVY BEANS-5 lbs 59
MACARONI-Per lb. . . .
FLOUR-Blue Jay, sack. .
CORN-Standard, 9 cans .
FIG BAR-Per lb
Married at Plattsmouth.
On last Wednesday, which was bar- of his account filed in this court on
gain Wednesday in Plattsmouth and the 10th day of December. 1926, and
all dealings and contracts .were bar- for approval of his final account, and
gains. William Saunders and Miss for . a decree of distribution of the
Golden Rod study club will give
a social and bazaar Wednesday eve
ning, Dec. 15, at the Community
hall at Mynird. Also a community
club will be organized (and the Red
Cioss will elect its officers for the
coming year. All Red Cross mem
bers aie requested to be present.)
The Sunday school of the Eight
Mile Grove Lutheran church will hold
a bazaar in the, basement of the
church on Monday evenijiS. Decern
1 b i i rr i t a. T
line oi , Jjonnie no xiexier rowcr,nf hn, mrimnrv iv the aecor
Washers Do vonr shoinrnfr earl v' at - d''tinS r judge, each of fheni getti
washers.uo your snoppng eany, ai n and ft blessing M WfcU. T
The Store Thas Has the Stock
time. Everyone in
L. Neitzel
Radiators for
their many friends are extending con
gratulations to the newly wedded pair
I wishing prosperity, happmgess ana
I have the M0DLNE Non-Freezable many f riends-
Eadiator for. Fords $8.50 end the
farm .which was formerly worked by of the petitioner should not be grant-! extending the! invitiuion? to comeiin
" cq, ana ini nonce oi me peuaeBcy Land '-njoy-iitne-visit otfcga. i--
William Wilkin farm and is moving of said petition and the bearing t ' : . t c
there in the spring. The Journal with there0f be given to all persons in--i ; L.U ..TW,.kt
old radiator or if you want to keep
the old one. you can by paying the
difference. These radiators are guar
anteed for 18 months.
George Utt
At the Sooth Garage
given to all persoi
terested in said matter by publishing:
a copy of this order in the Platts- j
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news-j
pnper printed in taid county, fori
three weeks prior to said day of
hearing. j
In witness whereof. I have here-
Enjoyed Shooting Match
The pre-Christmas season was
opened at the home of William Stock unto set my hand and the seal of
on last Friday when there was held court this 10th day of Decem
;a shooting match between the single ber, A. D. 1926.
young men ot ine vicinity oi alut-, a., ti. ijlaulki,
dock and the younger married men, (Seal) dl3-3w County Judge.
who contested for an oyster supper.
and as yet we have not heard as to
hnu- th ennfpst came out. but Will
! know with the coming week who will j
have to serve the oysters ana ao tnej
for Radiators
Ford Service and Supplies
Dry Cells and Storage Batteries
Your Battery Charged for $1
The Moore Car Heater
Pedal Pants
Ward's Garage
Murdock, Nebr.
Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
Kany Horses Lost Lately. 'tv. Nebraska.
With what is commonly called) State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
corn stalk disease, there has been aj Tq all persons interested in the
number of the farmers losing their estflte Qf Sa(Jie Worden def.eased:
stock, and which is causing much con-
cern for the loss of the pasture when - , Administrator, nravin a steers
mer- ui qu.ic uuufou ,y0 final Bettlement and allowance of his one 18-montns-oiu nun.
We will sell at Public Auction ai
farm located four miles, northwest of
Murray. Nebraska. ' and' four miles
southwest cf Myuard, Nebraska, on
Tuesday, Dec. 21 .
commencing at 10:3(5 o'clock, with
lunch served at noon by: the -Ladies
Aid society of Murray, the following
described property, to-nelt-:-
4 Hez.d Horses and Mules
One black mare, 3 years old, wt.
1,100 pounds; one -black mare, 10
years old, wt. 1,20- pounds; one
Jack. 5 years old, wt. 1,300 pounds;
one Jinny Mule, 3 years old, weight
1,100 pounds.
7 Head of Cattle
One Guernsey cow, 8 years old, to
be fresh sDon: three 1 8-months-oia
two 18-months-old heifers;
pie s wmr
Sam Giventer, Manager
Telephone No. 239
Sure, We Deliver!
n it n. ni'n t'rt- wt i fiiHi f '- i
St T t JH j. t '.imltnj Kill
IfllJII I l
h I i
cinaj. i ."u p.pbii.wx., account filed in this Court on the 4th
the losing of the stock is a more ser-, December. 1926. and for de-
ious one and just what to do is a ques- . , Hirahin QnH nf
Gj final distribution of assets of said
' It is hereby ordered that you and
tion which
isagitating many
Departed for California.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
One John Deere corn elevator,
new; one binder; one King press
drill: one John Deere gang plow; one
2-row machine; one 1-row machine:
one New .Century riding cultivator;
(all i it i (1113 iiiicimicu iu pa-iu ludiiri i . . . . .
