The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 09, 1926, BARGAIN Wednesday EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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- !
-4 .
g Little Hatchet Flour 8 pkgs. Not-a-Seed Raisins 11 Tall Cans Deaii's Milk Noodles or Sea Sh. Macaroni 4 pfcvs- Advo Pancake Fbzr
$1 $1 31 ci si
v I ' SdNEflOd PI
tm -QI-I OMi 23 BarS P Md G Sap FanCy Red Sahn0D 5 LarSe Catsa? 2 1-gal. Cans Walia Syrup 2 1-gal. Cans Dark Syrup HVOflS
3qn 1 $i $i S1 ci C aaxviriNvao
Pnrfe a.a!f S9 Can. IMfTwL- 9 Cans of Sweet Corn J. 51. ciEOHUSGAEniE CAIuTBELL'S 7 Bm Hd Water Cjta. 4
rorK anc osans cans o large Cans lomatoes ci.j,j -dv it o ? ir Electric rark Lnun-
o Uood standard rack hojnmy S Large Cans a u,c fre.m rc tj.. Tn-n q f?rl, for -c"1-1- u"
Ci ci c., 4 i5s. Lreua Gi I.ut tr lc:u.o cjp J cans l or - s All 19 Ears for crJy
gl $1 $1 1 si si ' 51
c I L, n,f,-.1 One Quart of Sweet Pickles c ik I d -assnrad x$ was itjiai
5 large pkgs. Oatmeal and 0ae Qliart Plain olives 8 ,bs- Lare Prunes WD 9tpi Bann SiRd B 11 Ids. B!ae Ros3 Rice 4S-!b. Srck A-G-D Fbur 4Mb. Sack Crocr Flour
$1 $1 $1 no usaiS 3321:03 SI 2 25 row
Leo's, Eauf Brau or Puritan A STAPLE ITEM Combination Offer rjrjy T lEA VALUE g p r , c "
2 Cans of Malt Sjrup 12 lbs. large Idaho Bean, Bj Fancy Bneaunes R. $!5 Fr, Feache, rcan, Wh:te Pi.:!3.. Cau fcr
1 SI SI 33 3 SI 31 Sl
Soft Shell English Walnuts 47 loI7Pillk GOOD GEADE A KEAL BAEC-ATS E-?:-A HCIAL IEE PAIP. 4 , c ;.,.
and. viola .borders T it- ! j . r , 1
192G Crop-3 lbs. for Large Bath Towels-2 for Silk Uose2 8 Cans Kc. 3 Feas fcr 10 C Tckg ! i.r. s rancy Dre5. Ses Q p 25c Qiility
$1 SI $1 SI 81 ! Si $1
Ken's 2.20-wt. Denim A BIG SAVING Light Oailng Fkmis! j 4 PAni CKLIDEEN'S i Lad s;' Srcts f.rJ Slivpers j
T(J? Elae Overalls Pair 11 yds. Unbleached Muslin S3in 5 Yards for Erovvn or Eire!: Slcckigs j 21 Pair Only Pair T
$1 31 SI SI j ?1 f
io$ jpojs an0 in I . T. ,A: " -Ta j5d s5h:
saprpy iuy JO 33103 KEN'S WOOL LOOK! LOOK! LADIES' j;,, E,d Rooa S!i?per$ j wb &
Work Socks 3 Pair for 6 yds. Lt. or Dark Percale Silk and Wcol Ho-e PaL- Veo. 35 V.1t Ival'i Sliced Pineapple
ivniMiivniv 3! Si 51 " 51 j 51 xno dmisoid
tt . n . 1
iext Daturaav.
Preparing for
Royal Welcome
to Santa Claus
Committees Being Assigned to Join
in the Eecepticn to Jolly
From Tuesday's rally
The coming of Santa Claus to this
city on Saturday. December 11th a'
1" a. m., is being arranged in a man
ner that will assure the genial repre
sentative of the unselfish Christmas?
spirit a most hearty welcome and
when his sleigh or car as the weather
eondition dictate will be used, ar
rives at the court house, he will find
a real reception.
The street decorations will be in
charge of John Hatt, F. I. Rea and
H. I". Goos and the main street of
the city will be aglow with the small
Christmas trees in honor of the oc
casion of the visit of old Simla.
