THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1926. FLATTSK0T7TH SEMI - WEEKLT JOTTBKAX PAQE THE.EH Cbe plattsmouth lournal rUEUSEXD SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Bmtr4 t PoatoClc. Plttmouth. Nb u coad-clua mail matter R. A. BATES , Publisher SUBSCEIPTI03 PEICE ?2.0C PER YEAR EN ADVAKCI Away goes a year's savings. -:o: To err is human; to admit it is un usual. :o:- Do your Christmas list lopping early. . :o: Santa Claus is very much in evi dence this early. -:o: Silence is virtue that is frequently overlooked by fools. :o: It is easier to make good promises than to make promises good. -:o: Daughterty's testimony was what his memory needs refreshing. -:o:- We don't mind an occasional blue Monday if we have plenty of red-letter days. :o: It is better to get people to think with you than it is to get them to agree with you. :o: Do you remember when the jolly store-keeper used to glue a dime to the top of the showcase? :o: . When you go to the Parmele, you always see a picture that is more than worth the admission price. :o: Aimee may be right and the devil may be the biggest liar but we've seen some formidable runners-up. :o: High, altitudes hurt the pilot worse than the plane, says Lientenant Mac-j Ready, gers. Not to mention the passen- -:o:- Houdinl left his books to the Con gressional library. Perhaps the con gressmen can find In them some way to pass farm relief. :o: One nice thing about the approach ing Christmas is the fact that we are certain no one will send us a book of cross word puzzles. :o: According to the annual report of Secretary Hoover, the republican party Is responsible for everything ex cept the fact that the sun shines. :o: A New York expert predicts hou?e3 made with steel frames like skyscrap ers. He probably lives in a flat, and! the people upstairs are fond of danc ing. .0: Business depressions according to( a Yale professor, follow long dry spells. It looks bad for Republican prosperity if General Andrews ever succeeds in doing what he threatens , to do. j :o: Sensational statements regarding; You can depend on something good the Increase in Juvenile crime should in pictures when you go to the Par be taken with a grain of salt, the; mele. An immense crowd was there labor department says. Reports of. last night, and the picture, "Mid ' that sort may also be taken pleasantly ( night Lovers," was a dandy. It could In orange Juice, as one takes reports not possible be otherwise with Lewis from the labor department regarding , the declining cost of living. STEWART Matched All Musical Instruments In One- "PERFECT tone! Rich, full, mel- JL low beautuul. 1 ru:y the new Stewart-Warner Reproducer is a marvelous musical instrument. It reproduces the music of all instru tnents with amazing fidelity. The deep zoom oi the bass horn, the staccato notes of the piano, the sil very tones oi the violin, the swell ing harmonies of the pipe organ- Raymond Hild, Phone 2805 MTNAED, NEBRASKA TWELVE MILLION PEOPLE ARE TODAY J Now days of enlarging hearts. :o: Ah, tell the tale and let the credit i go. Bargain week. Day Wednesday of next -:o: activities in Wash Congressional ington again. -:o:- It is easier to renew a good resolu tion than a promissory note. :o: The great human race is between the stork and the automobile. -:o: What has become of the old-fash- ioned juryman who never lost a case?;for thf? game offense to be Uvice put in . -:o: We presume that Irving Berlin's wife viill ask him to sing the baby to sleep. :o: In Rumania, at present it appears: "That the King is not dead! Long live the King!" The big buffalo has become the quarry for many big game hunters; the one on nickels. :o: The people of Rumania give the queen a most cheerful reception on her return home. Right! j :o: The- sesquicentennial closed the other day with a $5,200,000 deficit, "What price independence?" -:o:- One man sues another because the others bees attacked his goldfish. Not the first case where a fish has been stung. -:o:- I Deaths from heart disease are in- creasing in Chicago. Did the gang- sters know that when they signed their truce? :o:- Plattsmouth is not without Its poor and they will get no Christmas presents unless some good Samaritan , looks after them. j :o: I Charley Chaplin is not the whole "cheese." There are others who have rights that must be respected. And his wife is one of them. The divorce laws among the movies are too lenient among the male mem bers. They are more to blame, in many cases, than the wife. Give the devil his dues. :o: Of all modern foot-wear, the most damnable, devilish and murderous is the high-heeled pump, according to a rhoe merchant. No matter what the women wear, or do not wear, someone finds fault with it. ' :o: Stone and Anna Q. Nilsson in the lead. - WARN E R -Unit Radio Reproduce? Modrl 415 HO Will improve reception on any set all come to you with a remarkably lifelike tone quality. You cannot appreciate the full pos sibilities of radio reception until you hear this new improved Stewart-Warner Reproducer. Won't you let us demonstrate one in your home tonight? We'll be very happy to do so if you will but call upon us. USING STEWART-WARNER PRODUCTS BILL OF SIGHTS 1927 MODEL In the bewailing about the current plight of our over-burdened Federal courts, no attention appears to be given to one of the greatest obstacles to their business-like procedure. We refer to the inability of the Federal judiciary to comprehend the exact present meaning