V. I Shnttn u hn hMhTi aresi-'m,. ,wi a i one unampiuu ru . l"
f,i- f a mnon. i. rows; one walking cultivator.
m-li L. S . ail U a U VV V 1UI y UUl L IU kf 11C1U O. U A LIS I
'resigned his position with the Rock county on the 21st day of Dece'mber,
Island, as recived of Express after A. D. 1926 at ten o'clock a. m., to
i hours of the agent, and departed for show cause, if any there be, why the
I the west, going to California where prayer of the petitioner should not
hp will spend the winter with his be granted.- and that notice of the
daughter. The positio nhas been filled pendency of said petition and the
hv Mr W TT. Rush, who can well care hearing thereof be given to all per-
for the business and who is one of sons mieresieu in saio. niauer uy puu
ij. aC'
The Majestic Radio
Absolutely Best Reception
We install them com
plete. Come and hear
them at the Drug Store.
H. V. McDonald
Murdock, Nebr.
the very excellent gentlemen of Murdock.
lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for one week prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here-
A. D. 1926.
(Seal) dl3-3w
A. II.
County Judge.
Met with Mrs. Schewe.
The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical
church, met last Thursday afternoon , unto set my hand and the seal of
with Mrs. W. O. Schewe. at her coun-jsaid Court this 6th day of December,
tr;- home northwest of Murdoc where
they had a very enjoyable time with
this work and the social hour as well.
The ladies with the idea of getting
the work done first soon had the busi
ness which called them together com
pleted and ready to enjoy the very
pleasant afternoon which Mrs.
Schewe had arranged for them. They
were served; with a most delightful
luncheon at the end of the meeting,
which was greatly enjoyed by all.
They voted Mrs. Schewe a most ac
complished entertainer and are look
ing forward for the time when they
will be able to meet under her hospit
able roof again.
wagon; two sets OI iiarue&a,
one set 14 -inch harness; some
household and kitchen furniture and
many other small articles not men
tioned in this ad.
Terms of Sale
All suras of $10 and tyider, cash.
On sums over $10, a. credit of six
months will be given, purchaser to
give bankable note bearing interest
at the rate pf eight per cent per an
num from date of sale. No property
to be removed from the premises un
til settled for.
James L. and Ira Cook,
Col. W. It. Young. Auctioneer
Murray State Bank, Clerk.
Bates Book sod StaiEonsry Sfero Annex
Third Door North of Main St. on Fifth Street
Just glance over a few of these items and compare prices with
those quoted anywhere. We are closing out our line of Toys and
offer you exceptional bargains. You will find what you want here.
Will Have O'nossom Pie.
One day last week Albert Schroeder
and Herb Firestine were out hunting
and bagged a fine fat O'possum which
they brought to town and Herb pre
pared and made some pie for his
friends and bimself. and which they
foind to be an excellent dish. The
art of turning an o'possum from its
native state into a pie is one which
but few possess, but Kerb is a fiae
cook and Albert cbrgeder an epicure
who well "knows the good dishes. '
Home-tVIade Candies!
One Pound 18c
Two Punds , 35c
Five Pounds ; 85c
Bargain Wednesday Only!
Popular Games
Indoor Croquet Sets 3 ball, regular value
$3.00. Specially priced at
$2.25 set
Ping Pong Game Here is a dandy, regu
lar $2.50. Closing it out at
Only $2
Toy Pianos
Regular $3.50 value for $2.75
Regular 3.00 value for 2.25
Regular 2.00 value for 1.25
Regular 1.00 value for .75
Teddy Bears
16 inches high, $1.75 value for $1.25
24 inches high, 2.50 value for 1.50
20-inch extra fine, $2.75 value at 1.75
Uncle Walt Doll
25 inches high, $2.75 value for- $1.50
Mechanical Toys
All kinds of them Friction and spring
propelled. We are making a bed rock price
on these to close them out.
10c to $1.25
Popular Games for
the Kiddies
Polyanna Game Very popular. Sold regu
larly at $1.25. Going at
Only 85c
Billy Whiskers Always a popular number
with the kiddies. $1.25 value for
75c each
Heeping Up with the Jones Another $1.25
game, now selling for only
85c each
Bushy Tail, Nodding Nancy, Game of
Quoits, Bang Bird Game, Crazy Cat and
many others all bearing the same discount.
We want to clean them out.
Bloxo Puzzle Game Special at
Educational Toys are
Also Included
Euilding Blocks. Educational Eoards, Sew
ing Sets, etc. all go down in price for the
close out of this line. Come in and see
them. No large stock and will not last
long at the prices we are making on them.
Christmas Trees and
Christmas Tags and Seals. A world of
Cards in fact everything to wrap, seal
and tie- your packages; to decorate the
tree and place on it as gifts for every mem
ber of the family will be found at our
main store and Toy Annex. Shop early.
Remember the place, op North 5th Street in the Bates
Book Store Building Third Door to North on 5th St.
Children's Dishes
Decorated Chinaware Sets for the little
Miss at a price you cannot overlook.
25c to 50c
Booh and Stationery Sfn