The retention commUiee will be
assembled at the court house in
time to join in the reception and will
consist of Jayor C. A. Johnson.
County Comn-.i :;otk !: C. Li. Ppurg-
I. r. Fred H. (; order. C. F. Harris
City Attorney J. A. Cap well, CUy
Clerk Minnie Khnger, County Clerk
George R. Sayles. SheriC E. P. Stew
: rt. County Judge A. H. Duxbury.
County Treasury ?Jiss Mia Gering,
Register of Deeds Mrs. Ec?na Shan
non. County Attorney Y. G. Kieck,
County Superintendent Miss Alpha
Peterson. District Judge. James T.
P.fgley. Clerk of the District Court
Mrs. Golda Noble Beal, Court Re
porter Turpin, Frank M. Restor.
John J. Cloidt, A. G. Uach. Mrs. E
J. Rirhey, Miss May Murphy. Mrs.
lid Brantner, Mrs. John F. Gorder,
Mrs. Ralph Anderson, Mrs. C. A
Troop, Mrs. W. L. Pronst, Mrs. J. E.
Vviles, Mrs. Val Burkle, Mrs. C. S.
made on or before December
22nd will be ready for
Please sit early
The Cummins Studio
rt 1 . 1 t
ie aere to ereet mm:
Forbes. Mrs. M. L. Buttery. T.Irs.
William Woolcott, Mrs. R. B. Hayes,
Mrs. G. O. Dovey, Mrs. R. H. Pattou.
Mrs. W. R. Holmes. Mrs. J. E. Bald
win, Mrs. Anthes. Mrs. Fred Kissiiug.
Superintendent R. E. Bailey. S. S.
Davis. E. A. Wurl. F. A. Clcidt. Dr.
F. L. Cummins, Mrs. S. S. Chase.
I Monsignor M. A. Shine, Father J.
Hanicek. Rev. H. A. Sortor. Rev. II.
G. McCiusky. Rpv. O. G. Wichmanr
Rev. V. C. Middleton. Mrs. Y. A.
Robertson. Mrs. John Svoboda,
Joseph M. Sedlak. Mrs. Joseph Hiber,
Sr., Mrs. Rose Bookmeyer. Council
men Kunsmann, Egenberger, Harris,
Tidball. Chase. Highfield. Schutz.
Luschinsky, Shea and Vroman.
A committee is arranged consist-
I ing of Robert Walling and Carl Ofe
who will have charge of seeing that
all of the bells of the various
churches are rang at 10 o'clock as
Santa arrives in the city. ;
From Monday's Daily
N. A. Morrow of Nebraska City,
who is arranging for the opening of
his new chicken nutrhery in this
city, arrived yesterday and is now
getting the matters pertaining to the
opening cf the new institution ar
ranged. Mr. Morrow will have the hatch
cry located in the Golding property
on Chicago avenue and expects to
get the new hatchery going by the
15th of December. Mr. Morrow is
w?;l pleased with the location here
and ii; making all arrangements to
ext the new establishment going in
full blast.
Henry Robert Herold and Mrs.
Hcrold motored in Saturday after-
inoon from their home at Oklahoma
iCl.y. for a few davs' visit here at
the home of Mr. Herold's parents and
will leave Thursday for New York to
attend the Hudnut trade conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Herold will return here
for the Christmas holidays.
ml 2
Basketball to
the Front; Teams
Getting Started
City Team and One Sponsored by the
Knights cf Columbus Being
Tora Tuesday's Daily
The basketball season which is
just opening with the regular prac
tice period prior to the three months
of enjoyment of this indoor sport,
is attracting a great deal cf atten
tion in this city where It has been
among the most popular of sports.
Th" city team that has usually
numbered among the best of the for
mer high school players of the past
years is being talked up by the fol
lowers of the sport and John Saltier.
June Marshall. Carl Ofe and those
two grand old men of basketball,
Dawrence Sprecher and Hilt Martin
as well as Coach Rothert of the high
school team are numbered among the
prospects fin this team and with th
addition of others who may have at
one time flashed on the local court.
The Knights of Columbus tear.1
will number some of the well known
players of the city and who last year
played as the K. O. club team, under
the management of Mike Vitersnik.