of the first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth amendments to the Constitution. This is not ithe fault of the jurists who sit upon the Federal benches, because neither the Supreme Court nor any other authority has ever attempted to express j these amendments accurately as they exist at the present time. The con sequence of this dereliction is that the judges, whose dockets are overloaded j with cases which involve reinterpretation of thee amendments, are pre sented with a predicament which amounts to a practical impasse. In the hope that we may be aiding the judiciary in again achieving a notable degree of efficency we suggest" the following redefinitions. It will j be observed that, in the left column, are to be found the parts of the j amendments in dispute as adopted by the founding fathers, while, in the 'right, era to be observed the same articles as they exist at the moment: ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law abridg ing the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition j the government for a redress of frievances. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and ! effects, against unreasonable searches land seizures, shall not be violated. ARTICLE V. I Nor shall any person be subject ! jeopardy of life or limb. ARTICLE VI In all criminal prosecutions, the ac cused shall enjoy the right to a speedy cused shall enjoy the right to a trial and public trial by an impartial jury at such time as shall suit his prose of the state and district wherein thecutors, and by a jury of whatever crime shall have been committed. I state and district said prosecutors be ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX The enumeration in the Constitu tion, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not deleged to the United States by the Constitution ! nor prohibited by it to the stages, are . reserved to the states respectively,! or to the people. We make no claim of infallibility contemporary rulings, of our so-called as we have intimated, that if each place them above his bench for convenient reference, he would find his ( .duties considerably lightened and his Fnppri ct 1,0111 Pnst-Dlsnateh. - - M CAUSES OF DEPRESSION 1 There Is sometimes prosperity in' business and sometimes there is de-. I pression. j j These periods of depression are con sidered by some necessary and due to economic causes. Many explanations are given. ; The reasons, however, seem to be quite simple. i Periods of business depression are simply opportunities for business to get back upon an equitable basis. j They are caused ty a department generally from business straight deal ing, i An examination of the case yields. i 1 1 uiaiui vuuiut-iiiwL'u , i j Al lowing causes of these bad spells. The first cause is extravagance. It is people's buying what they do not need or paying unnecessary prices for things they think they need. It will be found that the commun-l i od u'cil oc tno man n a t. T) I I Ci i . .,. , . , . ,'&re always the moral qualities, and i .buying when it loads upo na lot ol, 3 b n . not a matter of sharp dealing. ; useless things. Paying for these things . . , i Business prosperity does not con- ailU KeilHig uatu iu iiuimaiij ia wuc ! . . . cause of depression. Another case is inflation. It is the old greeback fallacy, that plenty of easy money is necessary for every- jbody. It is the pit into which France, Italy, oermany ana mosi r.urui.tdi, countries fell and from which t wnicn tneyj are climbing out with much labor. In flation is always a tax made upon thrift. It hurts those people who have saved up money and have prepared to live upon their income. It bears hardest upon the saving and careful, j and helps most the extravagant and wasteful. This is always a difficult" road for any community to fcllw to get back from an inflated to a sound currency. A third cause is waste. The origin of many business successes has been known as the speedway, as a rnemor- the elimination of waste. In many(ial to the late President Roosevelt.' cases the profits of a concern come The idea is a good one, except that! from the saving of waste. The form ing of huge trusts was primarily for the purpose of eliminating waste. While this is not to be carried to meticulous extreme, intelligent man agement is always on the watch for waste. There is a story told of a concern which made money skimming the: stream that ran from the stockyards and using the waste fat which flowed upon the surface. That was until the stockyards themselves saw the neces sity of saving this loss. Inefficiency Is another cause. It consists In not making good on or ders. In lack of promptness and fidel ity in carrying out contracts, In poor work, and so on. Nothing pays bet- ARTICLE I. Congress shall, except in time of war, make no law abridging the free dom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to as semble, and to petition the govern ment for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, except when it shall be suspected by an official that a person, or persons, may possibly be violating some Fed eral law. ARTICLE V. Nor shall anv peorson be subject for the Bame off(,nBe to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, unless the offense be one prohibited by both State and Federal law even though the offense be the same. ARTICLE VI In all criminal prosecutions, the ac- lieve most likely to convict him. ARTICLE VIII. i lir tllilL'LiliL V ' L UilU 1CVJU11CU, I-1 1 V. . fine imposed and tne punisnment, shall be at the discretion of the court. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitu tion, of certain rights, shall not be! construed to guarantee these rights to the people, nor shall it be constru ed to suggest that the people have any rights whatever which govern ment is bound to respect. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor, prcmoneu v.. n 10 cue siaieh. are iu be considered as innate powers of the, United States. for these redefinitions, according to fundamental rights. But we do believe I Federal judge would frame them and j business dispatched with much greater ter in the long run than to dow hat you say you will do and to make your products reliable and depend able. Another cause is sheer panic. Peo-. pie get to listening to rumors and paying attention to wild reports that have no foundation. It is easy for these rumors to spread when a lot of superstitious people believe in them and they do vast harm. j All of these causes result in loss of morale and in business depression. There is no reason whatever why, America should not continue to pro gress without serious setbacks if it will stick to the old honesties of busi ness. Honety and integrity are not fanciful excellencies, but they have j their effect upon practical business prosper ty. j There is no way to insure perman-( . ent business prosperity. There is no way to insure perman , ' . 'foundation of all good business, which' I . ..... ... , . ... ;sist in buying things low and selling. ui,, u:u u .v ; iiitriu uigii, iu nauuiug Hie UJclirvrLS, go on, but in steady making good. ! :o: j Congressman Morehead was 64 years oM on Thursday of lagt W6ek ' . the d he ltft Falls cit for Wasn. ington. We extend our most sincere congratulations to our good friend hand hope he may live long, and ever prove as true to his many friends in the future as he has in the past. A grand good man is Hon. John Mere head and none know it better than the writer. -:o: A bill will be presented at the ap-1 proaching session of congress carry--ing appropriation for building a1 1 stadium on Potomac Drive, sometimes if the stadium is built, the city of Washington ought to pay for it and not ask the entire nation to do so. :o: AH kinds of business stationery printed at the Journal office. j-'M-J"I"I":-I-M -f"I"T -I-I-I-I-I-I-t Dr. John A. Griffin I Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6. Sundays and' evenings by appointment only. PHONE 229 Soennichsen Building 4- t !"I"I-M"M--!-H-I"I"I 4 ONE-THIRD OF A DRESS Somewhere between three dresses and one-third of a dress lies the bold mean of women's gowns. Turkey is one of the last countries from which fashion hints might be expected to emanate yet it is from the Constan tinople press that this mild sugges tion comes intended, to be sure, to apply only to Turkish women. Up-to-date women of Constantin ople, it appears are addicted to the one-third type of gown, while women of the interior sometimes wear three dresses, one over the other, long and flowing, more than twenty-six yards of material in each. Aghast at thel waste caused by this over-modesty, the perfect of one Turkish village a brave man has pre-emptorally or- dered a change n style in the inter- est of national economy. Maybe it'll work. It all depends. One-third of a dress sometimes costs less than three dresses, what? -o: Dr. William J. Mayo, famous sur- geon. declares his belief that man has a soul, and says what the world ited for the presentation of claims . . ... . , against said estate is three months needs is more religion and fewer &m tfae ,7th day of December A. creeds. The thought is not new. Cry- d. 1926. and the time limited for pay ing out against creeds will never re- ment of debts is one year from said suit in their disbandment. The 27th day of December, 1926. average man is too fond of his own opinions, and gets too much relish out of scriptural Interpretation. :o: Messrs. Cloidt and Moore, managers of the Parmele Theater, are trying their best to please the amusement- lovin people of Plattsmouth. They'ty of Cass, Nebraska. cet the best Dictures to be had and If ,i fn tn ao thpm its vnur own fault. :o:- Each day, as the inspirational wrters assure us, is4 an entirely newiThyra May Baumgart. Veda Baum tt- gart, minors under the age of four bores us nor bothers us. What Ir- ritates is the rememberance of all our yesterdays. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. To all persons interested in the es - tate of John Coleman deceased: On reading the Petition of W fc, Hand, administrator pray settlement and allowance of his ac- count filed in this court on the 6tn day of December 1926 and for proofs of heirship, assignment of the resi due of said estate, and for said admin istrator's discharge from further lia Tiility by reason of said administra tion It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county on the 14th day of Decem ber A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be crranted. and that notice of the oend-' ency of said petition and the hearing 10 cash of the amount of the ac thereof be given to all persons In-'cepted bid payable at the time of terested in said matter by publishing Raid sale and balance upon confirma a copy of this order in The Platts- tion. Said sale will be held open mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news-( one hour. paper printed In said county, for one' Dated this 10th day of November, week prior to said day of hearing. 