These players number also a large
part of former high school stars end
include John Svoboda. who is to he
captain of the new team. George Scd
lacel:, Louis Svoboda, Douis Sedlak,
Frank Koubek. Robert Eagan, Ernest
Janda, James Holly and Fritz Dutla.
It is expected that Ed Gradoville
will appear as the pilot of the r.ew
ter.m and assist them in their work
of the season.
The two teams will start their
practice the coming week and hope
to both be in the best of shape in a
short time and be prepared to meet
all comers and with the splendid
work that they have performed in
the past as individual players they
should more than make the season
From Tneseay's naity
The North and South side junior
football teams, composed of the boys
of the city held a very interesting
game on Faturdcy afternoon that re
sulted in the victory of the North
side aggregation by the score cf 21
to 14 In a hard fought battle. In the
olaying Mott Frady featured for the
North side team.
Christmas cards of all kinds at the
Bates Eook and Gift shop. Why not
have your name printed cn a box of
cards for rememberance. j
1. S" ' '
.s .r 1
Copy fcr thi? 'tparrmnt
jrnlhed by County Asent
Hot- ta Call the Fann Xuve.-iu Cf
Anyone visliing V - i-nl) x he F.
Durep.u office for a T.irri t i-;it l:
the ;.!-rlcultiircl aent i.'nou' J cal
- r "
i ;r
possible any time i:i the m--rr.
before S o'clock, because I v.i'i Ic
i he o.Tica to do ir.y rci-i work at
before S. Many timts I c past y
pk'.ce or nc".r it. and could s: ve
vrtm trip if you would call me
fore ?.
Annnal Farm Bureau Xxotirg.
At tLe annual ir.rctinir held 1
week the following board me 'ii:
-ere re-elected: Charles 'oy. s.
Louisville: Harry
wood; Carl Day,
i rieKer,
Weepin z
New members elected were Mr. Wo:
fall cf Alvo. ar-d Mis:-- Resile Gerard
of Weeping Water. Jt w;s turrced
by those present that the r: rm
reau would continue uio! ' ch
lines hifh have alrcrdy ijcen oxb-
iished. One extra proje. t will
ably be tahen up this yr;".-. 'r
poitJtry t-aiiit:;tijr.. .pei:i?'f:
' t-
eradication of tubercuiosi.- in p'u;
try. At this rneetlt'g J.'ir. Al;'reJ cf
the State Serttm ftlznt discus1 ed th.
hog cholera situation. ITe s.'.id ti w
when an outbreak of choJira con:; :
there is only about If. of the 1-.:
vaccinated in the state cf Nc.rr.d::'.
The nest year nfter the out! ire.: k
about 255? of those who vnccirajel
will not vaccinate, and the next ye : r
about 40 of those who do not vac
cinate, and so on down until only
4 of the hogs are vaccinated. Then
we usually have another outbreak of
cholera. Now this being the case,
and history repeats it r-c If. the reruin
plants govern themselves according
ly. Each year following a severe cui
break they curtail their supply of
serum to correspond with what they
thaink will be used. Since our last
outbreak of hog cholera was in 1923.
we had reached a low point in the
number of hogs vaccinated this yer.r.
Some serum plants did not open this
spring to manufacture serum because
they could see no sale for their prod
uct. Then the outbreak cf cholera
came and pigs that should have been
vaccinated in June were vaccinated
in September and Octobcr( tc.king
two or three times the amount of
serum that they would have at wean
ing time. Then of course, in a few
weeks a shortage came.
Cracklings Instead of Tankage
A comparative new by-product of
the packing house known as crack
lings produced the largest gain pc-r
day of any high protein supplorrieiit
for corn in a series of hoz Icediug
.s e:.r::v r.p ' . tri
or. . .- ": : : : .: ii. -.
nd v. :ii iiV-:'-: x':.: n
:VC Titi vljj" ''!" I' . !'
n : ge r ":d It Xn: 1.
iers corn to pn..'" '' v.
mi: I.--, of r- y ,i in i r i.- ivt
d i"i
i;n l.i
;,r( a v:; I ;; ','e n 'V
. ;.u- ;:!.'. ! u: r.