'A. D. 1926. In witness whereof, I have hereunto, ALLEN J. BEESON, set my hand and the seal of said court) Sole Referee, this 6th day of December A. D. 1926. ;W. A. ROBERTSON. A. H. DUXBURY, Attorney for Plaintiffs. (Seal) d 6-1 w County Judge.! nl5-5w The first choice of motor-wise Nebraskans for a generation Red Crown, the balanced gasoline STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF f'A Nebraska Institution" The failure of prohibition is not a matter of race or religion or tem- perament or geography. Prohibition is a fundamental folly, potentially capable of moral and governmental ruin. That is the written verdict of history. :o: BOARS FOR SALE A number of Duroc boars for sale. OTTO SCIIAFER, Nehawka, Neb. Journal Want Ads cost but little, and they sure do get results. NOTICE TO CREDITORS gute of Nebraska CasB coun. tr BS In the County Court. In the matter or tne estate or ) Fra,aces G. Earls, deceased. I To the creditors of said estate: I j You are hereby notified that I will ; Ejt at the County Court room in : riattsmouth in said county, on the j 27th day of December, 1926, and on ; the 29th day of March, 1927, at ten ! i o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust-' ment and allowance. The time lim-; Witness my hand and tne seal or said County Court, this 23rd day of xovember, 1926 II. DUXBURY, j County Judge. (Seal) n29-4w NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of the Coun- I Ola Minota Spacht, Charles A. Spacht. John B. Kaffenberger, Anna Kaffenberger, Mina E. Cortright, Carl J. CortriE-ht. Gladvs E. Kaffen- I berger and Goldy E. Kaffenberger, Plaintiffs, vs. Norma B. Baumgart, .teen years; Ed Baumgart, widower, and George a. Kaffenberger, widow- er. Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the decree of the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, entered in the above en titled cause on the 14th day of August, 192G, and an order of sale entered by said Court, on the 10th day of November, 1926, the under signed, sole referee, on the 17th day ,& ' , ,0c' m.nn ; 8QUth f he pi . cou Nebraska, , fl ioQ h h, hest following de- ;l . . ' . f1!?. The north half of the north west quarter (N NWJ4) of Section twenty-four (24), and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter (SW'4 SW) of Section thirteen (13), all in Township twelve (12), Range twelve (12), east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Ne braska, excepting one acre out of the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of said Section 13, reserved as schoolhouse site. NEBRASKA PIANO FOR SALE For sale Late Model, practically new Gulbransen upright piano. Solid Steel Plate Brush Pin ho!R, lates style spring brass flange action, gold en oak case. A-l condition. Price $195. Easy terms or big discount for cash. Ghrist & Christ, 11S-22 So. 6th st. Plattsmouth, Neb. Phone C45. SOARS FOR SALE Duroc boars, cholera immuned. Philip Hirz. Plattsmouth. n29-2td2tw Call No. 6 with your order for job printing. NOTICE OF REFEREE S SALE Pursuant to an order of the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made and entered on this ISth day of November, 192C. in an a.tion pending therein, in which Henry Cline, a widower: Albert Cline and wife and Sadie Cline are plaintiffs, andAnnah May Baird and husband and Thomas J. Eaird are defendants, ordering and directing the under signed referee in said cause to m;11. as upon execution. Lots 272, 272 and 274, in the Village of Greenwood, Cass countv. Nebraska, also Lots 2S4. 255. 2SC and 2S7, in the Village of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebras ka Notice is hereby given that cn the 24th day of December, 192C, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Eaid day, at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, the undersigned referee will sell the above described real estate at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash. Said sale to be held open for one hour. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1926. J. A. CAPWELL. Referee. J. C. BRYANT, Plaintiff's Attorney. n22-5w LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska Walter A. Johnson, Plaintiff vs. Charles F. Morton et al. Defendants. Notice is hereby given that uridr authority of an order of sale duly issued in the above entitled cause November 15, 1926, commanding me the undersigned Sheriff of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, to sell the real estate hereinafter described in satisfaction of the liens determined thereon by the decree entered in said cause Feb ruary 6, 1926, as follows: Plaintiff's first lien, $6,H2!. 44; the second lien of defendant Robert Willis. $2,111.87; the third lien of defendant Bank cf Union for $5.222. 50, and the fourth lien of the defendant Joe Banning in the sum of $7,087. 89, with interest on said sums and the costs herein as in said decree provided. I will, on the 18th day of December, 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the south front door of the court house in Platts mouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, of fer for sale at public vendue the fol lowing described real estate situated in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter (E NEV) of Section nineteen (19), in Township ten (10), Range fourteen (14). and will sell the same to the highest bidder. Dated November 15, 1926. ' E. P. STEWART, Sheriff of Cass County. Nebraska. PITZER & TYLER, Attorneys.