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srr-plv cf t:
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vvw t; : A will v 1 wnyn
Ov"f. i-y th: ii til1-! : i
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i.- i. -.-t :. ::: tc.l ; V ::
i i ;.::;
the rei. :
- r
I. it! ii . 1 . - -1
i- either to
or s'tbi-i i .
una-1.! n ;
v;;h I'm- j'i'-y'a i" 1
1 the r .
bv.y -.his t -d -. ' '
r lii:s--ed oil -ire;-l or a
.1 .'n!' ; p Tt ( f i:.
i,. it. sxirr-.
Co. K:;k :.. A; at.
Vi-ii- .u-:.'.t I....-.. :
j.r.5 rc:ucT2:ora?.cc ci rej;-;
I i -J wi.i:; ii..tiav J,'f'-'
The Eu4cs rcrl: cT: Gift SIki has a
1 veiT lar
tes.v,lha:l Lne cf
artist-tc designs rnd which arc nov?
1 -v
These Trho v::h to have tiicir,
vzr:.z, cr graved on carJs trr-i
tirried to their orders noTr h?A !
for the Cliritnrr.s S5:.sun.
T a;
iU'.'J'WtiUil 1 til" liiiV; iJi.
Christinas cr.rds is c.onv:r.c:nr. tins
IS the lart d best Frrs at 1h
..v. r " ri-e il h-
most mi,onb.e C. t, tL.. h
been Offered m trxlS City.
.',,; v'o!,., '-j-; '"iV' - i - -
uth Ad cl:ibfo"be niicd on" i Th
" . r.
i tern
1 farther ming Fnnta C'ahs on rer.t tf
Saturday morning and n'.co vol':: : j
I t i - j . l . t v. . - - i. . - . . - -
KVatiTT- rtrOr n-i tl.e Wps1i'n.nn n-lvTr
- ;
or the tourist prrk s tt 5. !e:ter
known. The fire department hns t.orv -
ed the res.uer.t-, of te.e city w;tu-
out eaiary for rcrny years ..ami ---
a :so desirous o eioing tneir part mr
IK: iiiJi'AiilJ'IihiM L-rLiiltULS i; V -, : ., ' rm-.'fer; one -"iiiif1.-- t: jonnsou pump
:..ohn V. . i'r.rrer. i-vrJ Ci,. T. .crgiae. pne 4.'a. p. Waterloo Roy
I From Tofs(i3v's l.-pv- ; vuunii i.r cn ii:e cct.:."a of V. f ' :,;), ;e cngiii: oi.e cast iron tt.i.k
i The of tv" Pi"f .mv;t! i iV-' ttie I'-hi'iuary :.r-i 1 ; Lector: one butchering kettle; one
ifiro tleTtmer.V vevin n not r:r.-lho 1 V'' ' ; f V'.,1. i.: ' 12 Do Laval cream neparator;
'evous mood -it their rrre t:r- 1 s.t c. ' V V'"1, h,;. l0-cgg capacity incubator; one
i s i l.-.i . . i - - e . i ml. , '-...,..:;. ..jr. ci i..,, r.?t) rnnpcitv iiiCubator and Ell-
' nii:
the community m a pituac way dvho
donating from Their funds. Their at-J
titude is certainly to be crntmeuceS.
A 1 local nevrs is in the Journal. I
Cur i:.cre is icsing
arizes 10 liie Kidies
rcf trnnTTfv.
LAJmsJ. id V
; "i-.V-.i t fl--'-.r c,-w r.r
r rr .
vTc-rtiiy Matron by 'iniDers cf
Home Chapter 1S9.
i - From Vi!;uf'ic:.' s Iai!y
: La.- t evciih g was a very largo
'11 rttei'.dance ol the m i.rb-rs I!om
' - c hnpter No. 1; Order ff the E.; - ;
rr. t-i j; ;--ar j.-re.--. ;:t i-A the '!:; rooiv J
"' j'! t!i.; M":s:'r:ii- temple to carry cu:
r.: k c f the : vl: tjon of the cfh l o::e anu a nil. niiu-
of the fh!r,r l.;r th" c !' uiag ;'ono mile north of I'lattsnioutli, coei-
! c i
I - t r
V,,rihy Mui rcn Mrs. Jahri ". Gr-
;tur-. ,. , ...
i ov:;,y lYtr. n Dioiir . .m -1.
j Arcociute Matrcn :wrs. s -
I ?B$u Sry v-.
;f.u, t,rd::-vvr Mrs. (luy
i f'-l r- ' vi s , . 1 i : I h,' i"1 -'. T ' ' 1 '.i
ftal!-! at the c-.l :::.;-; c:f the '
i.:e mertincr v.-as ore "i m
re-I- attrud'-d rtid ih" m Miih.J r
to '-.1; a rre;: irtT! of 5 urge
in tl.? pro'c o!- j
ii'ii v.-ji'thy cr-'.' r.
rr rr $ q.T'jr1 TTf)?.T7 'type iriciur plow; one New IV p.i rt i:r
'w iw - ' !(i;itiv;-?or; one New Century riditiz
! Fr.-ci Tm:
y's 1):.:
I hrnic-i ed y .-'terii;
. . ,.w.t .1,,. .!;..; t m. .. ,,-
. ii.HU i'.'l 'i liiV MS -..l.i; UO.I"ll ....-
of the t:ii: wh.) iiave b'.'en ccf.ig::ut-
f ihe Re
i1 V'-tvl 'i- to .it tend tt ?
i V', r ,l,!t" ' 'J;lf V, "
grand chapter ot t::e R. A. Id. d m -
"! T7-' , c - o- T-r.
' -'-- ua; ei u tiauj.
i -A ...-j. i-:,- . M ,1
, mracr say :i ca:, uie person J
; rote to a friend. See the line at ti.e
jjtCS Beck Gift shop.
nr,c r.riid i von sh it at a SXtU
, - - " -
J The appreciates your in- i
terest in phonir.g; us tl.e Tjc.vs. CsJ
Ho. C any time. J
V - ,;Cr V:.V planter; one 5-shovel plow;
! '' S V t ' ar good low wheel wagon, with
, , op.mrr tu Omaha v.nH.i-. I:, v bo onf, running
Ithe w-n..V? j-rc were ..rrriur C.h,!mrm;l(Ie (.orn t.1lvator. ono 2-hole
iS.ohm cf C!-Jro:i: :cn ; . i aop heller; one Stover Nc. 4 fed
. VI
in the giving of t
on Santas order!
; Mi?:s Henrietta Tcnnii, who has
bee n one of our rural s; hool teachers,
jl.i.s acquired the resigned position
w r.Iiss Frances Stewart, now Mrs.
Cat I'nuger.
Mrs. has. up to tne pre-
ent tirre been teaching the Rock
r.lxi'i s- Loci and Miss Toman will cow
take over the rsitiou and cc-ntinue
I'.vith the work.
All local news is m the Journal.
I will sell at PuMi" Auction at my
, I UCSClCy, L?CC. LHlTl
'with lunch m rved on Die pre raises at
i j;0' ri, the following described articles
'0f I.ive Stuck and Farm Machinery,
11 : four Head of Horses
o.40 ii uiifl.-: ore s; !(!! h .vm S
Seven he id of milk eov s. good
c three heifers ai d five calves.
Three clnzeti line Leghorn chick
ens. Farm Machinery, Etc.
; one Fcrd.on tractor; one 7-ft.
Dec ring biml-.-r; uao Oliver tractor
: c r.Itivator; one case wiiikili;
- t-t v--'j,'"v: ono Hicrinc mower; one 10
V.. " .' : ti. disc ; one M.-Coi mick hty ral. ;
(;IlC '.'C O.l I II rft'-M'l 1 1 L. ii IIUIZUW ,
iHocsier broadcast reeder compb"e
with rra.-s reed attachment ; rt;e
!niL,rt)U, (jtlier artitics space forbids
i mentioning.
. t f cl
All sums oi" $10.00 and uad r.
rsish. On Miris over 10.00 r credit
, , . 1, . . ..
cu i'S mo ins v. in iip civeu, uun uut-
fr to bankable ntc iD.
ttre3t ut tlie rate of eight per cent
per annum frcm date of sale.
Propt-rty to be removed from the
:rremlses until settled for.
William Hirz,
ccl. w. k. Young. Auctioneer.
Platu-uah State Bank, Clerk